This and That Newsletter

Vol 11  Issue 549     Circulation 5,000      August 2, 2007

Ardmore, Oklahoma

I have dabbled in a few coins starting in my teens when I liked to collect silver dollars.  Today I was walking home and a T&T Reader stopped me to say he had just bought an 1850s something Mexican Reale coin with Chinese "chop marks" on it.  I thought, now wait, a Mexican coin with what on it?  He went on to say back in the 1700 and 1800s when the Chinese were paid with a silver coin (called Trade Dollars), they might stamp their personalized mark on it to verify it was genuine silver, etc.  This particular coin he bought had about 24 chop marks on it.  Collectors look at these chop marks differently.  Some think they take away from the coin, almost leaving it worthless, as far as they are concerned.  Then others look at it from a historical view, and that this coin went through 24 people's hands who in their own way verified the coin was real silver by placing their mark on it.  I did a search on the internet and found such a coin with chop marks.

Ken Bacon sent in an interesting photo this week. Its the Aunt Sam's Hamburgers in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. What makes this place interesting is its stuck away under an old car wash stall. I gave a call to the number in the photo below, and sure enough, Aunt Sam answered. She said an old fashion burger was $2.25 each. Guess when I'm in the Pawhuska area, I must try her hamburger.  Ken Bacon said Aunt Sam may have some of the best burgers in the state!

Doug and Sheryl Williams took an interesting photo this week of a huge hand statue just south of Stratford, Oklahoma.  Interesting to say the least.  Makes you wonder what was going through this guys mind when he welded this piece of artwork together.

A T&T Reader sent in a current map of Love County showing all the roads.  Its was so big, I had to scan the map in 2 sections.

Speaking of Love County, I guess a lot of you heard about the big arrest at Thackerville regarding a horse race track.  I remember back around 1980 and even before, there was a push for a pari-mutuel betting race track for  Ardmore. The promoters hoped the race track would be built here. Then it was changed from Ardmore to Thackerville when the promoters saw it would never happen in this county. In the end, a track finally ended up at Oklahoma City. The article below is where I talked about that proposed racetrack at Thackerville back in 1999.

From the June 5, 1999 T&T archive:   I remember around 1970 Ardmoreite Jerry Putman proposed building a racetrack just west of I-35 and Highway 142 on the south side of the highway. Putman's racetrack idea never left the starting gate. Here's a pic of the race track model that was on display at Mt View Mall here when promoters were pushing for it.

I looked at Google Earth, and the racetrack raided by authorities last Sunday shows clearly in the aerial due east of WinStar Casino (it's a straight track not a circle track).  Google Earth is one of the most amazing pieces of technology I've ever seen come across the internet.

Ardmoreite Bruce Hamm sent in a link to some interesting reading on Ardmore's 1915 explosion.  The information was transcribed from the Fort Wayne, Indiana newspaper of 1915.

The above article came from a website dedicated to Oklahoma disasters.  There is a ton of history saved between its pages.... hours of reading. Thanks Bruce for bringing everyone's attention to the great website!

Several of you wrote since the last T&T to let me know the J.J. Subers we talked about last week, was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Macon, Georgia, not in Ardmore.  So that mystery is solved. Thanks to all who wrote in with additional information.

Regarding Chauncey Kiser, that guy is still a mystery.


"Terri and I shot this rattlesnake right at the footing of our house (NW of Ardmore) yesterday. I was coming around the house and almost stepped on it before I realized it was there. It never did rattle. I shouted at Terri to watch the snake while I got the shotgun and a box of loads. I didn't want to take a chance on missing it with the .22.  I've started taking a flashlight with me when I go outside the house at night! Ha!"   -Dwane Stevens   [email protected]

"Butch, In reference to the postcard depicting the kerosene drinking Chauncey L. Kiser, the image looks very much like a Robert Ripley comic. Notice the small writing at the bottom of Mr. Landrum's photo:
Compare that with the small writing at the bottom of this actual Ripley comic:
I wonder how many miles per gallon Kiser got. Surely he didn't take more than a teaspoon or two. Kerosene has proven very toxic, especially for children.
JJ Subers, (Rosehill Cemetery, Macon, Georgia) appears in many lists of odd and/or humorous epitaphs. Here is an entry at The Epitaph Browser.
The wife and I are long-time readers of "This & That." Thanks for all your great work." -Chris Yarbrough, Duncan

"Hello Butch, As an 8 year old child riding with my father on the August 1965 night of the UFO's I vividly remembered seeing for the 4 multicolored disks moving North just east of our position in a diamond formation. I can assure you that confirming one's experience and memories from over 40 years ago (Thanks to your webpage) is satisfying. I have seen the Tulsa photo but there is only one UFO in that frame. Seeing is believing and thanks for providing the info. Haha, I remember dad gave them no more thought than we would mowing the lawn."

Oklahoma Oilfield by Bob Hooser

Bill Keys worked for DX Pipeline when I knew him. The pipelines gathered all the crude oil produced by the oil wells around the area for transportation to the refineries. He had a reputation for being a tough inspector, on pipeline construction. Bill had a misshapen lip, I don’t know if it was a harelip, an industrial accident or a bar room brawl. In the days he began working in the oilfields, he probably had many opportunities for either. For all that. I found him to be an intelligent, capable individual. As with many persons with a difficult reputation, they gained it when the people working for them, contractors and foremen, tried to cheat on the job, like breaks in the protection (a covering on the pipe to protect it from electrolicis), not enough cover (the amount of soil) over the pipe, and poor welds. They had been at it so long that they detected any poor quality or workmanship immediately.

I knew Bill about 1965 to 1975, and learned he came to Oklahoma in the Dirty Thirtys, (Depression era) from New Jersey. I don’t know his entire story, but know of others that came here for the Seminole, Fittstown, Wewoka, Cromwell and other booms. They came looking for work; only the young tough ones were able to withstand the pressure placed on them. Bill must have come in his early twenties, therefore when he made a trip to New York City, in 1937, he may have been about 28 yrs of age. Bill related to me how he bought a new 37 Chevy, drove back home to New Jersey, then visited New York City.

The story is about being lost in Manhattan, and unable to determine how to get out of town. He pulled over to the curb to ask directions of a Policeman, who looked at his tag, Oklahoma, then asked Bill about the State. Bill told him how he went there, worked in the OIL Fields, about the wages etc. Bill said the man pointed down the street, maybe three blocks, identifying a particular building, assured Bill that he, the Policeman, had never been further away from the corner they were standing on, than that building, in his entire life.

Bill said they talked for an hour, and when the Policeman was ready to let him proceed, he said, “Wait right here.” Walking over to the curb, he stepped up on the sidewalk, then to a telephone (Call Box to the station) on the wall of the building there. He made a call, and a few minutes later two Motorcycle cops pulled up in front of Bill, waiting in his 37 Chevy. His newfound Friend said, “Follow them.” They went out with lights flashing and sirens blaring, right across the Brooklyn Bridge, like he was the governor or some other dignitary. When they crossed the bridge two Brooklyn Motorcycle Police were waiting, and took him out of town, with out slowing for a stop sign or traffic light. Crossing the bridge out of their jurisdiction, were two other motorcycle police men who escorted him out of New York and into New Jersey…(That’s My story and I’m sticking to it.)

Bill was working for Mid-Continent pipeline in the period before WW11, when much of the work of repair, maintaining ‘rights of way’, where the pipelines are located, was done by men with shovels picks, or axes. One of their contract crews were Creek Indians, working out of Bristow Oklahoma, with an Indian Foreman. A truck would haul the men to the work location from a central area where they had met and parked their cars or pickups. Over the years Bill had been listening to the workers talk in their Native tongue learned from the foreman many of their words and expressions, never revealing that he understood what they were saying. So they chatted away merrily all during the work day, in their native tongue.

One day during a trip for supplies the truck twisted a drive shaft, leaving everyone about six miles from their transportation home. Bill drove the foreman to a telephone in his 31 Model A Ford Coupe, where the decision was made to have the men work a full day, then be paid overtime to walk out of the hills where they were working. So with everything settled they continued clearing and shaping the pipeline area.

As the crew discussed what was to happen they mentioned the Model A Coupe. All these Creek Indian men were of ample proportions, laughingly they decided to all jump on the Automobile when Bilkey, (their name for Bill Keys) started out to the main road. One said, “If all of us jump on Bilkey’s car it will squat like a big bird.” Without thinking Bill called out “You’re not going to jump on my car.” All these months Bill and the foreman had enjoyed hearing the conversation carried on among the crew, learning Bill could understand them they were filled with consternation, from that day forward the work site was a silent place. Bill regretted having blurted out, and learned no more of the Creek Language.

-Bob Hooser, Francis, Oklahoma  [email protected]

"The Wilson Historical Society has a growing genealogy library and one of our goals is to create a map showing the location of cemeteries in and around Wilson. I have found Ingram Lane School/Cemetery, the school consolidated into Zaneis in the early 20s, but there are no headstones there. Does anyone happen to have a listing of the folks buried in this cemetery? The cemetery is located N of Hwy. 70 out of Zaneis on Dundee Rd about 2 miles. All that is there now is an old cellar. The other cemetery we would like information on is a family cemetery N of Zaneis on Hospital Rd. The Bailey family is interred there (I am told there are 9 graves) and we would like a list of those folks as well. Any information on these two cemeteries would be welcome. Please email me at   [email protected]    -Mindy Taylor

"From the art style and text approach, the Chauncey Kiser postcard almost has to be a "Ripley's Believe It or Not" cartoon. Didn't find this one, but there were Ripley postcards at one time."

"I know this isn't being held in Oklahoma but I thought some of your readers throughout the country might like knowing about a WWII event happening at the Dennison Depot in Dennison, Ohio in August. They are holding a last big Homecoming Event. Since we are losing our WWII veterans at a rate of 1100 per day this will be the last one held. This is what you will find on the Dennison Depot Site ( and then select Homecoming. This 1940s era, WWII event will surround the historic Dennison Depot. It will feature battle reenactments, Big Band Music, USO Entertainment, Parade, military vehicles and displays, vendors, Mess Tents, 1940s movies, reenactment of the Canteen, fly-bys and a memorial service. Dennison Ohio is one of the only WWII Canteen sites still existing, and the only one that continues to serve free coffee and donuts every day to offering hospitality to weary travelers.


Even if you did not stop at the Dennison Canteen but at another Canteen similar to Dennison's, we invite you back as a symbolic gesture to remember volunteers who served at all canteens. Also ongoing at the Dennison Railroad Depot Museum: Operation Letters. Bring your WWII letters and correspondence to be preserved at the Museum." The history section says: For soldiers being shipped out west for training, or east for departure over seas, the Depot was a common traveling point. The Dennison Depot Servicemen's Canteen operated from March 19, 1942 to April 8, 1946. A million and a half G.I.s were served free food, coffee and smiles by 3,987 volunteers from eight counties at the Dennison Depot Salvation Army Servicemen's Canteen. The Canteen operated around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing a great boost to the home front effort and earning the town the nickname "Dreamsville, Ohio. On behalf behalf of my WWII veteran father (Robert Farrington) I wanted to get an invite out to all the WWII veterans and their families. Join us in Ohio on August 10, 11 & 12th.

-Marilyn Roder (lived in Ardmore a short time; visited every summer growing up; attended Charles Evans)   [email protected]

The Wilson News
More Houses Wanted
"Say where can I get a house?" That is what is heard every few minutes on the streets of Wilson. There is a large bunch of tank men here now wanting houses. One man said that he would like to get houses for five or six families. Why let your vacant lots grow up in weeds when a small amount invested would build a house that would bring in a nice return each month. In other words, we need about 50 more good residences to take care of the people that are moving in here continually. 75 Steel Tank Men Here Every train has been bringing in more steel tank builders, about 75 are here now ready to go to work on the ten big steel tanks that are going to be built 4 miles west of here. The contract has been let for ten 55,000 barrel tanks and there will probably be contracts let for several more before these are finished. Have you seen the Post Office display at the Wilson Museum? Drop in and take a look.  -submitted by Mindy Taylor

"The state which separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools," -Thucydides

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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