This and That Newsletter
Vol 13 Issue 671 Circulation 5,000 December 3, 2009
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402
email address:
As promised last week, the following are pictures we took when in Kingfisher, Oklahoma 2 weeks ago. The main attraction we visited that Saturday was the Chisholm Trail Museum in Kingfisher.
Across the street from the museum was Governor Abraham Seay's homeplace. The lady at the museum gave us a tour of the home, it has been wonderfully restored to as close as possible as when Governor Seay lived in it.
Steve Hamm now has the 1969 Ardmore High School criterion online. That makes 1969, 1970 and 1971 online for viewing. Steve has done a great job digitizing the pages! county received a 1 inch snow during the early morning hours of Wednesday December 2nd. By 9am the snow had pretty much melted due to the warm ground. I snapped this pic of the snow about 6am on our deck.
A Reader remembered going to a lumber yard with her dad on Main Street of Ardmore back around 1949, but couldn't remember the name of the business. I found through some searching on my computer it was the Chickasaw Lumber Company (was also located before the Main street across the street west of the Sheriffs Office.) When it moved from South Washington to Main street it relocated to the SE corner of West Main and D Street.
I have been trying to put maps (and aerials I've collected in one Folder on my website. I love to research old maps. One very interesting one to look at is the 1892 map of downtown Ardmore.
Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......
Q. What country first claimed Oklahoma ?
A. SpainQ. What national program brought help to Oklahoma during the Depression?
A. (answer in next week's issue)Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....
"Butch, Edgar Wallace of Abilene, Texas is related to the owner of the Nicki's hamburger place in Waurika, I sent you a photo of their burger last week. I stopped there today and this framed article of your column and my hamburger picture is by the register." -Doug Williams
"I am attaching a photograph of a group of Ardmore citizens whom I hope someone can help identify. My grandfather, Lucian B. Jones is in the front row, second from left, the first one in uniform, which I have always understood is that of a fireman. He was also a sheriff's deputy at one time, during the 1920s, after the tenure of Buck Garrett. Thanks for any help you can offer." -Carolyn Frei
"Was checking out the Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives” and Guy Fieri had these two restaurants on the website. The first one is in Vinita, Oklahoma and says it’s the oldest restaurant on Route 66 in the entire state of Oklahoma. Been there since 1927, more or less.
The other one is a restaurant in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area that I’ve been to with the kids. The burgers there are “to die for”!! (they even have buffalo & ostrich burgers-I had a buffalo burger-OMG!!! Delish!!!), with HOMEMADE root beer (gotta have a float) and the best onion rings I’ve ever eaten in my entire 53 years!! Not to mention the fried pickles!!! I had to order a second order of those to take home with me. I’d take the entire restaurant home if I could. OMG!!!!"
"Hey after reading you chicken hawk story, you do know that chickens will play possum don't you?"
"We put up one of those big plastic owls on a metal pole and attached it to the yard fence. We had heard it would discourage the visiting hawk and sure enough it did. I was afraid it was looking at my cats. It still flies on the farm but farther away from the house." -Iva Lee Quetone
Springer Christmas Parade will be on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 1:00 PM. All entries will meet on the South side of Springer School parking lot at 12:30 PM. Open to all riding clubs, car clubs, ATV, motorcycles, church groups, floats, animals and walkers. Entry free is one (1) new wrapped toy per entry. Refreshments following parade at the Springer Community Center. For additional info contact Springer City Hall at 580-653-2500.
"Happy Thanksgiving to both of you. I am so glad the hens are fine. Phew, that was a close call. Milo and his Ladies make such an interesting read, I had to compose a poem." -Leona M. MarsMilo and his Ladies
Mr. Milo and his Ladies,
Around the yard they roamed.
A hawk swooped down,
Trying to make a kill.
Such a commotion,
The Ladies made.
Alerted to the sound,
Ever vigilant Jill;
Saved the day.
Feisty Mr. Milo,
Ran away.
"This little gray fox appeared in my garden today during the noon hour in Levelland, TX. Thought your Readers might enjoy." -Rusty Hudelson hud888@windstream.net
"Dear Butch, I really enjoyed your story of the hawk attack on your hen last week. I thought that you and your Readers would enjoy the article that my son-in-law, Chris Fletcher, wrote for the Columbia (TN) Daily Herald this past week. Chris is the editor of the Daily Herald, and he and our daughter, Suzanne, have 4 hens that have a daily output of about 3 eggs. Click on the following link to read his story." -Dick Lindsly -- Frisco, Texas (Long time reader of T&T)
"I am always seeing the "reservation" mentioned in these old 1918 and earlier Ardmoreite newspapers. Finally today I saw an explanation for that word. The "reservation" was the area outside the Ardmore city limits. I saw a note about this in the Ardmoreite. Learn something new everyday."
"I remember Jude and Jody being at B.L. Owens Furniture in Ardmore for a promotion day way back when. They served free hot dogs and soft drinks and had some good buys. My daughter has a spice rack with spice holders that I bought that day. The spice holders look like little books on a shelf. I don’t know if you saw in the Oklahoman early this week that Jody Taylor of Jude and Jody passed away. I believe that he was 74 and was buried at Lexington." -FrancesMore info on auditions on KTEN in Ada, Oklahoma in 1954 and BL Owens Furniture
"Butch, During a Thanksgiving get together with my children, they remembered their Grandfather Jimmie Lewis (an Ardmore grocer 1925-1960) using the term "calaboose" as meaning jail. My son's online investigation took him to this interesting site. Maybe others might find it of interest." -Jim Lewis
St. Louis, Okla. 1943, 44
"I was Ten or Eleven years old and had got a new Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas or birthday. It was not a very true shot, and hard to keep in adjustment. Most of the time you allowed for the shot and hoped you would hit what you were aiming at. I don't think I ever killed a sparrow with it. But not because I didn't try. One day out in the back yard, mother had her chickens cooped up when I drew down on a rooster and shot. Bam he hit the ground and started flopping around. Boy did I get scared that I had killed one of mother's chickens. Finally the rooster got up on his feet ruffled out his feathers and started walking around. Was I ever relieved. Some time later after that we were having chicken for dinner. I always liked the neck piece and of course I got it. Lo and behold as I was eating this neck piece, a BB fell out of it that looked like a softball to me. God sure looked after me that day because no one saw it but me. I don't think I ever told this to mother or daddy. Because I was so ashamed. Daddy always told me never to aim at anything I didn't intend to shoot. I guess I intended to shoot that rooster." -Ken @ Wilson
The Daily Ardmoreite
September 16, 1918
Two-Four Field to Have Townsite
The firm of Douthitt & Melton has platted a townsite in the two-four field, and will begin the sale of lots at once. The townsite will lie across the section line between 24 and 13. A few stores, a boarding house, and telephone connections in that field will be appreciated by the operators and workmen, but it is not expected that a town of any considerable size will be built there.Note: This Two-Four field would be an area just west of I-35 on Prairie Valley Road
The Daily Ardmoreite - July 28, 1918
The Hospital Of The Von Keller Hospital Association, Inc., 12th Ave. and K St. NW, Ardmore, Oklahoma
A new distinctly modern institution fully equipped for the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Strictly ethical. Ideally located, well removed from the noise and dust of the city, yet easily accessible, being only two blocks from car line. No expense has been spared to provide accommodations suitable for those who desire the best. Luxurious furnishings, superior appointments and skilled attendants. A perfect heating and ventilating system, hot and cold water, electric lights, signals, fans and telephones in every room. Bathrooms in suite, when desired. Complete laboratory and X-ray equipment for diagnostic purposes.
Training school for nurses. Ambulance service. Rates reasonable. Contagious diseases and violent nervous cases not received.
Frederick P. Von Keller,
M. D., Superintendent,
Miss Ruth Smith,
R. N., In Charge
The Daily Ardmoreite - July 19, 1918
Clinton School Destroyed By Fire
The Clinton school house, east of Ardmore, was destroyed by fire last night. Two men who reside at Wilson were driving along the road and saw the flames flash up suddenly. A number of people were attracted by the fire, but there was no way to save the building. The people in that vicinity were of the opinion that the fire was of incendiary origin. The building was valued at $1,200 to $1,500 and George W. Coffman, county superintendent, said he believed there was a policy of insurance to the amount of $500. He said there was an organ in the school house valued at $75 or $100. Sufficient money had recently been allowed the directors to weatherboard the building, ceil it and make other repairs before the opening of the fall term of school. Bud Ballew and Horace Kendall worked all night on the case, but there is no clue leading to the identity of the person who may have started the fire. It was near this school house where Ida Landers, now in the county jail, killed her husband and his father several weeks ago.
The Daily Ardmoreite - July 26, 1918
Dr. H. S. Cox has some beautiful specimens of ruby jack, taken from the mine of the Healdton Lead & Zinc Company at Miami Oklahoma, which have been cut and polished by a lapidary and will make unique and handsome jewelry settings. Doctor Cox says the Healdton mine carries a vast quantity of this ruby jack.
"When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old." -Lady Bird Johnson
See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions
http://www.ArdmoreCriterion.comAll previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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