This and That Newsletter
Vol 21 Issue 1044 Circulation 5,000 January 26, 2017
Ardmore, Oklahoma
My permanent email address: butch[email protected]
A man who hit town as a somewhat questionable persona and ended up in the ranks of conservatism was L. D. "Dude" Rickey. The year was 1908 and Ardmore, crude and backward, was not the ideal town for a roving man. Rickey belong to that fraternity known as "pitch men", who sold such items as solid gold watches and snake oil, home remedies whose curative powers were nothing short of magic, to the public bored with dirt, poverty and daily living. Rickey sang in what was described as rather scratchy tenor voice and played a banjo, warming up his audience before going into his pitch.
In spite of all its drawbacks his stay in Ardmore was prolonged and seeing the possibility of all discoveries became the topic of conversation by local men, who share their knowledge with the popular entertainer, with the result that he packed away his banjo and show trunks and took up permanent residence. His notoriety, however, arrived from another source. His abilities as a naturalist became known, the fact that he had a keen knowledge of the habits and practices of wildlife. He begin to lecture to Boy Scouts and other interested groups, teaching them the ways of nature.
Rickey became state fish and game warden and was closely associated with Charles B. Goddard whose interest in big game hunting and establishing his own wildlife refuge gave the men a common bond. So much so that at the time of his death Dude Rickey was buried on the Goddard Ranch, as he requested. His tombstone reads:
Dude Ricky 1877 - 1939
A Lover of nature, a student, admirer
and protector of the handiwork of his Creator.
A life devoted to this service.
1935 state game warden 1937
Ardmore chapter, Izaak Walton LeagueNot far away lies Little Joe 1939 - 1971 Foundation sire of the quarter horse breed whose progeny were champions many times over. Little Joe and his descendants earned many trophies for the Goddard family.
-Sally Gray, Territory Town, The Ardmore Story published 2006
The Daily Ardmoreite, June 24, 1947
***Ardmore never had a man who lived more in the affections of its people than the late L.D. RICKEY who served Oklahoma as game and fish warden. When Rickey died, his friend, CHARLES B. GODDARD, buried his body on Goddard's wild life ranch. He had talked the question over with Rickey. Now since the state has build highway 18 through the Goddard place, the grave is near the highway.
***The road through the Goddard Paddle G Ranch has been a long time under construction. One of the hills, a part of the Arbuckles, had to be leveled and workmen were delayed by a spring of water. The flow was so heavy that some means had to be found to control the water before a highway could be built. As a final analysis of the puzzling situation a pipe was buried underground large enough to convey the water to the spring and the stream was directed clear of the highway so it cannot soften and ruin the roadbed.I received a phone call the other day from Texas. A man had ran across 12 education certificates and documents of Kate Galt Zaneis, the first Carter county superintendent of schools. He was wondering if any of the Galt and Zaneis decendents are still in the Ardmore are. Did not have an answer from him, maybe someone on the T&T list knows?
Henry Hite claimed to be over 8 feet tall. I been told back in the 50s, 60s and 70s he visited several Ardmore grocers as a publicity campaign for Wilson's Foods.
One of the Heritage Cabins at Lake Murray State Park. Cabin 236 as it was being built by the CCC back in the 30's. Then the Same cabin as it is now. The New Lake Murray Lodge will have a Grand Opening Feb. 22nd. service station in Maude, Oklahoma
December 1956
Drilling of seven deep water wells in Newport has been started by the City of Ardmore. The seven new ones join two wells already completed. All together the nine wells are expected to furnish 4 million gallons of water a day.December 1963
Ardmore is participation in the Lake of the Arbuckle's project was turned down by voters by total of 134 votes. This was the first setback in the Arbuckle project. Davis and Sulphur approved the water project by big margins. Ardmore share had been cut by $720,000 in hopes of passing the proposal.December 1963
FBI agents joined in the probe of a burglary at Meek's Grocery and post office in Hennepin. The missing included $10,000 in negotiable US government bonds. R. D. L. Meeks, the owner of the store, said the bonds were taken from a 4,000 pound safe.Some pavers I recently sandblasted.
You can find current gas prices for a particular Oklahoma town by entering the name or zip code in the GasBuddy search box. Where is the largest privately owned piece of land in Oklahoma?
A. Here in Oklahoma two families made the U.S. list. According to the Land Report the Drummond family in Osage County is 17th with 433,000 acres, and out of Yukon, Bob Funk is 59th with 175,000 acres. As many know, the Drummond empire began more than a century ago when Cecil Gentner and A.A. Drummond partnered up, and of course, nowadays the family has added Bartlesville native Ree Drummond (aka "The Pioneer Woman") to the clan.Q. What city in Oklahoma is home to the American Banjo Museum?
A. Answer in next week's newsletterBelow is from This and That newsletter archives of January 25, 2005
"Butch, Smear 63 was used on any open wound on livestock to prevent infestation of screw-worms. When the Govt. released sterile flies and eradicated the screw-worm back in the 60's it went off the market. I used gallons of it back then but haven't seen it around in nearly 40 years." -E.R. Walt, Rising Star, TX
"Butch, Smear came in a glass pint jar, with a dobber inside. It was black and thick, and you couldn't get it off your hands very easy. It was used on cuts, abrasions and bull caves after castration, to keep them from getting Screw Worms. Also a spray can called a bomb, it was purple. It killed the Screw Worms and wouldn't come off your hands either. Both were probably made by quite a few different companies. After the Screw Worms were eradicated they probably stopped making it." -Troy Loard
"It was Black Leaf 40 that we used on roosts in the hen house to kill lice and mites. It was the one laced so liberally with nicotine." -jim dyer
"Butch, I noticed someone inquired about how Stobtown got its name. There use to be a huge iron post driven in the ground right in the middle of the crossroads on Meridian and what is now Stobtown Road. On that spike or post was a huge iron wagon wheel and attached to the outer edge of the wagon wheel were mailboxes for many of the persons living in the surrounding area. The postman was saved many miles of hard driving on dirt roads in all kinds of weather by having all the mailboxes in a central area. My Grandparents lived in the house on the northwest corner of the crossroads and the church was located on the southwest corner. Many stores came and went on the other two corners through the years. Thereby acquiring the name Stobtown over the years. Even after the mailboxes disappeared and the postman was required to deliver longer routes, the 'stob' or post remained. I don't recall at what year in time it was finally removed by the county as a safety hazard!" -Kathryn Donham Davoult
"Butch, I noticed a letter in the last newsletter about the B-17 crash in the Arbuckles. The timing of this struck me odd as I just finished a custom model and diorama base of a B-17 Crewman. I included the photos here. It is of my wife's Grandfather who flew over Europe as Radio Operator/Gunner on a B17 named " Hank's Battle Wagon". I do 12 inch scale Military Models and custom display bases. I am looking for a local venue to display some of these soon. Thought I'd share this little tribute to the guys who served in skies here and abroad." -Bryan Pullen
"Butch: I told you a few weeks ago that Dieter Brothers Bar-B-Que in Lindsey, TX was the best that I had ever eaten. My wife Nettie and I, and our friends, Jimmie and Larry Simpson found a new place tonight that has BBQ as good if not better than Dieter Bros. We motored over to Greenville, TX and ate at Randy White's Hall of Fame Bar-B-Que, and it was delicious. There is another Randy White Bar-B-Que place in Frisco, TX in case any of you Ardmoreites are down that way shopping." -Scott Bumgarner, Sherman, TX
February 10, 1894
There is also an unnamed deputy sheriff described as being killed near Okemah, Jan. 18, 1917 in the Chillicothe Constitution in a short item.
The Duncan Banner, June 24, 1893
Drowned or Buried Alive
Gainesville, TX-- A horrible story was brought here today from Rosston, near the west line of this county. Drowned or buried alive, accident or murder, are questions which arise usually when it is considered. About two weeks ago the parents of TED POTTER, 12 years old, who lived near Shdell, Wise county, were told that their son had been drowned at Clear creek, which is in this county. The news was brought to them by some young men with whom young POTTER had gone swimming in the afternoon. They related with much emotion how Potter had ventured beyond his depth and had sunk to the bottom before they could reach him, and how they had searched without success for his body. As soon as the stricken parents recovered from the shock, a party was organized to seine the river. The creek was seined for ten miles and more than a week was spent at the work, but without avail. All hope of recovering the body had been given up until Thursday, when a small lad, who had accompanied the crowd, made to his parents some revelations almost too horrible to believe. According to this lad's story the older boys of the crowd had some enmity toward young Potter, and when they all plunged into the water the older boys ducked him for revenge. Potter was strangled at the first ducking, but the boys continued to plunge him until his body became limp. Then they took the body out on the bank, so the boy says, without any effort to revive him, dug a shallow grave and consigned the limp body to the earth. In the meantime they guarded the smaller boys vigilantly, and after they had buried young Potter, drew them up in line and threatened instant death to the one who should reveal an inkling of what had occurred. The threat had its effect until Thursday when the boy made the revelation, as related. The body was found where it was buried.
----------------------------------------------------Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....
"Dear Mr. Bridges, someone talk about The Ardmore Indians in the early 50th and Said that Mr. Arthur Willingham was the uncle, here are some pictures of that years that I keep them in my heart. Really they are one of the best part of my life and now I enjoy doing this. In one of the Picture, the one in the Dinning Room you can see Mr. Willingham and his nephew who was his buss. manager, this was taken in April 25 of 1950 by Fonvillle Studio, the others pictures I am sure that you have it, anyway Butch I thank you very much, you are very special for me and to all the people who received you T & T every week. give my regards to your wife and for you a Big Hug." -Ernesto in NJ
"hi- just happened to come across your site while looking for the term "educated hamburger" ... my mother Bernice Edson was raised in Ardmore, and she used the term for a burger with mayo instead of the 1960s, people in Houston looked at me like I had 3 heads when I would ask for one!" -JoAnn St.Clair
"Just came across your website quite by accident, or perhaps I was led here. What a wonderful idea for a website. Thank you for maintaining it. Blessings and best wishes" -Wallace Heller, M.D.
Folder of postcards and cabinet photographs from the past -Robert HensleyHotel Ardmore
The time will soon be here when my grandchild will long for the cry of a loon, the flash of a salmon, the whisper of spruce needles, or the screech of an eagle. But he will not make friends with any of these creatures and when his heart aches with longing, he will curse me. -Chief Dan George, Tsleil-Waututh (1899 - 1981)
See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website
All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website's archives.
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