This and That Newsletter
Vol 22  Issue 1,112     Circulation 5,000      May 17, 2018
Ardmore, Oklahoma
My permanent email address:  [email protected]

The past week I have been re-adjusting myself to my new job at the Food and Resource Center in Ardmore. I've really enjoyed working with everyone and all the various duties my job as Warehouse Manager entails. It is a rewarding job and I feel good when I go home everyday knowing all the people we've helped. The need is great, and if you want to volunteer to help at the facility I would encourage you to do so. We have some great volunteers but could always use another helping hand. Maybe even your organization as a group would like to come in every now and then to help distribute the food stuff to those who need it. Contact the office at 801 Hailey SW in Ardmore at 580-798-2293 for details on how you can help! All help is appreciated.

May 1934
A pie supper, with a musical entertainment in connection, will be held at Ryan School 7 miles southwest of Lone Grove Monday night. Proceeds will be used to buy equipment with which to bring the school up to model rating.

May 1934
Bob Criner, 60, member of the pioneer family for whom the Criner Hills SW of Ardmore are named was shot and fatally wounded Monday afternoon. He died a few hours later at the Hardy Murphy Sanitarium. Authorities say the shooting was accidental. Two boys, between 11 and 13 years of age, was exonerated of the death. They were playing with a .410 shotgun when it discharged and struck Criner in the back of the head. Criner was buried in the Crinerville cemetery. He is survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Criner, a brother, sister and son, Frank Criner. He was born in 1882 in this County.

May 1983
Lone Grove Officer David Dalton is out and officer Everett Hart is in. The termination of Dalton in addition of Hart will be on the agenda for the next Lone Grove council meeting.

May 2003
John Lewis, FBI agent in charge of the Oklahoma Office of the FBI, presented Gary Smith, a Carter County deputy sheriff, with a commendation. Smith was honored for his help in capturing four prison escapees last year. They were caught at Paul's convenience store near Lake Murray.

Q.  Washita Battlefield National Historic Site marks the location of a surprise dawn attack that took place on the Cheyenne village of Peace Chief Black Kettle on November 27, 1868. Lt. Col. George A. Custer led the attack alongside the 7th U.S. Cavalry. Where in Oklahoma did this battle take place?
A.   Cheyenne, Oklahoma

Q.  Where in Oklahoma can you dine in a beautiful setting overlooking a clean flowing creek and a big tree growing right in the middle of the dining room?
A.  Answer in next week's newsletter

Below is from This and That newsletter archives of May 25, 2006

"Butch... how grateful I am to be a recipient of your wonderful T&T. Thank you many times over for bringing pleasure to those of who are in one way or another bonded to this territory, regardless of where we now find ourselves, where life has taken us. I may have missed mention of this, though I read and reread the T&T quite thoroughly each week. Forgive me if so. However, I think your readers should know about the new book "The Territory Town, The Ardmore Story" by Sally Gray. It is spellbinding, incredibly well-researched, informative, splendidly written and highly entertaining. Being a native Ardmoreite, I thought I knew much of its history. This book connected the dots, so to speak, and filled in many gaps. Therefore to all who love this place, to all who, when relating stories of it to strangers often are met with peculiar glances, to all who know in the heart that the place really is different but can't say why, to all who will never call another place home regardless of the travels and residence in far and exotic places, "The Territory Town" may just confirm you really have a lot of company in such attachment. It is my understanding that there will be a booksigning at the Bookseller in Ardmore on June 3. The Bookseller will take phone orders, attend to having the book signed if desired, and will ship. And of course they have the book on hand at the store. My interest is not in promoting the sale of books, but only to share how much of a treasure I found it to be in my eternal quest to know and understand the background that shaped my early life and that of my family. For out-of-towners, the telephone number for the Bookseller in Ardmore is 580-223-8642." -Fredrica Horn Van Sant
Last week I mentioned the music CD I received in the mail from Joe Leonard of Gainesville, Texas. Joe produced the CD comprised of songs from 1954 to 2004. Its a collection of 14 songs by mostly local songwriters and singers, so to me that makes it more special. I see one song, Pledge of Love", in 1957 was a Top 10 million seller hit.
On the north edge of Kingston, Oklahoma is one of the largest wood piles I've seen in these parts. I dont know who the wood belongs to or where he gets it, but its a lot of firewood in one place. There is a sign out front with a phone number to call. The signs says $70 a rick.
A couple weeks ago I received an email saying if I wanted to try a really good hamburger, I should go to Grand Central Station on Grand Avenue in Durant. So last Saturday I did just that and I found one of the best burgers I've ever eaten in my travels around Oklahoma. Sometimes we are so misled by the outside of a place, but dont let outside of this place do that. Grand Central Station is a Texaco gas station but that grill inside puts out a $2.39 hamburger that is hard to beat. This burger has got to be rated one of the top 3 I've had the pleasure of eating around southern Oklahoma!
(now closed)
"Hi, just to let you know that Kincades Hamburgers also has a new restaurant--it is easy to get to from I 35 West. First- go to the intersection of 35 E and Hwy 114 where the Texas Speedway is. Turn left onto HWY 114 and go east and stay on 114 past Roanoke probably 3-4 miles. Stay in right hand lane, and watch for the EECU-Delta credit union on the right in a little mall. The new Kincades is next door to the credit union. The one in Ft. Worth is the original one, and it is easy to find also. Thanks. hope I helped." -Jo
"Your listing of great hamburgers triggered a memory from the late 50s, after I had left the Ardmoreite and was working for the Daily Oklahoman as rewrite man and sometime police reporter. One of my favorite places to eat in OKC was Priddy's, at NW 12 and Hudson. It was run by Louis Priddy, a brother to the Priddys of Ardmore, and he did his own cooking. The place was one of those little pre-fab diners that only seated 8 or 10 people at most. He had taken out a trademark of "The World's Best Hamburger" (and had the framed certificate on the wall). He later built a more conventional cafe located a block south at 11th and Hudson, and by the early 60s had retired. Since he was in his 60s when I knew him I'm fairly certain he's no longer with us, but the memory is still great. By the way, I don't think I ever had one of his hamburgers, but he cooked up a great steak and his homemade chili was out of this world." -Jim Kyle
"Hi Butch. Speaking of burgers, the fast foods are making them thicker and taller all the time..... but, back in the 50's, in Amarillo, there was what (I think they called it, an 'Aristocrat' at a restaurant there, and it was 'honest to gosh', as big as a dinner plate..... they dared ya to eat it all! Now, if they don't let ya 'plug' a watermelon, to test it, here's how (and it works for me): Thump them, there in the bin, and they sound like 'plink, plank or plunk'....(don't laugh! it works!) If they're plink, they're green, if they plunk, they're over-ripe, but choose one that goes 'plank' and you have a good one. Try it, and then see if you laugh... LOL" ' ol Bob in Mid-Missouri
"If you are ever in New Zealand and order a hamburger don't be surprised to find a slice of red beet atop the burger. Its different but don't think it will catch on in southern Oklahoma."
"Butch I have know about Cedar Falls and Cedar Falls ranch all my life. It is beautiful. The ranch now is owned by the Lazy S Ranch and is about a mile west of the old Buck Hale sawmill. There is a beautiful hole of water below the falls and it is part of Cool Creek. This creek used to be the water supply for SOWC." -Doug
"Butch, I just read about the water falls in your T&T. I have been to them many times. Cedar Falls is on Cool Creek, NW of Gene Autry. Hickory Falls is on Hickory Creek S of Mountain Lake. Henry House Falls is on Henry House Creek, on the old Fitzgerald Ranch, W of Springer." -Grover Wells
"Butch. Here's a pic of a larger melon I raised . (lost my Sugar Babies melon pic somehow). I was in Walmart S.E. part Thursday.. they had Burpee Sugar Babies seed for $0.59 pkg ($1.50 reg.), I am sending you some from my SB melon i made last year, they will germinate. best to soak in warm water overnight and plant in peat pots with some good soil (potting soil best) until they come up, They will do better I think than direct planting (these low ground temps). however they will work Ok now that temps coming up. Here is a pic of a volunteer plant melon raised last yr. in flower bed, In 1935-1940 my dad at his gas station in Chickasha, always had a melon to cut about 2PM everyday during Rush Springs harvest. If you were there you got a big slice free, no charge. big ones (30-40Lb) usually sold for 50 cents, his regular grower customers usually gave one or two sometimes." -Jack

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

Q. Hey there, My Great grandfather owned a suburban grocery store in the northeast side of Ardmore, I know for sure he owned it in 1929. I was wondering if you may know the name of the store? My great grandfather's name is S.P. Eddington. (Sterling Preston). I checked your webpage with the list of stores on it but, I cannot seem to figure out which one. Any help is appreciated. Thanks and have a good day! -Amy Dollar, Kansas
A. In 1926 the grocery store was located at 1225 12th Ave NE.
Butch, the letter from someone regarding the sheriff Floyd Randolph picture-just wanted to say the last man on the right, back row is not John Smithers, my dad. -Judy Ferrell
Nail pouch Cashway Lumber Co. -Robert Hensley
To you gun lovers, just remember they wouldn't have arrested Tim McVey if he hadn't have been carrying an unlicensed gun! -Rella Helms
Von Keller Hospital, 12th and North Commerce.

The dna test is good in that it gives you an idea of where your ancestors came from. A problem is; however, that even if 60% of your dna is for instance Scottish or whatever, 40% is something else. So while many of your ancestors are indeed Scottish, your direct line does not have to be, and looking for your ancestors in Scottish history could be futile. The 60% may come from hundreds of years ago, before the north American continent was populated.

When folks get serious about finding their unknown ancestors they use ydna tests. This is a test of up to 111 markers or alleles on the y chromosome of the male. Y chromosomes are inherited from the males father and from his father and from his father... These chromosomes are passed along intact except that they occasionally mutate. So if you and another male get a ydna test done and most or all of the markers are the same then you are related. The more markers that match the closer in generations is the common ancestor that both of you descend from.

FTDNA (Family Tree dna) is the largest and by far the best of the companies to use for ancestral dna testing. They have other tests that can be done, but these other tests should be done after or with the ydna test.

When you get a ydna test done with ftdna you can join family groups. In your case the Bridges group and other groups that might be Bridges with a different spelling. They will then allow you to see your results matched with other potential men. The test range from $169, $268 and $359 for the 111 marker tests. The middle test (67 markers) is the best value.

If for example you happen to match another living Bridges say on 64-67 markers the match is absolute. You are related, period. You can then compare what each of you know about your ancestry. Eventually you'll find many matches and many men you are related to and can trade information with.

Ftdna also has other tests that can and should be done, but after the ydna test. One of ftdna's test is similar to the test and is helpful after other information has been gathered.

Early on when I started my Guthrie search one of the members of the Guthrie group, after he did the ydna also had a mtdna and ydna test done on his brother. mtdna is a maternity test. Turned out his brother had a different father than he did. I don't think he ever worked up the nerve to ask his mother about that. His mother had not been married but the one time to his father.

In any case if you have read this far, the test is basically a test which produces interesting results and the results are a good conservation point, but are useless without a ydna test. FTDNA testing precedes the test and unfortunately Ancestry chose to make their test incompatible with any others. It's good money spent if you want to talk about what your ancestors might have been. It's not specific.

An example: There is a man called Lord Charles, Ronald, Llewellyn Guthrie. A few years ago he was in England what we call Director of Defense here. He also is from a long line of Guthrie's, one of which built a castle in Scotland in the mid 1400's. Because of that Guthrie's importance the ancestry of many of his descendants has been recorded. My ydna matches this man, which means with absolute certainty we have a common ancestor. May have been the man who built the castle. Probably a little later. My point is that I now have a lot of recorded information to look at.

I also found out with the ydna tests that within a 20 mile diameter area in northern NC and southern Virginia in the 1800's there were 3 completely unrelated Guthrie families.

I urge you to look into the FTDNA site. Once you join a family group there will likely be some who are very knowledgeable to help interpret.

Also the Chickasaw Indian center here in Sulphur has much genealogical information. Pretty easy to trace a person back to the Dawes roll, if they signed up. Many did not and their ancestry is likely lost without ydna tests. -Larry

Memorial day is Monday May 28th. Remember those who gave their lives in all wars and battles in this country to keep it the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Taps - 1911

Day is done,
gone the sun,
From the hills,
from the lake,
From the skies.
All is well,
safely rest,
God is nigh.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

"Friends Make Life Worth Living"
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

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