This and That Newsletter
Vol 22  Issue 1,116     Circulation 5,000      June 14, 2018
Ardmore, Oklahoma
My permanent email address:  [email protected]

    Dr. Julius H. Peterman was born in Arnswald Germany on November 14, 1839. He was the oldest of six children. His male ancestors was mostly military men of large stature and he was called the "little one" of the family.

    He received his classical and part of his medical education in Germany. It was in Arsnwald that he married Miss Hohn and shortly thereafter they came to America and settled at St. Paul, Minnesota. They later moved to Marshall, Texas where his wife died.

    Unacquainted with English he did not attempt to practice medicine but became a chief draftsman in the engineering department of the Texas and Pacific Railway Company at Marshall.

    Continuing the study of homeopathy and doing some gratuitous practice he performed some remarkable cures in Marshall, Texas including tuberculosis in himself and his brother, and hip-joint disease in a little girl. Seeing these cures his friends urged him to quit the engineer's office and begin practice.

    Having lost all of his credentials by fire he went to the Medical College in Atlanta. After obtaining his doctor's degree he began practice in Marshall, Texas where he married Mrs. Carrie Robertson.

    About 1900 he and Carrie moved to Ardmore, Indian Territory. Dr. Peterman had two daughters by his first marriage who were living in Ardmore and they advised him of the shortage of physicians in this area. It was here that the doctor built up a very large practice, including patients from distance states and foreign lands.

    Thereafter, all his life, he was the most assiduous student of homeopathy, setting an example for industry and skills was accredited by some with performing cures of all manner of malignant diseases which were little short of miracles.

    On May 29, 1920 at the age of 81 while still in active practice, Dr. Peterman accidentally fell in his own home, receiving injuries which ended his life two days later. He was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Dr. Peterman was a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy of the Texas and Oklahoma Homeopathic Association.

    He was survivor by his widow and two daughters of his first marriage: Mrs. Hattie Francis (Charles) Fraley and her four children, Virginia, Robert, Lucas and Blanche, and Mrs. Lucy (Henry) Hunt and her two children, Herman and Hadie.
-Indian Territory and Carter County Pioneers book 1983 page 420

April 1934
F. L. Barrett, Engineer for the Lone Grove-Wilson highway, is of the opinion the road will be ready for traffic on July 4th. Engineer Barrett says he has a nice picnic grounds selected just west of Lone Grove for a celebration upon the completion of the job. It has plenty of shade for dinner and spaces for races and other games.

April 1983
Shirley and Barbara Christian recently opened the Newport grocery store. They are lifetime members of the Newport area and have three children, Randy, Sharlette and Joe.

April 1983
Marion Clark, the first woman to be elected to office in Lone Grove has officially retired. When she first became County Clerk she worked out of her home, keeping all the towns records there. The first city office was in the "back of the Newman's laundry." The board later found some land where the fire department is today and bought it. Building the city hall was my greatest accomplishment. On the day of the formal opening Town Treasurer and I made lemonade until it was "coming out our ears." Marion Clark was also the town's first Civil Defense Director. She also a member of the volunteer fire department. She was known as "Lone Grove First Lady."

Q.  Oklahoma's oldest continuously running rodeo is coming up next month. Where is it held each year?
A.   86th annual Hinton, Oklahoma rodeo is held the end of July at Hinton.

Q.  Where is the largest watermelon festival of Oklahoma held each August?
A.  Answer in next week's newsletter

Some pavers I sandblasted recently.

Below is from This and That newsletter archives of June 22, 2006

"My name is James Grandfield and I live in Ireland. I was just wondering if you could help me out in finding out the history of Grandfield city, OK. My surname is not a popular one, and as far as I know, we're the only grandfield's in Ireland, including our relations. I'm just trying to find out the history of the name, genealogy and if Grandfield City has any links/connections to my family anywhere down the line. I was also trying to find a website for Grandfield's police dept, but can't find any details. I would be interested in getting a patch from the police or fire dept to add to my collection. Anyway, I would be very grateful for any help or advice you could give me." -James Grandfield
[email protected]
"Butch, Just located a church down south in LaPorte about two miles from me and I go on the 24th to get my food with the Angel Food Program. The amount I get for the $25 basic and I got one of the specials will last me a long time. I dont know who funds this, but its great. Will help offset the high cost of gas." -Shirley in Pasadena, TX
Ardmore, Okla. Here is a (1928) photo of the Ritz, Reeds and Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company buildings on main street.

"I have two Elvis stories that I love to tell. After I graduated from AHS I spent the summer & fall living with my dad's brother & his family in Memphis. My aunt was a nurse's aide at Baptist Hospital and while I was there Elvis was hospitalized for a couple of weeks (which later on everyone discovered that it was because of the "prescription" drugs he'd been taking). They cordoned off the entire floor that Elvis was on and only certain people were allowed on the floor. You had to have a special pass. I remember my aunt coming home and giving us updates on his condition, although she knew she wasn't supposed to. The information never left the house. Then in 1985 my son and I had come home (to Benton) to visit my dad and my grandmother. We were also going to Horn Lake, Mississippi to visit his godparents. Elvis owned a farm in Horn Lake, by the way. Anyway, on our way to visit them we stopped in Memphis to visit Graceland. Of course, it wasn't as built up around there like it is now. There was a simple building across the street that housed a souvenir shop and a cafe and the "Lisa Marie" (his plane) was parked outside then. Not sure if it still is or not. But we were coming out of the souvenir shop and were about to get into my car when I looked over towards the cafe and noticed Priscilla and Lisa getting into a really nice car. She must've overheard me telling Steven who they were because she looked over at us, smiled and waved. I guess she was appreciative of our not hounding them for autographs or such. I didn't have the nerve for one thing, but I was trying to respect their space, too. I just remember her looking very, very pretty and Lisa was just so cute as a teenager. But it tickled me very much. Those two stories are as close to Elvis as I'd ever gotten. My dad, on the other hand, had actually driven to Louisiana once with friends to go to the Louisiana Hayride. They saw Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and a couple of others who were trying to make it big back then, but hadn't quite broken into the big time yet. I think that was one of daddy's most favorite memories. He just idolized Elvis & Johnny Cash, too." -Kathi in AR

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

I was reflecting back on the bombing in April 1995 today. I don't remember if I shared this picture of where I worked or not. Looking through the doorway, on the left, is where my layout table was located. This is where I was when the explosion occurred on that horrible day. The store windows all blew inward. You can see the shrapnel marks on the walls. Looking farther back in the doorway was the darkroom and another door to a mezzanine. I was crawling towards the street – Broadway & NW 6th. It was so full of debris in the air that I couldn't hardly breathe or see. I just knew that I had to get out of there or I was going to die. The total collapse that you see came later. Just think what would have happened if I was sitting at the desk. The debris would have been like a shotgun blast to the face. I was told later that that the blast was traveling at 7,000 miles an hour. I can't remember what the pressure was. I have moved light years ahead since 1995, but you NEVER will forget the screams of terror and horrified people. Just remember one thing. Life is short. live one day at a time. -Cecil Elliott
Butch, was the Rocking S Ranch mentioned last week the one that is across from Noble Foundation? That seems familiar. I know that we were looking for property in late 1964 early 1965, and looked at that place across from Noble. We almost bought it, but ended up moving to Jay, Ok.

The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without. -Dwight D. Eisenhower

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

"Friends Make Life Worth Living"
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

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