This and That Newsletter
Vol 23  Issue 1,169     Circulation 5,000      June 20, 2019
Ardmore, Oklahoma
My permanent email address:

George Hoffman and brothers Meat Market

It is seldom we find in a small city no larger than Ardmore is at this time, two or more first class meat markets, and that such is the case here is cause for congratulations. George Hoffman and Brothers operate one of them. The firm is composed of George and Ed who started the business here in September 1898. The mere fact that they sell meat, etc, does not signify so much, but when it becomes known that nothing but beef, pork, mutton, etc., in the best of condition are handled by this market, it means a great deal. First, their customers are supplied with meats which are health giving instead of health taking, then again, fat, young stock is always tender and juicy, and that is the kind you will be sure to get, if money will secure it, when you trade with them. Every necessary appliance for handling their constantly increasing trade is to be found. These gentlemen are of the progressive stamp and have great faith in the future of Ardmore.
-Indian Territory and Carter County Pioneers book 1982

May 1935
Some folks in Western Oklahoma aren't so pleased with the way things have been going and they dream of a 49th state - Texlahoma. It would be composed at 33 counties in Oklahoma and 46 from Texas. We'll build reservoirs for irrigation, construct highway systems which have been denied us, because we are so far away from the seats of our state government, said organizer, A. C. Sites.

May 1935
Rains amounting to 10.65 inches in May are threatening the new dam at Lake Murray. The lake has a depth of 65 ft, and covers a surface area of 800 acres.

May 1935
The State Board of Education today ordered removal of presidents of two of Oklahoma's six teachers colleges, affective at the close of the present semester and appointing a woman to one of those places. Mrs. Kate Galt Zaneis, who began her teaching career many years ago in Carter County, was named the president of the Southeastern Teachers College at Durant, succeeding Wade Shumate May 20th. Shumate has served two years in his present office. State superintendent, John Vaughn, said no record was kept of the vote on the removals. Mrs Zaneis formally served on State Board of Education.

May 1984
A house at 705 Newport in Lone Grove is up for sale, although it is built over an 8 inch sewer line easement held by the City of Lone Grove. The owners who are now having problems with the easement, blame the city for issuing a building permit in the first place.

May 1984
Ancel Graham (1906-1988), Court Clerk, says he has only issued two marriage licenses since the price went up to five bucks. After 50 years of buying licenses for three bucks, the public might have gone on strike at paying five bucks for them.

Here is a photo of Ancel Graham from the front page of the July 21, 1964 issue of The Daily Ardmoreite. Ancel was a good friend of mine, living just a couple blocks from me at 4th NE and G Street when I was growing up. There is quite a write-up across the very top of the front page in the Ardmoreite about Ancel's experiences through the years as Carter County Court Clerk.

Eddie Graham was Ancel's wife and as a kid she was the guardian of the little swimming pool across the street from the old Washington School at 5th and G Street (Fraley Park) back in the 50s and 60s. I can still see Eddie bending over with that coffee can of powdered chlorine that she slowing let fall into that gushing water outlet as the pool filled with water. The water pipe outlet was just to the left of the little girl's head in the photograph below.

Q.  Where in Oklahoma are more than 2,000 historic buildings located?
A.  Guthrie, Oklahoma

Q.   This small town Oklahoma is a small-knit community of less than 1,000 residents. One tragedy after another has struck and now the residents are beginning to wonder if their town is cursed. Where is this small town located in Oklahoma?
A.  Answer in next week's newsletter

Anna Flatt submitted a photo of a U.S. Geological Survey marker located on Long Mountain (north of Tater Hill) this week. Long Mountain is east of Ardmore and just a little north of Tater Hill.

Below is a map I edited to show where the survey marker is in relation to Tater Hill.

This is the GPS coordinates for the Long Mountain geological marker. 34.153841, -97.000284 You can copy and paste it in Google or type it in exactly as shown, and it will take you straight to where the marker is located.

Below are some pavers and gravestones I made this week.

Below is from This and That newsletter archives of June 21, 2007

Maybe Michelangelo has not been in the Carter county courthouse this week painting the ceilings like he did at the Sistine Chapel in Rome. But the maintenance department has been doing precisely that on the first floor, painting the ceilings, and the transition is remarkable when you look at the before and after pictures. This is a picture I took before the crew starting painting the courthouse ceiling at the north end of the first floor hallway.
And this is the after picture. What a difference!
Woodford, Oklahoma: In northern Carter county 9 miles west of Springer. Post office established February 4, 1884. Named for Noah L. Woodford, prominent Chickasaw -from 'Oklahoma Place Names' by George Shirk.
"On the way home the other afternoon I noted the torn down building of the old Randolph saddle shop at South Commerce and Myall. Oh well there goes another bit of history.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

The 2019 Dougherty Homecoming and School Reunion will be held Saturday, June 29th, at the Dougherty School. Alumni membership fee and meal will be $15.00. A guest meal is $10.00. Dougherty graduates, former students and teachers, former residents, those who have attended church in Dougherty, and friends are welcome. Visiting begins at 5:30pm and dinner is at 7:00pm.
Q. Seems like there was a ice plant somewhere in the vicinity of West Broadway and D Street NW?

A. Thursday, January 13, 2013 newsletter:
D NW about where the 1st Nationl Bank drive thru is now. My Grandfather would get 25 lbs block of ice put on the front bumper of his Model A Ford to take it home. By mid '30s there were 'double dip' ice cream cones in 3 flavors, huge double dip for a nickel.

Saturday, June 24, 2000 newsletter:
"I just read your letter in T&T about the ice plants in Ardmore. The one that I remember was on D Street Northwest just north of Broadway. This is now the entrance to the First National Bank Drive-in. The building set real close to the street, there was enough room to parallel park a car in front of the dock. I can remember the men working there bringing out blocks of ice and putting them in a crusher. A large paper bag was used to catch the crushed ice as it came out of the crusher."

Thursday, May 12, 2011 newsletter:
I worked at an ice plant on D NW, about half a block north of Broadway. -Tom Meason, Tulsa, OK

"It’s a sure sign of summer if the chair gets up when you do." -Walter Winchell

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

"Friends Make Life Worth Living"
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

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