This and That Newsletter
Vol 25  Issue 1,299   Circulation 5,000      December 16, 2021
Ardmore, Oklahoma
My email address:  [email protected]

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us,
What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."

A Glimpse Into The Past

The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Wednesday, January 26, 1916


A fusillade of bullets from six revolvers in the hands of five officers of the law and a citizen of this city alleged to be crazed with liquor, resulted in the instant death of the latter in the Palace barber shop here shortly after the noon hour today.

From eye witnesses of the shooting it was learned that Arch Campbell entered the Palace barber shop and endeavored to start trouble with some of the workmen, when police officers Dave Frazier, McCoy and deputy sheriffs Ballew and Williams and constable Henson made an attempt to apprehend him. It is stated that he warned the officers not to enter and began shooting at them. They all drew guns and a fusilade of bullets followed. When it was over, it was found that Campbell was dead and Deputy Ballew was seriously wounded, a bullet entering his body near the left shoulder and completely penetrating his body.

Ballew was taken to the Hard sanitarium for treatment and his wound is considered dangerous.

No one seems to know what prompted Campbell to begin shooting. He was a peaceful citizen when not under the influence of liquor, but it is alleged that he has been drinking heavily of late, and was in bad temper at the time.

The remains of Campbell were taken to the undertaking establishment of T.C. Bridgeman to be prepared for burial. Sheriff Garrett examined the body and stated that he was shot four times, once through each arm, and twice in the head.

Immediately after the shooting an immense crowd assembled and it was necessary for the proprietor to close the place and call the officers to disperse the crowd.

Workmen in the place states that Campbell when he entered, went to the rear of the shop and called for them to come back there, but they, noticing his condition told him that they were busy, when he pulled his gun and compelled compliance with his demands. At this time Frazier started to enter the shop, when Campbell warned him not to do so, and immediately began firing. The officers who had received the warning entered from the front and rear entrance and began firing with the above result.

Dr. Hardy stated this afternoon that Ballew was badly wounded, but unless unforeseen complications set in, he would undoubtedly recover. This is the second time within the past two months that Ballew has been wounded while making an arrest. The first was in Ragtown some time ago, when one man was killed while attempting to hold up a restaurant.

Campbell has lived in this section of the state for many years and has many warm friends who were surprised at his actions as he was always considered a very peaceful citizen.

The county officials are making a thorough probe into the affair and will be in position to give out a statement tomorrow.

The killing of Arch Campbell is a sad page in the history of Ardmore. No one wanted to kill him, he was one of the best fellows in the world. He entered the barber shop and first asked Dee Elliott to follow him to the rear. The barber replied that he was busy. He then asked Joe Huckaby to come with him. Huckaby's reply was "I have nothing on me." Campbell then drew a new .45 caliber Colts pistol. When Elliott and Huckaby saw the gun, they told Campbell they would come and started toward him. At that time officer Frazier appeared at the front door, and Campbell then turned his attention to the officer, warning him not to enter. This delay gave the barbers a chance to get out of the building, and they did so.

Back around 2000 I had a visitor at my office, Bud Ballew's great-granddaughter, Ann Ballew Carlton from Natchez, Mississippi. She had with her the diamond broach mentioned in the video below. Let me tell you, if was a big diamond.

In early 2006 I had two visitors from Canada, Elmer and Lauretta McInnes. They were working on a book about Bud Ballew and in 2008 their book was published. The book was Bud Ballew, Legendary Oklahoma Lawman, and over 200 pages. The book chronicles on the life of deputy sheriff Bud Ballew. I see the book is still available on Amazon.

You can also preview 57 pages of the book on Google Books.

Below is an ad from 1963 of Ardmore's Roy Allen Restaurant on North Commerce

Still finding people in Oklahoma with unclaimed money. We're now over the $1.7 Million dollars. Sometimes progress is slow locating people or their kin with unclaimed insurance money at the State Treasurers office in OKC but we keep moving forward.

How long has it been since you checked your name or a family member's name? Its easy to do a search at the Oklahoma State Treasurer link below. I think every state in the union has a unclaimed property website through the respective state treasures website.

If you have Facebook, I created a new Page called Southern Oklahoma Unclaimed Insurance Money. The only Post that will go on that page is names and towns of people we are looking for with unclaimed money;

Q.  What Oklahoma city ranks second in the United States for total number of American Indian residents?
A.  Tulsa ranks second in the United States for total number of American Indian residents, with 48,196.

Q.  Constantine Theater is not only one of the oldest working theaters in the state (1894), but also one with a history of hauntings. Where in Oklahoma is this theater located?
A.  Answer in next week's newsletter

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

The century old Daube Department Store safe, which had been locked shut the last 30 years, has finally been opened in Ardmore. -Robert Hensley

Below is the link to KXII TV's broadcast on the opening of the safe.
Butch: I just want you to know that I spent several hours last week, engrossed in the website, "Red River Historian", you included in last week's newsletter. Anyone who is interested in the area history, Red River history or Indigenous people should go to the website. It is fascinating and included history I knew but lots more history I didn't know. Thanks for including it in your newsletter. -Joni Elmore

Below is from This and That newsletter archives of December 17, 2009

Speaking of talent, I didn't know until this week we had an artist at the courthouse. Seems that Jay Wallace in the Assessors Office is gifted with the talent to draw freehand. Jay was drawing some Christmas decorations on the chalkboard for their office Christmas party this week when I walked by, and snapped a picture.

In response of the old house on Newport Road.

"My Grandmother Emma (Burns) Keith lived in this house when she pased away in 1945. It was across the Railroad track one block to the east. Just south of the railroad on the west side of the street. The house was sold to a Mr. Shebester as a rental home and moved to the present location. For a Box House it has fared pretty well. In 1945 a lot of the houses were Box Houses with no water or electricity. Which had a few rooms and a path. Mrs Keith made it pretty well through the Depression with a income of $50.00 per month. My father made $27.50 per month as foreman of the U BAR Ranch two miles north on Newport Road and West about 2 or 3 miles where the Jackie Rabe place is now. I was born there in 1939. My Uncle Barney Keith bought the property after Mrs Keith's death. I hope this gives a little info. " -Ken Keith
"1951" MY MOST "MEMORABLE CHRISTMAS" by Kenneth Updike

I had been working in Borger, Texas for about three months now and had two or three BIG paychecks under my belt. I had bought me some new clothes which consisted of jeans, a Levi jacket, new shirts and a pair of cowboy boots. I wasn't ready for a western hat yet so, hadn't acquired one.

Anyway, I had Christmas off and since I didn't own a car yet, I rode the bus home to Anadarko for Christmas. I spent couple of days with Mother and Daddy, but had to go back to Borger on Christmas day.

Well Mother took me down to the bus station Christmas morning and kissed me goodbye. I had to make a bus change in Binger which was just a few miles away.

When we got to Binger, the driver had us get off on Main street in front of The Old Yoakum Drug store and told us the bus from OKC to Texas would be by in a couple of hours. Of course everything was closed and here we stood, about 6 or 8 of us with no place to go. It wasn't real cold that morning but the wind was blowing and it was quite chilly.

In a little while a man drove by, stopped and inquired as to what we were doing. We explained to him about the bus change and he said "I'll be right back". His name was Bill Bryan?. He was the manager? of the REA., Rural Electric Coop Association.

In a little while Mr. Bryan and some more folks came back, picked us up and took us down the street to the REA store. Inside they had all kinds of electrical appliances. They brought all kinds of food and hooked up a TV so that we could watch football. We really had an enjoyable afternoon.

These were some of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. I am sorry, I cant remember any of their names other than Mr. Bryan. And am not sure of his.

He had someone check on the bus arrival every few minutes so we wouldn't miss it.

I have been through Binger lots of times since that day, but have neglected to stop and inquire about him. Someday, I promise, I will look him up." -Ken Updike @ Wilson
"There is nothing left of the original Norris Chapel school building at Greasy Bend (north of Mannsville), the property was sold and there was a house built on it , Dean and Barbara Smothers used to live there, I am not sure who lives there now. The old storm cellar may still be there. There should be plenty of documentation at the Johnston Co Courthouse as to it's existence, I know there are school census records as I had to get that as one form of id for my ss since my birth cert was not an original. I located it on google earth and below are the coordinates for it. I will see what else I can find when I get a little time." -Roy

The Daily Ardmoreite
October 18, 1918
Four Rural Schools In New Buildings
Four new schoolhouses, replacing those destroyed by fire, have been completed and the furniture is being placed in them. George W. Coffman, county superintendent, said today they would all be ready for occupancy as soon as the influenza epidemic abates. One was erected at what is known as the Clinton school, one at the Caddo bridge, one in District 50, about three miles north and two miles west of Pooleville and a Negro school at Lone Oak.

Christmas will be here next week. Let's not forget our men and woman in the armed services who will be spending their Christmas around the world.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

"Friends Make Life Worth Living"
Ardmore, Oklahoma

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website's archives.
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