This and That Newsletter

Vol 11  Issue 524     Circulation 5,000     February 8, 2007

Ardmore, Oklahoma

Chuck Stallcup is needing help from T&T Readers on making a digital map showing the old schools of Carter county. He is using Google Earth to make an overlay showing where the schools were located years ago. Of course, many of them are gone now, maybe all that is left is a foundation or steps. In past T&Ts some of you have written in about a school house that used to be in Carter county, telling where it was located. This is where Chuck needs the help, for you to send him an email with info about schools of bygone days. If you know where a school in this county used to be, please send an email to Chuck so he can put it on the map. When the map is ready, I'll make it available for download on my website. One that readily comes to my mind is Smyrna School. It was located at the south end of Dickson Road just before you reach Highway 70 on the east side of the road. I remember Kenneth Faught telling me back in the early 70s about the Smyrna School where he attended, and the only thing left were the concrete steps in the field. Here is the email I received this week from Chuck:

"Butch, I have a few more of the old Carter County schools placemarked for Google Earth, and I look forward to the day that we can make them all available to anyone interested. Each placemark has a small view of a picture of the school, with a link to the larger image in your webshots album. Any other photo available on the web can be linked, as well. However, it would go a lot faster if I had better information on the exact locations. While I enjoy searching through your T&T archives, which have yielded good information on several locations, it is time-consuming. I'm hoping that this information is more readily available from your readership. Those who would kindly share any information on these old schools, especially locations, can send it to . By the way, I moved from Carter County when I was twelve, so descriptions like "just the other side of Ed Johnson's melon patch" won't mean much to me. Between what I've forgotten and what I never knew, I'm starting from scratch on most of these. Road names, intersections, or any landmark on a map will be greatly appreciated." -Chuck Stallcup

So, if you can help Chuck pin point these old schools, send him an email to

Here's a link to Google Earth.

Jill and I went to Marietta last Sunday afternoon just looking around. On the way back we stopped at Tucker Tower and took about 20 pictures, both inside and outside, and looking out over Lake Murray.

While in Marietta we found what I think is the most beautiful church in southern Oklahoma. It's the Catholic Mission which serves the Spanish community there and was just completed a couple months ago. But what really caught my eye was the beautiful bell located way up at the top.

And here is a close-up the bell as best I could get with the zoom on my camera.

Carl Zimmerman in Missouri said it looks like the bell might have came from a Russian bell foundry.

Mae Scott received a prestigious recognition from her Eastern Star a few days ago. The award is in recognition of her 50 years (actually 52 years) of service to the organization. The four people in the picture are from left to right: Barbara Benton, Most Worthy Grand Matron; Mae Scott, Past Matron; Ann Barnes, Worth Grand Matron; and William "Bill" Barnes, Worthy Grand Patron.

Someone wrote in last week asking me to show the finished birdcage Jill and I bought in Ada a couple weeks ago. First, here it is before Jill gave it a makeover.

And here is the finished product.

Did you ever scan a photo on your computer and it be huge?  And to send such a large photo by email is no good email etiquette, especial if the person on the receiving end is on slow dial up. Resizing a large photo can be quite challenging.  I found a website that lets you resize photos for free.  They even have some special effects to add to your photo before saving it back to your hard drive, such as a border and more.  They even have a video tutoial to take you through the process step by step.  Pretty neat.  So, now you have no excuse for sending someone those 5 meg photos where all the recipient sees one big nose covering their whole screen.  lol


"Butch,  I am the Region Manager for Ardmore Area  of  Camp Fire USA.  I would like to extend an invitation  to help our local area Camp Fire youth and to show support for the dedicated men and women in our Armed Forces.  During the holidays, many people think of ways to support our troops serving overseas.  Now that the holiday season is over, Camp Fire USA offers a chance to show the troops that you are still thinking of them.   As many of you know, we are in the midst of our annual Camp Fire candy sale.  Our council sent more than 2000 boxes of candy overseas last year to be distributed to the men and women serving.  This area of our council is way down on the amount of candy being purchased for that purpose.  We are a 501©3 nonprofit organization and partner agency of the United Way of South Central Oklahoma.  Because this purchase of candy ($75.00 per case @ 5.00 per box) is being donated to our “Salute The Troops” program, the full amount is tax deductible.   A “Salute To The Troops” card is attached to each box of candy, with the card reading “Thank  you for your service to our country!”  The card also has a place for the name of the donor.  The sale will conclude on February 18, 2007.  All donations must be made prior to then.  Anyone wishing to contribute to this project can send their checks to Camp Fire USA    PO Box 1623 Ardmore, OK 73402 or email questions to Thank you for your time and consideration.  Together we can show the State of Oklahoma how much the citizens and businesses of Ardmore care for our troops! -Margaret Gilbert, Region Manager Camp Fire USA Heart of Oklahoma Council
"Thought some of your readers might be interested in the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival held each year in Okemah, Woody’s home town.  This year the festival will be held July 11th - 15th.  Woody’s son Arlo is on the list of performers this year.  Here’s the website for the festival.   It’s not that far from Ardmore so hopefully a lot of Ardmorites will saddle up and make the trip to Okemah this July." -Gerald Whitworth, Glenpool Oklahoma
"I want to tell you about the Dickson All School Reunion.  We had our first reunion in 1998 to honor the 50 years since our graduation.  Our group was started by the 1947, '48 and '49 graduates.  We did not get it put together in time to honor the 1947 graduates, so this year we will also honor them on their 60th year since graduation.   We also honor the class of 1957, on their 50th anniversary. We have grown so much.  Last year we had over 200 people at the reunion.  I did not think we could get them all in the Multipurpose Building, but we did.  This year we get to meet in the new Cafeteria-Safe Room,  It is a beautiful new building and we will have room for everyone. We have a catered lunch.  We need advance, paid  reservations.  The cost is $12.00 per person.  This has always covered the cost of the caterer and the mailouts.  We have a little left over from that, and we donate it to the Foundation for Excellence at the school.  We will send out the newsletter and the reservation form in March.  Anyone who is not on my mailing list can e-mail me at  I lost a lot of the addresses in the 911 change over, so please send me your address so we can send out the invitations.  Thank you." -Joyce Duncan Jordan

"Butch............. Here are three 1929 post cards of Prices Falls & Turner Falls." -Grover Wells
"Butch, Do your readers know anything about the Normans who lived in Ardmore from the turn of the century through the 1960s? Thank you." -Tiffany Cochran
"Butch:  I can't get over the amount of excitement concerning the discovery of a bald eagle over Lake Ray Hubbard last month. For Leeper Lake, just south of Winstar Casino and north of Red River, this is almost a regular visit by one or two bald eagles that spend several days catching our fish. Many years back when we had some 75 foot tall cottonwoods on the north bank the eagles built a nest! I believe the eagles are making their annual flight back north to the sanctuary near Tulsa. Even more outstanding was a visit several years back which I witnessed of a Golden Eagle!"  -Joe Leonard

"One Thackerville note:  I am informed that a  bi-annual school reunion is scheduled to be held again this year on April 7th   at the High School.  I am planning to attend, and hopeful the reunion will get a good attendance.  I am looking forward to meeting old friends and acquaintances that I have not seen in a loooooooooong time. I notice that you occasionally include notices of events of local interest.  If you would see fit to spread the word, I would appreciate it. Thanks" -Alan Teel
"Good to read your letter each week. I'm 70 years old and have lived in this area forever. Have went down Plainview Road for years and have wondered what the half of a cement building is. You go South from the school about a mile and it is on the east side of the road. We had heard it was a fort at sometime but I don't know, Hope to hear from you. Thanks."

A. The concrete building used to be a dairy and is located on Don Bostwick's land.
Ads from 1915, Wilson, Oklahoma
Contributed by Melinda Taylor

The man who does not advertise simply because his grandfather did not should wear knee breetches and a wig, says an exchange.

The man who does not advertise because it costs money would quit paying salaries for the same reason.
The man who does not advertise because he doesn't know how to write an advertisement should quit eating because he can't cook.
The man who does not advertise because somebody said it did not pay should not believe the world is round because the ancients said it was flat.
*DeWitt's Hand Made 5 cent cigar.
*Edwards Bros. Wilson. We buy all kinds of furs.
*Meals 25 cents and quick lunch at all hours at the Cosy Cafe.
*See Gill for cheap farm lands and oil leases.
*Live Young Coyotes, Woves, Raccoons, Red and Gray Foxes: Coyotes $1.50. Wolves $2.50  Raccons $1.00.  Red or Gray foxes $1.00.  Will pay above prices at any RR express office in AR, MO, KS, OK or TX.
*Who wants to buy a good Victor talking machine? Call at the News Office.
*For Sale - A pole buggy, also a saddle. A. M. Fulton, Wilson
*"The Billykids"
The Billykids you see right here,
Are found most every place.
That clothes of any kind are worn,
By the wondrous human race.
You'll know them by their sparkling eyes,
The health-glow of their skin,
And if you glance down at their feet,
You'll see the Billiken.
The Billykids are healthy kids
They're full of life and vim.
To climb upon the furniture
Is just a playful whim.
Their mother doesn't mind at all
She knows their shoes won't scratch.
They wear the tackless Billiken,
The shoe without a match.

Come by the Wilson museum and check out the new bank vault display!!

"I was wondering about Durwood. Was it ever more than a cluster of people living in that area?  was it ever a town? The reason I ask is........ back in my sheriff days a resident of Durwood was  murdered.   I went out there to notify the next of kin.  all I found was some dugouts.  several and most were about 30 feet wide and 60 feet long.  I entered one and asked if anyone knew the dead man.  It appeared to me that the dugout was divided into about six groups (families) no one spoke up.  I could not get anyone to acknowledge that I was even there.  Guess they didn't want to talk to a hat, uniform, badge and gun.   with no response I left with the comment that if anyone knew his relatives tell them he is dead.  still, not  a word.  Is Durwood still there??? Best regards to you and best of luck to Jill." -Gerald Cobb
Butch, I have a collection of old Panoramic Photos and I thought your readers might like to see some occasionally. This one is out of our area but interesting. You know me, if it has a "train" in it, then it's interesting! Ha! This was a Train Wreck on the I.C.R.R. near Farmer City, Ill, Oct 6, 1909" -C. Dwane Stevens, Ardmore
"Butch, did you see the story in the Business Section of The Daily Oklahoman Wednesday January 31, 2007 that mentioned your T&T?  A Dan Horton of Lawton saw a letter in T&T from a lady in Arkansas who wanted information on a cash register that had belonged to his grandfather’s business in Lawton around the 1900s. Dan Horton ended up buying the cash register from the lady.  Interesting story."
Butch, Thanks to you and Larry Wilcox for information about the Russet website.    My great grandparents lived in Ravia where my ggfather, Dr T.A. Caperton was a dentist. Dr. Caperton's daughter, my maternal grandmother (Fleeta Caperton), was first a student and then a teacher at Russet, IT.   Fleeta's brother, Joe, also taught school in Oklahoma and also in California.   In 1912, Fleeta married Clem Kuykendall, who was a section line foreman for the Frisco Railroad.  They continued to live in Ravia for many years and raised a family of seven children.  Several of the Caperton descendants still live in Ravia area.
I have attached two photos:
1.  Ravia - Frisco Railroad Section Line Crew dated 1912.  From left to right:  Bob Cleghorn, Clem Kuykendall, Bill Mansker, Newton Stanley and Bill Duvall.
2.  Fleeta Caperton Kuykendall's class at Russet, IT dated April 3, 1911.  Some of children listed in the photo are:  Frankie Dewbree, John O'connor, Rollen Cumbry, Bud Wagoner, Pate, Huges, Jimmie Glass, Reggie Hughes, Maudie Jones, Jewell Morgan, Dona Glass, Clare Moore, Oran Dewbree, Elsie Hughes, Ola Montgomery, Dice Whitefield, Mattie Jones, Lilly Morgan, Claud Huges, Dewey Montgomery, Blanche Allen, Clyde Allen, Emma Hughes, Emma Morgan, Talitha Allen, Arvel Quick,  Stanley Moore, Emma Jones, Cordie Allen, Clieve Allen, Hayes O'connor, Tompie Wagoner and Eugene Hughes.
I have a third photo dated February 1902 of my grandmother, Fleeta Caperton, when she was a student at Russet, but it is terribly damaged and did not scan clearly.  The photographer was listed as Schlueter Studio, Mansville, Indian Territory.  The names of 40 children are listed on the back including Fleeta's siblings." -Clark and Ruth Caperton.
"Butch I do not know if you would be interested in this or not, but I seen it while searching for something else, so I thought of you when it said about Belleview School in Tulsa, Ok." -Vera Jones
Very interesting!  My best guess is that the bell was made in Russia, and acquired through the folks at
"You think the Ada mix master is something you should see the ones in Ft.Worth." -Carol Jean



SNO-KLAHOMA (song to the song of Oklahoma)

SNO-klahoma, where the cold front’s sweepin' down the plain;
And the piles of sleet beneath your feet
Follow right behind the freezing rain.

Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I
Travel home from work and hope some jerk
Doesn’t wreck our car in passing by.

We know we belong to the land
But it could use more salt and more sand!

And when we say
Yeeow! Ayipioeeay!
We're only sayin'
You're slick as snot,
SNO-klahoma, Oy Vey!

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Best Web Hosting:
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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