This and That Newsletter

Vol 11  Issue 538     Circulation 5,000      May 17, 2007

Ardmore, Oklahoma

When I mentioned in last week's T&T Jill and I were going to Lindsay, Texas to eat BBQ at the Smokehouse, a Reader emailed me and said to be sure and visit the Catholic Church in Lindsay. Lindsay being a town of only 788 souls, I could not have imagined it having a church like the one we found there last Saturday. It may be the most beautiful church, inside and outside, to be found within a 75 mile radius of Ardmore.  First established in 1892, the present church building was built in 1919. First, I'll share some pictures we took of the outside:

This is a picture looking at the front entrance to St Peter's Catholic Church. That's Jill standing under the sign.

Front view of St Peter's.

Below are two pics I took near the entrance of a monument, on one side the Ten Commandments, on the other side The Beatitudes.

A view of the backside where some remodeling is going on today.

Other buildings on the grounds.

Below are some pictures I took of the inside of St Peter's. Absolutely beautiful.

Several views of the cemetery on the south side of the church.

This is a link to a brief history along with some more pics of the church I found on the internet using google....... Click Here

So, whether you're a Catholic, or practice another faith, or no believer at all, the trip to the little community of Lindsay, Texas (5 miles west of Gainesville on Hwy 82) is well worth the time just to visit St Peter's Catholic Church and all the beauty it beholds.

Back in August 2001 we talked about Mr. Roy Wikle and his Wikle Water Works south of Marietta, Oklahoma on old Highway 77. I noticed last Saturday there is a new owner's sign hanging up at the highway. Each of those 5 water wells are about 1,200 feet deep, with the best tasting water a person could ever want for on a hot summer day. The new owner told me he bought the 30 acres in a Sheriffs Sale at the Love County Courthouse. He added that Mr. Wikle was moved to Ponca City to be close to his daughter after his health failed.

Back in the 50s and 60s when I was a wee child the Gainesville fair was held on this open piece of land just SE of I-35 and California Street. My papa Carmon didn't miss many years taking me to the Gainesville fair, it was like a tradition to him since he was born there. These two memorial walls are about all that still stand from those days.

While in Gainesville we stopped at a junk store on the north side of Highway 82 just west of the railroad track overpass and found an interesting character by the name of Keith Mack. Keith is a spring chicken by no means, but he makes all the area flea markets selling his handmade rustic Americana picture frames and "stars".  This is a picture of Keith, and Jill holding up a couple of his wood frames. Rustic frames like held by Keith sells for $15 each.

This is a couple of the larger "Texas Stars" he had laying in his pickup bed. He uses a jig to make them.... and at $20 each he sells them faster than he can make them. Course, I don't know why an Okie would want one.  lol

This is a pic of a photo Keith had with several of his frames as examples.

This is a scan of his business card with phone number in Denison.

A Reader sent in a picture of Frank (Pistol Pete) Eaton taken at Perkins, OK  around 1929.

Jayson Pruitt sent in a photo this week of the new monument on the Marshall County courthouse grounds in Madill with the Ten Commandments inscribed on it.

When I posted the pictures Tom Arnold sent in a couple weeks ago of his grandfather and father's monument company, I failed to post one. It was taken about 1928 when Lee Arnold had his Ardmore Surface Vault Company at 1000 C SE before moving it further south.  Here is this great piece of Ardmore history.  Thanks Tom.

Last Saturday at noon, Jill and I traveled south to Lindsay, Texas to try some BBQ from the Smokehouse on Highway 82.  We actually found two BBQ places there, so next time we'll have to try the other one.  I chose the sliced BBQ beef plate for $6.50 and Jill picked the smoked turkey plate for the same price. My sliced beef was a little on the dry side to me, but it was great tasting. But I think next time I'll order the smoked turkey like Jill did, it was so moist and delicious, it just melted in your mouth. Here's a pic I snapped of my sliced beef plate.

But what caught my eye when we left Smokehouse BBQ was this huge corn field behind the restaurant. It was not as high as an elephants eye, but reached as far north as the eye could see nearly.

Speaking of eating, Tuesday evening I was in the mood for a hamburger so Jill and I went to Ponders Restaurant at I-35 and Veterans Blvd. She decided on a BLT and I for their old fashion burger. Both were excellent, I really enjoyed that hamburger from Ponders.


"I am looking for any information on a W.G. McBride that was married to a A.A. McBride and lost a son in 1884 9, Dec.  Anything will help. Thanks." -Diana [email protected]

"I'm William F. Marker III. My sister is Wynona Pierman, and Judy and David Pierman are 2 of her 11 children. This information googled on a Pierman search (not by me) was 4 years old at the time. My sister Wynona has tried to call you without any answer. The pictures on your website 4 years ago are some of our family. My half Uncle, Paul Ross worked at a radio station in Ardmore in the early 40's. Would like to at least have a copy of the pictures if possible. Please let me know who has them if you know." -Bill Marker  [email protected]

Note:  The pictures Mr. Marker is referring to were posted 4 years ago in an email by a lady in Arkansas who bought them at a garage sale. I do not know how to get in touch with the lady now.  -Butch

"Butch, here is an article on notebook batteries that your readers may find interesting. I have been told a variety of things but this is from David Einstein who is a technology writer for the San Francisco Chronicle and should know."  -Jerry Brown

I use my new notebook PC mostly at my desk, and I'm confused as to whether I should leave it plugged in. A number of friends and one store representative told me the battery will fail in half the time if I keep it plugged in while the battery is in the laptop. Another store rep told me it isn't a problem. Who is right?

A: Neither one. When the computer is plugged in, it doesn't use the battery, but it does keep the battery charged up (unused batteries slowly lose their charge). Over time, that charging process could shorten the battery's life -- but I doubt it would cut it in half. HP, a big maker of notebooks, recommends removing the battery from a notebook if it will be plugged in continually for more than two weeks. Just make sure to use up and recharge the battery every few weeks to keep it fit.


Monday, November 23, 1903
School House Burns near Healdton
Healdton: The Greenville school house, two miles north of this place, was destroyed by fire Friday night, a total loss. Some parties had been camping in the building.

The AHS Class of 1987 20 yr High School reunion is set for Friday, June 15th & Saturday, June 16th.  A casual weekend has been planned for everyone.  We have sent information out to everyone we found addresses on, but are still missing quite a few people.  Money is not going to be accepted at the door, so it is important that we reach as many classmates as we can prior to June.  Anyone needing additional information may contact Alyssa Dyson Newell at [email protected]  or Margaret Graham Gilbert at (580) 223-5889.  I will list the members that we are still missing...maybe a T&T Readers knows where to find them and can pass along the information.  Thanks for all you do!
Pam Almon Helvey, Maya Bhakta, Kathy Blake, Problems Campbell, Gloria Carney, Darrion Colbert, Christopher Cole, Aaron Davis, Carol Dexter, Mike Easley, Tim Ellingson, Kathleen Fuentes Harrison, Tyrone Fuller, Lee Gordon, Vincent Gordon, Michael Hamm, Justin Hart, Julie Harvey Shook, Chris Heartsill, Chris Hunter, Michelle Jaggers, Steve Johnson, Jon Jordon, Debbie Lienemann, Carla Loving Myers, Kenny McGee, Frank McGeisey, Steve Mayhue, Steven Monroe, Michelle Newcomb Callis, Anthony Nugent, Shannon O'Kelly, Talina Patton, Donna Pickens, Leslie Pierce Vance, Lynette Postoak, Natasha Rice, Bennie Roberts, Lawana Rolison, Debbie Scott Ellis, Daonne Skaggs, David Smith, Donna Stevenson Armstrong, Darrell Stubblefield, Wendy Supan, Len Tadych, Cindy Taylor, Donovan Thompson, Jamie Threadgill, Todd Totten, Cassandra Upchurch, Terri Vinson, Kim Washington, David Whitaker, Robert White, Alden Williams, Mhonda Williams, Cora Wilson, Rhomi Wilson, Tim Wilson, and Chad Wright.
"Hello Butch, Jill...   Just a note to you that my Niece-N-Law Beverly is a cook at "The Rock" cafe on Rt 66 in Stroud. If you or any of your This and That readers stop in you can stop by the kitchen and tell her hello. She is very nice and would appreciate any hello's. The Rock and Beverly are featured in a news commentary on one of Tulsa'a news stations. Not sure which one, but will try and get a copy for you. I just came back from there this weekend. Had a blast visiting!" -Becky Eads, Ardmore, OK

"Until Gainesville, TX went wet in the last few years, Lindsey was the closest place to Oklahoma to buy liquor, wine, and the strong version of Anheuser-Busch, Coors and Miller beers.  There were several liquor stores in Lindsey, probably none now."
"Good evening Butch & Jill. I would like to thank Terry Moore for the pictures of Cedar Falls. As a kid growing up there in Gene Autry and living just 1 and 1/2 miles south of there we went there quite often. Us boys used to walk to the falls and fish and swim in the pool, I don't know if the pool is still as deep as it was then but we would climb the high rocks on the other side and dive to see how deep it was, that is some would do that. The ones that went there were Gary Paul Woodward, Jim Payne, Glen Payne, Robert Mayse, Paul Gillespie, Charlie Hale and yours truly. One time we were fishing and one of us caught a catfish and by the time we got it in it also had a water moccasin snake trying to take it home for dinner, needless to say we gave the snake the fish. We used to slide down the falls during the summer when there was not much water running. I don't remember who owned the property at that time but there was no way to get there by auto. Times back then were the best, ever kid should have the chance to grow up in the country. In July the Gene Autry reunion will be held again in the old high school auditorium, I believe it is the 7th. We wish we could be there but not this year. I'm glad to hear that you found a wonderful woman to live out the rest of your life with, I found mine 49 yrs. ago last month. Thanks for letting me ramble on and keep up the good work enjoy every issue, Tell Doug hello. Until next time." -Robert, to some Bob, to others Cole
"Hey Butch, Ryan Jennings here.  I just wanted to share with you a fantastic experience I had this past weekend.  Last Saturday I drove through Erick, Oklahoma (on I-40 just this side of the Texas state line) because I heard that the Roger Miller Museum is located there.  As I passed it, I noticed that the museum didn't look very interesting, so I just kept on driving.  About one block south, I saw a storefront filled with old metal advertising signs, so I parked and began to walk inside, thinking I might be able to find some interesting stuff.  It turns out I was right, but for a completely different reason!  As soon as I set foot inside, a man with long hair and a long beard greeted me quite loudly.  He invited me to sit down and have a coke with him.  I sat down in a wooden chair, and he simply talked with me about all kinds of things.  It turns out he and his wife are unofficial ambassadors for the Oklahoma stretch of Route 66, and they are VERY enthusiastic.  He wore overalls with no shirt, which gave the impression of a true redneck.  He is quite proud of that.  After a few minutes of conversation, he (Harley) and his wife (Annabelle) pulled out acoustic guitars and proceeded to play "Get Your Kicks on Route 66" and "Wildwood Flower" among other classic standards.  He and his wife are known as the Mediocre Music Makers, but after hearing them play two feet from my face, I can tell you that they are anything but mediocre.  Aside from Eddie Van Halen, I'm not sure I've ever seen fingers move that fast on the neck of a guitar.  He is one of the best guitarists I have ever heard, and he was playing literally right in front of me.  I just sat slack-jawed that someone in such a small town could be so dramatically talented.  Turns out he used to play with Charley Pride, Dottie West, Jan Howard and Jim Ed Brown.  They were fantastic!  As I left, Harley wrapped me in a bear hug and wished me well.  These are extremely friendly folks, and they don't charge a cent for entertainment.  Nothing in their little shop is for sale.  It is quite apparent that they absolutely LOVE what they do.  They are true ambassadors and a really friendly couple.  If you are ever up in that neck of the woods, stop by and sit with them for a little while.  You'll be treated really well, I can guarantee it.  Rumor has it that Tow Mater in the movie Cars is modeled roughly after him, as Pixar has made two or three visits to their little shop for inspiration.  Get up there the first chance you get!  It was well worth the trip.  I'm taking my family up for a visit next time they're in the area."  -Ryan Jennings
Remember the Great 50s....
My Beautiful America.....
"If you know anyone interested in buying a used mobile home, please let me know. We are buying a 2,300 sq foot double wide, but have to get rid of ours first!  The guy that we are going through said he can get almost anyone approved and get them in the house for $300 a month and it be paid off in 5 yrs. This includes moving it, setting it up, skirting it & re-hooking up the central heat & air also.. it's a 3 bedroom 1 & 1/4 bath single wide. There is nothing wrong with this house other than the fact that there are 5 of us and we are running out of space.  My little one doesn't have space for herself at all. Our side by side frig (4 yrs old) and the elec stove (5 yrs old) also go with the house, total electric." -Shaunna in Ardmore  [email protected]
"Butch, Please pass this on to any one that might be interested.  This auction is Saturday May 19th at Lone Grove for my niece Shelley. Thanks" -Johnny Williams in Arkansas

Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car.  ~E.B. White

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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