This and That Newsletter

Vol 11  Issue 551     Circulation 5,000      August 16, 2007

Ardmore, Oklahoma

We have had lots of mentions about Fort Arbuckle which was located 7 miles west of Davis, Oklahoma in past issues of T&T through the years. But this week I ran across another Fort Arbuckle, called "old Ft Arbuckle" and it was located where the Cimarron River joins the Arkansas River near Sand Springs, Oklahoma (NW Tulsa county). (All forts of Oklahoma's past where located close to a river except Ft Sill.) This other Ft Arbuckle near Sand Springs was news to me, and I have been unable to find any more info about this "old" fort on the internet. Maybe someone out there can tell us more... like when did this old Ft Arbuckle exist. The Fort Arbuckle west of Davis was established in April 19, 1851 and decommissioned and permanently closed in June 1870.

Speaking of Fort Arbuckle, some of you will remember Jim Hill who was born at Woodford, Oklahoma at the south edge of the Arbuckle mountains taking me in February 2005 to an old stage coach way-station at Woodford.  It was used as a resting place where travelers would find a place to spend the night, a warm fire, and something to eat when they were traveling by stagecoach from Texas to Ft Arbuckle and points north. Here is a picture I snapped 2 years ago of what's left of the way-station at Woodford. I guess soon it will be history, if it ain't already, if someone doesn't do something to preserve this piece of history.  Jim said this way station dated back to probably around 1870.

"The Lure of Indian Country" by Oleta Littleheart was originally written in 1908 and today those first published books are selling close to $1,000 on the internet, if you can even find one. The Arbuckle Historical Society (Sulphur, Oklahoma) has done a reprint of the book and is now available for purchase.  There are several places in Sulphur where the book can be purchased for just under $16 and also at this link too ----> over the internet.

The link below was sent in this week advertising the new book.

Several of you took my 3 pictures of the mural painted on the side of a building in Seminole and 'stitched" it into one photo.  Here is the results.  Thanks to everyone who did this magic for me.

We've had lots of mention over the years about the beautiful creeks at Sulphur, Oklahoma and how great it is to take a dip in those clear cold streams.  But it seems now that Sulphur has been keeping a secret about that stinky Sulphur water.  I've seen it said in several places on the internet how those waters were said by the Indians 100 and more years ago, how they possessed some kind of medicinal qualities.  Even read where around 1900 people boarded trains for 100s of miles around and rode in to Sulphur just to bath in those artesian wells and springs.  But last week Jill discovered another use for Sulphur water and I have not heard this mentioned by anybody on the internet.  She found her house plants thrived on that stinky Sulphur water!  So now we will have to make regular trips to Sulphur, if not to take a dip ourselves, and we do have a special spot we do that at, but also to get water for our plants.

A couple of weeks ago when Jill and I were leaving Durant and heading back to Ardmore, we stopped at a little whatnot store just east of the Texoma bridge (Roosevelt Bridge) on the north side of Highway 70.  I cant remember the name of the place, but it was just a house that has been converted into a junk store and more.  We had no sooner got out of the car and Jill spotted a iron plant stand.  It was needing cleaned up and a paint job really bad, but the asking price was only $10.  Jill know that was a real deal, so we got it.  Here's a pic before Jill worked it over.

And this is the after picture.  From looking in the stores, this iron plant stand is worth about $50.

A reader sent in the following back in 2002 and I can't remember who it was that wrote the article about the postcards. If you read this, please send me an email, someone is wanting to get in touch with you.

Saturday, March 23, 2002 Volume 6 Issue 257   "Hi Butch: Sure enjoying T&T I'm trying to find any info on some post cards I have acquired from my grand mother who use to work in the court house in Taloga OK, they had her cleaning out the basement one time throwing stuff away, and she kept these post cards, all dated from 1907 to 1910, Some might have been 1901 I think it is a 1907 though, they where sent to a store named Briggs & Son in Taloga back then, some are made of Leather. I have around 127 I think. 25 are of Leather and the rest are paper. They are from varies venders on when they will be calling on them or be in there area, from shoe co., hat co., coffee co. and a post card co., some I think from a family member who seam to have moved off to Washington on congratulations on a new baby, another in Kansas on just getting back home been up there getting some one out of quarantine in a hospital there, some samples from the post card sales man with the Masonic Temple in Guthrie OK, pictures of the Indian Beef Issue, and some of varies Indians from a Photographer there in Taloga the studio name is Dedreck, one has an Indian girl name written on it is Minnie Chips, Cheyenne, to many here to type them all down. Thought you might be interested to come by and take a look being the historian you are? and any one else that might be interested. They have many names and companies listed, and I been looking around the net hopping to come across some of them still in existent today, but with no avail. Here is one picture of the leather post cards, front and back. all the stamps af fell off the leather, but the paper ones still have there stamps on them, 1 and 2 centers, boy thats been a while back. This is all I got scanned for now, my scanner started acting up some. have to get it going again and maybe get them all uploaded to webshots for every one to come and see. Black and White just so it will send faster for now. Better go for now, "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK"

August 12, 1923: Runyon Swindell has been arrested in connection with the murder last April of John Wall, Negro city marshal for Tatums, Oklahoma.

Jerry Brown in California (not the politician  lol ) sent in an interesting website this week. On the website you type in a zipcode and it will give you the mailboxes in that area.  Looks like Ardmore has about 25 boxes where you can drop your letter in.

A T&T Reader is trying to find the 1993 movie Skylark starring Glenn Close. It is the sequel to the first movie "Sarah, Plain and Tall".  If anyone has the movie and willing to loan it out for a few days, send me an email.


"I am looking for information on Josephine Storie and her family. All I know is that she was a twin. She and her brother Joseph were born to Evaline and Marshall Storie on 22 Jan 1892. I think in Texas. She married John Cleveland Williams and lived in Oswalt, Oklahoma in 1909. Her father Marshall died in 1985 and Evaline in 1896. The children were sent to live with other people. Josephine told stories of being made to work as the servant of the family she was sent to ( in southern oklahoma). She remembered having to stand in a chair at the age of 4 washing dishes, and being made to eat in the floor. Joseph moved to california , married and died there in California years later. I do not know where he was sent to live or how he was treated. I have found evidence to suggest that there may have been other children (Mary Pauline, sent to live with Williams and Mary Fitzgerald in Indian Territory. Listed as a servant in 1900 census, she was born in 1894 in Bonham texas) And John was maybe another son but I know nothing of him. Josephine never mentioned these other children she only remembered her twin, but through research I found a story that is a match to hers written by Pauline Stories great granddaughter. I cant seem to reach her. (Linda Novak) The email address on the story is no longer used. Thanks for any help!?!?"  -Brandi  [email protected]

"in response to you discovering another track by thackerville it is and they even have a small set of bleachers set up for spectators. dont know if anything illegal is going on their have never been but have driven by it several times in the past.  keep up the great work butch and happy travels."

"Butch, I think you will find the story about the 1904 soldier who finally has a headstone thanks to Tom Carson who did extensive research.  Good article on front page of Sunday's paper.  -Carol Kiesel in Gainesville

"Butch I am trying to purchase a copy of the book Gunman's Territory by Elmer LeRoy Baker.  I can find it on eBay and Amazon but it is outrageous.  Anybody out there have a copy they would sell?" -Doug Williams    [email protected]

"Butch:  As a regular reader of your newsletter, I sometimes hear about interesting places I want to check out myself.  Since I currently live in Florida, I only get to Oklahoma once a year and that is for our Berwyn/Gene Autry School Reunion in July.  This year my sister (Sandra Clydean Haney Tedford) and I decided to check out a couple of places.  Last year we had located "Magnetic Hill" and that was a "hoot".  Even though I had lived close for years I had never heard of it.  I recommend it highly for a interesting place to visit.  But, back to this year.  Our first stop was for the "Fried Pies" at the Turner Falls exit #51(?) on I-35.  They were the best I had in 50 years.  It was well worth the drive. Since we were traveling out West, we decided to stop in Erick and check out Harley & Annabelle's place.  One of your readers had written in about this place in May.  It is worth the drive.  We had a ball listening to the tale's spun by Harley, and then being entertained by them.  No admission fee, but all donations welcome.  These people make a living off being real "rednecks".  They sing and talk and truly entertain you.  I have attached a picture of Harley & Annabelle and hopefully you can put it in your news letter.  Thanks to all of your readers for sharing their interesting places to visit."  -Richard (Butch) Haney   [email protected]

Really enjoyed reading about your trip to Seminole. I lived there, 1943 to '49. I have a lot of fond memories and have written several stories about "growing up" in Seminole. I see they still have the old brick main street. As a kid we would walk to town several times a week just to see all the "going ons" in a big town. (We lived in an oil company camp about a mile from town).  They had 4 pictures shows on main street at that time. The Seminole, The Chief, The Rex?, and I think the last one was the Crown or Rialto.  During the week, we would hunt for pop bottles along the road as they would bring 2 cents a piece. And it only cost 11 cents to go to the show. If we were lucky enough to find several, we would have enough money to buy a 5 cent bag of popcorn. The Saturday afternoon matinees at the movies were always a Gene Autry, Lash LaRue, Durango Kid, or Red Ryder and Lil Beaver. Plus the serials and sometimes 2 cartoons. I remember going to the old N-K cafe. They used to serve what was called a "Three way". This consisted of spaghetti, chili, topped with pinto beans. And it was a full meal! Got all of this for a quarter. Another remembrance was the Hamburger Inn on Main street. It was located at the far end of Main, on the east side, toward the old Railroad Depot. Cant remember their hamburgers that well, but they made the best "Coneys" I have ever eaten.

Your photos of the murals in Seminole reminded me of my "other home town", Anadarko, Oklahoma The town with two main streets. There was "Indian Main and White Man Main". You and Jill need to make a trip to see that beautiful city too. I attach photos of some of the murals painted there. In the Mural #006, the building on the left is a painting of the old courthouse. It was torn down and replaced in 1950 or '51. Cant remember what year for sure." -Kenneth Updike in Wilson, Oklahoma  [email protected]

I have pictures of me and my Mom (attached) at a visit to Devils Den when I was about 12. I am 67 now. We lived in Tishomingo in the 50's before we moved to Ardmore in 1955. I got married when I was 16 to my husband (He was stationed at the Gene Autry air base then) and we got married at the Ardmore courthouse. Your weekly news really brings back lots of memories."  -Bobbie (Barb) Wilson Diiorio in Houston Texas

"Hi, I have a question.  Is there a  a Carter county genealogy society in Ardmore Oklahoma and does anyone know what is the address and email address since the email comes back unknown. thanks."
"Butch and Jill,  Do you have pictures of the Bromide School and do you know what to the school bell in the Bromide School?  I would like to know about about the Plainview School that was between. Tishomingo and Wapanucka it was only an elementary school. If anyone has pictures of either of these schools and information I would like to hear form you."  -Tressa in Denison

The Wilson News 10-21-1915

More Houses Wanted
"Say where can I get a house?"  That is what is heard every few minutes on the streets of Wilson.  There is a large bunch of tank men here now wanting houses.  One man said that he would like to get houses for five or six families.  Why let your vacant lots grow up in weeds when a small amount invested would build a house that would bring in a nice return each month.  In other words, we need about 50 more good residences to take care of the people that are moving in here continually.

75 Steel Tank Men Here
Every train has been bringing in more steel tank builders, about 75 are here now ready to go to work on the ten big steel tanks that are going to be built 4 miles west of here.  The contract has been let for ten 55,000 barrel tanks and there will probably be contracts let for several more before these are finished.

Have you seen the Post Office display at the Wilson Museum? Drop in and take a look.   -submitted by Mindy Taylor

"Buy land, they're not making it anymore."  -Mark Twain

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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