This and That Newsletter
Vol 12 Issue 581 Circulation 5,000 March 13, 2008
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402
email address:
Toll Free Number in Oklahoma: 580-215-4333
Derek Helmke, deputy sheriff, with the Carter County Sheriffs Office, recently started compiling a list of those who served as deputy sheriff in Carter county since statehood. Derek is turning to various sources for the information, and he is also looking to the public to help with the project. Hardly a month goes by that I don't receive an email from someone somewhere asking about a deputy sheriff of long ago. Most of the time I have not heard of them, much less have info on them, so I know the importance a list like Derek is compiling can be to researchers and even kinfolk. If you know of a deputy whose name is missing from the list below, send Derek an email. We know there are others, and really need help to get them listed.
Herman Kirkwood, president of the Oklahoma Outlaws Lawmen History Association wanted to tell everyone he now has a new stock of the book 'More Oklahoma Renegades' by Ken Butler (now deceased). He ran out after several of you wrote inquiring to purchase a copy. Herman has plenty of the books now, even Ken's first edition, 'Oklahoma Renegades'. Either book is $20 which includes postage to your door. Email Herman Kirkwood in OKC at for more info.
By the way, mark your calendars for Saturday April 19th. That's the day the Oklahoma Outlaws Lawmen History Association will be hosting a conference in the Ardmore area for its membership plus anyone else who wants to attend. The conference is free to all and should last to about noon that Saturday, break for lunch, then hit the roads to assemble at some of the famous (and infamous) places from this area's past. There will be more info on this free history conference in future T&Ts, so plan on it, that's April 19th.On Wednesday March 11th there was a really large grass fire in the far NW part of Carter county around Ratliff City. Doug Williams was in the area and snapped some great shots with his camera. He has a Sony 7.1 meagpixel SureShot.
There is a small natural history museum that is presented from the creation stand point. Admission is free. They have lots of fossils and artifact. They have some interesting replicas of dinosaurs and other unusual things. They have several stuffed animals from Oklahoma on the walls. There are 11 display cases of things to see and lots of charts and posters to read. We have a theater area for watching videos and DVDs that will seat approximately 30 people. Open Saturdays from 10:00to 4:00 or you can schedule a visit for some other day except for Sunday by calling Billy or Delie Gordon at 580-924-0803. They are located 6 miles south of the bank in Bokchito, OK which is 14 miles east of Durant on Hwy. 70. Our address is 3290 SR 22, Bokchito, OK 74726.
Speaking of fires, the county bought two really nice water trucks this week using the new volunteer fire department tax fund money. The trucks are used but in great condition as you can see in the pictures below submitted by Doug Williams. These particular water trucks were purchased for the Healdton and Woodford Fire Departments.
Normally Jill and I do not stop by the hamburger chains, tending to stay with the local mom and pop burger joints (although we do like a Whooper once in a while from Burger King). But since we had already tried a Whataburger in Texas last year and liked it, when the new Whataburger opened in Ardmore last week, we couldn't wait to go there. We weren't disappointed. People often ask me where the best burger in town can be found and I usually refrain from commenting. But, I think the best place for a burger in Carter county is now really 2 places, the Bowling Alley in Lone Grove, and starting last week at $2.39 the Whataburger in Ardmore. Here are some pictures I snapped of that delicious Whataburger.
1. Inside Whataburger 2. Outside Whataburger 3. Whataburger!
Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....
"Don't overlook the bell in front of the TKE Fraternity house, 303 E. Ayers in Edmond. Nice website! Best." -Walt
Butch over east of Lebanon, Oklahoma is this old building named the Burney Institute. I guess it was an Indian school at one time. Here is the link to it.
"Butch: Since you and Jill moved to country, I thought you may enjoy this!Older readers can relate to this, one of my favorites while growing up!" -Hoot Gilbert
'Drive In Review' by Devin Winter on the movie Jumper
"I was watching a movie "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" and a Indian actor named Wes Studi was from Nofire Hollow, Oklahoma. I looked on Google Earth and nothing comes up. Anyone know exactly where Nofire Hollow, Oklahoma is located?"
"Butch in response to a letter from my cousin Roy Barnes this is the two Oil Springs cemeteries on record. I have heard about the Goddard ranch cemeteries and I will try and catalog them." -Doug
36. OIL SPRING CEMETERY is located in the far northwest part of Carter county. It is a black cemetery and very well kept. It is on the south side of highway 7 in Range 2W, Township 1S, Section 9.
37. OIL SPRINGS CEMETERY is located on the Harry Coleman Ranch in the west part of the county. It is on the west side of Junior Murray road in Range 2W, Township 3S, Section 7. Cannot be seen from the road and the road to the cemetery passes through Coleman's yard.
"I didn't think to tell you last week but at one time there was a historical marker where the hotel used to be at Oil Springs. The last time I hunted there an oil company had done a bunch of dozing there and I couldn't find it. The Love cemetery is easy to get to. It is on the other side of the creek and you can drive right to it. We had to go to the hotel site from the south end of the hunting area and the last time I was there the private land we had to cross had a locked gate."Directions: When you come out of Marietta going east on 32 that first big curve that turns back north you go around it and there is a road that goes west. It was 5 mile section line road at the time. You run into private land with a locked gate the last time I tried to go in. It goes in to the south end of the Hickory Creek public hunting area. You couldn't drive on the hunting area you had to walk. If you go to Your right down the fence you come to a corner where the fence turns back North. The Historical marker was in that corner until the oil Co. did a bunch of dozer work and I couldn't find it again. The cemetery is farther north and you can drive to it from the West side of the hunting area.
There was also a natural oil spring at the old Peter Maytubby place, about six miles northwest of the present town of Caddo, Bryan County, Oklahoma. Years ago a hotel was opened at Maytubby Springs, and the place became well known as a resort in this country and the surrounding states.
"Butch, The older I get the more I think about Ardmore. I just read "Territorial Town-The Ardmore Story" and "The Real All Americans". It makes one feel old when one reads a history book and can remember many of the people and places in it. I appreciate your efforts in trying to keep the history of Ardmore alive. Even though we were in the same HS class, I donĂ¢?Tt remember spending much time with you, which is my loss. As for my family, JB BOONE, Sr., great grandfather, came to Ardmore from Waxahachie, Texas in 1903 and somehow ended up with land on S. Commerce. My grandfather, Dan L. Mahoney came from Boston and my dad, Dan B., graduated from AHS. I ended up with the land, and even though my children did not grow up in Ardmore they did grow up on the farm. Would like to hear from long time friends. Congratulations on your addition, Jill. If you have a newsletter, please attach me to your list. E-mail is best." -Danny Mahoney
"When you get to the web page on the following link, click on "Initial point of Oklahoma" on the left side of the page." -Duane Stevens
"I was searching for information about my great grandfather Moses E. Harris. I found a text page of your "This and That" column, but photo links do not exist. If you have information and photos about Moses Harris, the orphanage, his newspaper, or just information about Cornish Oklahoma, I would appreciate any information or web links you can provide. Thank you." -David Lloyd, Family Website:
The Wilson News by Mindy Taylor
Dancing is getting to be quite popular here. Most every night after the show the chairs are removed and a big dance is pulled off by the young folks of the city. Come out and watch them "tango".
Quite a lot of booze was captured last night by Charley Jones and Frank James, almost every one that was on the streets had to go through the ordeal of being searched, several walking saloons were raided and the goods confiscated.
Wilson Has a Booster Club
The later part of last week the merchants of Wilson organized what is to be known as the business mens booster club, with P. W. McKay, Pres. W. B. Barnett, Sec. This organization will be a big benefit to Wilson and is something we have long been in need of.
The merchants of New Wilson, in keeping abreast of the times, has set aside the 2nd Monday of every month as a trades day for the farmers of this community.Kids, We have a new Scavenger Hunt!! Wilson Museum Hours: Tues. Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
When I think back the past few years when some of the most famous entertainers in this country have sung our National Anthem (Est by Congress in 1931) in a disrespectful way at the Super Bowls, etc., it really does my soul good to see the young Americans in the youtube link below sing it the way it was intended to be sung. Below is a link to a video of the Cactus Cuties, five very talented young ladies. They are Andi Kitten 11, Baylee Barrett 13, Madeline Powell 8, Tatum Lowe 11, and Blaire Elbert 10, singing The Star Spangled Banner. The performance was at the Texas Tech vs Texas basketball game January 20, 2008 in front of over 11,000 people. The group is named for the Cactus Theater in Lubbock, Texas (home of the Buddy Holley Festivals) and are coached by Cami Caldwell.
See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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