This and That Newsletter

Vol 12  Issue 619     Circulation 5,000      December 4, 2008

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]

580-657-8616 (not a toll free number)

A couple of weeks ago we mentioned the finding of two diplomas from the Dallas School of Embalming in the attic of the old Harvey-Douglas Funeral Home on 1st SW.  The names inscribed on the two 1919 diplomas were Henry Lee and Beulah Cathey.  I have been researching the names, trying to located any living relatives of Henry Cathey (1876-1940) and Beulah Cathey (1882-1978), and I'm slowing making progress. Beulah remarried after the death of her husband Henry, and her new last name was Musgrave.  Beulah had a daughter named Opal Bartlow Priddy (part of Ardmore's Priddy Salad Dressing family).  Seems Opal was married about 3 times, so I'm having trouble locating living family members (lots of branches in the family tree).  If anyone has any info on Henry and Beulah or Opal, please let me know.  We'd like to see these diplomas back in the hands of family members.  Below is the 1978 obituary on Beulah Musgrave:

The Daily Ardmoreite
Monday November 27, 1978

Beulah C. Musgrave

Services for Beulah Redin Cathey Musgrave will be at 2pm Tuesday, Nov 28, 1978 in the Harvey Chapel.  Mr. Richard E. Black of the Central Church of Christ and Mr. James Bailey of the Maxwell Church of Christ will officiate with interment in Rose Hill Cemetery.  Mrs. Musgrave died Sunday November 27 in the local hospital.  Born April 2, 1882 in Hill County, Texas, she had lived in Ardmore since 1902, moving here from Sulphur.  She married Henry L. Cathey on Jan 1, 1901 at Nocona, Texas. He died March 27, 1940 and she later married L.M. Musgrave on Aug 21, 1964.  He died in Jan 1965.  She was also preceded in death by a son, Lynn I. Cathey.  She was a member of the Central Church of Christ, and was a retired mortician. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Opal Bartlow Priddy, Ardmore; two grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.  Bearers will be Lowell Keeton, Howard Haney, Leon Goss, Ron Priddy, Michael Cole, and John Robert Cole.  Services directed by Harvey Funeral Home.

In the NE corner of Stanley and G Street SW was the location the first High School in Ardmore.

Last week we mentioned Battle Springs Lake located about 9 miles south of Lone Grove, just over into Love county.  Back around 1920 the lake was being operated as a resort and retreat for the public.  I found out last weekend that Battle Springs Lake is now part of a 4,000 acre ranch and in private hands.

I hope everyone got to witness the once in a lifetime opportunity to see Jupiter, Venus and the Moon at very close proximity to each other last weekend.  Jill and I went outside and viewed this spectacular event last Sunday evening.  Since I have a hard time taking night photos, I didn't even try to get some pics, but Doug Williams sent in a picture he took.

Even though I'm not good with my camera at night photos, I did take a couple of Central Park all decked out for the Christmas holidays. It is quite a sight to behold, and if you live near Ardmore, I hope you can get by to see the beauty.

I am working to create photo albums at and it will be an on-going work.  I have just touched the surface of what I want to place at the website.  You can check out what I've add so far at the URL below.

Plainview School is in the process of gathering any and all school history or photos to place in their upcoming Plainview Centennial History Book.  The plan is to compose a book 100 pages in length, with 80 of those pages dedicated for Plainview School history, old photographs, and stories from those who attended.  The deadline to get the info in is April 15, 2009. So if you or someone you know graduated from Plainview, taught at Plainview, employed at Plainview, maybe parents or grandparents attended, or whatever the association, send Amy Christiansen an email at Plainview Schools. Plainview has a ton of history dating back 100 years, now is the time to get it sent in!  She would love to hear from any and all who claim Plainview as their school.  [email protected]

Here is a photograph of Plainview School back in 1923 from Kate Zanies journal on Carter County Schools.

Ten cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area......

There are new postings.  Check out the Oklahoma History Boards!

Q.   Where did the Cherokee people live before removal to Oklahoma?
A.   Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee

Q.   What U.S. president proposed the Indian's removal to Oklahoma?
A.   (answer in next week's T&T)

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"I have attached the only railroad photo of Lone Grove that I have in my collection. It was taken by a good friend of mine, Ken Fitzgerald, back in 1976. Ken is an expert railroad photographer and a rail historian and he was able to photograph the old Ringling Line just before it was taken out of service." -Dwane Stevens

"Meridian Road just north of Memorial Road where there is a hump in the road where the railroad crossed Meridian. In fact, most people don't know this but the rails are still there under the pavement. You can see them sticking out on either side of Meridian if the grass is not too high. I've stopped there and shot photos of the ends of the rails where they cut them off." -Dwane Stevens
"Your blog last week reminded me that I owed you some photos of the Palacine Indian ash trays I have that came from my dad, Ossian Cameron. I have no idea when he got them from Wirt Franklin. I have two of them and they are bronze and measure 4 1/2 inches across the base and 7 inches tall. From photos I've seen, I am guessing that the picture of the Indian in your photo last week stood at the service station at the overlook just before the hairpin turns down the mountain at Turner Falls on US 77." -Monroe Cameron

"Butch, I remember my father telling me of a wagon yard that was directly behind the old Daube's store. I can still remember the old well that was there. My father told me stories of spending the night in the wagon yard when he and his brother would bring cotton from Berwyn to Ardmore. I don't know its name."
"Butch, on your well water, get a good water filter. They make inexpensive ones that have cartridges and can be changed out monthly. My father's lake house has them and it is a must the water there is terrible alot of sulphur and I suppose alot of iron as the water if left untreated turns brown in the pipes. The water will also leave a brown coating on the filter. The cost of a filter monthly or bi-monthly is probably less than the SOWC water AND there are no added chemicals to your water."
"Butch, I want to help you and learn at the same time. Thank GOD for your website and those like it. We here in Oklahoma have such a rich heritage to share. Herman Kirkwood has been a good friend of mine for years. Please lets all support him and his website.  If there is anyone here that I can assist in any way, please call me at 405-706-0117. I am now a private investigator after retiring from the Oklahoma City police after 27 years of service. I will do whatever I can to help tell the truth about our rich history. TRUTH is paramount. Thanks to all and please continue to send Butch your photos and stories. GOD bless this site and those who want to contribute! If anyone wants to know anything about early day to modern day Law officers in Oklahoma. Please call me or Herman. I'm very good at research and enjoy doing it. Please remember Ron Owens and the books "Jelly Bryce, legendary Lawman" as well as "Oklahoma Justice" the complete history of the Oklahoma City Police Dept and "Oklahoma Heroes" a list of all police officer in the state who have been killed in the line of duty. Thanks to all my new friends in here!" -Lynn McCumber  [email protected]
"One of our two fox came to visit while we were eating Thanksgiving dinner and he ate some of the birdseed on the deck. Tricia made up a plate with bones and turkey skin and put them on the deck. The fox came right back for Thanksgiving dinner." -Monroe Cameron in Big Sky, Montana
You gotta watch this video on "Drill Your Own Oil Well". The narration cracks me up. Be sure and watch to the end."
"Hi Butch, I spent my first 22 years (starting in 1935) in Carter and Stephens counties, including two summers in Ardmore, between terms at OU. So I became familiar with the towns along Highway 77. After finishing up at OU, I moved East, living at various times at three places in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, all fairly close to Philadelphia. The last place I lived back East was Lancaster, PA (pronounced Lank'-ister by the natives). Lancaster and Philadelphia are connected by highway 30, AKA Lancaster Pike, about 45 miles.

Starting near Philadelphia going West to Lancaster are the following towns (among others): Overbrook, Wynnewood (pronounced Win'-wood by the natives), Ardmore, Wayne, Berwyn, and Paoli. There is even a Purcell, but it is far West of Lancaster.

This can't be just coincidence, and I'm hoping you or some of your readers will know the history of this transferal of Pennsylvania names to Oklahoma."  -Orval Gwinn 
[email protected]
"My father, Glenn Elmore, Sr., who is age 86, fell at home yesterday, breaking his hip. He is now in Ardmore's Mercy Memorial Hopsital. He's resting reasonably well, although, as you might well imagine, it's all pretty tough on him. Please continue to ask the Lord to strengthen and cheer him, and to give him a smooth recuperation and recovery from the hip surgery. Please remember him in your prayers and thoughts." -Tom Elmore 405-794-7163 Cell: 405-831-3860  [email protected]
"Butch & Jill, Thought you might enjoy this snapshot I took of two young deer with huge ears that were grazing in my backyard this afternoon. Have you ever seen such large ears on a young deer?"  -Linda Wagner in Colorado

Les Gilliam, The Oklahoma Balladeer

Dec 2008
5 – Westerners Club, Oklahoma City*
12 – WillisChild Oil Company Christmas Banquet, Medicine Park, OK*
13 – Cowboy Christmas Ball, Winfield, KS (band) (620-221-0052 for reservations)
31 –New Years Eve Dance, Prairie Rose, Benton, KS (band)
(316-778-2121 for reservations)

Feb 2009
26 – Max Claybaker Customer Appreciation Banquet, Blackwell, OK*
March 2009
6 – Leadership Oklahoma, Muskogee, OK – OK Music Hall of Fame*
14 – Country Jubilee, Reagan, OK 7pm
27 – Grand York Rite Ladies Luncheon, Oklahoma City*
* Private Party

Gentlemen, Don't end up in the dog house this holiday season.....
The Lone Grove Ledger
From the Archives
11-18-1913 ~ A Masonic Lodge building, two stories high is to be erected
at once in Wilson by the Masons of Hewitt, who yesterday closed a deal
for lots on which to erect the building.  This is the first secret order
to commence a building in Wilson, but practically all of the church
organizations have secured locations to be put up in the near future.
4-14-1913 ~ New Wilson, the infant city on the line of the ONM&P, is
proud of the new high school building just completed.  When the town was
first organized, it was decided to invest ten thousand dollars in a new
high school building.  Each room is equipped with its own heating plant,
which makes each independent of the other.  Prof. A. A. Rogers will be
the head of the school, and will be assisted by Mrs. A. A. Rogers, Miss
Florence Corley, Miss Ruth Hewitt, Miss Marian Prater, Miss Alice Woods,
and Miss Helen Goff.
11-11-1913 ~ Wilson is the "Wonder city of Carter County, the fastest
growing place in the state at the present time."  Only in an oilfield
where faith has been followed by rapid development could a town grow so
fast within sixty days time.  With the telegraph service being installed
by the Ringling Railroad, and a complete telephone system throughout the
town and surrounding country now in operation, Wilson is in direct
connection with the entire world.  Wilson now has 800 people and 500
teams.  Everything that goes to the Healdton field must come to Wilson by
train.  The town has four lumber yards, three oil supply houses, two
hotels, a half dozen restaurants, a steam laundry and a moving picture
man in town.
12- 8-1913 ~ New Wilson.  Mr. foster has just completed a hotel on the
west side of town which will be known as the Teamster's Beanery.  Miss
Shannon of Marietta has built one of the finest rooming houses in the
city.  Rhodes Brothers of Stroud have purchased the dry goods business of
Mobley, the tailor.  Work will soon begin on the grading of the streets
and oil will be sprinkled daily, which will be one of the greatest boosts
for our little city of nearly 3,000 people.
~ Need an unusual Christmas gift? Go shopping at the Wilson Historical
Museum.  Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Miracle on 34th Street - 1947

District Attorney:  What is your name?
Kris Kringle:  Kris Kringle.
District Attorney:  Where do you live?
Kris Kringle:  That's what this hearing will decide.
Judge Henry X. Harper:  A very sound answer, Mister Kringle.
District Attorney:  Do you really believe that you're Santa Claus?
Kris Kringle:  Of course.
District Attorney:  [long pause] The state rests, your honor.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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