This and That Newsletter
Vol 13 Issue 629 Circulation 5,000 February 13, 2009
PO Box 2
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402
email address:
580-657-8616 (not a toll free number)
Most of you who do not live here in Carter county know by now, thanks to all the news coverage by the national news networks, a F4 tornado came through Lone Grove last Tuesday evening destroying many homes and taking the lives of 8 people at last count. I can only say that Jill and I feel like we experienced a miracle here on our 3 acres 2 miles south of Lone Grove, as the storm missed us by only one mile. Many of our friends and neighbors were not so lucky. This storm was moving 50 miles an hour, so it all happened very, very fast. Within minutes it was spreading its destruction on toward the northeast hitting the north side of Ardmore in the Majestic Hills area causing much damage there too.
We were without electricity from that Tuesday evening until 9:30pm Thursday evening, so I was unable to work on my newsletter during that time as I usually do. We did have a generator I bought in 2001 and used it to kept our refrigerator cold and the TV running so we could keep up with the news. And thankfully we have propane, so we had hot water and a stove to cook on. Jill and I appreciate those of you who called on the phone to check on us that evening, and the 100s of you who sent emails from all over the country when you heard about the tornado on the national newscasts. I tried to answer everyone's emails, and if I failed to, it was not intentional. You all have humbled Jill and I beyond words.
I am only going to post two emails here that are representative of all those we received:
"Hi Butch, I woke up early and turned on the TV and the first thing I saw and heard was about the tornado in Lone Grove. After checking the Ardmoreite, I then checked the Daily Oklahoman website and read that at least 8 people had been killed. I am so sorry to hear about all of this destruction in your town. You and Jill were the first people I thought about and prayed that you were okay." -Nelda in MO
"I have 2 generators, 3500 and 6000, with 220 on the big one. If you need it I can bring it down." -Terry in OKC
The 2 emails above are just two of the many we received, thanks to everyone who wrote, you have all touched our hearts.
Since Tuesday night I can not describe the outpouring of help that has been shown to Lone Grove. Within 1 hour of the twister tearing through town, two fire trucks came up our driveway (we are a long way off the road) to check on us and make sure we were ok. The help has come from so many; the emergency services, the government agencies, the utility companies, the relief organizations, the churches, the civic organizations, the private businesses, and many many individuals, all working together tirelessly since Tuesday night. And the work is still going on as I type this newsletter. Jill and I know we live in a wonderful community of caring people.
Those of you who are not here to see this area in person can not image the devastation. Jill and I drove by some of it in the car Thursday evening, but there are aerial photos in the Folder below that really brings the destruction out like nothing else can. When looking at the aerials, if you recognize some that are not noted by name, let me know and I will rename them in the Folder. The photos on this Folder has been submitted by several T&T Readers.
The O.N.M.&P. Railroad was opened from Ardmore to the oil fields in 1913. Soon after this event the company employed Mr. Homer Britton as Passenger Conductor and for nearly ten years he has served in this capacity. Hardly a man, woman, or child in the western part of Carter county but knows Mr. Britton. He collects their tickets, but he renders every courteous service possible and many men have placed their families in transportation feeling a particular satisfaction in knowing that Mr. Britton's careful protection was about them.
Mr. Britton has not only established himself as a faithful and competent employee of the Railroad Company and a friend to his company's passengers, but he is well and favorable known in and near Ardmore where the has lived for thirty-three years. Hospitality radiates from his large and spacious home in the city of Ardmore and Mr. Britton counts his friends in number with his acquaintances. -Carter County Schools Journal 1923
A week or so ago I ran into a piece of malware called "Antivirus 2009" on a computer. It hijacked the computer, and unrelentlessly asked you every few seconds to upgrade for $29 to their Pro Version in a pop up box in the lower right hand corner of the screen. You couldn't even X out of the box. I knew what the problem was, MALWARE, and tried to remove it with my long time faithful program Spybot. But it would not remove it. So I did some googling and learned that a program I had already mentioned several weeks ago called MalwareBytes will do the trick. I ran it and sure enough, in the matter of minutes the computer was cleaned from Antivirus 2009 malware. It did require a reboot to finish the job, but nonetheless, MalwareBytes did remove it completely. No further problems. Hooray for the freeware program MalwareBytes! cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area......
Oklahoma History Boards!
Q. What member of the 45th Infantry Division drew cartoons in WWII?
A. Bill MauldinQ. Who was the first governor of the Oklahoma territory?
A. (answer in next week's T&T)Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....
"Butch, We explored a cave the old timers at Gene Autry called Dead Man's Cave. If I remember it was about two or three miles west of Buck Hale's house on Buck Hale Road (Lumbermans Road), turn north about 1 mile. There is an old military shooting range you go by, there was a ranch road we walked to the top of the mountain, the cave is on the very top of the hill, it goes down about twenty feet to a small room." -Jerry Williams
"Butch, I remembered two more caves, one is on the mountain overlooking the railroad bridge where the river comes out of the mountains it is about 30 feet down the west side its hard to find there is a little outcrop of rocks that is really the only hint of the cave it goes almost straight down, I think Louis Hope and some others went down on ropes. I was by myself when I found it so I didn't even try to enter it. The other one is south of the river bridge west of Dougherty, there is an old scout camp about a half mile south of the bridge, the cave is just south of the camp, there is a large outcrop of rocks in front of it so it was pretty easy to find. It goes down a few feet and back into the hill there was water in it so we didn't go very far into it." -Jerry Williams
"Here are a few pictures of some of the damage at Lone Grove and north of Ardmore, it was getting dark and we could not stop so they are not the best but you can see how bad it was, there is one with a yellow stick right in the middle of the picture, well funny thing was we tried to buy this house but backed out, guess that was a good decision." -Doug Williams
"Have you tried the Burgers A a place called Rock-a-Billys grill in Beggs, Oklahoma? They are the juices best flavored burgers I have ever had. The food critic from the Tulsa news paper wrote an article and gave them 2 thumbs up. Also the Oklahoma Biker magazine though the were one of the best burger anywhere. They are found 16 miles south of Glenpool Ok. on hwy 75 at the hwy 16 (Beggs exit). You gotta try them." -Barb
"Butch, If you haven't got an answer to the question on the TOKEN you listed by now, here is what I found with the same picture as the one you had listed down below." -Sam Cottrell,
""Hi Butch! I enjoy your news letter very much. Keep up the good work! Here are a couple of links to info no your coin:
The first one shows the same token, the second gives some more info on tokens like this."
"Dear Butch, In answer to your question about the token in last week's T&T I can offer this information. The design on the obverse (front) of the token is very similar to the large denomination gold coins produced beginning in 1877. The interesting thing about the design is the use of 15 stars. Most US coins were produced with 13 stars representing the 13 original colonies.
The reverse is very similar to the 1877 $20 & $50 gold coins.
The saying on the obverse translates to "GAME TOKEN." The reverse reads "IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH." According to Fred Nevill, a fellow AHS graduate of 1965 and good antique dealer, this was probably a casino chip. Fred was also responsible for translating the Latin on the token." -Monroe Cameron
"Butch: My Nephew started a new free website to help people with their computer problems, would love to put it on T&T, It could help a lot of readers! Very best to all!! He has the website up and running with some software and a couple of videos. I need links to other websites, software suggestions and anything else you can think of. Check it out at:
"Butch. I really enjoy your Oklahoma History web site. Back in 1940- 1942. I went to the old Mountain Home school which was about 10 miles north of Ringling. I have been trying to find some information and pictures of the old school which has seen been torn down. We lived in the community about 5 or 6 miles west of the school. If any one has any information. They can send it me on my e-mail site. Thanks, Ronnie."
"Oh, Lord, who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness." -William Shakespeare
Because of this week's situation, tonight's T&T will be short. I have plenty of info and history for next week, so see everyone next week!Butch and Jill Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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