This and That Newsletter

Vol 13  Issue 640     Circulation 5,000      April 30, 2009

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]

580-657-8616 (not a toll free number)

Jim Grant down in Alabama sent some photos he took of the Darlington Cheyenne Indian Agency near El Reno, Oklahoma last month.  In Jim's own words.... "the Darlington Cheyenne Indian Agency is going to pot by private ownership."  When Jim called me about this place, I had never heard of it, born and raised in Oklahoma and never knew this piece of history existed, much less that it was falling into disrepair.  Always saddens me to see things like this happen.

For years everyone used a certain link to go to Bill Hamm's cemetery records.  About I month ago I noticed the links were dead links.  I thought maybe the records were taken off the Internet.  But I discovered this week Mr. Hamm's records are now stored at new location, so mark your Favorites.

Thanks to a friend, the 400 page 1923 Carter County Schools Journal by Kate Galt Zanies is almost digitized.  There are about 50 pages missing from the old book that will have to be scanned from another book (hint hint to a certain T&T Reader in the SE part of Ardmore) and inserted into the PDF file.  I'll have more on this piece of Carter county history soon.  Below is a page in the book denoting the publisher, Hargreaves Printing in Dallas.

I received an email (see Mailbag below) requesting info and any photos on the swinging bridge that used to be at Greasy Bend.  Maybe someone can give some help on the subject.

If any of you made the Oklahombres 20th Anniversary Rendezvous at Madill last Saturday at the Madill Community Building, you were exposed to some great history.  There was a nearly packed room of attendees.  Jill and I really especially enjoyed the presentation by author and historian R.D. Morgan about Bonnie and Clyde's escapades during their travels across Oklahoma.  Many knew the story of Bonnie and Clyde from the 1967 movie, but few knew this couples connection to Oklahoma and the shooting of deputy Gene Moore at Stringtown, Oklahoma, among other incidents.

The end for the young couple Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow came in 1934 near Sailes, Louisiana.

Two pics I took of author R.D. Morgan at the microphone......

I was glad to see the association's president, Dee Cordry, receive a certificate of appreciation for his 20 years of work with Oklahombres.  I first met Dee some 20 years ago at a law enforcement class on computer technology in OKC where Dee was one of the speakers.

Speaking of microphone, there was even some blue grass entertainment by Tanner Young and the Harris Tradition of Calera, Oklahoma.

Bought a gasohol tester (tests for ethanol) at AgriProducts on P Street NE this week to go along with my Gas Prices Webpage.  I noticed yesterday the Love's Station at W. Broadway and Wheeler Street just put out a big "100% Gasoline" banner.  To repeat an old saying, Things, they are a changing.

By the way, if you decided you want a Gasohol Tester from AgriProducts, be sure and check first to see if they have them in stock. They can order you one if they don't. Took only 1 day to get mine. Their phone number is 580-223-7355, location: 712 P Street NE in Ardmore.

Ten cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area......

Oklahoma History Boards!

Q.    What president attended the dedication of Skyline Drive in 1961?
A.    John F. Kennedy

Q.   What is Oklahoma's record high temp?
A.    (answer in next week's T&T)

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Butch, Terri and I drove up to Mountain Lake for a while today and I shot a few photos of the Dam. The old walk way under the Dam is closed now but I remember walking through it back in the early days. On the West end of the walk way are three metal plates with construction dates and names, etc. as shown in the attached photos. To get to the walk way you have to wade through a brier patch and work your way through the rocks. I asked permission from the keeper at the office first and he said it was ok but just to be careful and watch for snakes. I managed to get in there and get my pictures but I didn't stay very long." -Dwane Stevens

"Butch, the pictures of the Baum stores sent be back in time.  My Grandfathers brother Clint and Victoria Carrell ran the Baum store back in the 1960's.  It was fun to go to a uncles store as he would always give a free pop or ice cream while he visited with my Grandfather.  At the time he was open there were two stores at Baum, one was down on the river bank and then the one right in Baum.  My Uncle closed it for a while when he went to Arizona to run a gold mine and finally came back in the late 60's and said he was putting Baum back on the map.  The store was torn down and a concrete block building was built in its place."  -Doug Williams
"I am happy to say that as of yesterday (Monday, April 27th) the new Wilson Historical Museum's website is up and running.  We truly hope everyone will enjoy perusing it!  Thanks so much for assisting us in getting this new information out to your readers!"  -Carole Pinches, President, Wilson Historical Society

"Hi Butch;  I am sending you a photo of a beautiful bird that stopped off at my brothers feeder last week in Ardmore. WE can't figure out what kind of bird it is, so thought some of your readers might recognize it. I think he or she was just passing through if anyone has a clue please E-Mail me."  [email protected]

"Hate to tell you Butch, but the picture you show in last weeks T&T Newsletter of the 'Mother Bluebird' is actually a male."  LOL   -Mudd

Regarding your blue bird pic in last week's T&T, Pa would probably take issue with being called a Ma. :)  Mom is plainer with the same basic pattern.

3-4 chicks per brood are common here and if they like the place and the sparrows don't interefere too much, they could raise up to 3 broods in a summer.  Mom & dad both stay really busy shoveling bugs in those gaping mouths.

They really like a shallow (1-15") source of clean water too, both for drinking and bathing.

That little burbling call of theirs and the wing-waving greetings always make me smile.

Good pics of both sexes here:

More good info here:

"Butch, A beautiful picture of the Blue bird. We do not have any like that here but we do have some others. An Oregon Junco is very pretty. So are the Male Common Redpolls. I also got some pictures of Chestnut Chickadees. The pictures look close because they are close. They got so used to me that I could pet them. They landed on my arm and fingers. One would peck at my watch band. I got to know individual birds in the month I had the feeders out this year. They ate about 25 pounds of seed in 4 weeks. At times, there were over 150 different birds feeding at one time. Lots of fights and pretty music "Chirping".  Thanks for all your work on the T&T. I love reading it each week. Oh, I have a rototiller you can use if you would like to come and get it."  -Claude in Juneau, Alaska

"Butch there is a web site, Pat's Backyard Bird cam that has some excellent pictures of birds in our area. Just found it by accident. But enjoy what she has to offer. She lives in OKC so the birds are ones you would find in and around our area. The Cafe in Wapanuka makes a good cheeseburger and steak sandwich with great onion rings and fries.  Also Smokin Joes in Davis.... best barbeque around."

 Clara Smith Hamon married John Gorman August 1921, the same year he directed the silent movie "Fate".
"Does anyone have information on the dams on Pennington Creek in Tishomingo. There are 3 of them. The “little dam” where the old powerhouse is located; the new dam built in about the 1970’s or so; and a third dam about 1 mile upstream of the “little dam” (might be called Foley Dam). I am interested in any photos, information on power facilities or pipelines, etc. Trying to compile the available info on them for historical purposes."   [email protected]
"Platt National Historic District is the original section of Chickasaw National Recreation Area and is located south of Sulphur, OK. The drought has hit Platt Nat'l hard. Antelope and Buffalo Springs have dried up. Bear Falls and Panther Falls still have enough water to enjoy , so there must be another small spring down the creek from Buffalo and Antelope Springs.

Picture 1 is of the low water bridge that you cross on the way to the Nature Center/Little Niagara area.

When Little Niagara dried up, serious weakening of the dam was discovered and repaired. Pictures 2, 3, and 4 are of Little Niagara.

Picture 5 is of a Musk thistle plant. They came into this area several years ago on a load of hay from another state and are rapidly taking over. Some ranch owners are trying to control them and others are ignoring them. There is a concentration of them along Hwy. 177. They are a serious problem for hay production and pastures in general. If you have any of these on your property, spray them with Grazon P + D, dig them before the seed heads develop, or if the flower has already developed then dig and burn when it is safe to do so. As far as I know, Round Up will not work. They are extra stickery, have a triangular stem lined with stickers, and they grow with a rapidity that is astounding! They have multiple flower heads and produce thousands of seed that remain viable for many years."

There is a new free online service in Ardmore and Carter County.

"A video of Turner Falls today (04/11/09) not a lot of water going over the falls."  -Doug

Note:  Wednesday April 29th the rain started falling in Carter county, and by that night our rain gauge showed about 5 inches!

"Butch, Seeing the old train engine from Hugo reminded me of the train engine and coal car at the Hardy Murphy Coliseum.  I remember when they walked it down Lake Murray Drive to its present location in the early 1950s. They would lay track for a few feet and pull or push the train onto the newly laid track, pick up the track from behind the engine and move it to the front.  Even as a young boy with my grandfather explaining what they were doing, I was fascinated by the process.  I was wondering if you or anyone had pictures of moving the train engine to it present location."  -Dan
"My grandmother was Mamie High, born in 1898. Does anyone have a contact, perhaps with the Oklahoma Historical Society, who could help me learn more about her?  An old photo of her mother appears to be indian. Thanks"  -Royce Pipes  [email protected]
"Google hasn't picked it up yet so some of your Readers might have trouble if they type in the "www" keys. If they'll simply go into their web browser and type in they'll hit it."
"I enjoyed your stories of Oklahoma, I grew up in Greasy Bend, went to school at Norris Chapel, Was saved and baptized in the Church also the school and community building.   I was wondering if anyone has a picture of the Swinging Bridge that crossed the Washita Riverr,  What year did the bridge wash out? Thanks."   -Jody R. Lowery


The most dangerous cake recipe

4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
a small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts (high). The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!

Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.  EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).

And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!

(See pictures below)

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.  -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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