This and That Newsletter

Vol 13  Issue 665     Circulation 5,000      October 22, 2009

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:


Today is the anniversary of the death of Pretty Boy Floyd back in 1934. Even though Pretty Boy Floyd lived in different places in the U.S. at different times, his ties to Oklahoma were strong.  Charles Arthur Floyd was born in the state of Georgia in 1904, but his family shortly thereafter moved to Sallisaw, Oklahoma where "Chock" Floyd grew up in the Cookson Hills in those beautiful mountains. Pretty Boy grew up to be one of the most notorious bank robbers in the United States.  His participation in the 1933 Kansas City Massacre really pushed him into the spotlight and hunted by the FBI across the U.S. and Canada. Oklahoma born Woody Guthrie memorialized Pretty Boy in 1939 in one of his songs by the same name. Pretty Boy Floyd's string of bank robberies and murders would come to an end in Ohio when he was shot and killed by law enforcement on October 22, 1934. Here is an interesting Tulsa World write-up on Floyd this week in an interview with his nephew.

Tulsa World Interview

Song by Woody Guthrie, Pretty Boy Floyd

If you haven't visited the Oklahoma History Boards lately, you should check them out.  This week someone started a new topic, "Natural Resources Oklahoma is Famous For."  The first thread in the topic tells about the pecans crop this year in Oklahoma, specifically the Johnston county pecan crop.  Very informative, up to date info including photos!  We hope others will chime in at.....

Paul Tucker, director of Carter county's Emergency Management office has a new service available by the name of Nixle. The service will allow Paul to send alerts and advisories to subscribers of Nixle on a local basis. Even though Nixle is a nationwide service, its geared toward the neighborhood level and keeping citizens informed with up-to-the-minute info. To learn more about this life saving service just go to Paul's webpage, click on the Nixle Informational Video and learn all about it. Once you've seen the 8 minute informational video, I think you will see what a great communications tool this will be for Carter county citizens. You can even sign up from Paul's webpage.  The service is free.

Jill and I were at Davis, Oklahoma last Saturday and spotted a looooong limo being washed at the car wash there in town.  The Ford Excursion limosine is rented out by Sweethearts Limo in Davis.  580-369-2966

While in Davis we stopped by the Family Furniture Store on Main Street to check out what Stacey Conley has for sale in her place of business. One item that caught my eye was this awesome cedar table.  It's handmade from Murray county cedar by a craftsman in Lone Grove.  The top measures 48" X 20", and stands 36" high.  The pictures below do not do this masterpiece justice, it's much more beautiful in person.  If you're in the Davis area, stop in Stacey's and see a work of art by a craftsman.

At noon we stopped at the New China Restaurant in Sulphur (just east of the new Walmart) for one of the best lunch buffets we've ever ate, only $5.65 each (evening buffet is $2 more). It's in the same place The Bricks Restaurant used to be.  Everything we put on our plate was to perfection.

The water was flowing pretty good over Turner Falls last Saturday.

We talked about a $2,650 storm shelter made in Carnegie, Oklahoma last week.  I found 2 similar shelters on display in Ardmore.  One is on 12th Northwest behind Staples (back parking lot)....  $2,200 installed with a 10 year warranty.

Another shelter is on display about halfway between Ardmore and Lone Grove on Highway 70 (north side of highway). Its $2,200 also and includes installation.

If you know of any other shelters being sold in this area, let me know.

For over 13 years now you T&T Readers have amazed me.  When I started this rag back then with about 12 friends, I never dreamed we'd be where we are today in terms of the world wide web.  This week I had my website analyzed by to see how many visitors we are getting and I was blown away by their report. reported is entertaining over 4,600 visits a day.  StatBrain reports receives 3,200 visits per day (1,500 visitors per day less than my website), so you can imagine my surprise. Maybe shocked would be a better word.  The number that Statbrain estimates is visits. It is also known as visitor sessions and indicates the number of visits that a website has. The number is not the same as unique visitors which usually is a bit lower. Visits should not be mixed up with hits or page views which are entirely different numbers. Thanks everyone for making my website what it is today! I appreciate every one of you, my loyal Readers!

By the way, if you'd like to buy a ready-made website, just check through Statbrain to see what I'd sell it for.  As of today I'd let it go for a measly $4,602.  Surely it's worth a $1 per visitor.  lol After all, we are now more popular than any website in the county. Again, thanks everybody, I couldn't do it without you!

We have deer eating the corn we put out on a daily basis. Most of the time its a doe and her baby fawn, but some days there are 2 bucks eating behind our house too. This pic was took through the kitchen window, so its not real clear.

We received almost 2 1/2 inches of rain the past 48 hours. Welcomed rain.

Ten cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area......

Q.   Who won the battle of the Red River Villages?
A.   The Native Americans in the Red River area

Q.   Who was governor between 1906 and 1907?
A.   (answer in next week's issue)

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"I have completed 6 chapters of my post-retirement book TALES FROM AN OKLAHOMA COURTROOM.  In one chapter, a vicious murderer from Kay County shot an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper in Madill, who retaliated with a deer slug into the thug's lower spine.  He survived, made parole, and attends all events he can find in a wheelchair with a large sign VIETNAM VET.  WOUNDED IN ACTION.  His donations have reached the point where he has a guardian manage the funds.  To me, the hottest seat in Hell is reserved for those who claim to have served, but did not.  While Americans were dying in Vietnam, this thug was cold-bloodedly murdering a elderly service station attendant in the wee hours of the morning, taking $125 from the till." -James Clark, Ardmore
Finding Sgt Brookman, 65 years later, Keene, NH

"I have heard there is a monument on the west side of the courthouse in Ardmore that lists all the Carter County Commissioners since 1907. Do you have a picture of the memorial and list?"

"Butch, that's a wild Arkansas Razorback in Doug Williams yard that escaped from my backyard!!! HA!!! Probably trying to hide from those Florida Gators!!! My two favorite college football teams going up tomorrow against their most feared opponents (Florida Gators & Texas Longhorns). I’m not feeling too confident about either of them tomorrow. Although, I do believe that OU has a better chance at beating Texas, then my Hogs do at beating Florida. But I’ll keep my fingers crossed for both of them.  I just couldn’t resist a little joke on Doug’s feral hog. J Have a good weekend." -Kathi in AR

"Butch, The offering by Tony Johnson about Atoka's version of "Woodstock" brought back memories for me. The actual 1975 production was promoted as "48 Hours in Atoka" and was the brainstorm of some local Atoka promoters, including an attorney friend of mine, Greg Shanahan. They had radio commercials all over the Southwest promoting the event, including a lot on WBAP-AM in Dallas. A Canadian company was also in on the promotion as I recall, furnishing capital. I recall the promoters thought they were going to make a killing on the event.

The show came off as planned, and was a huge bust, financially. Attendees complained of lack of porta-potties and traffic snarls, plus it rained for several days and nights before the performances started, the large pasture where the event was held became a sea of mud, and someone ran into a large water tower that collapsed. The crowds were so large that the gate workers simply stopped trying to collect for entry, so a lot of people got in and watched the shows for free. The big names were there, however, including Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Jerry Jeff Walker, and David Allan Coe. They put on a show before a drenched crowd of over 100,000. (One critic described it as "100,000 drunk people, many of them nekkid)."

At the show, David Allan Coe, a member of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, drove his bike onto the stage while Willie Nelson was singing, and joined in. One of Coe's band members warned him that the Atoka crowd looked hostile, and Coe, armed with a revolver, said "we're outlaws too, we'll provide our own protection." That's how the "Outlaws" music thing got started, and Coe never got credit for coining it.

Adding insult to injury, the promoters got audited by the IRS and spent several years trying to persuade the feds that they lost money on the deal. Not long after "48 Hours in Atoka" my friend Greg Shanahan died in an automobile accident. No doubt he wished he'd never been involved in that deal."  -james clark, Ardmore

Is the person still receiving "This and That" who emailed the following message in 2002?

"Tell Ben Cooper, that we acquired a leather key holder with "Tom Cooper Motors" inscribed on it, also I have a postcard like the ones your posted for "Tom Cooper Ice Cream Parlor" & "Fleet Cooper Car Dealership" in my private collection. I also have a postcard that's looking west on Broadway about where they cross over all you see is a house about where EDX Computers is located (I think it may be the same building or the one just east of it) postmark is 1922."

If so, I would appreciate it if he/she would contact me at the following.

Hiram "Ben" Cooper
Bella Vista, Arkansas
(479) 876-5116

"Hello from Texas,  Reference: John Golobie (Oklahoma Senator and Rep) What I found on the man was he was from Austria born Feb. 1866 lived in Leavenworth, Leavenworth, KS., during the 1880 Census coming to USA in 1872 which some of this info was on the 1900 Census of him being in Guthrie, Logan, OK that year and miscalculated his birthday. He was also on the 1910 Census also for Guthrie being 45 then, but I didn't find him in the 1820 Census so he might have died about that time. He started his life as a Shoemaker. According to what I could find was that he died 31 May 1927 Muskogee Co., OK. You can obtain the obit which might say where he was buried by going to Sec/Pg 3 in this area."   -Carol inTX

"My biologist son says these look like Stinkhorn Fungus.  With all the recent rains, there are many types of fungus growing around the area."

"Butch we always called these things Stink Horns. They REALLY stink! Did he mention that?" -Rome
"Hi Butch— I finally sorted through the OK/Chickasaw pics and shrunk them down to a tidy 135 photos. I don’t know if you can use one or any of them, but you’re welcome to them."  -Bill Heald

21st Annual Festival of the Chickasaw Nation

"Greetings Butch and Jill, Guess a tad bit of fall has crept into your garden and chicken coops. The leaves should be getting ready to turn in your neck of the woods. Would love for you and Jill to come by and see Farah and I at our Book Signing at Hastings Books in Ardmore, this Saturday, Oct. 24, from 12 til 3 p.m. Maybe some our friends and neighbors will come by and purchase one of our books, Sheltered In His Arms. We never did get by and you all never did get over to get your copy of our book. Several people have told us that it reads just like a movie about the Great Depression, WPA, local and Oklahoma history, even some romance and murder mystery and faith to get through the hard times. Sure hope you all can make it by to see us and you better throw another log on the fire 'cause I think it may start to get a bit chilly!" -Correna Wilson Pickens

"I have misplaced or lost my October, 1990 copy of Guideposts magazine with the article, "The Town I Planned To Hate" by Marion Bond West; and was wondering if any one would have a copy (at least of that article) that I could beg, borrow, or steal? It was an article by a minister's wife who had recently moved to Perry, Oklahoma and decided that she would NOT like it! I still have a 'very dim, wrinkled old copy' but would like one that is more easy to read. Thanks." -Roy

"Butch, I don't know if many of your readers do genealogy but thought those who do might like to do this for their military kin and ancestors. They can get a military stone for free from the V.A. They have to have a copy of the service members military service records and a line of descent from this military person. You will be responsible for the installation of the stone though. Some Genealogy societies will have it put up. You may have to contact a Funeral Home there to have it installed. I live about 600 miles from the cemetery the cemetery where my great grandfather is buried in. I contacted the Genealogy Society there and they told me they would have someone install it and put out a flag. They also sent me a picture of the stone & flag when they had put it up. I had the stone shipped to them. Here is a URL on what you have to do.

The Daily Ardmoreite
June 14, 1918
Penney Store Opens Here on Saturday
Ardmore's newest store will be opened by the J. C. Penney Company Inc., tomorrow, being the 183rd store of a chain of 197 in operation, largely throughout the west and northwest. A stock of general merchandise, dry goods and clothing will be kept. The location is in the heart of the city, being in the Odd Fellow's building, opposite the post office. The Ardmore store will be managed by R. B. Gilbert, who comes here from Leavenworth, Wash., and who is an owner of a one-third interest in the store. Mr. Gilbert has been in Ardmore for several weeks and has already come into active touch with many of our people through his active participation in the Red Cross drive. Lew V. Day, district manager, who came here several months ago to make the lease of the building and to conduct the preliminary arrangements for the opening, will leave Sunday to return to his home in Everett, Wash. Mr. Day is enthusiastic about the prospects for Ardmore and for the Ardmore store, seeing as he does, the continuation of the city's present rapid growth.

"Hi Butch, I hope folks enjoyed the images and that they brought back some good memories as we travel the road of life. As a photographer, my goal is to capture that "Moment in Time" that seldom can be repeated. We have to move on in life, but it is nice to be able to reflect back at times. Photography is one of the those tools to help us remember..

I really liked the song "Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad" It is one of my favorites and has a lot of meaning to me. My computer room is filled with railroad images. I have old steam train pictures from years before my time as well as numerous depots that I have photographed over the years. My other hang up is old workable cameras. Just imagine what those lenses have seen! I have one old wooden camera that was bought in Oklahoma City in the 1930's that still works (4x5). That camera has story to tell. You see, I was working downtown OKC doing commercial photography in 1995 when the Oklahoma City bombing occurred. I had just traded for that old wooden camera a few days prior to the blast. Before I opened on the 19th of April, I was looking for a missing brass screw in a box of cabbaged parts as I wanted everything original. I took that camera and the box of screws behind a wall where my layout table was located. If I hadn't been looking for that screw, I would have been out front and probably would have been killed that day. I wouldn't take for that camera. God used that incident to save my life. I'll have to take a picture of that old camera and send it to you."  -Cecil Elliott in OKC

"Mr. Bob McCrory was right about my father's nick name. Ossian Cameron was called Bubby originally by his mother but I have forgotten why. Growing up I heard him addressed by that name along with O.C. He didn't have a middle name. That's a mistake my parents didn't make with me." -Monroe Cameron

Added note:  "My dad didn't have a middle name either.  He only had the initials "R.V.".   Some thought the initials R.V. stood for something, they didn't.  His birth certificate only read:  R.V. BRIDGES"   -Butch

"Wewoka sorghum days festival is October 24th."

"Butch, I'm about 95% finished with another book, Territorians to Rosebuds: Professional Baseball in Ardmore. It covers 1904-1961. I would solicit scans of any photos your readers may wish to share. I especially am looking for:

1. Photos of any teams or players from 1911-1914 (Blues, Giants & Indians), 1917 (Ardmoreites), and 1921-1926 (Peps, Producers, Boomers)

2. Photos of the grandstand and /or bleachers at the grounds on S. Washington between 4th & 5th SW. Ardmore High School's football team played there in the 1910s and 1920s, so photos of football from then might have those in the background. I suspect Criterions from those decades might have pictures.

3. Photos of the grandstand at Lorena Park. There was one erected in July 1904 that was in use 1911-1914. When the Paris team moved to Ardmore in 1917, that grandstand was moved to a new location near the car barns of Ardmore Railway Co/ It was there called Putnam Park after the manager of the streetcar company, I. M. Putnam.

4. Any other photos of Lorena Park.

5. Any programs, pocket schedules, etc from or photos of the Indians (1947-1952), Cardinals (1953-1957), or Rosebuds (1961).

6. Any photos of Cardinals Park before the stands and bleachers were dismantled.

I hope to have the book to my published next month and in print for Spring. Thanks."  -Pete Pierce

Museum Memories
Contributed by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
June 29, 1916
Last Tuesday afternoon there was a big free-for-all fight between Jim, Newt, Earnest and Jack with the result that two were landed in jail in Ardmore and one was laid up in bed for several days. While the fight was at its best some stranger from the country jumped into it with a scantling and knocked the whole bunch out and when the smoke cleared away he could not be found. During the fight a gun was brought into play and a couple of shots fired, but no damage done. It was claimed that one of the boys done the shooting. Charley Jones took two of the pugilists to Ardmore and filed charges against them for assault. It was said that the trouble arose over a check that had been given by by one of the boys from town.

Wilson Historical Museum Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00

Mutual Admiration Society:  A group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.

The song's tune was written in 1957 by Harold Karr, the lyrics by Matt Dubey

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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