This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 14  Issue 692      Circulation 5,000       April 29, 2010

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


I received an interesting phone call this week from Ft Worth, Texas.  A Nathan Clayton was removing some outside wall on his house for repair, and hidden inside was an old sign from Peoples Building and Loan of Ardmore.  Nathan had been searching for any info on the internet and his finds always pointed back to my website and Ardmore, Oklahoma so the reason for Nathan's call this week. I told Nathan how coincidental it was him calling me, because George Selvidge Jr. and his wife Fern lived next door to me for nearly 20 years back in the 70s before they moved further west about 3 blocks. George and Fern were the best neighbors a person could want living next door, I will never forget their kindness.  George's father was General Manager of the Peoples Building and Loan back in 1915 in the unit block of Main Street and George Jr would take the helm of the business later.  A name change would make it Peoples Federal Savings and Loan and its new location on West Broadway where the Local Federal Bank is located today.

Now I'm wondering how on earth the old Peoples Building and Loan sign ended up in Ft Worth.  And to top it off, why was it 'hidden' in the wall of a house?

A T&T Reader was traveling between Soper and Boswell, Oklahoma and spotted this white buffalo grazing beside the highway. According to Native Indian folklore, the white buffalo is sacred.

Mae Scott was by the courthouse this week and brought by another Banana Nut Bread cake. She does this quite often and everyone at the office sure appreciates the delicious sweet cake. Mae has long been the lightning rod for the Carter County Democratic Committee in Ardmore.

Glenn Hendrix out on Dogwood Road east of Ardmore is preserving a piece of Ardmore history.  Back in the 60s when I was a teenager, there were 2 bowling alleys in Ardmore, Tenpin Lanes and Ken-Cliff Lanes.  Glenn worked for Ken-Cliff Lanes and has created a website to not only preserve the history of Ken-Cliff Lanes, but also to tell about a new Ken-Cliff Lanes he is building east of Ardmore!  Glenn hopes to have the new bowling alley finished this fall and ready for bowlers.

Here is an aerial photograph; you can see Ken-Cliff Lanes in the lower left and corner of the picture.

Here's is a couple pics of an old Masonic door knob in a building in downtown Ardmore I took a couple weeks ago.

For about a month we've been having a turkey hang around our backyard.  We feed her chicken scratch and she loves it.  She is all alone, which is unusual, because they travel/live in a group usually. We also have several rabbits running around during the early morning and late evening hours.

Here she is squatting down behind our house, just enjoying herself.  We've become quite fond of her.

The pinched nerve(s) in my neck are so much better since last Monday evening I went to Wal-Mart and bought a Gold's Gym Inversion Table ($119.77) and have been using it twice a day, every day. I have it set for about a 45 degree incline, and I hang there for 5 minutes during each session. It has worked a miracle on my neck and shoulder pain!  Last Monday when I was at Wal-Mart to buy one, there were 4 on the shelf. A friend told me today they are sold out at our local store. Now their website says:  "not available at this time."  I'm thankful I bought mine when I did. It has worked so well, Jill is using it for her backaches.

Walmart Ad

Q.   Where are forest found in Oklahoma?
A.   Eastern Oklahoma

Q.   Who is known as "The first lady of Oklahoma History"?
A.   (answer in next week's issue)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

The Springer Volunteer Fire Department Bar-B-Q will be Saturday May 15, 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Springer Community Storm Shelter.  There will be a dance to go along with the BBQ so bring your lawn chairs and enjoy!!

"I know this isn’t something you would likely research but if you have any idea where to start I would appreciate it. I am trying to find out which radio show my biological father sang for with his brother. My dad was Henry Lige Holbrook and I’m not sure which brother some relatives tell me it was Cecil but I think it might have been Lonnie. The show was supposedly sponsored by a bread company and I’m not sure if it was the 40’s or 50’s. I never heard my dad sing and would give anything to have a recording that is what my goal to find a recording. Maybe someone can help?" -Retta Holbrook Hart Brady
"Does anyone know where this picture was taken? At first I thought Whittington Pool, but that doesn't look right. Now I'm thinking maybe at Sulphur, but that doesn't look right either. The only places I remember us going swimming when we were that age were the Whittington Park Pool and the pool at Sulphur."

"Butch:  See if you can find a copy of the Biography of Alfalfa Bill Murray , Gov. of Oklahoma during the time of the building of the first Red River Bridge pictured in today's T&t.

Governor Murray took offense to the (Private ) toll bridge across the Red, and built a new one as a public bridge at the current bridge site, since renovated several times to Interstate specs, and within the last 5 years there were some serious delays at the bridge for renovations. Well it seemed the private owners of the first bridge didn't like the idea the Oklahoma could build public bridge and ruin their Toll operation, so they sued Okla. and the Governor! It went to the supreme court, Which went in favor of Oklahoma due to the original I. T. grant, stating that Oklahoma IT extended to the Red River to the South Bank. The first bridge was therefore no longer a going profitable enterprise. Back in the 30's into the 40's the bridge or remnants were observable to the East of the Oklahoma bridge. The border of Oklahoma being the South Bank of the Red River has caused some changes in State additions and County ad valorem tax Taxes when the River meandered. The boundary is rigorously enforced on Lake Texhoma, requiring either an Oklahoma Fishing License or a lake special license for Texans to fish the lake into the Oklahoma boundary. I read the Biography and may still have the book.

Bill Murray after his governorship sponsored a Colony in So. America Somewhere on the Coast E. of Venezuela, I think in Guiana. I once had a neighbor in Odessa Texas that was a young girl when her family went to the Colony, she said they almost starved, and came back into the U.S. through New York. She later became the Postmaster in Fort Davis TX."  -Jim

"I am sending you a link to sign up for "OK Moments" a new, free, daily email service created by the Oklahoma History Center and "distinctly Oklahoma" magazine. Enjoy and pass it on!  - Click or copy & paste into your web browser."
"I love your weekly reader it is something of great interest to me. I have wanted to ask you if you knew the Webbs of Ardmore. and could send me any thing you might have known. My mother was with Elbie Webb for 30 years or more, when he had a heart attack and died in Ardmore hospital. my mother decided to go home and some of the Webbs took her home. And as she was opening the door to there apartment she fell over dead. I was never in Ardmore so have just discovered what I missed by not going there. Except my mother came up here or we met in Arkansas at my grandmothers house." -Bonnie Holcombe

The Reunion Committee:

Barbara Long Craddock
June Curry Miller
Anne Tate Boland
Sara Suggs Bohannon
Rella Faye Merrill Helms
Deanna Mayfield Gordon
Danna Sue Goode Rice
J.B. Gandy
Mike Eakin
David Dodd

"While prowling around on the wild and woolly web I ran across a page from your newsletter. Said page had much about Buster Ned and I was thrilled to see something out there about him. My father was a small scale rancher in Simpson; I knew Buster (and his Wanda as well as his brother, Justin) from childhood. Daddy, Buster and Justin went to school together on the GI bill and Daddy thought the world of them. My parents were quite a bit older than the Ned brothers but that really made little difference to Daddy. Buster was responsible for getting Daddy through some rather dry summers; we simply would not have had a hay crop had Buster not intervened.

I was in Texas and busy with a hectic life when Buster crossed over. I can't say that I knew him as well as I wanted to know him, but I still talk to him (and my own father as well; he's been physically out of this rat race for 30 years) when I feel confused or am facing a tricky decision. Buster clued me in about the 'little people'; how I wish I had known at 18 half of what I know now. I'd probably have been a card carrying, tree hugging pagan type by the time I turned 25!

Love your 'little house on the web'! It's book marked on this aging but trusty Vaio. I may never get back to Oklahoma but I can see the best of where I grew up thanks to you. Peace to you and yours."  -robbie (irwin) koon

Museum Memories
Contributed by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
October 5, 1916

The Civic League which was organized the 22nd day of September held its first regular meeting at the school building on Friday evening, September 30th, 1916. The house was called to order by the president, Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mrs. W.B. Gill acted as secretary in the absence of the regular secretary, Mrs. C.W. Henson. After some discussion the constitution and by-laws were adopted as a whole. It was decided that one dollar should be set as the membership fee. All members who wish to settle their dues will please see the Treasurer, Mrs. John Tidmore. Mrs. W. B. Gill was elected vice-president and Mrs. S.P. Brimer was elected recording secretary.

The enterprising move on foot, inaugurated by the ladies of the Civic League, looking to a clean-up campaign, as well as a tree and flower planting day, is one of the most praiseworthy and practical efforts that could have been advanced. It is especially appropriate, coming as it does, from the Civic League, and the movement should be endorsed and encouraged by every patriotic citizen, including men, women and children. The appointing of committees from the respective wards to look after the campaign and work up general interest, is plainly indicative of the fact that the organized women are well informed as to how to proceed, and that their efforts will thereby be all the more effective. Fact is, it is always necessary to interest the women of a town or city in its growth and prosperity in order that the best results may be obtained. The old expression could very aptly be changed to read, "Where there are women there is a way."

Wilson Museum Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Rain Don't Ever Stop in Oklahoma - Red Steagall

We left southern California
She cried for several days
She didn't want to leave her hills and home
She said the desert's calling me
And the dry winds cry my name
She said the rain don't ever stop in Oklahoma

I said I'll show you Turner Falls
And the green Arbuckle Mountains
Where the grass grows stirrup high
Most all year long
She said I won't be happy there
I'll miss my desert mornings
She said the rain don't ever stop in Oklahoma

I bought her pretty dresses
And yellow ribbon for her hair
I never made her smile or feel at home
She's found a diesel-driving man
Headed west to California
The desert called my sweet Diana home

I'm standing here alone
In these green Arbuckle Mountains
Where the grass grows stirrup high
Most all year long
But I can't see their beauty
With my eyes this full of tears
I guess the rain won't ever stop in Oklahoma

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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