This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 14  Issue 708      Circulation 5,000       August 19, 2010

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


I received a phone call this week from a lady in Tulsa seeking help from anyone in finding relatives of a Marilyn Mahan (1932- Aug 2003). The caller's husband had a 'bunch of photos" of Marilyn and her twin sister taken many years ago.  She hates to throw them away, and hopes she can give them to some living relative of a Marilyn Mahan. If anyone has info, send me an email.

Since last week's issue I needed to make a correction to the old and new Durwood, Oklahoma map.  I mistaken the right-a-way of the power lines for the railway line which is further south from the power lines.

Speaking of maps, if you are a map enthusiast like I am, you can browse the various maps in the following Folder.

We seems to see a our deer herd growing in numbers the past few days.  Just this week we've have seen 2 mother deer and 4 baby deer.... all at the same time in our backyard!  Here is a pic I snapped of 2 fawns and their mother.

The other day my neighbors to the west (south edge of Lone Grove, OK) started looking for their lost dog Murphy, and have not found her yet. If you see a cream colored French Bull Dog, no collar and a small black spot on one hip, please call 657-4365 and ask for Harold. Murphy is a very lovable dog, the kind that will lick your face until you make her stop.  They sure miss her.  Here's a picture of Murphy.

As many of you already know from the news media the old Ardmore High School Gym on North Washington burned early last Saturday morning.  It seems that workers were repairing the roof earlier with hot asphalt and maybe that played a part in the wee morning hour fire.  Doug Williams took some photos of the building after the fire.

With all the heat in Oklahoma the past few weeks, a Reader sent in a picture of Turner Falls during an ice storm.  He thought it might help cool people off.

Q.   Who was Oklahoma's first Territorial governor?
A.   George Steele

Q.   What was the name of the first commercial oil well in Oklahoma?
A.   (answer in next week's issue)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Butch, that was a great civil war photo website that someone sent in. I had seen some of the photos at the library of congress website but there were lots of photos I hadn't seen before in the link from T&T. I have probably been to 25 percent of the places those old photographs were taken. Before retiring I lived in Culpeper, Virginia and and there was even a photo of one or two of houses in that town that I believe still exist. Ford's Theater has gone through another restoration and is open to the public again. The town of Harper's Ferry looks very similar today to the way it was in the Civil War. Thanks for the old photos and to whoever sent them." -Jon
"Butch, I live on Dogwood Rd. and I have plenty of hummingbirds this year.   You have to change their sugar water every 2 or 3 days because of the heat.  The water will sour.  I have 3 feeders and usually have around 12 to 15 hummers."
"We have lots of hummingbirds come to our two feeders, especially in the mornings and evenings. We feed just sugar water (1 to 4) at our place on U.S. 77 just south of Springer. The feeders are put up about March 30 so the early males are attracted. Right now the feeders are especially busy because the young ones come to feed. All the hummingbirds also visit our honeysuckle and four-o'clocks, but in this heat they rely on the feeders which we refill at least once a week. Sure enjoy your newsletter, Butch;  Elmer's sister Rosetta in Auburn, California, also subscribes to T&T (she flies the Oklahoma flag under the National flag in their yard) - dyed in the wool Okie! Their dad was born in Ardmore's Sanitarium in 1914."  -Elmer and Renate Hoyle, Ardmore
"Regarding the question about fewer hummingbirds: I have been feeding them for several years here near Sulphur. I have also been concerned this year. I would estimate that there are about half what I usually have by this time of year. There is some speculation that it is due to destruction of their winter habitat in Mexico and Central America. Whatever, the reason, there are fewer of them." -Joh Gainey
"Butch, Just saw your question in T&T relating to feeders seeing fewer humming birds this year. My Wife and I have noticed a definite reduction in the number of the little hummers this year. I believe the most we saw this season is about 3 or 4 when, in previous seasons we've had as many as 7 or 8 at a time. They're hard to get a really accurate count on, but are conspicuously fewer this year." -Harold and Joyce Burton, Ardmore, OK
A. Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame

I would like to share some great news! On November 4, 2010, I will be inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. This is a great honor for me. Also to be inducted are Jean Shepard of the Grand Ole Opry, Sam Harris of Star Search and Broadway, and Jamie Oldaker, drummer for Eric Clapton and Bob Seeger. If at all possible, I hope you will consider attending the Induction Concert to be held at the Muskogee, Oklahoma Civic Center. Please call 918-687-0800 for details.

B. Western Swing Cruise

I hope you will also consider joining me and my band for our Western Swing Cruise, January 30 to February 5, 2011. I know you will enjoy getting away from the cold temperatures to sail in the warm climate of the Caribbean. Departing from Galveston, Texas, we will have dances/concerts each day plus stops at Cozumel and Progreso. You will also enjoy lots of great food and fun aboard the Carnival Cruise Line's Ecstacy. There will also be jam sessions for those who bring their instruments. Please call for more information. 1-888-834-8660 or 1-580-765-4600. We encourage you to sign up ASAP to ensure room availability. If you have any difficulty in obtaining the information you need, please send an email to me and I'll try to help.  Thanks.

Les Gilliam "The Oklahoma Balladeer"

[email protected]

"About Ms. Dustin's Circuses: (or "How I Got My Athletic Letter") ..Ms. Dustin asked me to draw off multiple copies of the costumes for the Circus one year in the early 1950s...drawn to her specifications...that were given to each of the participating girls as a "pattern" for how her costume should look. At the end of the year in the annual Award Assembly ..Ms. Dustin presented me with an athletic letter! It was a tremendous surprise (to me and anyone who knew me) and it had to have been for my "artistic" contribution, since everyone knew that I had absolutely NO athletic prowess; I could not touch my toes, do pushups, hit a ball or make a basket!!

And the bit about the McEntire Ranch Adventure...I found that interesting also. My husband and I went out into that ranch area there near Kiowa, OK about twenty or so years ago, looking for the locale of my great-grandpa "Brushy Jim" Colbert's stage station on the Old California Road or Butterfield Stage Line route in the 1850-1860s. I had the legal description of the land and had asked at the Atoka Historical Museum about the area and one of the ladies recommended a gentleman who lived nearby (unfortunately, I've forgotten his name). He drove around with us and pointed out Brushy Creek (from whence came "Brushy Jim's" name), the spot where the stage stand must've been and the enormous ranch which now dominates the area around. Our guide's daughter had been a friend of Reba's during their school days. I sincerely doubt that the area had changed much since the days my grandfather had described to me....what with the dirt road, and wooded hills, all so empty of any vestige of civilization. It was easy to visualize the mountain cats? bobcats? that jumped out at the small boy riding horseback at night through the woods and over the mountain (Pine Mt.) with his mama, Katinka, as she went to do her "doctoring". She had come from TN (as a Swiss-Polish immigrant) after the Civil War to teach at Rev. Murrow's missionary school in Atoka, where she met and married the widower "Brushy Jim". He died when my grandpa was small, so Katinka supported herself and family by giving music lessons to the Chickasaw and Choctaw children and doing the local "doctoring" as regular doctors were few and far between in that area.

Butch, it seems that nearly every week you mention one or more oldtimers (from "territory" days.. whom many of us recall hearing about) ..who were also descendants of the mixed-blood Chickasaw Colbert clan.......I love it!!!"

Tania (Colbert) Patrick, TX
[email protected]

Q.  "Do you have any pictures of the house that was torn down across from the country club, I think it was owned by Dr. Otey.  He left it to a life center or something, it was torn down a couple of years ago.  Do you know the one I am talking about.  I was told Galt’s lived there too  at one time.   Any information would be great.   Thank-you for your time."   -Reta

A.   WIRT FRANKLIN RESIDENCE, originally the Galt Residence. Edward Galt's home was built in 1914. Mr. Galt was inspired to build this nineteen room home after his successful venture in the discovery of the Healdton Oil Field with partners, Wirt Franklin and Roy Johnson. This home has an exterior of white stucco with a hip type roof. The front terrace of the house has red terra cotta tile floor and a fountain featuring playful children which greet all guests upon their arrival. In addition, there are two goldfish ponds adjacent to the home to make outdoor time more pleasurable. Inside this home all of the floors are of hardwood which was very typical for the fine homes of the period. The entry is appointed with a spiral stair case that leads to the second floor. Four wood burning fireplaces are located on the first floor, each having its on design to suit the setting of each individual room. "Rook-wood" is the tile work used in the home, also being a very popular and desirable feature of any home of this period. A crystal chandelier appends from the ceiling and hand-painted foil paper adorn the walls in the formal dining room. Hand painted murals adorn the walls in the doll room and the east sun room. Many of the light fixtures throughout the home are hand made with embossed relief glass shades, background glass in white with blue garland trim. The stately home was equipped with central heat. The heat source being generated from the basement with steam radiators. There are six bedrooms on the second floor of this beautiful home, two of which adjoin sun room on either end of the house. This early day, but very modern home to Ardmore, also has four baths, three of which are located on the second floor. The Gault home shared the knoll with Roy Johnson's property to the east. The neighbors and business partners often visited one another. There is still evidence of a red terra cotta tile path; upon close scrutiny, one can see that this path joins the two oilmen's properties. The Galt's lived in the home for approximately seven years and then sold the residence to the third partner of the Healdton Oil Field, Wirt Franklin. Mr. Franklin lived in the home from the early 20's until his death in 1962. The estate was purchased by Otey Johnson, son of Roy Johnson, and was transferred to the Ardmore Institute of Health in 1984 upon the request of Otey Johnson.

"Butch: I was down in Jefferson County (doing research) and when I came home, I drove thru Healdton. If you haven't seen it, you need to make a trip over to the Healdton Oil Museum and see the old 1920ish touring car that belonged to Wirt Franklin. It is HUGE! I'm sure it didn't get any better gas mileage than the gas guzzlers of today!" -Liz Freeman


August 2006: Another piece of Ardmore history came down last week. It was the old Galt mansion at Dornick Hills on the north edge of Ardmore (3605 Chickasaw Blvd). All that's left is an open lot now. Sad.


I need to correct a mistake I had in last week's T&T (in 2006) when I said the old mansion torn down at Dornick Hills was the old Otey Johnson place. It may have been that Dr Otey Johnson lived there in later years, or maybe it was next door, but the home was originally built in 1905 by the Galt family. Wirt Franklin lived in the house after the Galts. This piece of Ardmore history is gone now... victim of the wrecking ball.

"Greetings Butch, I have enjoyed your site over the years. A few years ago Bill Hamm's cemetery transcriptions of Marshall County allowed me to piece together the information to begin a family tree that has grown beyond my wildest expectations. Per the subject of this e-mail, my 2nd Great Grandfather James Sparks of Lebanon, OK died while on jury duty for the Ardmore Federal Court on March 22, 1895. The story is told that the weather was wet and cold and he had caught pneumonia on the ride to Ardmore. My Great Grandmother Josie Sparks George who was ten at the time said that flooding rainfall and her mother who had already dealt with a few too many deaths to risk another, prevented her brothers ( She had eleven of them) from going after the body for about 10 days. He had been properly cared for by a local undertaker. They paid his bill for embalming and casket and clothing and returned James to Lebanon for his burial. I am looking for any sort of account of this story. I live 9 miles NNW of Velma and have made several trips to Lebanon Cemetery, Keel Cemetery, McMillan etc... Any direction you could point me in would be appreciated. Thanks Very Much." -Brian Johnson, Duncan, OK  [email protected]
"The Ardmore High School Class of 1965 is having a 45 year reunion September 24, 25 and 26, 2010. If you have not received any reunion information in the mail, please let us know." [email protected] or [email protected]
"The burning of the old AHS gym. Sheesh. Well -- so it's done. But do they realize that the north entry way -- all of it -- the lettering and the fluted, vertical-lined granite (presumably) posts and corners were all designed by Jo Russell, renowned Ardmore art teacher? Maybe an effort should be made to save it." -TOM ELMORE
PRAYERS NEEDED for Ernest Martin - "My dad has been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his kidney. The doctors have scheduled surgery for next Thursday to remove his kidney. They are waiting, because he has a very weak heart, and they feel like they can use this time to build him up and get his... heart better prepared. Thank you to all who love my daddy, and are praying for him. His family truly appreciates you all, and I know daddy does too."  -Susan Martin Harkins  [email protected]

Never spend your money before you have earned it.  -Thomas Jefferson

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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