This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 15  Issue 735      Circulation 5,000       February 24, 2011

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


Last week when I sent out my newsletter about 170 bounced back saying something like "does not have account."  I had deleted about 8 or 9 subscribers when I realized something was wrong.  Hopefully those 8 or so will let me know, so I can add them back to my Mailer Program.  Now to see if the same problem raises it ugly face on this send-out.

In the last T&T we talked about the Oklahoma's June 1958 FOP Magazine sent in by retired police chief Chester Hodge of Okmulgee.  I been going through it and noticed one section with advertisements by Ardmore stores and businesses. I saw names I hadn't thought of since the 1960s.  Strange how over time we forget about things from our past.  I decided to list some of the stores that caught my attention, about half in the 2 pages of advertisements. I'm sure some of the following will jog your memories too, like it did mine as I glanced over the ads.

From the June 1958 Fraternal Order of Police magazine:

Alexander's Grocery and Trailer Park, Highway 77 south
Nelson Drilling Company, Dowling Building
Camp LaGrande, R.H. White, Highway 77 south
Veral McMillan Courts, 940 Lake Murray Drive
Oklahoma Morris Plan, 515 West Main (privately owned, paid higher interest than banks, no one lost a dime)
Brady's Shoe Shop, Sid Kennedy, owner, 211 West Main
General Plumbing, 661 12th NW
Sooner Foods, 1023 A Street NE
Tripple DDD Motel, Mr and Mrs Robert Boos, Mgr, Hiway 77
Knapp Advertising Company, 318 South Commerce
Klein's Ladies' Ready to Wear, 109 West Main
Southern Oklahoma Livestock Exchange, Jean Neustadt and James E. Clayton, Highway 77
Knox Hotel, 102 1/2 East Broadway
Vogue Cleaners, Cold Fur Storage, 1006 West Broadway
Ken Milburn Ford, 300 West Broadway
Dixie Yellow Cab, 28 South Washington
Jack Kyle Cartage Co.
Greenberg Jewelry, 117 East Main
Ardmore Plate Glass, Paints, Wallpaper, Mirrors, 519 West Main
Coleman Bros Auto Salvage and Repair Shop, 1400 North Washington
Loewen's Diner and Spudnut Shop, Jimmie Loewen, owner, 1 mile south on 77  Spudnut Recipe
Vumore Cable TV Company
Oklahoma Vending Company, 124 C Street SE
A.B. Rawlings Home Furnishing, 120 West Main
Pastime Dominos, 5 North Washington
June's Drive Inn, June D. Cole, 1004 12th NW
McGoodwin's Cleaners, Bob McGoodwin, 308 C Street SE
Ted's TV, 22 North Washington
Guys and Dolls, Children and teen shop, 700 North Commerce
Earhart Radio and TV, 118 South Commerce
Pioneer Hardware, 11 East Main
Schuler Fruit Company, J.W. Coin, 10 C Street SE
B.L. Owens Furniture, 10-16 East Main
Stubbs Army and Navy Store, 123 East Main
Western Auto Associate Store, 214 West Main
Leaman Bros, Downtown Gulf, 314 West Main
Jack's 5 and 10, Broadlawn Center
Johnson's Shoe Shop, 510 12th NW
Baird Studio, 1 1/2 West Main
City Produce Company, 202 East Main
Cottingham Bait Shop, 906 Lake Murray Drive
G&G Music, J. Raymond Gabbard, Manager, 121 North Washington
Sies Machine Shop, Founded 1915, 106-108 East Broadway
Pat's Cafe and Drive-in, Pat Bollin, Mgr, Half mile south on 77
Percy Butler Tire and Supply, 11-13 West Broadway
Patton's Cafe and Beer Tavern, Frank Patton, 312 East Main
Barber's Scientific Dry Cleaning, O.D. Barber, Avon Barber, 1119 E Street NW
Ok TV Service, 20 South Washington
Carter County Title Company, 15 North Washington
Crystal Ice Company, 401 Gilbert Building
Ray's Office Supply, 387 West Main
Luke's Foodliner, 105 South Commerce
B&L Jewelers, 117 West Main
Harris Drug Shop, 508 12th NW
Bartgis Grocery and Market, 691 12th NW
Union Cab Company, 26 South Washington
City Shoe Shop, Carl Scholy, 227 West Main
Steve Brodie Signs
Love's Hairloom Antiques, 1015 West Broadway
Davis Radio and TV, 419 12th NW
Ed Tudor D-X Station, 29 North Commerce
Maher Implement Company, South on Highway 77
Rogers Machine Shop, 17 A Street SE
Paul Jones Bar, 111 East Main
Simon and Snavely Family Shoe Store, 101 West Main
S.H. Kress and Company, 119 West Main
Fonville Studio, 6 B Street NW
Ardmore Typewriter Supply, 610 West Main
Sollars Plumbing Company, 18 South Washington
Ford Hotel, Budd Goss, owner, 113 North Washington
Jean-Lee of Ardmore, 108 West Main
H.L. Morris Furniture Company
1022 West Main
Club 70, J.S. Cook, owner, Highway 70 East
Stag Bar, 121 East Main
Finestone Brothers Merchant Tailors, Est 1916, 114 West Main
Marvin Mathes Sheet Metal Works, 110 East Broadway
Hoyle Holt Refrigeration, 19 A Street NW
Carrol's Drive In, 1314 North Washington
Coxey Sporting Goods, 200 West Main
Frank J. Herr Jeweler, 10 C Street SW
Goldner Florist Shop, 1022-90 West Broadway

The Daily Ardmoreite, February 1951
A sleet storm, reaching almost blizzard proportions, stuck the area on February 14. Local observers measured 1.75 inches of sleet on the ground. An inch of snow followed the sleet.

Willie Evans, successful rancher and horse breeder at Tatums, plans to seed 150 acres of Korean lespedeza, for pasture this year. He owns 379 acres northwest of Tatums. A deputy sheriff under Sheriff Jack Powledge, this family has lived on the same property for 40 years.

The Daily Ardmoreite, February 1927
The memorial tree to Charles Ringer and the honor tree to O.K. Darden will be planted at the courthouse. The memory plates that will be placed near each tree will be properly engraved and will be placed on the trees by members of the Ardmore Ryonis Club.

I had to use some of our aloe vera plant for my burned thumb. I was doing my nightly ritual of baking 4 chocolate chip cookies and somehow burned my thumb.  I immediately cut of a sliver of aloe vera, split it open and rubbed it on the burn every few minutes for about an hour. It hurt like crazy for about that length of time, but then about 2 hours later, no pain.  I can't even tell I burned it today as far as pain goes.

I saw a concrete truck pull in behind the building Casa Roma Mexican restaurant will be moving too soon.  Probably won't be long now, and boy do they have great mexican food. Their new location will be right across the street north from the courthouse.  Front door will be on main street. Casa Roma is presently located on East Main street, just east of Washington Street.

From This and That newsletter archives February 21, 1998:

I happen to have an Ardmore, Oklahoma telephone book that was owned by my mother. It was printed in August 1937. It is only about 30 pages in length including a yellow pages section. Some of the phone numbers are very unusual. They are the listings of people out in the country, for instance, W.C. Wright NW of City 9515-F-2 Mr. Wright was the father of a friend of mine in town, W.C. Wright, Jr., we call him Cliff (he's an accountant). Then there's Stroman Motors 224 West Main who's phone number was 445. Ray's Office Supply 15 A SW phone 387. If you wanted the police department you asked the Operator for 248. For fire, just ask the Operator for "Fire Department". The yellow pages has some unusual listings too. For instance, under Torpedoes there is American Glycerin Co., 224 11th NW and American Torpedo Co. 224 11th NW (same address). Now what in the world is that in Ardmore, Oklahoma? And Haberdashers - See Men's Furnishings. But they did have one thing I like in 1937, BBQ at the Green Frog Sandwich Shop 511 West Main, phone 66. I remember when I was about 12 years old, Ardmore switching from the Operator assisted calls to the rotary dial. Guess that was around the early 1960s? They installed our rotary phone a year in advance, then on a Sunday morning at 6am we finally got to try it. I set my alarm clock for 6am and got up, and dialed the Time and Temperature, 223-7460. No Operator was needed... you just used your finger to dial a number...... amazing.

Q.     What Oklahoma town has 20,000 lighters and 'fire starters' on display?
A.     (answer in next week's newsletter)

Q.    What radio station was the first one transmitting from west of the Mississippi River?
A.    WKY Radio in Oklahoma City

Gas prices have shot up like crazy the past 24 to 36 hours here in Ardmore. Many stations in Ardmore around $3.29 a gallon. Love's on West Broadway is one of the lowest at $3.15 per gallon this afternoon at 5pm. I know Jill and I will not be making any road trips with these sky high gas prices. Reminds me of the day 09/11/01, but prices then did not shoot up as high as they are today.

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Hi Butch, I read the info in your last T&T regarding Sitting Bull and thought it was interesting. I found this a few years ago and thought some of your readers would like to see it. Still enjoy hearing about Ardmore & Oklahoma. Keep up the good work."
-Mike Pennington, Goodyear, Arizona

"Butch: I remember back in the 50's, AM radio station WRR in Dallas claimed to be the oldest licensed radio station west of the Mississippi River. I wouldn't bet on it being true, but that is what they claimed."
Royse Samples, Cache, Oklahoma

"Butch this is a picture of my Grandmother at her home in Overbrook. It is not the store but hopefully will get it. Her name was Madge Holt and the most wonderful grandmother a person could have. I have heard from several people who knew her and from that area. One lives here in Sarasota Fl and we plan on getting together soon to have coffee and talk about old times. This was some of the best years of my life. I will try and send more pics as I get them." -Carl Wes Parker

"Butch, in 1971 my family bought a two story house at 11 Scott Street, SW. It is just south of the Main Street/Broadway Cross, behind the Jiffy Lube. Scott Street is only a block and a half long and it seems that Dr. Thomas Booth bought the lot from the Scotts in 1903. He was an early doctor in Ardmore. As nearly as I can tell the house was built about 1910. His wife died before 1920 and he died shortly after. His daughter inherited the house which was built facing north.. In 1929 she and her husband sold the north part of the lot to Texas Company (where Jiffy Lube and a radiator shop face north). The house was then turned to face east and the side yard went from the house to the alley. The Drennans owned the house before we bought it. I would love to hear from anyone who knows any history. In 2006 the house flooded and has been completely redone to a beautiful house of historic interest. Jack Drennan who works for the Daube Company came by and showed me the room where he grew up, told me of many friends who lived in the neighborhood. There are five outside entrances and there are two different room that could have been rooms for his practice. Jack did not know about the history of Dr. Booth. I would love to hear from anyone who knows any history of this house."  -Billye Jobe   [email protected]
"Butch, First of let me say I am a big fan of your newsletters! I live in OKC but spend my vacation time in southern Oklahoma around the Sulphur/Davis area. I read your newsletter to keep me informed on what is happening down south! I was reading your most recent newsletter last night and thought you may be able to share this video I produced with your readers. It is the story of a young girl from Tishomingo, OK who has been battling bone cancer over the past couple of years. She is a great girl and has served as an inspiration to myself and many others who work at The Children’s Center in Bethany, OK. I hope everyone can learn something from Ms. Stevy.  Thanks for your help."  -Travis

"Butch, I remember when Herman (Tom) Day came by our house in Gene Autry to get the SOWC check. That was a lot of money so a lot of people went out on faith. These men that did this were great thinkers. The amount of country homes have expanded so that more people could escape the city and have good drinking water."  -Doug Williams
"Here's an interesting chart that shows the earthquakes that Christchurch, New Zealand has had since the big one last September. If you click on the link in the top right hand corner you can see the energy released in each quake. Yesterday's big one released 251 terajoules, which is roughly equal to 4 Hiroshima bombs."  -Ron in the Down Under

"I ran across your OK History website while trying to find information on Oklahoma historians. I have several legal documents from early OK history that pertain to a federal case in the Muskogee circuit court that I am trying to research. I think it is pertaining to the Oklahoma Land Run of '07. If there is someone who can help in this research it would be greatly appreciated."  -Bill Waters, Tulsa [email protected]
Museum Memories
Compiled by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
October 27, 1916
The day of all days in the calendar of the small boy has almost arrived and the youngsters of this vicinity are anxiously counting the hours until circus day. It looks now as though a large percentage of the local population, both young and old, will be present at one of the performances when the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth exhibits in Ardmore, Nov. 6.
Not in several years has so much local interest been evidenced in a circus event as has been exhibition of the Barnum & Bailey Circus. It is promised that the show will display more new and novel features than ever before, including 100 new acts from Europe.
The principal feature is the new Oriental, spectacular pageant, "Persia", or "The Pageant of the Thousand and One Nights." This great display, which is portrayed by 1,350 persons and hundreds of horses, elephants and camels, depicts in pagentry the famous tales of the Arabian Nights. In New York City, where this pageant was produced for the first time this spring, it was announced the most gorgeous and stupendous Oriental display ever presented in America.
Among the foreign circus novelties to be seen for the first time this season are four troupes of wonderful Chinese performers direct from Peking, the great Hanneford family of riders; Siznor Bagonghi, famous dwarf equestrian from Italy; James Teddy, champion jumper of the world; Pallenberg's two troupes of trained bears, and a host of other novel acts too numerous to mention individually.
The Barnum & Bailey Circus is traveling this season on five trains, made up of 89 cars. More than 1,400 persons are carried in the various departments of this great show, which also includes an enlarged menagerie of 108 cages and 41 elephants.
A brilliant, new street parade will be given on streets during the morning hours preceding the first performance.

Check us out online. We have thousands of obituaries.
Wilson Historical Museum Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Eleven Cents Cotton and Forth Cent Meat by Vernon Dalhart 1929

Eleven cent cotton and forty cent meat,
Flour up high, cotton down low,
How in the world can we raise the dough?
Backs nearly broken, fingers all sore,
Cotton going down, to raise no more,
Eleven cent cotton and ten dollar pants,
Who in the world has got a chance?
We can't buy clothes, we can't buy meat,
Got too much cotton and nothing to eat.

We've got no homes, we've got no wealth,
Losing our credit, running our health,
Eleven cent cotton and a carload of tax,
The load's too heavy for our poor backs,
We're a good set of farmers, we all know well,
But there's something wrong, as sure as... well,
No use talking, every man is beat,
Eleven cent cotton and forty cent meat.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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