This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 16  Issue 790      Circulation 5,000       March 15, 2012

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


Back around 1900 Ardmore had several Round Houses used by the railroad company to repair and service locomotives. The round house was also used to 'turn-around' an engine so it faced the other direction on the track. Keep in mind that early locomotives only traveled in one direction, no reverse. So at a Round House was a "turn-table'. I heard there was a Round House at near K Street NW and Grand Avenue to service that railway line beside this one at H Street SW and 5th.

Here's a drawing made in 1924 of the location of the old St Agnes Academy of Ardmore.  Originally it was located north of St Mary's Church before it was moved across the street on the east side of E Street SW.

Just learned this week about a website featuring Marietta, Oklahoma. Lots of history packed into this website!

It was December 2009 I first mentioned Microsoft's free antivirus program, Security Essentials. I've seen it working on several hundred computers since 2009, and have not found a better antivirus for home, office, business, or government computers.  It really works well, just as good as the commercial antivirus programs out there.  The part I like, besides being free, is it's not a memory hog.  Does not slow your computer down one bit. Well, this week I found out Microsoft has a free companion program called System Sweeper.  It is a stand-alone program you burn to a CD, boot up on it, and the antivirus/antispyware program starts automatically.  Sometimes this is necessary to get rid of a really stubborn problem, like those pesky trojans. Some spyware and trojans attach themselves to files that are "in use" by Windows XP or Windows 7, and to remove them one has to boot on the bootable System Sweeper program. One quick way to get the program is go to Microsoft's website, and in the Search Box at the top, type in System Sweeper, and there it be! There is a 32 bit and 64 bit version. I also have a link on my Virus Help Webpage below.

From This and That newsletter archives of March 13, 1999:
Last Sunday The Daily Ardmoreite had an article about the Karen Silkwood mystery. Karen Silkwood was working in the Kerr-McGee plant in Crescent, Oklahoma in the early 1970s, and supposedly was exposed to radiation. Little did she know at that time, that her $4.00 an hour job would cost her her life. On November 13, 1974 she was going to meet a reporter and union leader that evening to give them an envelope with evidence proving the radiation hazards at the Crescent plant. Anyway, she was killed in an automobile accident on the way to the meeting in OKC. The wreck and her death has always been a mystery. Accident reconstructionists in Dallas said her Honda car was "pushed" from behind, causing the single car accident on the narrow, winding country road that evening. The envelope, by the way, was never found. After all these years, her three children decided make public statements about their mom and that tragedy.

Her ex-husband and her three children lived in Ardmore in later years. I remember one of the two girls, Kristi, was making the drag about 1985, and at "E" Street NW and West Broadway (behind First Methodist Church) she lost control of her car and hit a pole. She was slightly injured. I was the medic that day.

Q. Which Oklahoma born icon fought Bruce Lee in the 1972 flick Way of the Dragon?
A.  Chuck Norris born in Ryan, Oklahoma

Q. This actor was born in Duncan, Oklahoma and played Opie in The Andy Griffith Show.
A. (answer in next week's T&T)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Interesting Train pictures, check these out also."
"Here's a couple of crops of a 1902 Gainesville topo showing Bob, Oklahoma on a 1902 map." -Garth Hoard

"Hi Butch, after a 2nd closer look at the picture I don't think this was the Soap Box Derby Parade after all. It looks like it was probably an Ardmore High Homecoming parade. The sign on the car looks like it says possibly something about Varsity cheerleaders and the names look like Teresa and Lori. The people along the street look like they are all wearing red and white t-shirts that could be Ardmore Tigers or Ardmore High shirts as well. another thing that now makes me think this was probably a homecoming parade." -Rox
"Butch, The past couple of weeks Readers have been talking about the community of Bomar & Bomar School between Marietta and Thackerville. All of that is correct and well but one of your readers thought it might have been located south of Thackerville. There was a school and a small community about two miles south of Thackerville on the west side of HW-77 but the name of it was "WHITE ROSE". The school was still in operation into the late 1940's. Hope this adds a little more information to the discussion. Thanks." -Edgar Wallace [email protected]
The Ardmore High School Class of 1962 is planning the 50th Class Reunion this coming September. We cannot locate the following classmates. Could you please ask your readers if anyone knows the whereabouts and how to get in touch with the following people. If so, they can contact [email protected] or call 817-371-4131. Thanks for your help.

Donna Adair, Elaine Anderton, Patti Brown, Bill Carpenter, Bob Graham, Johnny Johnson, Billy Jones, Gary Jones, Tommy Martin, Mary Miller, Billy Morris, Jeep Pylant, Jerry Simmons, Jerry Thornton, Wanda York, Stephanie George Erdman, Charlotte Hill Smith, Donna Neasbit Taylor and Linda Minzes Conrad

"The Berwyn School reunion at Gene Autry is scheduled for Saturday afternoon July 7, 2012. If you would like to attend and have not been receiving an invitation, please provide me with your name, address and e-mail address. I will add you to our invitation mailing list. If you have changed address since our last years reunion, please provide me with the new address. It is good to see and visit with old friends and classmates, so we hope you will attend." -Richard "Butch" Haney [email protected]
"Article from San Antonio newspaper April 1949 about the Four Flats, just in case you have an interest in ancient, unimportant history. These were fun times. Happy Trails." -Roy Miller

Q. "Hi Butch, Enjoyed the March 8 Issue. Lots of good history there. I pulled up the maps showing Bomar in Love County. Both maps showed a Wilson between Ardmore and Madill. Does anyone know if that's an error or was there another Carter County town named Wilson?

A. No error, the first Wilson was located SE of Ardmore.

"The post office was being establishing in the new town site of Wilson in early 1914, city officials were notified that the name of the town had to be “New Wilson” since the other Wilson had not been out of existence long enough. By 1918, however, the old Wilson had completely disappeared and on August 5, 1918 it was declared by Oklahoma governor R. L. Williams that “New Wilson” could then be known simply as “Wilson”. However, the name of the post office was not officially changed until January 28, 1920."  -Carole Gandy Pinches

2009... "Butch, Concerning "Old Wilson" vs. "New Wilson", I remember that "Old Wilson" was located west of Red Everett's old store on the same county road. The last time I was there to the best of my memory, I think you could still see the remains of dirt cellars and some "foundation" stones/rocks."

Carter County Post Offices:

On a different subject. In the 50s one of my relatives, Bert Flanary, ran a service station and feed store on the south side of Hwy 70 across from the old football field (Mclish St.). His wife was Leora Smith and for a while their daughter, Aileen, lived with them. Leora was a lunch room supervisor in the school system. I have their obits, but any other info about them or the business would be greatly appreciated." -Barry Flanary

Q. "Hi Butch, Don't remember if I ever mentioned it or not but have you ever done anything about the Magnetic Mountain west of I-35 at Exit 42? Of course it's an optical illusion but vehicles appear to roll up hill for about a quarter mile." -Jim Foreman

A. Jim, I inserted your video near the bottom of my webpage about Magnetic Hill.

"Do you have a song stuck in your head? Did you listen to a new song and now you’re humming it? Do you just remember a few words from that song? Or even better, are you currently listening to the song? In either case, you’re in luck, because we have got a list of utilities that can help you identify a new song you’ve heard!"

1971 Golden Meadow and Grand Isle, La.
"Lorenzo Hill, an engineer I have talked about earlier, and I are scheduled to go to Grand Isle, and meet the Corps of Engineers about moving one of our pipelines so that they can build some flood levees in the area. After the meeting, we check in at the Theriot Hotel.

You would just have to see this place to understand. It was really a dilapidated but clean place, and the only place to stay in Golden Meadow. The only good thing about this place was the Glow Room. It was a restaurant in the back of the Hotel, and served the best Crab fingers, and 22 oz T Bone steaks you could imagine. We had both that night.

That night I was asleep in my room when I heard these guys in their room next door. The walls were thin as tissue paper, and you could hear every thing going on. They were laughing and talking about scaring somebody with a gun. They turned the TV on and flipped thru all the channels. There was no stations on. I could tell they were drunk and finally went to bed. In a few minutes I heard someone beating on their door, and saying "Open up, this is the law" I got up and opened the door. Two cops were trying to get into the room next to mine. Lorenzo opened his door and looked out also. The cops told him to get back in his room and close the door. They apologized to me and got the night clerk to open the room next door. They went inside with guns pulled and hollered hands up, dis is de law! I heard them pull the shower curtain back and talking to each other bout how the two men had disappeared. Apparently the criminals went out the bathroom window. Come to find out the next a.m. that they had flashed a gun in a bar. And that was all it was about.

Lorenzo and I headed back to Lake Charles thru New Orleans. It was Mardi Gras day and he wanted to spend the day in New Orleans. We tried several Motels and they were all booked up. We started driving back to L.C. and it was stop and go all day. Every little town along the gulf coast was having a parade and celebration. You could hardly drive thru town. When you did get thru, they were hauling sugar cane in wagons on the highway, and it was impossible to pass. It is approximately 200 miles from Lake Charles to New Orleans. It took us almost 14 hrs. Lord, what a long day!!" -Ken @ Wilson

Title: 3rd Saturday Sale
Date: Saturday March 17, 2012
Time: 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the third Saturday
Location: 1100 Woodall-Rodgers Freeway, Dallas, TX

Knowledge itself is power. -Francis Bacon 1561 - 1626

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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