This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 17  Issue 836      Circulation 5,000       January 31, 2013

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


My T&T Readers never cease to amaze me. This week I received an old fashioned letter in the U.S. Mail from Mary Wilson in Lone Grove. In it was a newspaper clipping from 1975 about the first "motel" in Ardmore.  The article tells about a tourist camp on Highway 199 East, just west of the casino, north side of the highway, near the railroad underpass.  Back in 1926 it went by the name Paradise Vista. I see in the picture a Paul McLain Grocery. Back in those days there were small mom and pop grocery stores all over Ardmore, almost one on each block. The location of the tourist camp is almost the exact same place where Ardmore detective Buddy Moorhead was killed in 1931 while on an errand of mercy.

From time to time Joh Gainey submits one of her poems for my T&T, but I did not know until this week she has a book with 100s of poems, prose, and musings she's written through the years titled just Musings. If you go to and search for MUSINGS GAINEY you'll find her book!

I came across a mystery this week in a business on Ardmore's Main Street. It's in an upstairs where few people go, but thanks to Diana Matheny of the Label Stable, I got to see to see it firsthand!  Diane showed me a vault on the 2nd floor and across the top was written: UNITED STATES MARSHALL - EASTERN DISTRICT OKLAHOMA. I noticed was Marshal was misspelled, it should be United States Marshal.

These next two photos are a present day front and back view of 102 West Broadway.

The mystery is what U.S. Marshall had an office in this building and when. I think the building was erected about 1920 and I have not found any history of this building at 102 West Main having any connection to law enforcement. I did find the following info on tenants of the building from City Directories:

102 West Main, Ardmore, Oklahoma




Consumers Light and Power
Southern Oklahoma Pipe Line

Ardmore City Gas
Consumers Light, Power and Appliance Company

Ardmore City Gas
Consumers Light, Power and Appliance Company

1924 - Consumers Light and Power and Appliance Company

1926 - #102-104 Oklahoma Gas and Electric

1928 - #102-104 Oklahoma Gas and Electric

1930 - vacant

1932 - The Ardmore Democrat

1935 to 1939 - Babcock Brothers Auto Supply

1941 - vacant

1946 to 1960 - Singer Sewing Machine

So, in looking back over 100 years I still did not find any connection to the building at 102 West Main to the U.S. Marshals office and why that vault upstairs had those words across the top.

In 1904 the Ardmore Fire Department was located at 114 North Washington

Something else I stumbled across from 1920, the Adelphos Theater. We've had listing of Ardmore's movie theaters over the years, but I sure don't remember the Adelphos. It was located on the north side Main Street at 117 1/2 (upstairs).

During the 1940s and 50s there was a Lawn Street in Ardmore. I tried to determine just where the street was located, but its kind of difficult to do. I think it would some where south of the McDonald's on West Broadway, between the east side South Commerce or maybe where South Commerce is located today. Lawn Street may have been closed during the construction of the 4 lanes for South Commerce. Maybe someone has heard of Lawn Street, or can better interpret the information at the link below.

Edgar Wallace posed a question this week I had never thought about. He was wondering if anyone knows what the mascot was for each of the Ardmore schools.  I went to Washington School on 5th NE and someone said they thought the tiger was the school's mascot. But for the life of me, I don't know.  Maybe some of you can fill in the blanks on the Ardmore schools' mascots back in the day???

There was a wonderful Come And Go retirement party today for Carter County Commissioner Bill McLaughlin. The commissioners chamber and front office was packed with well wishers from all over the county. Even though everyone had a great time, it was also a sad time for many of us who worked with Bill through the years, knowing it was his last day in office. He is going to be missed by many, but his public service to this county will be remembered and appreciated for years to come. Thanks Bill for being a great boss, I will never forget you.  Doug Williams was in attendance and took pictures of the event.  Just click on this link...  RETIREMENT PHOTOS.

In my weekly Mailbag from the year 2000 (see below) there is mention of The Chili Bowl and a 5 pound tub of chili selling for less then $6. Heartland Foods at 911 1st Street NW sells that same 5 lb tub of chili today for a little over $10. In fact, Heartland sells many everyday items for less.

Q. The capitol building was originally supposed to have a dome, but a lack of funds prevented it. When did Oklahoma's capitol finally receive a dome?
A.  2002 It sure is beautiful today.

Q. In which now-closed Oklahoma City restaurant would you have found a red Jaguar in the middle of the dining area?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of January 29, 2000:

Ardmoreite Robert Hensley sent me a couple more fantastic photos! This first one is the old Jordan bus cafe taken in 1948, located at #30 South Washington, corner of 1st St S.E. and south Washington. Seated under coke sign is Darryl Sears, Jordan bus driver, woman in plaid is Zela McClain. Notice signs, Barbecue beef sandwich, .30 cents and plate lunch for .55 cents! Times sure have changed!

This is the second photo Robert sent..... Tom & Fleet Coopers Auto Garage, Ardmore, Oklahoma. Located at 401-403 West Main where the First National Bank is now. 4th from front is Hoot Holloway, 2nd in grey suit is Tom Cooper, (owner of Tom Coopers Dairy), first, in white shirt is Fleet Cooper. Circa 1925

We had some excitement downtown last Monday.... some welders were cutting out metal in the old jail on the third floor of City Hall and caught some wood on fire. But luckily there was only minor damage.
"Thanks for the picture of Ardmore Courthouse, my husband's Grandparents Hiram Joseph Potter and Ethel Smith were married there in 1926."
"Hello Butch. I was glad to get T&T this week. I saw one of the emails that was sent to you last week about the Chili Bowl chili at Sams.... Chili Bowl is good chili and only cost $5.89 at Sam's. That's about $1.17 per pound. It comes in a 5# container."

"Butch, in the Ardmoreite, dated January 21, 1979, there is an article about Dr. Washington and Buster Ned. It seems the American Trail series filmed Buster Ned and Mac McGalliard telling the story of the Kwanakuasha. In fact one of the pictures shows Mac holding a book about the story of the Kwanakuasha, I guess. My clipping of this is torn and faded not suitable for scanning but I did have the picture of the Dr. and the little man standing on the table. You probably remember this article."


Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Butch; Here's some video I shot of our pecan trees being harvested. Also a short clip of the honey bees near the pecan grove. Didn't try to get any honey this day, they were too active. A few days back it was just below freezing and right about sun-up I got a small piece of honey comb since the bees were too cold to move fast. I didn't stay very long though, don't like bee stings! Ha" -Dwane Stevens  (click on "change quality" to select 1080p HD)

"Hey, Butch: Speaking of the old location of Miller's DQ made me think of when they opened. At least I think it was the opening because those two huge ice cream machines that you could see just inside the order windows, were put in sometime in the mid-fifties. We lived up on Hargrove, several blocks to the north of Miller's and some way, all the boys in our neighborhood got together and were able to talk them into letting us have the wooden crates that the ice cream machines were shipped in. Believe it or not, several of us "trucked" those huge crates back to our neighborhood by using our wagons, (I think wagons must have been a lot sturdier back then). Anyway, we managed to stack one on it's side on top of the other and placed them behind a garage and for several years, that was our clubhouse. Those old crates lasted a long time.

Jay Cook
Cabot, Arkansas
Ardmore, class of 65

"Butch, here is a picture of a grammar school class taken in the Ardmore area - maybe Lone Grove, not sure. I would like to know which school it was and the teacher's name, if anyone knows. I am standing next to the teacher on the left......Thanks."  -Leta McCurry
"Butch, the class of 1968 of Murray State College is having a reunion on Feb. 28th from about 4 o'clock until after the basketball game that evening. We will be meeting in the ballroom and eat and visit. We have a group on Facebook-  Murray State College Alumni of 1968." Contact:  [email protected] or [email protected]
"Butch, I don't know if you knew Al Boucher from Ardmore, his son Mike has a very interesting site that I thought your Readers might like. Lots of Choctaw history, old photos and such."  -Eddie

“Butch-These Ardmore Army Air Field soldiers were combat crew members of the Ralph Rollins crew. They trained here as Crew 139 in Sept-November, 1944, shipped overseas, flew missions with the 407nd Squadron, 92nd Bomb Group, Podington, UK and were all KIA, Jan. 1, 1945. They wanted a picture with an Oklahoma Indian and the Palacine statue at the Wirt Franklin Station filled the bill. A nephew of Cpl. Edward Etzel, Jr., a ball turret gunner, made contact after viewing the Ardmore Army Air Field website and made the pictures available. Many crew members or whole crews that trained here were killed in action over Europe"   -gsimmons

The Wilson Historical Society is compiling information needed for a book being written in tribute to Wilson's Vietnam era veterans. If you are from Wilson, were born in Wilson, went to school in Wilson or lived in Wilson in the past you are welcome to participate. If you are the loved one of a deceased Wilson veteran we especially urge you to participate. The book will cover the years 1960-1975, all branches of service will be included, no matter where you were stationed or how long you were in the service. We would also appreciate COPIES of photos, postcards, obituaries, letters home, etc... for added interest. You are welcome to donate a written biography or fill out our online question are at's_happening/military_service.php
Deadline was January 31 but we are extending the date for two more weeks to March 15. This will be a well published hard-back book much like our WWII book.
Your participation will make the book a success.
Thank you.
Melinda Taylor (volunteer)
Wilson Historical Museum
1270 8th St.
Wilson, OK 73463

Q:  "What Railroad subdivision is Ardmore yard in?
A:  "BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Red Rock Subdivision." -Dwane Stevens

Museum Memories
Compiled by Melinda Taylor
The Daily Ardmoreite
Wilson News
January 28, 1918 - A committee from the Fourth Ward auxiliary of the Baptist Church was appointed for the purpose of collecting funds for the new piano.
February 13,1918 - The contract has been let and work has been started on the Dowdy Sanitarium, which will be owned and managed by Dr. Thomas Dowdy. The new sanitarium will be in east Wilson, on the lots adjoining Doctor Dowdy's residence.
February 18, 1918 - The railway postal service to be inaugurated tomorrow on the O. N. M. & P. road will carry pouch mail to Lone Grove, New Wilson, Healdton and Ringling. Mail for Wirt will be carried to Healdton and from there is transferred to the star route and taken to Wirt. The oil town of Woodworth has no post office and the majority of the residents are getting their mail from New Wilson. Two trains will carry mail on week days and one train on Sundays.
February 19, 1918 - The cornerstone of the new Sunlight Carbon factory was laid at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The Wilson Business Men's League had planned a parade, headed by the band and the entire public school body, to proceed from Main street to the factory site. Autos were provided to carry all who desired to join in the parade. Mayor Lively made the opening speech and was followed by Garland V. Pardue (lawyer). W. W. Kathan, the inventor of the carbon product, was present.

Wilson Historical Museum. Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." -Pericles

See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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