This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 17  Issue 881      Circulation 5,000       December 12, 2013

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


With all the ice and deep freeze cold the past few days things have been slow around here.  I have not worked on my newsletter as I usually do and I lost two days on the internet when my DSL modem went out.  But thanks to the good people at Chickasaw Telephone I'm back up and running and online!  I like to give credit where credit is due, and it's due for Brightnet and Chickasaw Telephone.  Since we've moved out here south of Lone Grove I guess there has been 4 or 5 times when I've had to call the Chickasaw Telephone office with a problem, once with our land line phone and the other times with the DSL internet part of the phone line.

Sometime in the wee morning hours last Sunday my DSL modem decided to die. When I called the Brightnet Help Desk Monday morning to report the problem, it was just a couple hours later when Jim was at my house with a new modem and had me up and running pronto. Now mind you this was Monday when the county roads to my house were slicker than snot with ice.  I couldn't get that kind of service in Ardmore (AT&T). Thank you Chickasaw Telephone.

Ok, I got a little off-track telling about Chickasaw Telephone but when I don't have internet, that is an emergency. What I've been going to say is a couple of days ago a friend mentioned there was an old Healdton, and a new Healdton. I looked in my archives and found the following:

Old Healdton/New Healdton - from my March 27, 2004 newsletter:

"On November 23, 1916, a charter was granted by the Corporation Commission to the Ringling and Oil Field Railway Company, capitalized at $600,000. The Board of Directors was composed of Jake Hamon, John Ringling, Charles C. Wilson, H. A. Coomer, P. C. Dings, and C. L. Anderson. The charter provided for the railroad line to begin at a point on the Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Pacific, near Ringling and proceed north to Oklahoma City eventually. The first town on this new line was to be located in the west half of section two, four south, three west, one mile west of Healdton and two miles east of Wirt. In less than a month, work was begun on this new townsite designated as New Healdton. Over fifty tents were staked near the location and a large crew of men, with one hundred and fifteen teams, was rushing construction of the road bed and line. By January 2, 1917, two miles of track was completed, and freight was sent up the line from Joiner City, the point selected as the southern end of the Ringling and Oil Field road. Mr. Jack Langston, a business associate of Mr. Hamon's, had established head-quarters at the townsite and was supervising the planning of the proposed town. Town lots sold rapidly, for on January 9, the first day of the sale, over three hundred and fifty lots were sold, and by February 19, three new banks were established in New Healdton and the post office at (old) Healdton had been moved to New Healdton. The Post Office Department authorized that New Healdton become just Healdton, and Jake Hamon ordered the name of the town to correspond with that of the post office. An unofficial census of Healdton on March 18, placed the population at two thousand people and the business district at about fifty establishments. Thirteen days later, the last spike in the Ringling and Oil Field road was driven and by April 26 a total of two hundred freight cars had been shipped to Healdton over the new line, regular freight service having been established April 15, and a passenger schedule announced one week later.

Healdton was built at a very favorable time, since the price of oil had started advancing steadily. The field was "booming" and the payroll was heavy, due to higher wages and new men finding employment. Then, too, Healdton held an advantage over Wirt since the latter was not a railroad town. Healdton rapidly, but surely, became the trade center for the oil field people and it has held that distinction continuously ever since.

Note 1: New Healdton was moved one mile west.......this might help explain where the Demijohn Creek hanging took place.

Note 2: It is obvious that Ringling was named for the famous show man, John Ringling, but it is not so generally known that Wilson was named for Mr. Ringling's personal secretary, Charles Wilson, instead of Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States at that time.

A couple of issues back I mentioned Tucks Ferry in Love County along the Red River.  I posted several pictures of that area I took years ago but no recent photos.  A Reader was at the Tuck's Ferry location in November snapped the following picture. It's the hill just up from Tucks Ferry where the cable assembly was located on the Oklahoma side of the river.

November 1985 - Three members of the Lennon Sisters Quartet: Peggy, Janet and Kathy, made famous by appearances on the Lawrence Welk Show, who sang on the show every Saturday night for thirteen years, visited Lone Grove High School and spoke to students. The forth sister, Dee Dee doesn't fly.

November 1966 - In a joint program with the State of Oklahoma and each of its counties, the Bureau of the Census is establishing areas knows as "census county divisions" for use in statistical reporting. Carter County has been divided into seven Census Divisions listed as follows: Ardmore, Ardmore East, Ardmore North, Ardmore West, Healdton Central, Healdton North and Wilson.

November 1953 - Miss Tommye Payne, postmistress at Lone Grove who was seriously burned several weeks ago and who has been a patient in the Hardy Sanitarium, was able to be remove to her home. However she will be confined to her bed for an indefinite period.

Well, gents, it's official. As predicted the price of a cup of coffee in this area has jumped from the lowly nickel it has been for lo, these many years, to a big shiny dime. It looks like the nickel cuppacawfee has become extinct.

November 1929 - Frank Carson and Hale Dunn, of the sheriff's force, are investigating the robbery of two safes at Milo. Meager reports from Milo say the post office safe and a safe in the general store operated by A.P. Farr have been raided by burglars.

Q. What is the official state amphibian of Oklahoma?
A.  Bullfrog

Q.  How many separate land regions can be found in the state of Oklahoma?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of December 11, 1999:

In my November 27th issue of T&T I told about a horned owl that took up residence outside a friend's house here in Ardmore, just a couple blocks north of the Middle School. He had been in a tree there for a month when I first mentioned the owl. Last Wednesday the owl was found in the basement of the Middle School. Authorities were called and took possession of the owl, since the horned owl is an endangered species. Now I really wish I'd got that night pic of him!
This week I got an original photo taken of a building at Galveston, Texas. The photo was taken about two months ago by a lady here in Ardmore while she was in Galveston on a tour. On the side of the building is an image of a man. The image was at the top of the building where the dark square is, this is where they tried to sandblast the image off. But it re- appeared in a square below. Has anyone heard of this mystery? The building is somewhere on the shoreline in Galveston, TX?

Do the numbers making up your phone number make a word?
An employee of Carter County Government (who will remain nameless to save face) got his goose cooked a couple of Thanksgivings ago. A friend of his went goose hunting and bagged one. He decided he would give the goose to his friend to cook for Thanksgiving. This county employee had a real nice cooker and placed the goose in the cooker along with water in the pan. He let the goose cook about 6 or 7 hours, but didn't know he was supposed too regularly add water to the pan. Hours later, here is what a person might call one really cooked goose?

"In 1978 Ardmore had a large train wreck in the general area of the Yamaha dealership. The entire neighborhood had to be evacuated because of toxic fumes escaping from one of the cars. James Mercer was the Civil Defense Director"
"On your list of used to be's... how about a product called Rosebud salve? I used to sell it when I was a kid and won a lot of great prizes."


"I wanted to tell you that water-pump pic aat Ran, Oklahoma (Love County southeast of Lake Murray), you have on your webpage. I've been lookin for one of them for a few years now. I want it in my front-yard an possibly make it a fountain. It's hard to find them here, do you know where they any for sale there? And the price if possible would be nice."

"In Sulphur, we have a city park across from the City Hall that is decorated as the "Avenue of the Angels." The angels are purchased by local citizens and dedicated to loved ones who have died. The centerpiece of the display is the largest lighted angel in Oklahoma."
"I was looking at your photo. You really are a handsome old geezer aren't you?! By the way I have never seen or tasted pecan nuts before. What do they taste like?" - Ireland
"Hello Butch, Here is a picture of Devil's Den (Tishomingo, OK) taken early 50's. You can see in the background that the "ROCK" is almost round and quite large. The folks in the foreground didn't want their picture to show so I "fuzzed" their faces, but wanted to be able to show the difference in the size of people to the rock."


Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.

Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area (updated).

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Hi Butch, Saw your photos of hot and cold at Dickson, Oklahoma water towers in your last newsletter. thought I'd enclose photo of hot and cold water towers in Pratt Kansas."  -Ken Patrick, South Hutchinson, Kansas
"These lines from the 12/4/1999 edition prompt me to reply: "I was very glad to hear that someone besides me loved and misses Grapette. its been the better part of 45 years since I tasted one of those wonderful drinks. If anyone finds a source for them please have them let me know."

I don't remember if I got this from T&T, or elsewhere, but WalMart now owns the Grapette recipe, and it's still available in WalMart stores (although I've not seen it in any Sam's Club locations, or WalMart neighborhood Markets). Tastes pretty much like the original, too!"  -Jim Kyle

Grapette is available at Walmart. It is known as Walmart Grapette Grape Soda. It is in 2 liter bottles.
"Butch. I have had the embroidered "Raising Kids" pillow for ever. It has gotten much worse for wear. I googled trying to find another and came up with your website. Please let me know if you have such a pillow for sale."  -Pam Jordan, Atlanta, GA.  [email protected]
"I came back to Oklahoma in 1976 and was made Foreman of Cherokee Pipeline in Wilson. Altho I lived in Lone Grove, my office and pipe yard was just South of the Old Ice House in Wilson. The train tracks from Ardmore ran between the Ice House and our pipe yard.

In the early '80's the decision was made to take up the tracks and give the ROW back to the land owners. When they reached our property, Cherokee management told the railway company they did not want the land back and they could sell it or give it away to whom ever they wished. I would say nearly everyone in Wilson who were asked if they wanted the property back, took it, and promptly built a house or moved a double wide onto the land.

Cherokee retired me in 1985 and a couple years after that, sold all of their property and holdings to Koch Industries. Koch did not want the old pipe yard and it was donated to the City of Wilson. I think the City still owns it today. Thought you might be interested in this history tale of Wilson."  -Ken @ Wilson
"After 20 or so trips north of Ardmore, tonight at dark thirty, we finally got to see the wild herd of elk. There were eight of these big beauties. It bothers me that people have shot these animals when they are not legal to hunt. These escaped from a preserve and are really huge and beautiful. It was really dark time we got there and this was my best shot on this camera. They look healthy. These have trophy size horns which is probably bad news in redneckville. People have shot them and cut the heads off just for the horns. Enjoy them."  -Doug Williams
Museum Memories
Compiled by Melinda Taylor
The Daily Ardmoreite

January 24, 1918 Dr. Lee Dowdy has received a call to report at Ft. Sill for military duty. Doctor Dowdy has returned to Alabama to arrange his business affairs there before entering service.

January 26, 1918 The local chapter of the Red Cross Society met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jennings in the Woodworth apartments. There was a large attendance of the members. The work of the chapter was divided into four divisions, with the following superintendents: Mrs. Jennings, superintendent of knitting department; Mrs. J. O. Henson, superintendent of shirt department; Mrs. Dunham, superintendent of pajama department; Mrs. D. W. Virgin, superintendent of bandage department. Mrs. Margaret Bacon will place buckets in all of the business houses, where customers may make free will offerings for the Red Cross work. Mrs. Bynum reported that the work she submitted to the Ardmore chapter last week was well received by the inspectors of the various branches of the work.

The following men, as reported to the Ardmoreite, visited with friends and family then returned to service during the month of January 1918: Creek and Roy Lawrence, Charles Porterfield, Coleman Griffin, Adalee Baker, Lt. Woodley, & Lt. Carr. James Matthews was accepted to aviation training camp in San Antonio, TX.

Bored with winter? Drop by the Wilson Museum for a visit. Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Twelve Days of Christmas - England 1790

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me.

12 Drummers Drumming

11 Pipers Piping

10 Lords-a-Leaping

  9 Ladies Dancing

  8 Maids-a-Milking

  7 Swans-a-Swimming

  6 Geese-a-Laying

  5 Gold Rings

  4 Colly Birds

  3 French Hens

  2 Turtle Doves

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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