This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 18  Issue 888      Circulation 5,000       January 30, 2014

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


Lugert, Oklahoma... the town beneath the lake.



Before the 1931 trial of former county attorney Andrew Hardy, Deputy Sheriff Con Keirsey, the lead investigator in the Andy Hardy trial, was shot in the chin making an arrest at Healdton. The undersheriff was shot in the stomach and it was thought he might not live. But at 3am that night Con Keirsey died in the Hardy Sanitarium and Hospital from his chin wound (hospital ran by Andy's brother, Dr. Walter Hardy). That sudden and unexpected death was really suspicious to many in Ardmore.

In the Fall of 1997 I saw long time Ardmore attorney, Claud Smith (1905-1998), at the courthouse. I asked Mr. Smith what was the most memorable event at the courthouse he remembers during his lifetime of practicing law here. Without hesitation Mr. Smith said the trial of Andrew Hardy in 1931. He said the trial drew the largest crowd of people ever during the trial, with standing room only inside the courthouse, and many more citizens standing outside on the lawn.

Dwane Stevens sent in a couple photos he took this week. This first picture is deceiving since it makes Lake Murray look so beautiful.

But because of the drought Lake Murray is in terrible condition. This photo shows how low the water level is in Lake Murray. They are predicting rain off and on each day over the next 5 days, sure hope it materializes, we need it so badly.

Dwane took this photo of Turner Falls icicles when the temperature was below freezing.

I see construction workers are coming right along on the new Hisey and Landgraf (attorneys) building (2-story) where the old City Drug store once stood years ago before it burned at Main and Washington.

Also there is a complete makeover being done on the old Park Theater at 117 West Main.

There's a new BBQ place in Carter county. Its called Burnin' Vernon BBQ and its located next to the casino on the highway in Wilson, Oklahoma. Tuesday thru Saturday 11am-8pm. Phone 580-668-3333. Can't wait to try it!

I love the technology that is at my fingertips. For years I been using a freeware program called TightVNC to access a computer remotely for diagnostic purposes or whatever. Recently I started using TightVNC to access the security cameras at work from home too check on things. I have 33 cameras at my fingertips, this is just a screen shot I took of 12 of the cams. Using a 2 monitor system I can watch the cameras on one monitor and still do whatever I want on the 2nd monitor. Amazing technology.

This week I ran across this very interesting teleconference system that looks promising. It uses 2 very small boxes ($100 each) and 2 smart TVs and an internet connection. The picture quality in their video looks great. I can see this system being very useful for businesses at an affordable price. And Biscotti is headquartered just south of here in McKinney, Texas!

I sandblasted a brick this week for David Gilley with the Sheriffs Office that turned out nice. David is retiring on January 30th.

Last week I lost my 1,800 email addresses of T&T Readers from my mailer program.  I still don't know how it happened, but thankfully I had a backup from 4 weeks ago, so hopefully everyone will get their newsletter this evening.

Q.  Who was the first Oklahoma Governor to serve two consecutive terms?
A.  George Nigh

Q.  What does the color blue on our state flag represent?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of January 27, 2001:

"My cousin, Bud Caudle, went to OKC and looked this up for me about special agent Alexander being shot by the Love brothers which you mentioned in last week's T&T. Thought I would pass it along to you. Thanks for the wonderful job you do with the newsletter but also for my birthtown."  -Harold in New Orleans


In a pitched battle with alleged bootleggers near Hoxbar south east of this city about ten o'clock Friday night special officer Oscar Alexander of this city was shot and almost instantly killed by one of the two Love brothers, who were driving the team in which was being transported nineteen cases of whiskey. Special officer Dow Braziel received a tip that a load of whiskey was being transported into this section and he with his assistants Alexander, Tom Adams, and George McLaughlin went to the vicinity of Hoxbar and laid in wait for the expected wagon. Officer Braziel told his men that these were two dangerous characters and placed them in places where they would be in the least danger telling them to remain there. As soon as the wagon approached the driver was commanded to halt, but instead began firing at Braziel with a shot gun. Alexander seeing the danger Braziel was in started toward the wagon and had his pistol raised to fire when a load from the shot gun penetrated his body under his right arm causing almost instant death. In the general fusillade which followed Mose Love was severely wounded through the shoulder and hip and fell from the wagon. The team with George Love still in the wagon ran away and in passing, Braziel shot at one of the mules hoping to kill or cripple it in order to capture the other brother. The team succeeded in getting away and seeing one of his men dead and Love was so badly wounded that he might die the officers returned to the city in their machine and Love was taken to the Hardy sanitarium for treatment.

Yesterday morning Dr. Hardy stated that Love though severely wounded would recover. George Love was apprehended yesterday morning by the posse of officers who were immediately summoned when the details of the shooting was heard and is now in the county jail suffering from a slight wound in the hip. The father of the two Love boys, William Love and a boy by the name of Williams who were found in the vicinity of where the shooting occurred yesterday were also detained by the officers. When the wagon and team was found yesterday morning one of the mules was dead and the wagon contained nineteen cases of whiskey. The remains of Alexander were taken to the undertaking establishment of Boone Taliaferro and prepared for burial. Alexander was a young man who had many friends in this city who deeply deplore his untimely death. He has been a resident here for over twelve years, coming to Ardmore with his parents from North Carolina where he was born. Besides his mother, brothers, and sisters, he is survived by a wife and one child. The Love's who have lived in the old Wilson community for many years are well known throughout this section. It is alleged that they have been in trouble on several occassions and officer Braziel stated that he considered them dangerous men to deal with. Love at the sanitarium yesterday morning informed the county attorney that he had nothing to say in regard to the matter at this time. Those of the party confined in the county jail also refused to say much about it. The county attorney is making a diligent inquiry into the whole affair. When the news reached this city last night indignation ran high, the idea of a young officer in the discharge of his duty being ruthlessly slain caused some ugly remarks and for a time matters took a serious look. The coolness of all city and county officers prevailed and all was quiet yesterday morning. The whisky runners have caused the officers of this vicinity more trouble than all other cases combined and a determined effort has been going on for some time to break up the practice and every little while some serious trouble arises from this cause and the Friday night killing will no doubt stimulate every officer in the county and city to greater activity. The wife and son of the slain officer were prostrated with grief as well as the mother, brothers and sisters who reside here, and the entire city was shocked when the facts became known.
I saw a bell in a yard just west of Lone Grove, west of Rabe Road and Highway 70 on the north side of the highway. I'll get a pic of it soon! By the way, I saw in the paper this week where Mr. Rabe died who owned a dairy years ago on Rabe Road. I used to ride my Moped out there when I was 15 years old just to buy his raw cow's milk. It had three inches of cream on top!! Here's a pic I took a couple years ago of what's left of Mr. Rabe's dairy.

I also noticed the old Two Frogs restaurant in Lone Grove has a SOLD sign out front. I heard Bill's Catfish (that's now located SW of Waurika, Oklahoma on the north side of the Red River) is opening up there. I remember stopping at Bill's Catfish in the early 1970s (on my way back from taking patients to the Sheppard Air Force hospital at Wichita Falls, Texas). Boy, people were lined up all the way outside into the parking lot to eat his delicious fried catfish.
"Have you had many replies to your inquiry about Webb Studios? I am a niece. It was owned by Ran Webb and was located on 101 1/2 East Main in Ardmore. The stairway up stairs was just west of Daubes and next to Jones Furniture. He was there in the 1930-40 and into the 50s. He had a wooden leg (a hunting accident) but made those steep, creaky stairs many times a day. Dr. Sain MD and Dr. Adams, Dentist also had offices up there."
The old Dr. Moxley, of the alligator stories, did surgery on me in the late 40s. I had tripped as a little fella and fell on a stick which narrowly missed blinding me. Reminded me of another thing to be grateful for.
Roy Rogers (1911 - 1998), probably the greatest cowboy of modern times. I remember watching him in many movies as a child. I can still hear him yodel. Remember Gabby and then there is Trigger, Roy's horse? A child might not have known who the President was, but every boy and girl knew the name of Roy's horse. Roy and Dale Evans were married in the Arbuckle Mountains north of Ardmore on the Flying Healey Ranch on December 31, 1947. Roy was a believer in the Second Amendment. A believer in God, and flag and country and family. I will always picture him and Dale Evans singing, "Happy Trails To You" at the close of their shows. The link below tells much more about Roy and plays a music clip of the "Happy Trails" song. Darn, I wish I'd bought one of those Roy Rogers Daisy BB Guns. It was the fastest selling BB gun in the Daisy company's history.

"Happy trails to you until we meet again.
Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trails to you 'till we meet again.
Happy trails to you until we meet again."


Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.

Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area (updated).

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Remember back when we used to get good rains and the water would run over the spillway at Lake Murray? Take a look at our lake today, Jan 26, 2014." -Dwane Stevens

"Butch, Next time you come through Montague, Texas stop and look at the new Veterans memorial on the Montague County Courthouse lawn. You visited the Old Jail museum a few years ago and we have improved it greatly since then."  -max brown
Q.  "I noticed you had a photo of the headstone of Elmer McCurdy in this week's 'T&T'. Wasn't his body the one that toured the country in several carnival shows for several years? Perhaps I'm thinking of someone else, but that name seems to stand out in my memory."  -Roy Kendrick

A.  Yes.

Q. "As a child, I remember prairie dogs being located close to where you turn to go to Mountain Lake and on the north side of the road at Woodford. Does anyone know if prairie dogs are still in this area?"  -Elisabeth in Tulsa

A.  Prairie Dog Town was located in the SE corner of that intersection were the old race track was located years ago. 1,000s of them.  On the Creede Speake ranch.

Additional comments:

"Lots of them on Highway 32 like you're going to Ryan. When you leave Ringling and head south to 32, when you get on 32 going west, there all along on the north side of Highway 32."  -Brandi Brawley

"Not sure about Woodford. Was a large colony just north of Addington on Highway 81 (about 20 mi south of Duncan) until 2 yrs ago. Not sure what happened to them."  -Denny Spradling

"There is an area west of Healdton, that's use to be called Prairie Dog Town." -Lee Etra Thompson

"Around Dundee going north about a mile there were tons of prairie dogs when I was a little girl."  -Judy Roberts

"There was a large group of them on the north side of Lindsay, Oklahoma (across from the cemetery) until a few months ago. I have wondered who and how they got rid of them!" -Lonita Bridges

Oct 9, 2008 - We were over at Lawton last Saturday and visited the Museum of the Great Plains. There were a lot of things to see inside, and I have some pics I took a little further on down, but the most interesting thing we saw was all the prairie dogs out on the front lawn of the museum. There were dozens, quite a sight to behold.

"Yes, they are still there near the Canton Lake, Canton, Oklahoma."  -Harvey Adams

Jan 31, 1924 The Daily Ardmoreite
Determined to carry out to completion the successes of earlier games, the Woodford Prairie Dogs invade Ardmore Friday evening for their first game of the season with the junior high school cagers as their opponents.

"Butch, Just a word for your information concerning the leaning tree east of Ardmore. My father, Shug West, used to tell me when we passed the tree going to Ardmore that as a little boy he played on that tree. My father was born in 1902 and the family moved to Berwyn in 1906. When he and an older brother would take a wagon to Ardmore the brother would sometimes stop and Dad would play on the tree."  -Mike P. West
"Butch, I wrote to you some time back looking for info on the Appleton family. I mentioned a picture I have of a group of men whom I was told were police men back around 1915.  I received a reply from a very nice lady who was kin to the Appleton family. She mentioned a lady named Allie Givens, I believe. Before I could write back to her, my computer crashed! Please put this in the Mailbag and maybe this kind lady will write to me again."  [email protected]

"Hey Butch, I drove through Chickasaw national park the other day and noticed that a few limbs have been cut off the "monkey tree". This tree has not had leaves on it as far back as I can remember. My children played on it when young (they are now grown with kids of their own). They also had class field trips there a couple of times. I looked at it remembering precious times watching my girls play, and hearing them say "Mom, look at me!". I write you this to let others that have had great times there know that it is slowly disappearing so if they want to go get a picture of it for "old times sake", they might want to do so before any other branches get trimmed back or cut off. I'm sure that the park maintenance has had to do this because of limbs breaking and maybe being a danger of some child getting hurt. It causes me a little sadness seeing such a neat piece of the park disappearing, but I will always have the memories!"   -Judy Shiplett
"I just saw the article and pictures of the pony that was attacked by that pit bull at Lone Grove. I usually don’t cuss, but I will make an exception in this case. I am mad as Hell. You saw what that pit bull did to my side a couple of years ago. If that that dumb ass young man hadn’t been there to get that dog off me, it would have gotten my face. I was trying to get SB 402 on the floor for consideration, but I think it never came out of committee. Some big shot lawmaker has to be harmed before something happens. I had a young guy drive up by me a couple of months ago while I was out walking. He was looking for his 2 lost pits. He said that they were friendly and would lick you to death – Bull –S---. Some do gooder will come along with that same old spill of the breed getting a bad rap!" -Cecil

"Fishing for trains north of Gene Autry, Oklahoma." -C. Dwane Stevens

“The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Work is the key to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything.” -Vince Lombardi

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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