This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 18  Issue 901      Circulation 5,000       May 1, 2014

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


For the 2nd year in a row the Carter County Courthouse held Hawaiian Day last Friday.  Associate District Judge Lee Card was instrumental organizing the first Hawaiian Day and it has turned into an annual event. Employees brought a covered dish, and the BBQ for the event was provided by District Judge Dennis Morris, Associate Judge Lee Card and Special Judge Thomas Baldwin. It was really a fun lunch time for all who attended and everyone went away with a smile. I know everyone is looking forward to next year!

I am always proud when I make a brick as special as one to commemorate a golden wedding anniversary.  I sandblasted this one for J.W. and Rita Howell.

Speaking of bricks, I finished sandblasting several bricks the other day for the west side of the Carter County Courthouse. They have been placed near the street in a section called In Memoriam. If you are downtown stop by and look at the bricks of those who retired from Carter County Government since 1970. There are quite a few names inscribed grouped by office.

I snapped the pictures below of a beautiful saddle for sale in Ardmore, Oklahoma. It's at the Circle C Shoe Repair at 25 North Washington. The saddle is made by Billy Cook of Sulphur, Oklahoma (formerly located in Greenville, Texas). Made by a true craftsman. $850 is the asking price.

After heavy oil field trucks damaged the wooden bridge over Bull Creek 9 months ago on Timber Road (near South Newport Road), it is now open again, being replaced with a nice concrete structure. City of Lone Grove had the bridge replaced.

I took another old computer running the now 'expired' XP operating system, replacing it with Linux Mint Cinnamon 16. It really went on easy, getting on the internet automatically with no problem. Now keep in mind this is a 9 year old computer, and with the Linux Mint installed it is lightning fast. I am really amazed how fast the web pages change, etc., compared to the slow XP system. Mint comes with Firefox, so I immediately went to and download their Chrome browser. Mint comes with a lot of preinstalled programs including LibreOffice which has all the feature of Microsoft Office. So if you're still using an old XP computer, you might want to check out Linux Mint Cinnamon 16 (it's free) and turn it into a lean, mean, computing machine.

Q.  Where is the deepest cave in Oklahoma?
A.  Duncan Field System, Adair county, 9 miles in length and 124 feet deep.

Q.  Where is the deepest lake in Oklahoma?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of April 29, 2000:

Back in 1986 when I bought my first XT computer we used a little program called PKZIP and PKUNZIP to compress files. On April 22, 2000 the creator of PKZIP / PKUNZIP, Phillip Katz, died at age 37 in Wisconsin. His death was sad, given the circumstances surrounding his death. A brilliant man, a sad way to end life.

"Just a note to tell you that you and your readers are the greatest. I have had a couple of replies to my plea for help in last week's T&T on finding descendents of Bryant Daniel, killed in the 1927 oil well fire in Sanford, TX. They contacted me within a few hours of your last issue of This & That arriving in my email. They have been most helpful and informative and of course most friendly. Kudos to you and your newsletter. I look forward to each issue."
"Dear Butch: "This and That" is such a pleasure. My grandmother told me that when automobiles were very new, Dr. Walter Hardy owned the first one in Ardmore. She also told me about a contest that the Daily Ardmoreite had in which a Model T Ford was offered as a prize. Anybody know anything about that?"
If any of you happen by the courthouse here in Ardmore over the next week or so, they've tore out the walk on the west side in preparation for the coming pavilion soon to be built. This is a pic of the area just tore out Monday.


Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.

Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Butch- I have attached the account of the January 6, 1943 crash on the Cobb Farm referred to in today’s T&T. To my knowledge, it was the first WWII large bomber that crashed in southern Oklahoma. The narrative is probably too large to use on T&T but feel free to select portions that tell the story. I presented a program a couple of years or so ago to the Retired Teachers Association by request of John Cobb. The story of this event was part of the presentation and John gave his side of the story and how it affected his family and others of the Lebanon community. We were to visit later with his sister, who was having health problems at the time, to record her remembrances. Unfortunately we procrastinated (a problem I have) and his sister passed away before her story was recorded."  -Gary Simmons

"Georgia and I are amused at the signage that we see throughout Oklahoma. This one can be found in Pond Creek, Oklahoma a bit north of Enid." -Bob Gates
Yes, the doctor can bury his mistakes, but my son, a doctor, said he should have been a bartender: they get to drink their mistakes.
The Springer Volunteer Fire Department BBQ is Saturday, May 3 starting at 6:00 PM. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the BBQ, music and the dance. It will be held in the Springer Community Storm Shelter.
"Butch, While scrolling through some of your archives I came across the article below (highlighted part) from the Rambling Reporter dated May 2,1954. It is about my family. The interesting thing about this is I was only 2 1/2 years old at the time the article was written and the names of the children listed are Gary, my oldest brother, me (Cheryl) and listed Jeff as another sibling and with still another ordered would have been my younger brother Rick who was born in June of 1954. We did not or never did have a brother named Jeff but, here is the interesting part, in 1971 I gave birth to a son and named him Jeffery. I have no idea why the name Jeff would have been added at the time, but it is interesting that I came to have a son and named him Jeff years later. I wanted to share this with you. I love your newsletter. Keep up the great work!!" -Cheryl (Cason) Horner

May 2, 1954 Rambling Reporter ** Gene Gardner and his wife Ruth, were both reared in Ardmore, but when they started raising a family they moved to the country near Deese. They have seven youngsters ranging in age from nine to four months, namely, Betty Jean, Billy, Mary, Barbara, Judy, James, and Ruth Elaine. Judy, a year old, is at the present in the Crippled Children's hospital in OKC. Gene works as a roughneck in the oil fields. ** Springdale school was well represented in Ardmore the other day by Kay Arthur, Bobbie Holden, Joyce Woolery, Mary Holder, Sue Arthur, and Reta Woolery. ** M/Sgt. Ed McQuade, attached to the Ardmore Air Force Base, has 14 years service in the air force and is making it a career. He and his wife, Emma, had their youngsters, Erin 15, and Jimmie 3, out to the zoo getting acquainted with our animals. The family resides at 700 Seventh Avenue Northeast.

Bill Cason, garage operator, has lived in Ardmore most of the time since he moved here from Texas 23 years ago. His hobbies are hot-rods. Bill and his wife, Bertie, are the parents of Gary, Jeff and Cheryl--with still another ordered. They live at 416 Second avenue southeast.
Bennie Meadows came to the original Ardmore base 10 years ago and met Betty Bishop--another war romance of a GI from Richmond, VA., and an Ardmore girl. The Meadows own their home at 1109 Hargrove, with Bennie building a good part of it himself.

Sally Word is Ernest Tate's attractive secretary, who counts her home town as Lone Grove, although she now resides in Ardmore.
Ed Teague is another one of Jack Williamson's busy pop peddlers. He and his wife, Martha, are the parents of a pair of cuties, Carol Ann and Joyette Lynn and live at 1021 Wolverton street.

Mary Sue Grover and Jo Hull assured me that they had sense enough to come in out of the rain.
Pancake breakfast with the band.  Lone Grove High School Cafetorium. May 10th. 8am to 11am.

In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours. -Mark Twain

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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