This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 18  Issue 902      Circulation 5,000       May 8, 2014

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


Sheriffs Marvel at Beauty of Manufacture,
First Week of Operations,
May Exhibit at Fair,
The Hoffman arms factory began work making rifles and shotguns last Monday morning. Although quite considerable was accomplished the first week, yet there is much to be done before the factory can be operated to full capacity, according to men in charge. Within a week to ten days it is expected that everything will be running smoothly and rifles and guns will be ready for the owners bearing the Ardmore factory stamp. During the week just passed the Oklahoma State Sheriffs association held a convention in Ardmore and all the delegates visited the factory and inspected the rifles and shotguns. They were in agreement in expressing surprise at the quality of guns turned out by the Hoffman Arms company in Ardmore. The Hoffman Arms company not to be outdone, donated a fine high grade rifle to the winner of the pistol contest. This was won by Deputy Sheriff Stein of McCurtain County.

August 17, 1925 - Ardmore:  NEW COLISEUM AT FALL FAIR; GREAT SINGING BEE. The fair board is building a coliseum at the fairgrounds this fall and public meetings will be held each day. The coliseum at first may be only a tent provided with chairs and a speaker's stand but some of these days the management hopes to have a real auditorium at the fair in order that big public meetings can be held there. At the coliseum this year there will be community singing every day at 1:30 at which Will Gardner will be the leader. Mr. Gardner is president of the Carter County singing convention and Secretary George Dyer has put the responsibility of the community singing at the fair on his shoulders. Mr. Garner has accepted the work and hopes to do it so well that it will be made a permanent feature of the fair.

The new Spice and Tea Exchange at Sulphur, Oklahoma.

I sandblasted several bricks the past few evenings that turned out really nice.

Oklahoma's first ever earthquake warning.

Oklahoma's cedar tree removal program cutting down wildfire fuel, free for residents

Multiple grave sites have been vandalized at an historic cemetery in Bonham, Texas. Now, the cemetery is offering a reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the responsible party.

Since I first talked about Linux Mint 3 weeks ago I've installed it on 2 computers alongside Windows XP so either one was bootable. I tried to install it on an older XP last Saturday and it didn't give me the dual boot option. If I continued it would have wiped the computer hard drive a doing clean install of Linux Mint. Since it did not let me select dual boot install, I backed out of it, as they didn't want to lose everything on the hard drive.  But the first 2 computers have been working perfectly, letting me boot to either XP or Linux Min. And I've really been impressed with how fast the Linux system. And speed of surfing the internet using either Firefox or Google Chrome.

Ever take a picture and not hold the camera exactly horizontal and the picture turned out slanting a little to the right or left? I stumbled across a great website that allows you to upload a photo and not only use their photo straighten feature, but a lot of other photo editing features, and all for free. I was amazed at how many things you can do to a photo to make it better, special effects, and much more using the website.

Q.  Where is the deepest lake in Oklahoma?
A.  Broken Bow Lake at 185 feet. Broken Bow Lake is nestled in the Ouachita Mountains of McCurtain County in southeastern Oklahoma. Covering more than 14,200 acres with 180 miles of shoreline, 22-mile long Broken Bow Lake is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the southern United States.

Q.  Where is the longest, straightest stretch of highway in Oklahoma?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of April 29, 2000:

"In your newsletter today, you mentioned a revolving door that you had seen in Ardmore but couldn't remember where. I think I can help you on that. I believe the revolving door was in front of the Ardmore Hotel. As children, I remember walking down the street and going around the door a couple of times before going on down the street. Sound familiar?"
"There are several revolving doors at the entrance to the International Building at the state fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. However, they are needed because they also serve as airlocks; this is the building that is kept erect by positive air pressure. There is a newer one (installed in the last few months, perhaps last few weeks) on the south side of the Market Square shopping center (outlet mall) on Northwest Highway between Countyline and Council Roads in Oklahoma City. So presumably they are still made. The mall has been undergoing such extensive renovations or remodeling that very little of the original structure is being reused."
"My name is Ron McFarlane, and I'm a 49 year old model railroader living in Berwick, Victoria, Australia. These days Berwick is an outer suburb of Melbourne, but its history is that of a small country town that the suburbs recently caught up with. My interest in Carter County is that I am building a model railroad loosely based on the AT&SF (or rather, GC&SF) railroad between Pauls Valley and Ardmore, as it might have been in 1960. I stumbled across your site whilst searching the 'net for useful information. To that end, I am in need of whatever information (and photos) I can get my hands on about this area, particularly the railroad served towns and industries, around 1960. My most immediate need is for info about Ardmore and Gene Autry, as that is where I am starting construction. I will therefore be very grateful if you would pass this message on to anyone who might be willing to assist me with my search. I expect to be working on this model railroad for many years to come, so I don't require or expect a heavy commitment from anyone who might care to help." ???
"I have information on the Camp School for the reader who asked about it, last week. Camp School is located in the Northwestern part of Carter County. (Beginning at the West Cen. line of Sec. 15, 2 south and 3 west, thence west to the Stephens county line, thence north to west cen. line of sec. 31, thence east to the west cen. line of sec. 34, then south to west cen. line of sec. 15, point of beginning. The first building was a one room log structure, built by some of those hardy pioneers in territorial days. Some few years after, a small box building was erected. This was not going to meet the need of the growing community, so the good settlers with an ideal leader, Mrs. Kate Galt Zaneis, realized what Camp needed was ample room and equipment and capable teachers as the children in other districts enjoyed. Thus another room was annexed, offering one year of high school work. The Camp community has organized a Sunday School and Literary Society. Ball teams have been organized to develop the boys and girls physically as well as mentally and morally. I believe I can say upon authority that there is not another school in Carter County in our class that can defeat us in athletics, debating and spelling. /s/ Robert Cecil Cavins, Principal."

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.

Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

Mystery Mansion near Sanger, Texas

"I thought I would update everyone … I have been remodeling to make it easier to use (finding and adding teachers and rinks) as my goal continues to have a fully automated site by the end of this (2014) year these new changes will move us along to be closer to a final format.

Additionally, I have registered for the domain name in case you see it during any Internet searches you might be making.

Also, I continue to look for teachers and rinks. Currently I am making a return pass through our skating magazines. As most of you know, as a member of the Roller Skating Museum, all of the magazines are digitally posted on the Museum's web site for each members use. As one who has spent many, many hours in various libraries doing research I can report that having the Magazines online is very special. I use to have a complete set but gave them away once I found what the Museum had done. Well worth the Museum's nominal membership fee.

While one goal for the site is full automation, it continues to be very special to be talking with 'mature' skaters; from my past and beyond. I truly appreciate all of the referrals and connectivity. Hearing about teachers and rinks are very warm moments for me and my (shared with you) passion for roller skating.

Please keep the site in mind when thinking about the past and when talking with others that might have memories to share. Also, please let me know if you have any comments about the site or something you might have an interest in me looking for."  -Robert

John Franklin Easley and George R. Norris were both the Rambling Reporter. It appears that Norris followed Easley. Easley died in 1956 and Norris in 1963.
Lost in the fifties.....

Celebrate May with Fabulous Festivals, Ice Cream and Barbecue!

Pancake breakfast with the band.  Lone Grove High School Cafetorium. Saturday May 10th. 8am to 11am.

Oklahoma Swing by Vince Gill and Reba McIntire 1990

Well when two Okies get together man there's nothin' they like better
Than to hold each other on a dawdust floor
Oh I love it when we're swayin' to those sweet twi fiddles playin'
Come on boy what are we waitin' for

There's a dance we do in Oklahoma
A dance like you've never seen
Sit back and we're gonna show ya
How to do that Oklahoma swing

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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