This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 19  Issue 946      Circulation 5,000       March 12, 2015

PO Box 2

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

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Back around 1960 I barely remember an old 2-story white wood frame building just east of 3rd NE and P Street. It was located at 1630 3rd NE and back then it was known as D&H Nursing Home. I remember seeing those large emergency escape tube so in case for fire people on the 2nd floor could be quickly slide down to the ground and safety. A few years later the old D&H Nursing home would be torn down and a new nursing home, Woodview, would be built a little to the north, closer to 3rd Street.

Nursing Homes in Ardmore, Oklahoma 1960:
Bryant Nursing Home 1114 6th NE
D & H Nursing Home 1630 3rd NE
Walker Nursing Home 16 1st SE

Below are some emails sent in over the years about Kings Lake and D&H Nursing Home:

May 1, 1999 newsletter: "Here's a 1905 Shuttle Service for women, to deliver them to King's Lake for the 4th of July festivities in Ardmore. Men are (L to R) Charles Fraley, lumberman and contractor who built the original 4 grade schools, the Confederate Home, and for whom Fraley Park is named; Dr. Julius Herman Peterman, a homeopathic physician (his wife was Carrie, whom I bet you knew); Henry T. Hunt, planing mill owner and father of Herman Hunt, grandfather of the 5 Hunt boys. The horse is Dolly. Directions to Kings Lake (from childhood memories of the 30's and 40's): Go out 3rd Ave NE past City Limits road; continue on what was really a continuation of 3rd Ave toward Sand Canyon [that you mentioned in a This & That); turn right on the first road after City Limits road. That road went down to a big house where the King Family lived. The road went past their house to the lake......"

May 1, 1999 newsletter:  "Butch, you're right -- back in 1999 we talked about King's Lake, and I sent you the old family photo of the shuttle for women to the 4th of July picnic there. You identified me as a relative of Dr. J. J. Boyd living in Florida. You're half right: I'm a grandson of Dr. Boyd, but I live in Nashville, Tennessee, not Florida. During my childhood, at least once each summer the pumper from the downtown fire station came barreling down Third Ave NE. I knew it was heading for King's Lake and that another boy had drowned out there. That was the truck that carried the pulmotor. I often jumped on my bike and headed out there, but it was all over by the time I got there. The sight was chilling to a boy. Access to the lake was a narrow dirt road off Third Ave, past the huge, empty white house, and on down to the tree and brush-lined lake. I hated the place." -Lorenz Boyd

January 5, 2002 newsletter:  "Butch- Several months ago there was a discussion on T&T about a lake somewhere east of Ardmore where people in the earlier days would go to have picnics. I don't believe the place was ever identified for sure. Someone thought it was out around Mary Niblack Road or in that vicinity. I grew up in the Springdale community and the only lake of any size that I was aware of was King's Lake. If I remember correctly, it was on the place called King's dairy farm just SE of 3rd Avenue and P Street intersection. I think I remember a silo, maybe two, that could be seen from 3rd. I never visited the lake as it was on private property and don't know if anyone was allowed entrance by that time. The attached aerial photograph of that area was taken in 1949 and shows the lake and the area along 3rd Avenue and P Street Northeast. Perhaps someone will know the history of the King place." -Gary Simmons

From a 2002 newsletter:  "I remember kids would say they were going to Kings' Lake, and would invite me to go along. They would tell of seeing cotton-mouth snakes in the lake, and I just had to go see for myself, but being only a small boy at the time, I quickly found out that I could not go along with the others. There used to be a two story house on 3rd NE called the Kings' place, and it was later used a as nursing home which was ran by Mr. and Mrs. Sloan. Later, Woodview nursing home was built closer to the street. History is a great interest to me, and I do enjoy it so much. Keep up the T&T."

Here is a map I edited showing King's Lake on 3rd NE east of P Street (on private property).

If one searches my website for the man Buster Ned they will find him listed several dozens of times through the years of newsletters. He was a famous Mississippi Choctaw Indian in southern Oklahoma and well known and liked for his weather forecasting. Someone pointed out a link to a video dedicated to Buster Ned, first time I have learned of this video.

Adventure Road, 130 miles from the Red River to Oklahoma City.

February 1987
FM 106.7 radio station was assigned to Lone Grove in December of 1986. The applications for ownership of the station are Scott Benton and Steve Stone. The FCC granted permission for a 3,000 watt transmitter with a tower not to exceed 100 feet at the location 4.2 miles north of the center of Lone Grove.

February 1964
Two Carter County high schools may have to close in the near future. The schools, Zaneis and Dundee, are among 11 state schools being watched closely by the state Board of Education for lack of operating funds, and incomplete curriculums. Average daily attendance at Dundee is 28 while the average at Zaneis is 26. Neither school gets state aid.

February 1964
Members of the First Baptist Church of Lone Grove are building a new church. Construction is supposed to be completed and the first service to be held in the new church February 16, according to Pastor Don Clark's wife. The old Baptist church was built in the late 1800s or early 1900s. Sometime later the entire church was blown away in a tornado.

February 1955
When Roy Johnson was first elected a county commissioner, Highway 70 was called Lee Highway and Highway 77 the TKO road. Soon after, 77 became a national highway and carries the heaviest traffic, north and south, of any highway in the Midwest. Highway 70 is the most traveled highway to the west coast.

Several times a week a flock of turkeys comes strolling through our backyard. A couple days ago I guess old Turkey Tom was really feeling his oats so he struts those feathers all over trying to impress his 30 or 40 ladies.

With the warmer weather I've been sandblasting a few pavers.

After a few weeks being absent due to software changes, the Carter County sheriffs webpage list of inmates in now back online.

After many years of being absent from the internet, we now have a webpage dedicated to history of Russett, Oklahoma in Johnston County. The webpage is maintained by Paula Stout-Burke who was raised in Russett. Anyone from the Russett area who has some history and photos to share, let Paula here from you.

TruVision is still working great for me and dozens of others who have reported back to me after taking TruVision's capsules. I lost 10 lbs in about 30 days and feel better than I've felt in years.  If anyone wants to try it give me a holler. Check it all out at the link below.

Q.  In the Oklahoma Land Run, people could claim how may acres?

A.  The Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889 was the first land rush into the Unassigned Lands. The area that was opened to settlement included all or part of the present-day Canadian, Cleveland, Kingfisher, Logan, Oklahoma, and Payne counties of the US state of Oklahoma. The land run started at high noon on April 22, 1889, with an estimated 50,000 people lined up for their piece of the available two million acres. Due to the Homestead Act of 1862, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, legal settlers could claim lots up to 160 acres in size. Provided a settler lived on the land and improved it, the settler could then receive the title to the land.

Q.  Living the first 21 years of my life at 3rd and H NE in Ardmore that area was my stomping ground. I knew it like the back of my hand. Just one block east was I Street NE and another block on east was K Street and 3rd NE. Anyone know why there was no J Street?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of March 13, 1999:

Last Sunday The Daily Ardmoreite had an article about the Karen Silkwood mystery. Karen Silkwood was working in the Kerr-McGee plant in Crescent, Oklahoma in the early 70s, and supposedly was exposed to radiation. Little did she know at that time, that her $4.00 an hour job would cost her her life. On November 13, 1974 she was going to meet a reporter and union leader that evening to give them an envelope with evidence proving the radiation hazards at the Crescent plant. Anyway, she was killed in an automobile accident on the way to the meeting in OKC. The wreck and her death has always been a mystery. Accident reconstructionists in Dallas said her Honda car was "pushed" from behind, causing the single car accident on the narrow, winding country road that evening. The envelope, by the way, was never found. After all these years, her three children decided make public statements about their mom and that tragedy.

Her ex-husband and her three children lived in Ardmore back then. I remember one of the two girls, forget which one, was making the drag in about 1986, and at "E" Street NW and West Broadway (behind First Methodist Church) she lost control of her car and hit a pole. She was slightly injured. I was the medic that day.

Here is a 1964 high school pic of Karen Silkwood, Nederland, TX where she is reported by Life Magazine as one of the "50 Most Influential Baby Boomers."

Karen Silkwood is immortalized in an Irish song:
In 1978, the Irish government was planning to build that country's first nuclear power plant in Carne, near Carnsore Point, Jim 'Doc' Whelan wrote a protest song entitled 'The Nuclear Express' which included the following lyrics:

But the ghost of Karen Silkwood now lights up the darkened skies/
This brave young girl attempted to expose the brazen lies/
The cover-ups, malpractices, hypocrisy and fraud/
Being practiced by these monsters who thought they knew more than God/
She collected all the evidence to convey it to the press/
But was murdered by the agents of the Nuclear Express.

In my January 23, 1999 issue of T&T I mentioned Brian McDaniel, a local welder, repaired the broken railing on the second floor of the courthouse. Here is a couple pics with Brian performing his welding skills on the railing.
...Buster Ned was also an interpreter for people who only spoke Chickasaw. I remember him serving at the Courthouse as an interpreter for some people about twenty years ago."
The Carter County Clerk, Royce Moser, received her new computer network this week..... now they're learning all the new features that is in the KellPro land records program. Sure going to be nice!
In western Oklahoma is Washita County. There is a small community just SE of Cordell, Oklahoma called Cloud Chief. The first Federal and Territorial Court was held in March of 1893 in Cloud Chief. A troop of soldiers was sent along with the Oklahoma City judge to protect him along the way. At that time Cloud Chief was the county seat of Washita county.,_Oklahoma

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

Q. "How did your newsletter start and how long have you been doing it. An air force buddy named Rick Filer hooked me up with your link. Maybe you could share your history. Thanks." -Monte.

A. Monte, in March 1997 I sent out a paragraph or two about some Oklahoma history to several of my email friends. I had no visions of a newsletter, or intentions to have anything that resembled a weekly publication. In a couple of days I received several emails back asking me to send my original email to their aunt or the mother or their cousin, etc. In about a month I had 50 people asking to receive my "newsletter" to hear what I had to talk about. I thought, wow, maybe people do like Oklahoma history and a little current events thrown in on the side from the Ardmore area. That was 18 years ago and during those years I don't think I missed a week, maybe a day or two late because of computer problems or internet troubles, but it went out every week come rain or shine. During those years 1,000s of emails has been shared with me, some almost blowing me away at the revelation of Ardmore history, and other emails almost bringing me to tears with the stories they shared with me. Within a few months my readers reached over 1,800 and my website would get 10s of 1,000s of visits a month. It's been an unbelievable 18 years and I've loved every minute. When I posted on my website I'd be retiring the end of June several emailed me to ask if I was going to continue my weekly e-zine. My answer: No, in July I'm kicking it into high gear.
"Hi Butch, We really enjoy This and That. We were Eagle watching at Lake Murray, saw 4, last weekend and I have a question, who was Lem Roberts road in Lake Murray Park named after? On some old maps it is named Levi Roberts Road instead of Lem. Also I found a geodetic marker sticking out of the ground. It is on the extreme East point of land on the very end of Cisco Road. It was always under water until the lake level dropped. See picture. It is unreadable and I was wondering what it is there for. Also was there an old town by the name of Cisco covered by the lake? Hope you can find some answers, Thanks." -Denny and Sandy
"Dear Butch, I lived in the panhandle of Oklahoma in the 1970s. Lived in both Boise City and Beaver, OK. I was working for the USDA, Soil Conservation Service at the time. The writer last January was correct in that there was very little in that part of Oklahoma except for the best people in the world. If you had problems and needed help, all you had to do was ask. I could relate many stories where people were always helping each other. Never locked a door at the house or car. While living in Beaver, I trained under Mel Clark as a EMT. He was very good and helped a lot of people. Due to my job, we had to move away from the panhandle but I always wanted to return but as we live and learn, we know it would not be the same."
-David Dossett
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

"Butch, I worked out of Woodward, Oklahoma from the late 70's to the early 90's with USDA Soil Conservation Service and the panhandle was part of my area of responsibility, I don't recall working with Mr. Dossett but would confirm his thoughts as to their being some of the best people you would ever want to meet in that area. Just good people that worked hard and loved the land they worked." -Charlie Cail

Time is precious. Waste it wisely.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Follow me on the TruVision lose weight program
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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