This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 19  Issue 952      Circulation 5,000       April 23, 2015

PO Box 2

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


After the completion of the Carter County courthouse in 1910 one of the first three county commissioners did not live to see its completion due to a heart attack he suffered at home in 1909 near Woodford, Oklahoma in northern Carter County. Allen Speake represented District 1.

The Daily Ardmoreite, Wednesday December 8, 1909
County Commissioner and a Good Citizen Succumbs To Heart Failure Allen W. Speake, secretary of the board of county commissioners, died at his home at Woodford this morning at 3 o'clock. He has been a sufferer for several weeks with typhoid fever and pleurisy, developed a few days ago. He was reported better Monday and his physician, Dr. Dow Taylor, stated that if no complications arose he would soon be well. But this morning at the hour named and when death was least expected his heart gave way and death followed. The news was telephoned to this city at once. When it was known this morning that Allen Speake lay a corpse, a gloom was cast over the entire city. He is an old time citizen, had been a faithful officer of the county and was reckoned among the most useful men of this state and county. He has gone through all the hardships of the early settlement of this country and leaves a devoted wife and family. He was about 48 years of age. Funeral services will be held at his home tomorrow at 1 o'clock p.m. All the county offices have closed and will remain so until after the funeral. District court adjourned this morning until Friday morning. Judge Carney, who is special judge here and who did not know Mr. Speake personally said from what he had heard of the man that he was a good and useful citizen, a faithful officer of this county, and he approved the motion to adjourn court until Friday morning. All the county officials and many citizens of this town will attend the funeral. He was a member of the Elks and of the Woodmen of the World and committees from these two fraternal societies will be sent to attend the funeral. Mr. Darden and Mr. Scivally, the other members of the board of commissioners were here this morning, when the news came. They were saddened and were at a loss to know what to do without the counsel and advice of Mr. Speake on the commission. Mr. Darden stated only last night that he did not know how to appreciate Mr. Speake until he had been detained at his home on account of illness. Not only has his family suffered an irreparable loss, but the county and state has lost one of its best citizens. He was absolutely honest, was a man of good judgment, he was fearless in the duties of his office and Carter county can ill afford to do without his services.

After Mr. Speake's death and before the completion of the courthouse in 1910, a black granite memorial was placed on the inside wall at the front entrance. That was 105 years ago and all during this time the words sandblasted on the memorial have been very difficult to read as they blended in with the black granite. This week the lettering was highlighted with white paint and the improvement is like the difference between day and night. Below is a picture I took showing the memorial before and after.

Below is an old photo of the Milburn, Oklahoma school.

We have a Hamburger Inn in Ardmore, but I didn't know until this week there was one in Mangum, Oklahoma too years ago.

Below is an interesting website on old Oklahoma bridges some dating back before statehood in 1907.

Blue River north of Tishomingo sure is beautiful this week after all the rains.

Someone sent in this link to the Dover, Oklahoma train wreck of 1906.

Thanks to Paul Tucker using his website making program, the Carter County Sheriff has a new and improved website. It is now keeps with the theme of the entire Carter County government's website and download speed is much improved.

The warmer weather has me outside sandblasting a few pavers.

I saw this week where John Hinckley made the national news again, seeking more freedom to move around more freely and no longer incarcerated at the mental facility where he has been kept since 1981 after his assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Hinckley was born at Ardmore's Hardy Sanitarium in May 1955, maybe the last child born there as that facilty closed that month and the new Memorial Hospital was opened on 14th NW.

I'm still stuck at the 177 pounds for over 2 weeks. I am thinking I may stop taking TruVision for about a week and see what happens. One person told me I may have reached my "optimum weight". Anyway if anyone wants to try it give me a holler. "I'll meet you at the mailbox." Join us and check it all out at the link below.

As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, I installed the OKie Power Saver to help keep my electric bill as low as possible when I crank up the air conditioning this summer. Ever since I installed the unit I've had no need to even turn the a/c on. But I know those high temps are coming, and I'm ready to combat that sky high electric bill. I have created a webpage to tell more about the OKie Power Saver at the link below.

Q.  This Oklahoma city got its name from the Creek word "Rekackv". Originally known as a "bedroom" community to its much larger neighbor city, it experienced rapid growth from the 1960s on, and by 2012 was one of Oklahoma's largest cities by population. What is the name of this city?
A.  Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Q.  Where was Cedar County, Oklahoma?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of April 17, 1999:

Seems like everyone has heard of the Dionne Quintuplets of Canada. But in the 1930s here in Oklahoma were four famous quints. They were the Key quintets...... daughters of Mr and Mrs F.M. Key of Hollis, Oklahoma. They made many appearances, were on the front page of the newspapers even as young adults and even served in the armed services together. The quints were Leota, Roberta, Mona and Mary Key. I wonder if Hollis, Oklahoma has any info on them? They moved to Oklahoma City around 1940. I did a search on the Net and found nothing.
" 1924 of William Sides age 28 while moving a whiskey still from the Blue River with revenue agents. A man named Bishop Reed as helping. The man standing is Fred Hunt the County sheriff. William Sides is the one with his arm on the steering wheel. The man with the gun is a revenue agent. The pic was taken in Tishomingo, OK"
"When I was a small girl and lived on the farm in Frederick, OK. We had a large dinner bell outside the house. When the thrashing crews were there, I always got to ring the bell for them to come in and eat. This was when neighbor helped neighbor, going from farm to farm until it was finished. We also rang the bell when there was an emergency for my uncle to come in from the field. All of my family is dead now, but we donated the bell to the Museum there at Frederick in my uncle's memory where it hangs outside on a large pole. I just wanted to share the story of my bell with you."
"Here is another item of possible interest for some of your readers. This is a newspaper clipping from the Daily Ardmoreite ~ 1946. It list the names of the candidates for the queen of beauty for the Ardmore senior high school yearbook."
A couple of weeks ago, courthouse maintenance employee James Lindsey painted the four clock faces, and they look more beautiful then I've ever seen them! If you are nearby, go by in the evening hours after dark and see these magnificent illuminated clocks in the courthouse dome in Ardmore, Oklahoma.

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Butch, your piece in T&T about Route 66 sent me back into memory lane. In 1945 I rode my motorcycle from Southern California to Ardmore mostly on Route 66. Further back in 1930, 6 years old, lived in OK City, my grandfather visiting us, watched 3 blocks away counting cars that went by on Hiway 66. I remember him exclaiming "a car a minute, sat here an hour & 60 cars". Picture - me on my motorcycle 1945 here on B Street NW in the block where I live now, where I was born."  -Best, Bob McCrory

"About the "Orphan Train" mentioned in last week's newsletter. Somebody is mistaken about any coming through Ardmore during World War II. I lived there. That didn't happen. The story I read about the "Orphan Train" is that during the depression there were poor orphans in New York. These were put on trains and taken out West. Whenever the train stopped at each town, people who wanted a child would come and adopt one or more. There was a responsible chaperon along with the children. Some people needed another child to help on their farm. Childless couples wanted a child. Some took them out of compassion. Another interesting thing in the book I read was about the "Harvest Houses" (no connection to the orphan story) that were at many railroad towns. Several years ago we stopped at a restaurant in Hugo, Oklahoma. Many years before, the building that the restaurant was in, had been a "Harvey House". I think the restaurant is still there beside an old RR track. However, very few people are as old as I am with these remembrances. I enjoy you Newsletters." -Wilda Stephens
Ret. Army MSG Don White, Ardmore High school Class of 1955 has written a book recounting his tours in Vietnam. The title is "No Body Armor".  I highly recommend reading it.
"Butch, I am looking for more information on the name Pennington Creek in Tishomingo. I am trying to find out if anyone knows for sure how the name came about. One version was that it was named after Edward Pennington who was caught on Pennington Creek after committing a murder in Kentucky. I am hoping to learn more if any of your readers has anything. I do know that there was a family by the name of Able Lane Pennington living in Tishomingo at one time but do not know when nor the relationship. As you know I have been looking for the connection for my ancestors for a number of years. I have learned that my great grandfather Alonzo Charles Pennington 1854 Missississippi was a Baptist Minister in Marshall, Johnston, Carter and Jefferson Counties. He was married to Susan F. Cross-Fowler-Pennington 1863 Louisiana in Van Zandt, Texas and moved into the Indian Territory in 1904. One of his son's J.B. Pennington was a teacher and helped start a number of schools throughout Oklahoma. I believe Alonzo's father was F. Pennington, Franklin, Francis or William born abt 1813 in Alabama. His nickname was Willie and married in 1833 in Montgomery, Alabama to Nancy Ann Jackson also from Alabama. Franklin's father may have been John L. Pennington married to Francis Smith and his father to be Able Pennington Sr. married to Sarah Sweeten. Able Lane Pennington is believed to be the brother of John L. Pennington but their were several Ables in the family. My direct e-mail is [email protected]  and I would very much like to hear from anyone who may have any information. Once again Butch I really enjoy reading your T&T newsletters and hearing about back home." -Mike Pennington


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443


Follow me on the TruVision lose weight program
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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