This and
That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication
Vol 19 Issue 973 Circulation 5,000 September 17, 2015
PO Box 2
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402
email address: [email protected]
Cecil Elliott has been a professional photographer for many years. From time to time he shares some of the photos he has taken with our T&T family. The link below is a photo album of Woolaroc Museum and Wild Life Preserve Cecil took a few weeks ago. The museum is located 12 miles SW of Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Click the link below to see Cecil's photograph collection on Woolaroc.
City Hall at Bromide, Oklahoma.
Old bank at Stratford, Oklahoma north of Sulphur.
Babbs Switch, Oklahoma was a real town just outside Hobart, Oklahoma, and a thriving community until a fire in its one-room schoolhouse claimed the lives of thirty-six people on Christmas Eve, 1924.
The monument honoring Healdton police officer, James Hutchison who died from his wounds when making an arrest, is finished. The memorial is at Wilson Monuments in Lone Grove waiting for approval to be set in Healdton. The exact spot is still being discussed. Hopefully soon Billy Wilson can take it to Healdton, probably City Hall or the museum, and set the monument.
August 1931
There will be 200 acres of land turned August 14 at the Booker T. Washington home at Berwyn. The Negroes of the Berwyn community will bring their teams and plows on that day and devote the day to turning the land for the fall sowing of wheat and rye and alfalfa. Moneys derived from the crops will be used to start the purchase of 40 acres of land. The home now has 38 guests and all its available space is taken but it has applications from 108 aged Negroes who are knocking on the door of the home and asking to come in out of the cold for this winter.August 1931
Consternation reigned in the Carter County Courthouse this morning. The excitement started when Roy Ashley, County Treasurer, issued a statement to commissioners to the effect that he intended to stop payment on all warrants from the general fund drawn for July salaries. Such warrants will not be registered and this means they will not be cashable at banks. "Payment has stopped on all general fund warrants drawn for salary for July 1931 except the warrants for county officials, by the opinion of the county attorney." The county attorney quickly met with the Treasure who said it was the duty of the treasurer to proceed with registering the warrants. That returned "peace and quietude to the courthouse."A few pavers I sandblasted the past week.
I have more TruVision in stock! Just give me a holler if you want to lose weight the TruVision way. "I'll meet you at the Walmart mailbox!" Join us and check it all out at the link below.
OGE continues to report each week I am in the "Efficient group". I have only been placed in this group since I installed my Okie Power Saver. My wife's sister and her husband in California had some kind of power surges last week, different than usual, and guess what? They had several pieces of electronic equipment ruined. I guess I need to get them one of my Okie Power Savers, as they are also a FULL house surge protector.
How to use google photos to store an unlimited amount of photos.
Q. In 1968 what Oklahoma State University graduate in electrical engineering is credited with inventing the personal computer?
A. "Pretty sure you mean Ed Roberts as the person who invented the "personal computer" He was the first to use the term, but he didn't invent the machine. I can remember the Altair, and there were others before that. Almost bought one, but there was not much one could do with it. It the case of the Altair there was no monitor, no keyboard, just switches, and no I/O boards. Just little lights to look at.Ed Roberts got an article into Popular Electronics and that is why he is sometimes credited with inventing the machine, but he did not.
In fact it was 1975 before a fully usable Altair was available. And by then there was the Apple, the Commodore, TRS-80 among others. Ed Roberts invented the computer in his mind, but didn't have anything remotely resembling the PC's of the early 1970's.
The theory and electronics of the PC was around long before 1968.
Ed Roberts invented and successful sold the first 4 function calculator. It cost about $150 in kit form, over $225 assembled. Soon price wars put him into bankruptcy.
He did get an EE degree from Oklahoma State, He also got an engineering degree from Miami University and completed courses in the military to get a third degree." -Larry
Q. What Oklahoma county was originally called C County and in 1892 renamed in honor of a Republican presidential candidate.
A. (answer in next week's T&T)From This and That newsletter archives of September 15, 2001:
Within hours of the attack some service stations here in Ardmore raised their gas prices to unbelievable heights. All for no reason except in the name of price gouging. I am grateful the Daily Ardmoreite listed those service stations in their Wednesday, September 12th newspaper. Here is that listing:
There is one service station in Ardmore I have bought gas from for many years. Why? It's previous owner, Mr. Ledgerwood, was attacked and beaten in the early 1980s by an individual I will not name here, because he sold his gas "too cheap". I was called to take Mr. Ledgerwood to the hospital that day for treatment of his injuries. But had this station been one of those who participated in the price gouging last Tuesday, I would cease to purchase gasoline there. After the Governor issued a statement to stop the price gouging, and set up a price gouging hotline, the gas prices dropped down as quickly as they were raised, to around their previous and present price of $1.57 a gallon.
"Last week and this week talking about Reavis Drug Store brought back memories to me. They did indeed make good cherry cokes and we used to stop in after the movies in the afternoon and get a "walking sundae" It was just a scoop of ice cream with the topping but in a paper cup so we could eat it on the way home. It was indeed between Kress and Anthony's but that was after it moved. I'm not real sure where it was before but it was much smaller. I stopped in once while I was driving to Oklahoma City from West Texas back in about 1958 or 59 and it was just the same then and the mother of a friend of mine was working there at that time. That was my last time to go to Reavis. Thanks for the memories."
"This reader is not entirely correct on his information regarding the location of Reavis Drug. As others have noted, The Reavis -Frame Drug Store was a partnership arrangement between Mr. Reavis & Mr. Frame. After that partnership dissolved Mr. Reavis did in fact refurbish the old C.R. Anthony store location on the NE corner of Main & B St.& moved his business into it. It was the first super Drug Store in Ardmore - Mr. Reavis did not build any building on the south side of Main & did not move his store to that location where the Kerr Reavis Store is located now. That building was built by Mr. T.A. Gravitt, former owner of the Ardmore Pharmacy, which was located in the Simpson Building [later the Little Bldg. and now the Colston Bldg.) Mr. Gravitt moved his Pharmacy into the building above mentioned and operated it until his death but the business remained (Gravitt Drug Store) & in operation for several years and was managed by his widow & Ms Daisy Nichols. (sp?). They had to employ a pharmacist to fill prescriptions for them until it was sold to a fine young Pharmacist by the name of Henry Parks. The name of the store then became the Parks Drug Store. Mr. Parks was a very successful business man but became ill & passed away several years ago. The next owner was Lawrence Delay and he retained the name "Parks Drug" but the store burned while he was operating it. He moved away and later passed away also. Bob Kerr & Elaine (Wilson) Kirk then became owners of the Pharmacy but later that partnership dissolved and then pharmacists Bob Kerr & David Reavis became owners & operators of the store. Presently the name of the store remains the Kerr Reavis Drug Store. David Reavis is a son of Mr. Maynard Reavis and it is because of David the name Reavis still is prominent in this town. Maynard Reavis of the old Reavis Drug Company never moved from the corner of Main & B Sts.and the store simply closed. A proper source for more complete information can be acquired from David Reavis."
"Butch, This a picture of Orr, Oklahoma School 1916."
"Hi Butch, It was great to finely get to meet you, set for a few minutes and talk about some of my memories of Ardmore in the 40's and 50's. Several people wrote in this past week about the location of the Reavis Drug store, which brought to mind my best memory of the Reavis Drug store. As someone said, lot's of Airman hung out at Reavis Drug and my younger sister was going with one of them. Trying to lookout for her I told her to stay away from the Airman and Drug Store. When I found out she had gone to town I knew where she would be. I called my life long friends Don White, Bobby Taylor and James Walker and told them I had a Airman to whip and I needed someone to watch my back. All the way to town I kept telling my friends just how bad I was going to whip this Airman. Well sure enough Cathy was there, I went in ready to go to war, but setting beside her was one of the biggest, most well built young men I had ever saw. Sis saw me and said "Buddy I'd like you to meet Dick Wyse". Fear had shut my mouth real tight, all I could get out was "Hi Sis!". Then I turned around and outside I went. My friends still tease me to this day about the Airman I was going to whip at Reavis Drug Store. Dick turned out to be my brother-in-law and was a wonderful man. He was took much to soon in a car accident."
"Hi Butch, I enjoy receiving your T&T each week. I grew up in Sulphur and I know you have many current and former Sulphurites who read your newsletter each week. This is about some memories of a wonderful black gentleman named Dan Taylor who used to push a red cart from which he sold hot tamales down by the Frisco Depot during the early 40's...I delivered the Daily Ardmoreite all over Sulphur at the time and Dan was one of my favorite customers. When it was cold, he would invite me into his house to warm up. We would sit by his stove and talk or I would watch him as he made the tamales in his kitchen. Needless to say, I never did collect money for his newspaper. I ate it all in his wonderful tamales. After Dan became too old to push his cart, we used to go to his house and pick up a dozen on a regular basis. If any more of your readers remember this old friend, I would like to hear from them. By the way, my boss with the Ardmoreite was a man named Fred Hicks. I think he later served as mayor of Ardmore. He was also a man I admired very much."
-----------------------------------------------------Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....
"Dear Butch: Do any of your readers remember The Potts Family and the Potts Red River Chili Company? I remember eating that Chili in the 50's and it sure was good Chili. According to my Wife's Aunt Rubie McClendon who work for them for many years told me that the company sold the recipe to Wolf Brand Chili and then closed the doors forever. I would love more information on this if any one has any photos or further Information. Thank you." -Larry Paul.
Cornell Grocery, Frank D. Cornell proprietor. Frank Cornell came from Greenville, Texas, in the spring of 1891, and first settled at Durwood where for eight years he was associated in business with his father, Nathan Cornell. Around 1900 he would open a grocery store in Ardmore at 201 A NE. -Submitted by Louis Cornell, great grandson of Frank Cornell.
Bluegrass music is back in South Cochran, Georgia on Sept 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, 2015. If you're in the area come on out!
"Dear Butch: In one of your issues a couple of weeks ago where you were talking about the statues at the Steppin' Out western store I recognize one of the statues you called Big Tex. It's one of many different styles that were located in front of The Midas Muffler Shops. He was known as Midas The Muffler Man. He used to hold a big Muffler in his arms." -Larry Paul
"Butch- Enjoyed your comments on the old Swift Meat Building on Caddo and Broadway. My Dad was manager of the Swift and Co. feed store and produce house, which the building was used for, all my ?growing up? years. I worked Saturdays and summers there through my high school years, ending in 1956. There was in fact a basement, large refrigerated room, and testing room for cream that was purchased from the farmers. Caddo Street was something back in those days. Thanks for resurrecting the memories." -Keith Read
Oklahoma U.S.A by The Kinks 1971
All life we work but work is bore,
If life's for livin' what's livin' for,
She lives in a house that's near decay,
Built for the industrial revolution,
But in her dreams she is far away,
In Oklahoma U.S.A.
With Shirley Jones and Gordon McRea,
As she buys her paper at the corner shop,
She's walkin' on the surrey with the fringe on top,
Cos in her dreams she is far away,
In Oklahoma U.S.A.,
She walks to work but she's still in a daze,
She's Rita Hayworth or Doris Day,
And Errol Flynn's gonna take her away,
To Oklahoma U.S.A.,
All life we work but work is a bore,
If life's for livin' then what's livin' for.
See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
Follow me on the TruVision lose weight program
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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