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Below is March 4, 2006 to May 26, 2006.
May 25, 2006 Circulation over 5,000 Vol 10 Issue 487
In case some of you missed the Ardmoreite last Monday (May 22nd) there was a front page article on a newly released book by Sally Gray of Ardmore. If you have not seen this book you are missing out on one of the best books on Ardmore history that I've seen come along. Sally has put a lot of work in her book and it shows from cover to cover. The title is "Territory Town - The Ardmore Story". I can not emphasize enough the invaluable historical accounts covered within the 286 pages of Sally's new book. And the actual book itself is of the finest quality, made to last for the reading by many generations to come. I own quite a few books, but I'm proud to now own this book, putting it right at the top. I think one of my T&T Readers in Arizona summed it up best when she emailed me this week:
"Butch... how grateful I am to be a recipient of your wonderful T&T. Thank you many times over for bringing pleasure to those of who are in one way or another bonded to this territory, regardless of where we now find ourselves, where life has taken us. I may have missed mention of this, though I read and reread the T&T quite thoroughly each week. Forgive me if so. However, I think your readers should know about the new book "The Territory Town, The Ardmore Story" by Sally Gray. It is spellbinding, incredibly well-researched, informative, splendidly written and highly entertaining. Being a native Ardmoreite, I thought I knew much of its history. This book connected the dots, so to speak, and filled in many gaps. Therefore to all who love this place, to all who, when relating stories of it to strangers often are met with peculiar glances, to all who know in the heart that the place really is different but can't say why, to all who will never call another place home regardless of the travels and residence in far and exotic places, "The Territory Town" may just confirm you really have a lot of company in such attachment. It is my understanding that there will be a booksigning at the Bookseller in Ardmore on June 3. The Bookseller will take phone orders, attend to having the book signed if desired, and will ship. And of course they have the book on hand at the store. My interest is not in promoting the sale of books, but only to share how much of a treasure I found it to be in my eternal quest to know and understand the background that shaped my early life and that of my family. For out-of-towners, the telephone number for the Bookseller in Ardmore is 580-223-8642." -Fredrica Horn Van Sant
If you dont have a copy, I would encourage you to get one. You and your children's children will be so glad to posess this Ardmore treasure. And now for a picture of what may be the best book ever written about Ardmore history. Click Here
I was over in Durant, Oklahoma last Saturday and at the request of Karyn Hough I stopped by the Quilters Show near the university. Its been about 3 years since the Heritage Quilters has done a show at Durant, and this year's was the biggest and best ever. Quilters had on display over 135 quilts, the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen in my life. A lot of us probably do not realize the artistic beauty these people put in their quilts. The pictures I took below can not do them justice, they are breathtaking in real life when you stand in front of these masterpieces. When I stood there and watched several ladies actually quilting at the show, it made me appreciate even more the long hours my great grandmother put into making her quilts when I was a kid.
Click Here - Click Here - Click Here - Click Here - Click Here - Click Here - Click Here - Click Here - Click Here
Last week I mentioned the music CD I received in the mail from Joe Leonard of Gainesville, Texas. Joe produced the CD comprised of songs from 1954 to 2004. Its a collection of 14 songs by mostly local songwriters and singers, so to me that makes it more special. I see one song, Pledge of Love", in 1957 was a Top 10 million seller hit. So this CD has some great music on it and if you want one just send Joe an email at lin45@ntin.net and find out how to get hold of one. I know I sure am proud of mine, and I'm sure you will be too. Click Here - Click Here
To learn more about Joe Leonard Jr of Gainesville, Texas just visit the webpage below. I see at the bottom of the webpage where Joe is showing off the big sandbass he caught. I haven't been fishing in a long time, but the thrill of catching that fish, well, its unforgettable. Come on Joe, tell us where your best fishing hole in north Texas is? Click Here
On the north edge of Kingston, Oklahoma is one of the largest wood piles I've seen in these parts. I dont know who the wood belongs to or where he gets it, but its a lot of firewood in one place. There is a sign out front with a phone number to call. The signs says $70 a rick. Click Here
Doug Williams was wondering about an usual complex of building near Lawton. He travels over to Lawton often and when I drives by this "Trail of Fear" place on the highway, he wonders what its all about. Maybe some Reader can shed some light on this? Click Here - Click Here - Click Here
A couple weeks ago I received an email saying if I wanted to try a really good hamburger, I should go to Grand Central Station on Grand Avenue in Durant. So last Saturday I did just that and I found one of the best burgers I've ever eaten in my travels around Oklahoma. Sometimes we are so misled by the outside of a place, but dont let outside of this place do that. Grand Central Station is a Texaco gas station but that grill inside puts out a $2.39 hamburger that is hard to beat. This burger has got to be rated one of the top 3 I've had the pleasure of eating around southern Oklahoma! Cooking at the grill - 4 booths is all - That great hamburger! - View from outside
Jack Freeman north of Ardmore near Springer, Oklahoma sent me some watermelon seeds this week. They are Sugar Baby melons which Jacks believes is one of the best melons around. I can't wait to plant them and see how they turn out. Also in the envelope were some Bird House gourd seeds. I'm not much on gourds, but I'm sure going to see what develops from these seeds. Thanks Jack. In the pic below you will see both the melon seeds and the gourd seeds. Click Here
If my gourd seeds turn out, I'll make me a real groud bird house. They are lots of fun, and I remember trying to make one as a kid. Click Here
Terry Pierce of Oklahoma City and several others have been hard at work preparing for the Memorial Day service they've put on every year for the past 6 years at the Veteran section of Rosehill Cemetery here in Ardmore. This year they are expecting the biggest turn out ever to honor those who died. I hope to see some of you there if you can make it out that afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing the Cherokee Honor Guard from Ponca City. For more details about the program, see the Mailbag below.
Memorial Day Service
Confederate Section
Rosehill Cemetery, Ardmore Oklahoma
The annual Memorial Day service will be held on Monday May 29th, at 2:00 PM. This event is sponsored by The Sons of Confederate Veterans, N. B. Forrest camp 513, Clem V. Rogers camp 481, and the Lakota Nation camp 2000. This year's event will be a larger project than past years as we will be re-dedicating new markers that have been installed as part of the restoration project to replace damaged and deteriorated ones. Approximately 26 new markers will be in place. And temporary repairs to others.
The First Cherokee Mounted Rifles, a re-enacting group from Ponca city will be providing the Honor guard, and will be firing rifles in salute. Also the United Daughters of the Confederacy from Tulsa will be participating. Ardmoreite Cotey Bowman will play taps. I want to be sure and encourage everyone to bring a lawn chair if possible. Anyone who wants to bring an ice chest is welcome too, we will be providing bottled water.
Terry Pierce
Oklahoma Div.
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Email: tpirules@yahoo.com
Phone: 405-685-1158
"NW of Milo on west Spring creek is "Washboard (Rubboard) Springs " a wet weather "falls" ...larger than Wichita Falls Texas falls, a cross of a rocky rapids/falls but still a good drop in flow.I saw it in 1951. Its on PRIVATE PROPERTY THOUGH."
"Miracle Grow products has a special water soluble fertilizer for tomatos, pink colored. Dry fertilizers dont work for me and tricky to use. I even used the miracle grow on watermelons last year with success. A little limestone with your soil mix may help too." -jack jd7draw@brightok.net
"Hi, just to let you know that Kincades also has a new restaurant--it is easy to get to from I 35 West. First- go to the intersection of 35 E and Hwy 114 where the Texas Speedway is. Turn left onto HWY 114 and go east and stay on 114 past Roanoke probably 3-4 miles. Stay in right hand lane, and watch for the EECU-Delta credit union on the right in a little mall. The new Kincades is next door to the credit union. The one in Ft. Worth is the original one, and it is easy to find also. Thanks. hope I helped." -Jo
"Your listing of great hamburgers triggered a memory from the late 50s, after I had left the Ardmoreite and was working for the Daily Oklahoman as rewrite man and sometime police reporter. One of my favorite places to eat in OKC was Priddy's, at NW 12 and Hudson. It was run by Louis Priddy, a brother to the Priddys of Ardmore, and he did his own cooking. The place was one of those little pre-fab diners that only seated 8 or 10 people at most. He had taken out a trademark of "The World's Best Hamburger" (and had the framed certificate on the wall). He later built a more conventional cafe located a block south at 11th and Hudson, and by the early 60s had retired. Since he was in his 60s when I knew him I'm fairly certain he's no longer with us, but the memory is still great. By the way, I don't think I ever had one of his hamburgers, but he cooked up a great steak and his homemade chili was out of this world." -Jim Kyle
"Hi Butch. Speaking of burgers, the fast foods are making them thicker and taller all the time..... but, back in the 50's, in Amarillo, there was what (I think they called it, an 'Aristocrat' at a restaurant there, and it was 'honest to gosh', as big as a dinner plate..... they dared ya to eat it all! Now, if they don't let ya 'plug' a watermelon, to test it, here'show (and it works for me): Thump them, there in the bin, and they sound like 'plink, plank or plunk'....(don't laugh! it works!) If they're plink, they're green, if they plunk, they're over-ripe, but choose one that goes 'plank' and you have a good one. Try it, and then see if you laugh... LOL" 'ol Bob in Mid-Missouri
"I just want to say that I definitely vote for the Catfish Platter just north of the Willis Bridge. My brother who lived at Lebanon ate there every week until his demise and I have been there several times. It is wonderful!! And their hushpuppies have a little jalapeno in them and are ssooo good. Makes me hungry to think of it. Wish I had some now." -Nellie
Nationwide Grave Locator
Click Here
"I found this very helpful in finding information about my family. Maybe you can pass it along to your readers." Click Here
"If you are ever in New Zealand and order a hamburger don't be surprised to find a slice of red beet atop the burger. Its different but don't think it will catch on in southern Oklahoma."
"Butch I have know about Cedar Falls and Cedar Falls ranch all my life. It is beautiful. The ranch now is owned by the Lazy S Ranch and is about a mile west of the old Buck Hale sawmill. There is a beautiful hole of water below the falls and it is part of Cool Creek. This creek used to be the water supply for SOWC." -Doug
"Butch, I just read about the water falls in your T&T. I have been to them many times. Cedar Falls is on Cool Creek, NW of Gene Autry. Hickory Falls is on Hickory Creek S of Mountain Lake. Henry House Falls is on Henry House Creek, on the old Fitzgerald Ranch, W of Springer." -Grover Wells
"Butch. Here's a pic of a larger melon I raised . (lost my Sugar Babies melon pic somehow). I was in Walmart S.E. part Thursday.. they had Burpee Sugar Babies seed for $0.59 pkg ($1.50 reg.), I am sending you some from my SB melon i made last year, they will germinate. best to soak in warm water overnite and plant in peat pots with some good soil (potting soil best) until they come up, They will do better I think than direct planting (these low ground temps). however they will work Ok now that temps coming up. Here is a pic of a volunteer plant melon raised last yr.in flower bed, In 1935-1940 my dad at his gas station in Chickasha, alway had a melon to cut about 2PM everyday during Rush Springs harvest. If you were there you got a big slice free, no charge. big ones (30-40Lb) usually sold for 50 cents, his regular grower customers usually gave one or two sometimes." -Jack Click Here
"Hi Butch, In regards to the reader who wrote in about the Betty Crocker Warm Delights single serve cake mixes, I buy them at Wal-Mart and send them over-seas to my son who is serving in the U.S. Army. He absolutely loves them. I try to send him a CARE package from home once a month and he so looks forward to a little piece of home."
"Apologies to Herbie Linder on my inaccuracies about the South African life guard. Maybe some of his friends from OU came to visit that summer. The names Herbie left out were Bob Cook, Mattie Berryhill, and me." -Rella Faye Merrill now Helms
"Here is a nice write-up on the state flower, Indian blanket. I had a report today that it is blooming near Clinton. Have anyone see them yet? -Elizabeth Dyer Click Here
"Has anyone ever heard of Randolph lake in northern Marshall county?"
Who is the Woody in the photo with the "Red Aces" at a KVSO Radio performance in 1939 in Ardmore OK? The Red Aces, of the B.F. Bourland family, were reared in the Willis OK and performed all over the southwest.Benjamin Franklin Bourland Sr. (1889-1958), m-1907 Willis IT to Maude Eliz Sizemore [1890 Sadler, Grayson Co TX-1962 Phoenix, Maricopa Co AZ, part Cherokee], dau of Minnie Carter [d-1902] and John Sizemore [d-1942 OK, John m,2-Maude's sis Rachel Sizemore, had 6 ch, m,3-Maude's sis Alice Sizemore, had 3 ch]. In 1929 lived Seward, Logan Co OK. Issue, 5 ch born Willis OK: John Henry Bourland, 1909-1985 Riverside Co CA and m-1936 to Virginia Watson; Ethel May Bourland, 1911 Marshall Co OK-1967 Tucson AZ and m. Raymond Corder; Herbert James Bourland, 1913 Willis OK-1995 Seattle, King Co WA and m-1941 to Lora Mae Ross, 6 ch; Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Bourland Jr, b-1920 Guthrie, Logan Co OK and m-1940 in Blyth, Imperial Co CA to Lola Joyce Bagley, 8 ch.
Patricia Adkins-Rochette, www.bourlandcivilwar.com prochette@Juno.com
Patricia Adkins-Rochette, 918-250-5040
7312 South Garnett Road, #318, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
www.bourlandcivilwar.com "Bourland in North Texas & Indian Territory
During the Civil War: Fort Cobb, Fort Arbuckle & the Wichita Mountains"
"Here are some of the thing I have learned about the neighboring County of Blount: Blount is one of the oldest Counties in Alabama and was here before Al was a state. Murphree's valley appears to run from Marshall Co, to Oneonta. The people I have talked with all differ on where it starts and ends. The Indians and many of them stayed in the valley area and are here today."
Memorial day is monday May 29th. Remember those who gave their lives in all wars and battles in this country to keep it the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Taps - 1911
Day is done,
gone the sun,
From the hills,
from the lake,
From the skies.
All is well,
safely rest,
God is nigh.
See everyone next week!
Butch Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
May 18, 2006 Circulation over 5,000 Vol 10 Issue 486
This week I stumbled across a website that lists the locations of natural water falls all over the U.S. by state. I clicked on Oklahoma and found 25 falls listed. There were 3 listed for Carter county. There were 14 listed for Murray county but none by the name Oil Creek Falls that we talked about a month ago along with a picture sent in by Grover Wells. I would bet a hamburger one of those 14 listed is Oil Creek Falls just over in Murray County on the Goddard Ranch, but just by another name. Click Here
One of the three falls listed for Carter county is located just a couple miles NW of Gene Autry. The website names it Cedar Falls. Here is the decimal location 342006N and 0970310W Click Here
There are two falls located just NE of Springer near Milo, Oklahoma. On their map it almost looks like they are one in the same but looking closely at each map, they are at different locations. Henry House Falls is at 342103N and 0971359W and Hickory Falls is at 342133N and 0971731W so I am assuming there is two different falls within just a short distance of each other. Click Here - Click Here
This is three pictures of Hickory Falls I found on the net. Click Here
So to sum it all up, I never heard of any of the falls above and I've lived here all my life. Boy, I sure must have lived a sheltered life. lol
This is a link to the website listing water falls in the United States. Click Here
Speaking of hamburgers, I was in Pauls, Oklahoma on Saturday around noon on the 13th and got a hamburger from Ballard's Drive In. Ballard's has been in business since 1951 so they know the hamburger business. Mr. Ballard waited on me and even brought my hamburger out that day..... so he's also a car hop. lol. Ballard's makes a great tasting hamburger, toasted bun and all! Click Here - Click Here - Click Here
"Hi Butch... great photo of Sheriff Floyd Randolph and his deputies. I have them named as follows, First Row: Bill Ratliff (not Radcliff), J. B. McCullars, Bob Crosby, Sheriff Randolph, Barney Ross and Jim Lathrop. Second row: Dick Rabun, John T. Spears, unknown, unknown, and probably John Smithers (or a good look alike)." Click Here
For those of you who take advantage of the great food program by Angel Food Ministries and paid your $25 for this month, Saturday morning May 20th is pickup day. Of course Calvary Christian Fellowship on 4th NW and Mary Niblack Baptist Church SE of Ardmore will each be distribution sites, but this month will be the first distribution of the Angel Food program at Trinity Baptist Church on North Washington and 4th here in Ardmore. I will be there around 10am the 20th to pick up my box of goodies! Of course I'll have my handy dandy camera at hand! Click Here - Click Here
On Saturday afternoon May 20th I'll be at the Durant Quilt Show. The show is being held on the 19th and the 20th in the Performing Arts Building (1st Street) on the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma University there in Durant, Oklahoma. (I think there is a $2 entrance fee.) There has been over 100 quilts registered by their artist, so it should be an impressive display of quilts. Maybe I'll see some of you there. When you get there, look up Karyn Hough's booth, she should be able to find me once we get there. Karyn invited me over to take pics, so I'll be at her booth, at least part of the afternoon on saturday. So if you in the area, come on by, stop by and say hello. Click Here
I still remember my great grandmother Ida Murphree Miller (1874-1965) sitting at her quilting frame in her home across the street from Washington School making quilts when I was a wee lad. Granny Miller died in 1965 at 91 years old. I still have the c-clamps she used on her wood quilting frame which hung from the ceiling in her bedroom when not in use. She had a feather bed too. Boy, was that work to make, you were plumb tuckered out after beating it into a soothe shape after sleeping on it. Granny Miller was the only one who could do it too. Click Here
The Ardmore Cemeteries Beautification Committee is still hard at work to make improvements to the entrance of Rosehill Cemetery. Below are two links, one to info on the project, the other is a form to use for making donations to the cause. Click Here Click Here
I received a music CD in the mail this week from Joe Leonard of Gainesville, Texas. It always makes me smile when I get something in the mail unexpectedly, guess its a flashback to when I was a child, and getting a package in the mail was always something special. I havent had time to set down yet and listen to the CD, but its a collection of 14 songs by songwriters/singers from southern Oklahoma and north Texas. Joe produced the CD of nearly all local talent with some songs dating back to the early 50s. I knew Joe was in the recording business but when I open that package, looked at that CD, I knew Joe Leonard was a professional in the music recording business. If I ever had a question about making a music CD, Joe would be one of the first persons I'd call. I'll have more about the CD Joe mailed me in next weeks T&T, and how you can get your hands on one!
Memorial Day Service
Confederate Section
Rosehill Cemetery, Ardmore Oklahoma
The annual Memorial Day service will be held on Monday May 29th, at 2:00 PM. This event is sponsored by The Sons of Confederate Veterans, N. B. Forrest camp 513, Clem V. Rogers camp 481, and the Lakota Nation camp 2000. This year's event will be a larger project than past years as we will be re-dedicating new markers that have been installed as part of the restoration project to replace damaged and deteriorated ones. Approximately 20 new markers will be in place. And temporary repairs to others. Re-inactors from various camps will comprise an honor guard.
Terry Pierce
Oklahoma Div.
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Email: tpirules@yahoo.com
Phone: 405-685-1158
Hey Butch!! I can vouch for the burgers at Kincaid's in Fort Worth...although when you get there..you will get a chuckle out of your use of " Kincaid's Supermarket"!! I haven't been over there in several years. but they were as big and delicious burger as you would ever want. Since I now know that your quest for a good burger isn't just in Southern Oklahoma, may I suggest, if you are ever in the Jacksboro, Texas area (about 30 miles Southwest of Bowie, Texas), you try a burger at Hurds. Their burgers are great..with an unusual way of cooking them... "try it...you will like'em".
"Hello Butch, Butch you have got to go up to Gene Autry and stop by The Depot, and get "Booger" to make you a burger. While your there ask her about the Methodist Preach getting out of there without paying for his burger. HA HA. Grace and Peace." -Rev. Ed Harwood. Gene Autry United Methodist Church http://www.geneautryumc.org
"i havent read the entire thing but i caught a little bit of what the news was saying. back home we had a restaurant called arnold burger. home is amarillo texas. the burgers are huge! bigger than the one in the news. if you make it that way, take your camera for sure. unless they moved it is on washington street off I-40. i guess about 3 miles. but it is worth checking out. thanks for your time." -gene gentry
"Mr. Bridges, I like your website. If you ever pass through Sherman Texas the link below is to MG's Restaurant in Sherman. They have the best hamburgers in Grayson County." -George Bradley http://community.texomalink.com/servlet/ee_ProcServ/dbpage=page&gid=01030011310969475 750627344
"I know you,ve been showing some great hamburgers, but I'm here to tell you that you have missed one of the greatest tasting burgers in Oklahoma. This place has been here since the great depression. It's in Ada Oklahoma, a place called Folgers. It is located right down town in the mid-part of Main street. If you can't find it just stop on Main St. and ask anyone. Thank's for all the info on burger locations. I travel a lot and love them good old fashion educated hamburgers." -Ric Love
"In your quest for the perfect hamburger, have you ever come across one with thousand island dressing instead of the usual condiments? When we were living in Scotland in 1984, the first McDonalds in town opened. I was shocked to find the burgers had thousand island dressing on them--no mustard, no mayo. Also, it was a bit unnerving to see people cutting the burgers up with a knife and fork to eat them! I'm sure they've gotten over that quaint habit!"
"Mr. Bridges, I know of a great hamburger made in Paoli, Oklahoma. The place is called The Fieldhouse. It is a fairly new establishment inside an old place. When I moved here in 1983 it was a Kerr-McGee gas station. Hope you get a chance to stop by and try the fieldhouse burger. Paoli is 7 miles north of Pauls Valley, off highway 77. You can't miss us unless you blink. Thanks for the great website." -Linda Cannon
"Butch, with your fine tune on hamburgers you would really like a REAL watermelon, which is getting harder to find. Much you encounter at the markets are shippers, pulled a little early for long shelf life. The best are dropped off at feed stores and open markets. Always look for a long stem, with a little "dried blood" look at the stem tip, melon slightly bumpy. with a medium yellow bottom where it sat on ground. thumping kind of a ?, I would not trust. Still not to late to plant those great "Sugar Babys" they just have 6-7' runners weight out 10-11lb for frig, make in about 10 day (75) shorter than others. they would do great under your hanging tomatos with shot of Miracle Grow mixed with watering. I have 4 hills in wife's flower bed she gave up this year. made two great melons last year from a old bed. (have pic ) I personally think best melons come off in Sept. not in August. Happy gardening." -jack
"Butch, If you are near Davis and in the mood for Mexican food, do try the Las Cascades. Run by Joe and Alicia Romo, it is wonderful. They do the cooking right there and it is authentic and delicious. But if it is Friday or Saturday night, you might have to wait for a table." -Joh
"Has anyone nominated a "good fish" award for Catfish Platter? It is south of Madill on Highway #99 on the Oklahoma. side of Willis Bridge? When we had a cabin at Lake Texoma, it was a favorite of all our neighbors as well as a lot of north Texans. They are only open on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. and you'd better get there before 5:00 p.m. if you don't want a long wait in line. Their fish, hush puppies, and fries are wonderful!" -Joe Helms
"Butch, I can tell you that you are right. People do go to Walmart just for something to do now. Teenagers now go to Walmart on Friday nights to find others just wondering the store. They do not want to spend their gas money. I see many teenage kids just roaming around in Walmart in the evenings and hanging out at the McDonalds in Walmart. Go figure. Hope you are having a good week." -Debbie
"Butch I want to thank the readers again for all the help on my research of the SlowPokes and the dragstrip they ran at Lake Murray. I still can use any photos, movies or other information that still may be out here. I was given some old photos of the club racing at the Airbase in late 59 or early 60 if anyone can help with information on this I would appreciate it. Thanks." -Rob Ragland rragland@brightok.net
"Butch, I have mailed you before with some information so here goes. There is a group of men around this area that is doing something that has never been done before. They are building the largest privately owned telescope in the world. This is an endeavor that has spanned over 20 years. They are now in the process of polishing one of the three mirrors. The main mirror is 5 foot in diameter, 12 inches thick and weighs 3,000 pounds. It is located in the Lone Grove area. The telescope is going to be used for the education of children."
"Butch, you may already know this, but I stumbled across the on-line census records for various years from 1820 to 1930. I found my grandparents and parents, then found Abraham Lincoln's census record from 1860. Go to the Ardmore Public Libraries website and follow the directions." http://www.ardmorepublic.lib.ok.us/
"Dear Mr Bridges, I did a search recently for my grandfather in the OK land runs and somehow it connected me with your website. My grandfather was Albert Lee McGehee who was supposed to have been in the Oklahoma land runs. Do you know if your site would have information to that effect? I didnt see anything when I looked through it. Thank you for your time." -Rev. Jack McGehee jackmcgehee@cnbcom.net
"Hi Butch, Just wondered, when was the last time you visited Medicine Park? So much has changed here. The creekside has a walking trail the full length of the town with resting benches and gaslights, the Riverside Cafe now has an outside dining patio with live music, The Post Office has a new mural of a 2 cent buffalo stamp, The Old Plantation has been purchased and is under renovation as we speak. There are the most beautiful vistas from our new Wichita Winery. There are many new bed and breakfast sites and if one didn't know better, they would think they were in Europe. We have a group of Marauders (The Seth Wright Gang) and always entertaining our guests on the street. The beautiful town of Medicine Park is the best kept secret in Oklahoma! Come see us Butch and help spread the word! Enjoy your newsletter Butch!" -Joy Willingham
"Regarding the Norton Bridge, I used to drive back and forth from Tishomingo to Ardmore, and I took the back roads whenever I could. I love bridges in general, but that one has a special place in my heart. People were always fishing on the banks. One day I was backing down to let another car across (you had to do that because you couldn't see till you got on the ramp from one direction), and I saw a very old lady trying to pull a big catfish out of the river! She was backing up the bank, dragging the fish out, because she wasn't strong enough to lift it out. I stopped my car and helped her land the catfish--a big flathead. Great memory!"
"Butch, I found a couple of your newsletters on the internet pertaining to Garvin Shi (Shimaid Watering Cans). He is my great grandfather and is the grandson of Isaac Garvin, Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation. Garvin, OK is named after Isaac Garvin. To my knowledge, my grandmother, Barbara Shi-Gilmore is his only living daughter. I wanted to see if you have anything else on Garvin Shi or Issac Garvin. If you could help out any it would be greatly appreciated." -Karen Davis davis7076@sbcglobal.net
"I have no clue about this picture, maybe one of you do? I assume the pic was taken at Healdton" -Robin in Texas Click Here
Butch: Knowing you and your love of good food here is something Scheryl and I have found. Since the boys left the nest we missed having chocolate cake around. We did not want to make a whole cake for just the two of us. These little cakes are a serving for one and can be made in 1 minute and 15 seconds and it is piping hot. And out of this world. There are more varieties than the Molten Chocolate but this is our favorite. Around $1.50-$1.72 depending where you buy it." -Doug Click Here - Click Here
"Hi Butch, Re: The Blue Pig. As you know, I used to have a steak and BBQ restaurant. Well, I'm here to tell you, the ribs at Blue Pig are absolutely the best I ever ate, bar none. And, the scenery is pretty good too. And, if you haven't had the sunday buffet at Ponders, you are missing out, big time. My Mother didn't feel like going out to eat Sunday, so I went to Ponders to get her a to go buffet. Well, the aroma of her food on the way to her house worked me over, so after dropping her's off, I went back to eat the buffet. Man, was it good. So, keep up the great work." -Jerry
"Let's not forget http://gethuman.com/us/ which is the database to reach a human by phone. It is now 12 pages long and lists 365 companies as of Friday, May 12, 2006."
"I have forwarded many of these shortcuts before, but new ones continue to be found and people who use computers constantly in their work and everyday correspondence may find this list helpful so I'm sending it again." -Roy Kendrick Click Here
"hey butch, can you email me some info on the old rubottom school. like what year it opened, class sizes, when it closed down?? would love to here any stories about this old school."
"I wanted to say first how much I enjoy "This and That". I have to write a correction to R.F. Helms letter about the "new swimming pool" in 1955. That was the first year the new pool was open and they wanted to import a "celebrity". OU imported the whole South African 1952 Olympic swim team to swim at OU. I started to OU in 1954. I worked out with the team but was never good enough to swim in any of the meets. In 1955 Len Meiring was hired to be the Head Life Guard. He was tall, blonde, bronze and a terrific backstroker. The rest of the guards were all locals - Don Awtrey, Cary Leverett, Hardy Murphy,Jr., Robert Brown and me. There may have been others but their names escape me now. Gordon Sturdevant, the High School Shop Teacher was the manager. The next summer (1956) was pretty much the same crew. Len Meiring did not come back and I got to be the Head Life Guard. At the end of the summer I joined the army and was gone for three years. I can't remember any of the people who worked the concession stand. If R.F. Helm would write back with a few names it would be fun remembering them." -Herb (Herbie) Linder
'The Little Engine That Could' 1930
Slowly the cars began to move. Slowly they climbed the steep hill. As they climbed, each little steam engine began to sing:
"I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I think I can - I think I can - I think I can I think I can--"
And they did! Very soon they were over the hill and going down the other side.
Now they were on the plain again; and the little steam engine could pull her train herself. So she thanked the little engine who had come to help her, and said good-by.
And she went merrily on her way, singing:
"I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I thought i could - I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could I thought I could --"
See everyone next week!
Butch Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
May 11, 2006 Circulation over 5,000 Vol 10 Issue 485
Isn't Walmart a great place to meet friends? Seriously, I think a lot of people go to Walmart to see who else is there, talk, and find out the latest. At least it seems that way to me because when I'm in a hurry and two ladies have traffic backed up on the isle I want to go down, and it seems like they are telling their life history. lol.
Last Fall I was over at the Walmart store in Hugo, Oklahoma and met an interesting guy merely by accident. I was seeking directions to the 'circus cemetery' in Hugo and when he found out I was a history buff, he let me have it with both barrels. lol. You see, Newton Cook is a man on a mission. He lives in a little "town" north of Hugo called Cooksville, Oklahoma. A 100 years ago Cooksville was a thriving little community with stores and churches and whatever else makes up a town but today its limited to a few people's homes. Down through the years its pretty much died out and now it seems, or at least until Newton Cook jumped up on his soapbox, it was nearly a forgotten town. But Newton started a one man campaign to remedy that situation, and from what I've found on the Net I think he's succeeding.
I've talked with two T&T readers who live in Hugo, or was raised in Hugo, and neither one of them ever heard the name Cooksville. But when Newton locked horns with the powers to be, seems Cooksville once again might be recognized as a town. Newton even claims Cooksville owns half of Lake Hugo, but I guess the Town of Hugo sees it differently. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what develops. Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
We who live in southern Oklahoma and north Texas and watch the news on TV sees mention of "Wilson and Jones" hospital in Sherman, Texas from time to time. I think a lot of people call it "Wilson and Jones" not realizing its true name is Wilson N. Jones Hospital. And there is some little unknown history about Wilson N. Jones Hospital and the man whose name it bears. Wilson N. Jones was a Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation before statehood and lived near Hugo, Oklahoma much of his life on his 17,000 acres. Click Here
I need to make a correction from last week's T&T. I called the Norton Bridge, the Greasy Bend Bridge. But they are two different places along the Washita River north of Mannsville, Oklahoma. Next time I'm up that way I'll get a pic of the Greasy Bend Bridge. Here is the pics I took several years ago of the Norton Bridge again... it is the bridge where part of the 1977 Dillinger movie was filmed. Click Here Click Here Click Here
Last Saturday KXII TV's Charlie Haldeman did a program on my "Hamburger Highway" webpage. We met at the Broadway Cafe here in Ardmore and he talked to me about my hamburger info for KXII's new weekly program called Texoma Tales. If you missed my ugly mug on tv, you didnt miss much. But you can go to www.kxii.com and look on their homepage for "Featured Videos". Click on "Texoma Tales" and you can see the interview as a video.
Speaking of hamburgers, Larry Smith of Ardmore mentioned to me last week about the "best hamburger in the world" is claimed at Ft Worth, Texas at a place called Kincaid's Supermarket. Seem like years ago this market started making hamburgers for their employees using meat from the stores own meat market. When other's tasted the hamburgers, they said Kincaid's should start selling their hamburgers, which they did. The market only had a few seats and tables, and with the customer's growth, Kincaid's just started using the wait high shelves on the grocery's isles. So people would order their hamburger, and when it was ready they'd just go to the nearby isle and stand up while eating their hamburger. I know the next time I'm in Ft Worth I'll have to try the Kincaid hamburger. Here is a mention I found on the Net:
KINCAID'S, Ft. Worth, TX Location: 4901 Camp Bowie, Ft. Worth, Tel: 817-732-2881. The famous Ft. Worth hamburger joint housed in an old supermarket. Here's what other's say about Kincaid's, "I take all out of town visitors to Kincaid's for a taste of Texas." "The BEST hamburgers in Ft Worth...and I eat a lot of hamburgers." "I think this restaurant is the best dadgum hamburger place there is in the whole world. I have been going there since I was a baby because they have extraordinary service, people, and atmosphere." "The service is on the ball especially call ins." "If you love hamburgers like I do, you'll not be disappointed." Click Here
Not just a grocery store Click Here
Inside Kincaid's in 1985 Click Here
Kincaid's burger unwrapped Click Here
Robin Ezell who hails from Healdton sent in some great pics this week of some student classes from around 1970. Robin is a true history buff and grave researcher, always searching for another relative for her genealogy database or a piece of history from Healdton's past. Click Here Click Here
This T&T will make my 4th send-out since I started sending my newsletters through my OklahomaHistory.net email server. Since doing it that way, hardly any T&Ts are bouncing back to me. The AOL subscribers and yahoo.com and hotmail.com T&T readers emails are going right on through! So the change was for the better!
Have you heard of the Colonial Dames organization? Until a couple of weeks ago and I had never heard of such a group of ladies dedicated to the early history of this country (before 1701) and their work toward preserving the history of those times. Wanema Bullard invited me over to her house at noon last Wednesday to see first hand just what the "Colonial Dames XVII Century" organization is all about. The ladies organization was holding their meeting at Wanema home and let me tell you, the house was packed. I was only there a few minutes and realized these are a bunch of really dedicated women. Of course I have to mention the great food too. Click Here
To learn more about the organization of Colonial Dames, just visit their website. Click Here
I had to leave early and get back to work before their meeting really got started good, and it caused me to miss my friends James and Nancy Singleterry's musical performance from Moore (they're moving to Davis soon). They were dressed in the colonial day wardrobe and put on a musical show for all those who attended the gathering at Wanema's home. I have heard about their performance but not been able to see it in person yet. But I will, just have to have patience and maybe catch them with their instruments somewhere in Oklahoma putting on a performance.
For those of you who take advantage of the great food program by Angel Food Ministries and paid your $25 for this month, Saturday May 20th is pickup day. This month will be the first distribution of the Angel Food program at Trinity Baptist Church here in Ardmore. I will be there around 9am the 20th to pick up my box of goodies! Of course I'll have my handy dandy camera at hand! Click Here
Just a note to bring everyone up to date with the project to replace the broken markers in the veterans section at Rose Hill. 9 markers are now replace and set, and I have 9 more on my garage floor drying out, and waiting for Doug Williams to recoup from his surgery last week. Doug has been setting the markers in a concrete base and setting them at the cemetery. Doug is on the mend from his surgery, but if you want to send him a get well quick email, please do, Doug's email is dougwilliams@cableone.net Click Here
Our program scheduled in the Veterans Section of Ardmore's Rose Hill on the afternoon of Memorial Day is coming together very nicely. I have been getting emails and phone calls from people who are planning to attend, even as far away as Texas where a man is bringing his 95 year old mother to the program. His mother is the widow of one of the veterans buried in the veterans section of Rose Hill. One item on the program is a reading of the names of those veterans whose broken markers have been replaced with new ones. We are looking for a good turn out to honor those who are buried there in Rose Hill.
Terry Pierce
Oklahoma Div.
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Email: tpirules@yahoo.com
Phone: 405-685-1158
"I was hoping someone could give directions to the area where the photos of the trains are taken from the hillside. The photos are wonderful, and was hoping to get to sit there and watch the trains go by. It would sure beat watching them while driving down the highway." cecilhigginbotham@sbcglobal.net
"Absolutely right about the catfish at the Dougherty Diner. I went back for a second visit in less than 2 weeks on a recent trip to Ardmore, Sulphur & Davis. Very pleasant, efficient service also. Had to stop at the Fried Pies place off I-35 in Davis on those trips too. Excellent!"
"This afternoon I was driving back to Will Rogers Airport to fly back to Phoenix and and was scanning the horizon for my arch enemies, cedar trees. I couldn't help but notice dozens and dozens of really burnt up dead ones all through the Arbuckles. Did Mother Nature do that? Or has there been an effort to get rid of some? Most of my life I have carried around a Sampler that my grandmother embroidered when my mother was a youth. I'm going to guess around 1910. It is on a tan linen and says: Hundreds of stars in the bright blue sky, hundreds of bees in the purple clover, but only one home I call my own though I wonder the wide world over. That has hung on the wall inside the front door of my mother's home since I was a child and now is hanging at my home. I was wondering if similar Samplers were popular in other homes, too. And finally, thanks for all the work you're doing to restore the ancient head stones at Rose Hill." -Claire Hamilton joclaire632@msn.com
"Ron has been asked by his publisher to write a book about Oklahoma Lawmen and Outlaws. Each book will be numbered and signed by the author. To make a long story short. This book will be rich in photos as it will be a coffee table book. We are in need of help in locating good picture of both the lawmen and outlaws, their graves and etc. We will make sure that each contributor is noted under the picture. We are doing this to preserve history for years to come. The time span that will covered is 1890 to 1940. Thanks." -Ron and Naomi Click Here
"Hi Butch. great photo of Sheriff Floyd Randolph and his deputies. I have them named as follows, First Row: Bill Ratliff (not Radcliff), J. B. McCullars, Bob Crosby, Sheriff Randolph, Barney Ross and Jim Lathrop. Second row: Dick Rabun, John T. Spears, unknown, unknown, and possibly John Smithers (or a good look alike). Always enjoy your site." Click Here
"Butch, across the street from the Dougherty Cafe in Davis is the Main Street cafe, it has a good hamburger and the best french fries ever!!!!!" -James Singleterry
"Hello Butch, I don't know if it was a "slip of the tongue" so to speak but the bridge north of Mannsville is on Norton Bend of the Washita river;correctly identified on the map. Greasy Bend bridge is 2 mi North of Mannsville and about 21/2 miles west (on Greasy Bend Road). I grew up in Greasy Bend and wandered all the backroads in my early years. It was refreshing to see the photo of the old bridge, I don't get down that way much anymore. When I was a kid I remember going over the Norton bridge on the way to Tishomingo, if a car was coming from the south and you were coming upon the bridge from the north the grade was so steep that you couldn't see them until they reached the "down ramp" and whoever was coming up the north side would have to back down to let the north bound vehicle get off the bridge.My how our fast paced lives differ from those slower laid back days; but then I don't have to hoe peanuts and cotton anymore either!" -Roy Barnes, Purcell OK
"The mention of Peanut Rounders brought back memories of working at the "new" swimming pool on the eastside of Ardmore in 1955. I worked that summer in the concession stand and the neighborhood kids' favorite treat to buy were RC Colas and Peanut Rounders. Another treat for the older girls were the male life guards imported from the OU swim team. Most of them were South African Dutchmen who were tall, blond, and bronze. After closing time we staff members got to watch them practice their special strokes in the pool. Lyn Meyering, the back stroke specialist, is now a doctor in Oklahoma City." -R.F. Helms
"John A. Tucker was a U.S. Marshal in the Indian Territory at the turn of the century. His children were all born in the Indian Territory. Later he owned the saloon 3 miles west of Chickasha called "Line House" so named for it was located at Kiowa/Comanche/Chickasha county line. Do you have any information on the saloon and John A. Tucker???" Please email patjbonahoom@comcast.net
"Hi Butch, I've been looking for information about my grandfather, John Grover Cleveland Fooshee, and I saw that you had a reference to it in one of your This & That pieces. I also noticed a reference to a shooting of Bud Ballew in 1922. Here is the chronology of events as I have reconstructed it:13-May-07 "Ira Foshee" shot by Will Ballew, a gambler. Jonas Foshee starts gunfight with Ballew. Bystander wounded slightly, both men arrested The Oklahoman 21-May-07 Fears of assassination attempt on Ballew causes his preliminary hearing to be held behind closed doors. Ballew held without bail The Oklahoman 16-Nov-07 Governor Haskell's term begins 18-Dec-07 Jonas Fooshee wounded in his saloon on North Caddo Street. Ben Franklin, gambler, was arrested. Fooshee's wounds not serious The Oklahoman 7-Sep-08 Irb Haskell Fooshee born in Glen Rose, Texas 1-Dec-08 Jonas Fooshee, John Fooshee and Knox Collins went after Ballew; Luther Ford, 12 year old boy, killed by accident Daily Ardmoreite 10-Feb-09 "Bloodshed may result of trial of Ballew" The Oklahoman 12-Feb-09 Bellew is acquitted of slaying Irb Fooshee The Oklahoman 16-Feb-09 John Fooshee receives sentence of life in imprison (could have been death penalty) 26-Apr-10 Fooshee v State decided, conviction of John Fooshee affirmed. Sometime before January 9, 1911 Governor Haskell pardons John Fooshee 9-Jan-11 Governor Haskell's term ends
From what I can gather, Irb (Ira) and Jonas Fooshee lived in Ardmore. Jonas owned a saloon and Irb was running for sheriff. My father was born in Glen Rose, Texas in 1908, and I believe that John GC lived there at that time. My father grew up in Fort Worth and John GC worked there from at least 1928-1938. Family lore has it that Governor Haskell pardoned John GC. I have found many articles about the many criminals that he pardoned, but not my grandfather. I got access to the Oklahoman on line, but the Daily Ardmoreite archives only go back to 1997. Is there anyway that you can help me fill in the blanks? I'd be glad to send you copies of the articles I have if you like. Thanks." -Rick Fooshee, Tenafly, New Jersey FOOSHEE@aol.com
"My mother (deceased) was born in Salisaw, OK. Her mother had 6 sisters. I only remember the names of three: Era (the youngest and my grandmother), Jessie, and Tressie. Aunt Tressie married Dub Wheeler. Could you ask your Readers if anyone remembers the Johns family? Mama always said that she was cousin to everyone in Oklahoma. My mother died at age 59. She had lost touch with her mother. I would love to have a starting place to look for her family." -J. Carole Fite jcfntn@webtv.net
"Here is a reminder of the current list of my public bookings coming up soon. Hope you can attend one or more of them. You may want to check my website now and then as I am continually booking more events." -Les Gilliam www.lesgilliam.comMay 12-13 Red Rock Guest Ranch, Soldier, KS - North of Topeka (Chuckwagon Supper - call 1-866-FUNGRUB for reservations and directions). June 17 - Gene Autry, Oklahoma Museum Jamboree - Noon to 9pm - Admission Free (I'll be on around 3:30pm then I'll dash up to Sulphur -see below). June 17 - 100th Anniversary of Platt National Park, Sulphur, OK -I'll be on around 6:30pm with the Johnny Shackleford Band. (The celebration will be held at Bromide Pavillion in the Park - Admission Free). June 22 - Stillwater Public Library - Stillwater, OK - Three shows, all free to the public - 10am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm June 22 to 25 - Country Music Festival, Wahoo, Nebraska - I'll be there for the Saturday night dance in the 4H Club Bldg at the Fairgrounds, plus the Sunday morning gospel show and the Sunday afternoon Country Music Show.
For more information including ticket prices, go to www.wahoocountrymusicshow.com or call 402-687-9594. June 29 - Concert in the Park, Yukon, OK with my band. Concert begins at 7pm in the Chisholm Trail Park, Admission Free. July 16 - The Hayloft, St. James Minnesota, 2pm For more information, call 507-375-4044. July 22 - Country Barn Dance with my band, Quail Valley Fun Barn, Winfield, KS. For reservations, call 620-221-1394. August 3 - Lawton Oklahoma Birthday Celebration with my Trio. Great Plains Technology Center - 7pm, Free Admission. August 26 - Cowboy Celebration - 1431 N. 1900 Rd. Lawrence, KS. For more information, call 785-841-1265.
"Hi Butch, I thought I'd better clear my reputation with all my new friends in Oklahoma. Seems like I remember it this way: you were busy eating catfish (look at the picture), so I didn't think the old HAMBURGER HOUND would miss that wonderful, tasty cheesburger I didn't offer to share with him. LOL! Butch, I'll say it again, I can't say enough about the wonderful people I met 4/22/06 in Ardmore, mighty hospitable and friendly." -John Trusty in Illinois jtst369@comcast.net Click Here
The Wilson News 1-21-1915
"Some Family This"
A farmer living near the Love County line, sent an order to one of Wilson's leading merchants the other day that, while it left some guess-work as to the size of the shoes wanted, left nothing indefinite as to the size of the family. The order read as follows: "You will put some shoes on my little family like this and send in haste. One man, Jean St. Jean (me) 42 years; one woman, Sophie St. Jean (she), 41 yeaers; Hermedes and Lamore 19 years; Honore, 18 years; Colina, 17 years; Alexandre, 12 years; Rosina 11 years; Bruno, 10 years; Pierre, 9 years; Eugene, we lose him (no shoe); Edouard and Elisa, 7 years; Adrien 6 years; Camille, 5 years; Zoel, 4 years; Joseph, 3 years; Moise, 2 years; Murial 1 year; Hilair, he go barefoot. How much?" It took H. L. and Roy Carmichael, with John Broyle's assistance, all of one day to figure out the sizes to fill this order, but the Carmichael stock of shoes was found equal to the occasion. -Contributed by Melinda Taylor mindy@brightok.net
"My name is Sherry Johnson. I live in Ardmore, Ok. and am interested in any information and photos of Cornish, Oklahoma near Ringling, Oklahoma. My grandfathers (Coy Baird) mothers last name was Cornish after which the town was named. I am most interested in early day photos and information. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication." -ksj1@sbcglobal.net
"Who would I call to get information about Reck cemetery? I think I have found my grandmother Mittie Christine McGowan." Paula shabbydecor@hotmail.com
"Hi Butch... great photo of Sheriff Floyd Randolph and his deputies. I have them named as follows, First Row: Bill Ratliff (not Radcliff), J. B. McCullars, Bob Crosby, Sheriff Randolph, Barney Ross and Jim Lathrop. Second row: Dick Rabun, John T. Spears, unknown, unknown, and probably John Smithers (or a good look alike)." a href=" http://www.OklahomaHistory.net/ttphotos6a/RadcliffandRandolph.jpg "> Click Here
"Butch, the pictures on T&T of the bridge are of the Norton bridge, not the Greasy Bend bridge. Go north on Grand out of Mannsville to Greasy Bend Rd. Turn left and follow the road for approx. 2 1/4 miles and you'll find Greasy Bend bridge." -roylee -------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Butch, here is a photo of Rexroat School and students taken Dec 10, 1925. It was given to my Dad, Carl W. Stevens, quite a few years back. He has since past away and I don't remember for sure but I think he said it was given to him by Miss Jones (Nell) and someone put in an arrow on the picture pointing to her. Her married name is written on the board that the photo is mounted on but it's faded and I can't make it out. Maybe some of your reader might know. The photo is one of those very wide angle shots common in those days, and the print measures 25 inches wide. I had to scan it in two parts and stitch the two halves together with software. There are lots of creases and cracks in the print but you can make out most of the kids anyway." -C. Dwane Stevens Click Here
Springer, Oklahoma Volunteer Fireman's Annual Bar-B-Que. Saturday, May 20, 2006. 6:00 PM at the Springer Community/Storm Shelter. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the band.
Hello Butch, I have been trying to get a picture of my grandparents tombstone in the Mannsville Cemetery.Samuel Woods Dunigan B 1844 D 1921 and wife Laura Annie Dunigan B 1839 D 1912
Also a Uncle from the Lone Cedar Cemetery 6 Mile South West of Mannsville
Heck Andrew Thomas B 1890 D 1941
Thank You for you website." -Tony Hughes in Pampa, Texas drifter@cableone.net
"Do you know where I can buy fourth of july tomato plants? I live in Detroit, Michigan and found them last year at a farmers market. I have looked and looked and haven't been able to find any. Is there another name for the fourth of july plants. We thought they were so delicious and had the tomato on july 4th. thanks." -judy judykeier@comcast.net
Miss Woods and the girl from Texas
By Donald E. Smith
"Miss Woods our school teacher, was the daughter of a Mr. Woods who worked for my Grandfather as a bookkeeper for Sinclair Oil Co. She was a shining light to all of us in our class. She was always helpful to each of us in our class. The girl from Texas came in the summer of 1939. This was during the great depression. Her family were farmers, some were near Wichita Falls Texas. Those were the days of the great depression. The dust bowl was in full swing and it was difficult to make a living. So her father and mother had heard of the Healdton Oil field where there were five spotting, that is drilling in wells between the existing wells. So they had come to Oklahoma to make ends meet. They had loaded up there covered wagon with the necessary tools to do the work of building slush pits and headed for the Healdton field. They had three children and upon arrival had set up camp right behind the Dundee school on a small creek. The Dundee pond lay just across the road. The children started school and under the primitive conditions they were living under it was difficult for them to be quite as well groomed as the other children. This girl from my class was a pretty faced girl but not as well kept as most, her face was not always clean and her hair was unkempt. The girl had a charming personality. She was poorly dressed. Miss Woods was quick to see the good in her. She bought her a wash cloth and towel, comb and brush. She also got several dresses, hand me downs from other families. From that day forward the girl came to school well groomed and looked like the rest of the children. After several months the work played out so the family loaded their covered wagon and left western Carter County and returned to Texas."
The Ardmore Computer Discussion Circle will meet on Tuesday, May16, at the Ardmore Public Library, 320 E Street NW from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. This meeting will not be in the regular room but in Study Room 2, which is inside the main library, behind and to the left of the desk. I have my laptop connected to the internet at the Library so we will have an opportunity to search the internet for information applying to any topic that we may discuss. Please forward this message to anyone who might enjoy coming to our meetings. Come talk, listen, learn, and teach !!! -William Stanton ardmorecdc@yahoo.com
C&W Singer Bob Beckham was born in Strafford, Oklahoma. He wrote a song, 'Just As Much As Ever' that went to #32 in 1959. I was wondering if any one knows about this native Oklahoman? Click Here
Just as much as ever
I need you and want you to be here
Just as much as ever
I love you, and always will, my dear
Even though we two are parted
My feelings for you never drop
For loving you is something I started
And don't know how to stop
Just as much as ever
I'm hoping that you'll be mine again
Darlin', 'cause I'll never be satisfied till then
For I am still the same old me
With the same old love for you
Just as much as ever, my heart beats for you
(Just as much as ever)
(I'm hoping that you'll be mine again)
Darling, 'cause I'll never be satisfied till then
For I am still the same old me
With the same old love for you
Just as much as ever, my heart beats for you
Hopefully the link below will take you to www.amazon.com where they have a clip of this song online to listen to. Just scroll down a few inches from the top of the webpage and you will find his name listed along with links to his song. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00027JYTY/002-7374651-0332005?v=glance&n=5174
See everyone next week!
Butch Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
May 4, 2006 Circulation over 5,000 Vol 10 Issue 484
Sometimes I think I have too many photos. First of all, its getting hard for me to keep up with what I have and dont have, not to mention the job of trying to just keep up with all the different photos is driving me crazy. lol
This week I ran across some great photos a Reader sent me in 1999.....
"Butch: In the process of moving my office and unpacking, I found the following items that were given to me several years ago that I thought you might find interesting for your t&t history page. It all involves Carter County law enforcement history. This is a photo of the staff of Carter County Sheriff Floyd Randolph. He is the man on the first row, 4th man from the left. The only other one I think is the man at far left on the first row and he is Deputy Bill Ratliff. This was taken in the early 30's, not for sure which year, but it was sometime around 1935." Click Here
"Butch: This is a photo of Sheriff Randolph and Deputy Ratliff with murder suspect Weldon Goodman, age 19. This was taken around November 1935 when Goodman killed a Dixie Cab driver east of Ardmore. Attached is a copy of the confession of Goodman as told by Sheriff Randolph." Click Here - Click Here
When the group of us was up at the memorial site at the Airpark last weekend, most of us went over to the Blue Pig BBQ (used to be Runway Cafe) to eat. John Trusty from IL took a pic of his hamburger he ordered at the Blue Pig.... I can almost taste it. And you know, John didnt even offer me a bite. lol Here's a pic of that $3.15 burger. Click Here
Doug Williams sent in a photo he took this week at Sulphur. Its the vacant lot now left after they tore down the Artesian Motor Lodge there in Sulphur. The Chickasaws are going to rebuild it in like manner of the old Artesian Hotel that burned down back in the 60s. Click Here
I appreciate all of you who wrote in last week to let me know the family on the record album was the Rev M.E. Dickenson at Baum, Oklahoma. Now to borrow one of his albums so I can place a song or two they recorded on my website.
Jim Hubbell at Whitesboro, Texas sent in a pic of hail that fell there on April 29th. We have had a lot of storms here in this area and north Texas the past week. Received much needed rain too. Click Here
Here's a couple of pics I took of the Norton Bridge north of Mannsville a few years ago. The last pic is a map of where the old bridge used in the Dillinger movie is located. I saw on tv a couple years ago where some officials were thinking about tearing the bridge down. I sure hope that does not happen. Click Here - Click Here - Click Here
I need to make a correction from last week's T&T. When I talked about eating at Coree's Dougherty Diner in Davis, Oklahoma, I mentioned this great busboy. I had his name spelled wrong. It's Jerrett. And I still think he's probably the fastest busboy in Oklahoma! Click Here
We are now using our OklahomaHistory.net email Server to send out my T&T newsletter each week. With all the problems with sending 1,500 emails every thursday night, I decided the easiest way to solve the quandary I was in, is just do it myself. Now that I am using the web hosting service I've had since May 2003, things are working much better as far as sending out my newsletter. To learn more how you to can use this great web hosting service by going to the link below. Click Here
This Memorial day Monday May 29th, will be the 6th year for the Sons of Confederate Veterans service at Rose Hill cemetery. The annual event is held in the early afternoon and includes rein-actors, a live fire salute with period weapons and a short program. This year the event will be especially significant because of the restoration underway at the Confederate section. We will be having a re-dedication for the veterans who's headstones have been replaced with new ones. We expect the event to draw participants from out of state as well as around Oklahoma. Details will be given as the plans are finalized.
Terry Pierce
Oklahoma Div.
Sons of Confederate Veterans
"Butch: In your never ending search for the best hamburger in this area, I think I have found it for you. You've just got to go to a little convenience store in Durant. It's called "Grand Central Station" and it's located at the northwest corner of Evergreen Street and Washington Avenue. (It's a block north of the post office and Carl's.) Butch, not only is it a big-sized hamburger but the best one made--period. You can get a hamburger made just like you want it. On top of that, you get a hamburger, french fries or tater tots (your choice), and a large drink for right at $4. Add cheese and it's not much more than that. Once you've been there, trust me, you WILL go back again and again!! The chicken fried steak, that you pictured, is nothing compared to the one that you'll get at the Bar-B-Q Pit in Madill (on Highway 70, which is South First street). You can get a very nice sized and very tasty chicken fried steak, a generous bowl of gravy, Texas toast, and two side orders (of your choice) for about $9. If nothing else, the service at The Bar-B-Q Pit and Grand Central Station is great. Both places treat like you're royalty. In regards to your "cream puff" pickup, I know you're probably tired of some repair bills but that's a very nice vehicle. You've taken good care of it and, should you decide to sell it, you should ask a pretty good price for it, as nice as it is! In This & That Vol. 10, Issue 483, someone was inquiring about The Dickenson Family. I would like to mention another local artist named Bob Beckham. According to his album, "Just As Much As Ever," he is originally from Stratford. The album was released, in 1959, on Decca Records, record number DL 8967. He took the song "Just As Much As Ever" to #32 on the popular music chart in 1959. That song appears on a few obscure oldies country collections. Does anybody know anything else about him, though?? Thanks, Butch! -Larry Rowland
"Butch Sometime during the 60' a tv repair man in Kansas while repairing a tv he picked up some strong "snow" on channel 2. He discovered at the same time a tornado was about 15-20 miles away. He discovered that turning to channel 2 during tornado conditions, turning down the brightness control to near zero or black and watching for the first glimpse of"snow". Now the article said, (Popular Science I think)when the screen becomes "white" there is a strong possibility of a near tornado or chance of one. Later this was confirmed because of strong electrostatic conditions in these clouds. Twisters do form though without this in no violent fronts. P.S. On the hamburger car sign, I think it should say "registry" or similar like the guy who used to recognize restaurants as being best through out the country. I have had some bad burgers on touted big places." -Jack
"Butch, I have just read your letter a friend sent to me and enjoyed it very much. I lived in Durant and agree you will not find a better hamburger that Geo's. However I live in Stroud, Oklahoma now and we have a great hamburger placed "Rock Cafe". It is on East Highway 66 about twelve blocks from the Junction of Hwys 66 and 99. There is also another great hamburger place in Mustang, OK "Fried Onion Burger" you will get your money's worth at either one of these places. Like you, I really enjoy a good hamburger but have changed my taste to mayo for mustard." -Mike Ralls. rmikeralls@wmconnect.com
"Dear Butch, In last week's edition, Mr. Gardner wrote about the fried onion burgers in El Reno. I attended Southwestern in Weatherford in the late 60's and would occasional stop in El Reno for a burger. Robert's Grill, located on Main Street in Weatherford had the motto, "We Specialize in Fried Onions" painted on the front window. They reminded me of the Hamburger Inn. I think the same man owned both the Weatherford and El Reno cafes at the time. Thanks for the memory." -Monroe Cameron
"I found this photo on my computer that I had scanned in some time back. It is a photo of my dad Ira Lofton and some of his friends on a drilling rig in Santa Fe, Oklahoma (Stephens county). I don't know the date but expect it would have been in the early 40s. Perhaps some of your readers know the people in the photo." -Jonathan V. Lofton Click Here
"Actually the best burgers are served every day (except Sunday) at Oklahoma's oldest restaurant still operating in the same location (here in Perry, Oklahoma) and it's called "The Kumback Lunch". If you don't believe me, ask Pug Hawkins of Lawton Homerhwk@aol.com. He emailed me after visiting in Perry that he'd never tasted a better one." -Roy
"I'm sending a picture of dad's old Model 1928 B Ford truck with 75# plus watermelon on the bed next to his right arm. He sure was proud of this big watermelon and hauled it all over Newcastle, OK showing it off. While driving down the streets of Oklahoma City some black kids tried to lift the big watermelon off the bed of the truck. Because of the weight of the watermelon the kids dropped it on the payment. It fell and burst into pieces in the middle of the road. Dad heard the noise when the watermelon hit the road and looked back in the old truck rear view mirror. He could see the kids rushing from everywhere to eat the melon on the road and he just laughed and said to me, "Thanks to those boys I won't have to carry that watermelon one more step!" LOL. As a kid growing up on dad's 70-acre farm in Oklahoma we didn't have a whole lot in the way of toys and things. Work and chores was our playtime for the most part of our day. Cutting black oak, blackjack oak, and post oak trees for fence and firewood during winter wasn't the best of times. We did have the baby pigs, chickens, cats, dogs and the other farm animals to play with in the barnyard. Oh yeah getting to gather the eggs for mom in the morning and at evening time was a good time. Sticking my hands into the straw trying to find the eggs could be exciting. Now and again a black snake would be coiled up in a nest box. Put the fear of God into me many times. Have you ever felt a baby pig? They are the neatest soft little fellers you'll ever touch! Learning to milk "OLD BESSIE" (mom's old cow) was a blast! She couldn't fit through a ten-foot wide gate but she could stick her big foot in my 3# lard bucket in a heartbeat! Fun times were trying to keep her long tail from slapping me in the face. She could time that action perfect. HA. When we left the farm for California and the Sunny Life, things got a little better for the family. But that's another story and sometime I'll tell you about that change in my life later. Enjoy." -J.L. Johnson, Bloomington, IN. Click Here
"Hi Butch, Do you remember these little pink rounders candies? My favorite kind is made down in Texas and the company was in the candy game back when I was living on the farm. The name of the company is Anderson Candy Co. They make a product called PEANUT ROUNDERS 3 OZ. in size. I order a dozen at a time ($10.99) by UPS." -J. L. Johnson Click Here
"Butch, Velma, in Indianapolis asked about starting a tree planting program here in Ardmore. In case your readers don't already know, Ardmore has a wonderful program called "Neighborhoods". It is sponsored by the Ardmore Beautification Council (ABC), and the trees are offered at a very reasonable price. I got a beautiful water oak tree that would normally cost about $200 at a nursery. My cost was only $25. The tree is thriving, and I plan to get more trees in coming years. Through the program you are allowed one tree per year. If anyone is interested, they can contact the Chamber or the Ardmore Beautification Council. Norma Lynn Tawny is in charge of the program."
"As a transplanted Okie I enjoy your reading and each year as I head for that red soil for 5-6 weeks I think of all I have learned from your postings. Thank you for the hours of enjoyment and enlightenment and especially for all your hard work." -Jan Porter Ahola
"Hi Butch. I enjoy all your articles and am learning more about my home state every time i read it. Do you know if there is an adoption web site from along time ago for Oklahoma on line? Also Oklahoma deaths and births? We genealogist who live 2500 miles from OK have a hard time finding things. Any help you can give us will be appreciated. Thanks." -Juanita from Ephrata, WA wja4032@bmi.net
"Hi Butch, If someone else hasn't already clued you in, the Dickenson family that did the record is from Baum, Oklahoma. Rev. M. E. Dickenson has been an Assembly of God minister for many years. He pastored there at Baum for a long time then came to Lighthouse Assembly of God church on Lake Murray Drive then went back to pastoring at the Baum Assembly several years ago. He is still the minister there and you can find him in the phone book. He has 3 sons, Mike (I think he lives in Mexico), Hal who I know lives in Mexico and Tim who lives in Baytown, Texas or somewhere near the Houston area. I am sure Rev. Dickenson would love to talk to you about the album. They sang for many years as their children were growing up. Hope this helps you out!" Click Here
"I didn't know there was one, is it in the old elementary? I'll get you the pictures and you can put them where you believe they should be. I'm working hard to FINALLY get some of this stuff organized!!! Is this from Healdton? Hopefully you can help me with some of these names, grannys handwriting (and it was in pencil) is kind of hard to read. I notice that she spelled her name differently, Kathryn and not Catherine. funny how spellings changed back then!!! Let me know if this is Healdton or not." -Robin robi-d@earthlink.netMozelle Green, Chester Shrader, Victor Farrow, Claude England, Harry Morgan, Cecil Srever?, Les B, Nona Hutchison, Thelma Jo Wilson, Ivy Gaither, Sheldon, Geneva Skaggs, Mary Lee Chrisler, Virginia Thamble, Oma, Beatrice Chilton, Margaret Culver, Kathryn Reeves, Clara Stockton, Virginia Parish, Elmer Duke, Jack Silvers, Virginia Lane, Bonnie Mare Fletcher, Azle Peanue, Gertrude Strong, Ozelle, Oleta Lampkin, Hazel Shayyo, Hortense Crossett, Margaret Jenken, P or B Furgenson, Geneva Spencer, Allie Fletcher, Margaret Gorden, Maxine Gloube, Scott Adair, Craig maise, Parley Sanderson, Cecile Ratcliffe, Waldo Teel, Marvin Jenkins, Vail Horn, Clyde Carlock, ??. Click Here - Click Here - Click Here
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"You're right about the food being GOOD at the Dougherty Diner in Davis. They're burgers are good but their fish is wonderful and hush puppies, too. I love to eat there. Sure enjoy your newsletter." -Iva Lee Quetone Click Here - Click Here - Click Here
"A few weeks ago someone was asking about the name of the recently demolished movie theatre in Coalgate. The name of it was the wig-wam. If I remember right, it had a wig-wam painted on the front of it." -melinda taylor
"A neighbor of our passed away here and I am trying to help his wife deal with some of his "estate". If you know of anyone who has any use for boat type paint (linear polyurethane) could you have them contact me. He has 300 1 gal cans of white & grey boat paint in storage in Okla City. Thanks." JoAN email: Serratas@webtv.net http://www.trailerboats.com/output.cfm?id=945379 http://www.sailnet.com/collections/articles/index.cfm?articleid=caseyd019 http://www.vsdev.com/botanybay/botanybay/Projects/PaintingWithLP/PaintingWithLP.htm
'Don't Break the Heart That Loves You'
By Connie Francis, #1 Pop/Rock song in 1962Don't break the heart that loves you, handle it with care
Don't break the heart that needs you, darlin', please be fair
Why do you flirt and constantly hurt me
Why do you treat our love so carelessly
You know I'm jealous of you and yet you seem to try
To go out of your way to be unkind
Sweetheart, I'm begging of you don't break this heart that loves you
Don't break this heart of mine
Darling, please don't hurt me. Please, don't make me cry. I don't know what I'd do if you'd ever say goodbye. Remember I love you so much and love's life's greatest joy. Please don't break my heart like a child breaks a little toy.
Sweetheart, I'm begging of you don't break this heart that loves you
Don't break this heart of mine
Don't break the heart that loves you, handle it with care
Don't break the heart that needs you, darlin', please be fair
Why do you flirt and constantly hurt me
Why do you treat our love so carelessly
See everyone next week!
Butch Bridges
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443