
Russett Articles from Madill Record – May 8, 1952
-courtesy of Larry Wilcox

Updated July 19, 2003 11:31 PM

Russett Features Athletics, Both Boys and Girls
Russett high school isn’t big enough to turn out state championship football teams—but it has been turning out basketball and softball that have been quite successful in county and regional contests.

The high school boys’ basketball team, coached by Donald C. Murk, has an outstanding record in the district tournament held at Tishomingo each year. The Trophy won again this year made a record of three wins in four years. The same team entered the invitational tournament at Durant and went to the semi-finals there.

In the regional tournament at Tishomingo, Russett lost to McLish. The girls’ basketball team is now coached by B. B. Smith. This team played in the county and district tournament and also the invitation tournament at Tishomingo. The grade school boys’ basketball team won a trophy at the invitation tournament played at Fillmore, and was awarded a trophy.