Russett Articles from Madill Record –
May 8, 1952
July 19, 2003 11:32 PM
Graduation Will Be On May 21
Eight seniors will receive diplomas this year from Russett high School,
it has been announced by Leland Portman, superintendent. Those to receive
diplomas are Ora Mae Smith, Lometa Word, De Lois Coffman, Dale O’Steen,
Lawrence Wilcox, Lavell Cryer, Billy Clark and Donal Serner.
Delois Coffman is valedictorian of her
class. Lometa Word is salutatorian. She also served as secretary of
the senior class. Dale O’Steen is class president and Lawrence Wilcox
is class vice-president.
Commencement exercises will be held at
the school gymnasium at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21. Dr. William
Parrish, acting president of Murray State College, Tishomingo will give
the commencement address.
Baccalaureate will be observed Sunday,
May 18, also at the high school gymnasium. The Rev. Paul Stanley of
Ft. Worth, Tex., who also is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Russett,
will deliver the baccalaureate sermon.
The eighth grade graduation will be held
right along with the high school graduation, Mr. Portman announced.
The eighth graders will be in attendance both at the baccalaureate and
commencement exercises.
Members of the eighth grade graduates are
Wendyl Andrews, Marvin Cryer, Charlie Owen, Larrie Shields, Tommy Taylor,
Sylvester May, William Clark, Gene Underwood, Fay Covington, Lavonia
Jackman, and Verna Crider.