Russett, Oklahoma

The Duncan Family

(editor's note) Jean (Duncan) Graham sent this email that seemed to be a good start for the Duncan website that she and her brother Jack have promised.  So, I included it as a start on the Duncan Family)

I think this Web site is a good thing. I can remember a lot of things that went on there. I remember the cold bus rides to school and when we got there our teacher had the pot belly stove going and a pan of hot chocolate for us to warm up with.


My Dad farmed for Fred Chapman, and though we were poor, we didn't know it. We had the same as everyone else had. That's all we knew.


Its okay by me for you to use  my name in looking for Sarah Helen Ballard. She and I both shared the same birthday, June 18th. I think there would be others who moved away and would like to know what happened to their friends too. I'll get in touch with Jack and see if I can help him with the Duncan story. I am 5 years older hen he is.


I do remember every Christmas every family would bundle up in the evening and go to the school house to see Santa, he would always give out an apple, an orange, and hard ribbon candy. That was the highlight of our times there.


Let me know if I can help you out in any way. Thanks.  - Jean Duncan Graham


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Last modified: 05/27/07