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Russett, Oklahoma

In the 1890s and early 1900s there had been a Baptist Church at Russett, up by the graveyard, named Mt. Zion Baptist Church. This information was provided by Mrs. Carrie Jester who came to Russett in 1893 as a baby and who was saved in August 1910. No other details are known about Mt. Zion Baptist Church. 

According to a newspaper article presumed from the Daily Ardmorite entitled "RUSSETT CHURCH IS RESTORED TO ACTION", meetings of Russett Baptist Church had been discontinued in 1922. The article mentioned no reason for the discontinuation of meetings.

At this time no written record is available (if any exists) concerning the years prior to 1922 or the ten year interval between 1922. and 1932. There has been mention of meetings held in the Russett Baptist Church building of a community nature when any preacher was available, be he Baptist, Methodist, Holiness or some other persuasion preached. Also Brush Arbor Revival meetings were held in the summer seasons in those intervening years.

By the summer of 1932 Baptist people of the Russett Community had begun talking in earnest about reorganizing the church. This culminated in asking Rev. Barnard Franklin to come preach in revival beginning Monday August 31, 1932. The revival services were held through Sunday, August 14th during the course of the revival a meeting on Saturday, August 6, 1932 a meeting to reorganize the church was held.

Rev. Barnard Franklin acted as moderator and Mrs. Alta Dake served as clerk. Enrolled as charter members of the organized Russett Baptist Church were:

                                                 Mrs. J. W. Boyer ........................... by letter

                                                 Mr. Virgel Carpenter ..................... by letter

                                                 Mrs. Mamie Carpenter .................. by letter

                                                 Mrs. Fannie Cumbie ...................... by letter

                                                 Mrs. Alta Dake ............................. by letter

                                                 Mrs. Carrie Jester ........................ by statement

                                                 Mr. L. 0. Triplett ........................... by‑statement

                                                 Mrs. Nema Triplett ....................... by statement


On that same date, 15 came for baptism and 12 came for membership by letter or statement. At the close of the revival services over 100 had been added to the church, 83 of that number coming for baptism. To handle that large number, four baptisms were held in the Washita River.

Rev. Barnard Franklin served as Supply Pastor until a permanent Pastor could b called. Meeting days to be 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

On Sunday August 14, 1932, elected to serve as Delegates to August 25, 26 meeting of the Enon Association were: Rev. Barnard Franklin, Bro. J.D. Womack, Bro. C. H. Cumbie, Bro. O. S. Campbell (Church Treasurer), and Bro. Edwin Campbell.

Russett Baptist Church petitioned for ‑ membership in the Enon Baptist Association $3.00 per month to be paid into the Enon Association, as recorded by church clerk. Allen Williams.

September 11, 1932, elected as Church Finance Committee were: Andrew Wendt, 0. Campbell, C. H. Cumbie, Joan Heady, Edna England and Alta Dake.

At the end of the year 1932 church membership was at last 133 with those coming into church by baptism by far the greater part of this number. There were many saved in services that did not choose to become members.

January 17, 1933: The first Deacons of Russett Baptist Church were ordained in a service with Dr. Dana, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Ardmore, preaching the ordination message. Bro. Murphy, Pastor at Tishomingo and Bro. Barnard Franklin arranged the services. Ordained were C. H. Cumbie and Hurley Dake. As recorded by Alta Dake, Church Clerk.

March 19, 1933: The first Pastor of Russett Baptist Church was called, Bro. Henry Hooter. Pledged on preacher's salary  of $7.75. Alta Dake,-' Church Clerk.

April 30, 1933: Sunday School Organized.

June 5, 1933: Enon Association Workers Conference held at Russett Baptist Church for the first time.

August 1933: Church in Revival.

By the end of the year 1933 the church was more fully established.

In 1934 the second Saturday night of each month as Monthly Business Meeting was established and the fourth-Sunday of each quarter designated to observe the Lord's Supper. A Unified Budget and Graded Sunday School were adopted. Birthday offerings to go to the Orphans Rome in Oklahoma City.

August 1934: Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Williams were elected as messengers to Enon Association Annual Meeting to be held August 30 & 31 at Marietta, Oklahoma.

September 1934: A full slate of Sunday School Officers and teachers were elected for the new church year: Miss Alma Boyer-Church Clerk, Mrs. Alex Williams-Church Treasurer.

October 1934: Church voted to send $1.00 -: per month to Enon Association and $1.00 per month to Cooperative Program.

February 1935: Bro. Henry Hooter resigned as Pastor, resignation accepted by church and letter granted. This entry in February 1935 is the only entry in church minutes for that year.

The only entry to church record of-minutes was a cash roll of 20 people contributions.

Year-1937: Entries recorded for February through August showed amounts paid to Pastor ranging from a low of 39 cents, for one week to a high of $7.56 for three Sundays in April. Bro. Mouser was pastor.

May 2, 1937: The Brotherhood of the church collected money to buy Bro. W. E. Mouser a cow. $7.00 was collected from the men and with $2.75 from the Church Treasury a cow was purchased. Church Clerk was Miss Helen James.

September 1937: Mrs. Carrie Easterwood elected to replace Mrs. Helen Doggett as Church Clerk. A money raising campaign was begun. By the end of October, $137.50 was raised.

December 5, 1937: Pastor W. E. Mouser gave his resignation. Church in conference voted 14-yes and 21-no.

There is a gap in recorded church minutes between December 5, 1937 until March 1939.

March 1939: Brother W. E. Mouser tendered his resignation. Church in conference accepted the resignation.

July 16, 1939: With Mr. C. H. Cumbie acting as moderator the church in conference called Bro. Lee Nail as half time pastor.

August 6, 1939: Bro. Lee Nail preached in revival through August 18th. Nine people were saved and baptized.

December 24, 1939: In special called conference to call a pastor and elect new officers for 1940. Mr. C. H. Cumbie acted as moderator. Bro. Leonard Nail called as Pastor and W. C. Jester elected Church Clerk. In other business, church letter for Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mouser was granted to the Baptist Church of Hanna, OK. (Note: The wife of W. E. Mouser was a relative to Mrs. Carrie Easterwood.)

There is a gap in recorded church minutes between December 24, 1939 until December 29, 1940.

December 29, 1940: In church conference moderated by C. H. Cumbie, Bro. Leonard Nail was called as pastor and Carrie Jester was elected as church clerk. Voted to pay $2.00 each month toward salary of Missionary Bro. Hughes beginning 1‑12‑41.

January 26, 1941: Bro. Loyd Perry elected Church Treasurer.

July 13, 1941: Church in revival. Bro. Ross Hughes, Enon Association Missionary, Bro. Sears, Bro. Jackson from. Ft. Worth Seminary, Bro. Hughes and Pastor Leonard Nail preached. Nine for baptism, five rededications and five for salvation, who chose not to be baptized and join church.

August 24, 1941: In church conference, C. H. Cumbie moderating. Bro. Leonard Nail unanimously called as full time Pastor. Deacon Board elected consisting of Bro. Smith, Shook and Perry. Messengers to the Enon Association Annual Meeting at Wilson, OK, September 4th and 5th elected. Messengers elected were Mrs. Opal Burton, Bro. Donald Martin, and Bro. Alfred Autrey.

September 14, 1941: In church conference voted to pay pastor $96.00 per year to be paid $8.00 on First Sunday of each month. Church minutes and Treasurers report to be given on First Sunday each Month.

November 23, 1941: Ordination of Deacons, Candidates: Willie Shook and Luke Smith. Bro. Freeling did the questioning. Bro. Riley gave the charge to the church Bro. Tennyson gave the ordination sermon.

December 7, 1941: In church conference: Minutes read and approved. Offering of $4.75 and canned goods received for Baptist Orphans Home in Oklahoma City. Voted to help one week revival December 16th through 21st. One saved.

January 25, 1942: In church conference,: Elected Frank Clifton to replace Loyd Perry as Treasurer. Voted to give $2.00 each month to Associational Missions.

July 19, 1942: Report for revival July 12 through 22, recorded 33 saved. 25 baptized, 2 came by letter. Bro. Leonard Nail resigned as pastor.

August 1942: Bro. Denton and Scruggs preached during the month.

August 12, 1942: In church conference Bro. Smith, Bro. Clifton and Bro. Donald Martin were elected as a pulpit committee.

August 30, 1942: Bro. Denton acted as moderator for church conference. Messengers to Enon Association Annual Meeting were elected: They were Bro. Clifton, Bro. Donald Martin, Miss Watts, Miss Henderson and Miss Worley.

September 1942: Bro. Boatman preached first and second Sundays. On the 20th Bro. Leonard Nail preached and was called by the church to be Pastor. Preaching to be first and third Sundays of each month for the coming year. One dollar per month is to be given to the Cooperative Program. As recorded by Carrie Jester Church Clerk.

October 1942: Regular services were held First and Second Sundays‑. Weather conditions prevented services being held third Sunday. No meeting Fourth Sunday.

November 1942: The church voted to send $5.00 for state missions to be used in orphans home and state hospital.

1943: Minutes for January, May and June indicate regular services held.

August 1943: Revival held for ten days. Good attendance, no additions to church. Bro. Raymond Pratt was the preacher.

September 1943: Bro. Leonard Nail resigned as Pastor.

December 19, 1943: Church in conference moderated by Bro. Ross Hughes to consider calling a Pastor. Bro. Martin nominated Bro. Joe Gayle. No other nominations. Call was unanimous. Called for half time work, first and third Sundays. Salary of $7.50 per service voted to be paid. Also voted to pay 50 cents to Home Missions.

July 1944: Church in Revival: Bro. Gayle and Linker preaching. On Fifth Sunday there was dinner at the church. Four were saved and one rededication.

In the years 1944 and 1945, Russett Baptist Church life was fairly normal following an established routine. Preaching appointments were regular. Visiting preachers in the pulpit were numerous. Summer revivals added to the regular harvest of souls. Those saved and baptized, transfers in and out by‑letter, rededications and those saved but not joining the church were numerous.

January 13, 1946: Church in conference: Luke Smith moderated. Ted Davenport called as Pastor.

April 23, 1946: Bro. Ted Davenport resigned as Pastor.

August 11, 1946: Bro. Francis Knight was called as Pastor.

September 8, 1946: Bro. Frances Knight accepted the call as Pastor. Church voted to pay a salary of $24.00 per month to Pastor. Preaching services to be Second and Fourth Sundays. Church voted to start a Building Fund to raise money to build a church building. Building Committee was elected. Members were: Mr. May, Mrs. Dake, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Jester and Bro. Knight. Foreign Missions Offering of $9.40 received on this date and $1.25 on 9‑15‑46. Mrs. Geraldine Cumbie was elected as Treasurer of Building Fund.

December 22, 1946: In church conference: Church voted to change Home Missions Offering and Unified Budget from $2.00 per month each to $1.00 per month each. $5.00 Love Offering sent to the Baptist Orphans Home, Oklahoma City.

1947: Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association formed Russett Baptist Church became apart of this new Association.

April 11, 1948: Bro. Frances Knight resigned as Pastor.

August 1948: Church in revival. Bro. Leonard Nail preaching. Thirteen were saved and baptized.

September 1948: Bro. Henry called as Pastor.

February 1949: Bro. Henry resigned as Pastor.

April 1949: Bro. Leonard Nail called as Pastor.

August 1949: Church in revival: Bro. Shields preaching. Four were saved and baptized.

October 1949: Bro. Don Whitmore called as Pastor.

August 1950: Church in revival. Bro. Cherry, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Madill preaching. 12 conversions were recorded, 10 of these coming for baptism. 7 joined the church by statement, there were 6 rededications. In church conference: Mr. J. E. Word was elected Treasurer and Mrs. Leonard Biles as Church Clerk.

July 1, 1951: Bro. Don Whitmore resigned as pastor at request of church. Geraldine Cumbie was elected Church Clerk.

August 5, 1951: Church in revival: Bro. Charles A. Montgomery, Johnston‑Marshall Association Missionary, preaching. There were 13 conversions, 7 rededications and 2 coming by letter. There were 4 baptized coming from other denominations. Three sermons preached by Bro. Eulis Johnson of Marietta filling pulpit.

September 2, 1951: Church in conference: Approved budget Unified Budget $18.00 per year, Association Missions $24.00 per year. Church Officers and teachers for the new year were elected. Rev. Paul Stanley was called as pastor.

December 2, 1951: Lottie Moon offering of $31.22 was received. This was first Lottie Moon Offering of the church.

December 16, 1951: Christmas program presented in evening service.

January 1952: Bro. Paul Stanley salary set at $5.00 and $10.00 for expenses until rescinded by church.

February 1952: Church in conference: Voted to hold Youth Revival, April 4‑6. VBS cancelled due to summer term of Elementary School. New Deacons were nominated for ordination. Nominated were Art Looney, Leonard Biles, Fred Henry, Edgar Word and L. W. Easterwood.

March 1952: Lord's Supper service set presented to church. Mrs. Looney and Mrs. Henry appointed to keep and be responsible for it. Young people are having Bible Study in homes on Wednesday night.

April 1952: Youth Revival held: Bro. Paul Stanly brought 4 young people from Seminary (2 Boys ‑2 Girls) who gave testimonies and messages. There were 4 conversions and 11 rededications Sunday, April 20th, Bro. Paul Stanley was ordained as a minister of the gospel and Leonard Biles and L. W. Easterwood were ordained as Deacons. Lord's Supper was also observed.

May 1952: Bro. Paul Stanley was called as full time Pastor, effective June 1, 1952. Voted to organize an Adult Training Union. Getting insurance on church building discussed.

August 17, 1952: Church in revival for two weeks: Rev. Fred Holloman, preaching. 10 were saved, 6 came by letter and there were 20 rededications

September 1952: Church in conference: Elected to serve as messengers to Johnston/Marshall Association Annual Meeting, September 25th were: Paul Stanley, Jewell Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Biles, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Cumbie, Mrs. Austin, and Mrs. Easterwood.

October 1952: Church Building Fund Committee members appointed. Members were Mr. A. W. Looney, Woodrow Roberts, Clifton Davis, Willis Andrews and Leonard Biles.

November 1952: Church well represented at School of Missions at Mannsville, October 31st, November 1st, and 2nd. Rev. Julian Bridges of Florida was in the church November 2nd to tell of their work as Missionaries in Mexico and show some films,

December 1952: Twenty‑three attended "M" Night on the 5th at Little City Baptist Church. Rev. Charles Darling and Rev. Eugene Troope filled pulpit during month. Bro. Paul Stanley went home to Virginia for Christmas.

January 1953: Lottie Moon Offering received was $68.42. Church voted to send this money to Miss Catherine Chappell Missionary in Brazil. Miss Chappell with a team of four others came and held a "Youth Revival" at Russett in April. Sixteen (16) names were removed from church roll by vote of the church.

February 1953: Bro. Weldon Estes visited filling pulpit for both services on the 8th. A teachers study course was begun by Bro. Paul Stanley this same date.

March 1953: Johnston‑Marshall Monthly Workers Conference held at Russett School House with about 190 present. Rev. E. W. Adell and Paul Stanley preached in each others pulpit on the 29th.

April 1953: Youth Revival 9th ‑ 12th, Paul Stanley and 4 Youth from Seminary preached and brought testimonies. One was saved, there were several rededications, and four came for baptism from other denominations. Later in the month two came by letter and one was saved.

May 1953: Baccalaureate Sermon preached by Bro. Paul Stanley on May 10th. Three were saved and baptized during month. Nominating Committee elected to contact prospects for officers and teachers for next year.

June 1953: ‑ Lawrence Lemons, born and raised in Russett, brought June 28th morning message. He is called of God and doing a good work in Oklahoma City. Received word from another Russett man, F. E. "Jack" James, who is pastoring a church at Seminole, Oklahoma.

July 1953: ‑ Church in Revival, beginning 20th. Bro. Paul Wheelus of Kingston, preaching. Seven conversions, nine re‑dedications, one came by letter. Four came for rededications and baptism.

August 1953: A new budget adopted for coming church year totaling $1,675.00. A slate of 28 officers and teachers were elected. Twelve names removed from church rolls by their request. Associational Annual Meeting to be held at Wapanucka, September 24th. Twelve elected as messengers.

December 1953: Lottie Moon Offering received was $80.34. The Adult Sunday school class was divided into men's and women's classes. Three names removed from church roll at their request. Sunday School Treasury, $355.45, Building Fund, $1849.99. Rev. Woods from Hugo, OK filled pulpit in absence of Pastor on 20th.

January 1954: First National Bank of Madill, OK contributed $100.00 to Building Fund. Lottie Moon Offering of $80.34 was sent again to Miss Catherine missionary to Brazil. Voted to hire carpenter to help finish new building. In revival beginning 18th, Rev. Lewis Clarke, Pastor in Seadrift, Texas, preaching. No conversions.

February 1954: Church furniture ordered. Some land was rented again from Mr. Fred Chapman Sr. to plant a crop. Sale of the crop is to help finance building.

March 1954: Bought 100 new song books for church. Women of church given permission to sell the old piano and use that money as a down payment on a new piano. Quilts were also quilted by women of the Home Makers Club (most members were also members of church) and sold to raise money for the new piano, church furniture etc.

May 1954: Bro. Paul Stanley preached Baccalaureate message at High School Auditorium on the 9th. Pews arrived 22nd and services were held in the new building the next day, Sunday, May 23, 1954.

June 1954: $25.00 contributed to Brotherhood Revival at Tishomingo "Y". Sunday night services dismissed to attend that revival service.

July 1954: Church Dedication held on July 4, 1954. Bro. Paul Stanley resigned as Pastor effective August 1, 1954. Pulpit Committee appointed. Preacher from Seminary at Ft. Worth sought.

August 1954: Bro. Cecil Thompson asked to serve as Interim Pastor. He is from the Seminary.

September 1954: Church in revival began August 25 and ran through September 5 with four conversions, two rededications. $1653.50 Budget adopted for new church year. A slate of 21 officers and teachers were elected.

October 1954: Bro. Cecil Thompson called as regular pastor.

November 1954: Church had a cotton crop. A. W. Looney and Leonard Biles appointed to sell cotton crop. One name removed from church roll by request.

December 1954: Lottie Moon Offering received was $90.84. January Bible Study planned.

February 1955: Church Covenant from "Pendletons Church Manual" adopted to be used as part of worship service.

March 1955: Love Offering for Boys Ranch voted. May 1st dedicated as "Dollar Day" for this offering. Church voted to have a church crop again this year.

April 1955: Bro. Cecil Thompson submitted resignation effective May 15, 1955. Resignation accepted.

May 1955: Pulpit Committee elected. Bro. Archie Crawford called as pastor on May 29, 1955.

August 1955: Nominating Committee elected. In revival beginning August 19 Bro. with Edd Bennell from Denton, Texas preaching. Three conversions, several rededications. Two saved that chose not to unite with church.

September 1955: Slate of 34 officers and teachers elected for new church year. $5.00 contributed to Sunday School Clinic at First Baptist Church, Madill. Church Bulletins discontinued. Archie Crawford ordained as minister of gospel and A. W. Looney ordained as deacon on September 18, 1955.

October 1955: Baptismal Services held at First Baptist Church, Tishomingo on 2nd. Deacons given authority to handle church crop. Budget for new church year in amount of $1766.62 adopted.

December 1955: Rev. Cecil Crawford resigned on 18th to be effective January 15, 1956. Resignation accepted. Pulpit Committee appointed and approved by church.

January 1956: Pulpit filled on 8th by Charles Rodder of Sherman, Texas, on 22nd by Wesley Mitchell from Bromide, OK, on the 29th by Beeler Morris from Fort Worth, Texas. Three saved, two came by letter, one rededication, and one for baptism from another denomination.

February 1956: Church in conference: moderated by Leonard Biles. Voted to call Bro. Beeler Morris as pastor. Baptismal services held at First Baptist Church in Madill on 26th.

March 1956: Church voted to have a crop again this year. Slate of Four Brotherhood Officers elected.

May 1956: Church voted to paint outside of church building. Building Fund money to be used.

August 1956: Church in revival, 5th through 15th. Five saved, One came by statement, Three came for baptism, that had been saved earlier, one came for baptism from another denomination. Baptizing held the 26th at Mill Creek Dam.

September 1956: Church in conference elected 4 messengers to Johnston‑Marshall Association Annual Meeting. Slate of 34 officers and teachers elected for new church year. Church Budget adopted. Pastor's salary increased to $20.00 weekly. Cooperative Program giving increased to $12.70, Associational Missions giving increase to $5.70, Building Fund decreased from $20.70 to $15.70. Amount of $1.75 weekly set aside for building insurance.

January 1957: Offering of $5.75 for film shown here. It will be kept by Johnston Marshall Baptist Association to be shown other times in other churches.

April 1957: Eggs for Orphans Home to be brought week before Easter instead of Easter Sunday. Church in revival beginning Friday night, April 19th through Sunday, April 21st. Bro. Milton Gardner of Ft. Worth, Texas preaching.' Three saved, four come by letter.

June 1957: ‑ Church in conference voted to send some chickens to Baptist Orphans Home. More resident membership roll to be canvassed by letter in order to be brought up to date.

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Inside Church - 1957

Church Leaders - 1957

Church Deacons - 1957

(l-r) Leonard Biles, Ott Looney, L. W. Easterwood

Pastor with Deacons - 1957

Pastor Bro. Beeler Morris & Wife - 1957

August 1957: Church in conference: Voted to appoint church families alphabetically to clean the church each month.

September 1957: Church in revival 1st through 15th. Fourteen saved, six came by letter and two were saved that chose not to unite with church. Church budget adopted. State of 21 officers and teachers elected for new church year. Pastor's salary increased to $25.00 per week.

November 1957: Bro. Beeler Morris offered his resignation on the 3rd to be effective on November 17, 1957. He accepted a call to Gene Autry Baptist Church. Resignation accepted. Deacons designated as a pulpit committee. Church Budget revised to decrease Building Fund to $10.70, decrease Cooperative Program to 12 % and decreased pastor's salary to $20.00 weekly. $50.00 was transferred from Building Fund to Regular Church Treasury. Bro. Milton Gardner of Ft. Worth, Texas was called to be the pastor on November 24, 1957 on recommendation of the Deacons.

December 1, 1957: Bro. Milton Gardner accepted pastorate and he and his wife joined the church by letter.

January 1958: Bro. Milton Gardner away in revival first two weeks.

February 1958: Plate offering from February 16 service given to Oklahoma Baptist University toward the erection of a College Chapel. Choir practice continued on Wednesday night. (See picture on back)

March 1958. Cooperative Program budget increased from 12 % to 15 %. Church covenant put in back of song books.

April 1958: Purchased fifteen choir books at seventy five cents each.

May 1958: Baptismal services held at First Baptist Church, Madill for six candidates.

August 1958: Church in revival 14th ‑ 31st. Three came by letter, one for baptism from another denomination, one saved but chose not to unite with church.

September 1958: Baptismal services held at First Baptist Church, Madill for one candidate.

November 1958: Bro. Milton Gardner offered his resignation on the 16th to accept Clarksville Baptist Church of Gladewater, Texas. Resignation accepted. Deacons plus Mr. Portman and Mr. Mc Donald elected to serve as Pulpit Committee.

December 1958: Deacons recommended that a call be given to Bro. Rodney Ray De Loach to come as pastor. Vote was unanimous in favor.

During the year of 1959 through the summer months the activities of the church were routine. There were numerous transfers by letter from the church. This was a trend that had occurred all during the 1950's. With the consolidation of Russett School into other school systems and young adults seeking further education and/or employment elsewhere the community began to decline.

August 1959: Church in revival. Bro. Riley from Texas preaching. Seven saved and baptized. Sixteen saved but choosing not to unite with church by baptism. One came by letter.

October 1959: Church in conference: Bro. Rodney Ray De Loach offered his resignation effective October 18th. Accepted by church. Pulpit Committee of five members elected.

November 1959: Church in conference: Church extended a call to Virgil Barrin but he declined. On the 29th a call was extended to Bobby Stripling to pastor church. He accepted.

January ‑ May 1960: Church activity routine. Still some decline in church members. No money in treasury in April. Egg offering for the Oklahoma City Orphans Home taken after Easter.

June 5, 1960: Church in conference: Bro. Bobby Stripling offered his resignation effective June 19, 1960. Church accepted. Pulpit committee of five members elected.

August 7, 1960: Church in conference; Extended a call to Bro. Kenneth Cauthen to pastorate. Letter to Bro. Milton Gardner former pastor, in regard to preaching a revival in November.

September 1960: Church in conference: Elected 23 officers and teachers for new church year. Associational letter approved.

November 1960: Revival held 21st to 27th. One saved and baptized.

December 1960: Film on Missions rented and shown on 18th.

January ‑ December 1961: Easter Sunrise Service observed. Baccalaureate services, moved to church. "Dollar Day" offering for Baptist Golden Age Home taken. Weekend revival in April. V.B.S. planned. Cemetery work day scheduled June 24th. Baptismal services September 11th for five candidates. Associational letter approved, three messengers elected. Church sign painted, building repairs started. Christmas program on 24th. Member numbers continue to decline.

January ‑ June 1962: Cooperative program giving reduced in order to meet financial obligations. To be raised again when possible. Work day at church site for April 11th. Bro. Kenneth Cauthan resigned effective May 13th. His plans were to enter school at Marshall, Texas. June 24th church in conference voted to call Bro. Edd Vernon as pastor. Call unanimous. He accepted call.

July 22, 1962: Ordination service held at 2:30. Bro. Edd Vernon‑was ordained to the gospel ministry. Bro. Leonard Nail was in charge of the service. Pastor of Little City Baptist Church, Bro. Wilson brought the message. Church in revival July 22nd through August 1, 1962. Bro. Edd Vernon preached both Sunday services with Bro. Frank Jennings, Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association Missionary, preaching the remainder of the services. Four saved, one rededication, one came by letter. Love Offering of $75.00 given to Bro. Frank Jennings, $25.00 to Bro. Edd Vernon.

August 12, 1962: Baptismal services held 3:00 pm at First Baptist Church, Madill for four candidates. In church conference: Five officers elected for new church year.

August 19, 1962: In church conference: Church voted 15 % to Cooperative Program and 5 % to Associational Missions. Associational letter read and approved.

September 2, 1962: In church conference: Elected twelve new teachers for new church year.

October ‑ December 1962: Church budget adopted for new year. Training Union has moved to 6:00 PM. Other church activity routine.

January ‑ December 1963: Piano tuned at a cost of $15.00. Annie Armstrong Offering of $16.02 received. Two days of prayer held for Annie Armstrong Offering by W.M.U. Saw owned by church sold. Church authorized payment of $20.00 for Supply Pastors. New flag bought for auditorium. V.B.S. date of July 29th set. Elected five church officers for new church year. Associational letter approved. Bro. Edd Vernon offered his resignation September 8th, for health reasons. Church voted not to accept, but for Bro. Vernon to send a supply pastor until his health allowed him to resume his pastoral duties. Five more saved and baptized during month of September. Bro. Easterwood went to dedication of new B.S.U. Building at Murray College, Tishomingo. $2.00 per month to go toward this new building. Associational Missions increased by 1%. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering received.

January ‑ December 1964: In church conference: Purchase of 80 new Baptist Hymnals approved. March 8th, Bro. Edd Vernon gave his resignation and church accepted. April 5th, church called Bro. Royce Laster by unanimous vote. He accepted. May 3rd, a Baptistery Painting "River Scene" presented to church by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dry, in memory of her mother. Church voted to accept gift of the painting. It hangs on the wall behind choir loft. V.B.S. date set for July 20‑24 to be followed by a Youth Revival to be led by Bro. Wallace. A set of books as a love offering was given Bro. Wallace. Bro. Frank Jennings, Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association Missionary served as Principal of V.B.S. Teachers and Officers elected for new church year. Associational letter approved. Other activity for 1964 routine.

January ‑ December 1965: Church voted to support School of Missions financially week of October 31 ‑ November 5th. Propane bill paid out of Building Fund in February. Egg Offering for Orphans Home sit for April 25. $40.00 a month designated as housing allowance for Bro. Laster. Spring Revival by Bro. Montgomery. Four saved and baptized, two rededications. Training Union literature dropped for summer quarter. Building Fund eliminated. Letter to Texarkana, Texas Draft Board to reclassify Bro. Laster draft status authorized in September. Special offering taken for church literature, $11.90 received. Bro. Royce Laster turned in his resignation. December 5th. Church voted to accept resignation. Deacons elected to act as a Pulpit Committee.  

January ‑ December 1966: Bro. Edd Vernon served as Interim Pastor beginning in February. Seven additions in February, One saved and baptized, six by letter and one rededication. Week of Prayer held in March by W. M. U. March 20th, Bro. Edd Vernon called as full time Pastor and he accepted. Pastor’s salary raised $25.00 per month. Average Sunday School attendance, 21 in April. Building Fund opened again with $10.70 of church collection to go to it. Love Offering of $50.00 give in May to Bro. Frank Jennings for his support of Russett Baptist Church and Associational work. Church in August voted to pay Sewing Club light bill. Three saved in August services. Church voted to by storm windows, using regular account money. One saved in September services. $10.00 Love Offering given to First Baptist Church, Madill for use of their baptistery. Two baptized in October, three in November.

January ‑ December 1967: Bro. Edd Vernon absent from pulpit several times, due to health. $2.00 per month was being contributed toward .Associational Missionaries house in Madill. Bro. Edd Vernon gave his resignation August 27 for health reasons. Church accepted. Pulpit committee named. September 10 Church extended call to Bro. Jerry Jones to serve as pastor. He accepted.

January ‑ December 1968: Church voted to participate in Crusade of America Revival, March 16‑30, 1969 with a census chairman elected. V.B.S. planned for summer but later cancelled for the year. Venetian blinds re‑taped. 1968 year church activities followed a normal pattern. There were several additions to the church by baptism and letter, and also numerous letters granted to other churches. Several dismissals.

January ‑ December 1969: Church activity routine. V.B.S. and Revival services planned Pastors salary raised by $5.00. Pastor attended Baptist Convention Annual Meeting and a Family Re‑Union. Church sprayed for termites.

January ‑  December 1970: Church building repainted. Bro. Jones attended Baptist Convention Annual Meeting. Church voted to pay him during his absence. Church is involved in Johnston‑Marshall Association activities during the year. Members were receiving the Baptist Messenger Paper and in general church program of work was routine.

January ‑ December 1971: Piano tuned by Leslie Bell in January, cost was $90.00. B.S.U. at Murray College, Tishomingo held a Crusade. Church gave $30.00 for that Crusade. Church paid $5.00 each time yard was mowed. Bro. Jerry Jones resigned as Pastor on July 4th. Resignation to be effective last Sunday in July. Church accepted resignation and Pulpit Committee elected. Church gave $9.72 to Johnston‑Marshall Association to help defray cost of advertising against Liquor by the Drink. October 24, Bro. Ben Shirley extended a call to serve as Pastor. He accepted and on November 14, 1971 he was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in a service moderated by Rev. Olan Bonner, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Mannsville. Bro. W. E. Lehr served as clerk. The candidate was presented by Deacons Leonard Biles and A. W. Looney. Bro. J. M. Cloud Supply Pastor of Bullard Chapel gave the Ordination Prayer and Deacon L. W. Easterwood made the Bible presentation. Bro. Frank Jennings, Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association Missionary examined the candidate and Bro. Francis Milburn Roundtree, Pastor of Liberty Baptist Chapel, Duncan brought the charge and delivered the sermon (at the candidates request) others on the ordaining council were: Bro. Larry Barlow, Pastor of Ravia Baptist Church, Bro. Bill D. Wheat, Pastor of Cumberland Baptist Church, Bro. Wesley Mitchell, Pastor of Coleman Baptist Church, Bro. Odus L. Frederich, Pastor of Wapanucka Baptist Church. Bro. W. W. Denton, Retired Minister, Madill, Bro. Charlie Collins, Deacon of Bromide Baptist Church, Bro. Bryan Muncrief, Deacon of Bromide Baptist Church, Bro; J. L. Smith, Deacon of Ravia Baptist Church.

January ‑ December 1972: All day Singing with preaching and lunch, April 1st. Six baptized in February and six in May, baptized at Mannsville. Revival held June 4‑11; Bro. Henry Green paid $20.00 for help in revival. Bro. Ben Shirley resigned in July. Pulpit committee elected. August 20 call to pastorate extended to Bro. Robert Gilbert. He accepted

January ‑ December 1973: The $2.00 that had been given toward Johnston‑Marshall Assoc. Missionary home in Madill was changed to go toward B.S.U. building, Murray College, Tishomingo upon the pay off of the home. Bro. Robert Gilbert resigned as pastor in June. Pulpit Committee elected. August 12, Bro. Glen Carman was extended a call to pastorate. He accepted. Prayer meetings dismissed until crops harvested. October 7 Ordination service for Glen Carman to the Gospel Ministry. Deacon L.W. Easterwood presented the candidate and Bro. Ben Shirley conducted the examination. Bro. Ernie Boatwright, Pastor of Enos Baptist Church, at the request of the candidate, brought the charge and preached the sermon. Deacon Leonard Biles prayed the ordination prayer and Deacon A.W. Looney made the Bible presentation. Bro. Frank Jennings was Council Clerk. Bro. Ron Forsythe also served on the council.

January ‑ December 1974: Way to get water to church and build bathrooms discussed. Insurance premiums went up. Summer Missionary sought for 1975. Annual meeting of Johnston‑Marshall Association to be held at Wapanucka Baptist Church. Bro. Glenn Carman resigned as pastor. Bro. H. L. Mason was extended a call to the pastorate. He accepted.

January ‑ December 1975: Church in conference in February voted to carpet the church, $400.00 raised. Bill for carpet was $678.30 and was paid complete in July. Voted to participate in “Victory in Jesus” Crusade in Tishomingo. Furnished refreshments for December Youth Rally. Christmas gift of $100.00 given Bro. Mason.

January ‑ December 1976: In June the Russett School Graduation Class pictures dating back to 1940, along with trophy cases and school trophies were placed in a class room for keeping. A large picture frame with pictures of young men from Russett in the Armed Services during W. W. II is also hung in this class room. This is always a point‑of interest to former residents and graduates. Evening church services dismissed for indefinite period in June.

January ‑ December 1977: Concern expressed about maintaining insurance on church property. Church year activities routine.

January ‑ December 1978: Church needs repainting; Leonard Engald hired to do the painting. The siding on the church was green wood when put on in the early 1950's and will not take paint very well, require frequent paint jobs. Pastor’s salary raised from $25.00 to $35.00 weekly. Covering the pews discussed. (Cushions purchased in August.)

January ‑ December 1979: In the spring Bro. H. L. Mason passed away. He had been in poor health for some time. A Love Offering of $100.00 given to Mrs. H. L. "Marie" Mason. Three deacons and their wives elected as a pulpit committee. Aug 12 a call to the pastorate was extended to D. T. "Tom" Frank. He was in an interim pastorate at Little City Baptist Church at the time. Pastor’s salary was to be $25.00 per week with a deferred salary amount to be paid into Ministers Annuity Plan. Discussed a water line to church and bathroom in October. Pastors father Mr. M. D. Frank, retired minister preached October 28, Thanksgiving "Pot Luck" supper was set for  November 16. Christmas Tree program planned for December 16.

January ‑ December 1980: Church in conference voted to participate in World Mission Conference. $20.00 given toward expenses. $50.00 given to Mother's Day Offering. Building Fund and regular checking account combined to save on service charges. Church year mostly routine.

January ‑ December 1981: Due to problems keeping the church buildings exterior painted, vinyl siding was installed at a cost of approx. $4500.00. For many years the only restroom facilities were men and women outhouses at opposite corners, at rear of the church grounds. Water was run up the hill from Pettijohn Springs Roads to the Church. The nursery room was divided in half by a wall and indoor restrooms built. Nursery room was moved across the vestibule to another room. Propane is used to heat the building in the fall and winter months. Open space heaters were the only heat source for many years. With 10 feet ceilings and lighter warm air rising, your feet and legs got chilled. A central heat and air conditioning system was installed with outlets to every area. A great improvement. Two old ceiling fans were replaced in the sanctuary with new reversible motor fans. This also helped. All the work on the restrooms and central air system was done by the men of the church. Teachers and officers elected for new church year. Church letter approved. Messengers to Annual Association elected. $2.00 per month for B.S.U. added to budget.

January ‑ December 1982: The church had not been able to afford insurance on church for several years. Due to recent improvements to the building insurance was purchased. Church checking account changed to NOW Account to earn interest. Phyliss Adams, former missionary to South America and daughter of Lyndol Adams, Trinity Southern Baptist Church, Madill, Pastor, gave a talk and showed a film. $25.00 love offering given. All the venation blinds on church windows replaced. One of our 8 foot folding tables was destroyed when it fell out of a pickup truck, it was replaced at a cost of $52.00. $5.00 per month budgeted to pay toward Falls Creek Cabin note. Cabin owned by Johnston-Marshall Baptist Association. $25.00 given as love offering for Charlie Hargraves Retirement Tree.

January ‑ December 1983: The church roof was covered by slate shingles. Due to hail and wind damaged the roof, leaked in places, hard to find or repair. The ceiling tile inside were badly stained as a result of the leaks. The slate roof shingles were removed and replaced with asphalt composition shingles at a cost of $1600.00. The double front doors of the church need to be replaced and a carpenter was hired to do this work. Some of the woodwork in the front of the building was also showing signs of termite damage and exterminator was hired to termite proof this portion of the building. The ceiling in the sanctuary was in bad shape due to years of roof leaks and was replaced at the same time the front doors were changed out. Due to vandalism in the community and arson to one or two old houses it was decided to start locking the church. The church building had not been locked since it was built. A sad commentary of our times. Church Christmas program set December 11. Church membership roll show a fairly static condition.

January ‑ December 1984: Chris Stephens gave a singing concert in April was paid $25.00. A Brush Arbor Revival was held June 17‑24 by the Johnston Marshall Baptist Association with Russett Baptist Church hosting. Pastors of several Association churches will do the preaching. Church gave $50.00 for related expenses. Church services and baptizing held at Lake Texoma, July 29. Fire extinguishers purchased for the church. Pastor Tom Frank preached at Trinity Southern Baptist Church, August 19, Anniversary service. Our church was invited to the services and lunch. $100.00 sent to help in costs to fight Liquor By The Drink in Oklahoma. Second Brush Arbor Revival held August 12‑19 by Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association. at Four Corners, south of Kingston in the Woodville‑McBride area of Marshall County. These two Brush Arbor Revivals were the first held in this area for nearly 50 years. We have been without a pianist and Mrs. Valerie Bartee, member of Oakview Baptist Church agreed to be temporary pianist, paid $25.00 per week. New floor tile installed in bathrooms. A water pipe burst in the bathrooms and flooded the bathrooms and sanctuary. Carpet in sanctuary was replaced with a plush crimson carpet, choir loft also covered. Partially paid for with insurance money. New vacuum cleaner needed for new carpet, two ladies of church authorized to purchase one. Teachers and officers elected for new church year. Cooperative program giving raised 2%.

January ‑ December 1985: A box of 50 New Testaments purchased for giving during visitation and other occasions. $5.00 per month given to Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association designated for radio time for daily devotionals and radio station KMAD. Spring revival held jointly with Trinity Southern Baptist Church. Russett Baptist Church hosted preaching by pastor of Trinity, Bro. Lyndol Adams. Bro. Tom Frank our pastor led the singing. Revival‑March 17‑22. A spring thunder storm came up one night and we lost all electric power. Bro. Lyndol Adams continued preaching in the dark, it was an unusual experience for all. No decisions for baptism, several re‑dedications. Revival resulted in a fresh spirit in our church with additions coming later. A new 12 x 12 metal storage building was purchased, to store tables and chairs stacked in classrooms. Members had been using our mowers to‑maintain church lawn, a riding mower was purchased to make the job easier. Stored in metal building. World Missions Conference to be held in our church, November 17‑24. $100.00 voted toward underwriting same. Our church pianist passed away. $100.00 given to Cancer Reach Out fund in memory of our pianist Darlene Jester. Metal building was broken into and our riding lawn mower and a power weed eater were stolen. It was decided by the church that to buy another with insurance money would simply result in another theft. It was decided to use the insurance money of over $1000.00 underwrite hiring of lawn mowing for $35.00 each‑time. Church voted to have all pews including the choir loft upholstered seat and back. The old cushions were given to McAlester Baptist Church, Max Clark, Pastor. $50.00 contributed toward re‑carpeting of B.S.U. Building. We also provided for one noon meal at B.S.U. during month of November. Same officers and teachers kept for new church year.

January ‑ December 1986: Church in conference voted to give $350.00 to Building Fund for new Johnston Marshall Baptist Association Building to be erected on acreage at a sight between Madill and Tishomingo. Voted to give $20.00 per month support for the Spanish Mission in Madill. The church was broken into and a Nursery Dept. storage cabinet damaged, two window screens were also damaged. Same teachers and officers was kept for new, church year. A Peavy Sound system was purchased with 3 microphones and a tape deck. Messengers elected to Annual Meeting at Milburn, October 20.

January ‑ December 1987: Church in conference voted to purchase and install 3 smoke detectors for church building. Mrs. Carrie Jester, the last surviving charter member of our church, passed away, April 12. She was a source of courage and inspiration. The last few years of her life she was unable to attend regular church services. But she continued to send her tithe. $100.00 was contributed to the Arthritis Foundation in memory of Mrs. Jester. The Spanish mission and radio devotional time still supported financially. The two ‑ side doors were replaced because of warping. A motion detector security light was installed at the front of our building. A 4' x 8' church sign and flower planter box were built at the northwest from corner of our building. Officers and teachers for new year elected. Budget to remain the same. Mr. Guy Long and his wife Erma were called as our Music Director and Pianist.

January ‑ December 1988: The church gave Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Biles a VCR as a going away gift and a plaque in recognition of their years of service in the church. A love offering of $200.00 was given for C. B. Forguson. Church sign up at highway was repainted. Church to have a supper once a month either at the church or go out. Bro. Carl Mackey taught "The Doctrine ‑ of the Priesthood of the Believer". April 16‑17. Church gave a $200.00 honorarium. Later the Mackeys gave the church an automatic coffee maker. Church gave $50.00 for expenses of the Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association Revival Crusade, held under a tent on the Association grounds. Officers and teachers elected for new church year. Budget to remain the same. Annual church letter was read and approved. A special Christmas services to be held at Brookside Manor Nursing Home.

January ‑ December 1989: Pastor, Tom Frank taught the study course book "John" in January. $75.00 given to Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association toward the purchase of a neon light sign at front of association property. Church gave $275.00 love offering for Mrs. Carrie Easterwood for health care. A plaque was given to L. W. "Boss" Easterwood in recognition of his years of service as a deacon in our church. $30.00 love offering given to Don Clark as a going away gift. He is going to Enon Association as Director of Missions. A new light was installed in the vestibule. $200.00 given to Mr. and Mrs. Don Eddington for expenses of Don's stay in the hospital at Oklahoma City. Recognition was given Bro. Tom Frank for his 10th year as our pastor and he was presented with a check for $100.00. Church officers and teachers elected for new church year. Budget to be left the same. Budget amount of $5.00 monthly to Johnston-Marshall Association Building Fund was changed to go into B.S.U. budget item increasing it to $10.00. Christmas Eve party had to be cancelled due to bad weather.

Old Fashioned Brush Arbor Revival

Brought to you through the combined efforts of the 27 churches of Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association, Inc.

Russett, Oklahoma

June 17‑24

7:45 Nightly

In the Churchyard Of Russett

Baptist Church

Preaching, Music, Praise, Praying

Everyone Welcome

These men will be preaching:


June 17 Rev. Jeff Flowers, Pastor Mannsville

June 18 Rev. Lyndol Adams, Pastor Trinity, Madill

June 19 Rev. Tom Frank, Pastor Russett

June 20 Rev. Archie Klusmeyer, Pastor Mill Creek

June 21 Rev. Charlie Westbrook, Pastor Little City

June 22 Rev. Roy Ed Vinson, Pastor Lebanon

June 23 Rev. Darrel Heath, Pastor Milburn

June 24 Rev. Ron Crews, Pastor Oakview


Johnston-Marshall Plans Old‑time Revival


Russett –Those words come from an old George Jones song called “Old Brush Arbors" that describes the old‑fashioned outdoor revival meeting places made of wooden poles and brush roofs.


Time was when brush arbors could be found along a dusty country road and in­ side would be a group of hand‑clapping, gospel­ singing believers who didn't seem to mind the heat, the bugs or the dark­ness when the sun finally set.


Brush arbors are few and far between these days. In fact, not only have many young preachers never ex­perienced holding a revival in one and a lot have never‑even attended a brush arbor service according toa group of men who are planning to hold a week­long brush arbor revival here next week.


"That's really one of the reasons we wanted to have it," said Darrel Heath, pas­tor of the Milburn Baptist Church. "Some of the youn­ger preachers have never even been to one."


The revival, which will run from June 17 to June 24, will indeed be a unique experience for some of the eight area pastors who will be bringing the nightly messages. The preachers include Jeff Flowers, Mannsville First Baptist; Lyndel Adams, Trinity Southern Baptist in Madill; Tom Frank, Russett Baptist; Charlie Westbrook, Little City Baptist; Archie Klusmeyer, Mill Creek Baptist; Roy Vinson Lebanon Baptist; Darrel Heath, Milburn and Ron Crews, Oakview Baptist in Madill.

The brush arbor revival is a mission project of the Baptist Men of the Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association, of which Don Clark Is director.


"We started talking about having one last winter when we were talking about things that used to bring people together in days gone by," Clark said. "After that, we decided to have two of these."


The other one will be held at Four Corners near Kingston from Aug. 19‑26.


The last brush arbor revival that anyone can remember at Russett was back in 1935, and the people here are really excited about this one.


"We hope to do two things," Heath said. "Strengthen the work here at Russett and win people to Christ.”


Russett's pastor, Tom Frank, said brush arbors once had an appeal to country folks that indoor church services just didn't have. He and the other pastors hope this service will do the same.


"There'll be plenty of ice water for everyone," he said. "And lots of old fashioned singing and good will be trees on the west side that will knock off a lot of the sun and there will be willow brush on the top."


For those worried about ticks and chiggers, the men plan to spray the ground to eliminate that problem.


The attendance committee has a goal of bringing at least six people from the 27 member‑churches of the Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association to the revival each night. If the committee is successful, the revival may have to be moved from under the brush roof to out under the stars. Whatever the case, Russett's brush arbor revival will be something the folks of this area haven't seen for many a moon.


January ‑ December 1990: A group of B.S.U. singers presented a concert on Sunday Evening April 22. A love offering of $50.00 was sent to the B.S.U. On May 6th "The Cox Family" sang in concert and sang again the morning in worship service. A love offering was given to this group, $250.00. Officers and teachers elected for new church year. Budget to continue the same. Messengers elected to Annual Meeting October 15, at Tishomingo, First Baptist Church. Birthday Party held December 18 for Bro. Tom Frank.


January ‑ December 1991: Our Church Treasurer for over 30 years, and a Deacon, Bro. A. W. Looney died January 17. His funeral was held at our church and the sanctuary was completely filled. Soon after on March 6 our Music Director D. G. Long died. His service was held at Watts Funeral Chapel in Madill. Then on April 19, a long time member (41 years), and a Deacon, Bro. Leonard E. Biles died. His service was held at Watts Funeral Chapel in Madill. These deaths in quick succession were a serious blow to the life of our church. Church voted to give $100.00 to the B.S.U. instead of trying to take arts and crafts items to a Art and Crafts Fair that was scheduled in late April to raise money for a Summer  Missions trip to Colorado. Audio VCR and Television set was purchased primarily for use in the Children's Dept. A spring storm damaged the church roof and caused a leak that ruined the kitchen ceiling and carpeted floor. Insurance settlement was enough to repair all damage. The repair work to roof and ceiling done by the church. Carpet was replaced by contractor. Rachel Moore, daughter of pastor painted the walls and wood work. A summer storm June 2 knocked out all power causing evening services to be adjourned. Old gas kitchen stove was no good; it was disposed of and replaced by a double unit hot plate for the time being. An organ given to the church in memory of Darlene Jester by a son‑in‑law became in‑operable and repairs were not possible due to its age. The Jester family consented to the disposal of the organ. Officers and teachers were elected for new church year. Messengers to Annual Meeting elected. Christmas dinner was at Pastor and Mrs. Tom Frank's home.


January 1992: Bro. Lawrence Cox, Director of Missions of Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association taught January Bible Study, Love offering of $100.00 given to Bro. Cox. Due to storms on three occasions last year, hail and strong winds had caused damaged to one half the vinyl siding, 8 storm windows and the entire roof. These damages amounted to over $6000.00 in insurance claims for the year 1991. Due to these claims our property insurance premium increased $25.00 for 1992. All of the repairs and replacements were completed or in progress by May 1992. A doctrinal study "The Doctrine of the Bible" was taught by Bro. Tom Frank our pastor beginning in May. Canon Copy machine in pastors study was serviced and repaired at a cost of $167.00. A 60th "Anniversary Day was scheduled for May 24th. Personalities and events of that day are shown in the following pages. This brings this written history current up through the month of May 1992.





Russett Baptist Church life reflects beginnings development, growth and decline. Most of these things coincided with the community of Russet's history. The church pastorates were mostly half time early on. The soul winning priority of the church resulted in great numbers of folks being saved. Many were baptized and joined the church but almost as many more that were save chose otherwise. As a result Russett Baptist Church efforts helped other Baptist Churches and other church denominations to swell in number and witness. As evidenced by the financial information enclosed in this writing, Russett Baptist Church is a generous church. Generous to Baptist work and cause of all kinds. In recent years the church on a per capita basis gave more money to the Cooperative Program than any other church in Johnston‑Marshall Baptist Association. This may be attributed by some to its small numbers but it more truly pictures a love of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.


As the community declined in numbers in the years of the 1950's and up to date so had the church declined in numbers. However the spirit of Russett Baptist Church has remained keen, its unity is such, it should be emulated by many. Past members and friends continue to love and support the church in which they were saved, baptized, married, ordained etc. Friends like Fred Chapman Sr. and his family were a great help to the church down through the years. Many more who are too numerous to name have blessed the church at  Russett. Bless God may there be a witness to His honor and glory many more years, 60 years again maybe known as Russett Baptist Church.


The End


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Last modified: 05/27/07