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Vol 11  Issue 530   March 22, 2007

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected], Phone: 580-490-6823

Dwane Stevens always has his digital camera handy, and this week he sent in some great pictures he took of some old relics of long ago. Below is his email to everyone:

“Rare piece of Southern Oklahoma’s Early Oilfield History rising from the Ashes! Members and Supporters of The Murray County Antique Tractor and Implement Association are gearing up for their annual show. This year’s event will be held during the 3rd weekend in September, Sept. 14, 15, and 16th, 2007, at their Fair Grounds located 7 Miles North of Sulphur on Hwy 177, then ¾ Mile East on Tractor Road. Always on the look out for unique and historic items to display, part of the group was on the old Brady Ranch today near Poolville, March 18, 2007, recovering a rare piece of Southern Oklahoma Oilfield History.

A “Black Bear” single cylinder engine typical of the early day engines used in the Healdton fields after the discovery well in 1913, was dismantled and loaded for transportation to the Fairgrounds. This engine was in a “Power House” which operated 8 or 9 oil wells on the Brady Ranch until a Wild Fire destroyed it along with several residences a few years back. Lease and equipment owner, Warren Wagner, donated the rare equipment to the Association so that it could be preserved for future generations.

This Power House was one of the last known “band wheel” types still in regular production in the country. It was drawing the attention of lots of folks in the industry and was visited by oilfield and lease owners from as far away as Louisiana.

Association members and Supporters will clean up the old power house for the privilege of obtaining the earl day equipment. The engine and associated equipment will require many man hours of cleaning and restoration before it will be up to “display condition” but Association members are up to the challenge and the old Black Bear engine will make an interesting addition for future display.

Persons on site this day were: past President of the Association, J.J. McGill; Member, David Markum; Member, Kurtis Parker; Public Relations Director, Jim Dyer; Association supporter, Dwane Stevens and young supporters Buddy & Jessee.”   -Photos by Dwane Stevens


Photo 1 shows Past President, J.J. McGill and David Markum inspecting parts of the rare Black Bear Engine after being loaded.


Photo 2 shows the destruction caused by the Wild Fire.


Photo 3 shows Past President J.J. McGill and members Kurtis Parker and David Markum loading an “Oklahoma” style rod line pump jack and an “Under Pull” style rod line pump jack manufactured by early day oilfield supplier W. C. Norris, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Grover Wells sent in a picture he took this week of the Equal Rights School NW of Ardmore.  Or maybe I should say what is left of the old 1923 school…. the only thing left is the cellar.


Chuck Stallcup will probably upload the Carter county schools overlay for Google Earth this coming week. He has asked for help to clear up some questions on the following:

“I need more specifics on Homer, Harmon, Hewitt Ward, Pleasant Hill, Rose Chapel, Pleasant Hill, Shady Grove, Springdale, Springer, Strawn & Zita schools.”  email Chuck at……  [email protected]

Below is a photo from The Daily Ardmoreite archives of the old Hardy General Store in Gene Autry, Oklahoma. The store would later be owned by the Haneys. This photo was taken in 1918.



Last Fall I mentioned the Randols of Ardmore and that my great aunt Eva Camon married Robert Luther Randol. I had a family newspaper clipping that told about the Randol home at 1st and C SW was being considering as the new post office back in the 50s along with a picture of the newspaper clipping. The home was damage during the 1946 tornado and was later torn down.

This week I found a photo of the original Randol house in the Indian Territory and Carter County Pioneers Book as it stood around statehood (1907).  Robert W. Randol (owned the Randol Hotel on Main Street where Jake Hamon lived and was shot), and R.W.’s wife Lottie (Wilkes) came to Ardmore about 1891 from Texas. Their children were, Ruby Randol Krueger, Reine Randol, Robert Luther (married my great aunt Eva) and Arch Randol. Luther graduated from Yale University and worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star before he and Eva settled in Ft Worth where he retired after 30 years with the Ft Worth Star Telegram.  Below is the photograph of the original Randol home at 1st and C SW.


Roy Kendrick of Perry, Oklahoma has scanned two negatives, but doesn’t have a way to convert them to a Black and White Photo.  Does anyone have software that will do this or any suggestion?  Send Roy an email at:  [email protected]


Marshall County is coming out with a history book.  The book will be representing their 100 year celebration. It’s going to be chalked full of history from Madill and all around Marshall county. Below is the email I received this week from Dean Parish, so get in touch with him if you want this book!”Hi Butch! I have enjoyed your newsletter for some time now.  I represent the Marshall County Genealogical & Historical Society.  We are producing a Marshall County  100 year history book.  It will be available in May 2007.  The book cost $60.00 each (shipping cost $5.00 added).  We thought there may be someone in your circulation might be interested in having one. The book contains histories of families, businesses, communities, German prison camp, the Aylesworth prison farm, Lake Texoma, locations of county cemeteries, schools and teachers that taught there, the shoot out at the Corner Drug and many more interesting stories.” -Dean Parrish  [email protected]

Below is a link to a brochure with more info, plus a order form.


There’s a little off the beaten path catfish place just south of Grand Avenue at 301 “I” Street NW here in Ardmore. I’ve eaten their catfish a couple of years ago, but I remember it being some really good catfish. But this time Jill and I decided to try their old fashion burger. Its a good hamburger but ours came with no tomatoes. But maybe that’s the way they fix their old fashion. But for the $2.75 we paid for the burger, it’s still a good burger. If your ever near downtown Ardmore, travel on over to Grand and turn south on “I” street, you can’t miss it, and stop in. It’s ran by Melvin and Carolyn Casey.



https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos7a/CaseysCatfishCorral.jpgThe Ardmore Public Library now has available back issues of The Daily Ardmoreite on microfilm.  Citizens can go to either the Ardmore Public Library or the Chickasaw Library here in Ardmore to look at past issues.


MAILBAG”Butch, The Sandy’s Hamburgers that was on W Broadway was a nation
wide chain. Below is link to more info.” -Larry

http://www.geocities.com/sandyshamburgers/ https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos7a/SandysHamburger1971.jpg

“Hi Butch, All is well in Western Carter County.  A little triviality for you.  I know you like and have written about Okie Blend Coffee in your T&T.  Roasted and blended right here in Wilson, Oklahoma by the Joliff folks. But have you ever heard anyone say they had the “Arbuckle Thumps”?  (from drinking too much coffee). I had heard my Dad use this phrase many a time when someone would offer him a cup.  I could never figure out what it meant.  I always tried to relate it to the Arbuckle Mountains. in someway.  I knew he meant he was “coffee logged”.  But if he ever told me how the phrase came about I cant remember.  Well I looked it up on the internet, and what I found was quite interesting. Seems the Arbuckle Brothers invented roasted coffee back in the 1870’s.  Right here in the good old USA.  And they even through in a stick of peppermint candy.  Think I’ll go have a cup of Okie Blend right now.  Below is a link to the story.” -Ken Updike,  Wilson, Oklahomahttp://www.cowboycooking.com/coffee.html

“Butch, I’ve been working hard on getting a new business of mine off the ground.  I’m buying oil and gas minerals.  For now I’m just trying to purchase fractional interest or shares people have inherited over the years and finally someone owns .36 or 1 or 2.3 acres.  Usually these aren’t worth anything as non producing or if they are the Royalty payments are not much at all.  The other problem with fractional interest is it keeps getting divided up so many times that it is eventually not worth anything.  Sometimes people would rather cash in on them and take the money, as small as it is and put it in another asset that doesn’t deplete.  I’m also counseling mineral owners who are not very knowledgeable in managing their minerals for free, only in exchange that they remember me if they ever decide to sell their share or a portion of what they own.” -Jayson Pruitt   [email protected]   214-478-2649   Dallas, TX


The Wilson News June 16, 1915

During last Monday’s storm, lightning struck five oil tanks in the Healdton field, setting fire to the oil.  The Dundee-Samoset Companies lost a 16,000 barrel tank; the Coline Co. a 55,000 barrel tank; three other smaller tanks were lost.  The sky was black with the dense smoke from the burning for several days.

Wilson Men Inventors June 16, 1915R. H. Reed and J. L. Long, two of Wilson’s business men, have invented and patented an apparatus for prevention of fire from lightning to oil tanks. The prime cause of fire loss in the oil field is usually due to lightning striking gas, which rises from the tanks to a high point in the air above.  When lightning strikes the gas the fire follows the gas down to the oil in the tank and sets it afire. Messrs. Reed and Long claim to have an apparatus that will carry this gas away from the tanks to a trap on the ground, where it can be used or stored.  At least the claim is that it can be so controlled that the damage of fire from this source is reduced to the minimum. The inventors go to Tulsa next week, where they will demonstrate their invention before a gathering of oil men and insurance people.

The Daily Ardmoreite 10-11-1943A photograph of the police department made in about 1915 shows these men to have been with the department at that time:  Smith Redmon, Dow Brazeil(sp), Mack Pettitt, Dick Hignight, Buck Gardenhire, Will Frasher, Ed Leach, Bob Hutchens, Walter Stroud, Tony Herz, Burleigh Johnson, Joe M. London, Dave Fraser, C. G. Simms, Lee McCoy, Bob Stacy and Dan Blackburn.  Hutchens was the chief and London was the police commissioner of the city council.

The Daily Ardmoreite 10-21-1943The showing of the motion picture of chief of Police Hale Dunn and officers Bennett Wallace and Raymond Shoemaker capturing the notorious J. Harvey Bailey on the streets of Ardmore was showing at the Ritz and attracting great crowds bent on seeing how local officers turned the trick on the noted killer.

The Daily Ardmoreite 10-20-1943A. Washmood, who was sentenced to hang for his part in the Indian Policeman Ben Collins killing at Emmett, Oklahoma had his case reversed when the state criminal court of appeals held that the evidence was insufficient to warrant such a verdict.  Pending the court decision Washmood was held at McAlester penitentiary.  He was permittred to return here and make bond and before any further action was taken Washmood, who was 74 years old when sentenced, died.

-submitted by Mindy Taylor

“I went today to see Radar, a nine year old Belgian draft horse that is billed by the Guinness World Record Book as the tallest living horse.  He stands 19 hands, 3 1/2 inches (that’s 6 feet, 7 1/2 inches) tall at the withers.  He consumes 18 pounds of grain, 40 pounds of hay and 20 gallons of water per day.  He was featured at Stillwater Milling, a farm store in Davis, OK.  His trainer let me into his pen to get this picture.”  -Jim Dyer

https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos7a/RadarHorse.jpg http://www.priefert.com/dynamic/radar/about_radar.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtSDrYtwQ9Y

“I would like to ask if you have any knowledge of the lawmen and/or railroad night watchmen during 1890 to 1920 in Ardmore, OK? My great-grandfather, William H. Jordan, was either a lawman or a night watchman in Ardmore, and I’m having difficulty finding much info. on this subject.”  -Linda in TX.  [email protected]

“Butch, a friend of mine is remodeling a house in Davis, Oklahoma and
when they were stripping the boards off the walls they found this old
issue of the Pauls Valley Democrat from Oct. 13, 1938.  I thought you
might want to share the photo that I got from her.” Kathi in AR

https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos7a/ArdmoreAd1938a.jpg https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos7a/ArdmoreAd1938b.jpg

Jimmy Crack Corn by Daniel Emmett  1846

Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care
My master’s gone away

When he would ride in the afternoon
I’d follow him with my hickory broom
The pony being rather shy
When bitten by the blue-tail fly


One day he rode around the farm
Flies so numerous that they did swarm
One chanced to bite him on the thigh
The devil take the blue-tail fly


Well the pony jumped, he start, he pitch
He threw my master in the ditch
He died and the jury wondered why
The verdict was the blue-tail fly


Now he lies beneath the ‘simmon tree
His epitaph is there to see
“Beneath this stone I’m forced to lie
The victim of the blue-tail fly”

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

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Best Web Hosting: https://oklahomahistory.net/webhosting.htm
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

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