Cemetery Databases
Download Site for
Carter, Love, Marshall,
and Jefferson Counties
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Around 1990 Ardmoreite Mr. Bill Hamm installed a database program called PFS FirstChoice on his home computer and started entering the burial information of individuals interred in cemeteries all across Carter county. With over 70 cemeteries in Carter county to gather info from, we will never know the hours and miles Mr. Hamm spent recording the data, one record at a time, until at his death the database consisted of almost 66,500 individuals. As time went by Mr. Hamm would also gather burial records from Love, Marshall and Johnston counties. Mr. Hamm continued entering info into his database up until January 2004.
Following Mr. Hamm’s death, his son Steve Hamm, brought me his dad’s data complied into 4 database formats. Steve used his dad’s plain text files from the FirstChoice program and output the data into: Microsoft Access 97, Access 2003, dbf (dbase 4), and csf (comma as the separator) formats. These files are VERY large, with “dbase 4” file being the largest at nearly 11 megs. If you are on a slow dial-up internet connection, it will take several minutes to download. Just right-click on the links and ‘Save Target As’ to a Folder on your computer, for example, the MyDocuments Folder.
Right Click Here —-> Download Access 97 File (5.8mb) and ‘Save Target As’
Right Click Here —-> Download Access 2003 File (10.6mb) and ‘Save Target As’
Right Click Here —-> Download dbase 4 File (10.9mb) and ‘Save Target As’
Right Click here —-> Download Text File (3.7mb) and ‘Save Target As’
When Mr. Hamm was living he made his work accessible to the public on Genweb. Here is a link to Mr. Hamm’s original work on the Oklahoma Genweb website.
Click here —-> US Genweb Archives Database
Update: 10/04/10 Thanks to James Allen, Carter County GIS director, we now have for download in PDF format a map of Carter County with the 71 cemeteries Bill Hamm cataloged shown on the map. The locations are not exact but are shown within the 1 square mile Section of land. Since some cemeteries listed are on private property in the middle of a pasture, you may have to ask a nearby landowner where the cemetery is located exactly. To keep the map from becoming too cluttered, the cemeteries are only designated by number from Bill Hamm’s cemetery list. So you must use his list (see below) to know the number designation.
Cemeteries in Carter County (must have PDF Reader to view) (updated 10/12/10)
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery List (text file)
The direct phone line to Rose Hill Cemetery office on “C” SE in Ardmore – 580-220-2838
For Carter County Cemeteries at U.S. Genweb.net Archives – CLICK HERE“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”Email Butch Bridges Email Me