The Daily Ardmoreite
April 5, 1938
Drivers Here Fall Into Line
Left and right turns to be made on green light only, is warning.
After two nights of experimental testing, Ardmore as long awaited traffic signals were put into operation on a regular schedule on Tuesday morning.
The lights in the downtown area are to be in operation from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and possibly to a later hour when traffic seems to merit their use. Only one of the two signals to be used on L Street Southwest at Stanley is completed and in operation. The other at Broadway will be put in use soon. These two residential district signals will operate from 7:00 a.m. to midnight, it was said
V.R. Short, city manager, said that motorists were seemingly falling into line fine. A few, he said, we’re making the mistake of attempting a right hand turn on red lights, which is contrary to the traffic plan.
Turn only on green light
We may have to pick up a few motorist for this, he said until they learn that left and right turns may be made only on green lights and that all progress must be on the green.
No “u-turns” except beyond of Caddo and west of E Street will be allowed in the business district.
The lights have no bells, it was pointed out, hence drivers must literally keep their eyes open.
Dust storm at Texhoma, Oklahoma April 14, 1935
Frederick Oklahoma marching band July 4, 1909
A lot sale at Tipton, OKlahoma 1909
Below is the Lincoln County school house 2 miles from Chandler, Oklahoma
Medford, Oklahoma street scene
The Mailbag
The cool history of ice -Steve Miller
HAM Radio Talk
I havn’t talked much lately about my HAM radio experences using Echolink on my computer and phone. I have mainly been having fun most days between Noon and 2:00pm Central TIme on the Boredom Breaker Board Net out of Claremore, Oklahoma. We have between 50 and 60 HAMs check-in with their comments during those 2 hours from all over the U.S. and even some overseas, mainly Europe. The Net is free and open to any licensed HAM radio operator.
Below is from my Vol 4 Issue 170 July 22, 2000 newsletter:
This week I found an unusual piece of history at Springer, OK. At the property just to the south of the Carter County District 1 County Barn is this huge metal pistol looking ornament.
And a lady on the forth floor of the courthouse said she owns a very old piece of history. A wooden chair made sometime before 1896 by William Morris. The pitch of the back is adjusted using a wooden rod through the chair.
Kids will be kids. On July the 18th my nextdoor neighbor’s house was TeePee’d.
Speaking of one big family at the courthouse, I want to tell you how a lot of people came together to meet the need of the workers and how that need was met in the most beautiful way. Teresa Morgan works in the Court Clerks Office and her air conditioner at home went out the other day. Now we’re talking about temperatures of way over 100 degrees. She didn’t know how she was going to come up with the money to buy another air conditioner. Unbeknownst to her, a couple of her friends put the word out, and one by one, people starting donating to the cause. Some worked in the courthouse, but some who donated just were in the courthouse and heard about the drive. Within days enough money was raised to buy Teresa brand new air conditioning! Yes, I have the pleasure of working with some super people. To repeat a phrase I have placed in some back issues of my T&T, “Friends, they make life worth living.” Here’s a pic of Teresa with a big smile at the copy machine!
By the way, that’s the Copier Room converted into the Elvis room. lol
“Butch. There has been quite a bit of talk recently about Legate. In September 1924, my great grandfather Billy Patrick died of a heart attack at the age of 54 while unloading his cotton at the Legate cotton gin. I’ve been told that his son in law John R. Williams was working inside the gin at the time. I’d like to know if anyone would happen to have a picture of that gin. There’s not a sign of it anywhere now days, and none of my family have come up with a picture of it.”
-Bud Caudle in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
“There is a bell at the Rosco Campbell residence on Burns Road 2 miles South and about a half mile West of Plainview School. Brick house on the North side of the road. I really enjoy your writings. Look forward to getting it every Sat. I was born at Legate and enjoy going back every once in a while – tho most of it is gone. My Grandparents and my brother are buried there. Keep up the good work.”
“Butch, here is a little something for T&T My mother in law found this photo behind another photo inside a picture frame. She says she believed that it was taken by her Grandfather who ran a photo studio in Marietta. From the looks of the uniform and the car, I’d guess it was taken sometime in the 40’s. Don’t have a clue who the old trooper is, but maybe some of your readers will.”
“When I ran across this, I thought of you immediately and wondered if it might be something that you would enjoy since you have such a passion for bells. Inscription on an old bell:”
I Call the Living, Mourn the Dead,
I Tell When Days and Years are Fled,
For Grief and Joy, For Prayer and Praise,
To Heaven My Tuneful Voice I Raise.
“Hi Butch, enjoy reading your articles about Ardmore. My Dad Sydney (Slim) Pennington and his brother R.L. (Pug) Pennington as well as my granddad Levi Gilliam worked at the ice plant and I do remember the name of Paul Bridges? I remember walking through the ice plant as a kid and afraid of falling into one of the open pit areas where they kept the large blocks of ice.”
Last Tuesday was my birthday. I received nearly 1,000 Best Wishes from my Facebook friends. I could never personally answer all those Posts, but it is humbling and appreciated for sure. Thanks everyone.
“Justice delayed is justice denied.” -William Gladstone
See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore, OK