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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 13  Issue 655  August 13, 2009

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

If any of you have been in Parker Family Vision Center at Kiowa and 12th NW here in Ardmore within the past year, you had to notice all the Ardmore historical memorabilia on the walls and tables of the waiting room.  The memorabilia was provided by Ardmoreite Steven Harris, one of this city’s most dedicated historians and preserver of area history.  A T&T Reader was in there recently and snapped some pictures.  In some pics you will see the reflection of the flash, but hopefully enough is still visible to make the items out.


This first one is a advertising sign for Frank Berryhill Tinner.


This is kinda of a unique item, a hand drawn map of Ardmore with businesses listed.


South Bend Wagons were sold by Noble Brothers Hardware.


This is a movie poster from the Tivoli, The Road To Hong Kong (1962).


Here is a writing pen with Buckholtz Mobil Service imprinted on the side.


A few more pics of the many items on display at Parker Family Vision Center in Ardmore.





Back in 1961 the sheriffs department raided Ollie’s Beer Tavern in Wilson, Oklahoma. Oliver H. Marutzky, owner of the tavern was arrested and charged with illegal gambling, and operating an open salon. Ardmoreite Sylvia West sent in the newspaper clipping of that day in 1961 along with a photo of her dad, Charlie West, standing by one of the illegal gambling machines.  Charlie West was a deputy at the time and got to see it all first hand. Back in the 60s and 70s one armed bandits were being operated illegally in back rooms by business establishments and civic organizations.  I remember Sheriff Robert Denney confiscating several of the gambling machines back then and keeping them at the sheriffs office storage for a long time. I often wonder what happened to those machines.



A month ago or so Joann Piatt gave Jill a moonflower plant.  I was beginning to wonder if it was going to make it after the shock of the transplant, but after a couple good rains, its doing fine.


I spoke in the last issue about buying a Rush Springs watermelon from Homeland.  We cut it open after I sent out the T&T and it is probably the sweetest melon we’ve ate to date.  It is easy to see why Rush Springs, Oklahoma is called the watermelon capital of the world!


And the next day after eating the Rush Springs melon, we ate one we bought from Walmart.  I don’t know where it came from, but it was labeled as a Product of USA.  The $3.50 watermelon was a very sweet.


A neighbor friend to the north of us 2 miles along the Highway 70 has caught 7 raccoons the past month.  Seems like they were coming up to their swimming pool at night to wash, etc.  He used about a 1/4th a slice of bread or smaller, with a few drops of vanilla extract on it to catch those 7 raccoons.

We’ve had a raccoon meddling around our place the past week or two.  He got into the chicken feed once, so we moved it into the chicken yard and placed in a heavy steel trash barrel.  I’ve got a trap out now, so we will see if we catch the little booger.  Anyway my neighbor catches or we catch will go to a coon hunting fellow we know to place on their property far away from here.  So the raccoons aren’t hurt or killed.

Speaking of animals, a neighbor friend a mile northwest of us has saw on 2 occasions the past month a small black bear meandering on their property. Not a big bear, and not a baby bear, but a small black bear.

I’m always sadden when I hear about one of our newsletter Readers passing away.  Jill and I lost a very dear friend last week, Susanne Jolliff of Wilson, Oklahoma.  She will be missed.


Ten cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area……


Q.   What did the Dawes Allotment Act do?
A.    Section One authorizes the President to survey Native American tribal areas and divide the arable land into sections for the individual. It says that the head of each Native American family may receive 160 acres (0.65 km2) if the land is “advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes”, and an ADDITIONAL 160 acres (650,000 m2) allotments if the land is “only valuable for grazing purposes” (that is, 320 acres of land “only valuable for grazing purposes” instead of 160 of land that was usable for BOTH farming and/or grazing). Single individuals and orphans were allotted 80 acres (320,000 m2) each, and all “other single individuals” (this implicitly includes minors) were allotted 40 acres (160,000 m2) each.

Q.   When did Indian Territory enter the Civil War?
A.    (answer in next week’s T&T)

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“I wanted to just stop by and say thank you for such a great “This and That Newsletter”. I’m an Oklahoma History buff and avid equestrian too… I am also riding an expedition in honor or Oklahoma History… among a few other things. Our horses have to cross all sorts of bridges… and it’s great to see what they look like before we attempt to go over them. The bridge in Faxon, Oklahoma (the pic you have posted) is just down the street from the place where we keep our horses… I’ve been meaning to take a picture of it, but never have got around to it. Anyway, if you are interested…check out our website below and join us virtually on our journey… We launch on Sept. 1… just a short time away.”

Cowgirl up
Megan Carter


“Hi, Butch, I just wanted to share a few pics with you that I took on vacation this month to visit my grandkids in Texas and then up to Ardmore for a couple of days before coming back home to Arkansas. Feel free to share with your T&T readers if you wish. These four pics are from Gainesville. I hadn’t been there in years. Sure wish I would have had time to visit the Frank Buck Zoo. I intend to try next time.”  -Kathi G. in Fayetteville, Arkansas





“WoW!! Boy has the old pool on 3rd and F Street NE in Ardmore sure changed! It looks much nicer than it did when we were kids. Love that they added a slide to it. Plus, here’s a not so good shot of the train tracks on 11th Street N.E. near where my Grandpa Parker used to live. This is looking towards the old trestle on “G” Street. Lots of memories of walking up and down those tracks from our house at the corner of “G” and 7th. Not to mention the numerous times my brother & I and sometimes our cousins and friends would clamber up to the top of that trestle just to watch the cars go under.”  -Kathi G. in AR



“I can’t get over how much the coliseum has expanded from when we lived there. I’d like to come back sometime when the county fair is going on just to remember the fun that I had as a kid and also as an adult with my son. I took a couple of pics of the old train. I didn’t know they’d moved the monument for “Buck” and “Silver Cloud” though. Loved the painted buffalo in front of the Hardy Murphy sign.”  -Kathi G. in AR





“I was very surprised to see that the city now has barricaded Whittington Park to prevent folks from driving through the park. But it was still pretty and I was amazed at how big the trees had all gotten. The little splash water pad was a nice looking little addition. I still remember the wading pool that used to be there.”
 -Kathi G. in AR




“Butch, I remember reading the newpaper printed for Meers Menu, stating that the mine that was operating in the Wichita Mountains was found to be salted with gold nuggets and when the miners discovered it, the rush was off……….. Read it for yourself in this site article.” -Joy Willingham

“I’m confused, Wilson and New Wilson. Can you explain this to me. I live east of Ardmore near Wilson Creek. Thanks in advance.” -Sharon

“The post office was being establishing in the new town site of Wilson in early 1914, city officials were notified that the name of the town had to be ?New Wilson? since the other Wilson had not been out of existence long enough. By 1918, however, the old Wilson had completely disappeared and on August 5, 1918 it was declared by Oklahoma governor R. L. Williams that ?New Wilson? could then be known simply as ?Wilson?. However, the name of the post office was not officially changed until January 28, 1920.”  -Carole Gandy Pinches

Website for the Wilson Historical Museum…..


“Hi Butch, Speaking of watermelons. In 1938 my dad had a large watermelon patch just west of the Baum store. He took five watermelons (averaging about fifty pounds apiece) to the Baum store to sell for five cents each. After about a week, the owner of the store (Jock Gibbs) told dad he may as well come and get them as none had sold. My dad said why should I get them I have a whole field of them. Needless to say we had lots of watermelons for our chickens and hogs and give the rest away.” -Orie Edwards

“Butch, they grow a lot of those Black Diamond watermelons in Arkansas. I know because we used to be able to get them at fruit and veggie stands during the summer. Plus my dad grew his own. Perhaps you can find someone from around the Hope area (watermelon capital) that can tell you where to locate some.”

“Here is a picture of the emblem on the old Masonic Building in Wilson you mentioned in last week’s T&T. I took this photo several years ago. The Joliffs (Coffee Professionals Company) has since bought the building for part of their business.  I guess you knew Susana Joliff passed away last week. Think they had her services yesterday.”


“The Writers Reminder for August 2009 on my website is prettier and easier to read with photos and illustrations, and also it is updated with new information almost daily.”  -Carolyn B. Leonard

Museum Memories
Contributed by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
~ June 22, 1916 – The Pioneer Telephone Co. has force of about 15 men here engaged in stringing new line from here to Oil City.
~ Aug. 3, 1916 – On Tuesday Dr. Tidmore broke the record on nearby town calls going to Lone Grove, Bryan, Red and Oil City, “Some Caller”.
~ Aug. 24, 1916 – The News has moved and is now permanently located next door from the old place. We have a great deal more room and better situated to handle our business.
~ Tom Lowery is now the owner of a new Reo.

Wilson Historical Museum. Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 10:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

The Daily Ardmoreite
Von Keller Hospital Opening
Dr. F. P. Von Keller announces that the Von Keller Hospital in the northwestern portion of the city will be formally opened Thursday night when the citizens of Ardmore are requested to visit and inspect the institution from 8 to 11 o’clock. The hospital is complete, with the exception of a portion of the x-ray equipment, which is en route here. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Von Keller Hospital Association is called for 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning at the offices of the Gates Oil Company.

Do you love me because I am beautiful or am I beautiful because I am loved? ~author unknown

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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