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Vol 16  Issue 786  February 16, 2012

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402 Email:  [email protected] Phone: 580-490-6823

A T&T Reader visited Brown Springs south of Thackerville Oklahoma last week, took some pics.  My first time to visit Brown Springs was back around 1970 or the late 60s, on my motorcycle, after reading about bodies being dumped in this infamous place just a few yards north of the Red River (cemetery is on private property). In the summer of 1999 I put together a group of about 30 people to visit the place again, take pics and just see for ourselves what we might see.








Just a word to the wise, land owners do not want people on the property where Brown Springs cemetery is located.

I had a request come in this week for info on the old Guy Harris homeplace on Sunset Blvd SW.  They are looking at buying the house if they can locate the present owner, and get more historical history on the house.  Maybe there are some readers out there with information to pass along to them.  Here is a DOC file sent in this week on the request.


I had to go up at the very top of the courthouse dome this week and check on a security camera (one of 32 cameras on location). It is about 9 stories in height to the very top, so the pictures are quite impressive.  It has been about 2 years since I was up there last, so I snapped a few pictures looking out over Ardmore. Also in the Folder below are pics I took in 2009.


Dwane Stevens produced a very a great video on railway signals. Dwane is really getting good with his video cam and software!


The West Virginia Bald Eagle is still sitting on her two eggs.


There are still 3 baby eagles in a nest near Vian, Oklahoma. But one eaglet is so small, a runt, compared to the other two that I worry about her health.  I hope she makes it to adulthood. They are now over 2 weeks old.


From This and That newsletter archives of February 13, 1999:
Monday, September 4, 1933 in Ardmore, Oklahoma, a car chase took place that would make headlines across the country. Harvey Bailey, outlaw, was being held in jail at Dallas for kidnapping Oklahoma City oil man and millionaire, Charles F. Urschel. The Dallas county jail, constructed in 1914 in the southwest corner of Main and Houston streets, was consider escape proof. But somehow, a gun was slipped to Harvey Bailey, he took a jailor captive, and the two fled in the jailor’s car. Bailey was associated with the mob. It was on his farm that police arrested one of the key murderers of the Valentine Massacre in Chicago. Machine Gun Kelley and Bailey were the suspected kidnappers of oilman Urschel. Washington DC anti-crime administrators had even sent 6 Army airplanes in search of Bailey.

After fleeing the Dallas jail, Bailey took back roads to Oklahoma. Love county Sheriff Sam Randolph received a tip that Bailey was in the Ardmore area. Soon afterward, Bailey stopped his car to get gasoline and was noticed immediately. Ardmore Police Chief Hale Dunn, and detectives Bennett Wallace and Raymond Shoemaker gave chase to Bailey, leading them on a wild chase through Ardmore. At the corner of North Washington and Second Street in front of the Mulkey Hotel, Bailey lost control of his car, hit the curb, and broke the spokes away from the tire. He was immediately surrounded by police and taken into custody. Jailor Nick Tresp, a hostage, was unharmed in the crash.

I remember my Dad, R.V. Bridges, telling me that he was in the Army Reserves at the time. When they moved Bailey from the city hall jail, my dad and another Army reserve was posted on top of the old Coca Cola building across the street (where the County Detention Center is now located) with a machine gun. He felt kind of silly being posted up there with two machine guns. There were spectators all over the area when they came out with Bailey, and he said there was no way they could shoot without hitting a lot of innocent bystanders.

Q. Back in the 1960s when I’d help in my grandfather’s lumber yard, people who had leaky roofs would come in and ask for Plastic Roof Cement, only back in those days many called it by another name.  What was it?
A. It was called Mule Hide.  A Reader from Dripping Springs now living in Texas summed it up this way: “I don’t think my dad ever called it anything but mule hide. I never knew it had another name”. The original Mule Hide included asbestos in the making of it, but that part was later removed for health and safety reasons.



Q. The first Girl Scouts cookies where sold when and where?
A. (answer in next week’s T&T)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Last week Tricia and I took a music cruise out of Miami and I started thinking about music in Ardmore and hadn’t read very much in T&T about the music that was available in Ardmore. I was specifically thinking about the Epperson Ballroom located just across US 70 from the Skyview Drive In. Every weekend there were always a lot of cars there and I was in the building a couple of times back in the 1950’s. The club was on the first floor and there were apartments above. I remember the stage only being inches off the floor with a low ceiling.

In the 1960’s there was the Starlight Club west of town. I’m sure Ardmore was on some sort of circuit but don’t know. I know that Hank Thompson was in Ardmore occasionally but I don’t remember it being to perform. I was hoping that you or one of your Readers can shed some light on what was happening after WWII with music in Ardmore.”  -Monroe Cameron

“I am writing a family book about my mother’s life in Guthrie, Oklahoma. It seems that my grandfather wired the Masonic Temple in Guthrie many many years ago. There are stories about a hidden passage from my grandfathers house to the Masonic Temple.

Mother told of a place down town Guthrie, where they drove around in a circle. Do anyone happen to know about this? Would like to know the name of the area for my family book. Like what I read on your newsletter. I was in Guthrie some time ago and went to see the grave site of my grandparents and great grandmother. Could not find anyone there to talk to. I wish I had known about Boot Hill. Your news letter is very interesting. I was able go to downtown Guthrie and do a little research. My friends were in a hurry, so I did not have much time. I wish I had written down the address of my grandfathers house. I had found it in a telephone book in the 1928. It seems there was a fire and lots of the history of births and deaths were destroyed, along with other things. -Maryann Cummins
[email protected]
Apple Valley, CA

“I am looking for information about my grandparents, John Vineyard London and Marry Ellen Willis London. They died in Ardmore and are buried at the Rosehill Cemetery. My father was orphaned when he was 12 and the five children were scattered, never to live together again. I know the London’s owned a dry cleaning shop and a men’s clothing store. The name of the cleaners was London’s Dye and Cleaning Plant and it was on Washington street. We would like to know if the building is still standing and would like the location of the men’s clothing shop. We also would like to know about their home. We do not know where it was, but I do know they had a barn. I have some information about a ranch called the 700 ranch but am not sure if they lived there or not. There was a London family who lived there. My grandmother died in the flu epidemic in 1918. She was under 5 feet tall and had long black hair and blue eyes. She had some Indian blood, but was not registered. My grandfather had some brothers in Ardmore and one of them was the sheriff around 1922. My grandmother had a sister named Lizzie Hunt ( married to W. M. Hunt) and a niece named Mahota Johnson (married to Bart Johnsons) who both lived in Ardmore . That is all I know about my grandparents. Any information nayone can gather I would appreciate.”  -Sylvia London Bentley [email protected]

“Here are a couple of pictures I took today of the hotel being built in Sulphur by the Chickasaw Nation. It will be very reminiscent of the old Artesian that many knew last century.”  -Joh


“Butch, I believe the first player on the left on the front row is Hubert Heron.”

“Butch, I worked at Millers during the time that Ernie and Fran lost the franchise to a Mr. Barnes. I was under the impression; that there was a court suit regarding the Franchise and that Mr. Barnes won. That is when the name was changed to Miller’s Dairy Freeze. It wasn’t much longer after that that a Mr. Barnes opened a Dairy Queen in Ardmore. (Not sure if it was on Lake Murray Drive or over by the high school.) I saw Mr. Barnes’ daughter Janice this past summer at an Ardmore Class of 1961 Reunion. Also, a Karen and Jearld Price owned the Dairy Freeze at one time, perhaps before Mr. Gill.” -Linda Presley Lathum

“butch, i have been reading your site for some time. i notice you plug places yall have eaten. if you have not tried smoking joes there in ardmore you need to. it is down by the feed plant. i can not tell you anything else. we are not from ardmore and a friend told us how to get there. if you have already talked about them and i don’t remember forgive me for repeating.

Speaking of the friends that told us about smoking joe’s, he is a gun dealer that can sell suppressors (silencer) and any kind of gun a person might want. with the hog problem getting so bad more people are interested in a suppressor in hopes of getting that 2nd or 3rd shoot. his name is jamie and his phone number is 580 272 3514. they are a good CHRISTIAN couple and ardmore and this country needs more people like them. take care.”-duane

Note: You can buy or make a silencer without a license if you live in AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MO, MD, MS, MT, NE, ND, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, WI, or WY. As far as I know, OK has no restrictions on using them, other than the usual ban on hunting game animals with a silencer. WA is the only state that allows civilian ownership but bans use. You do not need a license to buy or make a silencer in OK, just pay the tax.

There is a $200 tax for each one made or bought by an unlicensed person, but this is much cheaper than getting the manufacturing license. You need to have your local sheriff sign the ATF form. If your local sheriff will not sign, you can form a Corporation or Trust to own it for you. ATF Form 5330.20, fingerprint cards and your photos are also required if not using a Trust or Corp.

Authorization by the ATF is routine and takes about 4-6 months

“Butch, I saw in the last issue where a person mentioned that a Richard Davis wanted history on Clemscot. I missed seeing the article. I am ninety three years old. I attended church at Clemscot., while going to school at Graham from the third grade through the sixth. That was during the ‘oil boom’ days in that area. I unserstood that Cletscot was named for two men who pived there. They were Clem Brooks and Scott Sparks. Hope that this helps.”  -Hardena Fletcher Hull

“Butch,  Here is a little history on Clemscot. The name comes from my grandfather, Clem Brooks, and Scott Sparks. The story I was told by my dad was that Clemmie had the grocery store and the “flophouses,” and Scott had the saloons on the other side of the street. I guess those oil workers needed entertainment! I think it burned when the fires went through a couple of years back.” -Cindy

“Dear Butch, Please add me to your mailing list for “This and That”. My father and grandfather were born in Ardmore and my great grandfather was Dr. Henry there. Many members of my family are buried there as I will be. Thank you for the great work that you are doing.” -Pam

“Hi Butch! re the BBQ sauce in last weeks T&T: It looks good and I want to try it. I was reading the ingredients? and am not sure how much mustard one needs to use. I don?t see it listed with the main ingredients but mentioned in the Options. Maybe I have overlooked it.” -Cheers, Sami

“Butch, in your newsletter this evening you have a blog written by Jim Ragland in which he says he lives in a house that was moved from Orr in 1948. I grew up at Orr and have been involved in collecting historical data, pictures, etc. pertaining to Orr for many years. It would be of interest to me to know who owned Jim’s house when it was located at Orr. There was a Rex Ragland who grew up at Orr who was the son of Mollie “Grandma” Hodgeson and step-son of Christopher Hodgeson. Rex married a girl by the name of Eren who taught school at Orr. They were living in Wilson in 1930 and later lived at Ardmore.”  -Charles Walker [email protected]

“Did you know the first episodes of Hee Haw were filmed at the Lazy E Rodeo grounds between OKC and Guthrie.” -Jim

Dear Butch, In researching glass caskets for our upcoming newsletter, I found this item in your November 27, 2008 newsletter:

“While we’re on the subject of funeral homes, there was a casket manufacturer in Ada called the American Glass Casket Company. They produced a solid glass casket that could accommodate a grown adult. Apparently they molded the box from a single sheet of glass and then covered it with a glass top. This company also produced cut glassware and my dad had a piece of it that unfortunately got broken several years ago. I never saw a picture of one of the caskets, but have always been curious about them. Maybe one of your readers can provide some information. My dad never knew anyone who was buried in one of the glass caskets.” -Monroe Cameron

Please inform Mr. Cameron that I have enclosed some pictures for his review. We have one of the adult versions (photo 1) manufactured by the DeCamp Glass Casket Company in Oklahoma in our collection here at the National Museum of Funeral History in Houston, TX, and a child-size version (photo 2) manufactured by the American Glass Casket Company of Ada, OK is on display at the Wheaton Arts Museum in Millville, NJ. Both were manufactured under James DeCamp’s patent.

A fabric-covered version of our adult casket is at the Corning Glass Museum in Corning, NY; as it is covered in fabric which hides the glass, it’s not quite as awe-inspiring as the other two.

Thank you,

Shelley Ott
National Museum of Funeral History



“Another needless death from pit bulls. This time in North Carolina.”


“Yesterday, Vicki and I (notice, I didn’t say me and Vicki, LOL) ate at El Tapatio’s on North Commerce and I had Caldo de Pollo (chicken soup) again. Man, I just can’t get enough of that wonderful stuff. It doesn’t taste anything like gringo chicken soup. For 5 bucks you get a bowl big enough that you’ll be stuffed when you leave. If you haven’t tried it yet, do it the next time you go there.” -Bub McNeely

Q. “I live in Love county and was curious as to a story I heard about a school existing in the past possibly called Cannon School. If you take Highway 32 west of Marietta, there is a road called Stockton, about 2 miles before you make it to Highway 76. If you go north on Stockton a mile or so, there is a dirt road that now leads onto Cross Timbers WMA. About a mile in, is a field called “Cannon Field”, where an old foundation and cellar exists. Is that the location of Cannon school? The same Cannon school you have a picture of from 1923 on your webshots.com?”  -Chris Sanders

A.  Chris, I do not know if that foundation you mention was what’s left of a Cannon school. But the Cannon School mentioned on my website was located NW of Fox, Oklahoma in NW Carter county.

I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston 1963 – 2012

If I should stay,
I would only be in your way.
So I’ll go, but I know
I’ll think of you ev’ry step of the way.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
You, my darling you. Hmm.

Bittersweet memories
that is all I’m taking with me.
So, goodbye. Please, don’t cry.
We both know I’m not what you, you need.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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