PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402 Email: [email protected] Phone: 580-490-6823
As most know I am always on the search for a good hamburger, whether it is in Ardmore area, or the highway travels we make around Oklahoma. Every now and then someone will ask me how I ever got started taking photos of hamburgers, and I really don’t know. I remember taking a picture of my hamburger one time, posting it on my website, and then all these emails coming in commenting on the photo. I remember one teacher in NYC (born in Healdton) and his class had just returned from lunch break, and he showed them a picture of a hamburger I had taken. In NYC they don’t have burgers like we do. He and his class spent the entire hour discussing hamburgers!
Steve Hamm and I stopped in at noon this week at the Corner Cafe in Ardmore. It’s located at12th and E Street NW across from T&M Pharmacy and I enjoyed one of the best burgers I’ve eaten in a long time. I ordered the Old Fashioned burger and it reminded me of how my mother cooked them in the 1960s. And at only $3.60 the Corner Cafe burger is worth every dime. When I posted a picture of that Corner Cafe burger on my Facebook, 98 people clicked the LIKE button. Amazing.
The above photo does not really do justice for the burger, the meat patty was THICK.
Link to my Hamburger webpage.
On my Facebook several comments were made about hamburgers I wanted to pass along in my newsletter not only about the Corner Cafe burger, but also the Hamburger Inn. Even though there is some controversy as to whether the term Educated Burger originated in Ardmore, it sure makes for good conversation.
Q. “Butch, what exactly is on the Educated hamburger? I tried Google, but I get different answers on different sites! I always thought Mustard, onion, lettuce, tomato and pickle. At least that’s the way I got them when I would go to the Bowling Alley in LG, but I did tell them to leave the tomato off of mine! All I did was ask for a burger no tomato.” -Deb in Texas
A. “Educated burger back in the 60s was Bun, Mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, and meat! leave off the onions, pickles, and mustard!” -Rick in Ardmore
“Mr. Brown at the Hamburger Inn would say, “send it to school (educated burger)and put it on wheels (order to go)! Another thing they would always say as you were leaving was “tell em where you got it” -Stan in Ardmore
Very soon we need to visit the Chickasaw Cultural Center at Sulphur and try a buffalo burger!
Speaking of my Facebook, as many of you know I reached my 5,000 friend limitation by Facebook way back in the summer. I try to remove anyone on my Facebook who has passed away, to make an opening for the ones waiting in line to be added to my friend’s group. If you know of anyone on my Facebook who has passed away, let me know. I am still in awe, and humbled at the same time, to reach 5,000 on my Facebook. Thanks everyone.
Below is a sign used in the old Ray’s Roller Rink at the old Armory Building on Sunset Blvd. The photo was posted on Facebook by the Greater Southwest Historical Museum. You will notice Admission is spelled wrong.
Speaking of the Greater Southwest Historical Museum in Ardmore, several times a week on their Facebook they post a photo of bygone days. Some really interesting history being shared by the museum crew. Thanks you guys for the great photos! Check it out on Facebook.
The photos in the news article below reminded me of the 1930s Dust Bowl years. This dust storm was just last Sunday in the panhandle of Oklahoma.
Here are some bricks I sandblasted the other day.
Q. Two years before Oklahoma became a state in 1907 the Civilized Tribes met and drafted a constitution and propose a name for the new state to the Federal government? What new state name was proposed to President Theodore Roosevelt?
A. State of Sequoyah. Hum…. Ardmore, Sequoyah 73401. Just doesn’t sound right.
Q. My father was a full-blooded Cherokee and my mother, although Caucasian was culturally a Cherokee. In a government seizure of land my family was forced to relocate from our native Oklahoma to San Francisco. I married young and had two daughters but I managed a degree from San Francisco State University. There I became interested in Indian affairs and became in 1985 the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. What is my name?
A. (answer in next week’s T&T)
From This and That newsletter archives of January 15, 2000:
“This past week The Daily Ardmoreite ran a feature story on the new “flight suits” the Southern Oklahoma Ambulance Service is sporting around now as their official uniform. The medics sure look better in those “flight suits” then we did back in the early 70s when I worked there. We wore solid white shirts and pants. Back in those days there was a Burger and Fries at the SW corner of Grand and “K” Street here in Ardmore. I was wearing my ambulance uniform, standing in line, and the person behind me made a derogatory statement about our uniforms. Maybe he saw something we failed to see? Times, they are a changing.” -Butch Bridges
The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Monday, May 28, 1906
Final Chapter Being Enacted
Murder Committed in 1902
Guthrie, Okla., May 27. – Sheriff Elliott, who recently went to British Columbia, has wired here that the prisoner under arrest there is Sam Green, one of the men under indictment for murdering Sheriff Bullard and Deputy Sheriff Cogburn, in 1902. Extradition papers are being prepared at Washington, asking for the return of Green to Oklahoma. When arrested the prisoner gave his name as G. McGiven. He arrived at Vancouver in April from Portland, Oregon. Sheriff Elliott went to Portland, in September, 1905, and to North Dakota in August, 1904, when he was informed of the supposed arrest of Green and his co-partner, Pete Whitehead. Both trips, however, were wild goose chases, but the Vancouver prisoner is positively identified as Green.
The killing of Jack Bullard, sheriff of Roger Mills county and his deputy Cogburn, occurred in June, 1902, near Cheyenne. Pete Whitehead and the Green boys, Sam and Richard, with Mrs. Sam Green and a confederate named Otis Stuhl, were in hiding near Cheyenne, having in their possession a bunch of alleged stolen horses. Bullard learned of their whereabouts and with Cogburn went to arrest them. As they approached the underbrush, where Green and his partners were hiding, the latter opened fire on the officers, instantly killing Bullard and fatally injuring Cogburn.
All members of the Green-Whitehead gang made their escape, excepting Stuhl and Mrs. Sam Green. Following their arrest, the defense was made that Bullard and Cogburn had called the women of the gang thieves and outlaws, and that the members of the gang fired on the officers to protect the honor of their women. But little evidence was ever given this story, however.
“I have received permission from Markie to tell you about a book, “Living On Holson Creek, A Choctaw Journal”, written by Neal White. This book is a collection of short stories written about Neal’s growing up years in the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma as well as current goings on here on Holson Creek. It has stories that will make you laugh, stories that will make you cry, and some that will make your blood boil. This is Neal’s first book, and as he is continuing to write short stories, there’s a chance of a second book somewhere in the future. But for now, if you would like a copy of the current book, just send a check or money order for $19.95 (which includes shipping and handling) to:
Neal White….. Rt.1, Box 2685….. Wister, Oklahoma 74966″ NOTE: This book is now selling used for over $100 if you can find one.
“I have a question for you….it’s an Ardmore mystery that no one has been able to help me solve yet. Apparently about 1905, my great grandfather, Sylvester Clarence Ballard, was shot and killed in the Ardmore area. I have been unable to locate his grave or any information about it. I gather he was a bad person and got into some trouble around Lone Grove. My grandfather located his grave allegedly in Love County in the 60s but made my entire family promise to never ask around about Sylvester Ballard in the Ardmore or Lone Grove area. He was allegedly followed and warned to never return to the area or he’d be killed.” [email protected]
“Hello, It was great seeing the old Confederate Home. My Great Great grand father (Samuel Snellgrove) might be in the photo. He lived there when my Great Grandfather died in 1907( Norman Snellgroves). Is there any information on the residents of this home? My family went down to visit the home 3 years ago but came back with nothing. We did find Normans grave i a cow field in Hastings,Ok. Well thanks again for the chance to see the old home as it was back then.” [email protected]
Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……
Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.
Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area (updated).
Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..“Does anyone remember what year Turner Falls froze over? I bought one of those cedar keepsake boxes with the photo on top, but there is not a date on it!” -Deb
“Butch: I need some help from you & T&T readers. It concerns the two story yellow brick building I own at 130 B SW, one block south of the Ardmore post office. I need some historical facts about the building. It was built before statehood by Ed Galt (I know a Galt built it, not sure if it was Ed or not). It was originally a residence, then converted to a small apartment building designed for salesmen who needed only one room with a bath at the end of the hall. Woodrow George bought it in the mid-sixties and hired his brother, S.A. George, a contractor, to convert it to an office downstairs and residence upstairs. The upper floor has a wood burning fireplace, which I’m advised is the only one in Ardmore. Any T&T reader who can help with this structure is urged to contact me via email [email protected]
Thanks.” -james clark
“Butch, Thought this might be a marker tree. It is on Sam Noble Parkway about the 4th house on the north side. Do not know the address. I have a painting of this tree that Sylvia Harper did for me years ago. Love this tree and the painting. Thanks for the wonderful newsletter.” -Peggy
“Ok, right after I saw your last newsletter I went coyote hunting and saw this. I snapped a pic and dropped a pin on a map then compared my pin to this map http://www.bourlandcivilwar.com/Marker3.jpg and its in line. Looks too young to me but thought I would submit it to others to take a look. Anyone think this might be a marker tree?” -Regan
“It might be worth reiterating the fact that most of the caves discussed on this website are on private land and the people visiting them are doing so illegally and without the adequate equipment to do so safely. Although most of the information is inaccurate, posting maps and location descriptions only invites inexperienced groups and individuals to trespass; many of whom are damaging the caves in the process. If any of the landowners who own property overlying these caves wish to have these cave securely gated to prevent trespassing and reduce liability, the AKCRI will do so for free, charging only for the price of materials. The AKCRI can be contacted at [email protected] More information about Cave Gating can be found here http://batcon.org/pdfs/sws/AgencyGuideCaveMineGating2009.pdf -Kevin Blackwood
3rd Saturday Sidewalk Sale
Date: Saturday January 18, 2014
Time: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm
Location: 1100 Woodall-Rodgers Freeway, Dallas, TX
James A. Little wrote (1905) – “We can never realize what a great blessing the pawpaw was to the first settlers while they were clearing the great natural forest and preparing to build cabins. Planting fruit trees was rather an experiment for a number of years. The pawpaw and a few other wild fruits of less value, were all their dependence so far as fruit was concerned. Well do I remember sixty or more years ago my father would take his gun and basket and go to the woods and return in the evening loaded with pawpaws, young squirrel, and sometimes mushrooms of which he was very fond. But there will never be a recurrence of those days which were the happiest of my life.”
Pickin? up paw paws,
Put ?em in your pocket
Pickin? up paw paws,
Put ?em in your pocket
Pickin? up paw paws,
Put ?em in your pocket
Way down yonder in the paw paw patch
See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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