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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 19  Issue 944   February 26, 2015

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

Back decades ago there was a log cabin about halfway between Ardmore and Dickson that I had mentioned in a 2005 newsletter. Ardmoreite Joe Baker brought by a photo of the log cabin last week to share with everyone after he had remembered me mentioning it in a back issue. Before we see the photos Joe brought by I want to reflect back to the first mention of this old cabin 2005.

September 2005
“The cabin is gone now and there is a beautiful brick home on the hill north of where it was. If I’m correct I think it is just East of the Campers Friend (I think that’s the name of the place) on the North side of Highway 199 between Ardmore and Dickson. I got two e-mails about it. One from Orie (Orient) that said: If it is the one that sat by where Grandma Edwards passed away there was a spring down just below it. We used to water our cows out of it, carry water over the fence to them. It had a cement wall around it. A fish lived in the spring. The Williams lived in it for awhile. They had two daughters, Mora and Delorse. After they moved, an old couple moved in. One day when Buddy Greenway and I was playing by the spring, we heard someone screaming. We went to look and the cabin was on fire. We carried water from the spring and put it out. It burned a hole in the roof. Funny thing while we were pouring water on the fire the old woman was inside cleaning water off her furniture.” -Orie Edwards
“There was another place that when I was a little girl about 9 or 10, Joe Volino was my bus driver. A house had burned on the north side of the highway and some children that had ridden his bus had been burned up. Every day when we passed by that house, Joe Volino would slow down as if to pay tribute to those children and as soon as we passed that spot he would continue to drive as usual. That always stayed with me how he paid respect to that place.”
“Hi Butch, I saw the photo that Orie Edwards sent of the old log cabin East of Dripping Springs. If I am not mistaken, my great-aunt Susie (Barnes) Wilson and her husband Floyd “Cap” Wilson lived in that cabin about 1950 or so, Orie may remember them living there.” -Roy Barnes, Purcell OK

Below are the photos Joe Baker brought by last week of the old Volino log cabin. You will notice the outhouse to the left.




Here is another photo Joe had in his photos from yesteryear. It’s an old home in Russett, Oklahoma. But in it’s heyday it was quite exquisite. The home was located on the corner of old Highway 70 and Church Road. The railroad went through their yard! In fact, when Joe took to picture, just in front of where he was standing but out of the camera’s view, was the railroad tracks.


Russett is in Johnston County between Tishomingo and Ravia. A post office operated in Russett from 1894 to 1924.

I am amazed how computers have changed since 1987 when I bought my first IBM compatible XT computer system for $1,465.58 including a dot matrix printer. Back then there was no Windows, just a DOS prompt flashing in your face. Today a friend bought a HP computer. It’s a really nice computer for the nearly $300 he paid. But when I picked it up, it was light as a feather. I thought, Wow! there sure must not be many parts inside. I took the side cover off and was blown away, only a motherboard, a CDROM, a hard drive, and a cooling fan. That’s it. Yes, things sure have changed since 1987. Here is a picture I took of the inside.



After 25 years at the Carter County Court Clerks office, Nancy Miller is going to join the ranks of retired folks. There will be a retirement celebration party Friday February 27th in the OSU conference room next door to the courthouse. Time is from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Come on by if your in the area, hope to see some of you there!


Speaking of retirement, I ran across this picture I snapped back in 2006 of Juanita Conway. She was in charge of housekeeping at the courthouse for 27 years until her retirement in 2006. Terry Hyman, state representative (now deceased), presented Juanita with a proclamation from Governor Brad Henry in the courthouse rotunda recognizing her years of service. I saw in the newspaper a couple weeks ago where Juanita passed away. She was a remarkable lady and missed around the courthouse.



If you want to lose some weight and feel better too; think about trying a TruVision 7 day trial pack. I’m below 180 pounds now in only 6 weeks. That is where I wanted to see it work the most, on my stomach fat. I reached my BMI even though I am at the higher end of the chart. My energy level is way up and my desire to eat all the time is way down. TruVision has really suppressed my appetite. I have Trial Packs ($20) in stock now if anyone wants to try it. It’s been like a miracle for me and it can be for you too. Check it all out at the link below.



Q.  What are the four primary mountain ranges in Oklahoma?
A.  The Arbuckle Mountains, the Wichita Mountains, the Ozark Mountains and the Ouachita Mountains. There is a fifth sub-range within the Ouachita mountain range, the Kiamichi mountains.

Q.  What is Oklahoma’s official state animal?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of February 27, 1999:

Last Monday, February 22nd, there was an article in the Daily Ardmoreite telling about the man who built 22 courthouses in Oklahoma, Mr. Solomon Andrew Layton. Here is the complete story, along with a photo of our courthouse maintenance chief.
In the late sixties I’d make the drag in Ardmore like most other teens. We’d go from the Sonic Drive-In on Grand Ave, traveling west to Highway 77, turning north on the west access lane. Going north a couple blocks, we’d turn in to Ponder’s Super Dog. And that’s pretty much what we’d do all evening, or until we got low on gas! I found an old 1972 newspaper with an ad in it from Ponder’s Cafeteria, 819 North Commerce. In 1972 at Ponder’s you could buy the daily special for less then a dollar. It included the daily special, a vegetable, hot roll or corn bread, and ice tea or coffee. Prices sure have change since then!
“Have you got a picture of the bell in the Love County Courthouse? About 3 years ago I worked for Cathy Carlile in the Assessors office, and a friend and I snuck up there. It was kind of scary, real dark and all, of course we were trying to be sneaky, and later found out all we had to do was ask! But it was a magnificent site, it is so huge.”

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area.


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Butch, Here’s another one of my wife’s quilts and here’s the story behind it. My Aunt Lenora Ratliff, my Mom’s sister, lived next door for years and years to Rue McClanahan‘s folks in Healdton, Ok. Mrs. McClanahan hand stitched the blocks together in the quilt top shown in these photos but never got around to quilting them. She eventually gave them to my Aunt who in turn gave them to my wife after we married because she knew my wife liked quilts so much. Terri had the top quilted and has kept it all these years. Terri just got it out and retold the story to me. You know men, that sort of stuff just doesn’t stick with them 🙂 She says the blocks are from the late 1930’s. So I guess there’s a bit of notoriety connected with it. I think she said they are churn dash style blocks whatever that means.”  -C. Dwane Stevens

In 1957, Grace Braeger of West Bend, Indiana traded in her old car, threw down $2,250 hard-earned dollars and bought a ’57 Chevy. Since that day long ago, it’s been her only car.

“Hello, Butch and friends. So glad to see the picture of the Colcord Building in OKC. Back in the 50’s My Grandmother, Joy Ringer Wallace, was the owner of the cigar stand in the lobby. Besides selling cigars, gum, and candy, she served a home cooked lunch and sandwiches. Joy was born in Ardmore, IT in 1899. Many a night I fell to sleep with the smell of roast, ham, meatloaf, or her fabulous vegetable soup in her electric roaster. Your visit to the building must have been very special. My brother and I enjoyed staying with our grandmother “Goy” occasionally and going to work with her. We would race each other up the stairs, all 12 floors at once ! Thanks for the picture and your memories.”  -Barb Hunt

“We were the niece and nephew of Ernest Brown. I am Daline Brown-Nelson. (Hamburger Inn ? 10 years) I now reside in Mobile, AL. We moved here in 1981. I have been walking down memory lane! We were dedicated to the Hamburger Inn and I would love to have one of the regular burgers right now ? lol
I actually do not remember why he called the burger educated. Maybe it was named that when his son was going to Harvard being highly educated, and that is the way he liked his burger. Then again, maybe not. LOL
The educated burger did originate from Uncle Ernest as well as every recipe in there. Aunt Lillian was a genius ? she made up the pie recipes. We had taken over the Hamburger Inn in 1971 ? 1981. I made the pies there after their retirement. It is odd I came upon this website, but I was nosing around in the Ardmore news actually and googled the question, what happened to the Chuck Wagon Barbeque. Wah-la, there was the Apple Dumpling recipe that I had wanted for years. I also read where you are fixing to retire. I retired two years ago and love every minute of it. Good luck!”  -Daline B. Nelson

This Old House by Rosemary Clooney 1954

This old house once knew my children
This old house once knew my wife
This old house was home and shelter as we fought the storms of life
This old house once rang with laughter
This old house heard many shouts
Now she trembles in the darkness when the lightnin’ walks about

This old house is getting shaky
This old house is getting old
This old house lets in the rain and
This old house lets in the cold
On my knees I’m getting chilly
But I feel no fear or pain
‘Cause I see an angel peeking through
A broken window pane

Now my old hound dog lies asleeping
He don’t know I’m gonna leave
Else he’d wake up by the fireplace
And he’d sit there, howl and grieve
But my hunting days are over
I aint gonna hunt the ‘coon no more
Gabriel done brought in chariot

When the wind blew down the door
Ain’t gonna need this house no longer
Ain’t gonna need this house no more
Ain’t got time to fix the shingles
Ain’t got time to fix the floor
Ain’t got time to oil the hinges
Nor to mend the window pane
Ain’t gonna need this house no longer
I’m getting ready to meet the saints


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Follow me on the TruVision lose weight program
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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