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Vol 25  Issue 1,281 August 12, 2021

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected], Phone: 580-490-6823

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us,
What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

A Glimpse Into The Past

Samedan Oil Corporation

One of the men who helped make Ardmore and Carter County a center in the oil industry was Lloyd Noble, a native Ardmoreite who kept his home and headquarters in Ardmore throughout a very successful career.

Lloyd Noble was born in 1896, son of Samuel Roberts Noble, a pioneer Carter county merchant. After service in World War 1, graduating from Oklahoma University and a try at school teaching, he turned to the oil business in 1921. With Art Olson, a fellow OU student as partner, he purchased two second hand rigs and went into the oil drilling business. During the 1920s the partners helped develop Carter county’s oil fields and made a success of their venture.

In 1930, Noble and Olson dissolved their partnership and each set up their own drilling business. Noble established the Noble Drilling corporation, which grew to one of the largest oil drilling concerns in the world. Wells were drilled throughout the Mid-Continent area, elsewhere in the United States, and during World War II in Canada and the British Isles. It is said to be the only independent drilling company now operating barge and platform rigs offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.

Lloyd Noble’s oil activities were not limited to the drilling business. He also operated as an independent producer. In 1932, he formed the Samedan Oil Corporation, named for his three eldest children, Sam, Ed and Ann. Many other oil-producing companies were formed, purchased or merged by Noble Drilling during his career in the oil industry.

In 1945, he set up the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation to carry on scientific and educational work for the good of humanity and at his death he left all stock of the Samedan Oil Corporation and controlling interest in the Noble Drilling Corporation to the foundation. Thus both companies are continuing their operations, extending Lloyd Noble’s contribution to the oil industry and to humanity, too, far beyond his own lifetime.

Lloyd Noble died in 1950.
-from Carter County History Book 1957


July 1968
A home at the east edge of Lone Grove was completely destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. The house was occupied by the Darwin Gothard family. It burn to the ground before the eyes of Gothard’s friends and neighbors as they stood by helplessly. Lone Grove has no fire fighting facilities. A pump truck arrived from Wilson, but the roof had collapsed. Gothard tried to extinguish the fire himself while neighbors and passersby labored to remove the family’s belongings from the house.

July 1951
Sulphur officials are still looking for a missing blonde. Millicent Marie Walker, 38 year old, ex-chorus girl, and bride a few weeks, disappeared after a weekend of partying. She was last seen alive and in good health when she left Cedarvale a week ago. The county sheriff said Mr. Walker told him he didn’t know anything about his new bride nor her family. Walker said he “just met the girl and married her without knowing anything about her.” Walker spoke from his hospital bed where he is recovering from three broken ribs and a punctured right lung. Walker’s new car was found burning on the highway. In the meantime police are also looking for the Green family. “We feel this case will be wound up when we get a definite lead on the Green family,” said Sheriff John Samples. We have no reason to discount the theory that Mrs. Walker was attacked near the car and left for dead.

July 1951
The new director of the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation agricultural program is known as 10% Harper. That nickname has been attached to Dr. Horace Harper, because of his sermons on the premise that Oklahoma agriculture can survive permanently only if 10% of the gross income is used each year to maintain the fertility of the soil.

July 1927
Rosie Worthen, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Worthen, died at her parents home Thursday afternoon. She is survived by her parents, two brothers and six sisters. Funeral services are to be conducted this afternoon with burial in the McAlester Cemetery.

NOTE: McAlister Cemetery records shows no burial spot of this Worthen infant. If someone can tell me where, I will make a grave marker for this baby.

July 1927
Jim Berger, a Newport farmer, is an inventive sort and is at work on an approved cotton harvester that he believes will revolutionize the market. He has 100 acres planted in cotton and several smaller acres planted with garden truck products, and an orchard, for he raises berries, plums, cherries, and grapes. He is also considering getting into the dairy business

July 1927
Pat Whitefield, in his third trial for killing J.M. Lanford, was found guilty and sentenced to three years behind bars. Whitefield was acquitted in one trial, and pardoned after another.

June 1927
O.K. Darden, County Commissioner, and his new bride Mrs. Henrietta (Doss) Darden, are receiving congratulations. Darden is a pioneer of this section. He came to Lone Grove from Texas more than 35 years ago. The bride and bridegroom have known each other for 30 years. She is the daughter of A.  Heflin, pioneer of Carter County, and a sister of Dr. Emmett Heflin of Oklahoma City. They will continue to live in Lone Grove where Mrs. Darden owns and operates a drugstore.

Added note: I appreciate those of you who helped me find the final resting place for Commissioner O.K. Darden. He is buried in Ramona, Washington County, Oklahoma.


We’re now over the $1,019,000.00 dollar mark. sometimes progress is slow locating people or their kin with unclaimed insurance money at the State Treasurers office in OKC but we are making a difference in people’s lives. And the search continues….

How long has it been since you checked your name or a family member’s name? Its easy to do a search at the Oklahoma State Treasurer link below. I think every state in the union has a unclaimed property website through the respective state treasures website.

Q.  What year did the sale of alcohol in Oklahoma become legal?
A.   In 1959 the citizens of Oklahoma voted to end the prohibition against selling wholesale and retail packaged alcoholic beverages. Prohibition had been enacted with statehood in 1907.

Q.  When did Indian Territory enter the Civil War?
A.  Answer in next week’s newsletter

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

Hello Butch, yes, the old electric power building about a half mile south of Wirt is still standing (that you mentioned in last week’s newsletter). Nothing has taken place there in many, many years. The employee housing (then called camps) still exists but not employees these days. I remember well the Hills, the Tate’s, the Carmichael’s and others that were employed there and lived in the houses. -Vince Freeman, Healdton


Below is from This and That newsletter archives of August 13, 2009

If any of you have been in Parker Family Vision Center at Kiowa and 12th NW here in Ardmore within the past year, you had to notice all the Ardmore historical memorabilia on the walls and tables of the waiting room.  The memorabilia was provided by Ardmoreite Steven Harris, one of this city’s most dedicated historians and preserver of area history.  A T&T Reader was in there recently and snapped some pictures.  In some pics you will see the reflection of the flash, but hopefully enough is still visible to make the items out.

This first one is a advertising sign for Frank Berryhill Tinner.

This is kinda of a unique item, a hand drawn map of Ardmore with businesses listed.

South Bend Wagons were sold by Noble Brothers Hardware.

This is a movie poster from the Tivoli, The Road To Hong Kong (1962).

Here is a writing pen with Buckholtz Mobil Service imprinted on the side.

A few more pics of the many items on display at Parker Family Vision Center in Ardmore.



Back in 1961 the sheriffs department raided Ollie’s Beer Tavern in Wilson, Oklahoma. Oliver H. Marutzky, owner of the tavern was arrested and charged with illegal gambling, and operating an open salon. Ardmoreite Sylvia West sent in the newspaper clipping of that day in 1961 along with a photo of her dad, Charlie West, standing by one of the illegal gambling machines.  Charlie West was a deputy at the time and got to see it all first hand. Back in the 60s and 70s one armed bandits were being operated illegally in back rooms by business establishments and civic organizations.  I remember Sheriff Robert Denney confiscating several of the gambling machines back then and keeping them at the sheriffs office storage for a long time. I often wonder what happened to those machines.

“Butch, Joe Ramer (retired) and Austin Greene work for the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA).”
“Hi Butch, Speaking of watermelons. In 1938 my dad had a large watermelon patch just west of the Baum store. He took five watermelons (averaging about fifty pounds apiece) to the Baum store to sell for five cents each. After about a week, the owner of the store (Jock Gibbs) told dad he may as well come and get them as none had sold. My dad said why should I get them I have a whole field of them. Needless to say we had lots of watermelons for our chickens and hogs and give the rest away.” -Orie Edwards
“Here is a picture of the emblem on the old Masonic Building in Wilson you mentioned in last week’s T&T. I took this photo several years ago. The Joliffs (Coffee Professionals Company) has since bought the building for part of their business.  I guess you knew Susana Joliff passed away last week. Think they had her services yesterday.”

Museum Memories
Contributed by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
~ June 22, 1916 – The Pioneer Telephone Co. has force of about 15 men here engaged in stringing new line from here to Oil City.
~ Aug. 3, 1916 – On Tuesday Dr. Tidmore broke the record on nearby town calls going to Lone Grove, Bryan, Red and Oil City, “Some Caller”.
~ Aug. 24, 1916 – The News has moved and is now permanently located next door from the old place. We have a great deal more room and better situated to handle our business.
~ Tom Lowery is now the owner of a new Reo.

Wilson Historical Museum. Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 10:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

The Daily Ardmoreite
Von Keller Hospital Opening
Dr. F. P. Von Keller announces that the Von Keller Hospital in the northwestern portion of the city will be formally opened Thursday night when the citizens of Ardmore are requested to visit and inspect the institution from 8 to 11 o’clock. The hospital is complete, with the exception of a portion of the x-ray equipment, which is en route here. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Von Keller Hospital Association is called for 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning at the offices of the Gates Oil Company.

“No man can have assurance for himself and his posterity living for himself alone. In order to have things for one’s self, one must join in the defense of those same things for others.” -Lloyd Noble 1950

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

“Friends Make Life Worth Living”Ardmore, Oklahoma


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Oklahoma History Website #2 (backup website)

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

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