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HAM Radio Prepper

By Butch Bridges KC5JVT via Echolink
[email protected]
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Updated: 02/13/24 – online since 02/10/24

The 3 – 3 – 3 HAM radio Plan for Preppers

As the years ago by HAM radio as it is known today will be overcome for all intent and purposes with GMRS. GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) is “the thing” and it’s growing by leaps and bounds.

For GMRS radio users:

GMRS 17 and repeater channel 20 with PL tone 141.3

GMRS Channel 16 used mainly Offroad comms
Channel 20 is the GMRS emergency channel

GMRS list of channels and frequencies.

What Is the Most Popular GMRS Frequency?
462.675 MHz. This frequency is popular for GMRS repeaters and has a longer range than other frequencies. …
462.550 MHz. This frequency is commonly used for family communications and is popular among GMRS users. …
462.725 MHz. …
462.625 MHz. …
462.650 MHz. …
462.575 MHz. …
462.700 MHz. …
462.725 MHz.

There is a GMRS repeater in the Arbuckle Mountians south of Davis, Oklahoma. A GMRS Net is held every Sunday night at 9pm on Channel 20 on 462.675 with a output tone of 136.5.

Eddie Collins W5WWB in Ada as a GMRS repeater online.
Repeater WRQB991 The Ada 550  462.550  141.3 tone