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Below is December 4, 2004 to December 25, 2004.


Saturday December 25, 2004 – Christmas! – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 401

Back in the 1940s and 50s there were some famous movie stars spending time in Sulphur, Oklahoma. Many of them were there to make movies including Roy Rogers and Dale Evans when they were in the movie ‘Home in Oklahoma’. Ardmoreite Charlene Gilliam grow up in Sulphur, Oklahoma during this time and remembers some interesting times when those makers of “B” movies came to Sulphur. In this interview Charlene talks about those times, and the fun everyone had back in those days. Did you know someone cut Trigger’s tale off during the making of the movie and Roy Rogers had one specially flown in and attached to Trigger so the movie could be finished? Ever heard of ‘the slab’ and all the fun that went on there just north of the Turner Falls entrance? These are just a couple of the many pieces of almost forgotten history from the 50s and 60s in the Davis and Sulphur areas. Even John Wayne stayed at the Artesian Hotel during this time.

‘Home in Oklahoma’ 1946 movie plot: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans team up in another music-filled, action-packed western. Here, Dale plays Connie Evans, a city reporter from St. Louis who travels to Oklahoma to investigate the death– possibly a murder– of ranch owner Sam Talbot. Roy plays a local newspaper editor, and the two work together to ensure that young Duke Lowery (Lanny Rees) receives the ranch intended as his inheritance and to uncover the perpetrators of the terrible crime. Like most Roy Rogers westerns, this film features music by Sons of the Pioneers, as well as the Flying “L” Ranch Quartet. <—– Click Here

To listen to the Charlene Gilliam interview….. <—– Click Here

Several people wrote in about remembering the ‘corpse’ that is buried in Green Hill Cemetery at Davis, Oklahoma. Seems like a Ft Worth business man named David Fred Hagler Jr. kidnapped a man (possible German decent) and used his body in the car fire so Hager could collect on an insurance policy. The car “accident” happened on Sunday October 10, 1954 on the road to Prices Falls in the Arbuckle Mountains south of Davis. Now we have an exact date of death on the unidentified body found in the burning car. And the plot thickens. I found on google.com where a David Fred Hagler of Ft Worth was connected to Jack Ruby. More in the next issue of T&T.


The Daily Ardmoreite October 11, 1954
Officers Suspect Foul Play in Car Accident Fatality
An autopsy of the charred body of a man found in the wreckage of a burned 1953 station wagon, wrecked on the Prices Falls road south of Davis, was being made in Oklahoma City today. Object of the autopsy was to establish the identity of the corpse and to determine if his death was due to the wreck of his car or was from other causes. Officers of Murray County, summoned to the scene of the wreck, were joined by Crime Bureau officers, and said that the fury of the flames which consumed the car was so terrific as to indicate that some combustible material must have saturated it. Only twisted wreckage of the car remained. There were reasons, too, officers said to believe the car did not go off the steep cliff at the base of which it was found, until it had been halted and provided with a convenient shove. If the mishap was a planned crime, officers were inclined to theory that the vehicle had been set afire and then rolled over the embankment. The victim’s body was on the right hand side of the front seat. It was too badly burned to determine if it had sustained any other injuries than would be normal from a car wreck. The car also contained a small handbag, described by witnesses as much like a “make-up kit”. The tentative identification of Hagler was from a name on this bag. The car was identified as being registered in the name of Hagler’s estranged wife, Doris, who said that when she and her husband separated, he had kept the station wagon. The body of the man was first believed to be of David Fred “Red” Hagler, vice president of the U.S. Asphalt Corp., his residence being in Ft.Worth, TX, but this man was located October 13 in Waco TX, “well and alive”.
“Here are several photos of an old school bell in Sequoyah County. The bell is owned by my wife’s family and is located near the town of Vian. It has been mounted on the front porch of their cabin for several decades.” -Bill <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“I lived in Davis when the man was found by the side of the highway. I thing it happened in 1950. I left there in December 1951, so it was before that. I think the car was along 77 in the Arbuckles, and the car was just apparently driven to the scene, and torched. I remember the talk was that the man’s dental work was typical of the work of dentists in Germany.” JRM
“I just listened to your interview with your cousin Leon and thought I would add to your Corpse story. I was 16 years old in 1954 and several of my girl friends from Sulphur and I went on a Sunday afternoon drive and ended up going to Falls Creek just as a lark. When we came around a curve we saw all the local authorities and we were present when the body was removed from the car and I will never forget it. The man was burned so bad his head fell off when they moved him. For 16 year old girls it was quite a horrible memory that we can all still see today. The car was traced to a Mr. Hagler in Fort Worth. I may not have the spelling right but it is close. At first it was thought that he was the body and his wife was ready to collect a large insurance policy when the Ins. Co did some checking on the body and discovered the corpse had dental work that had been done in Germany. I don’t remember all the details but Mr. Hagler did turn up and he was charged with murder. His trial was held in Sulphur and we went to as much of the trial as we could but we never could get inside so we would sit outside and listen thru an open window. He was found not guilty due to lack of evidence. It was so exciting to teenagers. We thought we were real Perry Mason’s. At the time it was believed the man was a hitch hiker that could have been from Germany. There were several different stories floating around about this. After I was grown and married and the mother of two children I was living here in Ardmore and saw a article in the Daily Oklahoman about the same Mr. Hagler who had tried to fake his own death in a small plane crash off the coast of Texas. I don’t know the rest of the story after this. It was a very big event in our growing up years. Leon is right that growing up in Sulphur and Davis were very special. I have been doing a few talks about the cowboy movies made around our area in the 40’&50’s. If anyone has a story I can use let me know.” -Charlene Gilliam
“Your article about motor bikes reminded me when I was an active duty soldier in 1956 stationed at Camp Whittington, 8th Calvary Regiment, First Calvary Division. The US Army camp was located on the island of Honshu 5 miles from Kumagaya City, Japan, and about 40 miles northwest of Tokyo. Growing tired of walking to work from my home off base and riding a bus to Kumagaya City, I bought a used Japanese motor bike at a local pawn shop for motorized transportation. The bike was capable of obtaining a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour. However, that speed was sufficient for riding on Japanese roads since the speed limit at that time was only 35 miles per hour. In trural Japan during the 50’s more people rode bicycles than drove cars. In addition to using the bike each day to ride to and from work at the Camp Whitttington, on several Sundays when we desired to see a foreign movie at a Japanese movie theater, my Japanese wife and I, with our baby son tied on her back, rode on the bike to and from Kumagaya City weaving in and out of the heavily crowded highway of bicycles and slow moving automobiles. Thanks for reminding me of enjoyable slice of my life.” -Elmer G. West, A Fort Sill Army Brat
“Butch, I saw my first and only live spreading adder (that’s a snake, don’t cha know) at the South base of Buzzard’s Roost some several years ago.” -jim dyer <—– Click Here
“I don’t remember the carnivals at Washington school, but I do remember the meal that the mothers would cook at Thanksgiving. Maybe the meal was in connection to the carnival, but I just don’t remember for sure. Anyway, I have the ORIGINAL recipe for cornbread dressing used by our mothers. I know people who still talk about how good the dressing always was. If anyone wants to make some for Christmas, you’ll have to cut the recipe way down. It makes dressing for about 100 people!! It only lists the ingredients and not the directions. I usually cook my dressing (a much smaller portion) at about 350 degrees for an hour or so. If anyone makes some, let us all know how it turns out.”


10 pounds of cornmeal, made into cornbread
3 1-pound loaves of bread
1 gallon of broth
6 onions, chopped
2 bunches of celery, chopped
12 eggs
1/2 cup sage
1/4 cup salt
2 Tablespoons black pepper
“The teachers that we had were wonderful. I just hope that one day my students will look back and say that I was a good influence on their lives. If I start naming one of my junior high and high school teachers as my favorite, I would feel guilty that I leave someone out. We really were blessed with the quality of teachers that we had. I went to Jefferson and our teachers were awesome. Mrs. Alice Lofton, Mrs. Bridges, Mrs. Stamper, Mrs. Rose Solomon,Mrs. Nell Rice, Miss Patricia Byrd,Mr. Emmett Hudgins, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Bobbie Carson, Mr. Bascom Melson, Mrs. Winifred Talkington and Mrs. Benham. Our principal was James Castle. These people were outstanding educators. My husband’s favorites were from Will Rogers…… Mr. Young, Mrs. Data, Mrs. Smith, and Mr. Edgar Wallace. Mr. Wallace was one of the first teachers there and later became the principal. We often see some of these people when we return home and it is so good to see our old friends. We miss the ones who are no longer with us.” -Millie Scrivner Adams
“Butch really enjoyed your conversation with Leon Ford….brought back memories from growing up Davis. I moved to Davis in 1959…. Remember the Ford Cleaners, Buckhorn Caf? and Ballards. I remember Leon’s and his brother Eddie who was a little younger than Leon. I believe. I remember that “Aunt” Dovie who ran the little store at 500 South 5th… across from the school was their Eddie and Leon’s Aunt. Thanks for the reviving the memories!!!”
The Daily Ardmoreite, Tuesday, December 17, 1901
Shooting at Madill
Madill, Dec. 17–Quite a shooting affray occurred here yesterday afternoon about 6 o’clock in which Attorney C. BRADFORD and LYNN WILLIAMS, the druggist, were the parties engaged. The two men quarreled yesterday morning over an account which Williams claimed that Bradford owed him. Bradford told Williams he would see him later and left. Bradford during the day went to several parties to borrow a gun, but he was unsuccessful until late in the afternoon when he procured one. About 6 o’clock he went up to the front of the drug store where Williams was standing. The latter’s back was turned toward Bradford. Bradford in some way attracted the attention of Williams who turned around to face Bradford. As he did so Bradford fired at him. The latter jerked out a pistol and also began shooting. The two men were within six feet of each other and emptied their pistols. Bradford was unhurt but Williams was shot in the arm just below the elbow, the ball lodging in the bone of his arm. Some of the skin was also torn from his thumb by another bullet. Williams is resting quite well today. As there is no officer stationed there, no arrests have been made.

An Odd Fellow Worker
B. E. TRONE of Sulphur Springs is the city today and will remain over tonight. Mr. Trone is an enthusiastic Odd Fellow and also holds a relative distinction to his town. Mr. Trone wants the Widows and Orphans’ I. O. O. F. home erected at Sulphur Springs and is working to that end. He has a proposition for Ardmore Lodge and will meet with them tonight to discuss its interest.

Weton’s Horrible Murder
There lived in Pauls Valley a Chinaman who followed the laundry business for a living. He ate, slept and worked all in the same shop. JOHN WETON was inoffensive, bothered no one, saved his money, in view, perhaps of some day visiting the celestial land before he died. He had some money and had it in his establishment for but few Chinese patronize a bank. Just how much he had, no ones knew, but someone must have known he had considerable of it, for last Friday night, John’s place was broken into and he was knocked on the head with some kind of hard, blunt weapon, crushing his skull. John was evidently thought to be dead for the midnight robber proceeded to search the premises and carried off all of John’s money, his trunk was all topsy-turvy and everything was in a state of disorder when found. The intruder even took away many of John’s nice laundered shirts and other clothing. No one knew of this until Sunday morning about 2:00 when another Chinese man came to visit him. John’s friend could get no answer to his call for admission, so he went off and secured help and they forced an entrance to the room. There they found John lying on his cold cot, where he had lain since Friday night with his skull crushed. The blood had flowed from the wound and froze on his chest. He was at once looked after by kind friends, until 10:00 when he expired yesterday morning. The people of Pauls Valley are very much worked up over the foul murder of this inoffensive foreigner, and we understand they have raised $500 for the arrest and conviction of the assassin.

All Bound Over
FRANK WILSON, ART FREEBECK, DELIA LEMFORT, PEARL JOHNSON, ETTA LEMFERT, and RITA RUDOLPH all had their preliminary trial before Judge Bradford today and were bound over in the sum of $500 each. They were charged with burglary, robbery and receiving stolen goods. The evidence adduced from the witness stand showed beyond shadow of doubt they were are guilty as charged. One of eh men had on a pair of shoes taken from Webb’s store at Ravia, and some $50 to $100 worth of goods were found in the trunks of the women. J. K. STUCKEY, manager of N. B. Webb’s business in Ravia, swore to the identity of the goods. Lyman F. Beard, a hardware merchant of Ravia, was also a strong witness for the government. It was these two gentlemen who made the arrest of the men about five miles west of Wapanucka. Pearl Johnson, one of the women in jail, has a little 6 year old daughter with her, and as there is no provision made to feed the girl, she is in a quandary what to do with her.

Bridges Brings in Eight
DEPUTY J. H. BRIDGES and posse brought in two wagon loads of prisoners from Tishomingo last night. There were eight of them, seven of whom were charged with burglary and robbery or receiving stolen goods. Frank Wilson and Art Freebeck are charged with burglarizing and robbing N. R. Webb’s store in Ravia while Delia Lemfert, Ella Lemfert, Pearl Jackson, Ritta Rudolph and Garland Burton were charged with receiving stolen goods. John Bridges was among the crowd, but he was charged with selling liquor.

Thursday, December 19, 1901
Will Build Waterworks
About a couple months ago, two gentlemen, J. W. BAKER and J. W. COMERFORD, both of Joplin, Missouri, looked over our streets and rode over the town, sized us up one way and down another, and finally concluded that Ardmore was too good a town to be without waterworks and, after consulting with our aldermen, left for the homes in Joplin from which point they promised to frame up a proposition and submit same to us. The proposition was taken by our city fathers and after trimming it down considerably and the Joplin people making us a couple of more visits, the council passed the ordinance giving J. Weldon Baker and his associates the franchise of our streets and alleys to build waterworks.. We understand that Mr. Baker will have a man here in a day or two with a well drill and machinery and will proceed at once to hunt for water. The next stop will be to get a waterworks site, a place to erect a standpipe, power house, etc. Everything will be pushed to its utmost now, and that $10,000 that is to be spent within 90 days will come in right handy with our merchants.

Thursday, December 26, 1901
Noah McGill Acquitted
Tishomingo, Dec. 26–The trial of SHERIFF NOAH MCGILL a few days ago ended in the acquittal of the defendant. McGill was charged with the murder of Frank Greenwood whom he killed last week. A grudge existed between the parties and in the grievance Greenwood sought revenge on McGill’s wife, attempting to kill her with an axe. He had cut up in the arm and cut a thumb off when McGill appeared on the scene. Greenwood started toward McGill with the axe when the latter drew a pistol and shot him dead.

Sunday, December 29, 1901
Townsend on Expulsion
It will be remembered that JAKE BODOWITZ, JOS. WEISS, and E. C. BAKER were removed from the Chickasaw Nation by J. W. ELLIS, captain of the Indian Police, for failure to pay the tax which the Chickasaw Nation has attempted to impose on non-citizen merchants. The order for their removal was issued by the Commission of Indian Affairs, who claimed to act under provisions of Section 2149 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, which authorizes the commissioner of Indian affairs to moved from a tribal reservation any person whose presence, in his judgment, is detrimental to the peace and welfare of the Indians. The parties named above returned to the Chickasaw Nation and the grand jury indicted them for returning after having bee removed. The defendants filed demurrers to the indictments upon the ground that there was no penalty under the law for a return after a removal under the circumstances above indicated and that if there was any penalty, it could not be enforced by a criminal proceeding. The demurrers were heard before Judge Townsend on Tuesday and he promptly sustained them, holding that the parties had committed no offense and were liable to no penalty for having returned. So persons can return here after being expelled.
The Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma. December 1, 1901 Lewis Out on Bail
Late Friday afternoon A. E. LEWIS, who was in jail charged with having something to do with the murder of C. M. HILDERBRAND, was released from custody on a $2000 bond. MAX WESTHEIMER and JAKE A. BODOVITZ going on his bond. DUDLEY SLAUGHTER still remains in custody

BRIDGE CONTRACTOR SULLIVAN is now busy driving piles just east of the Santa Fe track for the A. & C. and C. O. & G. at least fifteen miles out, at which point the two roads come together and parallel each other and contractor Sullivan will do the work. The trestle at the Santa Fe crossing is 1050 feet long and will take about 400 piles. Mr. SHIPPLEY is about through with the big fill at Devil’s Elbow after he does a little more grading south of Main Street, he will throw all his forces on the Summit cut and wind up the thing at once.

May God Bless You
On Thanksgiving Day, the officers of the Benevolent Society were surprised and much gratified upon being informed by PROF. J. R. HENDRIX that the children of the public free school had contributed for the benefit of the poor and needy the sum of #38.62 which amount he placed into our hands for distribution.

At the Jail; ED SMITH, TECUMSEH GOLDSMITH, T. TIERS, ISAAC TOLON/TALON (surrendered to GARRETT for accidentally shooting his brother’s wife), JOHN GENTRY, ARTHUR MUZZELL.

Tuesday, December 3, 1901
Took Everything in Sight
W. A. DIXON and family live a quiet life near Alma and did not dream of any of their neighbors having anything against them until a few nights ago, when they were away from home on a visit to a neighbor. The thieves effected an entrance by forcing the front door and selected two feather beds, so that they might sleep well at night; a $20 saddle, six bed quilts, 100 pounds of bacon, $2 worth of coffee, 100 pounds of flour, a pair of boots and a Winchester. Mr. Dixon thought he knew the parties and went before Commissioner GULLET and swore out warrants for the arrest of JIM BRADY and ALLIE CHADDOCK as well as search warrants. OFFICER J. M. STEPHENS served the papers and found the men at home, as well as the goods mentioned above. They were placed in jail

Those Electric Lights
T. L. GRIFFIN, manager of the electric light plant, informs the Ardmoreite that he is doing the best he can and that as soon as the balance of the lights come, he will put them in place. So far only four lights have been put in place, but one more arc light will be put in tomorrow in front of the Elk’s hall.

The Vannoy Hearing
In the preliminary hearing at Tishomingo last Saturday, JUDGE S. B. BRADFORD allowed bond to WALTER VANNOY, charged with the murder of JAMES WATKINS, a Chickasaw Indian at that place.

Wednesday, December 4, 1901
Sunday Hunting Must Cease
There were several complaints made to farmers living with a radius of eight miles around Muskogee against parties from this city who were out hunting Sunday. They stated that hunters invade their premises and the hunters pay no attention to warnings nor to the Sabbath day.

Killed near Leon
Leon, Dec. 4-WILLIAM P. RUBOTTOM, an intermarried citizen about 50 years of age, was killed last night on his farm, about 7 miles northwest of this place. He left the house at about 8 o’clock horseback to drive some stock out of one of his renter’s crop. Shortly after he left home, members of the family heard 3 or 4 shots but thought nothing of the matter. About 9 o’clock, the horse which he had ridden came home, shot in the shoulder. Fears were aroused and a search was begun. The body was found about daylight this morning with a bullet hole in the back of the head. Relatives have been wired and the funeral will be tomorrow.

December 5, 1901
Killing in Ravia
CHARLES PALMER was shot and killed in the cotton yard at the Ravia Cotton Company this afternoon by a man named SAUNDERS, who was a renter of Palmer’s.

Thieves Bound Over
This morning, W. E. SUMMERS, H. U. JEFFREYS, and his father J. E JEFFREYS were put on trial before JUDGE BRADFORD.

Are our people giving any thought towards securing the Chickasaw Teachers Normal for Ardmore? A very small effort will bring it to our city. PROFESSOR HINSHAW of Bloomfield Seminary has been appointed Chickasaw National Normal director.

CLAUD SHELBY, one of the Ardmoreite’s carriers, was hit by rocks while delivering the papers.

JUDGE S. B. BRADFORD left today for Tishomingo to hold the preliminary trial of W.

W VANNOY charged with being accessory to the death of THOMSON PICKENS.

Sunday, December 8, 1901
Texas Cattleman Shot
Fort Worth, Dec. 7-A dispatch from Memphis, Tennessee states that W. R. CURTIS, a wealthy cattleman in the Panhandle, is shot.

Trouble at the Railroad Camp
Last night about 6 p.m., H. LOTT shot C. A. JENNINGS through the back with a 38-bulldog pistol. The shooting occurred at the railroad tent on the C. O. & G. right-of-way, just east of the Santa Fe railroad. H. Lott, wife and sister-in-law live in a tent and board the other hands engaged in driving piles for CONTRACTOR SULLIVAN. Jennings was a boarder. Jennings gave his age as 44 years and said he had no family except three children who were in Fitzhugh, I. T.

Monday, December 9, 1901
Killed in a Collision
Guthrie, Dec. 8-J. R. CARLSON of Swan City, Iowa was killed in a collision between two freight trains near Caddo on the Choctaw railroad last night.

Territory Marshalship
Washington, Dec.8-President Roosevelt will decide two important appointments in the Indian Territory within the next two weeks. The term of JOHN S. HAMMER, marshal of the Southern District, will expire in January. He is a candidate for reappointment. BEN S. COLBERT of Tishomingo is also a candidate. He was a member of Roosevelt’s Rough Rider regiment during the Spanish War and is being supported by Senator Burton and several members of the Kansas delegation. Hammer, however, has given a good account of himself while in office. The term of LEO E. BENNETT, U. S. marshal for the Northern District, also expires in January. He is looked upon as one of the best marshals in the entire country, but it is probable that he will have a fight on his hands for reappointment. ..

A Pitiful Case
R. S. CASTLEBERRY, charged with murder, was put in jail at Ardmore on July 8. He shot and killed J. W. WAMBOLD of Addington and wounding MR. ADDINGTON. The difficulty arose over some lots. He has not spoken a word, bothers no one. He will be taken to Washington, D. C. and placed in the federal asylum.

He Forged Many Checks
DEPUTY MADSEN brought in one JOHN CARROLL from Alex, I. T. for forging checks.

All over a Quarter
About 9:30 last night SHERMAN ALEXANDER and COL. GARRETT had a difficulty in a dive over a crap game about the ownership of a quarter.. DEPUTY BUCK happened to be in the vicinity . ALEXANDER was detained under the charge of assault to kill.

Bankruptcy Petition
Pauls Valley, Dec. 11-JAMES GWINN, one of our leading grocery merchants, filed a petition for bankruptcy.

The jury in the case of SHELBY SLADE returned a verdict of not guilty. He had been charged with larceny.

Wednesday, December 11, 1901
Before Judge Galt
The offenders for failing to work the streets are getting to be somewhat numerous since they have all been notified and many of whom failed to comply with the wishes of Street Commissioner SMITH. Appearing before Judge Galt: JIM LEE, ARTHUR SADDLER whose mother testified that he was not 18 years old and not old enough to work the street, T MITCHELL, MAT LEE, STEVE EDWARDS.

A Killing Last Night
The Ardmoreite is called to chronicle another killing this afternoon. This time it happened in a saloon on East Main Street. EUGENE WALKER shot HENRY KYLE who was as known as ‘Marble Eye.’ It took place at HIGGINBOTHAM’s saloon. Witnesses; GEORGE ASKEW, JOEL MCMEANS.

Sold the Omibus
Yesterday afternoon a bus was sold on Main Street which was purchased some time ago by D. M. FINLEY and W. R. LIGHT. The bus was sold to satisfy a claim of the MCCABE-BIERMAN Wagon Co. of St. Louis and JAMES H. MCCABE, representing the firm, bought the property for $350.

Thursday, December 12, 1901
Rejoice at Pauls Valley
Pauls Valley, Dec. 12-A telegram from C. M.CAMPBELL, who is now at Washington, announces the reappointment of JUDGE HOSEA TOWNSEND. News by telephone to the marshal’s office from Beef Creek says that BOB JORDAN was shot and fatally wounded by a whiskey peddler named SPARKS last night at a dance at Jordan’s. The case of TOM STEWART against GEORGE COCHRAN was settled with the plaintiff receiving $725 and interest.

Officers Dine with Us
There are a number of officials in town today, we notice A. D. SHREWSBERRY, sheriff of Grayson County, Texas, R. B. PARSON, city officer at Sherman, Texas, J. R. DUER and R. D. BORDEN, deputy sheriffs of Grayson County, JOHN JAMES and T. A. NELMS, chief of police and deputy at Denison, Texas, E. J. SMITH, attorney, J. N. LAYNE, deputy sheriff, CREDE PORTER, constable and J. S. KNAUR, mayor of Dension. All of these officers are well and favorably known here. They took dinner with the bazaar dinner served by the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church, which adds to their popularity.
“Hi Butch, just been looking at some silver figures I bought several months ago, I just fell in love with them and had to have them I got them from a local auction, and they were described as being antique Chinese dinner place settings? I wouldnt know! I just liked them they are very delicate and about an inch and a half high. They are rather tarnished too! I shall have to get some advice on how to clean them, at the moment they are in a box in my wardrobe, which is a waste they should be on show, but then I wonder are they supposed to be bright and shiny silver, would I spoil them by cleaning them? If you look at each one you will notice they all wear hats, in their hats is a little slit, this is the place where you would insert a card in with your dinner guest’s name in it. Underneath the figures they have a chinese silver hallmark? I can tell you I have searched everywhere, ebay, websites, I can not get any information on them, so dont know if their are hundreds of them around or what, or if I own something unusual ? but anyway I am sending you some pics, so you can see for yourself. I paid ?70.00 for them a lot I know! about $130.00 but what the heck. Maybe someone knows what these really are?” <—– Click Here
Oklahoma Sandstorms, by Edson Smith, Jr.
Remember the “sandstorms” from the early days of Oklahoma? There was one special storm that came into Wirt when I was a kid. It came in from the Northwest. The Dourghty boy who lived across the road north of the Dundee school had spent the night with us. About 11:00 o’clock in the morning the sand storm began coming in. You could see it a long way off. It was rolling in and just huge. Mom got the car out and we drove the Dourghty boy home. It was 1 1/2 miles from our house to the Dundee school. The sand storm hit about the time we got the boy home. Mom had a brief conversation with Mr. & Mrs. Dourghty and then we started home. By the time we got to downtown Wirt by the post office, we could only see maybe 25 or 30 feet in front of us. When we turned south on the crossroad at the bottom of the hill, we could only see the road ahead of us by 10 feet or so. It was the same when we turned east for the last quarter of a mile to get to the house. We had the car lights on all the way back from Dundee school. I think we passed 3 or 4 cars going west between downtown Wirt and Dundee school. We didn’t see any cars going the same direction we were going. It was almost as dark as night by the time we got home. Mom hung blankets over the two windows on the west side of the house. Dust still filtered through the edge of the windows leaving little piles of sand one the sills & floor. Dad had a 5 inch break switch on the wall between the outside aerial and the radio. Dad usually left the switch open when it was not in use. When we got home, sparks were jumping the gap on the switch. Dad got home from the power unit about the same time we got back from taking the Dourghty boy home. Dad took a broom handle and knocked the aerial loose from the outside of the house and the end of the aerial wire fell to the ground. This grounded the aerial and stopped the sparks. The sand blowing against the aerial wire created static electricity; potentially dangerous. There were other sandstorms over the years but this was the worst. Thus ends the sand storm memories. Around this time, the Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co was putting in a new high voltage line between Ardmore and Ringling. They had hung the lines between the towers. A worker was connecting some wire to the highline. He was between the highline wire and the tower. It shorted out through his body and the static electricity killed him. Someone had failed to properly ground the tower. This happened on a clear day in good weather. They said it was just the wind blowing on the wires that did it.” -Letter written by Edson Smith, Jr. to his brother Donald Smith. Submitted by Donald Smith
“I ran across a couple of items from my Dad’s collection of oil field related stuff during his career in the Southern Oklahoma Oil Fields. One is a hard bound book with a paper slip cover titled, “Sucker Rod Handbook.” It is handbook # 489 and was Published by the Bethlehem Steel company with a copyright date of 1958. It says it replaces Bethlehem’s Handbook #336 published in 1953. Quite interesting in that it explains all about the history of sucker rod pumping systems for oil field use, sucker rod manufacture, rod selection, applications and has all kinds of charts and tables and formulas which are way over my head. I also found a little folder called, “The Pumper’s Friend.” It was published by the Gates corporation, makers of all sorts of belts, hoses and rubber products. This folder is especially for the oil field and contains lots of information about V-Belts and Sheaves and how to calculate Strokes per minute, with different sizes of sheaves, gear box ratios, engine speeds etc. (again over my head). Interesting that the pump jack on the front of this folder is of the air cylinder assist type. I think this type used air over oil in a large vertical cylinder to assist in the pumping action. I remember seeing those operating when I was a kid but have been able to find only one in our area still remaining and it isn’t operational. If any of your readers know of any left, especially if still in operation, I would dearly love to know about it. It would be great to actually get a video of one still in operation. I’ve attached a photo of the only one I have ran across in all my ramblings. It’s located southwest of Healdton about five or six miles. I’m still searching through my Dad’s stuff looking for a real treasure. I remember he had some original manuals for setting up the old superior gas engines, the large ones with flywheels as tall as you head, in powerhouse operation. I remember looking at them when I would go with him out to his leases. He kept them in his “doghouse.” They were fascinating to me then and I would read through them and look at the diagrams while he was making out his “gage books.” They showed how to set up the circulating water system for engine cooling by means of the old wooden tanks that sat outside the powerhouses, how to set up the old engine speed governors on the single cylinder gas engines running the powers. These governors were constructed of metal balls that spun around a shaft with a sort of spring steel assembly. They were driven by a leather belt attached to the crank shaft of the of the engine either directly or through gears. If the engine speed increased too much the metal balls would be slung out a ways and pull down a rod that would restrict the well head gas into the engine thus slowing it down. If the engine slowed due to loading effects of the pump jacks, especially if the system wasn’t quite in balance, the balls wouldn’t spin out as far and the rod would be pulled up by the spring action producing less restriction of the gas and the engine would speed up a bit. Worked quite well as long as the belt didn’t break. If I remember correctly, when that happened the engine would go full throttle. No fail safe in those days. These manuals were very old, dating back to the 1920’s and 1930’s. Dad looked for them after Kenneth Eck, he and I started the early day oil field photo and video project late last year but couldn’t find them so they may be lost. But I’m still looking. They would make a great addition to the collection. Remember, I’ve put out an A.P.B. for a cylinder assist pump jack!” <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

I discovered that I had a photo of a typical Governor Assembly used on the early day oil field engines as I mentioned in my last email. This one is on a non operating Black Bear single cylinder gas engine. You can see the metal balls that spun around horizontally and operated the control rod in the middle moving it up and down in relation to the engine speed. The wide sheave on the left is where the flat leather belt attached to drive the assembly.” -Dwane Stevens onmp@juno.com <—– Click Here
Here is a nice site for the cushman scooter enthusiast.” <—– Click Here

I appreciate all the Christmas greetings… and hope all of you are enjoying what’s left of the Holiday Season. Another year is coming to a close. I’m thankful several thousand of you has let me come into your home every weekend, and I’m looking forward to 2005 and the history that will unfold here. Its okay to remember the past but we must also look forward to the new year. There has been so much history shared through this little ezine every week it is hard for me to phantom it all. I appreciate those of you who have joined my long distance service, that is what keeps my OklahomaHistory.net website going year after year. If you know anyone who needs a break in high long distance bills, I would appreciate you passing the link below on to them. <—– Click Here

The middle of December 1995 Brightnet of Oklahoma first offered their internet service to Ardmore. I signed up on 12/20/95 and have been with Brightnet ever since. But on December 31, 2004 after nine years with Brightnet, I’ll be moving to Southwestern Bell’s DSL internet. I hope I dont have any problem in changing over so next week’s T&T can go out as usual.

“We would like to live as we once lived, but history will not permit it.” -John F. Kennedy

See everyone next year!

Butch Bridges


Saturday December 18, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 400

I made a really loooooong distance call this week to my cousin in Korea. Leon Ford grew up in Davis, Oklahoma back in the 40s and 50s and seems to remember so much of the history of that time. He has sent me emails in the past, mentioning this and mentioning that. I guess one of the most interesting pieces Leon’s shared is about the man who died in a firey crash along the winding road going to Falls Creek back in the early 1950s. The man was never identified nor his body claimed, and was buried just inside the Main gate at Green Hill cemetery in Davis. A small circular concrete marker was placed in his memory, and only one word on it: CORPSE

Back in the early 50s there were no national computerized databases of missing persons, but I believe that today, with all the databases available with the click of a mouse, that there is a good possiblity this man’s identity can be determined. We do not have an exact date of death yet, but its being worked on. Maybe when we get that, somehow that will be a starting point to identifying this poor soul. I hope others out there will help with this search. Anyway, you can listen to Leon talk about this and several other Davis, Oklahoma memories from the 50s at the webpage below. <—– Click Here

Speaking of Davis, Oklahoma and the interview with my cousin. In the interview Leon mentions he lived at 205 Davis Street in Davis back around 1950 and they did some modification on the front door of their house. They installed a small porch and above the doorway they placed a natural stone heart shaped rock. Here’s a photo of the rock, its still above the door today. The house is located a block south of the only red light in Davis, then a just to the west a few feet. <—– Click Here

I received a phone call this week from a man in Ardmore. His wife owns one of those mystery tools we talked about last week. They said it is used when making carpet, and is used to adjust how tall the loops are to be, making up the pile of the carpet. In fact, she even started a carpet using the tool she has and it works. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

We’ve talked about Buzzards Roost at Lake Murray several times over the years. But there is no official sign pointing to Buzzards Roost so the unknowing visitor would never know where its located. I went there last weekend and took some pics. Here are several pictures of the rocky trail up to the top of Buzzards Roost. While I was there standing atop Buzzards Roost I used my new GPS unit to take an exact reading of the location. The unit said it was accurate within 14 feet. And according to my GPS it is exactly 9.6 miles from Main and Washington Streets in Ardmore to Buzzards Roost. N 34? 03.396 by W 097? 05.535 <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

Here some pics I took looking out from Buzzards Roost. That’s Ardmore 9 miles to the north, you can see Bluebonnet Mill in the center and to the left is Ardmore’s K SW water tower. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

This is a view of Buzzards Roost looking south from across the water near the boat docks. <—– Click Here

Last week I showed the box of pecans I picked up in my yard. This week I took them down on Caddo to Keys Feed and had them cracked. Boy, these are really nice pecans, and delicious too! <—– Click Here

I received my book Bah Bah Blacksheep book written by Joe Leonard Jr of Gainesville. We talk about the book last week, and have an interview with Joe on my website. The book is really chocked full of Love county history and the Haney Liddell family. I was surprised at all the old historical photos of Marietta and Gainesville too. I’m sure glad I got the book, cant wait to finish reading it. Also there is mention of Joe Leonard Sr in the Mailbag below.

This is a file sent in this week with some good newspaper clippings from 1892 and 1893. <—– Click Here

I probably paid to much for it, but I got a neat gadget the other day, its a DVD rewinder. I’m accumulating lot of CDs and DVDs, and this will help. <—– Click Here

While were on the subject, I’m in the market for a good used brass door knob (must be brass) to go on an outhouse if anybody has one.

In experimenting with many anti-virus programs the last 20 years, I find two that are essential to your computer’s health from viruses, and just as important- from spyware. Both programs below are free and work just great if used regularly.

1. At least once a week go to TrendMicro’s website and run their free online virus scanner. It will check every file on your computer for the latest viruses or trojans. <—– Click Here

2. Run the program Spybot at least once a week. Make sure to update the DAT files each time before running the program. And use Spybot’s ‘immunize’ feature too on your computer. It blocks around 2,000 ‘problem’ websites. <—– Click Here

The above two programs can be used in addition to any commercial anti-virus programs, its like having another safety net to the every growing virus problem. For more help on virus protection and other diagnostic tools I found useful, visit a webpage I set up just for that purpose. <—– Click Here

I was walking down Stanley Street SW this week about daybreak and stepped in a hole by a vacant house at 401 Stanley. It looks like the hole is right on the property line, and may even be where a fence post used to be. Only by a miracle did I not break a leg or something. The nearly 12 inch deep hole was filled with leaves and hard to see. I see a lot of older people take their exercise walks down this street, and many times the past 3 years I’ve noticed 6 or 8 teenagers jogging down it. I sure hope they dont step in this hole, they might not be as lucky as I happened to be. Yes, I was really fortunate, I only bruised my left knee. I’ve marked the picture a red X showing where the hole is located. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

I snapped a picture of Central Park in downtown Ardmore the other night and all its Christmas decoration. I stood on the top steps of the First Methodist Church across the street to take the pic. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

And just a block south of Central Park, the Catholic Church is all aglow with Christmas lights. <—– Click Here

A couple years ago someone mentioned the Longhorn Trading Post south of Ardmore that was a hot spot back in the sixties. The tourist attaction was located about 10 miles south of Ardmore, just south of the Carter county/Love county line on Highway 77. When I-35 came through about1970 the attraction pretty much died a natural death after that. Acording to the back of the post card, Mac and Lous McIntosh were the owners. I remember as kid my folks and me stopping in there and I’d play cowboys and Indians around the buildings and all. About the only thing left today is the rock houses. This is a good photo of the Longhorn Trading Post. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

1918 – James Stonum lived at 312 F SW. By 1932 James Stonum lived at 330 D SW.
1918 – Sol Lowenstein lived at 623 Stanley SW.
1918 – Hardy Sanitarium Nurses Home was located at 209 Stanley SW.
1918 – Wirt Franklin lived at 201 D SW.
1918 – E.Z. West Wagon Yard was located at 100 E SW.
1925 – William C. DeWitt lived at 519 Wolverton.
1932 – Henry A. Stanley lived at 1023 Stanley.

ARDMORE MAN OWNS HOUSE OF WONDERS. Relics From All Over Face Of Globe Displayed. July 5, 1925 – Ardmore – This city has a house (519 Wolverton NW) of a thousand wonders. It is the home of William DeWitt. DeWitt has been a globetrotter and explorer of out of the way places. Business has taken him in many lands, and while in distant counties, he has always collected articles of interest. He is placing them in his home here, which is a very unique building from the standpoint of architecture and from the fact that it is built of fourteen-inch-rock from a Carter County quarry. The fireplace in the De Witt home is one of the unusual features. It has petrified animal bones imbedded in the concrete. Then there are the mounted heads of many animals, fossils and odd relics of various races of people, and from this country there are such articles of historic value as old newspapers and relics of various periods in American history.

Check the spelling of a single word or a body of text by entering it. <—– Click Here

glad-handing: noun. being very friendly to people you have not met before, as a way of trying to get an advantage. political glad-handing


As one reader mentioned I, too, think that T&T would be a great way to honor all of the Ardmore teachers who have left an impression on our lives. So many taught values as well as gave encouragement to do our best along with the subjects they taught. I think those of us in our second and beginning our third generation have a lot to be thankful for indeed. Of coarse we all had our favorites, but I learned a lot about life from all each and every one of my teachers from Elementary School, Jr. High, and High School.

A few from Ardmore High School who stand out in my memory as being very dedicated to their profession as well as being just being so kind, helpful, and always willing to encourage those who needed special assistance. They include Mrs. Anita Ritchey, who taught math for many years, Mr. Eugene Todd, who taught World history, and Driver’s Ed., Mrs. Marie Morse who taught English II, Psychology, Sociology, and Problems of American Democracy, Miss Gail McWilliams, who taught American history, Mrs. Estaline Waters, who taught math, Mrs. Melrose McCraw who taught American literature, and could tell you anything you needed to know about the King’s English grammar as well as literature, and Mrs. Dorothy Osborn who enjoyed reading as well as laughing about the characters from our English IV textbook. She did such a nice job, of mimicking the witches from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and of coarse Mrs. Julia Sparger who taught English IV, Latin, I, II, and served for a number of years as a Guidance counselor, and Mrs. Blanche Sparks who was so helpful in the library as our Librarian. Yes, in the theater of my mind I am going through the halls of Ardmore High School with some great memories. I know I had others, but the ones mentioned do stand out so vividly in my mind. I also remember our youthful looking basketball coach, and typing teacher, Mr. James King, who brought pride to our school with the help of his well coached teams, and Mr. Albert Fitzgerald, who always had a Superior band no matter what, with the assistance of Mr. Raymond Gabbard.

Now to Ardmore Jr. High, an exciting time in life, where did all of the years go? I remember so vividly Mrs. Leona Patton in the seventh grade, Mrs. Dell Larsen, in the eighth grade, Mrs. Hortense Landgraf for Oklahoma history/Civics. Others which gave me personal assistance were Mr. Kenneth Kisselburg, math, Mr. Charles Dabbert, Mr. John Cowan, and who could forget lovely Mrs. Myna Johnson for Art. What would our schools be without an art and music department? Of coarse all of us could never forget eccentric Miss Dorothy Gill, who taught manners above all as well as not only studying English grammar, but speaking correctly at all times. We also had a wonderful principal, Mr. Cecil Morris.

Now to grade school or Washington Elementary. I don’t know about how strict the grading system was, but I know for a fact that students who literally failed a grade certainly repeated it the next year no if’s, and’s and but’s about it. I wish kids of today could have the same type of education that we had. We have so much to be thankful for that we can see the difference in the young people of today. As carefree kids we didn’t know the meaning of the word bored as there was always something new and exciting to learn, play, or read a good book, yes read. I remember all of the teachers from Washington Elementary, but some who stand out as being among my favorites as well as just superior teachers are Mrs. Louise Thomison, who was my favorite of all, and Mr. Hershel Gilliam, Miss Mary Ringer, Mrs. Juanita Arrington, Mrs. Wilna Lasiter, Mrs. Lily Cox, Mrs. Eula Sherman, and Mrs. Lavada Whitmore, Mrs. Ruth Dawson, and Mrs. Thelma Roberts. None of us could ever forget our most unique and wonderful principal Mr. George Connely.

Do any of you remember those Carnivals we had at Washington School? Remember Mrs. Ruth Dawson making those hats and the hat parade? Also remember Mrs. Dawson teaching dancing? Mrs. Wilna Lasiter teaching music, and presenting some of the most unique plays an elementary school could ever have for sure?

I do hope others will share there unique experiences about their school days here in Ardmore. I will never forget Mr. George Hann who was a strict man, yet kind, and always telling us to seek knowledge as he was very academic minded. Do any of you remember when he would visit our Elementary classrooms that he asked the class, “Does your teacher ever READ to you?” He was a wonderful Superintendent.

Now who will be next? That statement sounds like the days of giving oral book reports doesn’t it or reciting 50 lines of memory work to Mrs. Dorothy Osborn.
“Butch: To refresh your memory I am Richard Haney son of the Haney’s who owned the store in Gene Autry for a number of years. You got my interest up last week with a story in your Vol 8 Issue 398 dated 12/3/04. You were quoting old newspaper articles from December 5, 1905, and one of them talked about a black man being killed near Berwyn in a settlement named Humby. I asked my sister about this since I did not recall an area, town or settlement with this name. She checked the “Ghost Towns of Oklahoma” and “Oklahoma Place Names” and I checked “Town and Places Locations”. Needless to say it is not located in any of them. A little more research by my sister revealed that out on the old air base there is a cemetery with most of the graves having a surname of Humdy. Note with a “d” not a “b”. This is also true of the old Mt Pleasant cemetery (a black cemetery) located about 3 & 1/2 miles southeast of Gene Autry. There the graves again have the surname of Humdy. A possible answer, is that the newspaper spelled the name wrong? Do you have any thoughts on the subject?” -Richard Haney
“wow! this was an interesting T&T. re: cushman scooters, etc., my first was a “pipe” scooter. home made and no springs on the front fork. i called it “teddy” (teddy roosevelt “ruff rider”) that section of hoxbar next to the fair grounds was a washboard road and after picking up my friend milton southerland, was on that road and the fork broke tossing me, then milton then the scooter on top all to the ground. ruined my scout uniform was most of the damage. my next scooter was a james (gary, i didn’t know i was envied by you for having one) (i envied you for following your dream and becoming a fighter pilot) anyway. vaud burton was my scout master. he was/is? such a good person who influenced my life considerably. i worked ? at heartsill’s grocery and drove a 35 ford coupe on deliveries. ross burnett and clark coulter were pioneers in the cushman scooters. they ran off one time and rode their scooters to oklahoma city. very daring on old highway 77. years later (probably 3) i owned a harley. was in the air force and rode it to and from san antonio numerous times. most times with less than $2.00 in my pocket. don mcmeans….. i get a message from him now and again and he doesn’t appear to have changed one bit. bout all i can think of about now but this t&t sure hit home. haney liddell story. went to school with dick liddell and had heard about his relative. dick caught many a nasty comments about that. don’t know if he is even related. just the same name. anyhow, our old “home place” southwest of bomar, ok., backed up to the liddell “home place” with an interesting creek dividing the properties. we played on that creek lots. rumors had it that haney, during his out law days hid out on that creek made all games we played more interesting. always on the look out for haney. thanks y’all.” -Gerald Cobb
“Hey Cuz, Seems like we just talked about three and half hours ago over the telephone and here I am again walking down memory lane. Liked the articles about the pecans. Can remember growing in Davis and our Aunt and Uncle taking us out west of down and turning south on the old access road that connected the west of Davis with the south of Davis right near the first Turner Falls Scenic route – anyway, we would take about five or six blankets and lay them out under all the pecan trees in that area and then us kids would climb up in trees and shake the limbs or hit them with a stick to make the pecans fall off on the blankets. We would then bundle all the pecans up and take them back to the feed-store just east of the railroad north of the Davis Depot and sell them. Man, it seemed like we were millionaires when we walked out of there. The Cushion-Man Eagle story brought back memories as well. Think that there were seven or eight of them in Davis and the ones who owned them would come by the house and let those of us who didn’t ride double with them. We went to Turner Falls, Sulphur, and even dared to travel all the way to up Wynnewood to see and talk with kids we knew there. Ed (your other cousin) had an All-State (with the spare tire affixed to the back). That thing couldn’t hold court with the Cushion-Man’s. I want to thank you for calling this morning – I enjoyed our just talking as cousins more than I did the interview part. We talked about some things that are important for folks to know – especially the unknown buried in Davis. I do hope that one of your readers can pick up on this segment and get something started – it would be great to know that through our efforts we finally were able to give this poor man’s family some peace of mind on what happened to him and they know that he as buried with dignity and folks still remember that he is buried in Davis. Also hope that one of your readers will continue on with Mom’s wish that he be remembered on Memorial and Mother’s Days and put flowers out for him – seeing as I do live so far away and it is really to hard for me to get back there each year. Was happy that I mentioned your Dad as well – great man who always went out of his way to see that Ed and I were welcome in the Bridges family as did all the Bridges boys. Talk at you (e-mail) next week.” -Your Cuz in Korea – Poss
“Yes the Coxsey family did live just off Plainview Rd. F.A and Mrs. Coxsey had 3 children. Louis, Sue, and Gene. F.A. turned the business over to Gene in the late 60s. Gene took on the Honda line of motorcycles and sold all the Cushman inventory. 1970 was a great year, Over 1000 Hondas were sold at the store which was located at 907 West Bdwy. He built a new building at 715 North Commerce the next year. My wife (Carolyn) and I went to work for Gene in 1969 and stayed with him until he sold the business to Leo Chaney in 1972.” -Don Lewis
“Butch, I have not seen a mention of Whizzer scooter. It was a small engine mounted on a bicycle. There was a rim screwed to the spokes on the back wheel and a drive belt connected to the rim and the engine. The engine was started by pedaling like heck on the bike and then letting out the clutch which engaged the engine. They were very hard starting. Top speed was at least 30 miles per hour, way too fast for most of the bikes they were mounted on; The coaster brake really got a workout. Once it was started one could go a long long way on a gallon of gas. They were sold and installed at a store on the southeast corner of main and Washington. Price was right at $100.00” -Jerry Brown <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Is there anyone in the Pauls Valley/Paoli area that will allow me to pick up pecans on the halves? I’d make sure you got your half.” -Laverne Hill, Paoli, OK paolipug@bightok.net
“Have you ever heard of a Tuckers Cemetery over by Duncan”? <—– Click Here
————————————————————————- “hey butch! had a few comments on the last T&T and while re-reading it i notice i left out my old friend Lt. McKerson and the photo of that old building. first time i was in that building it was a dry cleaners and operated by Lt. McKerson he took me down into his office. (the building had sort of a basement) that was an experience also as it was the first time i ran for sheriff and wasn’t really good at glad handing. oh well, just another reminder that all that happened over 40 years ago. it still kinda makes me sad because that was one of my most vivid experiences during my first campaign. also, at Tatums, i was standing and talking to Lt. McKerson when the altercation between me and steve brodie started. (another vivid experience).” -Gerald Cobb
“Hello again, Butch, Here’s another photographic challenge for your many readers and followers!

The Arbuckle Historical Society & Museum of Sulphur, OK needs copies of any/all pictures we can collect of the old ARTESIAN HOTEL which was built in 1905/6 and burned to the ground in 1962. We need both exterior and interior shots as quickly as possible. The Chickasaw Nation is presently working on plans to replace their present Motor Lodge here with a new Artesian Hotel look-alike, and we are trying to help them by collecting these photos. Photos may be mailed to me at: Roland Earsom, Arbuckle Historical Society Museum, 402 W. Muskogee, Sulphur, OK 73086, ATTN: C. Roland Earsom, or by email to: ursm-17848@brightok.net Keep up your interesting T&T historic information! Our museum motto is: YESTERDAY’S NECESSITIES ARE TOMORROW’S TREASURES ONLY IF COLLECTED TODAY! -Roland Earsom
February 4, 1904 – Kingfisher Reformer
Street Crossings – In Anadarko 5,000 feet of lumber is being put into street crossings. March 3, 1904 – The Reformer – Santa Fe leases oil lands – The Santa Fe has leased 1, 000 acres of land near Ardmore, Indian Territory in the oil fields and we’ll began to sink wells as soon as the machinery can be placed in position. The lease has been made for five years. This is the first moved the Santa Fe has made toward the Indians Territory oil fields. March 3, 1904 – The Reformer – Ardmore Block Burned – A block of frame the business houses burned it Ardmore. The loss is $15,000. The insurances about $7,000. The fire originated in the store of Kahn & Roff.
The Saga of Shotgun Smith
By Donald Smith
When I was a young boy growing up near Wirt, Oklahoma there was an old man who went by the name of Shotgun Smith. He sold watermelons & produce throughout the oil fields near Wirt & Healdton Oklahoma. He had an old pickup truck and on his route through the oil fields he was always on the looking out for young boys who might also sell his produce. The Hawkins family lived just off the road between Wirt & Healdton. So he made the boys an offer to set them up in business, it included a shrub oak framed shelter with a burlap bag roof and sides where needed to keep the sun out. The boys sold his produce for a year or two. The old man had one eye which gave him an unusual look. I was all ways fascinated by the old man. One day when I was there the question came up where he got his name, Shotgun Smith. He explained that he came to Oklahoma about the time Oklahoma became a state. He had settled north of Dundee near the Crow Springs area but north of state route 53. He had built a rough two room cabin and brought a heard of sheep on to his land. The local cattle men resented the sheep and one day when he was away they broke in to the cabin and messed up things and left him a note saying get rid of the sheep or they would be back to kill him. He said he took them at their word and made up his bed to look like he was in it and begin sleeping in the other room on some sheep skins. About three weeks later he heard a noise in the wee hours of the night. He got up and got his double barrel shotgun. By this time the two ranchers were inside the cabin and just as he opened the door they fired into the bed that looked like he was in it. He shot each of them with the shotgun killing them both. He was never charged, it being a justifiable killing.

Bull Frog Hunting
By Donald Smith
During my high school days at Dundee 1944-45, several of us boys from Dundee would plan a hunting trip. Bull frogs were plentiful in many of the oil lease ponds. We would get together about sundown and plan our hunt. Our equipment included a 22 caliber rifle, a frying-pan, some lard, flour, salt & pepper, a good flashlight and insect repellent. By the time we walked to the pond it was usually dark enough to begin our hunt. By shining our lights on the banks we could see the frog’s eyes glowing. We would take turns at shooting the frogs. We would then after gathering a mess of frogs, cut their legs off, skin them out, build a fire, and begin the task of cooking them. I remember that the frog legs were so fresh they must have not known they were dead. The legs would often jerk, and on some occasions would jump out of the pan into the fire only to be returned to the pan. This was real first class eating to us boys. When a little younger I use to catch crawdads using bacon on a string, they are a fresh water shrimp and just as good. Lee Wiggins pumped the adjoining lease and he gave me the secret to getting a mess of crawdads. He asks me if I had a minnow trap, which I did. The secret was just to cut up some raw potatoes and place them in the trap. I would never have believed the results. I put the trap in the water about two feet deep and left it for about two hours. Upon my return much to my delight the trap was full and I mean full!
“Butch, this is regarding a letter written about the Lowensteins. There were two brothers, Manny and Sol. I believe Manny taught piano lessons and Sol taught violin lessons. My oldest sister, Kathryn Stonum Zumwalt, took piano lessons from Manny for years and my sister Florence took violin lessons from Sol and she also sang. They gave lessons in their home across from Third-Ward school. I remember going to many recitals and I think they were held in Ardmore High School. This was a fancy occasion and attended by all of my family. Which reminds me of a candy store right next to Third Ward (Lincoln School) and it was called Mrs. Howards Candy store. If we were lucky enough to find a penny or a nickel we immediately ran to Mrs. Howard’s Candy shop and could share a sack of candy or a drink with our friends.

Regarding the Sayre/Mann mansion. Captain Sayres and my Daddy, James Stonum, and my grandfather, Papa Tweed, and Dr. Tate would play Pitch several times a week in our breakfast room downstairs. We were all neighbors and lived on F. St. SW. I think the Sayres had a son, George. Captain Sayers fought in World War 1 and I remember he had a peg-leg – the result of losing a leg in the War in Germany. We children loved to visit with him and hear his tales of the War. Mrs. Sayres was a friend of my Mother. -Tweed Stonum Machock
“The coin is a used in the Mark Masters Degree, which is the 4th degree in Blue Lodge Masonry. The first 3 degrees are taken at the Blue Lodge level. The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th degrees (Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch) are taken in the Royal Arch Masons Chapter (Lodge). The 8th and 9th degrees (Select Master and Royal Masters) are in the Council of Royal and Select Masters (Lodge). These degrees make you a York Rite Mason. If you are Christian, then you take the Commandery Orders and become a Knights Templar. York Rite Masonry is a continuation of Blue Lodge Masonry.” <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Can remember when we were kids growing up in Davis and it seemed that every Christmas Holiday season our parents took us along with other kids and their parents down to Ardmore to see the Christmas displays on Main and other areas in Ardmore. One of the better Christmas displays was the home just north of the Country Club going north on U.S. 77 out of Ardmore on the East side of the road that put up different light displays each year. What made these so beautiful was that the lights reflected in the pond just in front on the west side of the home – you could see it all so clear and it was so beautiful. You have to remember that when I was growing up in Davis and we lived in that old rock-house, they did not have numbers on the house and everyone had a mail-box at the Post Office. I do remember however that our home telephone number was 16 and the one at the Cleaners was 80. Thanks again for a walk down memory lane. For those of us who remember, the stores on Main in Ardmore had some of the first mechanical moving Christmas displays in our area – they were so pretty and the kids (us and the others), could hardly wait each year to see what would be in the offering in Ardmore.” -Ralph Leon “Bridges” Ford
The Daily Ardmoreite July 12, 1896
Judge C.L. Potter, of Gainesville was in the city yesterday.
Will Miller of the Davis Progressive came down last night.
Hon. W.B. Johnson returned last night from a professional trip to Purcell.
J.W. Orme, one of Healdton’s foremost men and an old time Ardmoreite, was in the city last night.
C.L. Troutman came in from Tebanon (sic) yesterday and reports work progressing nicely on the academy building.
W.Y. Chitwood, the Dougherty druggist, came down last evening and will spend the Sabbath in the city.
Dr. J.L. Wood left yesterday for Crinerville.
Maj. A.V. Doak the veteran drummer came in last night from a business trip.

Between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock yesterday evening Bud Watkins got riled from some cause at C.B. Ladd at the store room of Westheimer & Daube, and pulling his gun attempted to shoot him. Luckily for Ladd the gun snapped, and at the same instant he closed in on Watkins and held him from doing further damage. Watkins friends took him off much to the relief of Ladd and others who witnessed the affair.

You can dispose of your stove wood at the Ardmoreite office for subscription to daily or weekly.
July 26, 1896
The Ardmoreite was the first paper to publish to the world the fact of three unknown men hanging to a tree near Reagan postoffice. Since that time, now about two weeks, no clue has been found to prove their identity or throw any light on the circumstances. The following article clipped from the Sherman Register, may reveal a starting point: “Two weeks ago three men were found hanging to a tree near Tishomingo, I.T. The names of the men were not known. Mr. George Morrison, who lives near Choctaw switch, thinks perhaps the men are his two sons who left home for the Territory some time ago with another man. Mr. Morrison has gone to the Territory to investigate. He has not heard from his sons since they left.”

One of the prettiest and most comfortable homes in this city is that of Dr. Davis, on West Main street. In addition to an elegant residence, a portion of which is fitted up for dental parlors and operating rooms. The doctor has a beautiful lake which is well stocked with German carp and channel cat fish. In the lake is a floating, floral island, and around the banks are growing in great profusion, weeping willows, Lombardy poplar, nectarines, flags and tropical canes of various varieties. The entire block enclosed is a wilderness of fruit trees and flowers and taken in all this place is one of the most beautiful in the city.
August 4, 1896
A message was received at the marshals office this afternoon from Deputy Will McLamore, of Duncan; stating that he had captured near that place, the two noted desperadoes, Bill and Bob Christian and that he had wired for parties to come and identify them. These are the men who broke jail at Oklahoma City a little more than a year since and murdered the city marshal in making their escape. It will be remembered also that a little later they shot and seriously wounded Deputy Jake Hocker near Purcell, since which time they have been hunted fugitives. Handsome rewards for their capture have been offered, but the fact that Mr. McLamore will come in for the credit of effecting the arrest that has been so long baffled the skill of officers and detectives will be more highly appreciated by him and his friends than the financial gain that will follow to him.

The Ghost Walk and the Ghost Guessing will take place on Thursday evening in the parsonage yard at the Christian church. The ladies will also have a conundrum party for the children. Price at the gate 10 cents for grown people, 5 cents for children, Refreshments: two for 25 cents.
August 6, 1896
Several days ago the mail stage between Okeene and Lacy was robbed of registered letters containing large sums of money and the report was given out that the mail carrier, Hempmeyer, also was robbed of a big sum. The driver described the robbers as Bill Doolin and Dynamite Dick, two of the most desperate men that ever operated in Oklahoma. Officers and citizens went in pursuit. The actions of Stage Driver Hempmeyer were suspicious. He is only 19 years old, but he handled large quantities of money. He was arrested and placed in jail on suspicion of being his own robber. He confessed yesterday. ~Guthrie Leader~

Ft. Smith- The federal grand jury which was impaneled today, is the last which will investigate crimes committed in the Indian Territory. For twenty-five years this court has been empowered with the enforcement of the criminal laws affecting non-citizens in that country but that jurisdiction ceases on the first of next month. After that date the federal courts in the Indian Territory will have full jurisdiction over that country to the exclusion of all outside courts. The cases on the dockets of the outside courts though will be disposed of in the same manner as if the jurisdiction continued.
Cuff Links, Bracelets, Set and Signet Rings, Scarf Pins, Military Sets, Brush Pins, Toilet Sets, Bar Pins, Lockets, Locket Chains, Vest Chains, Knives and Forks, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Fobs, And Many Other Items Expert Watch and Jewelry Repair and Engraving of all kinds. John W. Dorrah Now at Johnson Drug Co.
July 27, 1932
James Middleton, 70, a farmer living near here was killed and his daughter, Mrs. Eugene Duke, 28, was probably fatally injured when their automobile collided with a wagon east of Duncan late last night. Richard Parish and R.C. Brannin of Pernell, who also were riding in the car were injured slightly as were three persons in the wagon.

The selling price of a Jersey cow on the Oklahoma City market is $1.50 a hundred pounds. Clarence E. Frazer learned this when he had returns from the sale of a cow which he trucked to market. The cow was a pure bred but as a milker she was no longer profitable. The weight was 830 pounds, the price was 1 1/2 cents, the total was $12.45 with a deduction of 1.51 as selling cost which left a net of $10.94. If the trucking cost had been deducted of 40 cents per hundred the net to the seller would have been $7.62.

Joe Leonard, editor of the Gainesville Register, had a party of his people Tuesday at Camp Chapman in the Arbuckle hills. Gainesville scout enthusiasts are planning to use the camp for an outing of the boys. In the party besides Editor Leonard, were Ballard Watts, druggist; Egbert Thompson, secretary of the chamber of commerce, and R.F. Spires, merchant.

September 6, 1933
Bill Guess, former police officer, was given credit by city police with the recovery yesterday of a Buick car stolen earlier in the day at Healdton. Guess saw the car and was attracted by the suspicious actions of its driver. He investigated and the driver abandoned the car and took to his legs through the residential district near E and Seventh northwest. The car was identified as being that of Emmett Gammell, Healdton.

City police this morning brought in a 1932 Chevrolet car from B Street and Thirteenth northwest, which had been apparently abandoned–the keys being left in the switch. The tag on the car was said to have been originally issued to Frank Langley of Healdton and is therefore believed stolen. It was issued for Langley’s Plymouth. No owner of the car has been found.

Remember, starting in January 2005 my T&T will be published on a less regular schedule. I may send it out a couple of times a week, depending how how fast it fills up or what I have going on.

Just a minute to say Thanks to all of you who’ve sent me Seasons Greetings. I appreciate every one of you. In just a few days Christmas will be here and Santa will be making his rounds again like he does every year. I hope everyone is ready, and has their wish list in to him. He has the only flying reindeer in the world you know, there are nine of them: Doner, Cupid, Dasher, Dancer, Princer, Comet, Blitzen, Vixen, and of course the most famous reindeer of all, Rudolph. For some of you its probably been so long since you thought about it, do you even remember how his reindeer came to be able to fly? They were given magic corn. Oh, it all only seems like yesterday.

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it glows.

All of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say:
“Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
Then all the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
you’ll go down in history!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Butch Bridges


Saturday December 11, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 399

Just south of Ardmore across the muddy Red River is Gainesville, Texas. In 1917 Haney Horace Hix Liddell crossed that River and at Thackerville, Oklahoma killed a man over a minor difference. Haney Liddell continued his life of lawlessness and in 1928 robbed the bank in Marietta. In the ensuing shootout Liddell was shot and died in the Love County jail 6 days later. Gainesville resident Joe M. Leonard, Jr has written a book named ‘Bah Bah Blacksheep’ on this infamous Liddell. I had the privilege of talking with author Joe Leonard this week on the phone in which he tells his research and findings of Haney Horace Hix Liddell.

This are two links to Joe Leonard, and his book ‘Bah Bah Blacksheep’. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

Listen to the phone interview with Joe Leonard at the following link….. <—– Click Here

We’ve talked about Lt McKerson’s BBQ at 116 East Main street several times the past few years. The last time was July 2001 when the building was torn down. I just happened to drive by there around 11am and the bulldozer was just finishing up, smoothing out the lot. Boy, had I been two hours earlier I could have snapped a pic before the building was razed. Here is about a 10 year old photo of McKerson BBQ. The little red building attached to the side of the main building is where his smoker was located. I remember in the 60s taking a whole chicken to Lt. McKerson and he’d only charge me 25 cents to smoke it. <—– Click Here

We’ve talked about Ardmore’s Bloomfield Academy in past issues of T&T. Here is a aerial photograph of the site back in 1920. The location is Chickasaw Blvd, now Carter Seminary. <—– Click Here

Last week I talked about picking up pecans at the courthouse and having them cracked at Keys Feed Store on Caddo. I guess my cousin in Ft Worth felt sorry for an old man having to do all that bending over to pick up pecans, so she sent me one of those handy dandy pecan pickup tools. The pecans on the courthouse lawn were pretty much picked, but I had plenty along the north property fence of my property, so I put the picker upper to work. These pecans are a small native pecan, but the meat inside is much fuller and tastier, and I picked up several pounds in a few minutes, and never had to bend over. lol. The pecans on my property are really a much better quality pecan than those at the courthouse. Thanks Carol Jean, it will be used! <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

Miss Woods and the girl from Texas
By Donald E. Smith

Miss Woods our school teacher, was the daughter of a Mr. Woods who worked for my Grandfather as a bookkeeper for Sinclair Oil Co. She was a shining light to all of us in our class. She was always helpful to each of us in our class. The girl from Texas came in the summer of 1939. This was during the great depression. Her family were farmers, some were near Wichita Falls Texas. Those were the days of the great depression. The dust bowl was in full swing and it was difficult to make a living. So her father and mother had heard of the Healdton Oil field where there were five spotting, that is drilling in wells between the existing wells. So they had come to Oklahoma to make ends meet. They had loaded up there covered wagon with the necessary tools to do the work of building slush pits and headed for the Healdton field. They had three children and upon arrival had set up camp right behind the Dundee school on a small creek. The Dundee pond lay just across the road. The children started school and under the primitive conditions they were living under it was difficult for them to be quite as well groomed as the other children. This girl from my class was a pretty faced girl but not as well kept as most, her face was not always clean and her hair was unkempt. The girl had a charming personality. She was poorly dressed. Miss Woods was quick to see the good in her. She bought her a wash cloth and towel, comb and brush. She also got several dresses, hand me downs from other families. From that day forward the girl came to school well groomed and looked like the rest of the children. After several months the work played out so the family loaded their covered wagon and left western Carter County and returned to Texas.

SOME LETTERS FROM THIS WEEK’S MAILBAG Butch, if anyone in that area hasn’t seen Ardmore’s Festival of Lights they’ve missed a real “goodie”. “I just returned from a two-week visit in Ardmore and was treated to a drive through the regional park and the lighting display. It is absolutely fantastic, one of the most impressive I’ve seen.” -Visitor from Colorado
“Can anyone give the location and history of the ‘maurice switch’ northeast of Ardmore?”
“First of all let me thank you for the wonderful pictures of the Devil’s Den. I am curious though as to how you manage to get into this area in 1995. I thought it has been closed since the 1970’s. It is also my understanding that someone had bought this place and is trying to get it back to it’s original state. Is this true? I had gone by there a couple of years ago and it appeared that there was construction going on there. Is it possible to get into the Devil’s Den now? Also was the log cabin still standing when you were there? I camped at the Devil’s Den as a young girl and would so love to go back.”
“I am researching the Goff side of my family, and could use some of your knowledge on how to go about locating some info. My ggrandfather, Lonnie Wesley Goff, was renting a field near Jesse, IT, in 1902. Due to the weather, he had not finished getting his crops in. However, the person that he leased the land from had rented it to two people, my ggrandfather and a Mr. Brady. Mr. Brady made known his intention to run his cattle onto the land farmed by Mr. Goff; Mr. Goff rounded up a couple of friends, and when the dust cleared, Brady was dead, shot by Mr. Driggers, one of Mr. Goff’s friends. According to the Ada Weekly News, 1/22/1903, Goff and McCarty were taken to Ardmore. I believe their trial was held there, and Driggers’s was held in Pauls Valley. My ggrandfather ended up spending 7 years in Leavenworth, KS; I think the charge was accomplice to murder. I am wondering about newspaper coverage/court documents regarding this trial. Would any of this information be available online? I found some items at the Ada newspaper archives. Since you are interested in history, you might find this interesting, also:

January 15, 1903 Ada Weekly News “Farmers In A Quarrel” Ardmore– In a shooting affair in which rifles were used near Connorville, Cole Brady was killed and Tom Kelly fatally wounded. Brady and Kelly, farmers and close friends, became involved in a dispute with three other men over fenced land and the shooting resulted. (Note: Our family information says that only Brady was killed.)

January 15, 1903 Ada Weekly News “Killed In A Quarrel at Pontotoc” Pontotoc — As a result of a dispute over the ownership of some land near here, Cole Brady was shot and killed and Thomas Kelly dangerously wounded. The shooting is supposed to have been done by Thomas Driggers. He has gone to Ada to surrender to the authorities.

January 22, 1903 Ada Weekly News — In the case of Lon Goff, Ted Bennett, Tom McCarty, Tom Morgan and John Underwood, all of Jesse, charged with being an accessory to the murder of R. G. Brady, all were acquitted but Goff and McCarty, who were committed without bail. Bob Nester took them to Ardmore this morning. B. F. Driggers accompanied them to assist them in securing bond. Owing to the inability of Tom Kelly to attend the trial, the court moved to Pontotoc, near his home, Tuesday, and concluded the trial upon securing his evidence.
“Butch, I, too, had a Cushman I bought new for about $300 in about 1949. My friend Orville Buck had one as well except his had a two speed transmission. It was the only one I ever saw with a transmission. I still have a hitch in my leg from jumping down on that starter pedal. The Coxsey family lived out near Plainview (as I recall) and had a son named Gene. Last I heard he was living near Fulton, Texas.” -Jerry Brown
“I’m a faithful reader of “This and That”. Keep up the good work!! I read with interest the following 1920 story of Lula Brown shooting Bill Kyle. What interested me is that she retained H. H. Brown to defend her. H.H. Brown (Henry Harlan Brown, B. 1871- D.1940) is buried in Rosehill Cemetery there in Ardmore. He was my great uncle, but I had never heard this story. Would you have any idea if Lula was related by marriage to Harlan? Was she eventually found guilty of this crime or did Uncle Harlan get her off??? (Another interesting tidbit is that Harlan had a sister named Lula Brown Lykins, and she is also buried in Rosehill).” -Dick Lindsly, Frisco, Texas
“Butch in 1946 my dad built me a scooter using a Maytag washing machine motor. Never could keep the throttle cable working so had to use the control under the carburetor. This was next to the muffler pipe and caused some problems slowing down on a really rough street. OH! How I envied those who had one of the JAMES motorcycles from England. We lived a couple of houses down from the Carson’s when Duane was killed and I believe that it was on Main and E by Central Park. (We have discussed my memory before) I really enjoy the articles that you find that deal with the Holder I T townsite. There were at one time a couple of cotton gins, general store, and a few other places of business. My dad and two uncles were born there.” -Dan
“This article caught my eye because of the last name of the couple. I wonder if it was they for whom Burton Street S. E. was named? The Burton name in one of your articles always seems to quickly attract my attention.”
“The coin that you show is a coin from the York Rite.” <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Thanks for showing the picture of the Masonic penny. My dad had a few of these pennies in his jewelry box when he died. I didn’t know what they were but I kept them. Glad I did now that I know what they are. He left many Masonic memorabilia from the Masonic Lodge in Martinez, CA. He was invited into the lodge at the request of “Doc” Everett Dobson, originally of Payne County, OK. “Doc” started the Dobson Telephone Company in Oklahoma City. His son Russell Dobson is also a Mason.”
“I feel partially responsible for Duane wanting a scooter or motor bike. His next door neighbor was one of my friends, Jim Carroll. I eventually bought my first car from Jim, a ’55 Ford previously owned by Terry Alkire. I read your interview, and, as I read those names, most all older than I, it brought back a lot of memories. I’ve often thought of Duane over the years. My uncle, Vaud “Pete’ Burton came out of the First Methodist Church after the accident, saw Duane and understandably didn’t recognize him. Duanes’ father, Guy E. Carson, was a automobile upholsterer. I wish I had spent more time in his shop and learned the trade. For a Christmas present, Duane got Guy to make a black and white rolled and pleated seat and buddy seat cover for my black ’62 Cushman standard Eagle. Purchased new for my brother Greg and I, though, I drove it more, as my brother was almost sixteen, at which time he got a very used ’52 Plymouth four door Cranbrook. I also had an Ardmoreite paper route (Rt 30). I used the Cushman to ‘throw’ my route. Duanes’ route was a little north of mine and on occasion I would throw my route and then help Duane throw his. I really liked that paper route, it was fun,not work. I got this route from Phil Ralls, Butch Ralls’ cousin. I ‘ran around’ with Butchs’ little brother Rod, and their cousins Phil Ralls, and their other cousin Larry Ralls. My brother sent the interview. I was glad to read it and know my cousin Duane has not been forgotten.” -Jim Heartsill
“In the December 3 issue of T&T someone asked how Caddo Street got its name. Caddo Street became the first named street in Ardmore during the 1880’s. The street was originally a wagon road from the 700 Ranch house to Caddo Creek. Therefore, the name Caddo Street. The Caddo People have been in present-day Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma for many centuries. Their historical culture reached a peak in the tenth through thirteenth centuries. I can not imagine that there would be another source for the name of Caddo Creek.” -Mark Coe <—– Click Here
“The article on Cushman Eagles brought back many fond memories for me since I rode one when I was in school. It was a 1956 model Cushman Eagle I purchased second hand from Doug Cude. I paid for it by running a Oklahoman paper route. Sometimes it was awfully hard to get up before daylight and start my scooter if it was cold, since it was cold natured. You had to kick it a couple of times with the choke on and then kick it a couple of times with the choke off. If it didn’t start by then you would open the throttle a little and kick it a couple more times. If it still didn’t start you might as well wait about five minutes and repeat the procedure. If you didn’t have time to wait you could take half clothespin and drive it in the clutch leaving just enough sticking out to go under the clutch arm. Then you could push it in neutral as fast as you could then jump on and throw it in gear and hope it would start. If it did start you would have to rest you foot on the clutch arm and lower your heel down to the clutch to knock the clothespin out. Then it was off to the Oklahoman office on North Washington, to fold papers, but first I would sometimes stop by the Hamburger Inn to get some Texas Toast, grape jelly and a glass of milk. Talk about good, even if it did cost ten or fifteen cents.

The school scooter parking lot was on the north side of the shop building where Mr. Sturdevant taught. I remember he took a real dim view of students who would sharpen their mechanical drawing pencils to a needle point then stick the student in front of them in the backside. He and the victim just didn’t seem to have a sense of humor about it all. When school was out you would need to check the carburetor on your scooter to be sure the air adjustment needle was still there because it would sometimes vibrate out. It would run without it but you couldn’t start it without it. If it was gone you could sharpen a match and stick it in the hole to get it started until you could get to Coxsey’s to get a new needle.

I thought about getting a Mustang Scooter but didn’t have the money. They sold them in a store about where the Ardmore Bicycle Shop on North Washington is now. They had a bigger engine but Eagles were more popular. Another scooter I remember was a Simplex. A good friend of mine, Buck Miller had one before he bought a Super Eagle. The Simplex looked more like a motorcycle. It had wire spoke wheels and a smaller engine. He had to get a good run at the fifth avenue viaduct in order to make it to the top.

I sure do enjoy your newsletter! Especially when I can identify with the articles or know the people who have written them, like Don McMeans telling about his childhood. I have to tell off on Don a little bit. He and my oldest brother, Wayne Creecy, were very good friends. Once they decided to go trout fishing in Colorado and invited me to tag along. The plan was to take dirt bikes up Turkey Creek as far as we could, to get away from the crowd. I got my old Eagle running and was planning on taking it but my brother convinced me to buy a little dirt bike. Didn’t take a lot of convincing. Don had a good time teasing us about how his larger bike was going to leave us behind, since our bikes were smaller. I had a little Hodaka and my brother had a little Yamaha. I can’t really remember what kind of bike Don had since I heard him call it many names most of which I dare not repeat. It did not like the high altitude at all. It was harder to start than my old Eagle on a frosty morning and wouldn’t pull your hat off your head in that high altitude. So Don had to eat his words and ride behind me on my little Hodaka. Of course we didn’t rub it in very much. Heh, Heh. I think Don lost a few years off his life when he rode behind me in the mountains. Sorry Don but I couldn’t resist telling off on you.” -Gary Creecy
“I have been having medical problems in the last 25 days starting in oct 29 I went into the hospital emergency and was misdiagnosed and released as having kidney problems on Nov 26 at 4 am I was again in ER this time it was found that both times I had a heart attack it was mild but scary I am home now after 4 days and still feeling groggy for it all if I dont respond as quickly to your messages as in the past please forgive me I will do my best. to all my friends and family please take care and know that you are loved each and everyone.” -Paskell Poindexter in California. ppoindex@digitalpath.net
“Can anyone tell me what this old tool is or what it was used for.” <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
The Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, Sunday, December 13, 1914
Objects and Aim of the Children’s Home
Satisfactory progress has been made toward completing all details connected with the opening of the ‘Evangeline Home’ north of the city and next week three children will be taken–first to be received. MISS HALL, who was the prime mover in the movement to establish the home here, has been engaged in the work in this state for the past six years, and previous to that time was working in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is thoroughly equipped for the position she holds, and says there is no possible chance for its failure here. The purpose of the association is to promote and practice the placing into family homes the dependent children who can legally be turned over to the association, also to investigate homes where children are to be placed and looking after these children until they reach their majority–always reserving the right and privilege to replace a child when circumstances or surroundings are not conducive to the best interests of the child. This association will also maintain a receiving or detention home, where county wards or juvenile offenders may be taken care of temporarily. There will also be an aid department connected with the work, whereby a mother, by paying a small sum of weekly, can place her children in the home and may have a chance to work, or a man may place his motherless children and have a chance to work for them, if any of both parents are sick or unable to work, the children will be cared for free. The home north of town will be called the Evangeline Home. It has already been rented and citizens of Ardmore who are in sympathy with this movement will be asked to help furnish the home. They will be glad to receive donations such as small iron beds, cotton blankets, baby cribs, window shades, chairs, dining tables, linoleum, matting, rugs, kitchen utensils, coal, wood, coal stoves, kindling, children’s chairs, clothing, fruits, groceries, feed for cow, etc. The Oklahoma Independent Child Placing Association was organized, the 10th day of December 14, with a board of five directors consisting of A. H. STRACHLEY, President; C.E RINGER, Vice-President; G.W. STUART, Secretary-Treasurer, JUDGE HARRELD, and L.M. LEEPER with an executive committee of seven ladies, MRS. E.A. CURTIS, MRS. J.A. MADDEN, MRS. W.R. MOORE, MRS. M. REDFIELD, MRS. CRITTENDEN. There will also a local board of ladies of the city who will co-operate in the management of the local work.
“Was reading on your Website and was profoundly interested and intrigued in your comments about your teachers; for sure, your grade cards looked just about as bad as mine – course, they graded a little tougher over at Washington than they did at Lincoln. (Now you know, surely, someone will take exception to this!) Our Ardmore school teachers helped make us who we are today. Like our parents, we are a social and civic product of what they taught. Some of us look back with a great deal of pride, warmth, and love for those teachers that signed our grade cards. If your reunions are like mine, and I am sure they are, we spend a lot of time talking about the teachers – all of them. One of the better classes out of Ardmore (“Tuff as nails, hard as bricks, Senior Class of ’56!”) will jump right in on stories about Julia K. Sparger, Roy Trout, and Nina Oliver Brumfield. Around some pool or bar in Ardmore the stories abound about Muncy Rece, Dorothy Osborn, and Nancy Fry. We know how lucky we were. We knew it then, we just wouldn’t admit it. We should do more for our teachers and maybe remember them in a more honorable way. Maybe this T & T forum is the place? I would like to hold up my junior high gym teacher and basketball coach Ralph Cornelius. He had a way of getting the max out of his student players. He had a way of getting our attention with the paddle (with inch size holes in it) he carried in his right rear pocket. He had a way about him in knowing exactly when to use the paddle – and we knew we were going to get it. He also had a way of seeing that some of us liked airplanes, because he did too. What a great man. (Dorothy Osborn, graduate of Oklahoma A&M College, would be proud of my use of an anaphoric referent). Let the record reflect that the splendid class of ’56 will be in Ardmore in aught six for our 50th reunion. We will find the bucolic bar and the jar and begin again on the teachers that made us who we are. Some of our teachers are still living, of course, and it would be good to have some of them there. Wonder what the chance would be of having a couple of grades changed on a grade card?” -Gary Heartsill, Baja, Oklahoma (Texas)
The Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma
Monday, March 4, 1901
Returned from China
GUS LITTLE, an Ardmore boy, was a very interesting caller at the Ardmoreite office today, having just reached home from the war in China and also in the Philippines. MR. LITTLE has some wonderful and interesting stories of the campaign for his friends, but for which the Ardmoreite has not the space. He says, however, that the Chinese that they had to run up against were different beings altogether from those we see in this country. In stature, he says they are almost giants and seem wholly ignorant of fear. MR. LITTLE, who was a member of the Sixth Cavalry, left Peking last October and went to Manila. He arrived at San Francisco on December13 and was honorably discharged owing to disability from wound received and sunstroke, at Washington, D.C., February 15. Mr. LITTLE had many words of praised for JOHN HAMMER (son of CAPTAIN J. W. HAMMER of Ardmore), who is in the same company. He says HAMMER was also wounded but was getting over it. He adds that young HAMMER has established a record for bravery and general good character away above anything out there. He is now in Manila.

The Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma
Monday, December 14, 1914
School Notes from over the County
Provence (written by the pupils)
The first month of our school has just closed. Attendance has been very good, but we hope it will be better after Christmas, when all the cotton is picked. The county superintendent L. M. THURSTON visited the school Wednesday afternoon. He made a nice talk which was appreciated by all. We will need the second assistant teacher after Christmas and MISS PEARL STAFFORD of Springer will fill the position. We shall be glad to number her among the young people of Provence. Our boys and girls are preparing to organize a basketball game and hope to be ready for the athletic contest next spring. MISS EVA STAFFORD, our assistant teacher, remained over Saturday and Sunday in Provence. She with a few other girls and boys was entertained very pleasantly by MISS MARIAN SCOTT last Saturday evening with a forty-two party. The Sunday schools are preparing for a box supper Friday night, December 18, for the purpose of raising funds for a Christmas tree. Everybody is cordially invited to be present with a well-filled box for plenty of loose change. ROBERT FENLEY / FINLEY, CHARLES SCOTT, and WILLIE MAYFIELD are repairing the cemetery fence near the school house. They work before and after school hours. The girls are wondering if ROBERT can drive a staple as well as he can decline a Latin noun. MR. VOLINO had the misfortune of having about 400 pounds of meet stolen from his house last Monday night. He has offered a reward for the capture of the thief. AURORA THORNTON has been seriously ill for the past ten days, and we regret to lean he is not any better. We had hoped to have him in school by this time. MRS. BARTLETT of Ardmore, his sister, visited the Thornton family this week. Several nice affairs are being planned by the school and community for the coming winter. REV. WILLIAMS, the Methodist preacher, preached here last Wednesday evening. Despite the cold weather, he had a very good congregation. REV. DELLASHAW of Madill will preach here Sunday morning and Sunday night. Our Sunday schools are progressing nicely and we hope soon to have every boy and girl in this community enrolled. Cold weather seems to have come in earnest and everybody is having a ‘hog killing time.’ We do not object to this since it is conducive to the ‘full dinner pail’ idea–something in which all school boys and girls are interested.
Poolville / Pooleville
School opened in Poolville under the most disadvantageous circumstances. It was cold and rainy, and, as a consequence of the rain, it was muddy. Anyone acquainted with Poolville mud knows that the children had something to do to get to the school house. Thanks to our young friend SAM LAWSON, warm fires awaited us, and soon interest ran so high that the old weather man was welcome to do his worst, with never a care from the busy ones. THURSTON’s circular was read aloud and discussed by the principal and fired with enthusiasm, the pupils pledged themselves to organize baseball and basketball teams, and to furnish news of Poolville once a week to be sent to the Ardmoreite. Some folks are saying no one will attend the programs we propose to give on Friday afternoons as soon as we are well organized, but we say that our ‘pa’s and ma’s’ are just like other ‘pa’s and ma’s’ (only a little extra), and just as soon as we go home and tell them our program is ready, we expect pa hitch up the old wagon and invite ma to take a ride to the old school house where they will be greeted with such rah-rah, that they will be mighty glad they came. In the primary department, MISS CLARE HERBERT presides and she is so enthusiastic over her little ones that some of her statements relative to their progress might be questioned, were it not for MISS CLARE’s reputation for veracity. W. B. LONG made a business trip to Wilson on Wednesday. N. H. HARRIS made a flying trip to Wilson. R. T. TROUT was a visitor to Ardmore the early part of the week. The social event of the week was a party at the ranch of MR. POOL, on Wednesday night. A merry crowd of young people, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. ROY BRADY and MRS. THOMAS, attended. The house was prettily decorated in Christmas spirit; candy was served to all, games played, and everyone voted the evening a great success.
“Butch: I discovered these potatoes in the dirt when I was pulling up my dead sweet potato vines in my flower beds. I was so surprised to find these buried in the dirt. Would any of your newletter readers know if these can be eaten? They look like a regular white potato not a sweet potato. My neighbor down the street dug her plants up and she didn’t have any potatoes……. interesting.” <—– Click Here
“If you like history or geography try this link.” <—– Click Here

Christmas draweth nigh. I hope I dont procrastinate this year, like I have in the past, waiting until a day or two before the big Birthday Bash to buy those last minute gifts. I am amused when the news reports across this country tell how some people are trying to take the Reason for the Season out of the celebration. Seems like I read in history where that was tried before, but some persistent and steadfast monks prevailed.

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born.

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges


Saturday December 4, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 398

Robert “Bob” Gaither was born right outside Healdton, Oklahoma in 1913 where the present day Healdton Lake is located on a half section of land owned by his parents. Bob has done many things during his 91 years, including breaking and training horses and mules, which he still does to some extent today. Bob tells about his grandmother dying in 1918 when he was five years old, and he and his folks following the horse drawn funeral wagon to the cemetery in their own wagon pulled by a team of mules. He remembers in 1928 how the county implemented the section line roads in Carter county, and a strait smooth section line coming right in front of their log cabin NE of Healdton where the Healdton Lake is located today. One interesting experience Bob shares is how he uses peroxide and Clabber Girl Baking Powder to clean the wounds of his injured mules when they are out coon hunting, speeding up the healing process faster than any store bought medicine. Bob is 91 years young, but he still has three mules and still goes coon hunting sometimes with his friends in the hollars around Healdton. Here is a link to the interview with Bob Gaither and a photo of the man himself relaxing at home. <—– Click Here

I was down on infamous Caddo this week. Not to get in a shootout or into trouble like so many people did back in the early years of Ardmore, but to do a little business with Key Feed and Seed. I repeat “a little” and will explain in a minute. I had a sack of pecans I picked up from the courthouse lawn a couple weeks ago and needed them cracked so I could mail them to my cousin in Eureka, California. In northern California pecans are sky high, and been in cold storage so long, they ain’t fit eating by man or beast. I didnt have but about 5 pounds, but Terry Key and the others there treated me like I had 100 pounds to be cracked. Real down home style hospitality. It cost me $1.75 to have the 5 pounds cracked and Keys puts them in a real paper sack. I think paper sacks are almost a thing of the past too. Would you like a peek into that sack of pecans? <—– Click Here

Here is a couple of pics I took of their automatic pecan crackers cranking ’em out one after another. That’s Terry’s wife, Joni, on the left and Tom Howell helping load the hopper. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

This is a picture of Key Feed and Seed from the outside facing Caddo. <—– Click Here

And here is a business card from the 50 year old establishment. <—– Click Here

The Kingfisher Reformer–January 7, 1904. True Charity- Berry Burton and his wife, two Negroes 80 years old, failed to pay the taxes on their home in Ardmore. The day of sale acme and the assessor and Collector went down to sell it. He found several men there who had gone to bid on the place. The taxes amounted to $4.30 and the old Negro and wife, both about 80 years old, didn’t even realize what was about to take place. They looked so pitiful that the people refused to bid on the property and the city council instructed the assessor and collector to not enforce the collection of the amount.

Here is an old piece of Ardmore. Its a Mason’s coin of some kind… one penny. It reads: Ardmore Chapter No. 11 August 29, 1893. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

I received an email from Eufaula, Oklahoma this week with a bell pic attached! Eufaula is in McIntosh county and I had no pic of a bell from that county. Now I only lack photos of bells from 5 Oklahoma counties, still all of them in far northeast Oklahoma: Craig, Delaware, Cherokee, Sequoyah, and Pawnee counties. Maybe someone reading this lives in one of these counties and knows of a bell??? I heard there was a bell at the Episcopal Church in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Tahlequah is in Cherokee county. <—– Click Here

Speaking of bells, here is a link to a very old bell in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Back around 1835 it was the Morvaian Church Mission bell in Cherokee county and now in possession of the oldest Masonic Lodge in Oklahoma there in Tahlequah. <—– Click Here

The Carter County Court records just went online through a company called Kellpro based in Duncan, Oklahoma. The court records are searchable back to January 1, 1997. The database will be updated monthly. The Kellpro database is made up from court records of about 38 Oklahoma counties. <—– Click Here

Here is a site by the Oklahoma Wildlife Management where you can pull up aerial maps of certain areas of the state and zoom down to even the dirt roads and trees. I found it easiest to only have a red check mark in the box on the right hand side of your screen where it reads “Color Aerial Photos”. And because there is so much zooming in and out, a fast internet connection is a must such as DLS or cable. A dial-up connection is just too slow. <—– Click Here

Ft Arbuckle was located just west of Davis, Oklahoma for about 20 years starting in 1851. There is not much left of the site today except maybe a brick chimney from one of the buildings. <—– Click Here


“I have found a nice memory book with articles and pictures that belonged to a Frances Renfro who went to Ardmore High School in the 1930’s. This is a nice book and I wanted to find some information on this person, maybe if she had children who might be interested in having this book back. Any help would be appreciated.”
“Yeah, I ate too much turkey but was thankful that there was plenty of food to go around. Many years age, during the depression, I seem to remember that the main (and only dish) was a baked sweet potato.”
“Just read with great interest your posting on the Mopeds & Cushman Eagles and don’t forget those who had “Whizzers”. I spent many great days on the back of a friends Cushman. It was a stripped down version but he replaced the original engine with the biggest Eagle motor in 1957. Gas was cheap in those days and we went every where on it. It was the fastest thing around for a scooter, until the Vespa came over from Italy. Thanks for the trip down memory lane Butch. By the way if your readers would like to see a great web site on Cushmans they should check out Jim’s cushman scooter site at www.hobbytech.com. Hope you and yours had a great holiday, I will be in touch again soon.” -John from Joliet
“To follow up on Randy Ramsey’s email from last week. I did attend a Texas Cushman reunion several years ago in Marshall, Texas. It was a hoot seeing all the seniors, men and women, riding the scooters around town. The $5,000 sales price Randy mentioned was for a scooter not fully restored. I remember one Eagle with an asking price of $10,000. I think I paid about $300 for my eagle in 1956 at Coxsey’s.” -Sam Williams, Denton, TX
“Butch, I worked at that Dairy Queen at Bdwy and ‘E’ St. back when it first opened for a couple of summers, was owned by Mr. Parry and that was around ’47, ’48 as I recall. I could still make one of those little curley-Q cones of soft-freeze. ha!” -Bob T.
The Wilson Good Roads Gazette, Wilson, Carter County, Oklahoma
Friday, August 27, 1920
Ardmore Enjoys Another Man ‘Shootin’ Episode
According to the Ardmore papers of last week, the city that stands as the ‘gateway of opportunity’ was the scene of another street shooting last Tuesday in which MRS. LULA BROWN shot a man named BILL KYLE five times and Kyle was taken to the hospital where he was unloaded of the lead. The Ardmore Statesman carrying the story of the shooting say: Lower Main Street was the scene of another tragedy early Tuesday when MRS. LULA BROWN shot and dangerously wounded BILL KYLE. The shooting took place almost in the front of a restaurant on north side of Main Street, just west of Caddo, about 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Brown fired six shots, five of which hit Kyle, four penetrating the abdomen, the fifth hit the bladder. He was taken at once to the Hardy Sanitarium where he is now. His wounds are necessarily dangerous, but Dr. COWLES stated to the Statesman reporter that the patient has a chance of surviving. Following the shooting MRS. BROWN is said to have passed through the restaurant and into an alley where she went to Caddo Street and up to Broadway. Passing Broadway, she turned into Washington Street where OFFICER BOB SHORT met and arrested her. She told him she was going to SHERIFF GARRETT’s house to surrender to him. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of DAVE HOLLY, who was killed several months ago as he stepped off an early morning train. Bill Kyle was arrested, charged with the killing and held without bond, but subsequently released on habeas corpus proceedings and was out under a $10,000 bond. The motive of the shooting is thought to be the killing of her father by Kyle. Mrs. Brown is in jail and declined to make any statement. She is the same woman who, several years ago, was charged with having killed her stepfather, C.E. BENTLEY, at his home on Fourth Street, NW. At that time she is said to have shot her stepfather, wounded her mother and shot herself. She was tried and acquitted of the charge of murder in that case. She is a niece of the BRAZIEL boys who have figured a good deal in the reports of shootings in the city, DOW BRAZIEL having been killed a few years ago in the California Restaurant, his brother BOB BRAZIEL later shot and killed LES SIEGLER, former chief of police of this city, who was under indictment for the shooting of DOW BRAZIEL. The shooting Tuesday evening created a good deal of excitement on lower Main Street. In fact the six shots were heard far up town and the report of the shooting drew a big crowd. Mrs. Brown will be held in the jail pending the determination of Kyle’s injuries. She has secured the services of JUDGE H. H. BROWN to defend her. Later she was released from jail on a $3000 bond Wednesday.
“BTW your readers in the Dallas area can eat at a Babe’s Chicken House in Carrollton off of 35 & Beltline, in downtown Carrollton.”
“I wanted to tell you if you don’t already know their is a Babe’s Chicken shack here in Roanoak, Texas & they bring the whole bowl of veggies to the table. it is so good too, just like eating at Grannies house. you take care hope you had a good thanksgiving.”
“When I was working the Mid-continent part of the patch in 69-76, the most common pronunciation was walk-a-shaw.” -T. E. (Thal) McGinness, Houston, TX.
“Butch I think there is a bell on the old Cherokee Courthouse lawn in downtown Tahlequah.”
The Evening News Ada, Ok, October 1, 1906
Ardmore, I.T. United States Judge Townsend Saturday granted bail to Cal Stewart in the sum of $10,000. Stewart is charged with the killing of his brother, Ben, which took place recently near Marietta. It is alleged that the killing was result of an accident. Stewart is a prominent stockman of the Holder section. He had no trouble in making bail.
May 24, 1911
Get the habit–Buy your bread from the Model Bakery wagon.
Have opened a grocery and feed store on Twelfth street near post office. I solicit a share of your patronage. Everything new and fresh. J.M. Stanfield
The Daily Ardmoreite, July 10, 1896
We have it on Will Miller. Monday night he hung a hammock out in front of the Progressive office and went to sleep. About 2 o’clock in the morning while he was snoozing at a 2:40 gait, some fellow bent on a little fun, slipped up and cut the cord that held the hammock. Will’s head hit the floor like a ton of brick and Willie’s cocoanut has a small knot on it.–Davis Progressive
A sad accident happened in Paoli last Wednesday evening, which came near proving fatal to all of the parties. Messrs. Tate and Dillingham, Miss Nannie King and her sister were in the hack when it struck a stump, turning over, catching Miss Nannie in the bows of the top, dragging her some distance before the team could be stopped. She was very badly bruised, but no bones broken. —Pauls Valley News
December 4, 1905
Santa Claus will be in Town at the Nickel Store and China Palace Wednesday, December 6th, we give our first holiday opening in Ardmore. We will have on display a very large, and, we think, well selected and well bought stock of toys, holiday goods and china, bric-a-brac, stationery, etc. All we ask is a visit to inspect and compare. If our qualities, selections and prices don’t do the rest, we can not complain. We have done our best and we cordially invite you to come and see. We have our opening early that you may study our stock, compare and select deliberately before the rush and crush of the last days. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock Santa Claus will be with us and we hope every child in Ardmore can be present to see him. Ladies, may we not be honored by your presence. We will appreciate it ever so much.
Yours for a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. BLEDSOE & PITTMAN
December 5, 1905
Foss, OK–The people of this place and vicinity were spectators Saturday night that will hold them in awe for a long time. Hundreds had gathered to witness a balloon ascension by an experienced aeronaut. The immense air ship was cut loose and as it rose quickly into space the people were startled by the sight of a man hanging to one of the balloon ropes. He was Shorty Jenkins, a townsman, who was accidentally caught in the rope and carried a distance of 4,000 feet into the air. The parachute was cut off at a distance of 2,000 feet and the aeronaut proceeded to come back to earth. The balloon, however, kept on going, with Jenkins clinging to the rope for his life. He managed to hang on and came down with the balloon uninjured except for badly blistered hands, a sprained ankle and a nervous system. It was an awful experience for Shorty, and a terrible sight for the people of Foss.
John Patterson, a black man, was placed in jail last night on a charge of murder. Patterson was arrested near Berwyn yesterday afternoon by Deputy Havens, while on his way here to give himself over to authorities. It is alleged that Patterson shot one Charley Swan, also a black man, yesterday afternoon at Humdy, a settlement near Berwyn, killing him instantly. It is understood that the trouble arose over a lease on some land which belonged to Patterson’s mother and which Swan was renting. It seems that the two had been having trouble for some time over the land and that Patterson had come here once to have Swan put under a peace bond, but failed to do so. The weapon used by Patterson was a 38 calibre Winchester. Two shots took effect and Swan lived only a few minutes after the shooting, Deputy Marshal Havens having started to Humdy on a different matter, when he met Patterson, who gave himself over to the deputy. The two men had been having trouble over the land all the year. Deputy Havens returned to Humdy this morning where he will investigate the killing. Patterson will be given an examining trial as soon as Mr. Havens returns. Both men were married and are about the same age both being about thirty years old. Patterson has the reputation of being a quiet person, while Swan’s reputation was not so good.
Bloomfield, I.T. In the presence of visitors, Thanksgiving exercises were given at Bloomfield Seminary. The chapel was transformed into a woody nook, being decorated with various autumn beauties. The exercises consisted of special readings, orchestra selections, solos, essays and songs, which were rendered excellently. After this a bounteous dinner was served, which is very essential to an ideal Thanksgiving. Although for many years past, it has been the custom of the national schools to observe Thanksgiving, neither we, the pupils, nor the faculty, nor the visitors, know of a holiday, which has been more pleasantly spent than this, the last Thanksgiving at Bloomfield Seminary. “SENIORS”
December 6, 1905
Stillwater, OK–Dec. 5–From the latest information the following seems to be the current version of the killing of Jesse James near Yost last week. About a week ago Frank Hueston, a farmer living near Stillwater, drove to James’ place and later in the day came to Stillwater and told his brother, V.B. Hueston that he had shot James and asked him to send the sheriff to see about it. As Hueston had been insane at various times for several years his brother did not believe him and told him to get such thoughts out of his mind. Later in the day he told others, but no one believed him. Yesterday, however, the body of James was found in front of his house, lying exactly as Hueston said he fell. Coroner Murphy held an inquest. As Hueston told the story he said he and James got into an argument and had started to the house to settle it with an encyclopedia, and when they reached the door, James, who was eccentric, declared that Hueston was a detective or road agent and ran into the house for his gun. Hueston, becoming alarmed, got in his buggy and started away. James came out with his gun and was about to shoot, when Hueston fired first killing him instantly. Frank Hueston is grand treasurer of the grand encampment of Oddfellows of Oklahoma. He will be sent to the asylum.
December 13, 1905
Marlow–John F. Holt, a farmer and stock raiser living about fifteen miles east of Marlow, was shot and killed yesterday afternoon near his ranch home by a man by the name of Bell. Holt is the man who figured in a street duel with our town marshal some three years ago. He leaves a large family, mostly of small children, and was an intermarried citizen, although not enrolled.
December 17, 1905
W.F. Gilmer was in the city yesterday from Durant where he has been for some time closing a deal with F.M. Pirtle of that place, in reference to securing the new hotel which has just been completed there. The deal was closed and Mr. Gilmer will assume charge of the hotel about the middle of January. The hotel was purchased by Mr. Gilmer at a consideration of $25,000. Mr. Gilmer until recently was proprietor of the Gilmer Hotel at this place which he ran for several years, during his stay here he made a number of friends, he is a courteous gentleman and a good hotelman. Mr.Gilmer while here was interested in the advancement of the town and was a member of both the Chamber of Commerce, being chairman of the reception of the Commercial club. Ardmore is greatly the loser in Mr. Gilmer’s leaving here and Durant the gainer, as he was a public spirited citizen. Mr. Gilmer will go from here on to Mineral Wells, where his family now is.
J.B. Dickinson, the Davis promoter and all around hustler, was in the city today. Mr. Dickinson says statehood is about as far off now as it has ever been, and declares that his “grapevine” message from Washington plainly indicate the coming defeat of statehood. When asked about the hustling and bustling little city on the Washita, Mr. Dickinson said” Davis is destined at no distant date to become the mining, manufacturing and commercial center of the Washita valley. You may also feel sure that Davis will be in the heart and center of the oil and gas field of the Chickasaw nation. The good people of Davis are in earnest about the work cut out for them by the “Ten Thousand Club,” and will succeed. The line from Davis to Turner Falls will soon be under construction and will be extended into Ardmore not later than May 1907.
“while checking out the virus program mentioned in the last “THIS and THAT”. i found this site that compares all the different anti-virus products. i found this site to be very informative and was somewhat surprised by what product was considered the best. i currently use mcafee and am very dissapointed by how difficult it is to use.” http://www.anti-virus-software-review.com/index.html?ttreng=1&ttrkey=avg+anti+virus
“i was ten years old the day of Duane Carson’s accident. I recall it vividly, as mom and i walked up on the scene shortly after it happened. i thought it happened at the corner of main and e, by central park, that scene, along with being a passenger in several major car wrecks by the ripe old age of 11 definatly had an impact on my driving habits. i also delivered the daily oklahoman on a moped, what an experience that was. the sunday papers were so heavy the moped really struggled to carry the weight. guess it was a good thing i was soooo little.” -George ————————————————————————- “I have been looking for the location of the grave of my great-grandfather, Campbell William Stamper, who was a “Campbellite” minister in the Healdton/Graham area in the late 1890s. The only information we have is that he was buried in Healdton in 1901. He performed marriages in the area, but we have no idea where the churches were located at that time. Any information from readers about this would be most welcomed. Thanks so much.” -Anna Marie amwilson@brightok.net ————————————————————————- “Here’s the picture I took of the bell in front of City Hall. The picture came out sort of out of proportion. The building in the background is actually across the street and is the funeral home but the bell looks like it’s as big as the truck outside the building. Anyway, they tell me they used to ring this bell to alert the firemen when there was a fire.” <—– Click Here
“Butch, I wholehearted agree with you concerning AVG. I downloaded the free version back around the first of this year. As soon as it finished installing it did a complete system scan on my computer. It found 5 viruses that McAfee had missed. By the way, the current version is V6.0. They now have an upgraded version 7.0. Version 6.0 will no longer be supported after December 31 this year. V7.0 is currently available and ready to download. When you download the new version it will automatically uninstalled the old version after it finishes the download. Keep up the good work. I really enjoy reading your column each week. I don’t get too much info on the Ardmore area way down here in Houston Texas. I graduated in 1955 from the Dundee high school.” -Harold <—– Click Here
There is also an Indian girls’ school in Wapanucka that is, at this time being used as a storage building!! If Oklahoma doesn’t find some way to step in and save her historical sites they will soon be gone.”
“I was born and raised in Ardmore and I have a question that has come to mind several times over the past years. How did Caddo get its name?”

2004 will be over before we know it. Starting in 2005 I’m going to send out my T&T on a less regular schedule. For instance, it may go out on a Tuesday night, and then not go out for over a week, or maybe go out a couple of times within one week. It will depend on how much I have to send out. In any case, I’m looking forward to many packed T&Ts in the coming new year!

“Hitch your wagon to a star.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges