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“This & That” News – January 28, 2005

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Below is January 28, 2005.


January 28, 2005 – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 9 Issue 411

A couple of few weeks ago we had a photo of the congregation at the Stobtown Freewill Baptist Church taken back in 1958. This week I found someone who knows nearly everyone in the group photo. Nathan Christian of Lone Grove is making a list and in next week’s T&T will list names with all the faces in the photo. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here

Last week talked about Joe Leonard’s book Bah Bah Blacksheep. I didnt mention one thing that grabbed my attention when I was reading it: Haney Liddell and his friend robbed the Marietta bank back in December 1928, and they left their car running in the alley. When they run out a few minutes later with the $8,000 these guys really had some bad luck. You would never believe what happened. They jump in their getaway car and ran over something causing the motor to die. I wont say what they ran over, you need to read the book, but boy, its like that old saying, if it wasnt for bad luck, these two guys wouldnt have any luck at all. lol <—– Click Here

My webshots.com album has been online for several years. But this week has been amazing, there has been over 2,550 Hits by onlookers browsing through the over 1,100 photos in just one week. <—– Click Here

I received an email from former Ardmoreite Ricky McGee telling about a benefit rodeo coming up in July at the Hardy Murphy Coliseum. We will bring you more info on this rodeo in the months ahead, but if you know anyone who likes to rodeo (and who doesnt) let them know, its July 2nd. There are contact numbers on the flyer Ricky emailed me. Also you can email Ricky at [email protected] <—– Click Here

I was driving across town this week about 6pm….. felt hungry, stopped at the Worlds Smallest Convenience store, and I picked up one of their $1.99 Frito Chili Pies. Boy, it was real filling on a drizzly, damp evening. Nothing like chili on a cold winter day. I hadn’t had a Frito Chili pie in years. There was plenty to eat for the price…. if your in the neighborhood of “A” NE and 11th Street, stop by and try a BBQ sandwich or Frito Chili Pie, you wont be disappointed. This pic is a little blurry, not sure why my camera did that, but it gives you a good idea what I’m talking about….. mmmmmmmmmm! (Lesson: Dont eat the item until you’ve checked to make sure the picture turned out good) haha <—– Click Here <—– Click Here


“The Mary Niblack School was located at the location at Dogwood and Concord Road. The Mary Niblack school got its name from the county superintendent, by the name of Mary Niblack. The Concord (Indian) church is located just east of where the Mary Niblack school was located. It is likely that an Indian school was near there. An Indian cemetery is located near the Concord church. The road we refer to as the “Mary Niblack Road” is one mile west of the location where the Mary Niblack school was located. Frankly the so-called “Mary Niblack” road should never have been named that, if for no other reason than it has caused confusion. Actually the so-called Mary Niblack Road by name is a misnomer.”
“Butch. I know you by your newsletter that Irmadene Blakenship sends me. I was born and raised in Love County,Marietta and have been in the radio broadcast business in East Texas since 1959…the auction business since 1965 and we live in a farm west of Waskom, Texas…so much for that. The “smear” you refer to was Smear 62…a heavy paste used on cuts on animals and man to keep the screw worms out of the wounds. It was the “answer” until the sterile fly program virtually eliminated the screw worm problem. Another great product for livestock cuts was and is “gentle Violet”. -Jack Dillard, Waskom,Texas
“Butch, My Dad always said two things about Oklahoma weather if you don’t like it wait 30 minutes it will change and when what he called a blue norther heading south he would say there is nothing between here and the north pole but a barbed wire fence and some dumb cowpoke stole half of that.”
Butch, your T&T reminded me I was going to send you a picture that went along with Ft. Washita, so I pulled out an album and happened to see this little booklet. You’ll notice it was provided by City Drug Store, W.R. Frame, PROP. Ardmore, Ind. Ter. The booklet had 17 pages… telling of The Greatest Wonder of All… apparently the Codfish, because of the benefits of cod-liver oil, and it is now provided by Scott’s Emulsion.” <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Butch, reading about your story about Temperance Babcock and her fiddling/violin talents. I expected it to be an older lady because of her name. You don’t hear of names like “Temperance” anymore. Quite surprised to see that she’s a beautiful young lady. Sure wish I could “hear” her play in your T&T. Wish her luck and hope she goes far. It would be exciting to see her go to Nashville and play with Alison Kraus (my favorite fiddler) or the likes. Thanks.” <—– Click Here
“Butch, These were a couple of interesting pictures I found in Mama’s things. Leslie and Huel Hutchins are the father/son in the car in front of the train. Leslie and Clemmie(Green) Hutchins lived on A street NW for many years. The other picture is of my mama, Elvie Edwards West and her cousin Perry Bass Green. Perry died in 1916 so this picture predates that. Perrys attire in this day would be considered much too girly but must have been the norm for a boy back then?” -Sylvia <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“I also remember the late Earl O. Allen. I was in his sixth hour general science class, ninth grade, the first year he taught in Ardmore. I remember his great knowledge of science as well as his enjoyment of teaching that knowledge to his students. His experiments were always so fascinating as well as informative which would enable us to do well in later science classes to come our way. One thing which impressed me the most was the day he held up a book and said “I can not teach any science course without this book being on top of my desk.” He also made references several times during the year to this book. This special book was none other than a ……BIBLE.” <—– Click Here
Deputy Sheriff Lafayette M. Boulware
Okfuskee County Sheriff’s Office, Oklahoma
End of Watch: Thursday, January 18, 1917
“In the November 25, 1893 newspaper excerpt, the reference to legal advisor POTTERF (sic?) — the spelling is correct. Mr. Potterf was also on the first Board of Education for Ardmore City Schools.”
McGinnis Drug Co. Sulphur, Ok. 1910 <—– Click Here ————————————————————————-
“Hi Butch, I finally got the picture back that I wanted to send you. This house was located on top of the highest point in Water Valley Ms. It was called “BUZZARD’S ROOST”. I lived there when I was a small boy, somewhere around 1949-50. The house was divided among 3 familys (we all rented a part). The house was leveled by the dual tornado’s that struck Water Valley on the same day back 15+ years ago. I read a recent posting on T&T about Buzzards Roost in Ardmore, so I had to send this to you.” -John in Joliet, IL <—– Click Here
“Hi Butch. You mentioned the beaver dam in your newsletter. There is a visible beaver dam just east of Enville Community Church north of the bridge about 50 yards.” -Ken Keith
————————————————————————- The Saga of Shotgun Smith
By Donald Smith
When I was a young boy growing up near Wirt, Oklahoma there was an old man who went by the name of Shotgun Smith. He sold watermelons & produce through out the oil fields near Wirt & Healdton Oklahoma. He had an old pickup truck and on his rout through the oil fields he all ways on the looking out for young boys who might also sell his produce. The Hawkins family lived just off the road between Wirt & Healdton. So he made the boys an offer to set them up in busies, it included a shrub oak framed shelter with a burlap bag roof and sides where needed to keep the sun out. The boys sold his produce for a year or two. The old man had one eye which gave him an unusual look. I was all ways fascinated by the old man. One day when I was there the question came up where he got his name, Shotgun Smith. He explained that he came to Oklahoma about the time Oklahoma became a state. He had settled north of Dundee near the Crow Springs area but north of state rout 53. He had built a rough two room cabin and brought a heard of sheep on to his land. The local cattle men resented the sheep and one day when he was away they broke in to the cabin and messed up things and left him a note saying get rid of the sheep or they would be back to kill him. He said he took them at their word and made up his bed to look like he was in it and begin sleeping in the other room on some sheep skins. About three weeks later he heard a noise in the wee hours of the night. He got up and got his double barrel shot gun. By this time the two ranchers were inside the cabin and just as he opened the door they fired in to the bed that looked like he was in it. He shot each of them with the shot gun killing them both. He was never charged, it being a justifiable killing..
This ends the Saga Of Shotgun Smith

Bull Frog Hunting
By Donald Smith
During my high school days at Dundee 1944-45, several of us boys from Dundee would plan a hunting trip. Bull frogs were plentiful in many of the oil lease ponds. We would get together about sundown and plan our hunt. Our equipment included a 22 caliber rifle, a frying-pan, some lard, flour, salt & pepper, a good flashlight and insect repellent. By the time we walked to the pond it was usually dark enough to begin our hunt. By shining our lights on the banks we could see the frog’s eyes glowing. We would take turns at shooting the frogs. We would then after gathering a mess of frogs, cut their legs off, skin them out, build a fire, and begin the task of cooking them. I remember that the frog legs were so fresh they must have not known they were dead. The legs would often jerk, and on some occasions would jump out of the pan into the fire only to be returned to the pan. This was real first class eating to us boys. When a little younger I use to catch crawdads using bacon on a string, they are a fresh water shrimp and just as good. Lee Wiggins pumped the adjoining lease and he gave me the secret to getting a mess of crawdads. He asks me if I had a minnow trap, which I did. The secret was just to cut up some raw potatoes and place them in the trap. I would never have believed the results. I put the trap in the water about two feet deep and left it for about two hours. Upon my return much to my delight the trap was full and I mean full!
“Thank you, Butch. Your T&T brings a lot of pleasure to a bunch of people. It takes hard work and dedication to produce a newsletter week in and week out. Especially a quality one like yours. Most people can’t write an email without making some sort of gaff. Don’t let the sore heads and nay sayers get to you. Anytime you put yourself to work, trying to accomplish some good, the can’t do folks will come out of the woodwork and try to poke holes in your product. Maybe it is just envy or jealousy, who knows. But for every old grouch that takes the time to complain, there are a thousand satisfied people who go away from the T&T every week feeling good about the experience. I know I sure look forward to it. And the extra editions have been a nice bonus.”
“Butch, Thought I would let you know that Pawnee County Deputy Sheriff Robert “Bob” Moore was added to the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Memorial in Oklahoma City and the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC last May as ” S R Moore.” He was one of 35 officers from years past who died in the line of duty in Oklahoma added to the Nat’l Memorial then. I have submitted 21 new names for this year’s name dedication on May 13th. Hope your readers will check out the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Memorial web site at www.oklemem.com The site is still being worked on and we have a new web master. Look for many improvements to the site soon. Readers might also go to the Oklahombres bulletin board at www.oklahombres.org when searching for info on law enforcement officers and outlaws of the late 1800’s to 1940. It is one of the best discussion medias I’ve ever found. Enjoy your day.”
Dennis L Lippe, Chairman
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Memorial,Inc.
The Ardmore Statesman, Ardmore, Oklahoma
May 1, 1915

Provence Notes
MRS. JOSIE GIBSON returned from Hignight where she had been trying to secure the Hignight school.

The boys have organized the Provence Sporting Club with ROY LOGGANS as president; FRED HARRIS as vice-president; ROY STEPHENSON as clerk; GUY ROGERS as treasurer. They have 13 members.

DR. P. P. OLIVER purchased a saddle horse from MR. WILKINSON in Ardmore.

MRS. N. JOHNSON is on the sick list.

A. R. JOHNSON sold his crop to Volino Brothers and went to Strawn, Texas for employment.

J. H. GALE, our big-hearted section foreman, was in Ardmore to meet with the Rock Island officials.

DEWEY HARRIS is on the sick list.

WILLIAM MILLER and R. C. CLARK were in Ardmore on business.

W. C. BURNS was in Ardmore on business.

WEBB MCMURRAY has been selling vegetables in Ardmore this week.

R. R JONES has been working on the roads here of late but the rains washed it all away.

BUD SHURLEY was in Provence on business.

J. V. HOLLEY was in Ardmore on business.

JNO. W. GINN moved to Ardmore.

GRANDMA ADAMS returned Sunday after spending a week with her son-in-law, DR. W. G. HATHAWAY and family of Pooleville.

MRS. JOSIE GIBSON is on the sick list.

A. J. HARRIS has a son with pneumonia.

Royal Is Taken Care Of

COUNTY JUDGE THOMAS W. LEAHY made an order permitting the guardian of LUTHER MANUEL, a youth whose land is in Cushing recently yielding rich oil output, to sell the entire output to the Carter County company for 40 cents a barrel.

May 8, 1915

Strong Wind and Heavy Rain Storm Hit Ardmore Thursday.

Third Ward School building badly damaged, several school pupils slightly injured

The new home of SHELDON TYER was completely destroyed. O. L. DENNES’ new home was entirely unroofed and part of the second story was torn away. R. W. RANDOL’s home had the flue blown away, windows broken and barn demolished. C. L. BYRNE, corn of Stanley and E, had the flue blown down and the roof damaged. The home of R. A. HOWARD was slightly damaged.

Power Plant Was Dead

City of Ardmore in darkness for about 24 hours.

Killed at Ringling

Yesterday afternoon THOMAS and GEORGE MEYERS, brothers, were shot by the STOTTS brothers who are in the banking business at Ringling. Neither was killed instantly and Dr. HARDY was called, upon his advice, the Meyers brothers were taken to the sanitarium, George died at 10:30. Thomas, age 16 years, died at 2 a.m. The Meyers brothers had some business in the bank and went there to make a settlement.

Frank Vaughn Dead

A telegram reached JUDGE I. R. MASON this week from Hagerman, New Mexico notifying him of the death of FRANK VAUGHN, aged 37 years, and of his mother, aged 70 years. Both died the same day and a double funeral was held. The Vaughns were formerly of this city and went from here to Dougherty.

Provence Notes

W. T. WILLIAMS was in Ardmore on business.

J. F. LIVINGSTON is working on the section.

E. E. MORRIS’ mules ran away with him the other day and one side of his face is scarred up some.

WILL LOGAN was painfully injured by a cow last week.

MRS. SCOTT has secured the principalship of the Provence school for the coming term.

WILLIS SPEERS returned to Ardmore after working awhile with F. S. BECKHAM.

HARVEY WALKER is working for W. C. BURNS.

May 22, 1915


City Court Proceedings


May 29, 1915

Will Build a Roundhouse

The new depot being erected on North Washington Street by the O. N. M. & P. Railway company will be one of beauty as well as serviceable. It will be 36 x 300 feet, including the freight ware room and will be made of reinforced concrete. In the near future, Ringling company will begin the erection of a roundhouse and shops.

Provence Notes MISS EVA GAMMELL is quite sick.

E. E. MORRIS has given up his crop. He moved to Springer.

DR. P. P. OLIVER moved to Durwood to practice medicine.

MRS. GEORGIA OWENS spent Monday with MRS. J. W. FAIR.

BEN WALLIS gave the young folks a dance Wednesday night.

MRS. NETTIE COPELAND has gone to Marietta.

REV. MR. STANFORD filled his regular appointment here.

LEONARD HOLLEY left for Ft. Cobb to work in the harvest.

ROY STEPHENSON will start for the harvest fields June 1.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN T. MCGEE, a girl.

MR. RODGERS, who moved to Nocona, Texas the first of the year, moved back to Provence.

W. T. MCDOWELL and family of Nelda spent Sunday with the LEE JONES family.

F. S. MECKHAM has the prettiest piece of growing corn in Carter County. He will plant 10 acres of feteretta.

L. D. WYANS lost a good cow a week or so ago.

BEN GRAY says he will move to Alabama next year, his old home.

June 5, 1915

Ringling’s Ice Plant
Ringling’s latest industry, its magnificent ice plant which has been under construction for several months, is almost completed and the big machinery will be started off within ten days and the first ice will be manufactured for the public. The big plant is owned by H. E. FOSTER who also has the Ardmore Light, Ice & Power Company.

Provence Notes
REV. C. R. JONES will preach Saturday.

J. H. FOUNTAIN and family Sundayed with the W. C. BURNS family.

A. L. FENLEY was in Ardmore on business.

D. W. DUNN of Mulkey passed by Monday en route to Ardmore.

BUCK MCMILLAN was in Provence on business.

June 19, 1915

Provence Notes

Born to Mr. and Mrs. ROSCOE JONES, a girl.

PROF. ARMSTRONG and lady of McMillan spent Saturday and Sunday with the J. W. WILCOX family.

MRS. MAYFIELD will start for New Mexico for the benefit of her health.

Nelda Notes
MRS. BELL MURPHY was a Madill visitor.

CLAVIS BUSSEY of Dallas was a Nelda visitor.

MRS. M. E. BLEKMAN of Earl is visiting her son, HAL BUSSEY in Dallas.

MISS CLARA MCDOWELL is visiting her sister, MRS. MAUD BUSSEY in Dallas

DELL LAMBERT and MART COOK made Mr. BANDY a visit.

W. M. ALLEN and MISS ETHEL KLINK went shopping in Ardmore.

Words from Woodford
The Ringling Roosters crossed bat with the Woodford Woolies this week on the Woodford diamond. The score was 5 to 4 in Ringling’s favor at the end of the 11the inning.

JOE S. MAHURIN’s family have typhoid fever. There are seven sick.

MISS IRENE LEDBETTER has returned from a visit to REV. J. H. PERKINS at Hastings.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A TALIAFERRO from Elmore are visiting their daughter, MRS. W. E. GORBETT.

W. S. GARDNER from Glenn was on our streets.

UNCLE JOE WILLIFORD was in town this morning from his ‘possum ranch and says his possums or his neighbors’ are working on his chickens.

MRS. U. S. JOINES and children are spending a few days on their ranch near here.

Wirt, the oil town in the Healdton field, was nearly half destroyed by fire Sunday night.

Golden Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. BRUCE celebrated their gold anniversary.

Order for Hearing


Notice for Publication


Notice of Sale


Provence Notes

R. O. LANE, a long time resident of Provence, but who moved to Lone Wolf the first of the year, says crops are fine in his section.

J. J. HOFFMAN thinks he is an heir to some 4840 acres of land in Texas and has written a lawyer to look after his interest.

RAY STEPHENSON is working for L. M. HARKINS.

July 3, 1915

Provence Notes

Mrs. ROSE COTHRAN and Mrs. SALLIE HARRIS spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. FAIR.

J. J. HOFFMAN is working for REV. C. R. JONES.

ELBERT HANKINS left for his home, at Blackburn, Missouri yesterday.

DR. C. D. ALMON of Island, Kentucky will come to Provence to practice his profession.

J. H. JONES and family spent Sunday with the R. S. STANFORD family.

BEN GRAY lost a $75 cow last week.

JOE E. JOHNSON of Nelda whiled away a few hours in Provence Sunday.

S. J. HOGGARD has been operating an Armstrong machine. He gets $1 per acre for cutting.

July 10, 1915

Bills Begins to Serve Sentence
L. O. BILLS (Hello Bills as thirsty Ardmoreans knew him) has been dressed and begun serving his sentence of a year in the federal prison at Leavenworth. Attorney GUY SIGLER who fought Bills’s last legal battle for freedom saw the prisoner begin on his trip.

August 21, 1915

Wilson and Wirt Both Improving
A representative of the Statesman made a trip to Wilson and Wirt the early part of the week. Business men in the communities: J. H. DILLARD, P. W. MCKAY, C. W. HENSON, DR. CANTRELL, E. W HORTON, W. R. STOWE, E. M. HIGHTOWER, E. F. COLBERT, MR. ROGERS, W. H. MIDKIFF, J. W. WHITE, J. S. LIVELY, C. BUECHLE, PETER HARTIER, S. P. BRIMER, S. J. CASTLEMAN, JOE MOORE, W. M. NOWELLS, DR. THOMAS DOWDY, DR. W. A. DARLING, W. W. MEANS, JUDGE W. T. WISEMAN

FRANK V. WRIGHT and A. R. MCLENAN of Lawton were in town calling on friends. They are temporarily located at Ringling where they have oil interests.

Wilson Notes

S. H. SNOW, who has been in Floydada, Texas the past three months, returned to Wilson. He is pleased with West Texas and contemplates moving his family there.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MIDKIFF, a girl; born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BLUETT, a girl.

September 25, 1915

Death of Mrs. Duke
MRS. B. W. DUKE, wife of chief deputy clerk R. W. DUKE, died at her home in Ardmore.

October 2, 1915


Provence Notes
LEE JONES was in Madill on business.

W. T. MILLER was in the ‘hub’ Monday.

R. O. LORD and J. S. SEALS of Lone Wolfe are here spending a few days with relatives.

ROSCOE JONES left Wednesday for Fillmore where he will work for J. H. GALE.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. EASLEY, a girl.

J. J. HOFFMAN will leave in a few days for Shamrock, Texas where he will assist in the corn and grain harvest there.

J. H. SHIPLEY moved into the Baum community. His little girl took a chill and died in four hours.

JAKE MAYFIELD built two rooms to his home.

JAMES JONES was a visitor in Ardmore.

October 9, 1915

Acquitted of Murder at Waurika

FRANK and CHARLES STUTTS of Ringling were acquitted of killing two Indians in their bank
The Daily Ardmoreite, July 3, 1899
In the case of KATIE TURNER vs. Hardmen Bros. appeal was allowed.

Davis Mining Co. vs. Rock Creek Natural Asphalt Co., et al, answer of Gilsonite company filed.

An appeal was granted in the murder case of JOE LOVE. Love is now serving a life sentence in the penitentiary at Jefferson City, MO.

The mandamus suit of the United States et al vs. JOHN L. GALT et al was dismissed.

W.G. WOOD of McGee was appointed notary public.

Evans Smith Drug Co. vs. N.S. ALEXANDER, master’s report filed, and exceptions to same filed. Exceptions overruled and judgement rendered.

Exceptions to the master’s report were filed in the case of the Rock Creek Natural Asphalt Co. vs. the Gilsonite Roofing and Paving Co.
July 4, 1899
MARCUS BRIGHT is at Davis.

T.E. WILBER is in Guthrie

FRANK BONNER is at the Sulphur blowout.

W.B. BURNEY is taking in the Gainesville picnic.

Prof. A.L. DAY is spending the Fourth at Pauls Valley.

E.A. COLEMAN is spending the Fourth at Sulphur Springs.

W.A. LEDBETTER left today on a business trip to Kansas City.

Police Judge JOHN L. GALT is attending the picnic at Pauls Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. POTTERF are spending the day at Pauls Valley.

Mrs. G.H. BRUCE is spending the day at Pauls Valley.

L.F. BOWMAN of Noble, Okla., is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. FRANK HYDEN

Miss MASSEY of Denison who has been visiting here, is spending the day at Sulphur.

T.Y. MORGAN and R.T. DALLAS will leave tomorrow for a week’s fishing at Oil Springs.

Mrs. SARAH GARDNER of Marietta is visiting her son FRANK SCIVALLY and family at this place.

Mrs. C.O. CALDWELL and Miss MYRTLE PIRTLE are enjoying a days outing at Sulphur Springs.

JUDGE JOHN HINKLE says he would not give a cent to see a ball game but he went to Pauls Valley today just the same.

Dr. J.F. YOUNG went to Paoli today, where he will deliver an address appropriate to the day at a picnic at that place.

ARTHUR JAMES of Ardmore was here recently making arrangements to put in a telephone line from this place to Norton, via Earl, a distance of about 12 miles. Mr. James contemplates putting in a wire from Norton to his ranch a few miles further out. He has contracted with parties here to furnish the poles and the belief is the line will be completed in about 10 days. This will put Norton and Earl on speaking terms with Ardmore by way of Durwood.

We have been having a hog killing time here, Mr. RICH furnishing the fresh meat which met with ready sale.

A team belonging to Mr. WEST ran away and tore the wagon to pieces.

D.P. RICH is in Ardmore today.

J.B. MOSLEY and J.W. MIDDLETON today bought 80 head of steers from BLANTON ABRAM. The price paid for them was $1,440 or $18 per head.

W.F. WARREN AND WILL SUGGS went to Sulphur today to attend the picnic.

J.B. MOSLEY and JOHN ATTAWAY are in Ardmore today.

W.F. WARREN yesterday sold by telephone three car loads of oats to a Fort Worth firm.

Workmen are busy now erecting the telephone line from this place to Dougherty.

The mayor had a disturbance case before him which added $9 to the town’s treasury box.

S.R. TOLBERT, one of our well known citizens is making arrangements to move to Center, at which place he will practice law.

R.M. EASEWOOD, the gin drummer is here visiting his family.

Dr. F.A. BUTT and daughter Miss JENNIE, went to Ardmore yesterday.

WALTER ARTERBERRY is quite sick.

LOUIS NICHOLS of Tishomingo was here yesterday.

F.L. ALDRIDGE left this morning to visit relatives in Texas.

Dr. SOUTHER has the lumber with which he will build a new house.

At the election held here yesterday, JOHN ANDERSON was elected mayor and M. WALLACE, city recorder; J.H. DUFF, A. MANNING, M.F. ENSLEY and H.C. GREGG, were elected aldermen.

Dr. ANDERSON and J.M. GUMM are in Sulphur attending the picnic.

Arrangements are being made to rebuild the Masonic hall at this place.

The new officers have been installed.

Lone Grove
Mrs. C.P. PRICE and Miss McGEE, both of this place are visiting in Davis today.

O’BRIEN & BYRD have about completed their gin house and will soon be ready for the machinery.

School opens here Monday, July 10. The stockholders intend to make this one of the best schools in the Chickasaw Nation.

GEO. GUEST of Newport is here and will probably locate because of Lone Grove’s excellent school.

Our people intend to have a picnic in the near future.

Dr. McDOWELL is improving.

ZAN WILLIAMS, of the Ardmoreite, was here today.

A bridge is needed very much across Caddo.

Mr. LAUGHLIN, of Ardmore, was here today.

Ponca City
CLYDE MATTOX, the five times murderer, has his “hiding place” in close proximity to this city. This is evidenced by the fact that he pays an occasional visit to his mother, who lives a mile out of town. During the past few weeks he has been seen a number of times in Ponca, and while he does not announce his presence with a flourish of trumpets he makes himself sufficiently visible to invite capture if the officials see fit to land him in jail. Since his last murder sentiment regarding Mattox has changed slightly, generally in his favor. It is believed by many that the fifth killing was, in a measure, justifiable, and many citizens here profess to believe that he might clear himself of the last murder charge, were it not for the black record behind it.
July 5, 1899
Mrs. JONES, wife of Office Guard HARRY JONES, employed at the federal jail, gives a great deal of her time to care of sick prisoners. Often at the noon hour she can be seen taking in food, some of which is prepared to suit the individual tastes of each sick prisoner. Cold water and fanning are the means she uses to cool many a fever and lull many an aching head. Where one’s life is rendered less useful in the more active lines of work by age, it is a pleasure for the truly benevolent to devote her time to comfort of others. Many a poor boy will tell his mother of her kindness to him at a time when it was most needed.
DEWEY MULLENS, the little 13-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. BURREL HICKS died last evening at 6:30 o’clock of cholera infantum. Interment took place this afternoon in South Cemetery.
JAMES M. DICKERSON has been appointed postmaster at Tyrola, I.T., vice JOSEPH A. SHIRLEY, resigned.
Dr. W.H. ENLOE has returned from Dallas, where he purchased a complete set of appliances for his new dental office, located in the rooms opposite the K of P hall.
Much complaint is coming to the Ardmoreite office about a crazy man, who give his name as JEREMIAH PIPER, having the liberty of town of all hours. His manner, is not at all appreciated by our people. No man should want a person like this going about his premises and especially his home, among his wife and children. There is no telling what rash act might be committed. Again he has disturbed those in attendance at church on various occasions, where he makes himself very conspicuous. For his own safety we say this man ought to be restricted from this general prowling. Suppose that in his perambulations he should enter the yard of some good citizen and be rambling around the premises, no matter how harmless he may be, he is certainly placing himself in the way of a shot gun or pistol, for a man who is a man, will defend his home of all hazards. The Ardmoreite has thought for some time that our officers, both city and federal, would surely do something with the man for the protection of the people but so far they have shown a seeming indifference in the case. Now the people have been quiet as long as they can be and ask that the authorities relieve them of this man’s presence in his insane condition.
January 10, 1915
JUDGE T.R. THOMPSON of Nelida was in the city yesterday. Now do not get confused over the whereabouts of that town, which is honored to have Judge Thompson as one of its citizens. Nelda is near the line of Marshall and Carter counties, east of Ardmore a short distance, and was at one time called Old Durwood. Judge Thompson had something to say which is of much more importance than to explain where he lived. He states that the farmers and the bankers and the money lenders are on much better terms than he expected them to be. He sees now ahead of us a chance for every man who gets “down to his knitting,” to get all the financial help he requires on the farm to make another crop. The soil is in fine shape, prospects for plenty of rain are good, oat sowing time is almost here farmers are getting ready for winter and spring planting and gardens will soon be blooming. Stock is going through the winter well, the health of the community is good and really things in Carter county are looking prosperous. All of course, must live on a little less. Those who have must be generous with those who have not, and by all means cease from talking hard times. This is the living doctrine Judge Thompson is preaching and it sounds mighty good.
January 13, 1915
H.E. FOSTER of this city and associates, who are building a 25-ton ice plant at Ringling, expect to have the plant finished by April 15, or May 1, and this estimate allows for rainy weather that usually comes during the spring months. Workmen are now ready for the main building, and an architect from St. Louis, who is equipped for this certain line of work is expected to arrive here this week and will superintend the erection of the main building. The same people are planning later to build an electric power and light plant in that city.
B.E. MOBLEY, of Joiner, who is spending the week in Ardmore, says in his opinion the cotton acreage of Carter county will be as much in 1915 as it was in 1914. Two things according to Mr. Mobley, will contribute to this result. One is that the cotton farmers are compelled to ask for credit, their necessities demand they must have cotton as a basis; the second cause is that the farmers estimate that there will be a big reduction everywhere else and by planting a big crop themselves, they will make money out of the 1915 yield.
HUELL PRUITT, son of JUD PRUITT, was thrown from a horse last Saturday near Lone Grove and suffered a broken collar bone and other injuries. His sister, Mrs. JEFF CRADDOCK has been with him and reports that he is suffering severely. The injured boy is about 10 years old.
W.H. WALKER, a business man of Dallas, is here, looking after the Ardmore property owned by JAMES R. SHARPE. Mr. Walker thinks so well of Ardmore that he is not inclined to place any of the property on the market now. Mr. Sharpe made the purchases as an investment.

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. -Mark Twain, Bringing Up Father

See everyone in the next issue!

Butch Bridges