If you’re looking for a certain article I wrote in a past issue of “This & That” you might find it faster by doing a “search” with your browser. With Netscape just click your mouse at the top at EDIT and then FIND and type in the word or words you’re looking for. If you use Internet Explorer, just click on EDIT and then FIND ON THIS PAGE to do a search.

Below is October 2, 1999 to December 25, 1999.


Saturday, December 25, 1999
Christmas Day Vol 3 Issue 140

Since this is Christmas, I’ll try to keep this issue of T&T short. I hope everyone is spending time with loved ones and friends during this holiday season. I have lots of interesting photos to share, but will save them until another day.

I may be wrong on this one, but there seems to be an effort afoot to make EasyZip a commercial (pay money for) program. If you don’t already have this neat and FREE program on your computer to unzip files you download, I suggest you get it now.

A POWERFUL THESAURUS. Simply type any word into WordWeb to quickly look up definitions, synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, and more. This powerful thesaurus/dictionary can be used from your word processor or as a stand alone program. It comes with a template file so you can use it directly from Microsoft Word, and it comes with macros for use with WordPerfect and WordPro. WordWeb includes over 120,000 root words and 100,000 synonym sets.

I’ve added some more photos from my past T&Ts to Netdrive plus this issue’s is now on Netdrive.com for viewing. I’ve even made a Photo Album called BrownSprings. In that album are all the photos associated with Brown Springs in Love County.

The Daily Ardmoreite
Sunday, December 28, 1919
Ardmore, Oklahoma


At the county jail, following his usual custom, Sheriff Buck Garrett was host to the prisoners on Christmas Day. And the sheriff lived up to his policy of not doing things by halves and put on a highly appreciated “spread”.

There was turkey and cranberry sauce and pies and all the “fixings” attendant at a Christmas feast. Besides all the good things at the dinner table, the “shut-ins” received candies, fruits, nuts, tobacco, etc., all of which helped materially to lighten the burden of feeling that they were denied the freedom of the average American citizen.


“I have been reading your This & That pages. Enjoy the articles very much. I am sending you this picture, of the last days of the Ambert Page Grocery store on Marsden road, Love County. I last entered this store in 1940, before my family moved from Marsden to Cheek Road, Lone Grove, OK. The store, at that time was south on Marsden Road. I don’t know when it was moved to the cross roads of Marsden and Oswalt. Photo taken in December 1983, a very cold winter. My next trip down Marsden road, the store was gone.”
“YEAH !!!!!! I can now see the pictures on my Web TV. The gif deal you use can be opened by Web TV, Makes a good Christmas present.”
“Hello Butch, enjoyed seeing that pic of the dew drop inn!!! thank that person for letting us have a chance to view it.,please. merry Christmas to you and all your readers.”
“Grateful for anything at all that’s there, but clicking on a thumbnail brings up an image about 200 percent larger than my monitor can handle. “Dew Drop” would come in four pieces. One screen width covers from left edge of photo to just to the right of the bartender. The pencil “mug shot” sketch, on the other hand, is perfect.”
“On an unrelated note I’ve created a small page that I’ll update about once a week or so unless I’m out of town. It shows the price of gasoline at a local station and might be interesting for others to check from time to time to get an idea of what current fuel costs are in OKC. The URL is: http://www.oklahoma.net/~efaubion/gasprice.html
“I seem to have upset some of your readers! I should explain that an “Old Geezer” is a London (Cockney) expression and was used affectionally! So please let them know that I am a Londoner and I am sorry if I have offended you or them as that was not my intention!” -Ireland
“New Prices on paintings!! Please stop by and take a look.” http://www.LauraWilson.com.
“Yes, the state seal of Oklahoma was stolen. There is the legend that the Sargeant of Arms of the State House went to Guthrie, OK and took it to Oklahoma City, making OKCY the state capitol. Every where the State Seal is, that is where our State Capitol is. The Capitol Building in Guthrie was truly, before that time, where the Grand Masonic Lodge is located today. Of course, it’s been built onto, but the original part still exists in use, and can be seen on the east of the building.”
“Becky York from northern Idaho e-mailed me these pictures of places here in southern OK and was wondering if anyone could help her identify any one, or the places where the pictures were taken. Picture #9 she thinks is her Grandfather Joseph York and his wife standing in the doorway of the York, Indian Territory Post Office. (Pontotoc Co. Oklahoma) Picture #8 she thinks was taken at Healdton, OK, but isn’t sure. Does anyone know where these pictures could have been taken??” [email protected]
“Becky York is puzzled as to the location of this picture. She thinks it’s in southern Oklahoma somewhere. Maybe someone on the list can help.” [email protected]
“As most of you know, Homestead.com has a mission of helping people create their own space on the Web — a virtual home, if you will. For the holidays this year, we’re broadening out to help provide real homes for those who don’t have them, through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity called Homestead for the Holidays. You can help us help those who aren’t lucky enough to have a real home. All you need to do is visit the following Web site:
For each person who visits and drops a virtual dollar in the can, we will donate a real dollar to Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to constructing homes for those in need. It only takes a few seconds, but it’s an important way you can help. To do even more, feel free to forward this message to your friends and family.”

I want to thank all of you who sent me E-Christmas cards the past few days. I appreciate every one. As we look back over 1999, I hope we all appreciate our friends, both here and in real time. As I went from department to department, floor to floor at the courthouse where I work taking care of all the computers, one thing I noticed: This Christmas has been a great time of friendship and caring throughout the complex. Smiling faces were present everywhere I went. And there were all kinds of treats and good things to eat all around. “Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Clause.” I saw him in the employees of the Carter County Courthouse.

See everyone next year!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma
T&T Mirror Site: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/
Oklahoma Bells: http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/italy/56/index.html
Opinion Poll Page: http://www.brightok.net/~bridges/thepolls.html
T&T Photo Album: http://history.users.netdrive.com

(all previous issues of This & That can be found on my Home Page) (feel free to forward this message) (mailouts: over 700 people) To be removed from my T&T mailings, just send me email.


Saturday, December 18, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 139

The past few months a number of you have written and said you can’t pull up the photos I put on my zoom site. I now have a solution for those of you with that problem. I am also putting the photos in each issue of my T&T on a new site I setup just for photos. It’s called netdrive.com and let’s me store 100mgs of files. You can check it out at:
Just click on “My Pictures” then go to the bottom of the screen and look for the folders of T&T photos. Each photo is a “thumbnail”. Just click on the photo to enlarge it.

Got another great photo from Ardmore’s past sent in by Robert Hensley. It was taken about 1898 at the corner of Caddo and East Main inside the Dew Drop Inn. A great pic!

And here’s a TruGrapette soda that was bottled in Ardmore, OK

A couple weeks ago I mentioned a photo I received of Devil’s Den, take about 1950. I had a bad link so here is that old photo.

I’ve received a lot of things in the mail during my lifetime. But this week a cassette tape came to me that knocked my socks off. My cousin in Virginia, Don Bridges, wrote a song about Brown Springs in Love County! Don plays the guitar (like my dad did when he was young), and titled the song “Browns Springs At Night”. He and his friend, Doug Rainoff, plays the lead guitar and accompanied him. Its a great song! Some really good guitar picking! Here’s the lyrics Don wrote:


Huntin’ snakes where woods devour the roadway
Leeper Lake down by the Texas line
Set the bait, retreat into the darkness
Death in the park that hist’ry left behind

Brown Springs at night
(The moon is bathed in blood)
Shadows in flight
(They shudder from the sight)
Man dog will bite
(You better bring your Bible)
Down in Brown Springs at night

Drippin’ meat chopped open with a hatchet
Evil deeds left scattered on the ground
Take a drink on top of toppled markers
Chickasaw heart screams out without a sound

Repeat chorus

Their spirits still fight
In Brown Springs at night

In the place where cannibals run rampant
Gettin’ late when ghosts begin to rise
Course your fate and hold onto your partner
Doomed if you start to open up your eyes

Repeat chorus

Down in Brown Springs at night
Down in Brown Springs at night

So what can I say? If you want to hear this song for yourself, you can send my cousin $2 (includes postage) and he will mail you a copy on cassette. His email address is…. [email protected] and his snail mail address is… Don Bridges, 14808 London Towne Square, Centreville, VA 20120-1840 By the way, since his song may be headed for number one, it’s copyrighted. Don’s singing may not be like Celine’s but I can say its not that bad, and fun to listen too. Just think, this all started in 1968 when I went down to Brown Springs to see where all those bodies were being found. One never knows, do they?

Now, if the song wasn’t enough, two days later a reader emailed a drawing of me they fashioned after the “ghostbuster” photo I put in my T&T a couple weeks ago! hahahahahaha

And talk about the moon, it will be brighter and bigger on December 22nd then its been in 133 years. Don’t miss it!


“Just finished reading your current epistle. Can’t get over Ireland calling you a handsome old geezer. I resemble (grin) that remark. Handsome, yes! Old, nada! And, my daughter and I both think you are probably full of the devil! I think that grin gave you away in the photo by famous Browns Springs lagoon! LOL!”
“Butch, I couldn’t have said that any better. And as to the person from Ireland saying you were a “good looking Old geezer”. I would call you good-looking, but NOT an old geezer. LOL. That would make me “Older than a Geezer”. By the way, what is a Geezer? hahaha”
“I wish you’d stop talking about pecans! They are one of my favorite nuts, and I walked all over them while researching in OK cemeteries. In California, they cost an arm and leg but I guess I’m going to have to break down, take out a second on the house, and go to the market and get 5 lbs. to hold me over for a time.”
“What’s happened to Devil’s Den? I visited there, with my wife and kids, many times, but a couple of years ago we were going to go there again and couldn’t find it on the map anywhere. I thought maybe I was looking in the wrong part of the state, but near Tishomingo was where I remembered it and that’s where I was looking…with no success, not even in “Roads of Oklahoma,” which has most places indicated, even those from the past.”
“I wanted to upgrade my old 540 HP printer to a better color printer. I looked and read and looked and thought and read more and finally settled on an HP 812c ($149). It works really well. I have taken some 4×5 pictures I took at Texas Motor Speedway and turned them into 8×10’s. Printed on plain paper they look good, printed on photo paper it looks as good as the original photo.”
“I have a BIG pecan tree in my back yard. It was prolific this year. I got 5 FULL grocery bags of Big, Full pecans. I didn’t know how to shell them. After the feeble attempt with a little hand nutcracker. I called a local ‘Pecan and Gift Store” and asked them how the heck you shelled all those pecans. The lady told me to get an ‘inertial’ nutcracker. I didn’t have a clue as to what that was. I looked on INet and saw some photos. Then I started in, here in Houston. SOOOOO final results, I went to a fancy kinda upscale kitchen and hardware store (Bering’s) here in Houston. I found one. “Reed’s Rocket” ($17.95 and well worth every penny) !! YES .. it’s wood with a metal lever thing..you put the nut in there and mash down on the handle. It works. You soon develop a technical slant on the easiest way to do it. I started getting 75% of the meat out of the nut in one fell swoop and then dug out the little pieces that were left with the pointy end of one of the little gadgets that you hold an ear of corn with,to eat. Bottom line, I shelled all 5 bags of pecans, and got at least 20 lbs of shelled pecans. I have most of them away to my kids to use for Xmas. At the going rate of $4.99 for 8/10 ozs. I figured that was a darn good present :))) AND I finally learned how to make pecan pie.”
“Hi Butch, Hope things are great with you. As far as the grapette thing, there is a Mexican drink that is sold in bottles in Wal-Mart in the Mexican foods section, it is called Sangria and is non-alcoholic and tastes a lot like grapette. anyway near enough that when you drink it, you think of Grapette!”
“I enjoy This & That & the commentaries. Do you have any info on the town of Wilson, OK which was SE of Ardmore in the late 1890’s & early 1900’s? It is mentioned in the gazetteer of OK & was before the “now” town of Wilson west of Ardmore. My husband’s family lived in the area of “old Wilson” during that time.” [email protected]
“Another reader writes “with the recent over-abundance of trojans and virus warnings, worth mentioning is http://split.netset.com/hackfix.” It is, indeed. It’s a real education. In visiting this nonprofit site, totally devoid of advertising, you’ll find how to determine if you’ve been infected, what do to about it, and you can even sign up for email notification to stay updated on these little creatures.”
“Yes I can view “My Pictures” and the folder “ttlldec99″. I think your idea is working and it is greatly appreciated. I know I am not the only one that will enjoy you T&T more than ever. Thanks and I will be looking forward to viewing ALL of T&T hereafter. Thanks again and God bless you for your service to mankind.”
“YEAH, BUDDY!!!!!! Came up great. Hope you do many more of them so we can get the “whole picture” (haha) with your ezine. GREAT IDEA, BUTCH.”
“Hey Butch, Thanks again for your T&T. Enjoy it more every week. But, what’s the deal with the Devils Den website. I clicked on to it, and got a commercial for auto insurance among other things. Nothing to do with DD. Having grown up close to it, and visiting there many times, I was looking forward to seeing pix, and taking a trip down memory lane.
“You can find out if they are a hoax or a virus by checking in at these websites:”
“Here are a few web sites with much more technical information about audio CD burning.”
Andy McFadden’s CD FAQ Page: http://www.fadden.com/cdrfaq/
Mike Richter’s CD Site: http://resource.simplenet.com/
“I have been to Muskogee (OK) twice in the past two weeks and have not found the antique store with any bells out front. I go into Muskogee from the South end and have drove through it looking. I stopped and got a list of the antique stores there and stopped at two but they did not know of any bells. They have apparently been taken down. I have not went to Choteau yet and probably will not get up that way for awhile. When I go back to Muskogee I will look again.”
“I lost my original message to you somehow. Anyway, try again, there is a long article on-line today (16 Dec) in The Oklahoman by Gene Triplett regarding the trial, etc of Silkwood. Thought you might be interested.”
Here is an email I received that maybe we all you listen to: “Hello everyone. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for sharing the forwarded messages that you receive along with cards and midis with me. After hearing the news this evening about all of the viruses that will be released and were released today, I must ask that you do not send me any forward messages, jpgs (pictures), midis (sound clips), java cards, or any exe files that must download until after 1-31-2000. From what I gathered from the editorial, a mega load of viruses were released today and will attach themselves to any file that is out there on the net according to what type of application it is programed to target. I hope you understand the reason why I am asking you not to send me any forwarded messages but would still love to receive e-mail from you. Thank you so much for your help! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. God Bless.”

This week I received some sad news from a friend in Davis, OK. Last July a sweet lady and the “unofficial historian” for Davis took me to where “Seven Springs” was located at the SW edge of Davis, Oklahoma. No one else I talked to really knew exactly where those springs where. She was 92 years old and took me right to those springs. Last Monday night there was a dedication in Sulphur, OK for their new book, “History of Murray County”. She was one of the main authors of this new book and one hour before she was killed in a two car crash, she was given the first book at that Dedication Ceremony. Opal Hartsill Brown will be sorely missed by many. A piece of Murray County history died that night.

Charlie Durie, west of Marietta, Oklahoma called me the other day. He has the Love County Courthouse clock running almost perfectly. He found a major problem with the swing of the pendulum, fixed it, and now its right on the money. He does have to adjust the timing on the bell, but its working better then it has in many years.

About 66% of the respondents who voted in my “newspaper poll” voted that they do subscribe to their local newspaper.

For nearly three years I’ve wonder how many times my T&T is forwarded each weekend by those 700 that it goes out to. I’ve set up a poll to see if I can find those numbers. Just go to the link below and please cast you vote.

Next Saturday is Christmas Day! I hope everyone, everywhere has a wonderful Christmas day. And if there was one thing I could wish for, it would be for Peace all around the world on this most celebrated day of the year…. the birth of the baby Jesus.

See everyone next weekend.

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma
T&T Mirror Site: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/
Oklahoma Bells: http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/italy/56/index.html
T&T Photo Album: http://history.users.netdrive.com


Saturday, December 11, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 138

A couple weeks ago I mentioned in my T&T about a bear being killed in 1915 at Enville, Oklahoma. Bears were thought to be extinct for several years in that area. An employee at the courthouse who read the article, told me one of his relatives had participated in the bear kill back in 1915 and his family had a photo. He brought me the photo and here it is! His family member, Tom Vinson, is one of those listed on the back of the photo.

I’ve had a lot of emails about Grapette. And one reader in Marietta, Oklahoma sent in a website that tells all the history of this famous soft drink!

A friend in Norman wrote and gave a URL where Grapette can still be bought by the case! So here you go, you Grapette diehards!
order a case a day!

In my November 27th issue of T&T I told about a horned owl that took up residence outside a friend’s house here in Ardmore, just a couple blocks north of the Middle School. He had been in a tree there for a month when I first told of the owl. Last Wednesday the owl was found in the basement of the Middle School. Authorities were called and took possession of the owl, since the horned owl is an endangered species. Now I really wish I’d got that night pic of him!

This week I got an original photo taken of a building at Galveston, Texas. The photo was taken about two months ago by a lady here in Ardmore while she was in Galveston on a tour. On the side of the building is an image of a man. The image was at the top of the building where the dark square is, this is where they tried to sandblast the image off. But it re- appeared in a square below. Has anyone heard of this mystery? The building is somewhere on the shoreline in Galveston, TX?

Does the numbers making up your phone number make a word?

I received another one of those gem of a photos from Ardmoreite Robert Hensley. It’s a 1899 circa of a Confederate members reunion at Whittington park here in Ardmore.

An employee of Carter County Government (who will remain nameless to save face) got his goose cooked a couple of Thanksgivings ago. A friend of his went goose hunting and bagged one. He decided he would give the goose to his friend to cook for Thanksgiving. This county employee had a real nice cooker and placed the goose in the cooker along with water in the pan. He let the goose cook about 6 or 7 hours, but didn’t know he was suppose too regularly add water to the pan. Hours later, here is what a person might call one really cooked goose? hahahaha


“In 1978 Ardmore had a large train wreck in the general area of the Yamaha dealership. The entire neighborhood had to be evacuated because of toxic fumes escaping from one of the cars.”
“Hi Butch, All that talk of grapettes sent me searching the net to see what I could find. And all I found was pics of memorabilia, like this sign. I am sorry to say that seeing the sign only made me wish I had a grapette . Ice cold on a summer day.”
“My wife was a collector of old bottles. I have two old bottles that once contained “Grapette” grape soda. One bottle she had was given to her by her mother but it was unusual from many I have seen – its shaped entirely different and contain 7 oz. instead of 6 ounces.I can still make out the inscription on it which states: Grapett grape soda – thirsty of not – licensed by Grapette Co., Camden Arkansas. Its go on to state “Grapette Bottling Co., Meridian, Miss. contents 7 oz. The next bottle is much small & shaped more stream line (like most of us member it) – the inscription is worn almost completely off. contents shown on the bottom of the bottle is 6 oz.”
“Butch for those that are interested in finding out what became of Grapette have them to go to yahoo & search on Grapette. The complete history of grapette is there. Yes today Grapette is on the marked but it is all outside of the US. …read the following information: Grapette became internationally known in 1942 when R. Paul May, a wealthy oil man, persuaded Tyndle to let him develop a market in Latin America. May sold his first franchise in Guatemala City in 1945, and other Latin American franchises soon followed. Armed with his bottling know-how and the foreign rights to market Grapette, May formed Grapette International in 1962. Grapette International has continued to sell and market internationally. Still a popular drink abroad, 70 million bottles of Grapette and other Grapette products are sold annually in South America and Pacific rim countries. Grapette International is now owned by the Brooks Rice family, and is headquartered in Hot Springs, Arkansas.”
“Hey Butch, did a little checking around on the grapette thing. No I didn’t find a place to get one. But did find that grapette was made at the old 7’Up plant at 2nd and Cst N.W. in Ardmore, and was distributed by the Williamson family. Sure do remember those good ole days when I was a kid growing up in my families downtown business, would make several trips to the old Firemans Lunch Box each day to get a cold bottle of grapette. Seems I remember 7’Up was sold to one of the larger area bottlers and the grapette was phased out in Ardmore.”
“hi butch, saw this grape drink bottle from sulphur ok. on ebay and thought of your grapette story.”
“Sent url of the lightning detector to several friends in Texas and Oklahoma. They like it very much. What is the theory that makes the lightning detector work? I would suspect that it is a broadband noise detector of some kind. What kind of an antenna array does it use for locating the strikes & pinpointing their location?”
“Can’t view the pictures on your latest T&T. Your problem or mine? For past pictures you have had, could view them with no trouble. Appreciate and look forward to T&T each week. Getting cold here in Idaho now, much snow in high country.”
“I’ve been trying to get some information about an outlaw named Casey who headquartered near Hennepin Ok. Has anyone ever heard of him? Also, I’m researching the OK land lottery in 1901 & 1906. Any good stories out there? I know the area is around Lawton in Frederick County. I have a volumn of the Tillman Co history which is a big help.” [email protected]
“On your list of used to be’s… how about a product called Rosebud salve? I used to sell it when I was a kid and won a lot of great prizes.”
“Do you know where I might be able to find any old Ardmore City Directories (not phone books), for the years of 1942-1945, 1948, 1950, 1952-1954, 1956, 1958-1959, and 1962??? I have asked the Chamber of Commerce, the Courthouse, and have searched both libraries and the Museum. No luck on any of these years.”
“….A story he has told often is about how a descendant of his was involved in changing the capitol of Oklahoma from it’s previous site (whatever that was, I’m sure you know it *smile*) to the current OKC. It was supposed to have been done by “borrowing” the paperwork (charter or something) and riding horseback (before the automobile maybe???) to OKC and who knows what? Obviously this story has lost a lot in the years but I’d love to know anything you or your readers might know about it.”
“Funny you should mention Pecan trees. Not having been raised in OK (born in OKC), I’m not really familiar with Pecan trees and didn’t even know we could grow them here in CA. However, when I moved to Stockton there were several pecan trees in my yard and now I have pecans all over the ground. I gathered as many as I could find and started shelling them but obviously I’m not doing it right… got about 1/2 cup in an hour of shelling . Got any suggestions?”
“Wanted to send this informal invitation to invite you over to Ardmore’s Northwest Sixth Grade Center’s Web Site. The site has been up and running for about 3 weeks now. I have made some additions to the page. Hope you enjoy your visit and will bookmark the site to return to see what the children are doing.”
“I enjoyed your T&T. I read it last night. And, then went out and bought the new Celine cd. I had heard it was really good and your review just pushed me over.”
“Also… just curious… which of those pecan trees produces the best? I know that is a question my dad would have asked. That pic of the pecan cracker reminded me so much of him. He built those and at one time applied for a patent.”
“Wasn’t kidding. Thought there might be some “trick” to it. The shells on my pecans are hard, the insides moist, and it all comes out in itsy bitsy pieces. Have to concentrate so hard to get anything that there’s no energy for doing anything else. Had the same problem once with Walnuts, but soon found the trick to it and now all I get are nice, clean Walnut halves. Maybe they have different kinds of pecans in Oklahoma?”
“Hi Butch, I would like to share something with you and your readers. Last week when we were have an electrical storm here in Gainesville, Tex., lightning struck my computer. Luckily, I had a power surge with a phone protector and that’s what it struck. I just saved myself some money by making sure my modem was protected. Thought you might want to pass this information along to your readers and let them know if they don’t have the phone protector with their surge protector, it would be a good investment. Enjoy your very informative news letter every week.”
“I wanted to tell you that water-pump pic, you have on your webpage. I’ve been lookin for one of them for a few years now. I want it in my front-yard an possibably make it a fountain. It’s hard to find them here, do you know where they any for sale there? And the price if possible would be nice.” [email protected]
“In Sulphur, we have a city park across from the City Hall that is decorated as the “Avenue of the Angels.” The angels are purchased by local citizens and dedicated to loved ones who have died. The centerpiece of the display is the largest lighted angel in Oklahoma.” http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/photos/sulangel.jpg
“Butch, I seam to remember something about funding for the capital dome being short due to the war in Europe. Not sure if this is true though.”
“I want to thank everyone who downloaded the new Netzip Download Demon a few weeks ago. Netzip Download Demon is the best tool for handling downloads and contains the same Netzip download technology that more than 14 million people already use. Better yet, it’s F*R*E*E!”
“http://www.iWon.com is a new Internet search engine with terrific content from leading Web sites. They’ve got great news, sports, money, weather, email, stock quotes and a whole lot more.”
“On December 3rd and 4th, Chickasaw National Recreation Area presented the fourth annual “1906 Christmas Candlelight Tour” in the park. I have published on the internet photographs of the volunteers and employees who were the actors in each of the scenes on the tour.” http://www.homestead.com/chickasaw6
“I was looking at your photo. You really are a handsome old geezer aren’t you?! By the way I have never seen or tasted pecan nuts before. What do they taste like?” – Ireland
“Have you heard about this program and does your sister have something like this on her computers while she is hooked to the cable modem? BlackICE Defender detects unauthorized intrusions on any Windows 95, 98, or NT system connected to the Internet via DSL, ISDN, cable, or standard modem. Check out Other BlackICE Defender Features over at:”
http://www.networkice.com and
“Hello Butch, Here is a picture of Devil’s Den (Tishomingo, OK) taken early 50’s. You can see in the background that the “ROCK” is almost round and quite large. The folks in the foreground didn’t want their picture to show so I “fuzzed” their faces, but wanted to be able to show the difference in the size of people to the rock.”

A reader sent me email this week asking which tree at the courthouse had the best pecans. I say it is the Success pecan tree in the NW corner of the property.

I have a new poll suggested by a reader. The question is, “Do you or your household subscribe to your local newspaper? Why not go to my Poll Page and cast your vote.

A few days ago I heard a rumor that the Fantasy Land Lights at Turner Falls was not going to happen this year. I talked to a friend at city all at Davis, OK and she said, “Oh yes”. Fantasy Land is open right now for the Christmas Season. When I was up there the other night, the Fantasy Lights display is magnificent. If you live in this area why not drive through and see all the lights, believe me, it is well worth the $1 or $2 donation you might give at the gate! Okay, load up the van!

Last Saturday night I got to see Celine’s “All The Way” program in its entirety. She sang my favorite song right now, “To Love You More”. Didn’t the violinist from Japan, Mr. Taro Hakase, put on an unforgettable performance? The way he walked across the stage of Radio City Music Hall!

“Love that song on your front page and know the song, but the title doesn’t come to me.” This was an email I received this week about the midi file that is playing on my Home Page. “A Whiter Shade Of Pale” was the first released (1967) by a group called Procol Harum. Like so many things to us teens in the 60s, a lot didn’t make any sense. That applied to this song too, it didn’t make any sense. But it went to number one that year. Why? I don’t know. I do know this country was almost brought down by teens hell bent on destruction in the 60s. When I watched what was happening in Seattle last week, my mind flashed back to those riotous days of the 60s. Dejavu all over.

This week I was walking into the supermarket and a man and his wife were just a few steps ahead of me. At the cart holding area he grabbed the shopping cart and jerked it around and snapped something at this wife, I wasn’t sure what he said but I know it was not good. A little while later I ran into them again at the dairy case. This couple was probably in their forties. She had picked up a can of biscuits and asked him something. He grabbed it from her hand, let out a few more derogatory words, and threw the biscuit can back and grabbed another brand. Why I am telling this story is because this is the Christmas Season. It’s a time when people should be the happiest. A time of song and eating and gifts and love and peace. Say something good to someone you love. Let peace start within and share it.

See you all next Saturday.

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma
T&T Mirror Site: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/
Oklahoma Bells: http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/italy/56/index.html


From: Butch Bridges

Saturday, December 4, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 137

I’ve received another one of those great history photos from fellow Ardmoreite Robert Hensley! It’s Ardmore’s first birthday held at Whittington Park in Southeast Ardmore way back on July 28, 1888.

Have you ever wanted to buy stocks online from some of the brokerage houses, but don’t have the $5,000 or $10,000 minimum to open an account? This brokerage firm does not require any minimum to open an account, and only $12 per trade. http://www.mydiscountbroker.com/

Last July I was about 25 miles east of here in Madill, Oklahoma messing around. On the way back just a couple of miles west of Madill, on the south side of Highway 70 was a piece of the past just sitting in front of a store. An old enclosed carriage.

Last week I told about my sister in OKC going from an internet connection over the phone lines to an internet connection through her local cable company. Here’s what she said about it: “This is so incredible, it’s hard to believe. I never knew you could go so fast…. Downloads just blow me away, sometimes you can’t even tell you have downloaded anything… it just whizzes by so fast. Sure is fun, hope you all get it in Ardmore pretty soon. You would absolutely lllloooovvveee iiiitttt!”

Just west of Ardmore 7 miles, in Lone Grove, Oklahoma, is a beautiful little gem. It’s an old Canadian surrey owned by Nathan and Shirley Christian. They own Christian’s Auction in Lone Grove and the surrey is parked behind their store.

Several of you wrote this week telling me where the list of Oklahoma historic sites could be found on the Net.
look at http://www.ok-history.mus.ok.us/SHPO/oknrlist.htm

The last few issues of my T&T, several wrote about the train wreck near Wapanuka, Oklahoma when all the Texas Schlitz beer was scattered all over the tracks. Everyone said the accident happened in the Fall of 1961. Guess what? A resident of the Wapanuka, OK area who has been gone for 30 years (now in Oregon) has a photo of this infamous train wreck. Here it is, a one and only photo! A glimpse into the past!

On the courthouse grounds there are 13 pecan trees. They were planted about 1910 by the first county commissioner, O.K. Darden. This week, because of blustery winds, the pecans have really been falling all around the property. Leland McDaniel, the OSU Extension Agent for Carter County, went from tree to tree this week and identified each tree by type. This is a diagram I drew of the location and type of pecan trees at the Carter County Courthouse from the information Leland provided.

Would you like to see some of the pecans James Lindsey (in maintenance) and I picked up the past few days? We put them in the Commissioners Office for visitors to crack and eat when they are visiting the office. Everyone enjoys cracking their own!

Now how about a real ghostbuster, like has not been since Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson. Fearless Yours Truly. hahaha


“For whoever is interested, I think somebody still makes Grapette. I had one about five years ago. I think I found it in Tulsa. And for a decent substitute, DeKuyper’s makes a liqueur called Grape Smash, or something like that (you can’t miss it, the label is bright purple and white and screams at you from fifteen feet away). Half of that and half Sprite tastes exactly like I remember Grapette to taste. It’s not very high in alcohol, either, so the mixed drink is about as alcoholic as a glass of wine, or maybe even less. In any case, it’s no trouble at all to have two. 🙂 Go here:”
“Butch, Read with interest , as usual, your news letter. I was very glad to hear that someone besides me loved and misses grapette. its been the better part of 45 years since I tasted one of those wonderful drinks. If anyone finds a source for them please have them let me know. Also another thing I lived and miss was Rex fruit jelly. Anyone know if they are still around? If so I would love to find some. I remember my mother serving hot biscuits and we always had plenty of Rex jelly. I remember with great fondness a lot of the places mentioned in your news letter. The Hamburger Inn, the Dew Drop Inn, the Stag Bar, Steels drug, Fedlers Pharmacy, the old Paramount theater, and the Ritz theater. I skated at the old rink that used to be at the old swimming pool out by the fair grounds.”
“Hi Butch. Ever get the “deadly blue screen” or ‘Out of memory” error. Go to http://www.Cnet.com and search for ‘RAMBOOSTER”. The program will increase the amount of memory when you need it. It is a free program and really works.”
The last few T&T you were discussing “Domes” on State Capitol buildings and why Oklahoma didn’t have one. The Oklahoman Archives Section Online” (http://archives.oklahoman.com), I found an article written by Paul English, 04/24/1994, for the “Centennial Edition II 1894-1919 Special Edition” concerning “Reform Politics Launches Territory Into Statehood.” In that same article it talks about many things, but this paragraph is what I thought was interesting — “In a special legislative session in 1913, a new Capitol Commission was authorized and $750,000 was appropriated to begin the work. To secure more funds, the commission was empowered to sell lands donated by Oklahoma City in the effort to get the capital. Construction began on July 25, 1914. Because of a shortage of funds and immediate need for the building, officials deleted plans for a dome.””
“Dear Butch, Want to share with you a former industry in Ardmore. The way I became aware of it was: Several years ago while in Ardmore visiting and browsing in one of the Antique Malls I ran across a package of homemade Christmas ornaments. Inside the zip-lock bag was a hand-written note which read: “These ornaments were made by the NEUSTADT children and sold in their father’s Hardware Store in 1945-1947″ (I think these are the right dates, I have lost the note). Ornaments were so hard for us to get during the war the dates could have been earlier. The wire appears to be 24 or 26 gauge, painted barn red, and generously sprinkled with red glitter. The original satin ribbon ties, faded and frayed are 1/8” wide. Wanted to share with you how pretty they look on my antique feather tree. If you know or hear of any further information concerning these ornaments. Would you be kind enough to pass along to me at
[email protected]
“Hey Butch, Enjoy reading your column. I see there have been more inquiries about the Milburn area this week. Allow me to respond to them. One respondent couldn’t find Milburn on his atlas. It is located 7 miles east of Tishomingo, Oklahoma which is about 40 miles east of Ardmore, in Southern Oklahoma. One writer has pictures of the wreck and referred to the mess. The mess was mostly from the 2 tanker loads of grease that spilled when the rr cars turned over. He mentioned the wreck happened in the 50’s, but I was,as I mentioned, a freshman in college in Tishomingo, so the wreck was fall of 61 or spring of 62.”
“look at http://www.ok-history.mus.ok.us/SHPO/oknrlist.htm
it is a page on the Oklahoma historical site”
“Hi Butch: Can you tell a little history of the Lazy S Ranch? When I was a 10, 11 year old I used to go to the church camp down near Turner Falls and they took us by church bus over to this ranch. They sat me up on top of this huge hereford and took my picture. I think of that event in my life everytime I come home from Dallas or somewhere down that way and see that rock sign up on that hill.”
“Butch, The National Register of Historic Places is administered by the National Parks Service. The site explains all about the National Register and under the search link you can search for listed properties by state and county. Carter County has several listings including the Carter County Courthouse (there’s a plaque on the south wall of the west entrance on the first floor).”
“Just a comment about Grapette soda pop, as a kid that was my favorite beverage. I remember my dad taking us on drives to the Wichita Mountains, on warm Indian summer days. We would stop at a small country store, and get a cold soda pop, I always got a grapette. This country store, was located in Meers, Ok. And is now the home of the famous Meers Burger. We visited there about a year ago with my son and his family. I remembered well the country store that sold a few groceries, cigarettes and chewing tobacco. As we sat in this cafe waiting for our Meers Burgers I vividly remembered the creaking wooden floor as I walked to the pop machine which I suppose would be a collectable now, and retrieving a cold Grapette. I too have wondered what happened to this brand of soft drink? Is it no longer in existence or simply no distributors carrying it in this area?”
“A couple of years back while visiting in Ardmore had heard a “rumor” that some stores still carried Grapette but we searched to no avail.”
“Hello Butch. My parents were one of the hundreds going to California during the depression in search of work. My dad left Caddo County in May of 1937 and my mother, brother, sister and I followed in July. They were motivated to go because of Flyers or Tracts handed out, telling of the abundance of work in CA. Would you know where I can get a copy of one of those Flyers or Tracts. Any help is appreciated.” [email protected]
“Butch: If any records are available, would you please print something about the old (back in the 20’s) overnight singing sessions. I think they were at Overbrook, but possibly it was Marietta. My dad and several members of the family used to perform there every year. They are all dead now, and I’d love to hear more about that big annual event.”
“Butch, someone wrote in and wanted to know about a town named ‘Page” & how it got its name: Oklahoma Place Names by GEORGE H SHIRK = PAGE, in LeFlore County, 12 miles south of Heavner. Post office established April 6, 1896, named for William C. Page, prominent Choctaw.”
“Hi Butch, One of the readers of T&T commented on the whereabouts of that great drink “Grapette”. I was born in Ada, OK but my family moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico when I was 7 years old. Every summer, we would pack the family into the car (no air conditioning or Interstate Highways in those days) and drive to Tishomingo to visit my grandmother, Selena Thomas and my uncle, aunt and favorite cousins who lived there. One of my first official acts was to go to downtown Tishomingo and drink a Grapette and then buy firecrackers, neither of which were available in Santa Fe. (I used to drive my relatives and parents crazy popping firecrackers.) By the way, my grandmother, whom we called “Keke”, was a former Johnson County clerk and lived right across the street (on the old jail side) of the court house for many, many years. Another favorite thing for my brother and sisters to do during those summer visits were to chase and capture fireflys on the courthouse grounds.”
“My grandfather, General Jackson (Jack) York married Emma Thompson in York, OK in 1900. The town of York was named after my great grandfather, Joseph York who was Postmaster from 1894-1914. It was about 30 miles south of Ada, OK. The town eventually became a ghost town. Jack and Emma had a son named Jesse. He was born in Ravia, OK in 1904. The family later moved to Healdton, OK where Jack worked in powerhouse (~1915-1920). Any idea how I could find out more historical information on York, OK. I’ve attached a school picture of my uncle taken at New Healdton Primary School ~1917 (Teacher is Mrs. Brace). My uncle, Harlton Franklin York, is seated ist row 3rd from right. I can find no information about this school. [email protected]
“Here’s one you’ll get a bang out of…” http://www.fedstats.gov
“Don’t know if you ever post classifieds, but I just found this place and they run your ad for up to 2 months, and you can pick 2 categories. It’s alot better that most of the FFA’s I post to. Thought you might want to check it out.”

In last week’s poll I asked if parents should paddle their children. The YESes are way ahead! And hey, it looks like most people don’t like to eat fruit cake according to my Poll. Now to come up with another poll. Ideas? http://www.brightok.net/~bridges/thepolls.html

I finally got my film developed on the photos I took of the new cupola on top of the courthouse. Here is a pic of the restored dome and new cupola. Looks more beautiful everyday.

Last week I watched Celine Dion’s “All The Way” special on TV. Now I have her newest CD and it’s great. She has a lot of moving songs on it. Why it is that we always have this one song out of all the others on a CD we like the most? I think ‘To Love You More’ is the best song she has on her new CD! Oh and by the way, I was told this week Celine’s “All The Way” special will be aired again Saturday night 12/04/99 on CBS. Guess I better check that out! Anyway, here is her song ‘To Love You More’:

‘To Love You More’ by Celine Dion

“Take me, back into the arms I love
Need me, like you did before
Touch me once again and remember when
There was no one that you wanted more

Don’t go, you know you’ll break my heart
She won’t, love you like I will
I’m the one who’ll stay when she walks away
And you know I’ll be standing here still

I’ll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I’m the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more

See me, as if you never knew
Hold me, so you can’t let go
Just believe in me
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know

I’ll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I’m the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more

And some way, all love that
We have can be saved
But whatever it takes, we’ll find a way
Believe in me
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know

I’ll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I’m the one who wants to love you more
Can’t you see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more.”

See everyone next Saturday.

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma
T&T Mirror Site: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/
Oklahoma Bells: http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/italy/56/index.html


From: Butch Bridges

Saturday, November 27, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 136

In my October 30, 1999 issue of T&T, I mentioned that the oldest house in Ardmore may be at 618 6th Southeast. A friend of mine told me his house is listed on the National Registry of Historical Places as the oldest house in Ardmore. I tried several searches on the Net to find this National Registry, but to no avail. Does anyone know where to find this listings of Historical Places on the Internet? Anyway, here is a photo of Noel Mann’s house at 323 F Street Southwest here in Ardmore, and it is right in my neighborhood! It was built in 1887.

Here is that pic again of the 1888 house at 618 6th Southeast.

Ever wonder about those gobs of files in that “Temporary Internet Files” directory on your hard drive and what they are? Or should you delete them? If you do, what will happen?

Just a few blocks north of the old Ardmore High School, 3rd and North Washington, an owl has taken up residence in a friend’s backyard. The owl has been there over a month. Now keep in mind this is in the middle of downtown Ardmore! I sure would like to get a photo of this hoot owl, but I don’t have a camera that will take a good night shot. Hint.

SmartSum is a talking calculator and adding machine that can replace your Windows calculator. Any entries are spoken out, along with any calculation results. SmartSum has a scrollable “tally roll”, which is similar to a rolling tape. You can go back and make changes to any entry, add comments, and even insert and delete entries. Calculations can be saved and re-loaded and you can even create your own macros. Other features include: the ability to check off entries, automatic sales tax calculations, ten memory locations, and the ability to replace the digit vocalization with your own sound files. http://www.smartcode.com/smartsum/index.htm

Last week I mentioned the Lazy “S” Ranch 10 miles north of Ardmore at the foothills of the Arbuckle Mts. This is a photo of the “lazy S Sign” in the side of the mountain as can be seen going north on I-35.

TWICE AS NICE. Manage files intuitively with TWinExplorer, a cool tool that displays two instances of Windows Explorer in a single window. This makes it a snap to compare the contents of two directories and to easily drag and drop files between folders. TWinExplorer even adds a few nifty extras of its own, including a built-in image viewer, speed buttons for accessing your favorite folders, file-type filtering, and handy shortcut buttons for performing common file management tasks.

Iceptur Family Edition Internet Filter blocks pornography, hate and violence, and illicit drug websites. It also allows you to prevent divulging sensitive personal information in chatrooms and interactive websites. The database of inappropriate websites and patterns is updated every week. This is a full-function evaluation version. It will not expire. For more information see http://iceptur.com

Here is a listing of the Brightnet of Oklahoma Access Numbers:

Below is an email I got from a friend today telling about a utility on the Windows95 CD that can come in handy:

“Ever wished you could copy and save multi items in Windows Clipboard then paste all that stuff where your working? Here is how to archive that….. on your Windows95 CD, in the Other folder, is a folder for a nifty utility called ClipBook. Clipbook is kind of like Clipboard on steroids. Not only can you cut and paste to and from it, you can also save things you’ve copied into the Clipbook and call them up anytime you need them. Images are even previewed as thumbnails in Clipbook.

To install Clipbook, open Add/Remove Programs from Control Panel. Insert your Windows95 CD and click on the Windows Setup tab. Now choose Have Disk and browse to D:\Other\Clipbook folder on CD. Select the .INF file and hit OK.

A dialog box should appear, check the box and hit OK. Clipbook will now install and a shortcut will be placed into your Accessories folder under Programs on the Start Menu.”


“Hi Butch, OK, you’ve got my full attention now. I want to know what it is all about…..those Milburn, OK Lights? I am doing a lot of family research in the Milburn/Emet/Tishomingo area. Can you tell me where to look for info on the Milburn Lights? Some kind of strange phenomenon? Anxiously waiting for reply.”
“I can’t see a darn thing in that picture taken at Brown Springs. What should I be looking for? Also, what is the “Ardmore Oklahoma” name after your name at the bottom of your newsletter? Could it possibly be an Indian name that means “Ghost Buster”? “
“When I was growing up, 1940’s early 1950’s . the sign on the side of the mountain read Moss Patterson —- Lazy S Ranch. I think the S was laying down tho.”
“Hi Butch, I did not see any Southern Comforts listed. What could be smoother going down as a soft drink. Well maybe some Kahlua and Cream or Baileys in Coffee. That stuff you have listed eats nails up. What does it do to the stomach? Hahahaha. Oops, Sorry. I could not vote on any this time.”
“Enjoyed the soft drink poll you featured. It reminded me of something. Do you remember Grapette? Gosh, it was wonderful! Do you know what company made Grapette? Just cannot imagine why they ever took it off the market. Back in the very early 80s, I found a little old service station at Wilson, Oklahoma that still had Grapette. Went over there often to buy one. Then the station closed and after that, there was never any more Grapette. Boy! Would I love to drink one right now!”
“Butch, I was just wondering if you or anyone of your readers might know anything about Page,Ok. Town History? How the town got its name? Anything along those lines. My Grandpa was from Oklahoma, and my Great GrandParents lived there all their lives. Their name was Page. I know there is probably no relation between them and the town but I was just kinda curious. Look forward to seeing you next Saturday.”
“Talk about memorable times. And the big train wreck in Wapanucka. I was a freshman at Murray A&M (now Murray State) at the time. A friend of mine (now my brother-in-law) and I went over there. Beat the authorities, loaded up his 55 chevy with cases and cases of Texas Schlitz beer. Hid most of it in the woods on my dad’s farm northwest of Milburn, carried some of it back to the dorm, and PARTY time. A couple of weeks later, we went back to our hiding place to get more beer, and found a couple of squirrel hunters sitting on our stash, having a good and drunken time. So, this weeks column has brought back some memories, and a couple of chuckles. Thanks Butch.”
“I also remember the train wreck in 195?? I even have some color slides of the train wreck that I took before it was cordoned off. It was a mess!!”
“Hi Butch, Do you have a pic of the finished product (cupola) in place on top of the court house? Later man.”
“Happy to receive yr column from my daughter, in Va who is an Ardmore HS grad, we are Oklahomans who have been away for many yrs, and enjoy hearing the news. we would like to hear about how the city has grown, etc.. what the football team is doing.. who coaches, and all that. what is the population now.. thanx.” [email protected]
“Say whoa!!!!! I loved the map on the area you had up ,but for some reason I was not able to download it (print) it out. Sure brought back some fond memories. In fact I could have added a small road or lane in the Meadowbrook area that was not on that map. Also my father took us down to “Blue Lake” which I remember being south or so of Thackerville. Had the national guard down killing water moccicans (snakes) in the lake as they were so bad they would get into the house of the family that lived there. Had thought about buying that place untill we heard of the snakes being so terrible. I first began reading your site when my brothers ,who still live in Okla were forwarding it to me and have enjoyed it ever sence……”
“Hi Butch, I have read in some of the recent T&T s about the building in which Dr. Hardy had his first hospital. It not only is historic in that respect, but also for another reason…in the basement of that same building there was an establishment named The Dew Drop Inn. Follow the link below for more.”
“howdy butch , hope lifes treatin’ you well. i can remember when i was a kid (probably around 7-10) my parents and my aunt and uncle took us kids and we all camped on red river right at the tucks ferry for a couple of weeks. it was kinda hard to get to then but i still remember the dugout for the ferry guy . i always thought it was a very interesting place. thinkin’ about people crossing on them in the old days.”
“Butch: In last week’s mail you had a request for info and photo on the old Squeeze Inn located on east main. Durning the late 50s and all of the 60s My Captain on the police dept Lawton (Red) Smithers ate his daily lunch there and at times I joined him I do not have a photo but the young pretty waitress Mary Barnes is still in Ardmore and now works at the Total station with her daughter, the station I mention is located on “P” NE and hwy 199.”
“A black panther has been spotted in the Indianola, Oklahoma area, (Pittsburg Co.) by deer hunters. A couple of horses were killed sometime ago and a possibility by the Panther.”
“I would like to see the Milburn, Oklahoma lights. They sound very interesting and eerie like the Hornet, OK lights. I do not find Milburn in my Road Atlas. Where is it located.”
“I found this searching with the Web Ferret . I was going thru some of your older pages and I thought you had something in some of your history about Bud Ballew. And in it is listed Leslie Segler.”
“hello butch, always enjoy your newsletter. i found this sight while killing a little time this morning and didn’t know if you had seen it yet. it sounds promising, but you never now things you find on the internet. your loyal subscriber in stonewall, ok”
“Hello Butch: Adam Jimmy or Adam’s Jimmy was a horse and mule trader during the late middle and later part of the 1800’s. He traded mostly with the Army and was kind of a hermit. He was not married and lived in a small log cabin that was small and had a pole in the center holding up the roof. He lived first in a dugout until his cabin was finished. The dugout is about ten feet from the north side of his cabin. The open prairie area north of Overbrook, Oklahoma was known as Adam’s Jimmy prairie. His cabin was on the west side of that prairie on the ridge that runs along the west side. The cabin is gone and nothing remains that shows one was ever there. However, I know the exact spot where the cabin and dugout were located. Adam’s Jimmy did not retire to the Hot Springs, Arkansas area as most people believe. He died in a drunken brawl when his skull was split with a brass stirrup and was buried in the Oil Springs Cemetery there in Love County.”
“I will be in Ardmore on December the 11th at the Hastings Bookstore to do a book signing on the ‘Red River Prosecutor’. I enjoy your letter.” Ken Bacon mailto:[email protected]
“I noticed you were of the Choctaw Lineage. I am trying to trace my family history. I know that my Great-Grandmother was buried on a Choctaw Indian reservation here in Oklahoma. Any ideas on how I would go about finding information on this and tracing back further? Any websites? Really enjoy T&T. Lot’s of interesting and helpful info. Thanks!” [email protected]
“This is a common misconception; actually, probably a dozen states have domeless capitols — New Mexico comes to mind among our closest neighbors. Louisiana, Florida and Nebraska have little skyscrapers; so does North Dakota, whose small Capitol is one of the most attractive in the country. (I do suppose Oklahoma’s is the only state where the Capitol was obviously _intended_ to have a dome, and they just forgot to finish it!)” ————————————————————- “Someone has put together a listing of every High School in America. You find your state, find your city, then find your school and graduation year. Then, add your name and information Soon, you can contact anyone from your class that is already there. Whoever did this was very thorough.”

There was a dedication ceremony last Wednesday of the new cupola on top of the courthouse here. The Honorable Judge Tom Walker was Master of Ceremonies.

My sister in Oklahoma City will be getting fast Internet access on November 29th through Multimedia Cable. From what she told me, its going to be lightning fast! They have three computers networked in her house, and all three will be using the CableModem, all for $45 per month. More later.

In last week’s Poll, it looks like Dr Pepper is falling behind. Coke is winning (bearly). But hey, we all know you can’t eat a hotdog garnished with mustard and relish without a Coke!

I live in the “bible belt” of the United States. Here lately there has been lots of publicity on whether a parent should spank his/her own child. I know my mother and grandmother both gave me whoopings, and I probably should have received more than I did. My mother used a freshly pulled switch from the hackberry tree in front of our house. I remember getting several spankings in Grade School, even one paddling from the principal, Mr. George Connely. When I was in the 5th grade we knew it was against the rules to play on the grass in front of Washington School, but myself and Jimmy Echer decided to do it anyway one afternoon. Needless to say we both got a paddling from the principal. hahaha. When I drive by Mr. Connely’s old house at 610 North Washington, I think about that paddling. Do you think a parent should spank/paddle their child as a disaplinary action? (Note: I ask that no one send me email on this question, but only cast your vote on my Poll Page.)

A friend in Thackerville, Oklahoma invited me to a meeting of the Southern Oklahoma Writers Guild last Monday. We met here in Ardmore at Al and Marion Sadler’s home and I will say it was a delightful experience. I saw one face I hadn’t seen since childhood. And the talent gathered together in that room of 12 people humbled me. I thought, “what is lowly me doing here?” But I enjoyed the gathering immensely and if they have patience with me, maybe that can work a miracle on my writing. I hope to attend the next meeting. To learn more about this local
writers guild: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Study/4589/

The “Celine Dion All The Way, A Decade Of Song” was last Wednesday and guess what, I missed the first part. My favorite singer’s special program and I only got to watch the last half. Did anyone record it on VCR? I’d sure like to see the entire show. Celine closed her program with the words from a song by the late Frank Sinatra. And that’s the way I’ll close today…….

“Who know where the road will lead us,
Only a fool would say,
But if you’ll let me love you,
It’s for sure I’m gonna love you – all the way.”

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma
T&T Mirror Site: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/
Oklahoma Bells: http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/italy/56/index.html


Saturday, November 20, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 135

Two days ago, Thursday, the wind really got up here in Ardmore. We have 12 pecan trees around the courthouse. The past couple of weeks, the pecans haven’t been falling all that much. But when that wind hit (up to 30 mph) they really started falling. Thursday around noon I bet there were at least 12 people gathering the pecans. Me and James (in maintenance) have been gathering them nearly every morning too. We have nearly a box full now at the county commissioners office for visitors who stop by. So come on by and have a pecan on us.

On the west side of the courthouse (front entrance) there is a granite stone on the ground by the sidewalk. It reads: “O.K. Darden, Pioneer in Pecan Improvement”. O.K. Darden was one of the first county commissioner here from 1907 – 1912 and a promoter of pecans as a good cash crop for the area. By looking at all the pecan trees in this county, it looks like his endeavor paid off. The best tree is on the northwest side. Most of the trees are what I call ‘papershell native pecans”. Pecan anyone?

A friend brought by an old map of Love county, Oklahoma this week. Marietta is the county seat of Love county located in south-central Oklahoma along the Red River. Looks like there were about 12 ferry crossings across the Red River many years ago. I see on the map the ferry crossing by Browns Springs was called Browns Ferry. But the springs is given the name Refuge Springs. I notice on the map south of Ardmore on Highway 77 just over into Love county is “Adam Jimmy House”. I wonder what that was??? I may need to make a little trip south and check that out! If any of you see something on the map that reminds you of bygone days, I’d like to hear about it!

I noticed on the map the community of Enville, Oklahoma (eastern Love county). I was searching some old newspaper archives the other day around 1917, and read a paragraph about Enville. For several years the black bear was thought to be extinct in the Enville area. But in 1917 a farmer near Enville shot and killed a black bear. Interesting. But I’m sure they are gone now. Sad.

DONE DOWNLOADING? Disconnector can hang up your Internet connection or play a sound once your downloads are complete. It works intelligently alongside your favorite Web browser, download manager, or FTP client. http://www.pixiesoft.com/disconnector.htm

Most of you will remember on Halloween, October 31, a group of us had an excursion trip to Browns Springs south of Thackerville, Oklahoma. One of those who took the trip had a camera, and after getting her film developed, was astonished at the image in her photo. I saw it immediately!

This week the sheriffs office here had their jail management program updated to a Windows format, and ready for the year 2000. The company who produces the software, Evercom, sent Paul from their Dallas office up here this week to do the update. He did a great job and the employees are excited and learning all the updated features of their jail booking program.

Before 1907 (Statehood) Ardmore boasted a skating rink like has never been since. It was called the Royal Roller Rink and was located where the present day Lincoln Center stands. The building was 10,200 square feet, with a seating capacity for 2,500 people and had 500 roller skates.

The new cupola on top of the courthouse is now lighted. If you are in the area and happen to be downtown at night, drive by and see how beautitful the dome is with the light in the cupola!

Ardmoreite Robert Hensley sent in a 1910 postcard he has of the Fourth of July Parade in Ardmore. Really nice. At the far right is the old Hardy Hospital. That building still stands today in the northwest corner of East Main and Caddo streets.


“Butch, thanks for putting a pic on here of the school that burned. I did catch it up here in the city but they never did show any pics of it. I am sorry that Ardmore lost another old building.”
“My wife and I are doing our family histories, and we need a photo of the old Squeeze Inn Cafe that was located at 119 E. Main….between The Barber Shop and Greenberg’s Jewelry Store. My wife’s grandma owned it for almost 10 years, in the ’60’s and early ’70’s. If you don’t have one, any ideas who might????”
“Always enjoy your news letter. Oklahoma Capital Bldg is the only one without a dome, is it not? There is so much history around us we fail to appreciate it. I was down at the cemetery at Willis to see a great great aunt’s grave and recalled the story of how that and many other cemeteries and of course families were moved when the dam for Lake Texhoma was built. Thanks again for doing the news letter!”
“Hi, Butch. Intended to write you last week to let you know that I really enjoyed the B.S. trip on 10/31. At one point…for just a minute or so on the trip back, the hair on my neck became alive and about 6 inches on both sides of my knees just turned to jello. It was so weird. Sherrie grabbed the digital and started shooting photos in every direction. We are still contemplating them. The other reason that I intended to write you last week was after I read the excerpt about the lights. When I was in high school (early 60’s), I can remember hearing tales of the Milburn lights. We planned to go there every Saturday night; however, some good-lookin hunk usually drove down Healdton Main Street and diverted our attention. We never did get to go see the Milburn lights but I’ve always remembered. We were not deterred, however, when we heard about the Wapanucka train wreck. Remember that one?”
“I am the coordinator for the Oklahoma Lawmen and Outlaw page for the Oklahoma Gen Web Project. Would like to have any information that could be added to this web site for the Oklahoma Genealogy Researchers. Check out the page titled: Lawmen and Outlaws – Oklahoma and Indian Territory.”
“I do wish you could figure out something to do other than xzoom so we could all open and see the pictures. A few you have that don’t say xoom I can see.”
“It appears that the Happy99 Virus is going around again. Attached is a link where there is a fix for this virus. All you need to do is click on the link and download this file. Save it to disk. To your root directory. ( i.e. C:\ ) Once you have done this you are ready to remove the virus. Now go to start | shut down | restart in MS-Dos mode. Once in MS-DOS mode type in cd\ and hit enter. Now type in hapy99 and follow the instruction on the screen.”
“Well I did it, I got me of of those high speed ADSL telephone lines, now I can pull up the pictures on your site without having to wait a long time. Sometimes it would seem to take forever to get anything to come up, so a lot of times I would not click on those blue lines if I was running short of time.”
“Discovered sometime recently that sure came in handy while I was away from home. I could still check my email and get your column. A friend told me to go to http://mailstart.com/ and when it came up all I had to do was enter my email name and my passcode. I could read the mail, then elect to save, forward, reply or delete it. I have used it while I am switching my ISP, that way I don’t miss any email while I notify everyone of the change of email address.”
“Hi Butch, have been enjoying your paper the last couple of weeks that we have been receiving it. I just wanted to mention about the Scivally family. I wouldn’t argue the point but what research I have been able to uncover is that in the late 1800″s the Scivally family did own some property on what is now the LAZY S RANCH. I have heard that the Scivally’s called their place the “Flying “V” Ranch”. I have seen the Flying V painted on and old barn where a new addition had been added on. The information I have is that the Cal Washburn family purchased the ranch from the Scivally’s about the turn of the century. Cal Washburn’s son C.F. once told me that his father purchased a herd of cattle out of North Texas from the estate of Col. C.C. Slaughter who branded the” Lazy S “on all of his cattle in Texas. At one time this brand was on more cattle in Texas than any other brand. In Texas it is also sometimes referred to and a” Long S”. C.F. told me that his father Cal liked the brand on the cattle and adopted it to use on his cattle. That is the story I have been able to uncover on how the LAZY S RANCH got it’s name. The Washburn family later sold the ranch and moved to Hennepin. The “Lazy S ” brand stayed here and they acquired another brand.” Tom Rankin Sr. General Manager LAZY S RANCH Springer, OK
Hello Butch…. Do you have a picture of the old swinging bridge in Tishomingo??? I seem to recall a year or so ago something be said about it. I found this on old calendar in some of my mother’s
things.” http://www.brightok.net/~lwmac/bridge.jpg
“hey man, check this out…. everything you ever wanted to know about bigfoot. even what they sound like. (saw this on tv and found the site)” http://www.moneymaker.org/BFRR/index.htm
“When I was in high school (early 60’s), I can remember hearing tales of the Milburn, Oklahoma lights. We planned to go there every Saturday night; however, some good-lookin hunk usually drove down Healdton (OK) Main Street and diverted our attention. We never did get to go see the Milburn lights but I’ve always remembered. We were not deterred, however, when we heard about the Wapanucka, Oklahoma train wreck. Remember that one? It was a trainload of beer…surely you remember. I think every young person this side of the Mississippi heard about it. By the time we got there, however, it was cordoned off. We never saw the train, never saw the beer but we sure did meet a lot of people from all over the place! Now, really… that was the best part about it!”

Okay. A number of you wrote in and asked what the words Ardmore Oklahoma designated. Being of Choctaw lineage, a friend gave me this Indian name. It means “Wolf’s Friend”. And now you know.

I’m going to try and have some kind of poll every Saturday. This week the poll is on “What’s your favorite soft drink.” I’m open to any suggestions for future polls. For now, I hope everyone will go to the link below and cast your vote.

Thanksgiving will be here in a few days, a time to spend with loved ones. We should all take a few minutes that day and reflect back on the good things and look forward with optimism the days ahead. This week I received a Royal Mint medallion I ordered honoring Princess Diana. Written on the enclosure is the following:

Time is too slow for those who wait,
To swift for those who fear,
To long for those who grieve,
To short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love, it is eternity.

See everyone next Saturday.

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma


Saturday, November 13, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 134

On February 13, 1946 a tornado came across Main Street in Ardmore. Besides destroying some buildings around Main and Washington streets, it destroyed the cupola on top of the courthouse. On Saturday November 6, 1999 a brand new cupola was raised by Eddie Johnson Crane Service out of Ratliff City, Oklahoma to the top of the courthouse. I was in the post office the other day and overheard a man and lady talking. She said the courthouse looks so “majestic now that it’s copper dome has been restored”. And now with the cupola being restored after 53 years, it truly is back to it’s original intent and purpose. I have a webpage dedicated just to the courthouse cupola. On it are several photos I took the day it was raised into place.

Here is an article and photo in last Sunday’s Ardmoreite about the new cupola.

This week I received the latest edition of the OklahombreS. The OklahombreS is an Oklahoma organization dedicated to preserving lawman and outlaw history of Indian Territory. They now have a membership of over 200 strong, all working together to keep this segment of Oklahoma’s past alive. If you or anyone you know is an avid lawman/outlaw fan, I would urge you to be a member of this unique 10 year old organization.

The Bogus Check Division of the DAs Office here has now moved into their new offices in the Colston Building. CableOne of Ardmore put in the fiber optic lines as a public service so the ladies could have access to their data at the courthouse one block away via the computer network. This makes at least the third time CableOne has helped Carter County Government at no charge. They just may have turned us into the largest data network in the area, connecting all our downtown buildings with fiber cabling. A big “Thank You” to General Manager David Wall, employees Bill Reynolds, Virgil and the rest of the gang at CableOne of Ardmore for making it all possible!

I’ve been having a blast with dialpad.com calling everyone in the country, and for free too! The sound has been real good. You do need IE 5 or Netscape 4.5 or better since dialpad.com is using java scripts. The person you are calling doesn’t even need a computer! http://www.dialpad.com

An anonymous virus writer who is apparently an avid “Seinfeld” fan has created a virus — actually a self-replicating worm — that can spread itself through a user’s Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express client. The worm, called “BubbleBoy” in an apparent reference to a “Seinfeld” episode, is unlike anything that anti-virus software vendors have seen to this point. It doesn’t rely on an attachment. Instead, all a user has to do is open an e-mail. An embedded Visual Basic Script command attaches itself to the Outlook address book and mails the e-mail to everyone in the address list. Currently, the virus is considered low-risk by most anti-virus vendors, but many of them view this as a harbinger of worse things to come. To protect yourself, download and install the Microsoft Internet Explorer Scriptlet. “Scriptlet.typlib/Eyedog” Vulnerability Patch, Windows 95/98/NT Freeware:


“Hey Butch, Thanks again for the wonderful letter you post each week. I have tried several different off site mailings to be able to see the XOOM pictures. I can get the text ones with no problem. Tonight, I decided to type in the URL and Presto! I got pictures. Duh, some of us aren’t as fast as others. I am so glad I did in order to see the LA canebreak. My grandparents had one in their back yard on B St SE when I was a kid. And it was hot and airless in there, but what a wonderful fantasy place for a little boy. My grandmother eventually had it cut out in the early 50’s. I enjoyed reading the account of the bear hunt. The Mr Mcillheney of Avery Island is the family that produces Tabasco. Avery Island is the main headquarters. Located on a salt mound in South Louisiana below Lafayette. It is also home to an Egret preserve and have some wonderful bamboos and cane gardens on the property. One of the later Mr McIllheney’s is responsible for the vast invasion of nutria in South Louisiana. Glad your trips to Brown Springs was a success. Keep up the good work.”
“I don’t have a clue as to the actual history or age of the KVSO building but this much I can tell you from memory. Before it was used for a radio station it had been commonly referred to as “Home Beautiful”. It was a private residence and in fact, as a boy, I had a friend that lived there by the name of Elmer Moore. When the building was used as the KVSO studio, what is now known as NW Blvd. was commonly referred to as KVSO road.”
“Butch! What a beautiful sight to see the Courthouse Dome all bright & shinny and NOW with the Cupola in place it is especially beautiful. I would be surprised if there is anyone living that has ever seen the Courthouse looking as regal as it does today. You deserve most of the credit for this chore being accomplished. Even a Citation, a bronze plaque, a commendation or any award would not be sufficient to show the appreciation the citizens of Carter County owe one BUTCH BRIDGES. You are truly a mover & shaker and it amazes me how much you have done for the folks – much of which is never revealed to the public. It is good for me to say that you are my friend.”
“Butch I just got up, turned on the coffee pot and the computer, downloaded my e-mail and starting reading your T&T news letter. Checked out the picture that your friend took with her digital camera while visiting Brown’s Springs. Butch, there is something to this place. And from my 6th sense, It’s not a good feeling that I am picking up from there. My first impression is that it has ET presence there. The reason that I say this is from the ‘image’ that continues to appear. I would be curious to know if in your picture and then again compared to her’s, is the image appearing in the same spot or is it a random thing? Only appearing in the area the picture was taken or related to the whole area?”
“Hello. I was reading your info about the cemeteries around the Thackerville area. I am researching my family name of Shurbet. Do you have any information on any Shurbets in that area? Or any other listings of the people buried in other cemeteries besides the Brown Springs one? Any information or links you could send me would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. I am especially looking for a connection to the Shurbet name and Cherokee Indians. Do you have any cemetary listings of where the Cherokee were buried, or any links that might be helpful?” [email protected]
“Hey dude, I wasn’t able to go last time due to the fact I was working at the ambulance service, let me know the next time you go, I want to go.”
“VISIT YELLOWSTONE FROM ANYWHERE, ANYTIME (WYOMING, MONTANA, IDAHO) — Visiting Yellowstone National Park online now has new meaning with the start-up of two WebCams located at Old Faithful and the Mammoth Hot Springs area. The Old Faithful WebCam sends a real-time image every 35 seconds, allowing online visitors the opportunity to watch the famous geyser erupt from the comfort of their homes, offices, and classrooms. The Mammoth Webcam affords visitors a chance to view the Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces, and occasionally catch Elk and other wildlife in the area. The WebCams were donated by Stardot Technologies of Buena Park, California, and Cool Works of Gardiner, Montana. The WebCams can be found at the following Web addresses:”
“…And, saw the part about strange goings on in Coalgate and Hornet. I never heard of Hornet, but we had some strange lights in Bold Springs, Oklahoma which is north and east of Milburn. Sometime at night strange lights would appear with no known explanation. Haven’t been back that way in years, so don’t know if it still happens. If you have readers in or around Tishomingo/Milburn area, maybe they could update us….”
“Butch. Good Afternoon! Was just looking over your Carter County website, and I noticed you had a page for pictures of other courthouses here in Oklahoma. Attached is a picture of Washington County’s courthouse (Bartlesville, OK) that we had taken about a month or so ago. It is a black and white picture because we were at the time only taking it for a flyer the courthouse was putting out. Feel free to crop it or re-size it if you need to. Anyways, thanks a lot, and keep up the good work – the site looks great!!”
“Hi. In take picture of Ardmore. Have you ever run into this family Scivally. James Calvin Scivally the preacher in Ardmore and Marietta about 1895. he was my great grandfather. The Lazy S ranch, the S stands for Scivally family. James uncle or cousin own the ranch. James and his wife Mattie had a daughter there name Margaret Ural Scivally. There was a Luther and Virginia Watts there at the same time. Their son was Emmett Edgar Watts here was born in 1892. Ural and Emmett would later married in Greer County, Ok. The Monkres family that live there were Virginia Watts family. The Scivally stills live in Ardmore area. I don’t if any Watts or Monkres still live there. At one time my Green family also live in Love County. There might be some still there. Now my Stewart live in McCurtain County, Ok. Here is my webpage:”
“Appreciate the info and if you get a chance take a look at the new webpage. I’ve been working on it once again after a prolonged “I don’t wanna touch another computer” stage. Its a little slanted towards MSIE but only because Netscape doesn’t support some of the things I am doing. LawSearch! Police Tools-Search Engine-Chat”
IACIS Computer Forensics DSC, DPC Certified
“I will start with an Ardmore, I.T. postcard of the Union depot train station before it was destroyed in the explosion of 1915. I think your readers will enjoy this pic. It’s from around 1898 and colorized for Hoffman drug store, Ardmore, I.T.”
“Do you know of any site where I can obtain daily temperature data for Ardmore. I am specifically interested in November and March.”

I was at the grocery store this week and found some bread that’s different from the run-of-the-mill breads. It is by Grants Farms and called Cornflour Bread. I put butter on it, and boy, I think it sure has a great taste!

Talk about bread, when I was a wee lad in the 60s living on 3rd Northeast here in Ardmore, a block south of our house was John Small’s Bakery. John and Eileen Small lived almost right across the street from us at 816 3rd NE (we lived at 805 3rd). Before going to school in the mornings, I’d go outside for a few minutes, many times, I’d see John Small walking to his bakery at 204 “H” Street Northeast. He’d be whistling. And loud too. You could hear him whistling his way to work for two blocks. But what I remember most after coming home from Washington Elementary School, was smelling that bread baking. My mother would give me a nickle and I’d walk to Small’s Bakery, employees Charlie Bailey or Joe Smith would take brown wrapping paper and wrap up a hot loaf of bread, I’d rush home with it, my mother would take a butcher knife, split the top of that hot bread, and put in the butter…. we’d make a meal out on it!

I mentioned above about my old grade school, Washington Elementary. Last Thursday, November 11th, it burned down. Sad.
Here’s the way Washington School looked when I attended.

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
—Frederick Douglass

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma

Saturday, November 6, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 133

Last week I mentioned finding probably the oldest house still standing in Ardmore. The owner, Mr. Rouse, says it was built in 1888 or there abouts. This is the north side of the house.
South side of the house, with the metal roof and decor.
This is the old stairway in the house with a portal window.
One more interesting thing about this old house. Mr. Rouse has probably the only Louisiana Canebreak growing in the backyard.

And from “In the Louisiana Canebreaks” by Theodore Roosevelt: The canebreaks stretch along the slight rises of ground, often extending for miles, forming one of the most striking and interesting features of the country. They choke out other growths, the feathery, graceful canes standing in ranks, tall, slender, serried, each but a few inches from his brother, and springing to a height of fifteen or twenty feet. They look like bamboos; they are well-nigh impenetrable to a man on horseback; even on foot they make difficult walking unless free use is made of the heavy bush-knife. It is impossible to see through them for more than fifteen or twenty paces, and often for not half that distance. Bears make their lairs in them, and they are the refuge for hunted things.”

Are you annoyed by some of the workings of Windows 95/98? If so, this site has lots of help to get rid of the clutter.

Found a great photo on the Net of the old Convention Hall that was located in Ardmore where the present day Civic Auditorium sits.

JetCar is a downloading utility that splits files into many parts and downloads them all simultaneously in order to speed up downloading time. Version 0.72 beta supports multiple file links and integrates more closely with your Web browser.

And here’s a pic of the old KVSO radio station here in Ardmore. Back then it was located at Chickasaw Blvd and Northwest Ave.
My dad used to have a weekly radio broadcast from this building when he played his guitar on live radio back in the 30s.

You can make free phone calls from your web browsers to any telephone in the US. Now, you don’t have to disconnect from the Internet to make a phone call. Just come to dialpad.com and make free unlimited long distance calls. You don’t have to download and install anything. Just come to dialpad.com. With its Java/Web technology, everything is automated. Enjoy!

I received an interesting email about some strange things going on near Coalgate and Hornet, Oklahoma. I don’t know what to think, but it sounds interesting. Anybody know anything more about these mysteries?

For as long as anyone can remember, there has always been a Stolfa’s Hardware Store at East Main and Mill Street. This is an old Standard Computing Scales there in the store.

The Ducks Unlimited banquet in Ardmore is being held November 18, 1999 at the Hardy Murphy Coliseum. I’ve been attending for several years, and I will say it is a lot of fun. Tickets are available at Jerry’s Gun Shop on Grand Ave. Hope to see some of you there. http://www.ducks.org/

The two excursion to Browns Springs last weekend was interesting. 15 brave souls went Saturday afternoon. Another 32 people visited the Springs on Sunday. And the Sunday Oklahoman had a write up about Browns Springs. You can read all about that and the Marietta, Oklahoma Monitor newspaper article at the link below.

Talk about something strange. A friend in Healdton, Oklahoma went to the Browns Springs excursion last Sunday afternoon, and took some photos with her digital camera. Here’s one she took that she said has another image in it. I can see it.

Another friend let me take a pic of her back door here in Ardmore. She said everyone who comes over to their house and sees this door, sees a weird image on it. hahahahaha


“Someone inquired about the Woodmen of the World in this week’s “THIS & THAT.” I read in the World Book Encyclopedia once about the Woodmen. It was an insurance fraternity….”
“After reading about Meals on Wheels .. you’re making me think about volunteering to deliver the meals .. I’m a widow now ..and have a lot of time ..of course, I’m a nerdette and just glued to the PC ..but .. but. I know to really be happy, you need to give of yourself .. Guess it’s time for me to start.”
“Butch, in your article on oldest house in Ardmore you said it was built around 1887-88. If I remember my history, that is not just after the Civil War. The Civil War was 20+ years before that.”
“Hi, my folks joined WOW sometime in the 1960’s. The Woodsmen sold some kind of life insurance – my parents paid a initial sum of a few thousand dollars and about all I can remember is that when daddy died we had a heck of a time collecting.”
“Butch I thank that woodsmen of the world is a faternal Org. such as The IOOF the International Order of Odd Fellows at least that is what I remember My father explaining to me he said he was a woodsmen of the world I ask what was that then he explained it to me. boy I learn something new everytime I get your newsletter. I thought California was the only place that had it’s faults I stand corrected but they dont have them like we do I survived the Loma Preata earthquake 7.1 on the Richter scale and we just had a 7.5 down south we are all shook up out here”
“Wow! You made the Sunday Oklahoman with your trip to the cemetery (which I offered to attend, but you would not send me a ROUND-trip ticket.”
“Butch, was out driving around last week-end and ran across an old bell you may not be aware of. It is located in someone’s front yard at the end of the service road which goes by Camp Classen. You might want to check it out, I’m sure it would have a great story behind it. We turned off interstate 35 at the Davis exit-I think this would be exit 51. You want to turn back to your left (do not cross the washita river) look for the sign that says Camp Classen, follow this road but do not turn into the camp itself, keep going North (you’ll cross a WPA 1937/1938 concrete bridge) keep going North till you dead end. The beautiful home with the bell will be just after you cross a cattle guard.”
“Hi, This site is a collection of Windows *.dlls (especially Win95). These dll files are here so if you are having difficulties running a program because of a missing or defective *.dll, you will have a place to turn to. Bookmark this url you may find it of use someday.”
“A few weeks ago I received a copy of your paper called This and That and am wondering how I could get a subscription to it. I was raised in Ardmore and enjoyed the hamburgers so much at the Hamburger Inn that I was spoiled to their burgers and haven’t had a decent one since leaving Ardmore.”
“Hi Butch just was looking at all the wonderfull things in oklahoma. I was born in Chickasha. I lived most of my life in Tishomingo. I still have 2 daughters and my mother lives there. I now live in Boothville la a place i dont like very much i guess im just an old oklahoma woman all the way around and now when i get home sick i will look at your web site for i love Ardmore and all the things there and i miss them all so much.”

On Tuesday night, Nov 2nd, I had an experience I won’t soon forget. A friend invited me up to the Arbuckle Mountains north of Ardmore where he lives. In pitch darkness, five of us went into the mountains in search of Bigfoot. He pointed out to me several interesting things but I won’t go into detail right now. My eyes were opened to some fascinating stuff concerning this well publicized mystery. Fact or fiction? I don’t know. But I was glad we were all heavily armed with rifles and the people who took me were highly knowledgeable and trained. Unless one is in that situation, in that darkness, and in that unknown, one can not imagine the trust five people can have in each other, relying on each other to come out of there safely. His wife even pleaded with us not to go that night. Maybe someday I will know more, and can tell you more.

By the time most of you read this issue, hopefully the new cupola will be already installed on top of the courthouse dome. It’s going to be beautiful. More next week.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” — Thomas Edison

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma


From: Butch Bridges

Saturday, October 30, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 132

Sometimes I just can’t help but give credit where credit is do. Several months ago my 88 year old aunt and uncle here in Ardmore had gotten so homebound because of their deteriorating bodies, neither were able to go buy groceries anymore. They were literally running out of food and too proud to ask for help. Nor would they take any help if someone offered. Over several weeks I had nearly worried myself sick wondering what to do. I called the director of the Southern Oklahoma Nutrition Center here in Ardmore, Stella Newsom. They have a Meals On Wheels Program. After several attempts, because my aunt would not accept help, Ms. Newsom had to give up trying to put them in the Meals On Wheels Program. So, we had to fall back and regroup. I called Ms. Newsom again in a few weeks (after I had built up my aunt’s psyche to try the program) and she said there was a waiting list for the Wheels On Meals Program but would put them on the list. A month later just like she promised, Stella visited my aunt and uncle, got them enrolled in the program, and now they both get a nutritious meal everyday delivered to their door. There are so many government waste programs out there, but I believe the Meals On Wheels for the elderly and shut-ins is a Godsend. It was to me. I couldn’t find an Oklahoma webpage dedicated to Meals On Wheels, but I did find this one that told a heart touching story of the Meals On Wheels volunteers across this nation. They just may be angels.

If you can’t pull up the wav file below, here are the words to the song: “I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you and me in our darkest hours, to show us how to live, to teach us how to give and guide us in the light of love.”


ClickTray Calendar is a free calendar and reminder utility that runs in the System Tray area of your taskbar. Simply enter notes on your calendar, and when Windows starts up, ClickTray Calendar shows you the current day’s reminders.


For those of you who have Windows 95, you may want to go to Microsoft’s Website and download the y2k fixes if you haven’t done so already and get ready for midnight December 31st.

1. go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows95
2. look in the center of the screen for the word “DOWNLOAD”
3. below that word is “Windows 95 Year 2000 Update”
4. click that link and then click NEXT then click DOWNLOAD

Save the file to your hard drive where you can find it after the download completes. The file name is win95y2k.exe and it’s 2.2 megs in size. When I installed it on my computer I told it NOT to update my Windows Explorer at this time. To only update my Windows 95 files. The download only takes about 15 minutes and the install about 5 minutes.


About 12 miles north of Lawton, Oklahoma is the wee town of Meers. Meers has been the location of a seismograph center since before statehood (1907). But what many do not know, is tucked away in the side of that mountain is probably the best hamburger in Oklahoma. The 7″ burger is made from family raised Texas Longhorn cattle that are free of chemicals, hormones, etc. So step back in time to the Meers Family Restaurant in Meers, Oklahoma.
http://www.oklahomaadventureguide.com/greatplainscountry/places/meers_st ore.html

From January 1, 1977 through August 12, 1990 there were 695 earthquakes in 64 of Oklahoma’s 77 counties. The most seismic ally active areas of Oklahoma are from near the Red river in Love county, north to Garvin county, Oklahoma and in the El Reno and Kingfisher, Oklahoma areas.


This week I talked to the owner of probably the oldest house in Ardmore. He says it was built around 1887/1888, right after the Civil War. And the location of this old house is where people would least expect. Next week I will reveal where this house is and show some pics to everyone! (I don’t have them developed yet.) This may be the oldest treasure in Ardmore.


A friend brought me a diskette this week and on it was some files he wanted me to look at. He does not even have a computer nor how to turn one on. After he left I had this feeling I should check it for a virus. I used my InocculateIT Virus Program to check the diskette and it found the Form Virus. InocculateIT removed the Form virus safely and easily. I hope everyone is checking their computers for viruses before its too late. Get your free virus checker here:


The Bogus Check division of the DAs Office here in Ardmore has moved from the courthouse to the 2nd floor of the Colston Building at #10 West Main. Sharon, Beth and Vicki moved yesterday and are trying to get everything setup again. They are suppose to have Open House soon, I’ll let everyone know and maybe some of you who live nearby can stop by. They are some great ladies.


The little excursion to Browns Springs in Love County, Oklahoma is still a go. Several have wrote in saying they plan to be there.
http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/italy/56/photos/bsprmap.jpg http://www.brightok.net/~bridges/brownspr.html
Several of us are going to go to Lindsay, Texas (4 miles west of Gainesville, TX) and eat at the Smokehouse BBQ. We plan to be there about 11:30am or so. Anyone who wants to join us are welcome! Just ask for the Browns Springs group! It might rain a little Saturday afternoon, so bring your umbrellas. The temp at Browns Springs is going to be cooler…. 62 degrees.

Here’s a Halloween feature story the Marietta Monitor did this week on Browns Springs and my webpage.


“The Pharmacy in the Simpson Building was not the Reavis Pharmacy – take my word for it. was the “Ardmore Pharmacy” and was owned by Mr. T.A. Gravitt – not Reavis”
Some of your readers may find this of Interest. I lived there (Lake Murray) from around 1946 until 1963 when I joined the Navy.
“Are you aware of the white buffalo (not an albino) born about three years ago–I think in Oklahoma. His birth is considered a good omen to the Native Americans.”
“My dad James (Jim) was a plumber at lake murray. We first lived between the lodge turnoff and the boatdock turnoff next to the original Horse stable, west side of the road. Scenic 77 was dirt then. we next lived north of the lodge turnoff at what was called sp-11. east side of the road close to what later become Tipps Point. Then we lived at Buzzards Roost in the first rock house on the right. What beautiful memories. I’ve traveled all over and that’s still the most beautiful place to me. Of course it was my home. I washed dishes and drove a garbage truck at the lodge for 50 cents per hr. My 1st job was at the Tee Pee house cafe in 1957. I was 11 then. When I graduated from the 8th grade at Overbrook, we were down to one room.”
“I am very interested in going to your tour of Brown Springs. Hum will all the fuss over the Blair Witch Project seems like we could make a movie there of our own. If you have not seen the movie all you need is just a camcorder to make mega bucks.”
“Do you know anything about the Woodsmen of the World? He and a son, have large grave markers with that inscription. I was born at Duncan, and grew up and went to school at Empire, Ok.”

I just installed a Sony DVD ROM. Watched Armageddon on it. The clarity and beauty is awesome. Before long we wont need televisions the way things are going. If you haven’t seen the new DVDs in action, check it out. Nice.

If I tell you something, do you promise to keep it a secret? The crane operator told me this week he plans to set up his crane at the courthouse early Saturday morning Nov 6th. If everything goes as planned, that’s when the cupola that’s been missing for 50 years will be lifted in place back atop the dome. Now remember, don’t tell a soul. Want a peek?

“The moral test of a society is how that society treats those who are in the dawn of life — the children; those who are in the twilight of life — the elderly; and those who are in the shadow of life — the sick, the needy and the handicapped. –Hubert Humphrey

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma


Saturday, October 23, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 131

Last September 4th, I told about a Deputy Sheriff of Love County, Oklahoma whose 1917 death in the line of duty was all but forgotten. He was not memorialized by Love County nor the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. I also told about Mary Wilson, who owns a monument company in Lone Grove, offered to repair this officer’s tombstone, upright it, and affixed it again to its base in the Oswalt, Oklahoma cemetery. This week Mary Wilson called to tell me she has deputy Walter Tate’s marker repair and standing upright again. Now I hope the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC will soon list deputy Tate as killed in the line of duty from Love County, Oklahoma on their website. http://www.nleomf.com/index1.html
Here is the full story of Deputy Walter Tate’s death.
Here is a photo I took of Walter Tate’s tombstone at Oswalt, OK.

TaxACT ’99 Standard Edition is a free U.S. personal income tax return preparation program. TaxACT includes all of the commonly used forms, schedules, and worksheets necessary for preparing a personal income tax return. An on-screen interview guides you through the data entry at each step of the way, or you can enter data directly onto the relevant forms. As you move through the process, TaxACT calculates and displays your tax liability. You can review your return at any time, and a final review tells you what documentation you need and summarizes your numbers in one location. A handy calculator is included for determining the annual depreciation of your assets. Once the calculations are done, you can choose how you wish to file — you can submit your return electronically (for a small fee) or print IRS approved forms and schedules. http://www.taxact.com/

The Encyclopedia Britannica just put all 32 volumes of its encyclopedia on the Net and its all FREE! http://www.britannica.com

Q: How do I find out if my e-mail system can handle HTML messages.
A: Most e-mail programs now have HTML capabilities, though some corporate mail systems block or interfere with the special codes in HTML messages. Send a blank e-mail to mailto:[email protected], and you’ll get an automatic reply with a fully formatted HTML message. If the message doesn’t include colors and a picture, check your mail setup and try again.

Q: How do I stop a CD from playing the moment I insert it.
A: Hold down the Shift key while you close the CD-ROM drive door. This will stop automatic installation from a software CD and prevent an audio CD from playing immediately.

The little excursion to Browns Springs in Love County, Oklahoma is still a go. Several have wrote in saying they plan to be there. I will mention that Leeper Lake is private property and the land owners have it closed to the public. Please respect their wishes. A couple weeks ago I told about the five youths from Gainesville, Texas who were hunting snakes at Leeper Lake. Here’s their pic:

Next Saturday at 2pm will be the first excursion to Browns Springs. Let me know if you plan to attend. Also my Browns Springs Page is updated about Browns Springs regularly. A map to Browns Springs. The link is also on my Home Page.

I’ve place a number of emails I received on the Springs here…. http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/bsemail.txt And here’s the link to my Browns Springs Page again……


Copyright The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, Oklahoma
September 28, 1990

Big Stink at Courthouse

There was a big stink in the Carter County Courthouse Annex Thursday when a skunk wandered into a water shed drain on the building and became agitated.
Assistant Election Board Secretary Katy Merritt happened to look out her window as the small black and white animal ambled across A Street SW and into the drain.
Ardmore Animal Control Officer Jerry Stone, called to survey the problem, and the animal peered at each other through a hole in the pipe where it runs through the vault at the election board, Clerk Mina Howard said.
The stink began when Stone poked at the skunk hoping it would exit peacefully, Howard said. Instead the animal let loose its natural defense.
Ardmore firefighters were called to the scene and shot water down the drain, causing the skunk to retreat into a waiting cage.
The problems were not over, however, for employees in the election board, county superintendent’s office and Carter County Health Department, which are housed in the building.
The odor had penetrated the air conditioning vents and quickly spread the obnoxious smell throughout the building, which has no windows which open.
Doors were propped open to allow in as much fresh air as possible, without much success.
A liquid industrial strength chemical called Nilecho was sprayed into the vents and on the air conditioning filters by Bill Hamilton, health department sanitarian. Sharon Stewart, administratative assistant, said the chemical was chosen because it is an oil soluble reorderant.
Election Board Secretary Janie Tipps scattered mothballs in the election board vault and offices, Howard said, and Hamilton also put out used coffee grounds to help absorb the smell.
Stewart said the odor is gone from the health department offices today. Employees in the election board offices, where the odor was strongest, are only getting an occasional whiff, Howard said.


“Butch, I just notice the name of your bell site is Oklahoma Bell. Are you aware that the first baby born after the Landrun Of ’89 in OKC, was named Oklahoma Bell? I think her maiden name was Cunningham, but her married name was Cheever. She was born May 19, 1889. She and her husband had a floral shop for years. Her grandson, or great grandson, still runs it in Quail Plaza in OKC. So much for a history lesson this morning.. HA”
“Butch, Thankyou for the great pic of the old simpson building. My father bought the building when he and my mother came to Ardmore. I remember so much of that building especially the boiler in the basement, the entire building was steam heated. It was huge and I can still remember the excitement of lighting of the boiler by my Grandfather Penn Scott each year, it was not to be missed. There was of course the old Ardmore Pharmacy on the first floor along with the bank, my Mother still has some great old photos. I can even remember old Mr Felix Simmons showing me all the money in the vault of the bank at one time. The building was remodeled in the 60’s and as I look back, lost so much of its charm. All the ceiling fans which pulled air up at a very slow speed so as not to ruffle the papers on one’s desk were removed. Most were sold for junk. Still have one over at Mom’s. There was even a huge old style water chiller in the basement that pumped cold water up to fountains. It was fascinating for a boy to see. This could go on for way too long, but a nice memory brought to mind. Thankyou.”
“Someone told me you wrote a story about James Stevenson of Pauls Valley who killed Sheriff Cathey. He was a GG Uncle of mine and I have been researching this line of the Stevensons. His Mother was Texas Adalaid (Houston) Stevenson who married a Solomon Gay. Can you tell me anything on this family and I would like to have your article. If indeed you did write one. His brother John Houston Stevenson was married to Tecumsi McClure’s Daughter Malinda who was the step son of Smith Paul, founder of Pauls Valley. Let me hear from you. mailto:[email protected] of Wilson, OK”
“Do you think Charlie’s phone booth made it through the quake this morning????”

One year ago today the Carter County Court Clerk here in Ardmore gave me permission to put the Court Docket on her website. Right now it only lists the Docket one week at a time. We are still the only courthouse in Oklahoma who furnishes this information to the public via the Net. If you haven’t visited Court Clerk Karen Volino’s website lately, you may want to take a look, especially if you’re an Elvis Presley fan! Also while you’re there, check out the new group photo of the ladies.

I was thinking of what quote I’d put in this weeks T&T. I looked at the usually quotation websites, but didn’t find just what I wanted. Then my mind flashed back to high school. I thought of those manual Smith-Corona typewriters we used in Typing Class. “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” With midnight December 31, 1999 quickly approaching, this may be a quote we truly need. Who knows what demented minds around the world are planning.

This week I was listening a CD with some old rock and roll songs. One I had not heard since I was a teen… “Hurt” by Timi Yuro, the little lady with a big voice. She recorded it in 1961. Rumor was she recently died, but she is alive and doing fine in Las Vegas.

“I’m so hurt to think that you lied to me,
I’m hurt, way down deep in, inside of me,
You said your love was true, and we’d never ever part,
Now wants someone new and it breaks, it breaks my heart.
I’m hurt, much more, then you’ll ever know,
Yes darling, I’m so hurt, because I still love you so,
But, but, even, even though you hurt me, like nobody else could do,
I would never ever hurt you.”

Here you can go to Timi Yuro’s biography and listen to her music clips including “Hurt”. (Must have RealAudio)
http://www.sonicnet.com/artistinfo/19474.jhtml;$sessionid$A5MYLCIAADCNVU ID1AKCFEQ

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.” –Swedish proverb

See everyone next Saturday.

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma


Saturday, October 16, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 130

On January 1, 1974 the Feds dropped the speed limit from 70 down to 55 mph. I will always remember it. Just two weeks into the month, I was traveling to east Texas. Near Marshall, Texas I was traveling about 75 or 80 and the Texas Highway Patrol caught me speeding. It was on Sunday afternoon, and I had to go to the courthouse and wait for the Justice of the Peace. Fines had to be paid to JPs. I waited over 2 hours! Finally he arrived, I paid $30 and was on my way. But now with the advent of the Internet, Texans can pay their speeding fines AFTER they get home via the Net. I know people in every state will want this!

I’ve had another two or three write in and say they can not pull up the Xoom photos. Some of you have forwarded my T&T to your “portable” email address, such as yahoo.com or justicemail.com or rocketmail.com, etc. Then the xoom photos should pull up.

At West Main and A Street in the southeast corner here in Ardmore is what many call the old Exchange National Bank. Long ago it was called the Simpson Building. Here is an old pic of that building.

The Worlds Largest Bell is now in Newport, Kentucky and ready to ring in the Millennium as the World Peace Bell. “On December 31, 1999 the Peace Bell will sound for every time zone around the World. The event will be televised live to each time zone separately so that the people from every country can ring in the new millennium with the World Peace Bell.” Is your bell ready? Maybe we need to ring in the New Year with the bell at the Carter County courthouse?

Rain or Shine Screen Saver displays an outdoor country scene along with weather information for your city. The scene changes from a sunny morning, to a rainy afternoon, to a starry night. You can customize the screen saver to display the temperature and weather forecast for your city by entering your zip code. You can update the forecast whenever you choose. The interactive screen saver also provides links to popular content areas of the Weather Channel’s Web site.

The present day Lincoln Center at 301 West Main here in Ardmore used to be the Ardmore Hotel years ago. I remember going in there as a kid in the 50s. We did not have a tv at home and the Ardmore Hotel was the only place we could go and watch television.

This week I have gone to the Browns Springs cemetery several times. And I am happy to report I have not seen any ghosts, ghouls, or goblins. And I am still at a loss as to what is in the photo, if anything. But myself and a lot of others feel there is something very wrong down there in Love Valley along the Red River. Without exposing my sources, I will tell you there are people who are doing some very serious research in Love Valley. Maybe someday we will know more about this evil place. In the mean time, I can tell you I have been flooded with email about Browns Springs. So many I am not going to list those emails in my usual Mailbag below. I have placed the emails I’ve received about Browns Springs in a special file in chronological order. So if you’re interested, just read and enjoy!

I did achieve what I went to Browns Springs this week to do. I was able to get the wording off the marker of that child:

“Tis a little grave, but O! have care for world wide hopes are buried there. How much of light, how much of joy, is buried in a darling boy.”

Here is a listing of Love county cemeteries and its interesting what is written about the Brown Springs Cemetery:

For genealogy researchers, here is a listing of those buried there as complied by Bill Hamm. Because of rummaging, pilfering, and grave robbing, only about 5 markers are still there on which writing is readable. This is sad.

From Browns Springs we traveled on east about a couple miles to Leeper Lake. There were five young men there, all with 22s shooting snakes that were hid up under the small fishing boats along the shoreline. While we were there I know they killed 10 to 15 snakes. There were at least 3 under each boat! You can imagine all the hollering and bullets flying with the lifting of each boat. Everybody’s hearts were beating fast! These five young men had driven up from Gainesville, Texas that afternoon to hunt snakes. Leeper Lake was really dry and low, with tree stumps sticking up all over that eerie looking lake. I’ll have some photos to show of those Snake Hunters soon.

For those of you who were not able to see the image from my Xoom.com website, here is that image again:
If anything new develops in this saga, I’ll pass it along. I’ve also created a direct link from my home page to the Browns Spring Page to make it easier to find all the scoop on the springs.


“Butch, here’s an old genealogist’s trick to make the writing on tombstones easier to read. The next time you’re in a cemetery take some chalk along with you. Rub it across the words and it’ll highlight them. The best thing about this is that it doesn’t do any damage to the stone and will wash off during the next rain.”
“I am told: if you spray a tombstone with shaving cream and wipe with a flat object the letters will be easy to read. Have never tried it, but it sounds reasonable. Good luck– but watch out for the Brown Springs haints. lol”
“Hi Butch. I am sure you do not remember me, but we went to school together at the Washington Elementary School in Ardmore…as you know it is now the Early Childhood Center. Your grandparents, the Carmons, lived up the street from us and owned a lumber company. I remember going up there when I was very small and buying nails for my dad and I wanted to let you know that my maternal grandmother Nona Pittman worked at the original Hamburger Inn for a Mr. and Mrs. Brown who owned it at that time. I, too, used to delight in eating their delicious onion burgers. In Jr. High, we had open campus and could go there for lunch…such wonderful memories.”
“Ok, borderline, it’s genius, you gotta leave out the o…. Enjoyed the T&T.. Keep up the good work.”
“Reference the reader who wrote about the “Susan” Pruitt who won the $4,000 on Regis and Kathie Lee. It’s Sandra Pruitt, works at McCulloh Travel and is married to Joe Ben Pruitt. Her parents are Calvin and Hazel Duncan. Just thought you might want to know.”
“There was a question in this weeks This and That ref: Susan Pruitt who is she? Since those folks saw her win $4000.00 on Regis and Cathy Lee. It should be SANDRA Pruitt and she works at McCulloh Travel. Butch, her dad is Calvin Duncan our old OHP friend.”
“I have thought several times of how much time writing this on a weekly basis takes, not to mention the photos, and I just wanted to thank you for your time and effort. I know you probably do it because you love it, but just remember, there are lots of people who appreciate all the time you put in.”
“Hi Butch, have enjoyed your stuff on Browns Springs and the Phone out in the desert. I surfed the whole web site about the phone thing and found it interesting. Next time I go out west i’m going to find that phone booth and call you. HA :-)!”
“I have completed 4 paintings and have the photos up on my web site.”
“howdy i have been to the Dickson park many many times as a matter of fact i was at the Dickson park when i was supposed to be in school!! haha!! theres a few pieces of playground equipment and a pavilion,,, in 1984 when i graduated Dickson we went down there to take some pics i was voted biggest flirt,, i’m sure a lot of Dickson yearbook pics are still taken down there,, oh yeay they probably locked the gate cause we used to party all hours of the night out there,, and i know some of the old sherrif deputies know there way out there cause i can remeber them coming out there and running us off,, i guess they wanted us to go to town to drink and party???”
“I am seeking information on a former Chief of Police of O.C. He was Vilas Edward Lewis. Probably served in the 1940’s though not sure. I am his cousin and am writing a family history and would like to include something about his service record, a photo and when and where he died and is buried. I was told he died in the 1960s but this is only speculation. His last known address was 625 W. Choctaw, OC.”
mailto:[email protected]
“….On the issue about this time there was a letter from someone interested in the Bill Guess shooting of the Mexicans. Do you possibly have the address of this person. I would like to contact them as they could be relatives since I am the niece of Bill Guess. Sure would appreciate if you do….” mailto:[email protected]

A friend told me about a bell this week less then 1/2 mile south of Wilson, Oklahoma on the west side of the road. So, it’s off on another bell hunting expedition!

Last week I told about Charlie Durie getting the Seth Thomas clock running at the Marietta courthouse. I talked to him this week and it is running great. In a 48 hour period it was only off by one minute! He is still fine tuning it.

All the flowers of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today – Indian Proverb

See you all next Saturday.

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma


From: Butch Bridges

Saturday, October 9, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 129

Last week I had a typo. Well not exactly a typo, I just couldn’t see the photo I took very good. I said Rosella Hightower was a Cherokee Indian. Wrong. She was a Chickasaw Indian. I’ve since learned her’s and the other four Prima Ballerina’s are depicted in a painting on the fifth floor of the state capital.

For two weeks I have been wrestling with myself, trying to find the words to tell about something out of the ordinary I’ve found at Brown’s Springs south of Thackerville, Oklahoma. I hate too say too much. We hear on the news all the time now… about kooks… they seem to be coming out of the woodwork, and I don’t want to be thrown in that category. I had about a dozen photos taken at Brown Springs and as I started to scan one of the photos I was holding it in my hand, I saw what looks like an image of a child, peeking up from the ground. I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Another photo I took was of a cemetery marker there, from the barely visible words, it must have been a child’s marker. It started out, “Tis a little grave, but….. hopes one buried… had much…” and I wasn’t able to make out the other words. But then I didn’t really try. I want to go back and try to decipher each word. Needless to say this whole thing is creepy.

Here is the photo I have with the image. I don’t know if it is just a coincidence, or something more… you be the judge. http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/OklahomaPast/photos/bschild1.jpg This is a close up of the image only.
Here is the child’s hard-to-read tombstone.

Like I said, I want to go back and learn more about the words written on the child’s grave marker. But I don’t feel comfortable going by myself. Are there any volunteers?

I’ve also added some more photos of the area. This is where the springs bubbles up out of the ground. The water looks clean.
This is where the water coming up out of the ground first forms a small pond of water before spilling out of the pipes.
And this is where the water overflows from those pipes, then running south under the dirt road and into a lagoon.

More Bells: This is Nice big bell located in Lake Murray Village south of Ardmore (in Love county). Just go all the way to the end of the main entrance, then turn east a few feet on the north side of the road.

This bell is north of Lone Grove, Oklahoma on Newport Road almost 3/4 mile north of Hwy 70 on the west side of the road.

Very beautiful brass bell on the grounds of the Thackerville, Oklahoma school system.


“Butch, We have only lived in Ardmore about five years, so I obviously didn’t eat at the Hamburger Inn during the time period mentioned in your newsletter two weeks ago. I would tell you, though, that the food the ladies serve there now is excellent and the service is always fast and friendly. The hamburgers are wonderful and the fries and onion rings are as good as any my wife and I have had. The place reminds us of a great Kansas City hamburger landmark called Winsteads. Three years ago my wife’s folks came for a visit, and the only thing they still talk about is the lunch we had at Hamburger Inn. I hope the ladies continue to be successful and keep the Inn going indefinitely. Maybe you should find out the story behind the current owners and let us know.”
“I’m related to the Winter family and a Winter told me to view the 50th Wedding Anniversary web site and I’ve been meaning to E-mail him and ask for the URL. Bennie and Joyce don’t know who I am, but I do wish them all the blessings possible. A CA fan who looks forward to your letter each Saturday.”
“I was so surprised this afternoon to see a story on CNN all about Charlie Wilcox and his phone booth in the high Mojave Desert here in California. Having read about him in your weekly letter, I wondered if it was real, or another Internet hoax, since some reader said he tried to call the phone booth and it was busy.” 760-733-9969
“Butch: Loved the article about Choc and the “hamburger inn”, I wonder how many of your readers remember the original “Hamburger Inn” when it was directly across the street and was run by Ernest Brown. He sold hamburgers for .5 cents each or 6 for a quarter. Hate to admit it but I do remember those days. (Smile).”
“I really do enjoy reading your weekly report each week. Thanks for making it, I noticed a mention that there was a ROLLINS CEMETERY on Tiny Chapel Road and I wonder where I might get a listing of those buried there with their statistics. I have run into a blank wall trying to find my Great Grandfather.” [email protected]
“Butch, you spoke of a detection network for lightening strikes. we need such a thing in California. we have had a lot of wild fires caused by strikes. one is a collection of automobile tires since 1950 in a canyon south of here, just west of I-5 interstate. they have been burning for at least two weeks. makes me want to move back to Oklahoma. NOT SO says my wife. I dont know how we can mess things up the way we do. we get into trouble then cant figure a way out. see you. keep this & that coming” http://weather.brightok.net
“Since my name is Durwood I find this too cool to have a town named after me. The y musta known what a far out dude eye b. thanks Butch”
“Butch, Found an old bell in an antique shop in Davis, OK. It is right behind the Police station. Just thought you might be interested….”
“…I took a different route this time and passed through a little town called Mead, OK. My mother pointed out the old school gymnasium and told me she remembered playing basketball there. The old gymnasium is in ruins, looks burned-out also, but is made of stone, and is a real GEM. I know the folks of Mead don’t have enough money to save that beautiful thing, but you ought to be sure and mention it in your newsletter so more people might slow down and take a look at it. It was on the right-hand side of the road heading from Durant to Kingston. Thanks for your newsletter. I enjoy it so very much. October is the perfect month to visit Oklahoma. Heavenly weather!”
“The sign for Lazy Creek Park (Dickson, OK) says “Land and Water Conservation Fund” which is a grant program run by the National Park Service. So, this is some info about that fund. I have not found that particular park yet.”
“My 2nd cousin, Carolyn Massey, graduated from Ardmore High School around 1956. I’m not positive of the year. I could be off 1-2 yrs, I’d guess if I’m wrong, that ’55, or ’54 would be the direction to go. I have no idea what her married name is or where she lives. I thought that you might know who keeps the schools records. In McAlester, OK they are computerized by an Alumni Association, not connected with the school. If you can get me the name of a contact person, it would be great. Thanks a bunch! -Jerry Snider” [email protected]
“Hey Butch, Here is a pic of a bell I took while on a recent trip to Vietnam. It was hand forged in the early 1800’s, and is in a Buddist Temple in Hue, Vietnam. The only purpose of the bell is to drive away the evil spirits. Is still in use today. I have many pics taken in Vietnam if anyone would like me to send them just email me.” Larry in Sulphur, OK [email protected]
“Here are a couple of scans of a token my wife won at the Four Queens in Las Vegas. Wish she had won a lot more! I like your column a lot. Keep it up!”
“I got so excited this morning watching Regis and Kathie Lee. We watch every day and are interested in the “Trivia” question. This morning he called Susan Pruitt in Ardmore, Okla. Well of course that got my attention FAST!! Who is she and are you related. She works at a travel agency there. She won $4,000.”
“Hey Butch, I have ran across a website that might be of some interest to others out there. You can get anything from free coupons, free trial issues of magazines, free samples of just about all name brand items. Of course, like anything that they advertise for FREE one has to be careful of all the loopholes that goes along with all of this FREE stuff out there. I just thought there might be some other stay at home shoppers that this might be of interest to.”

Courthouse workers have the dome cleaned and down to the beautiful copper. There was rumor it might not be, but it is ALL copper, just like in 1910 when the courthouse was completed. Soon they will raise the cupola into place on top with a crane. Here’s a pic of the dome with a fresh coat of Spar Varnish…. magnificent!

Speaking of courthouses, I received an interesting call this week from a Mr. Charlie Durie of Marietta, Oklahoma. After 10 or 15 years of it not working, Charlie has the tower clock at the Love County courthouse in Marietta working again. In the weeks to come, he hopes to get the clock fine tuned and running near perfect. I’ve been waiting three years for someone to come forward in Marietta and do just that. Thank you Mr. Durie!

Last week I mentioned about a friend here in Ardmore setting up a program for golf enthusiasts. The initial info is now online and can be found at the URL below. Some lucky golfers, even if they are not a pro, will have a chance to win $1,000s in prizes. If you or someone you know is into golf, be sure and have them check out this link. I’d love to win something, but I don’t play golf. But hey, I guess I could learn. How much does a golf club cost?

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein 1879-1955

Did you all know I am a borderline genious? I could go either way! hahahaha. See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma


Saturday, October 2, 1999 Vol 3 Issue 128

I’ve lived all my life here. I’ve been through Dickson, Oklahoma (9 miles east of Ardmore) a million times. A couple weeks ago I first noticed two things in the center of Dickson along highway 199. First, there is one of those green historical markers on the south side of the highway, across from the Dickson High School. That marker tells about a Durwood, Oklahoma (located just south of Dickson) resident by the name of Rosella Hightower. Ms. Rosella Hightower was born in 1920 and later became a renown prima ballerina. The U.S. produced five world leading prima ballerinas at the same time, and they all were from the eastern half of Oklahoma, all of Indian heritage. No other nation ever produced five prima ballerinas at the same time. The five prima ballerinas were: Yvonne Chouteau (Cherokee Indian) from Vinita, Oklahoma; Moscelyne Larkin (Peoria Indian) of Miami, Oklahoma; Maria and sister Majorie Tallchief (Osage Indian) of Fairfax, Oklahoma; and Rosella Hightower (Chickasaw Indian) of Durwood, Oklahoma. Here is a photo of the historical marker in Dickson, Oklahoma dedicated to Ms. Hightower.

Secondly, in Dickson, Oklahoma right beside the above historical marker is a sign denoting a park. I have never heard of this park nor do I know anything about it. The sign reads Lazy Creek Park. You travel south a few hundred feet down the road and come to what I guess is the park. But when I was there, the gate was closed and locked. Maybe someone knows more about this park?

While we’re in the area, 1/2 miles east of Dickson is Durwood Road. Traveling south about two miles down Durwood Road one comes to Tiny Chapel Road. Turning east on Tiny Chapel Road just a little ways east of Tiny Chapel and but just before Rollins Cemetery, is Durwood Baptist Church. Tiny Chapel Road is a dirt road all the way east into Mannsville, Oklahoma. Here is a photo of the Durwood Baptist Church.

Here’s a photo I took in July 1998 of Tiny Chapel. My August 1998 issue of T&T told about Tiny Chapel and its creator, Mr. W.B. Trible.

The present day Durwood Baptist Church was erected in 1963 thanks to the generosity of an Indian lady by the name of Janie Chubbee. Does anyone know of this lady and her gift? This a photo of the cornerstone and the Ms. Chubbee inscription.

I mentioned last week Charlie who lives near that phone booth in the Mojave desert. I’ve tried everyday to call Charlie, but the line is aways busy, he must be long winded. 760-733-9969

Here’s an interesting URL sent in by a reader. It is like a clearinghouse of police and criminal justice related information. Even has links to scanners in major cities in the U.S.

Wanted Jobs 2K lets you quickly search for job listings on 32 popular Internet employment sites. To find postings of interest, simply enter a few keywords along with a region and a job category. The program simultaneously searches up to 32 popular sites, including America’s Job Bank, Best Jobs in USA Today, Career Builder, Career.com, CareerCity, Career Exchange, Career Mosaic, E.span, HeadHunter.Net, JobBankUSA, Monster Board, and Net-Temps. Search results can be highlighted, refined, and sorted by title, company, location or relevancy. To save time, you can have Wanted Jobs download job descriptions for later offline browsing, or you can read descriptions immediately in your Web browser by simply double-clicking a job title.

Last week I was visiting the Chickasaw Regional Library and across the street in an open field sit a helicopter. I was told the pilot had landed/parked there while staying at the Hampton Inn next door. I happen to noticed on the helicopter tail the words “boatpix.com” Come to find out the helicopter is from Florida and used by a company to take photos of boats. He/she sure flew a long way to take photos of boats at Lake Murray, if that is the case. Anyway it sure was a beautiful helicopter…. and I wanted to take a ride.
Here is the URL to their website….. http://www.boatpix.com
Send them some email in Florida and tell them you saw their helicopter parked in Ardmore, OK. hahaha. I still kick myself for not going and asking for a ride!

Two friends of mine, Bennie & Joyce Winter, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversity, and their children set up a website to announce it. Why not stop by, and send these two Ardmoreites some congratulations email and help make this event memorable!


“I use Norton Utilities also. a good program. for someone who doesn’t have Norton Utilities they can try using Scandisk to recover files on a floppy disk.”
“I’ve started an elist for members of Ardmore High School Class of 1958. We have about 20 members so far and are having a good time discussing old times and it also helps us stay in touch with each other even after 40 years. If any 1958 AHS graduate would like to join they can do so by going to:
“Hi Butch, A good site to share with your T&T readers is http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems This is the Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s site that contains technical service bulletins, consumer complaints and defect investigations. You can check if your auto is listed as having a defect. There is an article in the October 1999 Consumer Reports magazine “Hidden Warranties” about automobile defects”
“Thanks for the memories on original Hamburger Inn. I can recall eating there when I was rather young. The grill and the table used to put together the sandwiches ran across the north side of the building (to the left of the front door). The counter was just to the left of the front door with stools. People coming through the front door had to squeeze past the patrons already seated to get in. Rather close.”
“Gee, thanks. Your story about Chock and the Hamburger Inn just set my taste buds for a couple of coneys and an order of those wonderful, greasy fries they used to serve. Heaven! And they’re nothing even remotely close to either one in Norman, so far as I know. Does the Inn still have the same food that it used to have? I haven’t eaten there in years; when I’m in Ardmore the place is always closed. When I was in high school in the early seventies, we used to RUN, not walk, to the Hamburger Inn for lunch. We’d go to the drive up window and order a coney or burger, fries, and a coke, and sit outside on the patio in the back to eat lunch. It cost a buck or so, maybe a little more. Lunchtime has never gotten any better than that.”
“While making garage sales last saturday in Lake Murray Village, I spotted a huge bell. Best I remember, when you drive into the village, go all the way to the end, make a left. Go east till you see the bell. It is at the end of a driveway by the street. As large as it is, you can’t miss it. I hope the directions are right, if not, it is in that area. Shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. Have a good one, see you next saturday.”
“Hi, I liked your photos of Ardmore. I am attending the Stamps Reunion at Lake Murray on Oct 8-10, 1999. The original family who started the reunion lived and still does in Wapanucka. My grandfather was born in Pontotoc. Just wondering if you have any pictures of that area or any Stamps people.” –California [email protected]
“Man, some people will do almost anything for a coconut cream pie, huh?”
“I lived out west of Marietta while growing up, went to the Meadowbrook school. The Rose ranch was just west of our place and would go to both Ardmore and Marietta on Sat. nights . To some this may seem to have been a slow life. To us at that time, we were raised to be kids and enjoy life with out the dangers a lot of the youth now have. We moved there in 1946 and must say it was one of the greatest things my parents could have did for us. We knew our neighbors from all around, not so in the city now. Only rarely will you find friends next door any more. I loved the country and have at times gone back to look over the old home place. I wish to thank you and let you know how much I have enjoyed your articles.”
“I forgot to mention another project we are working on. It is a local lightning strike detection system…..”

The past couple of weeks my computer has had a mind of its own. When I turn it on for the first time in the mornings, the Celine Dion CD I have in the CDROM automatically starts playing. It only does this the first thing each morning. At first it kind of bugged me, but after a few mornings, as I prepare to go to work, the music is kinda nice.

Next week I’m going to tell about a golf program a friend of mine here in Ardmore is setting up. I really can’t say much right now, since the website and info packets are not completely ready. But you will be the first to hear about it. If you or a friend of yours is into golf, it will be worth checking out next Saturday in my T&T. It will mean $1,000s of dollars in prizes to some lucky golfers! Does anyone have a slightly used golf club they will loan me so I can start practicing?

“Always give your best; never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember others may hate you. But those who hate you don’t win, unless you hate them.” -Richard M. Nixon 1913-1994

See everyone next Saturday!

Butch Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma
