Phone: 580-490-6823
If you’re looking for a certain article I wrote in a past issue of “This & That” you might find it faster by doing a “search” with your browser. With Netscape just click your mouse at the top at EDIT and then FIND and type in the word or words you’re looking for. If you use Internet Explorer, just click on EDIT and then FIND ON THIS PAGE to do a search.
Below is October 9, 2004 to October 30, 2004.
Saturday October 30, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 393
We had some 74 year old history park in front of the OSU Extension office this week. Ardmoreite Raymond Johnson traveled to the downtown area, but he doesnt just travel, he travels in style in his 1930 Model A Ford. He told me it was all original too. Sure made me want one…..I just love those old cars. And since this such a nice looking classic car, I’m sure everyone would be lined up for a ride in it! <—– Click Here
This week an interesting photo was emailed to me. Its an old bottle with J.E. Martin Drug Co of Ardmore on it… and they said it still had some linseed oil in it. When I see linseed oil, I remember how my grandfather used it in the 60s to prepare the wood on windows he was going to re-putty. He’d remove the broken glass and old putty, and using a small brush and put a thin coat of linseed oil all along all four sides of the window where the new putty will go. He’d let the window set overnight and put the new glass and new putty in the next day. The linseed oil made the new putty stick to the wood better. <—– Click Here
Another T&T Reader could use that old Martin Drug bottle to put some cure-all in. She wrote in this week saying she’s brewing some persimmon twigs to make poison ivy lotion. lol
In my lifetime I’ve only had one true run-in with poison ivy, and I will never forget it. It was back around 1980 I was cleaning out a chicken coop east of Ardmore. Growing on the back side of that chicken coop was poison ivy… yikes, heaven help us! The next day I had it all over my left arm and some on my chest and stomach. On that left upper arm developed this huge, oozing, itching, blister. That sucker must have been 3 or 4 inches across. This ooze went on for a month, and I thought I was going to go crazy. At best I could only get 3 hours sleep at night because of the itch. I tried everything. I took aspirin, chamomile, RusTox, iodine, anything I could think of. What worked the best was just put some plain old clorox in a snuff glass, and every hour or so, dip my finger in that clorox and pat it on those itchy spots. It helped dry out the blisters too. And that night in order to get a little sleep, I would fill the bathtub with water about 11:00pm and pour in nearly a quart of clorox, get in and soak for no less than 30 minutes. At least it stopped the unending itch or 3 or 4 hours, so I did get some sleep. If you’ve never had poison ivy, be thankful. It literally can drive you out of your mind. I’m sure some of you have some past experience with poison ivy you might want to share? I’ll start it off with this one:
Back around 1960 when I was about 12 or 14 years old, me, Jimmy Echer, Kenneth Ecker, Paul Grider, Donnie Grundy, and maybe another childhood friend in the neighborhood, decided we would all go to these woods by old Cardinal baseball park at the end of East Main and play. Someone decided they would try to smoke a grapevine twig. I remember the grapevine (at least we called it grapevine) had this little hole right down the center of the twig that air could be pulled through. Unknown to any of us was entwined in the grapevine was poison ivy. Anyway, since I didn’t smoke, I didnt try it, but those that did? All I can say is the next day those were some pitiful looking kids. lol
I am always amazed at where my T&T goes as it travels around the world each weekend. A month ago I received an email from the Bahamas asking if I ever got a good working DVD of the 1936 Charles Lynch Lake Murray film. I wrote back saying, no. I spent probably $50 trying to get a DVD made, but nothing worked. Anyway, this person in the Bahamas said he would like to try, so I sent him the MOV file that Doyle Williams made and…. Viola! In a couple of weeks I had a perfectly working DVD of that old Lake Murray film. I popped it in my DVD player that connects to my TV, and it worked flawlessly all the way through! Hip Hip Hooray for the Bahamas! Now to learn how to make copies. More later.
The XP-AntiSpy is a little utility that lets you disable some built-in update and authentication ‘features’ in WindowsXP. For example, there’s a service running in the background which is called ‘Automatic Updates’. I don’t know what this service transfers from my machine to other machines on the internet, especially the MS ones. So I play it safe and disable such functions. If you like, you can even disable these functions manually, by going through the System and checking or unchecking some checkboxes. This will take you approximately half an hour. But why wast time when a little neat utility can do the same in 1 minute? This utility was successfully tested by lots of users, and was found to disable all the known ‘Suspicious’ Functions in WindowsXP. It’s customisable, but comes up with the Default settings, which are recommended. <—– Click Here
If your not using Spybot or some program to keep spyware off (nothing to do with viruses) your computer, then your computer is dying a slow death. <—– Click Here
“My husband says New State was an ice company in Oklahoma City on NE 23rd street, he can remember purchasing ice blocks there for milk delivery trucks… the number could have something to do with the pounds… do you remember the cardboard signs you put in the window so the ice delivery man would know how much you wanted.” -Carol and Earl Canfield, Meeker, OK. <—– Click Here
“My guess is that the significance of the 46 may have something to do with the fact that Oklahoma was the 46th state to join the Union. and early in its early history Oklahoma City became its Capital City. Of course you do realize that I’m just guessing and that this may be some kind of token.”
“I am sending pictures that were in my Mothers box and I think most were taken around the early 1920’s. I would like to find family members to give them to.”
Lorene Faison and Elvira Bulard
<—– Click Here
Baker <—– Click Here
James Cason <—– Click Here
Unknown children and people <—– Click Here
<—– Click Here
<—– Click Here
<—– Click Here
“It’s Oklahoma, New Mexico and “Pacific” RY, not “Pennsylvania” as shown in the last T&T.”
“I have been told that there was an industrial accident in ~ 1939 and boiling water had killed an Orillah (Willie Mae) Cothran. Her husband, WT, had a house built on the highest point in Ardmore. She left, at least, a 5 yr old son. Apparently she was WT’s second marriage. The family has no record of their (this) family, and I’ve been trying to track info, history and ppl down for them. Butch, This is what I’m looking at and for.”
Orillah (Willie) Mae Cothran (maiden name: Bond?)
b 02 May 1914
d 01 Jan 1939 Ardmore, Carter, OK
b 03 Jan 1939 Earl, Johnston, OK
daughter of:
William Thomas Cothran
b 17 Aug 1857
d 02 Jul 1942 Ardmore, Carter, OK
b 04 Jul 1942 Mannsville, (Earl), Johnston, OK
“The mention of the Ghost Stories in and around Fort Arbuckle brought back some great memories. The Grants used to sponsor (for the lack of a better word) a annual hay-ride in and around their land for the Methodist Unit Fellowship group and other kids in and around the area. During these hay-rides the talk always came around to the ghost stories that surrounded Old Fort Arbuckle. Thanks for a very short but memorable walk down memory lane. Ah, for the younger years once again to be able to relive the memories.” -Cuz Poss in Korea
“Hello Butch, It was interesting to see the article about Jimmie Short and his brother Leon. They were known as Smokie and Bashful and performed with Ernest Tubbs and his Texas Troubadors. Another interesting Carter Co. connection is that Jimmie and Leon lived in Borger, TX in the late 1930s and boarded with my grandparents, Claude and Willie Lee Daniel who lived in Wilson, OK prior to moving to Borger. Claude’s dad was John Crawford Daniel who is buried in the old Reck Cemetery along with his son William, William’s wife, Mildie, and their son Johnny. Claude was burned in an oil well explosion in Sanford, TX in which his brother Bryant was killed. They were part of the Blackie East casing crew working there. Bryant and his wife and one of his sons are buried in the Hewitt Cemetery. My grandfather Claude played the fiddle and mandolin and loved the type of music played by Jimmie and Leon Short. You never know what you will pop up in your column. Keep up the good work. Del Daniel in Southern California “My husband says New State was an ice company in OKC on NE 23rd street, he can remember purchasing ice blocks there for milk delivery trucks… the number could have something to do with the pounds… do you remember the cardboard signs you put in the window so the ice delivery man would know how much you wanted.” -Carol and Earl Canfield, Meeker, OK.
“Cablerocket customers can access their email from any computer that is connected to the internet by opening a web browser and going to and logging in with their full email address as user name, and their regular email password.”
“Butch, I believe the “Turner Falls” arch was over the entrance to the trail/path that you could take down to the falls area. It was fun to go down to creek and falls area that way, although a pretty good climb coming back up. The trail was damaged by the weather over the years, and is now blocked by a fence and gate at the top. I believe the bottom end may have been destroyed by the big flood that wreaked such havoc on the area quite a few years ago.”
The Daily Ardmoreite
October 23, 1910
*Morris Sass, acting for the Santa Fe Heights company, solved the problem for the Commercial Club at its meeting Friday night to consider the proposition of giving a site for the erection of a paint factory. Mr Sass offered a free site in Santa Fe Heights addition and J.E. Parker of the Oklahoma Asphalt Paint & Roofing Company looked over the site yesterday morning and accepted it. Mr. Parker in acting for the company made very modest demands and made few promises. He said the factory which would be started here would employ ten men at first and he hoped to see it grow into a big concern. The company now has agencies in eleven of the states of the union and orders are coming every day for their goods. For the reason that there is such a rush for immediate shipments of paints the first buildings will only be temporary and the factory will start. Afterward brick buildings will be constructed. The site on the north side of the city especially pleased the company. The smoke from the cooking asphalt will not be a nuisance to the people and the tax rate will be somewhat cheaper than inside the city limits. The new site is not far removed from the gas mains that enter the brick yards and gas will later on be piped to the plant, but for the immediate use coal will be used for fuel. Asphalt, oil and all other products used in the manufacture of this paint are found in Carter county. It is strictly a home product factory and it will no doubt grow into the biggest manufacturing concern in the city.
October 24, 1910
Front page of this paper has a very large picture of the Proposed State Capital Building to cost $1,500,000 and be absolutely free to the taxpayers of Oklahoma.
Col. Sidney Suggs of Ardmore wafted into town this morning on the cold wave, looking happy. He says the price of a shave has now been reduced to the old price of 15 cents in his town. “Time was,” declared the Colonel, “that men’s faces were so long no barber would shave them for less than 45 cents, but with all crops good this season, cotton bringing in as high as $50,000 in a day on the streets of Ardmore, the town building and business getting good, everybody is happy and the long chin has disappeared to make room for the wide smile.” And the Colonel scattered out a bunch of sunshine then lighted up the lobby of the hotel. —Oklahoma City Pointer
Dr. J.T.T. Taylor, formerly of Shawnee, has moved with his family and will locate here and practice his profession. Dr. Taylor lived in Durant for many years where he practiced medicine and owned a drug store. He left there a few months past on account of the health of his family and after living in a number of places in Texas and Oklahoma, decided to locate in Ardmore. He is a specialist on the diseases of women and children and a successful record to recommend him to the people of Ardmore.
O.G. Warren has a car of about the prettiest porkers that has ever been shipped from Ardmore. There are seventy of these fine hogs and they weigh from 200-225# each. They are being shipped to Oklahoma City market, which will be the first car to leave Ardmore for the market of our own state.
November 18, 1931
A handsome grey-eyed young man who told officers he is 31 years old and a grandson of the famous Al Jennings, colorful former Oklahoma outlaw, confessed to Fred Hunt, Johnston county sheriff, in an Oklahoma City jail last night that he had helped rob the Mill Creek bank of $850 on September 4. “But I won’t tell who the other two men were,” said Arthur Fraley while being held at the Capital Hill jail. “Yes, I did it all right but I won’t tell who the other two were. I’m ready to take the blame and I’m ready for my sentence.” Following the Mill Creek robbery, the young man said he had taken part in still another holdup when the bank at Tuttle had been robbed on Sept. 22. He said he had served two prison terms, one for five years in the penitentiary in McAlester on a car theft charge and another for a year and a day in Leavenworth federal penitentiary for interstate car theft. Fraley said he is married but is estranged from his wife. He is being held in Johnston county jail.
James Seals, 69 year old, was being held today as a suspect in the fatal shooting of Dr. H. F. Garten, 64 year old veterinarian whose body was found last Thursday in his home at Lindsay, where he had lived alone. Homer Hunt, Garvin county attorney, said Seals admitted shooting Garten. The prosecutor quoted Seals as saying he went to Garten’s home to deliver two pints of whisky, and when Garten accused him of stealing a pocketbook and threatened to shoot him, he fired in self-defense. Because of discrepancies between Seals’ story and known facts, Hurt said, a further investigation was being made. Officers had found Garten had been shot in the back. A loaded pistol was found near his body and his pocketbook, with a small amount of money in it, was under a table in the same room.
July 28, 1932
E.M. Goff, Altus, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Helen Goff, was in Ardmore today for the anniversary celebration. It was Aug.27, 1889, that Mr. Goff came to Ardmore. He worked for Jo F. Williams in the grocery store for $30 a month and Mr. Williams raised his salary the first month. He was afterward jailer under Capt. John S. Hammer and was a merchant here for some time. He went to Hugo in 1912. From Hugo he moved to Altus. He is on the farm now and is doing well. He owns several farms and is raising alfalfa and hogs. Mr. Goff has another daughter Lois. She is married and lives in Alaska where husband is a government ship inspector. As one of his memories of the old days Mr. Goff has a permit which he purchased from B.W. Carter. The permit bears the number 59, it is for $5 and certifies that E.M. Goff has complied with the late permit law of the Chickasaw Nation and that he is engaged as a farmer in the employ of B.W. Carter and has been in that position for a year. Mr. Goff said he was actually employed by Jo F. Williams, but the permit had to state he was engaged as a farmer that he might be allowed to remain in this country. The date on the permit is indistinct, but Mr. Goff said it was in 1901 or 1902. It was about this time that Jake Bodovitz refused to pay the permit and was put out of the country. The officers took him across the Red river to Gainesville and Jake came back home on the same train with the officers. The doughty merchant fought and prevailed and broke up the pernicious habit of collecting permit taxes in this country.
Mrs. Arch D. Nelms said “when W.G. Lamb left here he said that he was burning his bridges behind him, but they surely didn’t burn because he was back again in less than three months.”
H.A. Ledbetter said “Frank Adams and I have been partners. He had one of the brightest legal minds it was ever my privilege to come in contact with.”
A Bit Personal
*Ardmore, once upon a time was a proud possessor of a Bijou theater. We called it the Bees-you. Its owner was O.L. Dennes and its location was on B street back of where the Palace theater is now. It was a nifty little show house but it didn’t last long.
*When Mike Gorman first came to Ardmore, he sold furniture for Sam Noland.
*The firm of Weiss Bros., comprising Joe Weiss and Emil Weiss, was the first firm to give clerks in Ardmore union hours. These people came from Mississippi to Davis and sold goods in that town two years. They moved then to Ardmore in 1897. They had a clerk with them named Shackowits who was a leader in the organization of a clerk’s union in Ardmore and it was through his influence that Weiss Bros. first gave union concessions to the clerks. These people owned part of the site now occupied by Westheimer & Daube and they still own property on Caddo street.
*Monroe Wheeler lived for many years at the corner of West Main and K streets in a large two story southern style home where he raised his family. He owned the store building now occupied by L.C. Burr & Co. at the corner of West Main and B st. and also owned the Kentucky House and more recently known as the Cordova Hotel. That hotel has recently been razed and the Smith estate is erecting on the site a modern office building to be occupied exclusively by the estate. Mr. Wheeler left Ardmore and went to Memphis TX. He had been in business in this section many years without payment of any tax money. After taxes began to be gathered and as they climbed higher each year, Mr. Wheeler saw the ruin of the country and he wanted to get to the big out of doors in the west where officials didn’t give all their time to studying how to raise more taxes.
September 15, 1933
Newt Johnson, aged storekeeper and a brother of Cole Johnson, county commissioner, was attacked by a lone hijacker at his store three miles west of Lone Grove on U.S. Hwy 70 last night at 6 p.m., robbed of a small sum of money and severely beaten over the head with a bottle of lubricating oil. Johnson, who has been the victim of three previous hijackings, gave the robber desperate resistance and despite his age and the blow on the head, managed to almost frustrate the holdup. Elmer Byrd, sheriff, and Hugh Cunningham, deputy sheriff, spent the entire night on the case but were unable to locate any workable clues. Johnson was painfully bruised by the blows but his condition was not believed to be serious. He lives alone at the roadside store.
December 12, 1954
Safecrackers hit three Ardmore business firms, located within a one-block circle, Friday night, getting at least $100. Greatest loss was from a safe at the Pratt Grocery Co. Warehouse, 202 S. Mill St. The Tyler-Simon Co., 200 1st Ave. SE, and the T.J. Kellye Distributing Co., at C st. and 2nd Avenue SE were also hit. The theft was discovered by James Royall, a company employee of The Tyler-Simon Co., when he reported for work on Saturday morning.
“took these of glenpool ok sunday.” -pam
<—– Click Here
Q. Do you know where the name of Samedan Oil originated from? A. Named after the children Sam, Ed and Ann Noble.
“Vemail is software that lets you record and send voice messages instead of text using ordinary email. How Vemail Works: To send a voice message with Vemail simply enter an email address and then press and hold down F6 while speaking. When you have finished recording, the message will be compressed and sent as an email automatically. Almost anyone can receive and listen to the vemail as it can be played with the standard player installed in most PCs.” <—– Click Here
“Morning Butch, I took several pictures of the lunar eclipse Wednesday nite and wanted to share them with you. I am not a professional photographer, but a couple of them turned out pretty good. Hope you enjoy them.” -Ken Updike
<—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“I have been cleaning out my parents house in Ardmore getting it ready for sale. In the process I have cleaned out the safe that was in my father’s office. I found several old stock certificates dated in 1912, 1914, 1918 and 1919. The earliest two are for The Pennington Grocery Company of Ardmore (these two on stock certificates incorporated under the laws of Indian Territory), then the Healdton Lead and Zinc Company and the latest was the Gladiator Oil Company of Wichita Falls, Texas. Additionally I found a receipt where Mr. Pennington got his Buick serviced at Guy Harris Buick Company 407-11 West Main, phone 1339 and 220 on April 9th 1926. Also bank deposit slip for the 1st National Bank on July 12, 1928, numerous grocery receipts from Harlan’s Grocery “Highest Quality Foods” telephone 302, 225 West Main Street, Ardmore. Business cards for Healthitarium Vegetarian Dining Room “Pleasant Rooms with hot and cold water” phone 2703 431 Prospect Ave. Ardmore(?), First Presbyterian Church worship schedule for Sunday October 22nd, 1922. Photo on the front looks just like the church today. A third premium live stock dept. 1922 Carter Co. Free Fair and Exposition along with the picture of the cow that won the ribbon wearing the ribbon. Photo by Howard’s Studio, Ardmore Okla. A record of tuberculin tests for 62 cows done on 1-21 to 24- 1929. Finally an agreement settling a lawsuit dated 8 May 1920. All of this seems to have been the property of JR Pennington prior to the safe coming into my father’s possession. I was just there in house when I was growing up. I am about to be 58. I know not exactly when my father acquired the safe. Thought you might have some historical background about these businesses and people.”
The Daily Ardmoreite
October 31, 1910
Tonight is the eve of All Saints and adhering to the time-honored tradition, there will be a range transformations of gates, your buggy may be missing, and even old Dobbin himself may eat hay in another stable. Notwithstanding all this, you should arise with a smile and get your property together as best you may, remembering that some thirty years ago you were one of the self-same boys that have caused you what you believe to be an inconvenience. Tonight the young ladies of the country will receive positive information from the good fairies whether they will remain spinsters. Molten lead will be cast into buckets of water, they will even brave the horrors of a darkened attic in search of magical charms, and last, and by far the most potent test of all, descend the cellar stairs backwards, holding a mirror in her hands and having revealed thereon the image of her future husband. The festival of All Saints Day was established early in the seventh century and definitely instituted in 1835.
“Know what? The fried pie place in Gainesville was CLOSED today! How dare them!!!”
“Do you or anyone have any pictures of the Daube Christmas window.”
“Hello Butch. I am a resident of the Dallas Metroplex now for 22 years. I was born in Ardmore and pass through every once in a while. Can’t resist taking the kids to Turner Falls or Lake Murray. I am now 30, so many of the things that I see photos of were before my time. Things I remember, are Millers Dairy before it was relocated (The kids love this place by the way, as do my wife and I). Riding my bike down across the trussels as a kid. Yes, I did say riding across those things. Sledding down the viadock in the winter. Hearing stories of my parents riding car hoods down the sides of the hills by the trussels. Hobo jungle. Man that place was spooky as a kid. Has anyone ever talked about the storage facility that was under the old kindergarten by the viadock. My father told me that when they leveled the school that there where still school records stored in a basement underneath it all. He actually found an enrollment form of mine when I went to school in Ardmore. Another thing I remember is baseball…… The smell of the concession stand. Snowcones, cupball, and just the family atmosphere that was at that place. And most of all, chasing the mosquito truck and sucking in all those fumes. One last thing… Riding my bike up that big hill near the rodeo, but then loving it when I got to ride down the hill. Wait, one more memory……. Back when they had Government cheese day…… The whole town seemed to wait in line for that. My name is Cecil Higginbotham ll. I was named after a great man, my Grandfather, Cecil Browning Higginbotham. I always loved that man. Going junking and can hunting with him as a kid. My parents are Tony and Norma Higginbotham. My mothers maiden name was Palmer. If you have never heard that last name, then ask one of your local police officers. I am sure that just about anyone of them could fill you in on the details.(HAHA) My aunt was named Shirley Keeton (passed away, and another great person in my upbringing) and her husband Winston Keeton. His father was the proud owner of Keeton’s there in Ardmore. It used to stand directly in front of the rodeo center. Another helper in my upbringing. My Grandfather would take me to his store everyday, and I would get a free Sprite with either Fig Newtons or a Moon Pie. My Grandfather lived on the corner of Bailey, and to this day there is still an old street marker, that is made of concrete in his front yard. I am curious to how many of these still exist in the city as well. Great memories of that town. Thank you for the memories.” -Cecil Browning Higginbotham II
I appreciate those of you who checked out my low cost long distance. 2.9 cents a minute anywhere in the US is hard to beat. And if you are lucky enough to live in one of the larger cities with a local access number, its only 1.9 cents a minute. It is those of you who use the service that help pay the expense of keeping going month after month. When I signed up and paid my $25, that put over 1,100 minutes available in my account. (I’ve only used about 100 minutes of the 1,100 so far so I got a lot of talking to do.. lol) 1,100 minutes is over 18 hours of long distance calling and I can take up to 2 years to use it! I’ve set up a webpage with all the details….. <—– Click Here
“Never spend your money before you have it.” -Thomas Jefferson
See everyone next Saturday!
Butch Bridges
Saturday October 23, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 392
This past week I have been doing research on how to stream MP3 files from my website. I looked at a number of programs and web hosting services that do this very thing. Of course the commercial streaming services all want dough. What I want to do is start recording telephone interviews in the evenings and weekends from people who have some interesting piece of history to share. So, I bought an electronic gadget that hooks to my phone’s handset and then to the sound card in the back of my computer. This allows the recording of the phone conversation directly to the hard drive. The software that comes with the gadget (called TeleTool 2000) reworks the audio file into a small, space saving MP3 file. I will take the MP3 file TeleTool creates and FTP it (upload it) to my website. From there people can click on it and listen to the interview. For people to be able to listen to the audio version of the phone interviews, the program needed on their computer is the current version of Windows Media Player or another program like Winamp. Both of these programs permits streaming audio files from my website to your computer. I use Winamp on my home computer, it is a free program that features the streaming of MP3 files. The newest version of Winamp, Version 5.05, has the neatest graphical interface, reminds you of using a stereo system. To use Winamp or Windows Media Player to listen to my interviews, just start the program, click on File in the upper left hand corner, and then click “Play URL”. You will have to type in the url to the file on my website. Or hopefully, all you’ll have to do is double click on the Links I’ll have on my website and the programs will start automatically. Here is a pic of the program Winamp that I use. You can get it at and its free! <—– Click Here
Since I have that cheap long distance (2.9 cents a minute) I want to set up phone interviews with anyone who has an interesting story to share. Most of the stories will come from the past 8 or 10 years of T&Ts. But we sure wont limited the interviews to that, there is so many stories out there! I know it will be a lot of fun. If anyone has a story to tell, and wants to share it some evening on the phone, let me know. I’ll be contacting some of you as I recall stories emailed me over the years, and see if your willing to share that on the internet as an audio recording. I’ve got several that come to mind right now, and I know there is a ton of stories I can draw from thats been told to me the past 8 years through my T&T. I’ll have much more on all this next week, and hopefully an audio story or two (as MP3 files) for everyone hear. Now to figure out how to juggle my storage space on my website so I dont run out of web space ( I only have 350 megs). And 15 or 30 minute MP3 files are humongus.
For those of you wondering what kind of new gadget I bought for $50 off ebay that records a telephone conversation directly to the hard drive as a file, here is some info on it. <—– Click Here
Let the interviews begin! ( Dont everyone email me at once wanting to be interviewed. lol )
A T&T Reader sent me a picture of an unusual item she found in her yard…… “I dug up a metal thing about the size of a dime that has a star on one side with the number 46 inside it and it says “New State Okla. City” around the outside. The more I look at this I think maybe it might be the front of a button since it looks like it might have been two parts and the back may be missing. Ever remember seeing or hearing of it?” <—– Click Here
Remove a few twigs from a persimmon tree, cover them with water, and boil for 20 minutes. Strain and cool the liquid. Applied on a poison ivy or poison oak rash, it will stop the itch immediately, and after a few applications will dry the rash.
Jimmie Short was born in Ardmore, Oklahoma, his little brother in Ranger, Texas and they grew up in the panhandle of West Texas, 42 page Song Folio No. 1 of Favorite radio songs (1943) sung by Jimmie short and Little brother Leon, introduced by them on their popular daily broadcasts, we are proud to present the outstanding and diversified collection of new songs, such as- Time after Time, No one to Kiss me Goodnight, In my Heart I’ll Always Care, Rosalie, My Texas Rose, Are your Eyes Really Blue?, Just What Have I done?, Wondering Why, Maybe Some Day you will Care, Stop Teasing Me, My Little Brown-Eyed Texas Girl, That’s the Last Time, Now that You are Gone, I Wonder, My Sweetheart of Yesterday, I Hate to Say Good-bye, Only A Dream, The Love that Once Was Mine, When It’s Apple Blossom Time. Copyright by American Music, Inc. Back cover displays picture of Jimmie short in a scene from “Jamboree” a Republic Picture. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
I’ve places several old Ardmore High School criterions (and some other items) at auction on eBay. There is 1923, 1924, and 1925. If you want to see the listings just go to my website, scroll about halfway down the webpage and you will see the eBay Icon Button in the center of the page… just click on it. <—– Click Here
“Butch can you show us pictures of what all the indicators look like in the persimmon?”
“The building with the large gargoyle of a spouting mouth of water into a pool below is/was located on West Broadway just east of K ST. SW across the street from the old Carter Co. DHS building. That building has held numerous offices over the years. I don’t know what happened to that unusual but interesting tidbit from Ardmore’s past. I do hope others respond with fond memories of this artifact.”
“Butch, I’ve noticed some correspondence dealing with the Von Keller Hospital in Ardmore in your T & T Weekly. My mother, who just passed away on Sept. 6, one day shy of her 91st birthday, had written her family history in a notebook. In reading through it I found the following paragraph, which is talking about my mother’s mother in the mid to late 1920s: “She became bedridden. She had a wonderful friend who was a nurse at Von Keller Hospital. She came to see her-brought Dr. Von Keller-they took her to the hospital. She told him she could not afford a stay in the hospital. He said it wouldn’t cost her a penny and she was going to stay.” The nurse/friend’s name was Molly Dishman. She is the lady on the left in the picture. The caption on the back of the picture indicates that they are in front of the Von Keller Hospital.” -Diana Kindell–Tahlequah, OK <—– Click Here
“Hi Butch, In the picture of the service station with the Turner Falls sign in the back – That was the gate-way to a flight of steps that led down to the lower area. We went down them in the early 50’s. They weren’t in very good shape, and are probably completely gone by now. Enjoy your T&T.” -Rose <—– Click Here
“In the first few paragraphs in last week’s T&T there is a mention of a ” Judge Kilgore ” doing business with an Ardmore tailor,located in a hotel. I wonder if anyone can give us more information about the Judge??” -Gary Kilgore, Victorville, Calif.
“Hey Butch! Just wondered if any of your readers know if it is possible to get into the old Devil’s Den area. I know it has been closed for years but I would love to get in for a few hours with my camera.” -Vic Brown, Denison, Tx
“Hi Butch found this 1908 article from the Oklahoman about ghosts near Ft Arbuckle and thought you might like it for you newsletter.” -Linda Hamner <—– Click Here
“Hello Butch, This answers the question about “O.N.M. & P. Ry.” Keep up the good work you are doing.” -Lee Wages, Fort Worth, TX. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“O.N.M.&P. Railway was the Oklahoma, New Mexico & Pacific Railroad.”
“Butch, use baking soda and vinegar to get the coffee smell out of the coffee cans.” -Edna
“Butch, I read a question in a newsletter the other day that got me to thinking. The question is “Why does everyone always put those fork lines on peanut butter cookies?” I’m sure it all got started somewhere, but just what is the reason behind it? If anyone has an answer, I’d like to hear it.”
“Near Fr. Smith , Ark. in the late 1880s, my grandfather and his sister, who were both pre teenagers, witnessed a visit by Belle Starr at their house. She and her gang were running from a posse and stopped at great grandfather’s house for fresh horses and food. Grandpa and his sister peeked thru a crack of an open door and watched as Ms Starr threatened to kill them if he didn’t cooperate and took all his horses and meat from the smokehouse and all she left was her worn out nags. He was a freight hauler by occupation and about an hour later, the posse came and took the freightline horses. However, at a later date, the lawman came back and paid for the horses they took. Grandfather said she was the ugliest, nastiest. meanest hag you could imagine and he sure didn’t see why she was honored by naming a portion of lake Eufaula after her. This is a true story.”
“Many of your “family” might wonder what ever happened to the guy they prayed for awhile back and just wanted them to know that after a little over 4 months have now been home for over a week, and to thank them for their interest and concern and prayers during this time. Long way to go yet but making slow progress daily.” -Bob Farrington
“Butch, I agree with Mr. Martin about the former Masonic building. My grandfather, J. B. White, whose name is on the cornerstone, built the building. I remember as a child being in the Masonic lodge with my uncle before it was opened. I also attended movies there. There were also Drs. offices in that building at one time. My uncle told me of the questioning someone made about the strength of the balcony and what was done to prove it was strong enough to hold audiences. I understand there was a picture made and published in the Ardmoreite of what was done to prove it was indeed strong enough but have never had an opportunity to research it.” -June Maxey
“I wish he had photographed the other side of the yoke to verify its a CS Bell! The second photo shows “48” on the center of the yoke – that’s the largest size that CSBell ever made, and there aren’t very many of them around.” -Carl Zimmerman, St Lous, MO <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
The Daily Ardmoreite
***December 14, 1910
Santa Fe passenger train no. 11, south bound, was derailed south of Davis today, the engine and one Pullman being in the ditch. It is impossible to ascertain whether anyone was injured or not, but a special train of engine and one Pullman left here shortly after 3 p.m., carrying Doctor Hardy and local Santa Fe employees to the scene.
Dougherty-The engine, tender, baggage car and smoker of the second section of train No. 11 plunged into the Washita river between here and Davis this afternoon at a temporary bridge, where the Santa Fe is changing its roadbed. The smoker is said to have rolled over two or three times. A number of people were injured, but whether or not there were any fatalities cannot be learned.
***July 29, 1932
Ardmore was a notch nearer to its half century mark yesterday and it celebrated accordingly. It was 45, so it put on a program which would have pleased folk in 1887 and it pleased the folks of 1932 just as well. Featured by a talk by Major Gordon W. Lillie (Pawnee Bill) who came to Oklahoma just 73 years ago and parade led by this same venerable man of the range. Ardmore celebrated in style last night. It started its celebration before 7 a.m. and wound it up late in the evening with square dances which recalled early days in the Indian Territory when white men were few and the railroad was new. The entire program, from parade to square dances, featured 1887 the date when the first railroad puffed into the little village of Ardmore. Dances, talks, cowboy attire, music, all were emblematic of the early days. In the parade were the stage coach, the first fire engine–a steam affair–the early day doctor and flocks of horsemen attired in cowboy costume. Overhead however, buzzed an airplane, the only strictly modern note of the parade. It was piloted by Arthur Oakley and flew the course of Main street half a dozen times while the 1887 parade was creeping half a dozen blocks up the street to Central park. Pawnee Bill, dressed in doeskin from head to foot, recounted early days in Oklahoma, told of his coming to the new nation 73 years ago, how he got off the train at Wichita, KS, its most extreme southern point, went overland to Pawnee, how he rode the range in the early days and litterly engaged in many an Indian fight. He told of Ardmore as it was in 1908 when he came here first and sketched briefly the many changes which have transpired during the nearly three quarters of a century in which he lived in Oklahoma. Hardy Murphy, himself a famous horseman, was master of ceremonies, riding beside Pawnee Bill in the parade, and announcing the numbers at the park where thousands of persons turned out for the celebration. Miss Chiquita Matthews with Mona Ruth Dickson at the piano, gave a dance typical of 1887 days, followed by a saw novelty number by Earl Cypert. Truman Brewer danced the buck and wing and Les McKinney played the French harp in the style in which it was played 45 years ago. Ben Scott Jr., completed the musical part of the program with accordion selections. An interesting feature of the evening was the Virginia reel, danced by Dr. Walter Hardy, Earl Cypert, Brad Brown, Frank Cook, Jack Murphy, M.P. Phillips, P.I. Phillips, Mrs. Felix King, Mrs. Ida Roberts, Mrs. Tom Roberts, Mrs. Jack Murphy, Mrs. Brad Brown, and Mrs. Joe Taylor. Members of this same group also danced the old fashioned “Figure Eight”, and still others from this group had a part in the old time square dances which followed the general program. Another interesting dance of the evening was the “sheriff’s dance” which featured Elmer Byrd, sheriff and Hale Dunn, chief of police. With them in their square set were Brad Brown, Horace Kendall and Bob Rogers. Unique method of picking out the old-timers was devised by Murphy. Counting years off one at a time, Murphy asked the folk to indicate the number of years they had lived in Ardmore. Among the 45 yearers were Ed Newton, Jim Duston, Col. Sidney Suggs, R.W. Rogers, and Dr. Walter Hardy. Doc Howe of Davis was introduced as another pioneer of Southern Oklahoma. Prizes, as announced this morning by the judges were given as follows: Most typical old time wagon, Colvert’s Sunshine special; best dressed cowboy, Sequoyah Herd; best dressed cowgirl, Dorothy McCrory; Scotta Thompson and Dick Colvert won the prizes for boy and girl most typical of the old west; buck and wing dance, Truman Brewer; best horse and saddle, J.W. Whitehead’s horse ridden by Pawnee Bill with Pawnee Bill’s $500 saddle; best dance caller, Thad Brewer; best woman rider, Mrs. C.P. Hollingsworth. The Colvert Bros. wagon was an exact replica of the pioneer schooner. It would have been possible, it was pointed out, for the occupants of this wagon to stake camp right on Main street and spend the night.
***July 16, 1933
Oil Town Folk to take Part in Parade July 28 A long distance telephone message from Healdton Saturday, said a check for $25 was coming from that city to help defray the expenses of the barbeque and rodeo July 28. Dan Blackburn, Al Jennings, Dr. Cantrell, Mr. Brooke, and others have interested themselves in the pioneer reunion. They are not only making this contribution but they are coming to help in the celebration and to take part in the parade. Such action is a mark of real friendship for Ardmore and at the same time it makes the celebration an event of Southern Oklahoma and not as an Ardmore enterprise. It belongs to all pioneers. Along the same line Lute Jackson and T.F. Allen of Ringling each are making a contribution of a beef. Mr Jackson is one of the fine old ranchmen of this country and a real pioneer. Mr. Allen is a member of the board of commissioners from Jefferson county and his gift marks him as a real sport and friend of the pioneers. For the rodeo Miss Louise Byrd Pruitt will contribute the use of some fine Brahma cattle. If some cowboy or cowgirl think they know how to rope and ride they will be given the opportunity. Miss Pruitt is a member of the best known pioneer families of old Indian territory. Billie Green of Overbrook has a broncho that he will contribute to the arena. With one exception, no rider has ever been able to stay with this bucking horse. The Indian festivities are said to be coming along in a satisfactory manner. Indian ball games and stomp dances are scheduled as the contribution of the Red Man to the birthday celebration. All these events Friday, July 28, are to be free. No tickets will be required to the rodeo, no tickets to the Indian ball games or dances. This is a big Free DAy. Frank Shellenberger and others who are interested in the free rodeo want every child who has not seen a rodeo to be in here. G.E. Teese of Wilson, is making an old time Indian Territory cotton planter which he will place in the parade. Such a planter as he is making was used here by the early settlers. Joel Buchanon is the chairman of the barbecue committee. W.A. Pride has taken over the job of serving plenty of ice water. Farmers and gardners who will contribute onions are asked to bring them in. Dawson Produce company will furnish cold storage room for the onions. Swift and Co. are going to cool the meat to be barbecued.
***Officers of Ardmore Saddle Club Elmer Byrd, President; John Bob Dulaney, VP; Leo South, Secretary; (large picture of the three men on their horses) John Bob Dulaney, motor truck tycoon is the first man to suggest that Ardmore give a free rodeo. Up to the time of his suggestion there had never been a big free rodeo held in any city. But the Saddle club, has made this the first undertaking of the club. It promises to be a real show.
***September 4, 1933
Harvey Bailey, outlaw charged with kidnaping Charles F. Urschel, Oklahoma City oil man, was captured in Ardmore at 11 o’clock today by city police just four hours from the time he made a daring delivery from the Dallas jail. Nick Tresp, Dallas jailer, taken by Bailey as hostage in his daring break for freedom was rescued by police. He was unharmed. Capture of Bailey was sensational in the extreme. Tipped by Sam Randolph, sheriff of Love County, that the desperado and his captive had entered Ardmore and were seeking an isolated route through to the north, Hale Dunn, chief of police, Bennett Wallace and Raymond Shoemaker, detectives gave chase. Two miles north and east of Ardmore on U.S. highway 70 at Griffis filling station, they caught up with the fugitive. He had just driven into the station and the attendant was placing the hose in the gasoline tank. Spotting the officers almost at the same moment that they recognized him, Bailey dashed away from the station, and back toward Ardmore. Right behind the officers’ car came Homer Riddle, deputy sheriff and Charles Parker, Ardmore grocer, who had seen the bandit car and recognized the number on the tag. A mad race through the residential section with the bandit recklessly hurling the Ford sedan around corners and through crowded traffic in his desperate effort to throw the officers off his trail, terminated dramatically when he swung too sharply around the corner at Washington and Second and the car crashed into the curbing at the Mulkey hotel wrecking a wheel and tire and otherwise damaging it.
***September 5, 1933
Before he acquired the reputation of being a desperado and one of the nation’s most notorious criminals, Harvey Bailey, in solitary confinement today in jail in Oklahoma City following a sensational escape from a Dallas jail, was known as a hard working railroad fireman and engineer. In those days Detective Inspector A.C. Anderson of Omaha knew him well and after Bailey’s capture yesterday said he had always appeared to him to be a sort of “hick”. Anderson said Bailey’s record during the 15 years he worked for the Council Bluffs-Fort Dodge run in Iowa included but one arrest when safe punching tools were found in his possession. He jumped bond and Anderson said was unheard of until arrested two years ago on a Kansas City golf course. Another friend of Bailey’s during the days when he was running liquor, described him as a “square shooting bootlegger”. Since then the picture has changed and the following are the crimes he and his gang are accused of:
Feb. 14, 1929-St. Valentine’s day massacre in Chicago when seven men were slain by machine guns.
Sept, 1929–$2 million dollar holdup of the Lincoln Nebraska National Bank and Trust company
May 30, 1933–Machine gun slaying of four officers and Frank Nash, prisoner in their custody at Kansas City Union station plaza.
July 1933 The $200,000 kidnaping of Charles F. Urschel, wealthy Oklahoma oil man. In addition, Bailey was sentenced to the Kansas penitentiary in June 1930 for the $32,000 robbery of the Fort Scott, Kansas state bank.
***Sept. 11, 1933
Will Woody, messenger boy with the Daily Ardmoreite, was at D and Second avenue northwest when he heard the police siren. He had read the story of the escape of Bailey as it came over the wire and he saw the green car passing east on second and recognized it. He gave chase. Bailey, he says, was doing the driving. He drove excitedly. He passed east to N. Washington and drove South by the Ardmoreite office to Broadway. Down Broadway west he turned his car and came back to North Washington and passed the Ardmoreite office a second time. The officers were in close pursuit. He drove like a mad man and in trying to turn west on Second at the Mulkey struck the curb in front of the hotel, the car reeled and skidded to the curb on the north side of second avenue and a wheel broke. Bailey climbed from the car with guns pointed at him from every direction. He stood in unionalls with hands raised. He seemed cool and without excitement or resistance he put down his hand while Homer Riddle applied the handcuffs. Hale Dunn with rifle in hand stood in a few feet of Bailey as he stood on Second avenue facing east while the man with him stood to the north facing south. Others with guns were Raymond Shoemaker, Bennett Wallace and possibly others. When Bailey turned on Broadway and came back to Washington the Ardmoreite lad, Woody, was still chasing him and as the car came back Woody came so near colliding with it that he had to take the sidewalk. Bailey’s driving companion was handcuffed with him.
“Butch: I wanted to thank Ernest Martin for his input about the live theatre in The Ardmoreite Building, that the name was the Temple Theatre. I had never heard it called that but am glad to learn about it.”
“I’m looking for detailed information on how to make lye soap using wood ashes, from someone who’s actually seen it done. I know how to make it using canned lye, and would like to learn the older way. Thanks for your good work.” -Judy Bowman, Tabletop Homestead, Foster, OK <—– Click Here
“This is a custom model I did to honor General Hays. You may notice a resemblance to Omar Bradley (that’s the head I had to use). I custom built the base from wood, sculptamold, acrylic paint, pastel chalks, and packaged grass from Hobby Lobby. Reaching Lake Garda in the Spring I had to add some Spring flowers around the signpost. I made the tire tracks in the mud using a GI Joe jeep wheel. I added the small stars to his helmet, jacket and shirt collar. The close up of the .45 clip holder has small “lift dot fasteners” added. The boots are 100% repainted, as well as the .45 holster. If you notice closely just off his pointer finger you see a blue splotch. That is Lake Garda as I used an actual map from Italy. Hope you don’t find these emails annoying. Work continues on the Lt Bob Dole, figure and the custom of my Grandpa. Also, almost finished with a non-10th Mtn figure (Battle of the Bulge) bazooka gunner.” <—– Click Here
“This is my model of a 10th Mountain Chaplain. He is 12″ tall or 1/6th Scale. I repainted the headsculpt, boots, and helmet. I made from scratch the sash, rosary beads, and base including the clay tree stump. I still plan to add the cross collar tabs to him. I have some Lt bars in for my Bob Dole model I’m working on and gonna use the extras to make the collar tabs. Comments and suggestions are welcome. I try to make them pretty accurate but sometimes miss the mark.” -Bryan Pullen in Davis, OK. <—– Click Here
“Been searching for Okie ghost stories and found some Texas and Missouri un explained things. Check out this: Marfa Mystery Lights History- The Ghost Lights of Marfa, as they’ve come to be known, were first reported more than a century ago. Robert Ellison, one of the first settlers in the area supposedly witnessed these mysterious glowing orbs in 1883.” <—– Click Here
“Have you ever come across the murder of Ed Pollard by James Lamb and Albert O’dell on Dec. 26th 1885? James Lamb was my 3rd cousin and was hung on Jan 14th 1887 by Judge Parker. I have the book “Hell on the Border” and the book “Law West of Fort Smith” which both have some of the story of the murder, but I would like to see something out of a newspaper if there is such a story. The murder took place down around Lebanon Ok. I believe in Marshall county and James Lamb was captured I think up on the Buck Horn Creek.”
A year ago several T&T Readers said they lived in the Lone Grove area and could not make the money saving 1010 numbers work from their phones because Chickasaw Telephone had the numbers blocked. Well, good news…. now you have a way to make calls at 2.9 cents a minute, what a savings! <—– Click Here
HALLOWE’EN -from the 1924 Ardmore Tiger Criterion
There were tick-tacks on the windows,
There were tin caps tied to Fords,
There were flappers out in numbers,
There were jellies out in hordes.
There was dancing here and yonder,
There was whooping loud and wild,
And you couldn’t tell dear mother,
From her youngest female child.
See everyone next Saturday!
Butch Bridges
Saturday October 16, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 391
I have received several emails the past week since talking about the lowly persimmon tree and its prediction for the winter. It is unanimous, everyone who wrote said there is a spoon in the persimmon seed they opened, meaning a wet snowy winter is ahead. Here is a pic one Reader sent in of the persimmon seed she cut open to see if it was a knife, fork, spoon/shovel. No question it is a spoon/shovel. This particular seed was from a persimmon thicket near Kingston, Oklahoma in Marshall County. <—– Click Here
A Reader gave me a copy of a stock certificate issued to B.C. Rickets in 1920 by the Turner Falls Park Company. Mr. Rickets owned 100 shares. Maybe someone can shed more light on this company? <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
We’ve talked about the curio shop that sits atop the Arbuckle Mountains just south of the entrance of Turner Falls on Highway 77. It is from there that I stood in April 2001 and took the photo looking down at Turner Falls that you see on my website. Here is a 1920’s or 1930’s photo of the curio shop when it was a Skelly service station. You can see in the pic where there used to be a Turner Falls sign over the area where the pay-for-view telescopes are located now. <—– Click Here
A Reader wrote in last week asking how my Empress Tree is doing in my front yard. I will share that email right now…..
“Butch I would like to see one more picture of your tree at the end of this growing season before all the leaves fall off. I have been using yours to gage the growth rate of mine. I bought mine shortly after you put the info on about it being the fastest growing tree in the world. I kept it in a pot until fall. It grew to about 2-1/2 to 3 feet before winter. This spring I cut it off even with the ground as the instructions said. It is now quite a bit taller than the peak of my house. I haven’t measured but it has to be 15 to 20 foot tall. It has no side branches just goes straight up, but has started putting on lots of growth at the top of the tree that seem to be like buds before the blooms. The new shoots come out almost in the same joint with the big leaf. I was told that in the first year the tree would use everything to grow a strong trunk, branch out the second and bloom the third. I got mine in the spring last year, set it out in the fall, and chopped it off to the ground this spring so all the growth is from this year. It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I hope I can manage to get a picture of it before all the leaves fall off. I just don’t understand why it doesn’t grow some branches. I have been wondering how tall yours is by now.”
Some of you will remember I bought my Empress tree for $7.00 in June 2003 when it was less than 1 foot high. Not having a green thumb or anything, I did not trim the tree back as the Reader above said they did with her tree. Mine has really grown fast reaching higher than the top of my house, and lots of those huge leaves. I have noticed with the Fall weather coming on, the leaves are starting to die and fall off. I sure hope it makes it through another winter. Here is a pic of it when I first planted it. <—– Click Here
Here is the same Paulownia Empress tree as of about a week ago. <—– Click Here
A Reader brought me a copy of The Vermont Country Store catalog that was mentioned in last week’s T&T. As I thumbed through it, it reminded a little of the Lehman’s Country catalog a looked at back in the 60s. Boy, that lehman’s catalog had everything for the person who wanted to live like they did 100 years ago, had a lot of non-electric items and tools. I remember it even had a manual washing machine in the catalog. I think I still got a Lehman catalog from the 70s. <—– Click Here
I took one of those new plastic empty Folgers coffee containers the other day and was going to use it for something, but I wanted to get the coffee smell out of it first. I poured some clorox and water in it, and let it sit 24 hours but the clorox didnt get rid of the coffee smell. I thought back when I was a teen and my grandfather had several rent houses. When he knew it would be empty a while, he would take some coffee grounds and put it in the refrigerator. The coffee grounds kept it from getting that old musty refrigerator smell when the door was kept closed and turned off for weeks. A lot of those old timey remedies worked as good if not better then some of the newer things on the market today. <—– Click Here
“Hey Cuz, Two items caught my interest in this week’s T&T. We (you and I) had a cousin that worked for Halliburton down around the Wilson area back in the mid-50’s – early 60’s. Speck Williams of Davis – he would commute back and forth each day from the house there in Davis. Worked some long hours as he would leave around four in the morning and get home around nine that evening. Would ask him about those days today if he were still with us but he is no longer living. The other is the one about the Freeman building Davis. In the mid-50’s our parents leased the Freeman building where we had Ford’s TV and Appliance. Our Uncle Bill Williams ran the Miseltoe franchise out of the building as well. We eventually built a concrete cinder building in our back-yard and changed the name to Ford’s TV and repair – eventually we did boat refinishing and manufactured go-carts before Ford and Mom moved to Spencer where he went to work for Virgil Green construction. I still have one of Mister Freeman’s gold watches at home – still works and just inside the back casing there is a history of when the watch was taken in for repair and/or cleaning. The first date inscribed on the inside of the watch is dated in 1936. Consider it an heir-loom and have had a miniature grand-father clock frame to house the watch in. Thanks for bringing back fond memories and I look forward each week to seeing what new information and news you bring to your readers. Hope that whatever it is I can contribute a little to those areas that you mention especially in and around Davis. See you next week.” -Poss (in Korea)
“I don’t know about Mr. Haliburton living and working around Wilson, but my cousin was Mr. Haliburton’s pilot. His name was Frank Glennan. He was tragically killed in the crash of the plane he was piloting. The following is the article from the newspaper. (I think it was the L.A. Times) These clippings were my mother’s. Frank took her up for airplane rides over Ft. Sill and the Wichita Mountains where she lived. She loved flying.” -Anna Marie
April 6, 1934 Local Aviator Dies in Air Tragedy.
Family of Glendale Stricken by Grief As Flyer Killed in Mexico Wreck “Say hello to the youngsters. I’ll be home Friday morning. Goodbye and take care of yourself” Such was the happy message telephoned by Frank Glennan, 27, an aviator, in El Paso, Texas, Thursday night to his wife and children in Glendale. Wait for Return Anxiously the family waited at the home, 620 Allen. They sought to identify the droning planes overhead, hoping that each homing craft might be the husband and father. Then came the news which today left the children dazed and uncomprehending, the mother near collapse from grief-Glennan was dead. The body of the flyer was found in his wrecked plane near Guadalupe, Mexico, 28 miles south of Fabens, Texas, yesterday. Tells of Tragedy. Word of the tragedy was conveyed to Mrs. Glennan last night by Thomas R. Dempsey, Los Angeles attorney and owner of the plane, which had belonged to Ann Harding, motion picture actress, Mrs. Glennan said. Possibility of another person being in the plane was eliminated when Dempsey said that Glennan was alone in the craft. Left in March Employed by Erle P. Haliburton, Duncan, Oklahoma, oil man as his private pilot, Glennan left Glendale on March 15 for the east. He was in Duncan when he started the homeward journey. In Duncan, Halliburton today said he was puzzled by the location of the crash, declaring it occurred off the pilot’s course to Glendale. No details as to the cause of the accident were available.
Bringing Plane Back
Haliburton added that Glennan was returning Dempsey’s plane, a six-place monoplane from Duncan to it’s home base. In addition to the widow, Glennan, who started flying when was 16 years old, is survived by the two children, Richard, 6 and Dorothy 4. Other Survivors He also leaves his father and mother, Mr and Mrs James Glennan of Ripley, Oklahoma, two sisters, Mrs. Ruby Likowski of Drumright, and Miss Naomi Glennan of Ripley, and a brother, Forrest L. Glennan of Redondo Beach. The body of the pilot will be taken to his former home in Bristow, Oklahoma for burial, according to Mrs. Glennan, who said she and the children will leave Glendale tomorrow morning to attend the funeral rites.
Cause of Mexican Air Crash Sought
El Paso, Texas, April 7, 1934 – AP
Government and El Paso airport officials Saturday penetrated by automobile the rough country 60 miles southeast of here in Mexico to determine the cause of an airplane crash Friday in which Frank Glennan, 28 years old, Glendale, Calif., and Tulsa, Okla., pilot was killed. Glennan’s broken body was brought to El Paso Saturday night from Juarez, Mexico. Arrangements for burial were pending.” <—– Click Here
“My eldest son and I had been out picking persimmons when I read that so I decided to split one open and see what it looked like. I’ve attached a scan of the results. Looks like a Spoon to me. If so I guess that means we are in for heavy wet snow this winter. In fact this one almost looks like two spoons! Does that mean double bad winter?” -Dwane Stevens <—– Click Here
“Butch, In the 50’s there was a head on the front of a building in Ardmore that had water spouting out of the mouth and into a pool below. I am having trouble remembering street names, but it was on the north side of the street as you approached downtown from Lone Grove. The bolt holes and the open mouth of the lion’s head discovered in Mr. Johnson’s estate lead me to think that this is a possibility.”
“I think I remember a theatre in the Ardmoreite bldg (I think it was the Gilbert bldg then) maybe in the basement. It had jesters faces as I recall on each side of the stage. I only saw one or two performances there. Do you know anything about this theatre and the productions put on there? It would have been in the late forties. No one else I know remembers this theatre.” -Jerry Brown
“Butch, in response to your reader inquiring about the live theatre in the Ardmoreite Building, which Stan Middleton had shown him. I remember this theatre, in fact a portion the “The Little Rascals” movie that I took part in was filmed in the theatre. It was called the Gilbert Building back then, and if my memory serves me right, the theatre was called the Gilbert Theatre. I was a small child then, so my memory is not vast about the theatre, but I do remember a part of The Little Rascals was filmed there. That would have been 1935.” -Jerry Almon
“Dear Cuz, Like the mention of old Fort Arbuckle. For a long time (when I was growing up) some of the existing structures could still be seen from Highway 7 as the Grant’s (folks who own the land) had incorporated some of them into their structures. Also enjoyed reading the articles about Belle Starr. Was told everytime we would take Sunday drives (which families do not do any more) around the Dougherty area that Belle Starr was a part owner in the Saloon there. We were not permitted to enter the building for safety reasons but you could see what was left of the stair case and other items when looking through the windows. Looking back, there were a lot of interesting things that occurred in our small town as we were growing up (Davis), but just did not realize the impact they would have in our later life (as adults). Kudos to you and your readers who continue to provide us with a part of Oklahoma history that would be lost if it were not for all of you. Your Cuz in Korea.” -Poss
“Butch and Doug, I was tickled to see my photo of the model of Bluebonnet Feed in this week’s T&T, but I can’t lay claim to having built it. It was built for me by my good friend Rod Warren, based on photos generously provided by Doug Williams.” -Ron McFarland, Australia “href=” “> <—– Click Here
“Hi Butch, Please let your readers know the Ardmore High School Class of 1954 will hold their reunion October 15-17,2004. Registration and a reception will be at the Hampton Inn hospitality room on Friday, October 15, from 1:00-6:00 p.m. A mixer will be held at the Depot (remodeled Santa Fe Station) Saturday afternoon from noon to 5:00 p.m. The reunion will conclude Saturday night with a dinner dance for graduates and their spouses at Dornick Hills Country Club. About 60 of the 115 living graduates have preregistered for the reunion. The class of ’54 invites all their friends to come by the reception or the mixer to visit and renew old acquaintances.” -Jim Lewis
The Daily Ardmoreite August 08, 1906–Advertisement
The Artesian Hotel, Sulphur, I.T., A modern hostelry of Pressed Brick and Granite Trimmings, 150 Guest Rooms, Elevator, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, 40 Private Baths, Rates $2 per day and up J.M. Bayless and C.J. Webster, Owners
August 10, 1906 R.A. Howard of the district attorney’s office, is engaged in what from the first appearance would seem an endless job. He is transferring the old records of criminal cases, from the old books to the new ones. The books contain a record of every case which is before the court. There are three books, all large ledgers.
August 13, 1906 Work began today on the erection of a building on West Main street about six blocks from the main district of town, as a business house. The building when completed will be occupied by G.W. Ritter Grocery Co. The Ritter company have been situated on West Main street, but desire to be further West.
***L.N. Turman is having a handsome two story residence building erected at the corner of B St. and Second Ave. SW. (B and Stanley SW). The building will be completed by the end of this week. It contains twelve rooms and it is to be among the most desirable residences in the city. Mr. Turman lives in Lebanon, but will be moving here soon.
***A second story is being added to the J.R. Pennington Building near the Noble Bros. Brick on west Main St. Judge Sims is also erecting a two story building which adjoins the Pennington Building. These two buildings adjoin the Doak building which has just been erected.
August 15, 1906–A handsome picture of the guardians of the law has been made and several of their friends have been presented with them. The picture contains Marshall Porter, marshal of the Southern district; John Hammer, office deputy; Jim Havens and J.P. Irby, field deputies of this city and Field Deputy Norvell of Marietta. They are all mounted and are stationed in the picture as above named. They are men tried and true and are worthy upholders of the law in this district. The picture was taken in the rear of the court house and shows them in their campaign trappings in which they make a good appearance.
August 17, 1906–Lawton, OK–Pieces of bogus money representing almost ideally the true American dollar, have undoubtedly been manufactured by counterfeiters on the Fort Sill military reservation. When this was done, how long it continued, who were the counterfeiters, or how much and what kinds of money they made are questions to be answered by inanimate little molds that have recently been discovered. The only mold that age has neither worn nor warped is one in which the dollar was made. It consists of two pieces of oak timber about five inches long, four inches wide, and one inch thick, which was pinned together with oak pegs near the ends and which appear to have been cut out of a tree with a pocket knife and whittled into the proper size and shape. In the center of each is a circular excavation with a circumference exactly the size of a dollar and into one the plaster of paris filling of the other side is made perfectly even with the face of the piece but is circular and retains the form of the dollar. Turned edgewise with the long side horizontally out through which the molten metal was poured. It found lodgment in the dollar piece and there remained until cooled to the required degrees for the stamping process. This mold was found by George Griffin a few miles northwest of Fort Sill in a grove of timber where were found many Indian relics and other things that indicated a settlement many years ago. This counterfeit money was probably passed to the Comanche Indians tribe for what its counterfeiters desired.
September 2, 1906
L.P. Freeman and Mr. McCuffy, two business men formerly of Parsons, Kansas, are in Ardmore to stay. These gentlemen are going to put in a pool and billiard hall on West Main St. They will occupy the building used by J.J. Stolfa in the tailoring business. Mr. Stolfa is to occupy the building just across the street from his present stand.
September 6, 1906 The Chickasaw Furniture Company has leased the new Doak building and will begin business as soon as the opening stock of furniture arrives. W.H. Bleakmore will have charge of the business. Officers are W.H. Bleakmore, Pres.; Chas. A. Milner, VP; George Corhn, Sec; and J.A. Bivens, Trea.
Second Annual Fair Will Be Held This Month
The board of directors of the Ardmore Fair Association have had a great deal of literature printed concerning the coming fair to be held at the Fair Grounds for three days, commencing September 5th (sic) and lasting until September 27th inclusive. They have made preparations for a number of fast horses for the race tracks and many exhibits for the fair. Many of the farmers surrounding Ardmore are preparing exhibits for the fair, are those all over the Chickasaw Nation. In all probability the coming annual fair at Ardmore will be the greatest event of the kind ever attempted in the territory. The races will be a feature and many horses from the Texas racing circuit will be on the tracks.
Sept 7, 1906–Advertisement
FIRST STATE FAIR at the Ardmore Fair Grounds September 25, 26, and 27 The Ardmore Fair association, backed by every public spirited person in Ardmore, is making preparation to give this year.
The railroad companies have promised material aid and from All Territory and North Texas points, will give for the great occasion
Horsemen from all over the country are writing for entry blanks and say they will be here with a string of horses equal to any that will be at the Dallas Fair. Farmers from every point of the compass are arranging farm products for display Fat Stock Show in connection will be the greatest ever held in this section of the country. Art Department The public school and colleges will compete in works of art. The Pike will be unusually attractive this year. Thousands of Dollars Given in Purses and Awards Make your arrangements to spend these three days in Ardmore. For information, address G.W. Stuart, Sec’y; Sidney Suggs, Pres.
The Oklahoma Confederate Home was erected in 1910 on 23+ acres of land donated by Mrs. Ludie Hailey Walcott, for that purpose. A marble tablet with her name inscribed thereon is displayed on the front wall of the main building of the institution.
July 29, 1932 A Bit Personal Gathered here and there by Staff members of the Ardmoreite:
Dr. J.T. Gilliam set in front of the old Chinese restaurant and sold spectacles and wore long hair. Honest Frank Ennis had a stand on the street from which he played a banjo and sang and sold merchandise to farmers. His show attracted crowds much like the community meetings now. James Duck drove Tom Orr’s soda water wagon for a number of years. The Orr bottling plant was located on Caddo Street. James Cruce operated a wagon for Crown bottling company in which he sold pop and candy. Max Westheimer and family lived where Poe’s grocery store is now on North Washington. George Collins out at Cheek was an early day peace justice.
H.P. Beall, owner and operator of the Healdton Bakery, is opening a bakery at Maud. His son, B.R. Beall, will be in charge of the Healdton bakery.
July 31, 1932 A Bit Personal
The home of yesteryear was equipped with hitching posts. Many of them had the stileblock, also. At the old T.N. Coleman homesite on North Washington St. the hitching posts may be seen today. The old home is gone but the hitching posts still stands. The basement of the building now occupied by the McCan-Stewart Drug company was at one time called Dew Drop Inn. Different kinds of gambling games were carried on and drinks were sold. Once upon a time when the law was hard to satisfy the owners of the famous Dew Drop Inn operated a blind tiger. A thirsty customer could pass down the stairway and place a 25 cent piece on a wheel, turn the wheel and the coin would disappear and in its stead would be a pint of cold lager beer.
Sept 10, 1933
Workmen are putting the finishing touches to Ardmore’s newest grocery store–the big Safeway unit at D and West Broadway.
Davis–An ok on what has been done at Turner Falls by the CCC camp was given by Herbert Maier, district officer, and Mr. Cornell, inspector, who were here the first of the week. The camp has been in existence for 3 months and much more work is expected in the next 6 months. A new dam is being constructed and Blue hole is being enlarged to twice its size. The entrance road, next to the highway is being widened to make it safer and easier entry. A new and larger bath house is being built. A concession of stone and wood will be built at once, consisting of a dining room, kitchen, lounge, veranda and basement. There are about 200 men in camp and they are in command of Capt. A.E. McIntosh. The work in the park is under the supervision of J.M. King of Davis.
“THE THEATRE WAS KNOWN AS THE ‘TEMPLE’ THEATRE’ – a very popular movie theatre located in a part of the east side of the lower floor. Check the history of the so called Ardmoreite building and you will learn that the building was built by the Masons. I don’t know about the Lions head.” -Ernest Martin
“My great-uncle, Earnest Rich, was one of these 1500 men who helped build Lake Murray. I don’t remember a whole lot of his stories, but I do know that it was back-breaking work and somewhat dangerous in some areas. He specifically worked on clearing timbers and then helping to build some of the outbuildings. I remember as a little girl, him pointing out certain areas that he worked on, one of them used to be one of the pavilions at Tipps Point. However, I doubt that the original is still standing.” -Kathi George
“Butch, I managed to get out and about again this weekend with the digital camera. I found a couple things you might enjoy. I went to the little town of Honobia, OK (LeFlore county) where I found this big bell at Christ’s 40 acres. The caretaker of the place says that bell has been in that spot for about 50 years.” -David Cathey <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Just across from the bell I found this little building. It purports to have been at one time been known as the country’s smallest log cabin post office.” <—– Click Here
“They still have a working post office at Honobia, located not far from the one pictured above.” <—– Click Here
“I took this shot of the Little river where the road crosses it just below Honobia.” <—– Click Here
“I also made it up to the Talimena drive on Friday and saw this great view.” <—– Click Here
“I went back on Saturday, but as you can see it was mighty foggy up there that day. This pic is taken at the same spot as the one on the previous day” <—– Click Here
“I just added a few shots from our Fall 2004 Big Canyon Photo Session (Oct 9th and 10th) to my Webshots albums if you want to take a look. It was cloudy Saturday but we had a nice time and enjoyed a few newcomers. Sunday was rainy the whole time but the same ole group of die hard “All Weather” railfans came anyway and got some good “rainy day” shots.” -C. Dwane Stevens <—– Click Here
“hi butch took more pictures of okmulgee, ok” -pam <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Butch, My mother found some old papers that you might find interesting. The first is a hospital bill from Von Keller Hospital, Inc. My grandmother, Stella Wells, was in the hospital for 2 days in 1942, and the total bill was $29.70!! As you can see, the needle and Seconal were only 10 cents each. The second item is a funeral notice for my grandfather’s infant sister. It is dated December 23, 1904, Ardmore, I.T. The funeral service was held in the home. The last item is some kind of advertising flyer for New Wilson, OK. My grandfather, Grover Wells, was lumber yard manager for Hudson-Houston Lumber Co. There is no date on the flyer, but it was printed after statehood (1907) and before he married in 1916. Be sure to read the paragraph on the front page. There are some interesting facts. Apparently, Ardmore and New Wilson were connected by only a railroad. Notice the map….between Ardmore and Lone Grove are the letters, O.N.M. & P. Ry. (the same as in the paragraph) What was the name of the railway? I also scanned the back side so you can see some of the ads. Notice the phone numbers. The ad for Mack’s Garage has a typo….it says “Pone 16.” Just a bit of history. Hope you enjoy it!” -Kerry <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Despite heavy rains which began last Saturday evening and continued through Sunday night, Oklahoma Railway Museum’s “Day Out with Thomas” trains carried well over 16,000 ticketed passengers over two successive weekends. ORM’s volunteers not only handled the trains but handled a full day of tough weather with real grace. Next big thing? The OKC Train Show, December 4 & 5 at the Oklahoma Fairgrounds Travel and Transportation Building — biggest train show in the Southwest. After that? ORM’s “Polar Express” Trains on December 18. Speaking of “The Polar Express,” most, hopefully, have read Chris VanAllsburg’s amazing book “The Polar Express” — a classic for years, and often read at our house since the kids were born. A new movie based on the book with Tom Hanks playing a major role is due to be released in November. A trailer can be seen here: <—– Click Here
For years some have expressed concern at the “greying” of those interested in rail. While trains “grab” a lot of kids while they’re young, that interest is often overwhelmed by all the distractions of modern life by the time they’re entering adolescence. It will be most interesting to see how both the Thomas tours and release of the Polar Express movie will affect the trends. Both key on some of the best and most wonderful things about trains.” -Tom Elmore <—– Click Here
“This is not Les Gilliam writing to you. This is his daughter, Cindy (Gilliam) Nolen. While my dad is gone to Branson this week, I have “hacked” into his computer and confiscated his address book. (If you ever need my services just call me….smile!!!!) I just wanted to let you know that my dad will be turning 70 years old on Monday October 18. I thought it would be nice if he received many greetings from his friends and family either through email or through our trusty postal service. If you have time would you please send my dad some type of greeting for this milestone birthday? I know he appreciates each of you in some venue of his life. Whether you are a music friend, a church friend, a family friend, a business friend, or just a good friend, I know he would be thrilled to hear from you. If possible, please help us to make this a special day for him. If you would like to send a card by regular mail his address is:
Les Gilliam
736 Dalewood
Ponca City, OK 74604
Thanks so much!!
Cindy Nolen
2901 N Anderson Rd
Guthrie, OK 73044
<—– Click Here
Some of you wrote me a couple of years ago saying you couldnt take advantage of those 1010 whatever numbers because your telephone company had them blocked. Now you can…. just use our 800 number to call anywhere in the USA and Canada. And the best part is it only cost you 1.9 cents a minute if you have a local access number in your area. If you dont have a local access number you still can take advantage of the cheap calls at 2.9 cents a minute! Read all about it now! <—– Click Here
What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
See everyone next Saturday!
Butch Bridges
Saturday October 9, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 390
After 70 years, Stolfa Hardware of Ardmore closes it doors. <—– Click Here
The following is from ‘Indian Territory and Carter County Pioneers’ (1983):
John J. Stolfa, Sr., an enterprising businessman in Ardmore, Oklahoma, since 1893, lived to the age of 105, long enough to see the seeds of his labor materialize. He was an entrepreneur in several kinds of business during the 57 years he had served the public. Stolfa, the son of Thomas and Anna Sypjena Stolfa, born in Tistin, Moravia (Czechoslovakia), December 12, 1866, was one of ten children. His father died when he was twelve. As the eldest son of four living children, Stolfa became the heir apparent to the family estate. After completing elementary school, Stolfa studied tailoring for the next six years, three years as an apprentice, and three years as a journeyman under master tailors in Central Europe.
Since Moravia was a tributary (satellite) of Austria ruled by Emperor Francis Joseph, Stolfa was drafted into the Austrian army, November 27, 1887, at Olmutz (Olomouc), and assigned to the 54th infantry Regiment. The following year, Stolfa released to his mother his right to the family estate and departed for America. He sailed on the S.S. “Elbe” out of Hamburg for New York then antrained for Flatonia, Texas to join a colony of his countrymen. His next stop was San Antonio to see the Mexican consul for information on his maternal uncle, General Frantisek Sypjena. This uncle had been an aide to the unfortunate Austrian, Emperor Maximilian, on the throne of Mexico from 1864 until his assassination in 1867.
Stolfa learn from the Mexican government that Sypjena, following the war, remained in Mexico and operated a produce line between Vera Cruz and New Orleans for a number of years before his death. Stolfa also learned that his uncle had left neither family nor estate. Stolfa now determined to make something of his trip to America, he departed for the next sizeable town northward, Lampasas, Texas, and opened his first tailor shop. In February 1890, Stolfa married Mrs. Johanna Lucas, a milliner with two children. Two years later, the seven year drought in Lampasas compelled Stolfa to move his family northward across the Red River into Indian Territory. His first stop was Pontotoc. There he learned that Ardmore, 50 miles to the west, was a fast growing trade center on the Santa Fe line. This information appealed to him, and he thought perhaps this time he might be able to put his roots down.
By 1893, Stolfa ensconced his family in the Western Hotel at Ardmore, found space on the ground floor for his tailor shop, and hung up his shingle. In due time customers appeared in persons of Reverend Naylor, S.T. Bledsoe, Lucien Stowd, W.O. Dustin, Judge Kilgore, Judge Townsend and others. Some notorious cattle rustlers of the period also bought tailor made clothing from “J.J.”.
Since cash was not plentiful at that time, Stolfa relied on the bartering system, and traded tailor made clothes for cattle. When he found himself accidentally in the cattle business, he leased range land south of town from the government. In 1885 Stolfa lost his tailor shop in the disastrous fire that reduced Ardmore’s business section of ashes. Eventually Stolfa traded his range cattle for dairy herd and went into the dairy business north of town. In 1900 Mr. West, a dairy competitor, decided Stolfa was too much for him and bought him out with a land swap, a half city block in the 1500 block of McLish Avenue in southwest Ardmore. Stolfa built a home on it and moved in his family.
On December 10, 1902 Johanna died and left him four small children. At bankruptcy level he received a long term credit loan from the Marshal Field Company of Chicago to increase his stock with ready made men’s apparel. Four years later, February 8, 1906, John J. Stolfa married Miss Josephine C. Stolfa of St Lous, Missouri. She was a bookkeeper and assisted him in that line through the rest of his business career. Miss Wallrapp launched her honeymoon into Oklahoma with a large, rosewood, Kohler, square piano, and a double seated carriage with a fringe on top. Stolfa supplied the Morgan buggy horse. During 1915-16 while World War I was underway in Europe, Stolfa bought cotton and grain at rock bottom prices and stored them on his back acre on McLish Avenue. Then he built a large mercantile store on the western end of his McLish property and moved into it the contents of this men’s wearing apparel store from 111 West Main Street and added a full line of groceries. In 1918 he sold this store and home next door, and retired to his new brick home across the yard.
He sold that house and re-entered the grocery business in 1925 on property he bought at 4th Avenue and L Street in southwest Ardmore. Nine years later he sold the store and home next door and moved his family to the “Floradale Farm” in southeast Ardmore. In 1937 Stolfa helped his three sons, Ralph, John, and James, get established in the farm implement and hardware business of Main and Mill streets which they have operated 45 years to date in the same location. When John J. Stolfa, Sr., passed away on November 21, 1971 and his wife, Josephine, preceded him on November 22, 1968, they left nine children: Mary (deceased), Florence Braun, Ralph, John Jr., Catherine, Carlos, Annabelle Shafer (deceased), James and Margaret Janradt; 23 grandchildren and 5 great-grand children. -Source Mrs. Florence S. Braun, 5041 Dana Place N.W., Washington, D.C 20016
I am always surprised went I get something the old fashioned way, through the mail. The last few days I’ve received several things brought to me by the mailman. Some of you will remember I mentioned I was looking for those Chick-O-Sticks from the 50s and 60s that were made in Lufkin, Texas by Atkinson Candy Company. A Reader mailed me 10 of those delicious Chick-O-Sticks and they were just as I remembered them. And of all places, Dollar General sells them for 10 cents a piece! Another package brought me the Ada Candy Company’s version of the Chick-O-Stick, and about all I’ll say is they are no comparison to the original Atkinson Chick-O-Stick. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
Speaking of items we ate and drink years ago, another package arrived this week for a Reader in Dallas, and there in it was a Grapette magnet. I got it on my refrigerator door right now! <—– Click Here
Someone emailed me a pic of the Devil’s Anvil near Stanley, Oklahoma. Stanley is a few miles NE of Antlers, Oklahoma. There is an Anvil Rock near Tishomingo too. <—– Click Here
I’ve scanned the new map of Carter county and the new road names. <—– NW Area <—– SW Area <—– Central Area <—– SE Area
This piece of Ardmore history that goes way back. Its a 1960 something nailbag from Cashway Lumber Company with the CertainTeed roofing shingles advertisement. A friend of mine in Norman has it, and won’t give it to me, can you believe that? lol <—– Click Here
A Reader told me about Wayne’s Computer World website…. a site that has all kinds of help with Windows and technical help with about anything computer related. <—– Click Here
“Butch, would any of your readers know that Halliburton used to work and live around the Wilson area? My daddy used to work in the slush pits with him and this was before 1920. Of course today Halliburton is well-known for his oil business and the Iraq war but at one time he was from around here. I would like to hear from anyone who knows more about this.”
“I am trying to help a friend to local a certain grave of Moses Starr born 1892 in Ok. Have any of you any ideal as to where to look? I have tried USGENARCHIVES and find a grave and cemetery junction but found nothing. Thanks.” -Vera Jones
“If you find a spoon or shovel inside the persimmon seed, there will be lots of heavy, wet snow. A fork means you can expect a mild winter with powdery, light snow. A knife-shaped kernel indicates bitter, icy winds.”
“Although this is not in Carter County, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma has just placed a new historical marker at the water wheel at Prices Falls in the Falls Creek Baptist Campgrounds. It might not fit in the book you mentioned but it bears checking out. I saw it when I was there two weeks ago but unfortunately I had left my camera at home.”
“Butch, a few years ago, I was driving my sister around in Love County. We were looking for the old Meadowbrook School. It is no longer there, but I stopped and read a Historical sign, representing the Chisolm Trail where it came through Love County. It is north of hwy. 31. West of Marietta. A Faithful reader.” -Opal Lee, Cabot, Arkansas
“Hi Butch, Here is a link to some historical markers from the “ghost town” of Fleetwood, Jefferson County, Oklahoma. I was raised about a mile east of there near the Red River. Story has it that the Chisolm Trail passed through our property and I believe it to be true. The markers say that it is. The General Store and Post Office, I remember well. That’s where we went to get our mail, a cold soda pop and feed for the animals. Honestly, I can’t remember the cotton gin being open when I was a kid but can remember going through it and “exploring” before it fell into complete ruin. I was well acquainted with cotton gins as my grandfather had a couple of them in the lower Rio Grand Valley of south Texas. Seems like I had free reign in those! I found many arrowheads while following my Dad’s tractor in the fields when he was plowing. Just wish I still had them today!” -Kim Collins <—– Click Here
“Butch, for your Reader interested in the book, “Reflections of Ardmore and Carter County Oklahoma:” it was a project by The Daily Ardmoreite, 117 West Broadway, Ardmore. The publisher was D-Books Publishing, Inc, 117 South Kansas Avenue, Marceline, Missouri 64658. I am sure that one (or both) sources have or can advise where copies are available. Incidentally, it contains several photos of your (and my) relatives! Even one of me as a kid.” -Donald Bridges in CA
“Butch: Be careful about buying Belle Starr’s grave site. Story is that the famous female outlaw was (and still is) a hero to residents in the Cookson Hills of Eastern Oklahoma. Many years ago (mid-50s) a Muskogee historian made an appointment with a newspaper to visit Cookson Hills and show him the “real” grave of Belle Starr (not the one seen by tourist). The reporter was assured he would see the “real” location. He was prepared, even anxious, to make the trip and would have except for his publisher, a native of the Cooksons. The publisher refused to allow the reporter to accompany the historian and, in fact, told him that if he did so he would be fired because he didn’t want to be responsible for “your widow and children.” There is more to the story.”
Oct 15, 1906 Ada Evening news: Mrs. Lou Clark and daughter Leota went to Ardmore Sunday where Mrs. Clark will put her daughter in the Catholic convent.
“I’m not sure where the lions head is from but it reminds me alot of the carvings that were in the balcony of the live theater that was located in what is now the Ardmoreite building. I worked for the Ardmoreite a couple of years ago and Stan Middleton took me to the back where they print the newspapers and man o man I thought that was so neat. I’m only 29 and never knew this building to be anything like a live theater. If anyone has any information or pictures of this I would really love to learn more about it.”
“The Soaring Eagle Fans (Wilson, Oklahoma).” <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
“Butch here is a photo from Ron McFarland (Australia) of the model he built of Bluebonnet Feed.” “href=” “> <—– Click Here
RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, Asa E. Walden, was born March 1, 1893, at Melisa, in Collin County, Texas, being a son of W. E. Walden and Mary Alice Walden, nee Roberts; that the parents of said Asa E. Walden came to Pike, Indian Territory, (now Love County) in 1900, where young Walden attended his first school, thereafter he attended school at Thackerville, and Marietta, Oklahoma, he then attended Southeastern State Teachers College, and taught school a year and attended Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee, and obtained his law course, and was admitted to the bar in Oklahoma in the summer of 1914; at the election in 1914, Asa E. Walden was elected representative from Love County, was re-elected twice and served the people in the Legislature of this State for six years, and in 1920, resumed the practice of law; that in December 1914, Asa E. Walden married Exa Wiseman of Thackerville, and to this union was born five children; Helen Walden; Alice Joe Walden; Jimmie Walden; Rose Marie Walden and Sue Walden; thereafter and in April of 1923, the Governor of the State of Oklahoma, appointed Asa E. Walden District Judge of the Eighth Judicial District of the State of Oklahoma, he being then 29 years of age and the youngest District Judge in Oklahoma; that Judge Walden was re-elected twice to his position, and was District Judge when he died September 1, 1934; that Judge Walden served the people of this District and the State of Oklahoma fearlessly and honestly and was widely and favorably known. That Judge Walden was a member of the Methodist Church of Marietta, and teacher of the Bible Class of that Church, the class being named for him; he was also a member of the Masonic Order.
THEREFORE be it resolved that in the death of Judge Asa E. Walden the Judiciary of this State has lost one of its most valuable Judges; that the Bar of this State has lost one of its brightest members.
THAT THE FAMILY of Judge Walden has lost all, he being a devoted husband and a loving father;
That the Methodist Church has lost an active worker and valuable member.
That the people have lost a real friend, for he was in fact a friend of the common man, believing at all times the rights of the oppressed should be protected.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread of record on the journal of the District Court of Love County, Oklahoma; a copy sent to the Historical Society of the State of Oklahoma, a copy to the Historical Society of the State of Texas, and a copy to the family of Judge Walden.
Respectfully submitted, B.W. Jones, J.W. Dixon, Crawford W. Cameron. John Steele Batson, C.C. Wilkins, O.E. English, W.J. Williams, J.I. Goins, THE BAR OF LOVE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. (Committee)
“Hi Butch, I have seen this “memorial” on Hiway 76 going in to Texas several times. It is located approximately 1/4 mile North of the Red River bridge on Hiway 79. (West side of highway.) Finally stopped and took pictures of it today. Thought you might like to ask if anyone can shed some light on who or what it is for. Thanx.” -Ken Updike <—– Click Here
“Near or at Fort Arbuckle is the Initial Point from which surveys and land description in Oklahoma are measured (except for the Panhandle). Today’s maps show there are no roads today to reach the Initial Point.” ————————————————————————-
“It’s Maud, not Maude. Notable among newspaper circles as to which county the newspapers was qualified to run legal notices for. The county line (Pottawatomie-Seminole) goes through the city. The newspaper office was in one county; the post office, a block down the street, was in the other county. Publishing legal notices is a significant part of the revenue for small newspapers. I think it took an act of the legislature to resolve this. I don’t recall the outcome, as by then I was long gone from Konawa (in Seminole County, but not far from the Pott County line) where I had been publisher of the Konawa Leader.” -Wes Leatherock
“Hi Butch, About the pictures that David Cathey sent in of the little building in Maud. The little building that was next to the Mason’s building is a jail cell that was inside the old city hall.It was a holding cell until they could transport the prisoner. The city hall was torn down just this year 2004.” -Edna <—– Click Here
“Hey my Indian friend! A very good place to look for anything you loved but can find no longer is: The Vermont Country Store, Goods & Wares Catalogue, PO Box l6998, Rutland, VT 05702-6998 1-800-362-8470. They have everything and you will love just looking through the catalogue and remembering all the things they have. If you don’t find what you want, they have a service that is free, if you give them a name and description of the item; they will locate it if it is available anywhere and let you know where and how to order it. This is a great catalogue.” <—– Click Here
Since you have such a wide readership, I have a request. As a member of the Arbuckle Historical Societies of both Davis and Sulphur, I’m always on the lookout for interesting stories about the communities in Murray County, OK. Especially am I interested in photos of the old homes and businesses of this area. For instance, Sulphur is in the process of refurbishing the old Convention Center (built in 1922), more recently known as the American Legion Building. To date none of us has been able to find any photos showing the interior of the building even though it was used by the schools as an auditorium where concerts, graduations, and even professional wrestling matches were held. Should any of your Readers have any photos of Murray County businesses and homes built before 1925 – or any interesting stories about life in the area – I would appreciate them contacting either you or me. FYI, we do not necessarily want the original photos; a good computer generated copy, or a copy made at WalMart, is sufficient. ONE THING, PLEASE. Be sure to list the following information on a separate card or piece of paper: Name & address of Donor; Location of building; Date of photo; Names of any persons shown in photo. Materials may be mailed to me at The Arbuckle Historical Society Museum, 402 W. Muskogee, Sulphur, OK 73086, ATTN: C. Roland Earsom.
“Both Ardmore Libraries have this book, “Reflections of Ardmore and Carter County, Oklahoma” in the reference section. It’s 96 pages but it could be photocopied.”
“SOME GOOD BELLS HERE BUTCH – Half Moon Bay is a funky little town just south (50 miles) of San Francisco right on the coast.” <—– Click Here
Butch this piece brought back memories of my Dad he lived in Ada most of his life and he sung a song that had Bob Duncan’s name in it. it went like this:
when you are in Ada you better walk straight,
you better not stagger, you better not fall
or Bob Duncan will arrest you
Charlie Daniel will take you down
turn you over to the jailer you are McAlester bound
“I’m just going to take a chance and ask if anyone knows a person from the Ardmore, OK area. When I was in the service back in the 70’s I became friends with a guy who was a school teacher and piano player from I believe Ardmore. His name was Frank Lillard. He was sent to Vietnam from Lawton, Oklahoma where we were stationed at Ft. Sill. Since that time we lost contact and I’ve always been curious to what ever happened to him. This is probably a shot in the dark but you never know.”
“Do any of you have the old time simple recipes your grandmother used to make that you would be willing to share? My 21 year old granddaughter just got married and went with her husband to a Navy base in South Carolina and we would like to send her some easy recipes.”
Vintage Postcard, Under Lincoln Bridge, Sulphur, Oklahoma, Murray County” “> <—– Click Here
“Butch, this is a picture we took of the oldest Churches on Cozumel Island, Mexico. They tore down part of a Mayan Temple to build the church with. Thought you would like to have a picture of the bell on top.” <—– Click Here
“Hello Friends and Relatives: We went for appointment with cardiology surgeon yesterday and received bad news. Other doctors gave Russ a 50-50 chance if he had the surgery, but the surgeon said he would estimate 10-20 after listening to his heart. Said Russell’s heart is strong, but the worn-out valve needs to be replaced, and he could die in the hospital after surgery. Russ is willing to take that chance because of the quality of his life now. He is so weak that he passes out from any exertion and is spending so much time in the hospital. I refuse to let him use his walker to go to the bathroom now, but make him sit in the seat so I can pull him. He had to go to the hospital two Thursdays in a row and spend 2 to 3 days there. Otherwise, he just sits in his Lazy Boy and watches TV, and he hates putting so much work onto me, though I’ve told him that as long as I have him with me, I’m happy to do it all. But, as the surgeon says, the choice is his, and he feels that the Lord has taken care of him all his life, so he will trust that He continues to do so. I’m spending all of my waking time praying that he will survive and be able to attend church with me, and take walks with me again. The surgery is scheduled for October 18th, which is 5 days before our 57th wedding anniversary. I’m hoping that each person who receives this will pray for him and even ask their church members to do so…..especially on the 18th, please. Love to all.” -Wanda
The Evening News (Ada, OK), January 11, 1906
MYSTERIOUS DEATHS THAT APPEAR TO BE MIRACULOUS The uncanny story given below might be passed as a piece of “yellow journalism” rot, but for the fact that a citizen of Ada happens to know several of the unfortunate persons who figure in the chain of tragedy. Mr. W.H. Grammar who has lived in North Ada for two years, a baker by trade, formerly lived neighbors in Texas with Smith and the Daileys, and was familiar with the controversy referred to and knew of the other people mentioned below. He has written his daughter at Galveston for corroboration of the miraculous occurrences. The following strange story was sent to the Chicago Record-Herald from Galveston: “Death from a strange malady which physicians say they have never before seen or heard of has overtaken ten men who were connected with the suit over a piece of property given to an undertaker by a widow in payment for her husband’s coffin. The belief is widespread in this vicinity that the deaths are a judgment from heaven. So terrifying have been the manifestations of what is believed to be the divine wrath that even the county officials refuse to have anything more to do with the case, which probably never will be adjudicated, at least in the present generation. The case is that of George E. Smith against John Daily. Both men died soon after suit was brought of the strange disease which specialists were unable to diagnose or treat. Then Thomas Brick, the district clerk who filed the suit fell a victim to the same mysterious avenger. Three lawyers participated in the “widow’s coffin suit,” as it is called–Clegg Stewart, Forester Rose, and William T. Austin. Within a few days all three became ill and died the peculiar disease for which no remedy could be found. Then Judge William H. Stewart, who tried the case and who but a few days before had rendered a decision in the case and granted a new trial, fell a victim, and in a short time expired. Alexander Bartlingcock and C.A. Sias were employed to survey the land in preparation for the new trial. Scarcely had they completed their task when they fell ill and died. J.F. Simmons, the district clerk laughed at the fears of the superstitious and made preparations for the new trial, on Thursday last he died.”
The Daily Ardmoreite, July 6, 1896
***From O.G. Moore, of Davis who is in the city, it is learned that the place known as the Davis hotel, was burned yesterday. The building and its contents were the property of Freeman Bros., and probably worth $700. Most of the furniture was saved. The fire originated in the kitchen and was most likely chargeable to a defective flue. Only a small amount of insurance.
***Frank and Ashe Douglas, Bus Cotts, Homer Hinkle, Vaughn Dollins, and Clande Doak came in this morning from a ten day outing at Oil and Sulphur Springs. They had a good time.
***Wanted: By August 1st, a span of horses suitable for fire engine, 5-8 years old, weighing from 1200-1800 pounds, must be sound and of good color. Apply to J.W. Young, for Ardmore Fire department.
July 8, 1896
Guthrie, O.T.–Up to a late hour tonight none of the escaped prisoners from the federal jail have been located, though posses of deputies are already in the old Cherokee triangle, in the Glass hills, in the rough Payne county district, and at Cowboy flats, ready to receive them should they show up at any of the old outlaw haunts. Bill Doolin’s wife has been gone from her home in Payne county for some days, and it is believed she was expecting something of the kind. Her father, Rev. Ellsworth, who has been in the federal jail for irregularity in his post office accounts, and was released a week ago, brought her word of something of the kind, and she has been busy with certain preparations since. Just who is to blame for the escape of the men, it is hard to say, but as the government has spent many thousands of dollars to capture them and investigation with sensational developments is assured. The force of guards has been notoriously inadequate. The man who feels the escape most is Deputy Tilghman, who captured Doolin after months of work and danger, and who will loose the $3,500 reward unless he is convicted.
July 13, 1896
***It is reported that sixteen prisoners have escaped from the federal jail in Guthrie, including Bill Dalton, Bill Raidler, and the whole outlaw gang. Yes, quite startling, when it is remembered that Dalton has been dead for two years and Raidler in the penitentiary for three months.
***William Washington of Marietta is a visitor in the city today. He is an old time cattleman of the Territory. He reports everything in a flourishing condition around Marietta.
***James T. Carter, his heirs or some friends knowing his whereabouts will confer a favor on his brother by writing me. He made a crop near Holder, I.T. in 1894, since which time I have heard nothing from him. G.W. Carter, Carthage, Texas
***Mrs. Ella Hunter bought out Sullivan Restaurant on West Main St. and she abandoned the Crescent restaurant. She will now devote time and energy to her new place known as the Free Silver restaurant. Her 15 cent meals will be equal to the very best.
July 14, 1896
***The gun store of John Robberson was burglarized last night, a shotgun and a pistol being stolen. There is no clue to the burglars who gained entry by breaking a window pane in the rear of the store. July 15, 1896
***We took a flying trip to Sulphur Springs the 4th and from there went to Davis, visiting family. We learned by close observation along the road that 16 to 1 meant 16 women to one pair of shoes.
–Raysville Rumors
**Prof. Vaughters school is still filling up. The professor may fall in love with Raysville yet.
July 20, 1896
**Ardmore Bottling Works gave donation for the anniversary picnic.
**The tents of the pony and dog show have been erected on the vacant lot adjoining the Ardmore office. The first exhibition will be given tonight.
–Kansas City, MO** A crossing has been laid down on the south side of 4th and Shawnee streets composed of asphaltum mined at Ardmore, I.T.
–Provence Pointers–
**Mr. George Provence is fully prepared with a complete outfit of the latest and best gin machinery to turn out in proper shape the 800-1000 bales of cotton which will be produced in this vicinity.
**Ben Arnold of Berwyn was in town several days ago and spoke of locating here as a merchant. Ben will be quite a mercantile addition if he is as competent as his brother Jim, who is a very prosperous merchant at this place.
**Prof. Graves, a professional singer entertained our citizens on Friday night at Mann’s school house and proposes teaching music there.
**George Fletcher who left here several months ago in view of settling on the Denison and Northern Railroad, has returned convinced that this country suits him. **Dr. Butt of Mannsville speaks of locating here as a physician.
**T.A. Mann, who built a school house at this place six months ago and commenced teaching seven pupils, now has ninety-four and will have many more.
July 23, 1896–The citizens of Ardmore were shocked this afternoon to learn of the death of Deputy United States Marshal D.D. Flow, which occurred at the family residence today. D.D. Flow was one of the original pioneer merchants and citizens of this city and by all of his large circle of friends, was considered one of nature’s noblemen. In the death of Mr. Flow, the United States service looses a valuable officer, the family a loving father and husband, and the citizens of Ardmore one of their most representative fellow men. No man who ever lived in Ardmore was more respected or admired and to none could the summons have come with more general regret. Mr. Flow was Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of the Indian Territory, also Worshipful Master of Ardmore Lodge No. 31.
July 5, 1933–The last remnant of one of the landmarks of this section was recently removed and now the old Leon hotel and wagon yard is but a memory to many old timers in this section. The hotel was built 40 years ago, and from its opening date was a popular resort for people from the rural districts, especially those who came from the territory southwest of Ardmore in the Leon and Courtney Flats section. There is some conflict of opinion as to the first operator of the hotel, but an early date in its history, the late Joe White of this city became proprietor and held that position for a number of years. The hotel and wagon yard were the scene of many revels in the early days. It was not an uncommon sight to see the yard completely filled with wagons piled high with cotton and other products and to find upon inquiry that every room in the inn had been spoken for. The hotel was noted for its-cuisine, silverware, and linen napkins were not in evidence, but there was an abundance of wholesome food that made the place popular with the hard working farmers who were its chief patrons. It is said that some of the enterprising bootleggers of that time could be found in the vicinity of the wagon yard night or day. That is another reason the Leon was popular. Its patrons were wont to break a protracted drought on arrival in town. In recent years the old building had served as a warehouse for a lumber yard. There are not many left today who were familiar with the place in the heyday of its popular glamour.
July 9, 1933
The first Ardmore birthday celebration was held in 1888 said Charley Culberson of Woodford. He came in a covered wagon to attend it. He lived then at Simon but came from Woodford to the celebration. He came with his own family and the family of C.F. Crain. The barbecue was held south of the Ben Forbes store on East Main street and the grounds extended west to the present location of the Swift plant. There was a game of ball between Healdton and Ardmore. The diamond was on the west side of the tracks between the Whittington hotel site and the Santa Fe tracks and extended south toward the flouring mill. Healdton won the game. John Bulla was a Healdton player and Mr. Culberson says as far as he knows Mr. Bulla is the only surviving member of the Healdton players. He did not know the Ardmore players. Soldiers from Fort Sill were here, said Mr. Culberson. They had come on account of cattle tax trouble. Clay pigeon trap shooting was a diversion of the day. One of the soldiers operated the traps. The second reunion was held in the Roff pasture on East Main street said Culberson and after that the picnic grounds were established at Whittington park. Mr. Culbertson moved from Spanish Fort, Texas to Grady, I.T. in 1884. He says Jake Bodovitz was the first grocer in Ardmore ever to cut the prices on groceries.
1500 Men to Start Lake Murray Work
Plans to start work at 7 o’clock in the morning, sign off for lunch at 11; resume work at 2 and quit for the day at 4 o’clock. The first camp-site is 17 miles southeast of Ardmore, near the dam site. The work to be started Monday will be timber clearing. A sawmill has been set up to rip the larger trees into boards to build camp houses and smaller underbrush and toppings will be burned. A vast area of heavily timbered land is to be cleared. It is estimated that 4000 men can be used at a time when the operations really get under full steam. Each worker will be expected to provide his own tools and own camp equipment. In weather of this kind, such equipment will necessarily be of meager nature. It is planned to set up independent organizations in each group at the camps, one man to buy the food for the lot and one man to cook it; each to pay and do his proportionate share. A fund was being initiated today in Ardmore with which to buy grindstones, additional tools, first aid kits and other items not provided for in funds now available and yet entirely necessary for the welfare of the camps and the workers. Citizens are urged to donate to this fund. Funds for relief work from the counties named: Carter, Love, Marshall, and Johnston are to be diverted to the lake project as mentioned above only duly registered and known workers from the four counties will be given work. “There will be no jobs here for drifters”, said the committee’s statement.
“To all of my newly made friends, connected in different ways, to Ardmore, Oklahoma – my old home town. I want to say “Thank You Most Kindly” – for your “Birthday Greetings” to me. First, of course, to Butch- whom I have become quite fond of for his kindness and sharing his most beautiful heart, with us all. Butch, your time, and efforts spent, to bring so much joy and interest, into so many lives, whom you have touched is truly a glorious gift to us all; especially the older generations.
You are very blessed, Butch, and I thank you for your kindness. I thank you all, from the depth of my heart, for your many prayers, cards and emails. My heart is over-whelmed with the happiness from within. I have always felt that God’s most beautiful gift to us all is His gift of Prayer. Where would we all be without Prayer? I appreciate your kindness and the show of love you all are so capable of – and your expressions of friendliness. It is beautiful! I am feeling somewhat better and I know that prayers being said for me have helped most of all. I live with pain and have accepted this fact, but I am very fortunate compared to many others.
“Laughter is good medicine” as the old Readers Digest says. I try to find joy in things – especially all my greatgrand children. All seventeen, to be exact. I am very blessed in many, many ways. Thanks again to all of you – Dear Friends. Lovingly, Tweed Stonum Machock (89 years young)
I havent mentioned my low long distance rates lately. In fact the rates just got better. How about 1.9 cents a minute from over 20 states? Or 2.9 cents a minute using an 800 number for access for the rest of the states? Prepaid Long Distance and NO SWITCHING! Andf get 380 FREE minutes just for signing up! <—– Click Here
“The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.” -Robert Frost
See everyone next Saturday!
Butch Bridges
Saturday October 2, 2004 T&T Weekly – Circulation over 4,000 Vol 8 Issue 389
David Cathey lives up by Pauls Valley and has been a long time reader of T&T. He was out and about the other day with his digital camera and snapped some interesting pictures. This first one was a sign posted in the wee city of St Louis, Oklahoma. <—– Click Here
This second photo is of the old Mason’s building in the town of Maude, Oklahoma. David said it is sad that such a beautiful historic building is slowing falling into disrepair. <—– Click Here
Not sure what this little building is, but its located next to the old Mason building in Maude. <—– Click Here
David also ran across some real work of art in the city of Okemah, Oklahoma. These pieces of art are made from trees by the artist. <—– Click Here <—– Click Here <—– Click Here
Speaking of driving around, I’m sure most of you recall seeing those green historical markers from time to time along the highways and other places. Ardmore Historic Preservation Board could sure use help in locating all the Historical Markers in Carter County. This is for an Oklahoma Historical Society publication that will list all Oklahoma Historical Markers. One such marker that comes to my mind is the one that is or used to be located in Dickson, Oklahoma along the south side of the Highway 199 just east of City Hall. <—– Click Here
I also remember years ago seeing a historical marker west of Davis on Highway 7 denoting the old Fort Arbuckle that used to be in that area. And of course they have one in Marietta, Oklahoma right in front to the courthouse denoting the oldest courthouse in Oklahoma. And it seems like a remember one east of Marietta several miles that told about an old Indian school that once was in that area of Love county. So, everyone put your thinking cap on and lets hear from you. We need to locate these historical markers and get them submitted. Since it is a statewide effort, they’re wanting info on markers placed by State, Cities, Indian Tribes, DAR, etc. We need to hear from anyone how knows where a marker is located. Pen and paper are standing by!
I received an email this week from Midge Deere, owner of Ardmore T-Shirt, and she was seeking any help or suggestions on historical photos, or whatever that might be screenprinted on t-shirts. With Halloween just around the corner, what comes to my mind is: “Browns Springs Survivor 2004” for those who dare venture into Brown Springs at Thackerville. I’ve even had an email from a T&T Reader in Dallas wanting to know if there is going to be any Brown Springs tours this year. Anyway, if you have some ideas, or just want to see what Midge has on her mind, send her an email at…..
I think I have mentioned this before, and I sure didnt plan it this way, but of my over 200 webpages, my Browns Springs webpage gets the most Hits. lol <—– Click Here
T&T Reader Jim Dyer sent in an unusual photo this week too. Its of a lion’s head, weights about 75 pounds, and supposedly from part the estate of Otey Johnson. If anyone recognizes this piece of art and what significance it holds, let us know. <—– Click Here
Belle Starr (1848-1889) was buried in the front yard of the cabin at Younger’s Bend just north of Lake Eufaula dam. Months later daughter Pearl hired a stonecutter to mount a monument over her mother’s grave. On top of the stone was carved and image of her favorite mare, “Venus.” You will find below is the inscription on the stone. Right now the 40 acres Belle Starr’s grave is on is up for sale. The realtor’s number is 918-689-3700.
Picture of Belle Starr’s grave. <—– Click Here
Map to Belle Starr’s grave. You walk south, then go east at a washed out bridge. <—– Click Here
“Shed not for her the bitter tear
Nor give the heart to vain regret,
‘Tis but the casket that lies here,
The gem that fills it sparkles yet.”
“Hi Butch! I think I can answer your “mystery question” about Jo-o-Kay leather goods. My dad was owner of Western Supply Company here in Ardmore, home of Clifton’s hand tooled leather goods, and he was instrumental in getting John and Katherine (Kay) Simpler to move to Ardmore……back in the 1950’s I think. I always enjoyed playing with their three sons, John, Ronnie, and Steven almost every Saturday night when our parents “cooked out” together. Dad’s plant manufactured the hand tooled purses, belts, billfolds, etc. and he helped John start the suede leather coats business. Because John and Katherine were the owners, they decided to name the company after them, Jo-Kay……..HOWEVER, according to their son Steve who lives here in Ardmore, the Jockey (underwear) company thought the name was too close to theirs, and said if they would put the extra “o” in the middle and make it Jo-o-Kay, that THEY would even pay for their trademark. So John and Katherine agreed, and that solves your mystery. By the way, Katherine is still alive and lives with Steve and his wife on their ranch east of Ardmore.” -Carol Jean Wood Thomason
“The reader who wrote in about Tanya Tucker being at our rodeo in ’73 made me think back to when as a young girl I was in heaven when “Little Joe” and “Hoss” (Michael Landon and Dan Blocker) were the entertainers at the rodeo. I don’t remember the year or if any of the other “Cartwrights” were there. We went to the rodeo nearly every year but I don’t remember any other performers except for Rex Allen (?). Not sure about that name, I just remember having my picture taken sitting in his lap and the rhinestones on his fancy suit hurting the backs of my legs!”
“Hello, I’ve just learned from a relative of mine, Pam is her name; A project her neighborhood group has decided to take on the task of improvement on old Train Station & Route 66 (there is no train station there right now). The neighborhood is in Tulsa, Okla. She & her group needs help on getting this project up running with a force. I know some of you live in the Tulsa area and also, train followers connected to this particular newsletter group. The following will give you each an idea of the desire of the Redfork Neighborhood Association’s project.” <—– Click Here
“Dear Tweed Stonum Machock: I too grew up in Ardmore but about10 0r 12 years later than you… school times were from 1932 to 1944 when I enlisted in the Navy. My grandfather was J.A. Taylor, who with his two sons Joe and Bill operated Taylor Brothers Grocery Store at 1023 A St. NE. In fact his first grocery store was on C St.and 11th NE. I feel sure at your age you remember the grocery store. I went to the little country school of Mt. Washington, and my senior year at Ardmore HS. This was all during the depression. Oklahoma was a wonderful place to grow up in in so many ways. Many people did not have a job and hunting squirrels and rabbits was a way to put meat on the table. Trapping coons, possums, and skunks to sell the skins was one way of raising a little cash. Quite often one of my schoolmates would show up in class smelling so strongly of skunk the class would be disrupted until the teacher sent the offender home. Automobiles were luxuries and many of the people who had them were still driving Model T’s or Model A’s. Horsedrawn wagons were still common. I still remember the sound that the coil box on a T Model made; like a basket full of rattlesnakes. And the three pedals on the floorboard and the two levers on the steering wheel. My Uncle Joe Taylor must have been a contemporary of yours….I know he graduated in the late twenties. When the war broke out in 1941, I heard the announcement from the loudspeakers in the park on mainstreet. It must have been 7:00 or 8:00 in the evening and I was walking out to our farm near Mt. Washington. I knew th world would never be the same after that. It was such a pleasure reading your letters to Butch over the years. The Good Lord Bless and Keep You and make HIS FACE to shine upon you. Happy BirthDay.” -John Graham
“Imagine my surprise this morning when I turned on my computer and checked my e-mail to discover that my album Yellowstone And Teton National Parks was chosen as a featured album of the day. I was so thrilled with this honor. I didn’t think this could be good enough, since I didn’t comment on the pics or title any of them. I really like the album America From The Road much better. For the life of me I still don’t know who chooses these featured albums or what the criteria is for choosing them. This album so far has less than a hundred views and I figure that is mostly family! But just wanted to share my news with you. Take a look at America From The Road if you get the chance. I did tell a little of the history of some of the sites we visited on that album. Want to take a look at these photos I saw in the Webshots Community? To check them out, click on the image or photo album title link to the right! If you have a minute, check out the photos from my Webshots photo album!” <—– Click Here
“Butch, Enjoyed your piece on Geo. P. Selvidge, Sr. He was one of the first people I met when I moved to Ardmore in the mid-sixties. He was a classic gentleman and quite a pianist. I can remember that he seemed to me for many years about the only Republican in Carter County. As you noted, he ran Peoples Federal Savings & Loan Association, which for many years was the only mortgage loan company in the county. I remember that Peoples Federal had some rather strict rules on borrowing. For instance, the S&L would only recognize title opinions for property purchases and mortgages from the following attorneys:
l. Thomas G. Johnson, Sr. (a Peoples S&L board member)
2. R. Rhys Evans (Mr. Johnson’s law partner)
3. Mr. Geo. N. Otey, Sr. (once again senior partner in Otey, Johnson & Evans, located in the Little Bldg. and probably the most skilled lawyer that has ever practiced here)
4. Marvin Shilling
5. Ezra Dyer (I’m not sure about Martin)
I remember when I worked with Mr. Shilling for several years that Peoples Federal would accept a title opinion from me based solely on the fact that they presumed Mr. Shilling would review and approve whatever I wrote. There were a host of highly qualified attorneys in Ardmore that were more than capable of writing title opinions but for some reason or not they weren’t on the approved list. That caused a few hard feelings. For instance, T. Fred Collins was on the list until he angered Mr. Johnson for some petty reason, so T. Fred got taken off. When Bill Grissom started up Lincoln Center S&L, it caused some hard feelings and consternation with the Peoples’ officials. I recall speaking to Mr. Johnson (who was likewise a fine man and brilliant attorney) about it and he stated that it was Peoples’ position that they “…were serving the mortgage needs of Carter County and felt that there was no need for an additional lender.” As a young lawyer, the Otey Johnson Evans firm in the Little Building was my ideal of what a small town law firm should be. It was composed of 3 of the sharpest legal minds that ever came out of law school. I recall that during drilling booms there would be abstracts of lands piled around the rooms of the lawyers that in some instances covered all of the rooms except for the lawyers’ desks. Mr. Evans (a personal favorite of mine) would work all day into the night, go home and get dinner and a few winks, then return to the office in his pajamas and robe and work throughout the night and morning. I’m sure the firm made a ton of money during those years but they earned every penny of it. In fact, I can recall that the stress of doing all that title work over the years pretty well burned Rhys and Tom out. Geo. P. Selvidge, Sr., was a piece of history of Ardmore and Carter County. He was a brilliant man and a gentleman.” -James Clark
“I’m trying to locate a book to purchase. It was printed in 1995 and published by your company, The name of the book is “Reflections of Ardmore and Carter County, Oklahoma”. If you have any idea of where I might purchase one of these books, please let me know.”
“Your mention of the many uses of the apron brought back a precious memory….Of Mrs. L.M. Davidson; sometimes called Mrs. W.O. Davidson, who lived at the the corner of 12th and G NW. She was the great grandmother of your devoted readers: Susan Nance of Ardmore and Gretchen von Keller, Trinidad, CO: direct descendent of Dr. Frederick von Keller. I spent much of my young life with Gretchen’s and my great-grandmother. In the early fifties, there were certain days when “Nanny” would insist on an early supper. The dishes done and scalded; we would go to Nanny’s bedroom. I would brush her sparse hair and put on a clean hair net. I would powder her face. She would pinch her cheeks to make them pinker and bite her lips gently to make them rosy. I suggested a bit of rouge and some lip-stick, even at my young age. But, NO, NANNY WOULD NOT HEAR OF THAT; IT WAS WICKED. The last thing we did was to choose a freshly laundered and ironed apron. Thus topped off with the clean apron, we would go into the very formal living room…and Nanny would sit in her chair, with the bible on her right side….and NOTHING was ever put on top of that bible. Then the time came: I turned on the only TV in the house…..and we watched Lawrence Welk for an hour. I sat at Nanny’s feet while she tapped her toes to the music, with a beautiful smile which never left her face during that hour. She sat very straight and smoothed her fresh apron many times during that hour….. Now, in my fifties, I realize THAT NANNY HAD A BIT OF CRUSH ON LAWRENCE WELK!!!! And, now I realize that since Nanny could see Laurence Welk; SHE WAS POSITIVE THAT HE COULD SEE HER!!!!!! Remember…..these were the very early days of television…..and my great-grandmother did not understand that Lawrence Welk could not see her, even though she could see him!!!!!! Thanks, Butch, for letting me relive a bit of mine and Gretchen vonKeller’s great-grandmother’s very innocent, devoutly Christian life!” -Susan Nance, Ardmore
“Hi Butch, My husband and I have seen just about all of the main attractions Oklahoma holds so now our travels usually take us to out-of-the-way places. This past week we went on the search for Belle Starr’s grave. We got to Eufaula and began a 3 hour search. We talked to 3 different people who all seemed to know where it was but not how to get there. Finally we pulled off the road and knocked on the door of a house that was in the area of the grave site. The young man directed us up a private drive way and gave us directions from there. Once we went up the drive we parked, got out and walked up an abandoned road for about 10 yards, turned right at a bedstead gate and found ourselves in a heavily wooded area. We pushed our way through briars, weeds, and low hanging branches up a faded trail which eventually turned into a deer trail. About 1/8 of a mile and 1 million seed ticks later we found the grave site. The stone is still in excellent condition and the grave is protected by a good fence. The cement slab still lies on top of the grave and the ruins of Belle’s cabin is near by. Believe it or not, the property is for sale! We were really shocked that the State of Oklahoma had not opened the place up to the public! My question is, what do we do next? Is there another group or association that might be interested in purchasing the land and opening the site to the public or at least purchasing the land to keep the grave from being desecrated?” <—– Click Here
The Daily Ardmoreite, July 20, 1896, DANCING LIGHTS
Ryan, I.T., Our little city which has heretofore been so quiet, is in a perfect stir with excitement over the appearance of a ghost that has been seen near here. Out about 3 miles northeast of town at a place owned and occupied by Mr. Rufe Benton and family there has been seen for some twelve months or more a mysterious light. At first it attracted but little attention, if any, but from its constant appearance and mysterious origin it has completely astounded the majority of the citizens of this town and community. In fact all who have witnessed the appearance of this strange phenomena are greatly puzzled and bewildered to know really what it does mean. The scene of action is out on the bald prairie, and a little after dark every evening there is seen shooting up out of the earth what appears to be balls of fire. They rise apparently forty of fifty feet in the air, and sometimes disappearing, at others they seem to travel in different directions at a very rapid rate, sometimes turn, meet, pass and repass one another and finally come together and disappear from sight altogether to reappear in another instant in another direction and unite a distance from the first place very often at least two or three miles. This manner of procedure continues through the night, often coming up to the house, lighting it up, making it lighter even than daylight. Also quite a mysterious knocking and tapping is heard and other strange noises are unaccountable. The house since Mr. Benton moved away has not been occupied except by some hands who have been employed by Mr. Benton to look after his stock. These parties have become very much frightened and no longer take up their abode where these supernatural illuminations are known to exist. For several nights quite a number of the citizens of Ryan have been out and witnessed the scene and can testify to the above facts. The writer, together with some hundred or more people, witnessed this wonderful freak last night. Everybody here is greatly excited and crowds are gathered on the street corners and in front of the stores discussing the mystery of this wonderful phenomena. It is creating more comment than did the adoption of free silver and the nomination of Bryan by the Chicago convention.
1888 saw the first church, the first school and the first newspaper. The church and school were located in the same building. The church had a membership of 12, and is now the First United Methodist Church. The school, King College, was what was known as a “subscription” school. Subscription is known today as tuition. <—– Click Here
The Daily Ardmoreite July 6, 1896
White Sulphur Inn
Located at the Famous Froman White Sulphur Springs eight miles east of Davis, I.T. The INN has been completely renovated for the season of 1896 and is now prepared for the first class accommodation of guests. Rates for families or parties for the season made known on application. Transient rates $2 per day. Stages meet all trains for passengers and mail. Time from Davis to Springs one hour and fifteen minutes. Good roads and comfortable conveyances. Splendid wafer, fine fishing and hunting, and unexcelled as a health and pleasure resort. T.S. Ventress, Proprietor
July 30, 1896
***The medicine show tonight on King’s college ground will draw a large crowd.
***The Ardmoreite will exchange daily or weekly subscriptions for stove wood.
***Dr. S.E. Atkerson, specialist on chronic diseases, will see patients at the Bruce hotel for a few days only.
***The Clifton Medicine Co. has erected a large tent on the King college ground and will give a series of concerts with a change of program nightly. The company comes well recommended. Lylette, the phenominal child actress, is said to be a wonder. People at Purcell where the company exhibited last, say that her performances are worth one dollar instead of a dime, which is the admission price.
July 31, 1896 A Man Shot
Deputy D.E. Booker late yesterday evening shot and in all probability mortally wounded Jack Wiggins whom he was attempting to arrest. The shooting occurred at Wiggins’ home, one and a half miles north of Reck, at 6:30, immediately after which Mr. Booker returned to this city and reported the unfortunate occurrence. To an Ardmoreite reporter Mr. Booker made the following statement: I held a warrant for the arrest of Wiggins on a charge of a threat to kill a man in his neighborhood by the name of Denton. When I drove up to his house yesterday, Wiggins came out to the gate. I asked if he was Jack Wiggins, receiving a reply the he was, whereupon I told him I had a warrant for his arrest. He asked to have it read which I did. After hearing the warrant Wiggins said he would not be arrested, that he would die first. I reasoned with him, but to no good purpose. He started to the house, evidently to get his gun. I called on him to surrender or I would shoot, he kept moving for the house and defied me. Then just before he reached the door I fired, the ball striking him in the back and raging a little upward passed out in front. He fell and I went to him. By this time the women folks were after me and I had to do some smooth talking to keep one of them from using a gun on me. The last I heard from Wiggins he was thought to be dying. I sent a doctor from Hewitt to treat the man and will hear as to his condition tonight. These are the facts as they exist. I regretted to have to shoot him, but as it had to be done I feel that I have only discharged my official duty.” Wiggins is known to have been a dangerous man and his probable taking off meets with no feelings of regret in official circles more than follow all similar unfortunate occurrences. Mr. Booker used his pistol and only fired one shot.
August 2, 1896 Wiggins Dead
The shooting of Jack Wiggins, while resisting arrest by U.S. Marshal D.E. Booker Thursday, resulted in the death of Wiggins the following afternoon.
***Obituary Notice
Died: The Denison & Northern railway, July 27th, 1896, of monumental gall, age one year, nine months, and ten days. The remains are now reposing in the morgue in the city of Dougherty, surrounded by a group or heart broken, penniless contractors and laborers. The interment will take place in U.S. Court room, at Ardmore, under the auspices of a large concourse of profane creditors that will assemble from all parts of the country. The pall-bearers will be Constantine Buckley Kilgore, A. Chapman, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Brown, The remains will be placed in the automatic hell box, which will be draped with unpaid bills and other appropriate emblems of mourning. In the funeral procession will be a trio of weeping “mule skinners” who will sing in dulcet strains that sad but well known hymn, “Down went McGinty to the Bottom of the Sea.” At the conclusion of the interment the pile driver will be set at the head of the grave properly inscribed with strains of unrequired labor and a job lot of mortuary notices, perpetuating through all time to come the short but meteoric life and career of the deceased. The ceremonies will close with a song, “Ain’t got no money, but I will have some, Just wait on us ’til the D. & N’s pay car comes.” in which the remains will be lowered into a grave of its own construction, thus ending a fair young life that promised everything and paid nothing. R.W. Fleming
***Items from Sulphur
United States Marshall Lindsey spend a good portion of his time here looking after law breakers. Lindsay is an energetic marshal. Jim Hughes is still in the land of the living. Dr. Bloomer visited Roff last week. We understand the widowers of Ardmore have formed themselves into an association known as the “Ardmore Unfortunates” and that the Hon. Dan Kendall, on account of his “ripe old age” was unanimously elected president of the association. Mr. Kendall’s knowledge of the immense crop of widowers in the territory fits him for the position. Sulphur offers all the inducements that one could ask, our hotels are first class, bath houses good, the best of order maintained by our worthy marshal and bad characters are not allowed to remain in town over night.
The Evening News, Ada August 27, 1910
Had Man in Town
Last Friday our city was honored by the presence of Tom Starr, one of the remnants of the Starr gang, which infested the Chickasaw country in the early days. Starr was arrested at Sasakwa on the Fourth of July for disorderly conduct and put in the town cooler. He succeeded in breaking the lock and escaping together with another inmate. He was shortly afterward recaptured and given 80 days on the county road gang. Last week, during the temporary absence of the guard, he beat a trusty nearly to death and got away, arriving in Francis Friday. In some strange and unaccountable manner he secured some intoxicating liquor and grew braver and braver until he considered himself valiant enough to take charge of the town and run it according to his ideas of municipal government. He had in some way become possessed of two revolvers but laid them aside while he went to the City Meat Market to get a butcher knife which he needed in his business. He got the knife, but about this same time Marshall Bob Duncan took a hand in the game and requested Tom to give up the knife. Thomas refused and he and Bob immediately mixed. The bad man was quickly overpowered, but not until he had made two or three thrusts with the knife and Bob received two flesh wounds on the hand. Deputy Marshall Lance arrived and the prisoner still fighting, was landed in jail, where he amused himself by battering all the furniture into kindlin wood. Mr. Duncan took him to Wewoka Sunday and turned him over to the authorities of Seminole County, who were very glad to get hold of him again. His little holiday will add about six months to his sentence. Starr, like most sons of outlaws is a degenerate. He has none of the intelligent devilry and cunning as his notorious father. When sober he is a harmless, loafing fellow, but when he gets a pint or two of “mule” in his carcass he becomes a dangerous maniac. A term at McAlester is what he needs and it is only a question of time before he gets it.–Francis Wigwam
August 25, 1911
OKC–With the return to headquarters of Sidney Suggs, state highway commissioner, announcement is made that the Denison-Sulphur highway to connect with the main north and south interstate postal highway will be under construction soon after State Engineer Goit is able to locate the route definitely. In a general way the road will cross at Red River over the proposed new Denison bridge, a short distance east of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas and Frisco bridge, pass through Colbert and Northwest, some distance west of Durant. The highway will pass the locality known as “Robbers Roost”, which secured liberal mention during the inquiry one year ago by the congressional committee investigating the so-called Gore charges, and will reach Milburn in Johnson county across what is locally known as “twelve mile prairie”, to Mill Creek and Sulphur, where it connects with the main highway. The main highway from there goes south to the Murray-Carter county line, through the “gap” of the Arbuckles. The Denison road will follow the divide in its course through old Belton on Blue River, and Engineer Golt believes the grades can be reduced to an average of 1 1/2 per cent. In so doing the route will be kept away from valleys.
The Daily Ardmoreite July 5, 1933
Antlers–The 40 year old frame courthouse of this Pushmataha county seat was destroyed early today by fire caught by defective wiring. All official records except those in vaults were burned. No estimate of the loss was available because of the importance of lost records. The flames breaking out in the second story of the old two-story building were fought only by the local fire department as the flames had gained full headway when the fire was discovered about 3am. Citizens aided firemen in fighting the fire and in removing furniture and papers from the first story. None were injured. The building was a landmark, having been used by the federal government before statehood. After statehood the county bought the building, scene of many famous trials. Judge Yancy Lewis now of Gainesville, TX, was the first presiding judge to hold court in the building after statehood. The county has available a special courthouse fund with which to start a new building.
July 11, 1933 Mason Recalls Early Activity
“I arrived in Ardmore on the 13th day of December 1890,” said I.R. Mason, in recalling early days, “and at once became agent for the G.C. and S.F. railroads, taking the position of John S. O’Mealy who assumed duties at the Wells Fargo Express company, he having held position as agent for both companies before that time. Ardmore was then a rather small city but had already taken its place as one of the very best stations on the G.C. lines and held, also, a commanding position as to the number of bales of cotton sold from wagons upon the streets. In the year 1894, as I now recall, we attained first place as a cotton market, there being more than 54,000 bales sold from wagons upon the streets during that cotton season, thus making Ardmore the greatest market for the whole cotton belt. During that season our compress handled more than 200,000 bales, and business was surely rushing in every line. Regardless of the fact that cotton brought only from three to five cents per pound, everyone had money in his pockets, there was no cry of unemployment, and the farmers were truly happy and prosperous. Lee Galt handled all the business of draying the cotton from yards, as well as doing the general drayage business for the whole city. There was no such thing as counting the hours for a days labor. I personally was busy with many duties for an average of at least 16 hours a day; and at Christmas time, when all the railroads put on holiday rates for the entire southwest, I was actually on duty selling tickets and attending to my duties for 3 days without even going home. My meals were brought to me and I slept by taking naps on a cot when I could find time to do so. The year 1894 was probably the greatest year Ardmore ever saw in the way of business; at least it remains in my mind as the hardest working year of my life. However we were a happy and contented people and I recall it with pleasure. I am happy to have lived with this people. They have all been friends of mine, and I have tried to be a friend to all. If I have done some good to my neighbors and city and even the state, I will sleep in peace when I depart and go home. I remember with great pleasure the old time merchants, W.O. Dustin, J.B. Spragins, Rube Hardy, Joe F. Williams, J.R. Pennington, W.B. Frame and so many more that space will not permit me to mention. I am not however living in the past, but am trying to see the present and the future of Ardmore, my “old home town.” I still want to add my little bit to making this the happiest and best city in which it is possible to live. I hope this birthday will be at least the starting point for a great future and a return for prosperity for the best people and the best city on this earth.”
Persimmon Pie
1 (9-inch) unbaked pie shell
2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups whipping cream
1 cup persimmon pulp
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Preheat oven to 450*F (230*C).
Combine eggs, cinnamon, sugar, and salt. Mix in milk or cream, persimmon pulp, melted butter, and lemon juice. Pour mixture into unbaked pie shell. Bake for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350*F (175*C), and bake for an additional 30 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack before serving. Makes one 9-inch pie.
‘A Thing Called Love’ by Johnny Cash 1972
You can’t see it with your eyes; hold it in your hand,
But like the wind that covers our land,
Strong enough to rule the heart of any man,
This thing called love.
It can lift you up; never let you down,
Take your world and turn it all around,
Ever since time nothing’s ever been found,
That’s stronger than love.
See everyone next Saturday!
Butch Bridges