The movie clips below require you have the free program QuickTime on your computer for viewing the files. You can get Quicktime at QuickTime’s Website
The clips below were sent in by Kathy Conry who lived in Ardmore back 20 years ago. She took that movie camera everywhere taking news clips and now years later Kathy is making these clips available for viewing. We all owe Kathy Conry a big “Thank You” for providing these historical movie clips!
Keep in mind these are big files for just a minute or two in length. I suggest you Right-Click on the file and download it to your computer in a Folder so you can find it later and run with QuickTime. If you are using a slow dial-up modem, you may have difficulties getting the files download. All the files are mp4 format. If you have QuickTime installed on your computer, when you click on the movie file, QuickTime will load the file and begin showing the movie. Also, if some of the movies seem very dark, it is probably because the brightnet and/or contrast on your monitor is too low. Try to adjust the brightness and contrast up with the buttons on the front of your monitor.
This first one was taken when we had a Cadillac hightop ambulance when I worked at the Ardmore Ambulance, boy was that a smooth riding ambulance. In the clip is Undersheriff Bill Noland, two highway patrolmen and Rodney Lawrence a SOAS employee. [1.9 megs] [1 min 15 sec]
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This movie is Undersheriff Sheriff Bill Noland and Ardmore Police Detective Tom Allen making an inventory of a car with marijuana in it. Also in the clip is Ardmore detective Larry Hignight and Deputy Bob Reed. [Video and Sound] [2.9 megs] [1 min 35 sec]
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This next clip is the same car with the marijuana. In the video you will see Bill Noland, Larry Hignight, Kathy Conry and Diana Baldwin. [1.5 megs] [1 min]
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Parts of this clip is Kathy Conry interviewing Bill Noland in the old jail. Also in the clip you will see jailer Bob Reed opening the wooden ‘key box’ on the second floor of the old jail. Kept in this wooden key box were all the big brass jail door keys. You will also see at the end of the movie clip Bill Noland demonstrating how the main control box to the “mens tank” doors were opened and closed using levers inside the control box. This is a photo of one of a brass jail door keys like kept in the wooden key box.
Brass Jail Key
[Video and Sound] [2.1 megs] [1 min 30 secs]
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This clip is Bill Noland giving an interview in the old jail at 106 Hinkle Street. At the very beginning is a view of the Jail Advisory Committee. This clip will give a look into one of the jail cells with the mattrass pads and bars. Also in the clip is jailer Bob Reed. [Video and Sound] [2.4 megs] [1 min 40 secs]
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This clip is Bill Noland and Bob McQueen making an arrest. They are assisted by two highway patrol troopers (one is Jon Haynie) along with State Park Ranger Mike Key. [Video and Sound} [3 megs] [1 min 53 secs]
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The next movie clip is looking out from atop the courthouse toward the southeast where the future jail would be located. You can see the old Cola Cola plant on that SE corner of South Washington and 1st Street SE. The old Cola Cola plant would be torn down and the new county jail built in its place. [835k] [25 seconds]
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This 3 minute clip shows myself and Southern Oklahoma Ambulance Service Manager, Bill Lewis, arriving at the scene of an accident in our 1975 Dodge ambulance. There are a couple of highway patrolmen at the scene, who assist Bill Lewis and I load the injured person on the gurney and place in the ambulance. The person at the very end of the clip is Deputy Frank Chambers. [Video and Sound] [5.3 megs] [3 min 40 secs]
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