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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 11  Issue 562 November 1, 2007

Herman Kirkwood in Oklahoma City called me this week to talk about last week’s T&T.  He had been reading the part where Jill and I traveled over the old Norton Bridge north of Mannsville, Oklahoma.  Herman asked if I know about a cemetery just east of the bridge, and an unbelievable story about three people buried there.  This story takes place in 1898 near Maud, Oklahoma (north of Ada).  Seems a terrible hanging took place at Maud, and the victims are from north of Mannsville, so they are buried in the cemetery just to the east of the Norton bridge.  Herman told me there is only one marker on the east side of the cemetery, but on three sides are the names of the 3 Leard family members buried there, including a child.  Julia Leard was murdered by a Seminole Indian, and the local people took up vengence.  I did a search in google and below are the only references I could find.  At the close of our conversation, Herman said he would try to get us more detailed information on this 1898 incident.



I was looking through a box of old items I had saved the other day and ran across a 1979 issue of Memorial Hospital’s Mediprose.  Boy, you talk about bringing back memories of my ambulance days. This issue was a real blast from the past for me.  A few of the people mentioned along with pictures in the newsletter are:  Marjorie Whipple, David Moser, Marla Weldon, Shirley Anderson, Dee Clark, Ann Willis, Peggy Parker, Sallie Walker, Linda Darling, Diana Fox and many others.  And I will give you 3 guesses who is behind the set of mystery eyes on page 3.  lol





The link below is a picture of Turner Falls sent in about a week ago.  Where did all the water go?  The area so sure dry now, compared to only a few weeks ago.


Speaking of water, here is a pic Jill and I took looking out over Lake Murray from atop Buzzards Roost a few days ago.


T&T Reader Dwane Stevens has produced a great video of old oil field equipment, equipment from the early days of Oklahoma’s oil days.  This work is going to be a series of videos. Here it is in his own words:

Butch, I have produced a video titled “Early Day Oil Field Equipment of Southern Oklahoma

Vol 1″
I have been providing it free of charge to Museums, Historical Societies, etc. The museums in our area (Ardmore, Wilson, Healdton) have copies as well as the Oklahoma Historical Society. If your readers know of other museums that might like a free copy they can have the museum or historical society send me an
email for details.

Volume 1 is about 55 minutes long and covers lots of rare footage of working central power house type rod line equipment, pump jacks, etc. This equipment dates back to the 1930’s and demonstrates the unique technology that helped make Oklahoma known world wide as one of the pioneering states for oil production. All the footage was shot in southern Oklahoma and is of a few rare examples of such equipment that was still in regular production operation at the time of filming. Some of the equipment has already been lost to new technologies since I filmed it. I’m now offering copies for home use for a small fee plus S&H. The proceeds will go to help me produce.

Volume 2.
My Dad, Carl W. Stevens, and I started this project to capture on film the last remaining examples of such unique earl day oil field technology before it disappeared. Dad died before the first volume was finished so I have dedicated it to him. I’m now working on Vol 2 which will be finished soon. Here are some short clips of parts of both videos that I uploaded to YouTube.

This link is to a “shortened low resolution version” of the Oil Field Vol 1 video


(The disk version is higher resolution and about 55 minutes long.)

This link is to the “Intro segment” for Vol 2

More video links…….





 For more info on the above videos, email Dwane. -C. Dwane Stevens, Ardmore, Ok   email:   [email protected]

Bill Uhles at Sulphur sent an email this week reminding me the holidays are right around the corner. In his email was a link to many recipes….. includings tons of cookie recipes, a great website. I will have to try the No Bake cookies.


We had over 100 kidos come by Halloween night, and almost ran out of candy. It was a lot of fun. I remember one little kid was so excited he ran up to our front porch, tripped, spilling most of his candy all over the porch. But he didn’t waste a second picking it all up. lol  Here’s a photo I took of 4 courthouse employees all dressed up for Halloween. I think there was a ton of kids who came through the courthouse that afternoon trick or treating. In the pic from left to right is: Jammey Howard of the Assessors Office, and Treasurers Office employees Lori Cain, Jane Cummins and Janice Robertson.


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“I am seeking information on Ardmore city marshal L. C. Hughes who was accidently shot and killed by one of his deputies, Will Elliott, November 20, 1904.  I have copies of two articles from The Daily Ardmoreite, dated Monday, Nov. 21, 1904, Page 1, Col. 6,  “Two Killed” and Wednesday, November 23, 1904, Page 1, Col. 4, “Tishomingo Courts”.  Need as much information as we can gather to get him added to the National Memorial in Washington D.C..  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.”  -Dennis Lippe   [email protected]

 Oklahoma Law Enforcement Memorial

“Butch, would any of your readers know if a man by the name of John Black raped and killed 3 women at the old Stonewood Motel on South Commerce?  It is now a Daycare.  I’m not sure when this is supposed to have happened.”

“Back many years ago there was a delightful bakery on Main Street, in the middle of the same block shared with Ida’s and Strasmick Jewelers. That bakery had some of the best pastries imaginable, along with hard-to-find breads. One of my favorite in the breadlines was their Salt-Rising Bread. Toasted, it was a taste-treat when slathered with butter. Alas, the bakery is gone and seemingly so is any other place that makes Salt-Rising Bread. For years I’ve tried to find a replacement bakery to no avail. There are a couple listed on the internet, and I did order loaves in hopes it would be similar — but it wasn’t. I’ve tried a few of the recipes I’ve found, but they’re tedious and quite disappointing. How I’d love to have Solomon’s recipe! Might anyone know of a place where this bread can be found… or a recipe that would be similar? Thanks.”  -Mae Davenport Cox  [email protected]

“Hi Butch. I have been enjoying the reports of your and Jill’s travels lately. I have a favor to ask of any of your readers who might have information as to any decendents of Elbert M. Brogdon who died in Marietta December 23, 1951. He was a brother to my grandmother, Nancy Ellen Brogdon Miller. I have no information at all on the Brogdon family and I would like to have any info that anyone could provide. Thanks very much!”  -Roy L. Miller Oklahoma City, Ok. [email protected]

“Hi Butch, Although I live in California now I really enjoy your weekly news about Oklahoma. I was born in Baum in 1930 and recently you have had some articles that really brought back memories. I lived just west of the old Baum grocery store in 1936. It was owned by Jock Gibbs. I started school in the old one room school at Baum. It went to the eight grade. Amos Wolf was the teacher.  He taught all eight grades. We all sit around a big wood stove in little groups around an old wood stove. It also served as a church at night I was back there about eight years ago and was really sad to see the old building used as a hay barn. Then we were transferred to Dickson before they had the rock around the school building. We traveled in an old wooden body bus. When the Washita river was running high the driver would park the bus and let us all off. Then drive the bus across and we had to walk across the bridge. Sure was scary looking through the big cracks at the rolling water. When it got too high we had to go around through Berwyn (now Gene Autry).

I also remember when they changed the name of Berwyn to Gene Autry. They had a big parade in Ardmore. Gene rode his horse Champion down main street. Was a lot of people at that parade. Also you had a picture of the old Norton bridge. I don’t know if that is the bridge between Mannsville and Greasy Bend or not but looks like it. I drove my motor home across it and barely had room.

I was back there a couple years ago for a high school reunion. Was surprised to see six of us there that went to school together in 1937. Even our second grade teacher was there. Had a great time meeting the kids (well they were when I left in 1943) that were my classmates.

Used to go to the fox theater there for a dime every Saturday. We moved closer to Ardmore and went to town with our wagon and team. Oh the good old days. I saw the old building was still there although it was empty when I was there.My dad was working cleaning out brush and trees for Lake Murray when we came to California. Quite a difference in then and now. Keep up the good work i really enjoy the history that you present. Will be waiting for more.”  -Orie Edwards   [email protected]

“Butch, I was so saddened to hear Doug Williams’ news about the Skyview Drive-In being bulldozed. Please tell him thanks for the photos as I intend to add them to my Ardmore scrapbook. I’ve got so many memories of that place and I’m sure if my parents were still alive they’d share their memories as well. I know my mom & her sisters went to the Skyview quite often when they were growing up in the 50’s. And I remember going there in the 60’s with my parents & my brother. We would take our station wagon (when the weather was nice) and daddy would back in to the speaker, fold down the tailgate and my brother & I would watch the movies while lying on a pallet in the car while momma & daddy sat in their lawn chairs. In the 70’s I went with friends from school and had several dates there with my ex. Even in the 80’s before it was closed, I’d take my young son & a group of his friends and we’d go to the drive-in and sit in the chairs in front of the concession stand. Gosh, I can’t even begin to tell you how many movies we watched out there. Everything from John Wayne & Clint Eastwood (yes, I remember seeing the “man with no name” movies of his there) to Star Wars and tons of Disney movies. It’s truly sad that this town landmark was never purchased by someone with a vision, restored and allowed to be enjoyed by new generations. We have an awesome drive-in theater here in Fayetteville and it’s quite popular & very well kept and I am just counting the days until my 3 grandchildren are old enough (because of the late start times) to take so they can know the joy & fun of going to a drive-in movie. Once again, Butch (& Doug) you have stirred up long forgotten memories and have put a smile on this old girl’s face. Thanks, guys. Have a good weekend.” -Kathi G., Fayetteville, Arkansas-transplanted Okie!!!

“Regarding the Skyview, does anyone have older photos when the concession stand and grounds were in better condition that you could post here??”

“Butch this is one of the earliest televised Golden glove fights in Okla. Although I won the fight with a 40 sec knockout and won the district championship that story is only secondary! One of Oklahoma’s really true heroes was the referee, Ernest “Red” Andrews!  Red started feeding the poor and providing for those in need in 1928 and moved to Oklahoma City 1945 and spent his whole life providing for those in need! Red served his country in two wars as a Marine, but has always had his Christmas Dinners even after his death. Red died in 1977 but his widow and his nieces and nephews have kept his legacy alive and well! Red turned down no one at dinners, he said if they are here they need something! If they are wearing a fur coat or barefooted makes no difference! Bless Reds Family of the good work. Red told them to never let anyone change his dinners and they haven’t. They feed thousands every year at Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City on Christmas day! The Very Best to all!”  -Hoot Gilbert  [email protected]


“Dear Mr. Bridges- Some research on my grandfather led me to your website.  I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on finding info about my grandfather in the Ardmore area.  My grandfather, William Martin Day, ran a general store in the early 1890’s in partnership with James Wheeler.  I’ve got a copy of a letter he wrote to the Houston Post in 1934 in which he says the store was 30 miles west of Ardmore in Indian Territory.  He talks about selling to the Casey, Starr & Dalton gangs, among others.  His daughter (my mother) was born in Pauls Valley in 1916.  Do you have any suggestions on where I should look to find any details on either of them (beyond the basics such as birth certificates)?  My daughter attends Oklahoma State University, so I get down there occasionally & would like to do some on-site research.  Any ideas you might have would be appreciated.”

Sam Butler, KI0EE in Loveland, CO  [email protected]

“Dear Butch & Jill,  Your newsletters have been wonderful and have provided so many interesting insights into Ardmore and southern Oklahoma.  Although I am a native Oklahoman, my memories only span a few years from the mid-1950s until about 1961 when the family relocated.  Memories remain vivid of Turner Falls ( we would go every weekend, there were very few people, and it was free!), Sulphur Springs where we would drink the odoriferous water and put the watermelon in an icy stream (in the middle of summer!), boating on Lake Texoma and Lake Murray.  Butch, thanks so much for posting the Norton Bridge in the October 25th issue.  The images of this bridge stirred very deep memories. I never forgot that bridge, but wouldn’t have ever been able to recall it unless I had seen your photos.  I find it hard to believe that its still there!  Thank you so much for sharing! Perhaps a Reader may remember the small roadside cafe converted from a bus or trailer that sat on the west side of the highway about mid-way between Davis and Turner Falls? This place was a favorite stop after spending all day in the water, and if memory serves, we informally called it “The Indian Place” because the gentleman running it was a wonderfully kind man, and from one of the Indian tribes.  Anyone who can recall the place and post what they remember will receive my sincere gratitude.  These memories may never be recorded anywhere else, are fairly close to being forgotten forever, and I want to pass on to others that “once upon a time” I lived in a beautiful, magical place called Oklahoma.”  -Robert Hunnicutt

Confederate Veteran’s Home in Ardmore OK.  ..I am searching for the 1930 group photo of the residents of the Confederate Veteran’s Home and their wives that was taken between Jan 16, 1930 and Apr 4, 1930.  I will add this photo to my website and ask readers to identify the residents.  

Charles Granville Graham (1843-1930) served in Stevens’ 22nd Cavalry – 1st Indian-Texas Regiment, Company “B” then “H.”  ..Granville served 46 months and was “Honorably discharged by Lt-Colonel George W. Merrick at Millican, Brazos County TX on May 24, 1865.”  ..He was a Duncan OK resident when applied to live at the Confederate home.  Granville m-1867 Grayson County TX to Mary Louise “Mollie” Savage (1849-1935), who was buried beside Granville in the Fairview Cemetery, Gainesville, Cooke County TX.

Meanwhile, I invite comments on two other group photos of Confederate veterans on my web pages:



-Patricia Adkins-Rochette of Duncan OK   [email protected]


Thank you for this wonderful collection of bell photos! We thought you may want to know that the First Presbyterian Church will be adding 32 cast bronze bells to their bell tower this next week. They will be display this weekend up close in the parking lot!  Every blessing to you….. -Jim Miller, Pastor, FPC, Tulsa

“Butch,  You might let folks know that “Gunman’s Territory” by Baker can be bought for less than $50.00 at Abe.com and Alibris.com. I have never done business with them so this is not an endorsement.”  -Mike West

“Butch my friend , I am starting a new book about the effect of American Flyers and how it interacted with the community.  Any of your readers that might have pictures or stories about AFA, could you pleas contact me at [email protected] or call my cell at 580-220-9052. Thanks” -Doug Williams

“I agree with Doug, the Skyview Drive-in brought back many great memories of my times there in the ’50’s.  The Gaskins were so much fun and so patient with all of us teenagers who really packed those cars on “carload nights.” Their only child, Jimmy, was one of us so that probably helped our chances of getting a good deal.  My last date there was during the Christmas holidays after we had all left home for college.  It was great to come back home and reunite with our buddies from many different colleges and just enjoy being together again one more time.  Thanks old friend for the memories!”  -R. Helms

Estate Sale of Bob and Marie Davis, 1348 Gene Autry Road, Friday and Saturday, November 2nd and 3rd at 8am.

The Wilson News submitted by Mindy Taylor
The railroad people are tearing up the Y tracks at Wilson. This piece of trackage was put down here when Wilson was the terminal station and was a necessity at that time, but now that Wilson is no longer the terminal point, the Y is no longer needed.
Rev. J. C. Harris, colporteur for the American Bible Society, will be in the city for a few days and will have a stand on the streets. He will furnish Bibles at actual cost of the books.
C. P. Hall was in Wilson the first of the week looking after his business. After staying here all day he left for Wirt where he has another store. Mr. Hall owns three stores now, one at Ardmore, Wirt , and one at Wilson.
We will take anything you have on subscription except “chickens” and Ford cars. Cordwood, watermelons and cantaloupe preferred, however, payments made in butter must be deferred until cold weather or delivered in a hole-prooof tin can.

When the Okies left Oklahoma and moved to California, it raised the I.Q. of both states.  -Will Rogers

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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