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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 11  Issue 566   November 29, 2007

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected], Phone: 580-490-6823

Albert Cullum was in town this week from his stomping grounds of Overbrook, Oklahoma. The picture of the old model car parked at Lone Grove in last week’s T&T reminded him of an old jalopy he owned in the mid 1950s.  What was so unique about it, was he owned a 1931 or so Ford pickup.  He kept the pickup for 3 years and sold it for $100 to someone in Tulsa. Since he bought it for $50, its the only vehicle he said he’s owned, that he sold for more than he paid for it.   As far as Albert knows, the pickup is still running around Tulsa town!


A T&T Reader gave me an old April 24, 1966 with many articles and photographs of the 1966 plane crash near Gene Autry.  I enjoyed reading the plane crash information, but there were other things scattered in the newspaper that caught my attention too.  For instance, the political advertisements along with photos of the candidates.  Also there was a political calendar of everyone running for office that year, even Otto Powell for sheriff was in list. Election day in 1966 was May 3rd. A lot of you will recognize many of the names running, and probably surprised by a few too, I certainly was.


I received a special request this week from Shellie Hoffield.  Maybe some of you can help her out here.  Here it is in her own words:

“Butch, I am requesting “memories” of Dr. Kevin Reed from This & That Readers. These little stories (funny or serious) are to be included in a book we are making for his semi-retirement from private practice at the end of this year. Readers can forward their anecdotes to me at [email protected]  or call me at (580) 223-6666 ext 4253. You can remain anonymous if you wish. (And fellow Readers: please don’t mention this to Dr. Reed if you see him!)”

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..The Community Choral Society, under the direction of Mr. Wes Singleton, will present their Christmas concert, “What Sweeter Music”.  The Community Choral Society is comprised of the vocal and musical talents of approximately 50 singers from Southern Oklahoma. This gala event of Holiday song, which has become the traditional Season opener for Southern Oklahoma, will feature traditional carols and new compositions, with Diane Boland at the organ and piano.  Our days are merry and our spirits bright because the ever-popular sing-along will be directed by Dr. David Hobbs.  Performances will be held on Saturday, December 1st, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 2nd, at 2:30 p.m. at Northwest Baptist Church, 1609 Robison Avenue, N.W., Ardmore, Oklahoma (two blocks east of Walmart). Tickets are $10.00 each, at the door (no advance ticket sales)

That old Ford belongs to Danny Godfrey of Lone Grove… what a beauty!

“Hi Butch, was just wondering if you would have any info on the little town of Pike, OK. Some of my family was born there and went to school there. My email is: [email protected] . Everyone buried in the old cemetery in Pike is  my family. Thanks.” -Wanda

Pike is in Love county, 13 miles NW of Marietta. A post office from November 25, 1892 to November 30, 1933.  Named for Brigadier General Albert Pike, Confederate leader.  -from Oklahoma Place Names

“Have you seen this history book of Oklahoma published By Joseph Bradfield Thoburn and Isaac Mason Holcomb around 1908?  Thought you might be interested in browsing this site.” http://books.google.com/books?id=N7EdAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA261&dq=alva+oklahoma+history&as_brr=3&rview=1#PRA1-PR1,M1

“I always enjoy your This and That Newsletter. The freeze got the sweet potato vines the other night. These are the potatoes I dug up from those vines. I guess all of the rain this summer made them large. I’ve heard they are called a white sweet potato and can be eaten.”  -Ann in Pauls

 Valley https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos7a/SweetPotato07.jpg

Auction of Riley Cronan estate at Lake Murray Village to be Sat Dec 1st.


“Butch here is some things you will find in my back yard.  We gathered over 300 fruits from our persimmon tree we have apples lemons pumalo cherries persimmons plums grapes tangalos and Asian pears.”   -Paskell Poindexter in CA

“Dear Butch, I really enjoyed Dennis Medrick’s tour of town last week. He mentioned Hubbell’s Dairy King. That was the first place I ever had a peanut butter mild shake. They served less expensive hamburgers there and occasionally, Mr. Hubbell would take his hamburger press to Murphy’s Machine Shop and have it milled down a little so the patties would be a little thinner. thus a little less expensive to produce.

It was the Coca Cola bottling plant that was located on South Washington, not Pepsi. Remember looking at the bottom of the Coke bottles to see what town they were from?

Pratt’s Grocery was visited by Hopalong Cassidy after his appearance at the Tivoli Theater downtown one Saturday. I think it was the grand opening of the grocery story.

Next to the grocery on the south side was the first miniature golf course in Ardmore. There was also a drive-in there but I’ve forgotten who owned it. I do remember they had good burgers.

At the time of the shoot out at Sooner Foods, one of my best friends was Jeff Williams. His father was the manager of the grocery store at the time.” -Monroe Cameron

“Attached is a picture of the Jefferson school (after the red brick 2 story 4th ward and before the current building).  -Tom Arnold


“I love to remember the skating rink at Whittington Park.  My grandparents ran the skating rink back then.  Everyone called them “Mom” and “Pop”.  They would take me in my bassinet and I would sleep thru all the noise.  Later, I learned to skate there.  I remember the contests that were held every Saturday like the limbo and fast skate. Oh what fond memories.”  -Richie Henry

“What a wonderful newsletter last week.  I lived in Ardmore and had my first jobs there in Duke and Ayers and the two dress shops there plus Wards.  I also worked at Pruitt Produce in the pecans as well.  It was so good to be reminded of familiar things like Daubes window at Christmas and the good old hamburger Inn (the original) and Basil’s grocery where I used to trade as a new bride.  I didn’t see the old Squeeze Inn cafe on east Main mentioned or Echols Storage etc.  Sure brought back memories for me.  Thanks to the one who put all this in this week.”  -Nellie’ Loughridge’ Combe

“Thanks for the pix of the old bridge at Bromide Springs. That was a beautiful bridge, well engineered, Cantilevered Span in excellent condition. It was a free span, no supports except the risers at each end. I loved that bridge, even rode my bicycle across it many times. The steps were a little rough when we rode down them but the ride across the bridge was worth the pain of the ride down the steps. It was a steel span with a thick wooden floor. It was torn down and donated to the scrap metal drive while I was in high school, about 1942 I think. It has never been replaced. There is only a low water crossing near the place the bridge was. It broke my heart to see them cut up that beautiful bridge.” -Bill Uhles

“Butch, the Bromide Bridge would most likely have been at the Bromide springs Pavilion on the west end of the park – down at the end of 12 st and at the base of Bromide Mountain- and the Bromide springs Pavilion it would have been the bridge used to cross Rock Creek and was near the base of the trail up the mountain.”  -George Peveto


“Butch, My dad and his brother and sisters went to school in Pike. My uncle Ben coached their baseball team, which was mostly my family. Would appreciate any pics and/or Albert Pike Coyle, my gg granddad. He was a full blood Chickasaw Indian born Aug. 14, 1859 in Tishomingo, IT, and a Harley Institute student. He married Clarissa Jane McMahan on Sept 11, 1880. They had 8 children: Ella Maryann, my g grandmother and a Bloomfield student – ( she married David Lee Alexander), James Thomas, Albert Pike, Benjamin Harrison, Earnest Earl, Mabel Pearl, Violet Theresa, and Lillie Audrey. They remained in the Southern Oklahoma area, Pike, IT. I have some info on the kids, but am at a complete stopping point with the older Albert Pike’s parents and siblings. I think he had a sister named Jane, she married O’Savior Duroderigo. Family legend has it that Mr. Coyle and a sister was orphaned and found in the Arbuckle Mountains and then was raised by a Gaines family, and when they registered the Indian she declared him as only half, in order to avoid having a white guardian appointed. Clarissa later married James A. Williams on April 22, 1900.  Do any of these names sound familiar to anyone? Do you know what newspapers were circulating around that time for the area?” -Wanda Wood [email protected]

“Love new recipes!  Hope you do too!”  -Frances Dunlap http://www.northpole.com/

“I read the entry about the grafted persimmons. Joe Miller of the 101 Ranch did that back in the 1920s. I have a newspaper article on it.
Thanks for T&T.” -Mollie

“Mr. Bridges, I wonder if any of your Readers have any information on Wapanucka around 1904-1905. My Mother lived there with her Mother and Father at that time. Her father William Henry Sullivan died there in 1905 from pneumonia. He had a store in Wapanucka. Any information would be deeply appreciated.” -Dr. L.D. Stubbs, DeQueen, AR. 870-642-2500 [email protected]

“Good morning Butch,  My wife and I finally made that trip to Eastern Okla. I’m sending some pix.”  -Jerry Landrum




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“These are amazing photos in space.  Check it out!” -Dwane

“This is interesting! When you click on the web site link below, a world Map comes up showing what strange & dangerous things are happening right now in every country in the entire world & is updated every few minutes. You can move the map around, zero in on any one area & actually up-load the story of what is going on. It is amazing when you can see the things that are happening right here in the U.S., sometimes right in your own state or even your city. There is a lot happening in our world every minute. This “map” updates every 300 seconds…constantly 24/7.”  -Terry Moore

The Wilson News – submitted by Mindy Taylor
The railroad people are tearing up the Y tracks at Wilson. This piece of trackage was put down here when Wilson was the terminal station and was a necessity at that time, but now that Wilson is no longer the terminal point, the Y is no longer needed.
Rev. J. C. Harris, colporteur for the American Bible Society, will be in the city for a few days and will have a stand on the streets. He will furnish Bibles at actual cost of the books.
C. P. Hall was in Wilson the first of the week looking after his business. After staying here all day he left for Wirt where he has another store. Mr. Hall owns three stores now, one at Ardmore, Wirt , and one at Wilson.
We will take anything you have on subscription except “chickens” and Ford cars. Cordwood, watermelons and cantaloupe preferred, however, payments made in butter must be deferred until cold weather or delivered in a hole-proof tin can.

Kemo Sabe   -Tonto of the Lone Ranger

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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