A Home Grown Home Page

Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 11  Issue 568  December 13, 2007

Email: butchbridges@oklahomahistory.net, Phone: 580-490-6823

Last week I mentioned I may be be late with my T&T the next few weeks as we make the move to Lone Grove.  After receiving several emails, I assure everyone, if at all possible, my newsletter will still go out as usual each Thursday evening. I do appreciate those of you who wrote in with stories and history to help fill the pages during this transition, since right now I don’t have a lot of time to work on it each week. I look forward to the day I’ll be retired and can spend everyday on the history that is just waiting all across this great state of ours. Tons of it.  Who knows, I may turn the T&T into a daily rag. lol

Speaking of our new home in the country south of Lone Grove, its now in place getting close to a point where we can move in. It now has all the utilities, so hopefully in a few weeks we start moving. It is not completely finished though, still minor things to do inside and out, plus vinyl siding to be finished on the south and north ends. But since so many have asked me for some pictures, I’ll give everyone a small peek for right now…… now just one little peek mind you….


I guess owning a pocket knife is really a guy thing since very few women carry one.  I can remember back in the late 1960s Bob Miller of Lone Grove (retired Ardmore fireman) gave me a Schrade pocket knife for Christmas and I carried that knife for probably 20 years.  I was sure sad when I lost it one day. Its just something a guy (or teenage boy) can really get attached to.

A few months ago I lost a Winchester stainless steel “Folder” pocket knife and hunted my head off for it.  A friend gave me that knife for Christmas, about 10 years, so I hated losing it, but had given up ever finding it.  And then last week Jill found it when she was packing our stuff for the big move to Lone Grove soon!  This was a quality knife, Winchester brand, and was like a Christmas present all over again!


If you’re still looking for that special Christmas gift for a man or son, just travel on down to 715 Grand Avenue here in Ardmore and get a pocket knife. Jerry’s Gun Shop has the largest selection of quality pocket knives in southern Oklahoma, and I’m sure there is one there your guy will treasure a lifetime.


A couple weeks ago I mentioned about a 1966 Ardmoreite a Reader gave me. It was the Sunday issue just after that terrible plane crash at Gene Autry on April 22nd.  All through the newspaper are articles and photos of that crash.  One photo I had not seen was of stewardess, Dyana Duncan. The other stewardess who died that night was Wanda Stonecipher.


Jill and I have found several nice Christmasy decorated front yards as we traveled back and forth between Lone Grove and Ardmore this week. This one is at the south end (Cul De Sack) of Virginia Lane in SW Ardmore.

October 4, 1997 T&T: Around 1971 a young couple was getting married about 25 miles east of Ardmore in Madill, Oklahoma. At that time the “new highway” between Madill and Ardmore only went about 5 miles west of Madill and abruptly came to an end. We in this area all called it “the highway to nowhere”. It was suppose to go on to Ardmore, but the money stopped and so did the highway, at the Carter county line. There were barricades and barrels to stop drivers from continuing on west. A car would have to almost come to a complete stop and turn south into a narrow, crooked county road to continue on to Ardmore. It was Friday night, the young bride and groom just repeated their wedding vows, left the Madill church, and headed out on their honeymoon and new life. They were traveling at a pretty fast clip (in 1971 the speed limit in Oklahoma was 70), probably sneaking a few kisses, traveling west toward the deadend highway, not realizing they were on the wrong highway. Wham. Crash. Bam. Highway signs, barricades, plastic barrels, and reflectors went everywhere. I happened to be on ambulance duty that night. Those newlyweds were in tears, scarred to death, and probably wondering if they made a big mistake getting married. But God was with them, they only had scrapes and scratches, treated at the E.R. and released. But one thing I’m sure of…. their honeymoon and night of wedding bliss was not going to take place that night. I never heard from them again. But I hope they stuck it out, loved each other more then ever, and are still together, looking back to that year and fateful night with great big laughs and smiles.

April 28, 2001 T&T: “Hello Butch, I was just wondering if any of your Readers remember the old city hall building that was between Hinkle and 1st where the present one is. It was an old red brick that covered the whole block. When the demolition of the old building was going on, the north wall on Hinkle street fell on a man and killed him. His name was Ben Garnand (22 Oct 1883 to 6 Apr 1956). He was a brother to the other Garnands that had a saw and knife business in the basement of the old Martin/Fedler Drug Store at Main and Caddo streets. They later moved their business across the street because the basement had a problem with water when it would rain. Another of their brothers (James F. Garnand) had a truck and drayage business with his son Leo Garnand. They lived in the 800 blk. of G st. Northeast. Another of the brothers (John Garnand) lived on corner of 8th and A st. Northeast. Delt Garnand lived at the business address on Caddo St. John Garnand had a daughter Nell Musgrove who with her husband operated a Dry Cleaning business next to the Western Union Telegraph on A St. N.W. As you can see, this was a very big family of Ardmoreites. I haven’t even started to name them all. They are all related to me.” -Roy “Buddy” Garnand

Also, I appreciate all the emails I’ve received the past week about DNA testing and genealogy research.  Boy, a bunch of you have sure got me ready to test my DNA and see what ancestors show up in my lines.  Thanks everyone, this using DNA testing for genealogy purposes has really peaked my interest!

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Butch, well at first I could not find the book Gunman’s Territory, now I have two. I have this hardback one that is in great condition for sale for what I paid for it. $60.00 plus shipping. If anyone out there wants a copy of this great book just email me at dougwilliams@cableone.net or call 580-220-9052. They can also pay for it at www.jamesdouglaswilliams.com on my Paypal account. It will be $64.95 with shipping included.” -Doug Williams

“Recently, on a couple of forums I mentioned my family’s experiences with native pecans as being very useful in dealing with crippling forms of arthritis. I talked about Mother’s quick relief of stiffened hands and a neighbor’s ability to rise from her wheelchair after her painfully stiff knees began to recover. Our family doctor had stipulated eating a handful of natives every day. Many people expressed interest but some inquired if scientific research has established the basis for these results. Others wanted to know why natives and not papershells. Well, I’ve Google’d extensively and found loads of information but nothing specifically pertaining to arthritis. Can anyone offer any leads? No question about it – this delicious food is a powerhouse of healthy treasures. As one slogan put it:

Eat pecans ~~~ 10,000,000 squirrels can’t be wrong!”  -Elizabeth Dyer

“I am in the midst of planning and preparing for my mother’s 85th birthday which is January 4th. I have had to sneak into mom’s home during her nap time to steal pictures of her childhood and young adult years as I am planning an “Omega Smith, This Is Your Life” segment to the surprise party.

As I go through all the old boxes of pictures I am reminded of my own childhood and the closeness of my extended family back then. Remembering all the antics us cousins would commit when we got together still has me giggling.

My mom’s grandfather and many of his relatives lived (and still live) in OK and the Hickman Family Reunions used to be held somewhere in OK but have never found out where. In my search I have found some “cousins” that I never knew I had and doing genealogy research has brought me a keener knowledge base of American history, a far deeper appreciation of the kind of folk it took to carve out an existence in the wilderness and a yearning to meet the ancestors I have researched.

As we all get older we start to appreciate the little things so much more. Memories..what a precious gift having memories is. I live alone and life did not seem as special as it does now for me. I realized that by researching my Family Tree that each and every day we open our eyes we have yet another chance to make more memories and so this is my goal…to fill my memory banks to overflowing.

When all the people who write in to This & That share their memories with the rest of us I hope they truly realize that even though I don’t know them I absorb their contentment at being able to share their memories with us.
You might not have realized just how much joy and contentment you bring to others when you share your stories and pictures. I want to thank each and every one of you. I get to see places I might never have seen otherwise. Places that my ancestors may have crossed over in wagons, fields they may have plowed, stores they may have entered in a bygone era and people that my ancestors may have stopped on the street and conversed with.

We are all connected in some way. This is drilled home ten fold in the minds of those who research their family trees.

I have discovered that my mom descends from John Hancock, 7 signers of the Magna Carta, many kings and queens, Viking conquerors, and Charlemayne to name a few. I was even able to trace one line all the way back to 6AD..yes..SIX…She even has ancestors that fought alongside George Washington and one crossed the Delaware with him.

I even discovered that my mother’s people are related to Barrack Obama. Though she won’t be voting for him she was amazed to find this out and even more pleased when she learned that the connection was not a slave/master connection. It has been a hard reality to discover that some of my ancestors used to own slaves.

It has also been sad when we find out that certain Native ancestors had to hide their native blood or be “removed” but all in all it has been so really neat to see how and what each generation has gone through during their lives, the long travels, the presidents during their lifetimes, the sadness of wars and the loss of husbands and children and the pride of knowing that so many of my mom’s ancestors (and dad’s too) had fought for America’s Independence during the Revolutionary War.

With all of us spread out so far apart these days I am thankful for the technology of computers for without the computer I most likely would have never found out so much of my own family’s history nor met so many cool people along the way.Tracing back to Noah isn’t necessary to understand that all of us are connected and most likely related. Knowing that we are all related in some way gives me a warmer feeling inside about the people around me.
Keep sharing your history with the world around you. You have no idea how many lives you touch by the gift of sharing your memories.”  -Licia Babb in FL  Gsdmoonshadow@aol.com

“Butch I was looking at some things on the movie “Little Big Man” and ran across a fight between Custer and Indians on the Washita River.”

The Battle of Washita River (or Battle of the Washita) occurred on November 271868 when Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer?s 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked Black Kettle?s Cheyenne village on the Washita River (near present day Cheyenne, Oklahoma). The evidence used to depict the Battle of Washita is derived from Custer?s own account of the battle while the evidence used in describing the events prior to the battle revolves heavily around General Phillip Sheridan?s annual report of 1868. A recent book by historian Jerome Greene helps to show what happened there by using US and Native American accounts of the event.

The cause: Black Kettle’s war against Kansas

The historical accounts which depict the events leading to the Battle of Washita make mention of two noteworthy items. Firstly, there was a breakdown in communication between the Indians and their agent. Philip Sheridan describes this in his 1868 annual report writing, “Troops were sent twice or three times to Cobb, on requisition of the agent, who appeared to be constantly in trouble, either through his own fault or that of the Indians?most probably the latter, as they told me they did not like him…”

“I noticed the article regarding the Christmas programs at the Civic Auditorium back in the 1950’s maybe early 1960’s was the time these were held. I remember they were for the needy children of Ardmore especially, but all were invited. They were presented by The Salvation Army with Major Jack Key as the main speaker and director of the program. He was a very well known man in the community who worked to help anyone in any way he possibly could. I remember him well, and had the honor of being with Major Jack Key and his wife after their retirement when they would return to Ardmore for meetings at The Salvation Army. They were wonderful people and truly well loved in the community. Major Key was very outgoing, and could really build the excitement as well as keep everyone’s interest with all that was going on with the program which was well planned and organized.

In addition to their daughters, Major and Mrs. Key also raised Catherine Hill who later became a Salvation Army officer even attaining the rank of Major long before her retirement. She was a big assistant in these programs as well. We would talk about those programs and who were some of the people who assisted. Someone played the large concert grand piano, and other talents were presented as well. A big attraction was the visit from Santa Claus who was played by Mr. Sam McDaniel, and Major Key could really get the excitement going among the kiddos there in attendance regarding the visit from Santa. Those big bags did have a least a lb. of hard candy including the ribbon candy, assorted nuts, and a huge apple and an orange. This event always drew a large attendance because the program itself was well worth the visit. I can recall several humorous incidents that happened at these events.”

A Fruitless Chase

September 28, 1894? Ardmoreite? Sam Bartell and possee returned from a month?s chase after the Doolin gang in the western part of the Territory. The party consisted of Sam and Dan Bartell, Charles Cannon, William Henry, Can McCleery and John Thomas. They were assisted by friendly ranchmen and Indians. They came up with the Doolins about twenty-five miles west of Anadarko on Old Cobb Creek where the had a running fight with the outlaws. Bill Doolin and Bitter Creek were in the gang and strange to say, though a large number of shots were exchanged, the only one killed was the Indian guide Ekoniska, who received five bullets. The outlaws escaped and the pose pursued the lost gang into the Wichita Mountains. The posse on their return captured Tom Platts, who is accused of aiding and harboring the outlaws.

He Didn?t Scare
Two Men Try Their Hand on Deputy Charley Burns
Last Night Coming Out Losers.

September 6, 1894?Ardmoreite?Last night as Deputy Marshal Charley Burns was coming into town and when only a few miles out he met two men in a buggy. He started to ride out of the road for them when they wheeled their tem in front of him and with an opprobrious epithets commanded him to halt as he was the very man they wanted. No sooner this than Charley whipped out his pistol and throwing it full in one of their faces returned the complement by commanding them to alight. Recognizing the fact that he had the drop on them, they were not slow to obey. They were drunk and had with them a supply of Empire bitters and a Winchester. Mr. Burns broke their bottles and was in the act of doing the same with their gun, but their piteous pleas, profuse apologies at last reviled, and they were allowed to go on their way, fully realizing that they undertook a sandy on the wrong man. They refused to give their names but probably were some young men from southeast, who had tanked up on too much Empire and though it would be funny scare somebody. If they realized any fun out of this effort, it must have been in the anticipation instead of the result.

Killed a Horse Thief

August 28, 1894?Ardmoreite?Deputy Marshal Scrivener, of Paris Valley, came down this afternoon, bringing with him T. J. Noah charged with the murder of Alex Franklin, on the Canadian about five weeks ago. It seems that Franklin was a notorious Negro horse thief and that in trying to arrest him Noah had to kill him in self defense. The prisoner yesterday surrendered to Mr. Scrivener at Arbuckle and will be given a hearing before Commissioner Gibons as soon as the attendance of witnesses can be secured. He is a gentleman who stands high as a law abiding, honorable citizen, while the victim was a desperate and notorious thief, whose taking off was a blessing to the country in which he operated.

Susan & Charles Nances’ Roasted/Toasted Pecans

1 T. sugar
2 T. vinegar
2 c. pecan halves
1 T. butter
salt….optional…to taste
In a container, mix sugar, vinegar and pecans.
Shake together well to coat pecans. Spread on
aluminum foil lined shallow sheet/pan.
Bake in pre-heated 250-degree oven 45 minutes.
Add butter and sprinkle with salt. Stir well and
bake 20 minutes more.
**** We tend to increase the amount of butter & sugar. We do not use the salt. This is yummy. Susan does this so well….I cannot stay out of them.

“I’ve posted a short video clip of the last train over the old trestle system in Ardmore Oklahoma on YouTube. I shot this video about 1998 of the Ardmore Switcher Crew removing the last cars from an area just east of P street NE. At this time the tracks only went as far east as this. In earlier years the tracks continued on east and split to Mannsville, Tishomingo, etc on the northeast route and to Madill on the southeast route. The line is now abandoned and the trestles have been acquired by the city of Ardmore from BNSF. The Historic Preservation Board in Ardmore is attempting to secure funds to preserve the old trestle structures by getting the system on the National Registry of Historic Places. To get the trestles on the Registry the board needs information about the railroads that used the trestles to serve the businesses and community of Ardmore. If you have any information that you feel would be of help in saving the trestles please email me at onmp@juno.com or onmp@arbuckleonline.com and I will forward the info to the persons in charge OR I will get you in contact with them. Also needed are any photos of the trestles from the early years while it was still in regular use. Thanks.”  -C. Dwane Stevens


Museum Memories- Contributed by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
7-14-1915 – Otto B. Bradford, of Ardmore, engineer for the new pipeline, and three of the contractors, registered Sunday night at the Woodrow.
7-14-1915 – Contractors for the laying of the new pipeline passed through Wilson the first of the week on their way to inspect the survey.
7-21-1915 – Messrs, Keiger and Lindsay, of Ponca City, head contractors on the Wilson-Gainesville pipeline, are in Wilson, guests at the New Wilson hotel.
7-21-1915 – About 100 teams are now employed in hauling pipe for the new pipe line. Two hundred men are employed in laying the pipe, nearly all of whom are citizens of Wilson and vicinity. A number of Italian laborers have been employed digging the ditches and more are expected. All of the piping for this section of the state has been unloaded here at Wilson, about 57 cars to date. The numerous camps connected with the laying of the pipeline are buying supplies of the Wilson merchants, and business here has improved wonderfully within the past thirty days.
8-4-1915 – “Oil Fields Humming” One Hundred Teams Hauling Pipe Daily. Half That Number Busy Transporting Timbers! Wilson Again Mecca for Oil Men aned Real Estate Investors – Old Days Coming Again.
The recent advances in crude oil prices has aided most materially in the Healdton oil fields.
As a consequence all lines of business in this city are feeling the stimulating effect and the congested condition of our streets remind old timers of the Wilson of a little over a year ago – the Wilson that, in 30 days time, sprung from a field of kaffir corn into a city of 2,000 inhabitants.
Over 100 teams are now making daily trips back and forth between Wilson and Wirt, hauling pipe for the Wilson-Gainesville pipe line, and pipe and miscellaneous supplies for the oil companies.
The three wholesale supply houses, the Frick-Reid, the National, and the Republic, located at Wilson, report a threefold increase in their business.
Wilson lumber companies are also doing a rushing business – fully fifty teams being busy each day transporting lumber from Wilson to the fields.

KIDS…We have a new scavenger hunt at the museum. Wilson Historical Museum. Hours – Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The Daily Ardmoreite 10-19-1922
Volume Records In Court House Speaks Volumes346 names appearing on pages of book tell story of convictions to pen since statehood. In the clerks office at the Carter county court house, is one volume of records, every page of which is a chapter in the life of 346 citizens whose names are inscribed therein. This volume is the record of convictions and sentences to the penitentiary passed in district court since statehood. Many of these chapters have been closed by death, and many more are still fresh in the minds of those living, who have paid the price for their transgressions toward society, and established law, and are once more useful citizens. The first name entered there was inscribed February 11th, 1908, while Judge Stillwell H. Russell was district judge, and the last was written October 6, 1922 when Judge Clyde Logsdon passed sentence upon the most recent conviction. During Judge Russell’s term of office as district judge, covering a period between 1908 and December 27, 1913, when he made the last signature to their record, 140 cases were passed upon and sentenced by him, he was followed by Judge A. Eddleman, who was called to pass upon 31 cases. Between February 2, 1915, to March 2, 1918, Judge W. F. Freeman signed the record for 87 cases convicted and sentenced before him, followed by Judge Thomas W. Champion and judge Clyde Logsdon, who have sentenced 88 during the period between February 25, 1918 and the present time. Sentences imposed run all the way from one year and one day to life imprisonment, but the extreme penalty of the law so far, has never been invoked in a Carter county court.

Listing of executions in Oklahoma:


“Hi Butch, Greetings and a big Merry Christmas and a Very Prosperous New Year from the State of Alaska and the city of Juneau. Hope you and the wife have a great year coming up. I put in a good word to Santa for you the other day. After over 9 years of reading your T&T Newsletter, I still enjoy it. I still remember the great visit with you back in 2001. You have a beautiful state. Keep up the great work promoting it. Hopefully, I will be able to visit it again in the near future. A friend in Juneau, Alaska.” -Claude Roberts

“Hi Butch, I wanted to thank you for all you have done and still do. What you do has brought so much joy to so many and you bring back to us the “old ways” and the reminders of how most of us grew up in closer communities. It was a time that most miss and to have a small fraction of it come into my home via computer is such a wonder and wonderful gift. Your gift us all with each and every issue and to all the people who contribute in pictures and stories..wow..thank you so much for sharing. I wish the Bridges and all the This & That community a most wonderful Christmas and New Year.” -Licia Babb in FL  Gsdmoonshadow@aol.com

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…..

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges