A Home Grown Home Page

Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 13  Issue 626  January 22, 2009

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

A Reader wrote in this week asking if I had any pictures of the old Santa Fe Freight Depot that used to sit straight south of the Ardmore Depot, south side of Main Street.  That particular building is one my grandfather Stanley Carmon built back in the 1920s or 1930s.  When Ardmore photographer Joyce Franks was alive, he loaned me an aerial photo of this part of Main Street to scan. It is the dark building in the lower left (my grandfather used dark red bricks from Ada for nearly all the buildings and schools he constructed all over southern Oklahoma).

Two places in the photo that catches my eye right off is the old Pepsi plant in the lower right hand side.  And then the dark brick building in front of the courthouse that used to be a car dealership.

Ardmore Santa Fe Freight Depot Aerial

Also a few weeks ago we talked about Lynn Cathey Buick dealership here in Ardmore.  Here is a 1949 picture of Lynn and Guy M. Harris, along with Lynn Cathey’s show horses be rode in the Ardmore Shriners parade.  I had a 1971 Buick Skylark (just like the one in this photo) right out of high school, and in looking back, that Buick was one of the finest cars I ever owned. I know I have never owned a car with a colder air conditioner then my Skylark.


A couple weeks ago I created a new webpage on the ‘Caves Around Turner Falls’ since we’ve had so much interest, and email stories, over the years.  One of the most talked about of the caves is Wild Woman Cave near Nebo, Oklahoma in the Arbuckle Mountains.  This week a Reader sent in photos of that cave, taken just this month!


A reader was seeking info on Poland Chapel School from back in the 1920s.  Maybe someone can fill us in on its location, etc. along with maybe a photo?

In the Mailbox below, a Reader mentions the Wilson Township.  There were 7 Townships in Carter county. They were Graham, Hewitt, Akers, Lone Grove, Berwyn, Morgan and Wilson. Wilson Township covered the southeast part of Carter county, where the “old city of Wilson” was located. The New Wilson would later be located in the southwest part of the county in Hewitt Township. Morgan Township covered an area around Ardmore.  Here is a map I posted in 2002 of the townships in Carter County.


Speaking of the old Wilson and the new Wilson, I received a email from Carole Pinches this week. In the email below she will help clear up the confusion between the 2 Wilsons.

“Because of my interest many years ago in establishing the Wilson Historical Museum and all the research I did on Wilson prior to that time and because of what I still do for the Museum today, I felt I wanted to respond to what I read in your This and That Newsletter, Volume 13, Issue 625 dated January 15, 2009 about the 2 Wilsons.

I don’t know a lot about the “old” Wilson that was located in the “very far SE corner of Carter County”, except that the post office closed there in August of 1907 because there was not much left of the town as it had originally been. Apparently, some people still lived there for some time but there were not enough to justify a post office.

Since Wilson (17 miles west of Ardmore) was not founded until September 1913, your statement about the other Wilson being moved to this Wilson, is basically incorrect. Our Wilson was never moved from anywhere – its founding has an exciting story that I will only go into briefly here. It can be verified by reading The Daily Ardmoreite, The Ardmore Statesman, and many other historical documents of that day.

Jake Hamon, an Ardmore oilman, and John Ringling, the circus magnate (who met in a bar in New York City!), founded Wilson in September 1913 as a result of their want to develop a railroad from Ardmore to the Pacific coast. Unfortunately, their dreams were greater than reality, yet they did build the Oklahoma, New Mexico and Pacific Railroad (the Ringling Road) as far as Ringling. The towns all along the route were approached to help fund this venture – the two men were trying to drive the best possible land bargains with the towns along the railroad right of way. However, when Hewitt was approached, it was felt by Hamon and Ringling that a depot was worth more than what the townspeople were offering. Therefore, Hamon and Ringling decided to bypass Hewitt and build a new depot at a new town site they had decided to establish one mile west of Hewitt, knowing they could make even more money off of lot sales, etc. – this new town site was named Wilson, in honor of Charles Wilson, John Ringling’s secretary.

If these two gentlemen were aware there had been another Wilson southeast of Ardmore they must have felt the town was of no consequence by 1913. However, once the post office was being establishing in the new town site of Wilson in early 1914, city officials were notified that the name of the town had to be “New Wilson” since the other Wilson had not been out of existence long enough. By 1918, however, the old Wilson had completely disappeared and on August 5, 1918 it was declared by Oklahoma governor R. L. Williams that “New Wilson” could then be known simply as “Wilson”. However, the name of the post office was not officially changed until January 28, 1920.”  -Carole Gandy Pinches

Ten cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area……


There are new postings.  Check out the Oklahoma History Boards!


Q.   What outlaw gang robbed a train in Wharton (Perry) in 1891?
A.   Dalton Gang

Q.   What was NW Oklahoma called in the 1930s?
A.   (answer in next week’s T&T)

Jill and I are planning to attend the Weather School program Saturday morning at the Lone Grove Fire Department building.  If you have never attended one of these free presentations for the public, I would encourage you to do so, especially with the Spring storms just around the corner.  In just a couple of hours Saturday morning you’ll be exposed to a lot of great information on what to do, that might keep you out of harm’s way during severe weather.  If your in the Lone Grove area Saturday morning the 24th, we’ll see you there!

Ed Reed, Carter County Emergency Management Director has submitted more details as far as start time, etc.  (It will help in planning if you let Ed Reed know you will be attending.)

NWS Weather school:  Carter County Emergency Management is holding their annual Weather School Saturday January 24th. School will be held at the Lone Grove Fire Department. We will start at 9 am and last around two and a half hours. Instructors will be from NWS Norman. All over 16 years old will be welcome. Contact Ed Reed for more info 223-7937

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..“Juanita Tate of Ardmore just published a biography of Edmund Pickens, her great-grandfather and first elected Chickasaw chief. I just received my copy in the mail today so I can’t give you a book report.

Pickens was a young man with a wife and children when they were forced to Oklahoma Territory during the Removal of 1836. He helped develop the the Chickasaw Constitution in 1856 and served in the Chickasaw Senate from 1857-1861. It was later that he became the first elected Chickasaw chief before his death in 1885.

Lois Proctor at the Bookseller on Main Street has autographed copies of the book for sale.” -Monroe Cameron

“Butch, That ditch digger you mentioned the other day, the one that isn’t a Ditch Witch is probably a Vermeer, from what it says across the back of the photograph. Here is the website. I can’t tell what model it is from the picture.”  -Jim Hubbell, N5COP, Whitesboro, TX   Vermeer Website

Butch, A couple of weeks ago you wrote, “Last week I made the statement, calling the two (of four) men hanged at Ada in 1909 as ‘outlaws’. They were Jesse West and Joe Allen, and Herman Kirkwood has challenged me and anyone else who can prove they were ‘outlaws’. Seems through Herman’s research he believes the two hanged men were fine outstanding citizens.”

Mr. Kirkwood is correct. Those two men were distant kin on my Mother’s side and I remember seeing that photo many years ago when I was much younger. My Dad did a lot of research on the hanging many years before he passed away and always told me that West and Allen were innocent. At the time I wasn’t really very interested in the account and now I wish I had written down what he came up with but I do remember him saying that they were somehow caught up in the frenzy. He also told me that the Masons were the ones that stirred up the mob action that caused the hanging. It definitely wasn’t a legal hanging. I don’t know how the historians of Ada tell the story but it would be interesting to see how it compares. West and Allen were later exonerated.

Also, some weeks back you had a thread about the railroad ( originally the ONM&P, later Santa Fe ) that ran from Ardmore through the towns of Lone Grove, Wilson and to Ringling and Healdton. I have attached an aerial photo, circa 1957, of Lone Grove which shows the railroad crossing Hwy 70 in the background when the Hwy was still two lanes. If you look close you can just make out the two white crossbucks on either side of the hwy. The camera is facing West in this photo and the railroad crosses at a slight angle from NE to SW. You can’t make it out in this photo but on the south side of Hwy 70 ( left side in this photo, far background ) there was a small petroleum loading or unloading platform at a very short siding track near where the tank farm is shown. I can remember this siding track and the associated piping system but don’t know what it was actually used for. I would be interested to know if any of your other readers recall this platform.

Also attached is an aerial photo of Wilson, Ok, circa 1957, which shows the railroad depot with one lone box car on a siding track just North of the Depot. The camera is facing West in this photo. Aerial photos of Healdton and Springer are also attached. These four photos are from the book, “The History of Carter County, A Pictorial History of Carter County, covering both the old and the new,” sponsored by the Ardmore Junior Chamber of Commerce, first edition, 1957. Interesting to see how things have changed since then.  -C. Dwane Stevens





“Dad and I were watching the Building Lake Murray DVD again today.  He said there were 86 grease fittings on the big shovel that was working….he had to grease it every morning.” -Gene

“Butch, There are two additional grocery stores that come to my mind. One was owned by a Mrs. Norton near the intersection of highway 199 with what we used to call the Homer Duke Road near Caldwell Hill. The other was at the intersection of 199 and Provence Road. It was owned by Mr. and Mrs. McKee. Both stores are gone but were across the highway from each other. My father told me of the old “Blue Hole” store located north on the Homer Duke Road across from the old Blackjack school. It would be west of the old school down near the creek. The creek made a sharp bend forming a deep blue hole of water, hence the name.”

Names of people and professions other than farmer/farm laborer/day laborer living in the T5S-R3E area of Indian Territory. I believe this to be the Provence, I. T. area. Butch, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of spelling of either the given or surname. The handwriting of the enumerator was at times unclear.

  1. Nettie Smith-Servant
 2. A. S. Sconyers, carpenter
 3. T. D. Felts-Teacher
 4. R. R. Jones-Merchant-groceries
 5. W. G. Hathaway-Physician
 6. M. B. Turner-Merchant
 7. T. S. Hagle-Salesman-general merchandise
 8. Dr. M. McCoy-Druggist
 9. J. R. Curtis-Blacksmith
10. W. B. Moon-Preacher
11. Prof. M. Smith-Teacher
12. Robert F. Jones-Postmaster
13. James R. Clark-Physician
14. Joe Wilson-Merchant-Drygoods.
15. Leo Wilson-Salesman
16. Joe Mulkey-Merchant-general
17. Rebecka Wallas-Servant
18. Will T. Aballis-Salesman-groceries
19. Robert W. Walker-Mechanic
20.John Trippe-Chicken peddler
21. Stella Trippe-Servant
22. Joe J. Vowell-Produce peddler
23. Seldon Morrison-Painter
24. John Swafford-Merchant
25. Jerry M. Lindsey-Merchant
26. Gertie Taylor-Housekeeper
27. Daniel Wilson-Merchant
28. Samuel Carpenter-Carpenter
29. Joseph Hatfield-Merchant
30. M. J. Jordan-Servant
31. Robert Rice-Blacksmith
32. John Hale-Physician
33. Wm. S. Winston-Merchant
34. Sedia Winfield-Housekeeper
35. Dr. Jay Gumm-Physician
36. Jessie M. Gumm-Insurance agent
37. David F. Underwood-Salesman-Drugs
38. Wm. Rice-Blacksmith
39. Cora F. Brightman-Teacher
40. Nora Davis-Washing
41. Fred Ebisch-land lord
42. John Piearcy-Blacksmith
43. Charles C. Burns-U.S. Deputy Marshal
44. Sine/Siley/Selig-Land lord

The handwriting of the enumerator was at times not very good. I have probably made a number of errors in reading the names of people. This information came from the 1900 Federal Census for the Chickasaw Nation, I.T.

Names and professions/occupation other than farmer, farmer laborer, or day laborer of those who lived in Wilson Township, Carter County, Oklahoma in 1910. I believe this to include Provence, Ok. Butch, the disclaimer I gave in the previous e-mail concerning spelling holds true here as well. I used the Federal Census 1910 for Carter County, Oklahoma.

 1. George W. Coffman-Teacher
 2. Alvada Rogers/Roggers-Postmaster/Postmistress
 3. Walter G. Hathaway-Physician
 4. Grover C. Adams-Teacher
 5. Richard R. Jones-Salesman-grocery store
 6. Mace Brown-Stationhand-RR
 7. Arthur Johnson-Welldriller
 8. A. Alexander-Servant-Private family
 9. Basdel C. Cothran-Laborer-Sawmill
10. Massie Pitts-Washing-Private family
11. Paul Michael-Teacher
12. Robert M. Michael-Teacher
13. C. M. Michael-Teacher
14. Myrtle Dillion-Teacher
15. Delia Moore-General washing-Private family
16. Domingo Volino-Salesman-General merchandise
17. Frank Stephenson-Section forman-RR
18. Caleb R. Beok/Beck-Teacher
19. Sumner Comer-Section hand-RR
20. Abram Cook-Blacksmith-Own shop
21. John W. Ginn-Constable-Wilson Township
22. John Spears-Teacher

The following is from the 1920 Federal Census for Wilson Township, Carter County, Oklahoma. I believe this to include Provence, Oklahoma.

 1. Ima G. Rogers-Teacher
 2. William F. Carl-Merchant-Grocery store
 3. Arthur Pickus-Teacher
 4. Louisa A. Rogers-Postmaster/Postmistress
 5. Minnie Loggans/Loggins-Teacher
 6. Manly ?ammible?-Tank builder-Southern Steel Co.
 7. Vern Michael-Carpenter-Houses
 8. William Williams-Gin-Cotton gin
 9. Domingo Volino-Merchant-Grocery store
10. Delia Moore-Servant-Private family
11. Robert Michael-Teacher
12. James H. Gale-Section forman-RR
13. John A. Hollingsworth-Laborer-RR
14. Robert F. Jones-Teacher
15. Fay Stanford-Teacher
16. Charles A. Harris-Laborer-RR
17. Alonzo Vanaver-Laborer-RR
18. A. Lipscomb-Physician-Retired
19. Allen Parrish-Laborer-Steam RR
20. Henry W. Adams-Laborer-Steam RR
21. Carson Parrish-Laborer-Steam RR
22. Robert Hunter-Merchant-Grocery store
23. Ben F. Lambert-Merchant-Grocery store
24. Neil Moore-Cook-Private family
25. William M. Cordell-Cook-Chill’s Store?
26. Lettie Jones-Chambermaid-Private family
27. Jordan Mayse-Blacksmith
28. Frank Ford-Carpenter-Houses

I think I have exhausted all possible names but I will always welcome correction.

George Provence, Provence’s namesake, is buried at Provence, Oklahoma

“I have thought of another very old store that was north of 199 on the Homer Duke Road. It was called the “Blue Hole” store. Sandy/Sand Creek made a sharp bend and formed a rather deep hole of water hence the name Blue Hole. The old store site is located on the west side of the Homer Duke Rd. across from the old Blackjack School. The actual location of the old store is west of the Blackjack School down the hill near the creek. The last time I was there was about 25-30 years ago and the old well was still visible. There must have been a blacksmith shop as well for there was many pieces of scrap iron such as horseshoes, nails, pieces of chain, etc. Does anyone remember the Blue Hole store? My dad remembered it as a boy. He was born in 1902. He remembers driving some cattle from near Provence north to Berwyn and stopping at the Blue Hole store.”

“Hi Butch, I lived just east of Dripping Springs back in 1941. I lived just across from the old Doc Johnson’s White Rock Farm. Used to swim and fish in a large pond that was on the property. We had a float made out of 55 gallon drums we used as a way of transportation around the pond. They had horses on the ranch that we used to ride. I was back in Oklahoma a few years ago and drove by the old farm. The pond is dry now with trees grown up over it. I still have many memories of my boyhood around the old farm. The old farmhouse is still there. Your article about Dripping Springs made me remember . Really enjoy your history. Keep up the good work.” -Orie Edwards

My grandfather, Hillary S. Shackelford was born in 1873 near Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He worked in the family newspaper publishing business there and was a census taker for the 1900 Census in Alabama. He moved to Wynnewood, I.T. in 1902. Both of his sons became registered pharmacists in Oklahoma, Herman Searcy and Fay Hillary (my father). He helped form and start the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy serving as its first President for many years and later taking the position of Board Secretary. He later held similar positions in the Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Association. He owned several drug stores in southern Oklahoma during his career. He also represented the University of Oklahoma School of Pharmacy at the American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculty in 1920. He died in 1939 and is buried in the Shackelford/Crossett family plot at Green Hill Cemetery in Davis. The following information is taken from excerpts on the Wynnewood History website on Rootsweb:
“In 1894, T.E. Cate put in the first drug store. His store was known as the Post Office Drug Store. In 1888, Ben Reagan also opened a drug store where the State National Bank would later be located. In 1896, he replaced his wood building with the brick buildings that now stand there. The drug stores of that time were far different from those of today. The druggist was a combination pharmacist, doctor, and bootlegger. There were no cold drinks or ice cream. In 1903, H.S. Shackelford bought Mr. Cate’s drug store and named it the Crescent. Mr. Shackelford set up a gasoline pump in front of the Crescent Drug Store and started selling gasoline in 1914. In the past gasoline had only been sold in cans and barrels. Tom and Dora Linn were early publishers of the Wynnewood Republic before selling to H.S. Shackelford and Esslinger on October 9, 1902. Shackelford and Esslinger changed the name to the New Era. Files of the New Era from that period are among the Wynnewood Gazette files today. No earlier files have been located. Esslinger sold his interest to Lyman E. Stoddard and Stoddard sold to J.Y. Wheeler. Shackelford and Wheeler continued to publish the newspaper until its sale on October 8, 1920 to G.C. Dodson.”
The site also lists past City Officials and shows that J.Y. Wheeler served as City Treasurer from 1911 through 1920 when he became Mayor of the City of Wynnewood, serving as such from 1921 through 1924. Mr. Shackelford’s son Fay H. Shackelford (my father), also a pharmacist in Wynnewood, served as Treasurer for the City of Wynnewood from 1929 until 1932. He was later a pharmacist in Oklahoma City and in Davis where he lived until he died in 1972.
The following information and picture was printed in the program for the Nineteenth Annual Convention of the Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Association and Oklahoma Drug Travelers’ Association held at Tulsa, OK on May 11, 12 & 13, 1926:
“H.(e’s) S.(omebody) Shackelford, Secretary-Treasurer O. Ph. A. is one of the big factors of the state as a retail druggist, being the owner of five high class stores, as follows: one at Healdton, one at Maysville, one at Wynnewood and two at Sulphur. Mr. Shackelford is an Ex-member of the State Board of Pharmacy. His home is at Wynnewood.”
There have been two drug stores in Sulphur bearing the name “Crescent Drug Store” and that is still the name of the Wynnewood store that my grandfather named, owned and operated for over 35 years there. One of the Crescent stores in Sulphur was later named the Shackelford-Seeton Drug Store while my grandfather was partnered with Mr. John A. Seeton of Sulphur. I have a photo dated 1928 that I believe was taken inside the Wynnewood drug store with my grandfather on the far right and my father next to him and two unknown employees posing to the left of them. My grandfather also owned both drug stores in Davis at one time or another, the City Drug Store (once called Shackelford Drug Store) and the Palace Drug Store, which has since burned down. My uncle, Dr. Gordon Sanger, DDS had an office on the second floor of that store for a brief period of time as did Byron B. Brown, MD for some years.
In 1921, The Oklahoma Druggist printed a picture of my grandfather with the following caption:
“Mr. H.S. Shackelford and Mr. Ira Vickers, of the City Drug Store of Ardmore, have recently purchased the Ringer Drug Co., from Milton Boyd, and will operate the two stores in the future. They are excellent drug men and we are sure they will enjoy the good business in the new store that has been theirs in the old stand.”
I have very little or no information beyond this for the Ardmore, Maysville and Healdton drug stores. I know that Mr. Vickers lived for many years and is buried in Ardmore. I would love to obtain copies of any drug store pictures or memorabilia from any of these drug stores for my family history collection.
Mickey Shackelford
[email protected]



“Butch: The wooden Nickel you showed. That was a wooden nickel designed by Osh. Cameron and Rick Feiler. It was a “Give-Away” to those who attended the 4th and final Ardmore Coin show sponsored by the Ardmore Coin Club. The first show was held in 1961 and held at the Ardmore Chamber of commerce back in the meeting room, I believe the second show was also held there. The 3rd and 4th shows were held at Lake Murray Lodge in the meeting room south of the eating area. Some of the members were Ed Hannum, Katie Bevins, Ed Luke, Jim Gaskins, Ida Yaffe, Billie Zak Graybill, Gary Lynch a junior member, and 5 or 6 out of towners whose names slip me. At one time membership was about 30 adult members and about 5 junior members. There was always one or two walk-ins who just came to look and see what was going on, we also had some junior club members. The club met once a month on Tuesdays so as not to conflict with church night. A door prize was always awarded in the form of a coin or token. The club met for about 5 years and interest finally was lost. This is only the second wooden nickel I know of from Ardmore. I have heard rumors of others, One issued by Luke’s Music store, One by the (Bruce Harris Sports Club), One by Tom Tipps when when he was a Senator, and another by Broadway Cab.” https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos9a/ArdmoreCoinClub.jpg

Thought you’d enjoy some of the mooches at the feeders here. The Broad Shouldered and Sharpie (Sharp Shinned) hawks are fairly new to me here.  Have had the Red Tails around for years and occasionally a Kestrel or Coopers (I think…may have been a mature Sharpie).

I’d recommend picking up a good bird ID book or several.  I like the Stokes Eastern ed. for actual pics but also the American Bird Conservancy’s Field Guide of All the Birds, N America ed. for drawings and pointers of what to look for.

Lots of stuff on the web but this FeederWatch has some good images and pointers:

[pics taken thru window glass w/a Canon SX110 IS (image stabilization) on a tripod.]

-Garth Hoard, Lone Grove, Ok

Photo 1    Photo 2    Photo 3    Photo 4     Photo 5

Ford Model T – 100 Years Later   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4KrIMZpwCY

“I would like to thank all of the Korean War veterans and/or families of veterans who sent their biographies and pictures to the Wilson Historical Society for the compilation of the Korean War scrapbook. The book is now completed, but would not have been possible without your contributions.”  -Mindy Taylor

   The Wilson Museum is releasing a new scrap book for sale, “Wilson’s Korean War Era Veterans”. The book is a compilation of Wilson’s veteran’s biographies, pictures, newspaper articles from the Wilson Post during that era, and veteran’s obituaries.
   Although the focus is on Wilson vets, area vets are mentioned as well. The Wilson Post articles include a regularly published article that was written by Curtis Harris at that time. Mr. Harris was a member of the Southern Oklahoma National Guard that was posted in Healdton and the articles concern the men of that company.
   This 283 page book is for sale at the museum.  If you would like a copy, mail a check or money order to: Wilson Historical Museum $25.00 + $5.00 shipping + $2.06 for OK residents. All proceeds will go to further the progress of the Wilson Historical Society and Museum.  1270 8th St.  Wilson, OK 73463
   To see a list of Wilson’s veterans and an index of names found in the book, visit the site at  http://koreanwarvets.homestead.com/index.html

The Wilson News
June 29, 1916
Knocked Unconscious While Asleep

Last Tuesday night while Erie Hassell, a printer at this office, was asleep in the back of the office someone entered the back door and proceeded to do him up in good style.  From the looks of the lick in the eye the prowler must have used a sand bag. Erie could not remember anything about what happened.  He said that he thought he heard someone at the door and that he got out of bed and started for the door, but that was as far as he could remember.  When he woke up he was laying in bed with a big gash cut under the eye.  The motive of the prowler was evidently robbery, but we can’t figure out why any sane man would ever go to a printing office to get money.  He certainly was an amateur. The attack on Mr. Hassell was certainly a cowardly affair, and should the guilty person be caught, we don’t know of any punishment that would be bad enough for him.
Korean War Era Veteran’s book now available at the Wilson Museum.  Museum
Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.  -Abraham Lincoln

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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